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Synthesis of ZnO and transition metals doped ZnO nanostructures, their characterization and sensing applicationsChey, Chan Oeurn January 2014 (has links)
Nanotechnology is a technology of the design and the applications of nanoscale materials with their fundamentally new properties and functions. Nanosensor devices based on nanomaterials provide very fast response, low-cost, long-life time, easy to use for unskilled users, and provide high-efficiency. 1-D ZnO nanostructures materials have great potential applications in various sensing applications. ZnO is a wide band gap (3.37 eV at room temperature) semiconductor materials having large exciton binding energy (60 meV) and excellent chemical stability, electrical, optical, piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties. By doping the transition metals (TM) into ZnO matrix, the properties of ZnO nanostructures can be tuned and its room temperature ferromagnetic behavior can be enhanced, which provide the TM-doped ZnO nanostructures as promising candidate for optoelectronic, spintronics and high performance sensors based devices. The synthesis of ZnO and TM-doped ZnO nanostructures via the low temperature hydrothermal method is considered a promising technique due to low cost, environmental friendly, simple solution process, diverse 1-D ZnO nanostructures can be achieved, and large scale production on any type of substrate, and their properties can be controlled by the growth parameters. However, to synthesize 1-D ZnO and TM-doped ZnO nanostructures with controlled shape, structure and uniform size distribution on large area substrates with desirable properties, low cost and simple processes are of high interest and it is a big challenge at present. The main purpose of this dissertation aims to develop new techniques to synthesize 1-D ZnO and (Fe, Mn)-doped ZnO nanostructures via the hydrothermal method, to characterize and to enhance their functional properties for developing sensing devices such as biosensors for clinical diagnoses and environmental monitoring applications, piezoresistive sensors and UV photodetector. The first part of the dissertation deals with the hydrothermal synthesis of ZnO nanostructures with controlled shape, structure and uniform size distribution under different conditions and their structural characterization. The possible parameters affecting the growth which can alter the morphology, uniformity and properties of the ZnO nanostructures were investigated. Well-aligned ZnO nanorods have been fabricated for high sensitive piezoresistive sensor. The development of creatinine biosensor for clinical diagnoses purpose and the development of glucose biosensor for indirect determination of mercury ions for an inexpensive and unskilled users for environmental monitoring applications with highly sensitive, selective, stable, reproducible, interference resistant, and fast response time have been fabricated based on ZnO nanorods. The second part of the dissertation presents a new hydrothermal synthesis of (Fe, Mn)-doped-ZnO nanostructures under different preparation conditions, their properties characterization and the fabrication of piezoresistive sensors and UV photodetectors based devices were demonstrated. The solution preparation condition and growth parameters that influences on the morphology, structures and properties of the nanostructures were investigated. The fabrication of Mn-doped-ZnO NRs/PEDOT:PSS Schottky diodes used as high performance piezoresistive sensor and UV photodetector have been studied and Fe-doped ZnO NRs/FTO Schottky diode has also been fabricated for high performance of UV photodetector. Finally, a brief outlook into future challenges and relating new opportunities are presented in the last part of the dissertation.
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Analyse Expérimentale et Numérique des Contraintes Thermomécaniques Induites lors des Procédés Émergents de Fabrication de Puces Électroniques au moyen des Capteurs Embarqués / Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Thermomechanical Stresses Induced during the Emerging Processes of Chips Manufacturing by means of Embedded SensorsEwuame, Komi Atchou 14 June 2016 (has links)
Pour la détermination des contraintes thermomécaniques au niveau du silicium, les capteurs piézorésistifs (en rosette) composés de 4nMOS et 4pMOS ont été développés et embarqués dans des produits de la microélectronique.Les relations caractéristiques liant les grandeurs piézorésistives, électriques et mécaniques ont été établies.La détermination des grandeurs piézorésistives nécessite un test de calibration effectué ici à l’aide d’une machine de flexion quatre-points. Cette machine a été conçue et fabriquée dans le cadre de cette thèse et permet d’appliquer une contrainte uniforme uni-axiale dans l’échantillon de silicium et de déterminer ainsi les trois coefficients piézorésistifs.Les capteurs intégrés sur différentes technologies telles que CMOS65, BiCMOS55, CMOS40, BSI140 et PIC25 ont été calibrés avec cette machine.Ces capteurs MOS ont été utilisés dans les cas d’études des contraintes induites par le TSV (technologie CMOS65), par la mise en boitier avec un empilement 3D (technologie CMOS65) et un empilement 2D (technologie BiCMOS55).Les résultats donnent des composantes de contraintes (σyy, σzz) qui ne sont pas en bonne corrélation avec les résultats de simulations. Les réponses électriques des MOS orientés à 90° (direction [010]) par rapport à l’axe des x (direction [100]) sont mises en question, car le coefficient (π12) obtenu à partir de ce MOS