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Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅 au travers de l’étude historique et critique de ses traductions anglaises et françaises / Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅 through a historical and critical study of its translations in English and French / 《金瓶梅》英文和法文翻譯史與翻譯批評研究Li, Shiwei 24 November 2016 (has links)
Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅, œuvre controversée dès son apparition à la fin du XVIe siècle, fut très tôt reconnue comme une des œuvres phare du roman chinois en langue vulgaire, notamment par Feng Menglong 馮夢龍 (1574-1646) qui le désigna comme un des Si da qishu 四 大奇書 (Quatre grands livres extraordinaires). De nombreux mystères à son sujet restent encore débattus aujourd’hui, parmi lesquels l’identité de son auteur, l’authenticité de ses éditions, ou les interprétations possibles de ce roman. La réputation exécrable dont il continue de souffrir en Chine continentale ne l’a pas empêché de susciter l’intérêt des premiers sinologues français et anglais et ceci dès 1816. En prenant pour point de départ une analyse des sources et une synthèse des hypothèses en cours concernant Jin Ping Mei et ses interprétations, notre thèse fera le point sur toutes les adaptations et traductions en anglais et en français de l’ouvrage, notamment en mettant en parallèle les deux meilleures traductions intégrales dont nous disposons actuellement, à savoir en français, celle d’André Lévy (1985), et en anglais, celle de David Tod Roy (de 1993 à 2013). Cette confrontation nous permettra de distinguer les différentes interprétations de l’ouvrage retenues par les traducteurs, et d’exposer les stratégies mises en place par eux pour le traduire. Un aspect crucial de notre travail consistera à souligner dans notre critique les positions interprétatives des traducteurs, et le potentiel interprétatif qui résulte de leurs choix. Loin de vouloir appliquer à ces traductions un jugement de valeur, nous espérons au contraire offrir une meilleure compréhension de la profondeur de cette œuvre si complexe et controversée. / Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅, one of the greatest masterpieces of the vernacular Chinese fiction, faced controversy ever since it appeared at the end of the 16th century. Scholars like Feng Menglong馮夢龍 (1574-1646) recognized the novel to be exceptional early on, placing it amongst the Si da qishu 四大奇書 (Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel). However, there still is a halo of unresolved mysteries around Jin Ping Mei, despite the fact that it has been the focal point of numerous studies. Some questions remain unsolved, such as the identity of its author, the authenticity of its editions, or its possible interpretations. Despite the bad reputation that the novel still suffers from in mainland China, its raised the interest from French and English sinologists as soon as 1816. Ever since, the novel has been the subject of partial translations and adaptations highly perfectible. Starting with an analysis of the sources and a synthesis of current hypothesis about the book and its interpretations, our thesis will then focus on all the adaptations and translations of the novel in English and in French, to ultimately confront the two best integral translations available to that day, namely André Lévy’s (1985) and David Tod Roy’s (1993 to 2013). This confrontation will allow us to distinguish the interpretations that translators had of the novel, and to expose the strategies they resorted to. A crucial part of our work will be to underline the interpretative positions of both translators, and the interpretative potential that results from their choices. Our goal is not to judge of the value of said translations, but rather to offer a better understanding of the depth of Jin Ping Mei. / 自十六世紀末問世以來,《金瓶梅》一直都是一部有爭議的作品。作為一部中國古代通俗長篇小說的著作,以及被馮夢龍稱為“四大奇書”之一,《金瓶梅》至今為止仍存在許多未解之謎。雖然對作品的相關研究日漸增多,但是關於作者的身份、版本以及對作品的闡釋等問題尚未達成共識。直至今日,《金瓶梅》在中國仍臭名昭著,但是這並不妨礙它在國外的流傳。早至1816 年,這部作品便引起了法國第一位漢學家的注意。兩個世紀以來,在法國紛紛出現了各種選段翻譯、改寫以及問題種種的不完整的法譯本。同樣,《金瓶梅》在英美國家的傳播之路也是漫長而艱難。該論文首先對《金瓶梅》的文學特色以及作品闡釋的問題進行相關探討,然後對《金瓶梅》所有翻譯和改寫的法譯本和英譯本進行研究,特別是對該作品的兩個完整的法譯本(André Lévy 雷威安 1985 年譯成)和英譯本(David TodRoy 苪效衛 1993 年至2013 年五卷本) 進行對比研究。通過對這些譯本的研究,我們能深入地了解譯者對作品的闡釋,他們採用的翻譯策略,以及他們譯本的優劣性。該論文的研究重點是譯者對作品闡釋的主體性,以及他們的翻譯策略給譯本讀者對原著理解帶來的影響。我們的研究並不是為了對譯本進行質量的評估,而是通過對譯本的研究來讓我們對《金瓶梅》這一複雜而極具爭議的作品有更深層的了解。
