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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flotace rozpuštěným vzduchem – od poloprovozního modelu po plnou realizaci / Dissolved Air Flotation – From Pilot Plant to Full Scale Implementation

Dobiáš, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use of dissolved air flotation (DAF) in water treatment technology in the Czech Republic. It summarizes the knowledge gained at pilot plant studies as well as the experience with full-scale flotation units which have been built in potable water treatment plants in the Czech Republic in years 2006-2018. This thesis provides a broad background of experimental studies of a modern separation process, which does have great advantages in the removal of natural organic matter and microorganisms from water in the drinking water treatment industry. In this thesis, there are presented some examples of the excellent efficiency of the microorganisms removal, both under the experimental conditions as well as water treatment plants, which were improved by DAF units installation in full scale. In addition to the high separation efficiency, it is shown, how DAF units could influence the subsequent separation steps as for example filtration through the granular media. The negative influence of the pre-ozonization on the DAF separation efficiency in Hradec Králové WTP is demonstrated too. The results of the pilot experiments support the idea, that the key condition for high removal efficiency is the optimal coagulation process chemistry. Design of pilot experiments was based on the factorial planning theory and some results are discussed in this thesis. The very big portion of the pilot experiments was made for estimating of the full-scale DAF design parameters before the water treatment plants reconstruction phase

Současný stav a směry rozvoje metod a technického zabezpečení navigace civilních letadel po ploše letiště / Existing state-of-the art and development tendencies of methods and technologies in the field of aircraft movement control along aerodrome surface

Zubrvalčík, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with navigation on airport surface. In thesis there are described main surveillance systems, which are used for navigation on airport surface and systems for prediction and avoiding collisions. For all systems is listed principle of action, their usage, advantages and disadvantages and informations, which are provided by these systems. In last chapter there are compared properties of main surveillance systems.

Novostavba Přírodovědecké fakulty Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích - příprava realizace stavby / New construction of the Faculty of Science University of South Bohemia in the Ceske Budejovice - preparation of the realization construction

Novák, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the preparation of construction management, Faculty of Science, University of South Čekých Budějovice. The work includes a technical report on building technological project, coordinating the situation, time and financial plan, a study of the implementation of the main technological stages, the design of construction machines and mechanisms, the schedule of the main building structure, technological prescription for ventilated facade structures, inspection and test quality plan for the object SO 100, itemized budget plan and the main subject of risks arising from the construction and their action.

Založení mostu / Foundation of Bridge

Ščudla, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on design of 5 - square bridge foundation in Ostrava Svinov including covering of construction pits. The bridge is founded on the groups of drilled large diameter piles. Design and assessment is realized in program GEO 5. The thesis is divided into 6 parts: introduction, geotechnical circumstances, concomitant report, static calculations, technical report and documentation.

Analýza typických chyb pilota během přistávacího manévru / Analysis of typical pilot error during the landing maneuver

Szarka, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Diplom thesis deals with the influence of typical pilot error during the landing maneuver in airplanes with maximum take-off mass 2250 kg. It contains basic information about the landing. The main attention is paid to the accident database, its subsequent evaluation and the proposal for a way to reduce these accidents. It also includes a survey of pilots.

Analýza zatěžovací zkoušky piloty / Analysis of pile load test

Ponížil, Cyril January 2017 (has links)
There is ussualy used the Masopust's method to assessment the piles in Czech Republic. This method is based on statistical processing of large data set of load piles tests. Due to the using of regression coefficients this method is relatively complicated and not very transparent. Instead, foreign standards ussualy use direct the values of limit stress on the base of piles and unit friction capacity. Procedure for determining the bearing capacity of the piles is thus considerably simplified. In this thesis the Masopust's method is compared with the methods used in Germany and Austria. This comparison provides insight to the safety level that include various approaches.

Bytový dům na ul. Vinohrady / Block of flats at Vinohrady street

Dvořák, Vít January 2017 (has links)
The master´s thesis is focused on a design of monolithic reinforced concrete construction of an apartment building. The content of this work is design of two ceiling slabs, staircase, supporting columns, walls, girders and concrete pile construction of foundation. Thesis includes working-out of static calculation, elaboration drawing of shape, reinforcement of solved elements and evolvement of assembly drawings. The rest of the project parts are not analysed.

Three step modelling approach for the simulation of industrial scale pervaporation modules

Schiffmann, Patrick 07 February 2014 (has links)
The separation of aqueous and organic mixtures with thermal separation processes is an important and challenging task in the chemical industry. Rising prices for energy, stricter environmental regulations and the increasing demand for high purity chemicals are the main driving forces to find alternative solutions to common separation technologies such as distillation and absorption. These are mostly too energy consumptive and can show limited separation performance, especially when applied to close boiling or azeotropic mixtures. Pervaporation can overcome these thermodynamic limitations and requires less energy because only the separated components need to be evaporated. This separation technology is already well established for the production of anhydrous solvents, but not yet widely distributed in the chemical and petrochemical industry due to some crucial challenges, which are still to overcome. Besides the need of high selective membranes, the development of membrane modules adapted to the specific requirements of organoselective pervaporation needs more research effort. Furthermore, only few modelling and simulation tools are available, which hinders the distribution of this process in industrial scale. In this work, these issues are addressed in a combined approach. In close collaboration with our cooperation partners, a novel membrane module for organophilic pervaporation is developed. A novel technology to manufacture high selective polymeric pervaporation membranes is applied to produce a membrane for an industrially relevant organic-organic separation task. A three step modelling approach ranging from a shortcut and a discrete to a rigorous model is developed and implemented in a user interface. A hydrophilic and an organophilic membrane are characterised for the separation of a 2-butanol/water mixture in a wide range of feed temperature and feed concentration in order to establish a generally valid description of the membrane performances. This approach is implemented in the three developed models to simulate the novel membrane module in industrial scale. The simulations are compared to the results of pilot scale experiments conducted with the novel membrane module. Good agreement between simulated and experimental values is reached.