agit directement sur les deux composantes de contraintes.D’autre part, les variations de contraintes dans la zone des capteurs, les variabilités inter-puces et inter-plaques perturbent les résultats.Intégrées dans la même structure de test de la technologie CMOS40, différents composants ont été étudiés, notamment les transistors MOS rosette, la structure bandgap et les résistances poly-Si qui ont aussi été calibrés.Une étude de la contrainte thermomécanique induite par la mise en boitier de cette technologie a révélé un fort impact sur les réponses de sortie (mobilité des MOS, tension bandgap).Par une étude de minimisation paramétrique, cet impact a été réduit en agissant sur les dimensions géométriques des constituants et les propriétés matériaux de la résine de moulage.Ces résultats montrent que les MOS en rosette peuvent être utilisés comme capteurs de contraintes mais avec une efficacité limitée. L’utilisation des résistances actives comme capteurs de contraintes est donc envisageable. Par contre, ces MOS peuvent être utilisés pour déterminer l’impact des contraintes sur le fonctionnement de la puce. / For the thermomechanical stress assessment in silicon, piezoresistive sensors (in rosette) composed of 4nMOS and 4pMOS were developed and embedded into microelectronic products.The characteristic relations between piezoresistive, electrical and mechanical quantities were established.Piezoresistive quantities were identified thanks to a four-points bending calibration machine. This machine was designed and fabricated in the frame of this PhD and enables applying a known uniform uniaxial stress into silicon sample and then calculating the three piezoresistive coefficients.The sensors embedded into different technologies such as CMOS65, BiCMOS55, CMOS40, BSI140 and PIC25 were calibrated with this machine.These MOS sensors were used for studying stresses induced by TSV (CMOS65 technology), by packaging with 3D stacking (CMOS65 technology) and 2D stacking (BiCMOS55 technology).The results give stress components (σyy, σzz) which are not in a good agreement with simulation results. Electrical responses of the MOS oriented at 90° ([010] direction with respect to the x axis ([100] direction)) are questioned because the coefficients (π12) obtained from this MOS acts directly on the two components.In addition, stress variations in sensors area, as well as inter-chips and inter-wafers variabilities disturb the results.Integrated into the same test chip of the CMOS40 technology, different structures were studied, namely the MOS transistors, the bandgap structure and the poly-Si resistances which were also calibrated.For this technology, a study of thermomechanical stress induced by packaging revealed a significant impact on the output responses (MOS mobility, bandgap voltage). Through a minimization parametric study, this impact was reduced by controlling the geometrical dimensions of components and the material properties of the moulding compound.These results show that, MOS rosettes can be used as stress sensors but with a limited efficiency. The use of active resistances as stress sensors is therefore envisaged. However, these MOS can be used to study the impact of stresses on the chip operation.
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Large Enhancement in Metal Film Piezoresistive Sensitivity with Local Inhomogenization for Nanoelectromechanical SystemsMohansundaram, S M January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
High performance and low cost sensors based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) have become commonplace in today's world. MEMS sensors, such as accelerometers, gy- roscopes, pressure sensors, and microphones, are routinely used in consumer electronics, automobiles, industrial and aerospace applications. Basically, all these devices mea- sure tiny displacements of micromachined mechanical structures in response to external stimuli. One of the widely used techniques to detect these displacements is piezoresistive sensing. Piezoresistive sensors are popular in MEMS due to their simplicity and robustness.
Traditionally, silicon has been the material of choice for piezoresistors due to its high strain sensitivity or gauge factor. Whereas metal lm piezoresistors typically have low gauge factor that puts them out of favour when compared to silicon. But metal lm piezoresistors have several advantages compared to their semiconductor counterparts, including simple and low-cost fabrication, low resistivity and generally low noise. Low resistance sensors become desirable particularly when the devices are scaled down to nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), where signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) performance becomes crucial. Enhancing the gauge factor of metal lms while keeping their low resistance advantage can dramatically improve their SNR performance for NEMS.
This thesis reports a simple method we have developed to enhance the gauge factor of metal lm piezoresistors. We demonstrate this method on specially designed micro- cantilever devices. Using controlled electromigration, we are able to engineer the microstructure of gold lm and transform it into a locally inhomogeneous conductor which resembles a percolation network. This results in more than 100 times higher gauge factor at low to moderate sensor resistance. The SNR possible with our piezoresistor at high frequencies exceeds that of most available systems by at least an order of magnitude. Our locally inhomogeneous metal lm piezoresistor is a promising candidate for high-performance NEMS-based sensors of the future.