Současná česká seriálová tvorba: metody využívané při vývoji scénáře / Contemporary Czech TV series: methods used in screenplay development

Knéblová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with contemporary Czech serial production in terms of script development. It focuses primarily on the development of screenplays for the series on Česká televize and on drama series with one-hour episodes. It compares the development in the Czech environment with British and American practice. It maps the current Czech serial environment, creates an overview of contemporary Czech serials in broadcasting and clarifies the basics of narrative serial structure. It contains a comparison of selected pilot parts in terms of their narrative structure. It focuses on both screenwriting practice and development practices from the point of view of the television of public service, in the case of the American production it focuses on the Hollywood system. It uses methods of qualitative analysis of scripts, in-depth semi-structured interviews with creative producers and comparison of script development in individual productions.

Förstärkt grundvattenbildning genom bortpumpning av salt grundvatten : modellering av lokala effekter och identifiering av plats för pilottest på Gotland

Edlund, Harald January 2020 (has links)
Gotland suffers from a shortage of drinking water at infrequent intervals which is onlypredicted to get worse with time. The problem is not a shortage of precipitation, the shortagelies in the combined problem of runoff and high water usage during the summer months.From September to March there is an abundance of water which mostly goes to runoff intothe sea surrounding Gotland. Due to the fact that Gotland is an island, a concave boundryis formed between the deeper saline groundwater and the fresh groundwater closer to thesurface. In an effort to possibly help in solving the water shortage, an idea was introducedto pump out the saline groundwater from the deep and thus creating an increase in storageof fresh groundwater.Firstly an investigation into suitable locations for modeling was conducted where two siteswere chosen. To test this concept and see if the idea was feasable a 2D-model was establishedusing GMS, MODFLOW, MT3DMS and SEAWAT with the aim of simulating the groundwaterat the well chosen sites on Sudret, Gotland. Two wells were implemented in the model,one for extracting fresh groundwater and one for extracting saline groundwater. The hopeswere to be able to simulate an increase of the storage of fresh water during the rechargeperiod and thus helping to solve the problem with insufficient water during the strenuoussummer months. Hopefully the results of the simultations can make up the foundations foran implementation of the concept at a location at Gotland.Results for site 1 indicate that the volume of fresh water in the akvifer can be increasedby 13of the extraction volume when only saline groundwater is removed. The maximumflow of only saline extraction at site 1 has been determined to 35m3år per meter. For example,with only an extraction of saline water of 35m3år at site 1 the fresh water in the aquifer willincrease by 340m3 per metre after 10 years.The model indicates that the volume of fresh water in the akvifer can be increased bya minimum of 15 of the saline extraction volume when only saline water is removed. Themaximum flow of only saline groundwater at site 2 was decided to be 65m3år per meter. Forexample, with only an extraction of saline water of 65m3år at site 1 the fresh water in theakvifer will increase by 940m3 per metre after 10 years. / Gotland lider till och från av vattenbrist under sommaren, problemen förväntas även ökai samband med klimatförändringar och expanderande antropogen påverkan. Under vinterhalvåretfår Gotland mer än tillräckligt med sötvatten för att täcka efterfrågan, problemetuppkommer från att majoriteten av vattnet evapotranspireras samt går till ytavrinning tillÖstersjön. Ytterligare en orsak till vattenbristen beror på att Gotlands grundvatten omgesav saltvatten. Saltvattnet kring Gotland bildar en konkav gräns mellan sött och salt vatten igrundvattenmagasinet vilket väsentligt begränsar den möjliga lagringen av sött grundvatten.För att hjälpa till att lösa problemen med vattenbrist på Gotland introducerades en idé attutöka andelen sött vatten i grundvattenmgasinen genom att pumpa salt grundvatten fråndjupet under återhämtningsperioden.Arbetet påbörjades genom att undersöka en lämplig plats på Gotland, både ur en modelleringssynpunktsamt inför ett eventuellt fortsatt arbete. Två platser valdes slutligen dären 2D-grundvattenmodell skapades vid båda platserna med hjälp av GMS, MODFLOW,MT3DMS och SEAWAT. I modellen implementerades två uttagsbrunnar, en för salt grundvattenfrån djupet och en för sött grundvatten närmare ytan. Eftersom modellen skapats i 2Dinnebär det det en förenkling av geometrin och modellresultat motsvarar då en horisontelltborrad brunn, därför anges resultaten som flöde per meter horisontell brunn. Förhoppningenvar att genom simulering kunna påvisa en ökning av sötvatten i grundvattenmagasinet genomatt extrahera salt grundvatten under återhämtningsperioden. målet är att undersökningarnaska leda till en implementering av metoden i verkligheten i ett försök att minska vattenbristen.Modellresultat för plats 1 indikerar att volymen sött vatten i akviferen ökar med 13 avuttaget när endast salt vatten extraheras. Det maximala uttagsflödet vid plats 1 för endastsalt vatten bestämdes till 35m3år per meter. Vid ett saltvattenuttag på 35m3år vid plats 1 ökarsötvattenvolyem i akviferen t.ex. med 340m3 per meter efter 10 år.Modellresultat för plats 2 indikerar att volymen sött vatten i akviferen ökar med 15 avuttaget när endast salt vatten extraheras. Det maximala uttagsflödet vid plats 2 för endastsalt vatten bestämdes till 65m3år per meter. Vid ett saltvattenuttag på 65m3år vid plats 2 ökarsötvattenvolyem i akviferen t.ex. med 940m3 per meter efter 10 år. / diva2:1345440

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