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Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik25 July 2017 (has links)
Seit 1996 wird von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach die Buchreihe „Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik“ herausgegeben, in der herausragende wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Technischen Universität Dresden, insbesondere auch des Institutes für Festkörperelektronik, publiziert werden. Zu den bisher vorliegenden Bänden sind seitdem weitere Bände hinzugekommen. Das Profil des Institutes wird durch folgende Forschungsgebiete geprägt: Thermische Infrarotsensoren, Piezoresistive Sensoren auf der Basis quellfähiger Hydrogele, Ultraschalltechnik, Funktionelle Dünnschichten, Nanoptische Sensoren. Mit der Berufung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach auf den Lehrstuhl für Festkörperelektronik zum 01.01.1996 wurde das Spektrum der Forschungsarbeiten insbesondere um die Fachgebiete der Siliziumsensoren für unterschiedliche Meßgrößen und des Entwurfs komplexer Sensor- und Aktor-Systeme in der Mikrosystemtechnik erweitert. Das Zusammenwirken von Physik, Elektronik und Technologie der Mikroelektronik bei Forschung, Entwicklung und Fertigung sowie Applikation leistungsfähiger Sensoren ist Gegenstand von Lehre und Forschung des IFE. / Since 1996 the book series „Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik“ edited by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach has been published. The aim of this series is the publication of outstanding scientific contributions of TU Dresden, especially of those compiled at the Institute for Solid-State Electronics. The Solid-State Electronics Laboratory (Institut für Festkörperelektronik - IFE) is one of 12 laboratories of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Technische Universität Dresden. Together with the Semiconductor Technology and Microsystems Lab and several chairs of the Circuits and Systems and the Packaging Labs, the Solid-State Electronics Laboratory is responsible for the microelectronics specialization in the Electrical Engineering program. Research and teaching field of the Institute for Solid-State Electronics are dedicated to the interaction of physics, electronics and (microelectronics) technology in: materials research, technology, and solid state sensor operational principles, application of sensors for special measurement problems, design of sensors and sensor systems including the simulation of components as well as of complex systems, development of thin films and multilayer stacks for sensor applications, application of ultrasound for nondestructive evaluation, medical diagnostics and process measurement technology.
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Dresdner Beiträge zur SensorikGerlach, Gerald 25 July 2017 (has links)
Seit 1996 wird von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach die Buchreihe „Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik“ herausgegeben, in der herausragende wissenschaftliche Beiträge der Technischen Universität Dresden, insbesondere auch des Institutes für Festkörperelektronik, publiziert werden. Zu den bisher vorliegenden Bänden sind seitdem weitere Bände hinzugekommen. Das Profil des Institutes wird durch folgende Forschungsgebiete geprägt: Thermische Infrarotsensoren, Piezoresistive Sensoren auf der Basis quellfähiger Hydrogele, Ultraschalltechnik, Funktionelle Dünnschichten, Nanoptische Sensoren. Mit der Berufung von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach auf den Lehrstuhl für Festkörperelektronik zum 01.01.1996 wurde das Spektrum der Forschungsarbeiten insbesondere um die Fachgebiete der Siliziumsensoren für unterschiedliche Meßgrößen und des Entwurfs komplexer Sensor- und Aktor-Systeme in der Mikrosystemtechnik erweitert. Das Zusammenwirken von Physik, Elektronik und Technologie der Mikroelektronik bei Forschung, Entwicklung und Fertigung sowie Applikation leistungsfähiger Sensoren ist Gegenstand von Lehre und Forschung des IFE. / Since 1996 the book series „Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik“ edited by Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerald Gerlach has been published. The aim of this series is the publication of outstanding scientific contributions of TU Dresden, especially of those compiled at the Institute for Solid-State Electronics. The Solid-State Electronics Laboratory (Institut für Festkörperelektronik - IFE) is one of 12 laboratories of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Technische Universität Dresden. Together with the Semiconductor Technology and Microsystems Lab and several chairs of the Circuits and Systems and the Packaging Labs, the Solid-State Electronics Laboratory is responsible for the microelectronics specialization in the Electrical Engineering program. Research and teaching field of the Institute for Solid-State Electronics are dedicated to the interaction of physics, electronics and (microelectronics) technology in: materials research, technology, and solid state sensor operational principles, application of sensors for special measurement problems, design of sensors and sensor systems including the simulation of components as well as of complex systems, development of thin films and multilayer stacks for sensor applications, application of ultrasound for nondestructive evaluation, medical diagnostics and process measurement technology.
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Stacking Polymorphism in PtSe2 Drastically Affects Its Electromechanical PropertiesKempt, Roman, Lukas, Sebastian, Hartwig, Oliver, Prechtl, Maximilian, Kuc, Agnieszka, Brumme, Thomas, Li, Sha, Neumaier, Daniel, Lemme, Max C., Duesberg, Georg S., Heine, Thomas 31 May 2024 (has links)
PtSe2 is one of the most promising materials for the next generation of piezoresistive sensors. However, the large-scale synthesis of homogeneous thin films with reproducible electromechanical properties is challenging due to polycrystallinity. It is shown that stacking phases other than the 1T phase become thermodynamically available at elevated temperatures that are common during synthesis. It is shown that these phases can make up a significant fraction in a polycrystalline thin film and discuss methods to characterize them, including their Seebeck coefficients. Lastly, their gauge factors, which vary strongly and heavily impact the performance of a nanoelectromechanical device are estimated.
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