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Aplikace pro monitorování a správu sítě pro ISP / Application for Network Monitoring and Management for ISPKmoníček, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this master‘s thesis is to develop an ISP application for service monitoring and management. A fully functioning monitoring software has been developed that allows the administrator to check round-trip time and packet loss in the entire network. Another function of the application is obtaining information from network devices by the SNMP protocol (e.g. packet and byte count etc.). The software uses this information to create graphs per hour, day, week or year. All graphs and statistics are visualised on the administration website. For the purpose of client administration, a client database has been developed. This part of the application enables the management of payments, IP addresses, contacts etc. Both parts of the web pages have been developed by using mod_python and AJAX, making the application similar to standard desktop applications. The testing application has been developed by using Python and the entire application has been designed for modules, which can be later used for the development of other functions.
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Aplikace pro monitorování a správu sítě pro ISP / Application for Network Monitoring and Management for ISPKmoníček, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The objective of this master‘s thesis is to develop an ISP application for service monitoring and management. A fully functioning monitoring software has been developed, which allows the administrator to check the round-trip time and the packet loss in the entire network. Another function of the application is obtaining information from network devices by the SNMP protocol (e.g. packet and byte count etc.). The software uses the information to create hour, day, week or year graphs. All graphs and statistics are visualised at the administration webpages. For the purpose of client administration, a clients database has been developed. This part of the application contains functions of payment administration, IP addresses, contacts etc. Both parts of the web pages have been developed using PHP and AJAX, which makes the application similar to standard desktop applications. The testing application has been developed using Python and the entire application has been designed for modules, which can be later used for the development of other functions.
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La mode du ping-pong de 1901 à 1939 : d’un jeu de salon mondain à un sport moderne / The fashion of ping-pong from 1901 to 1939 : from a worldly salons’ game to a modern sportMousset, Kilian 06 December 2017 (has links)
Du jeu de société dans les salons mondains au début du XXe siècle au sport couru des années 1932 et 1933, ce jeu de balle casse une représentation réductrice et vestimentaire de la mode. Le ping-pong, qui est à l’origine une simple boîte de jeu, connaît deux forts engouements au cours de la première moitié du XXe siècle. En 1902, la mode est au divertissement de salon prétexte à la distinction sociale. Prenant place après les dîners de la Haute bourgeoisie, la droiture du corps est de rigueur. Le jeu respecte un code de galanterie qui en fait un jeu lent. Sa mode s’estompe dès 1903 lorsque le jeu se démocratise à la petite et moyenne bourgeoisies. Vivotant en tant que jeu de salon anodin, le ping-pong réapparaîtcomme une nouveauté en 1932 et 1933. Il est décrit comme un spectacle sportif à l’image de ses champions, de leurs prouesses techniques et des efforts physiques. Il prend également la forme d’une mode populaire en gonflant les rangs du sport ouvrier. Cette reconnaissance sportive dans les représentations sociales est effective quelques années après soninstitutionnalisation. Discours monolithique, la mode cache et relance aussi d’autres vogues. Une réminiscence bourgeoise en fait un jeu prisé des lieux de villégiature. Il se développe également au travers des cafés. L’apogée passée, le ping-pong « sport » perd des effectifs dans les fédérations au milieu des années 1930. Son image sportive chancelle. Elle s’explique par la place difficilement mesurable du jeu informel qui contente les pratiquants. Ce divertissement est alors autant perçu comme un jeu de détente qu’il constitue une manière informelle de faire du sport en dehors des institutions / From the board game in the worldly salons in the beginning of the 20th century to the sought-after sport in 1932 and 1933, this ball game breaks a reductive representation of fashion, mostly about clothing. Ping-pong, which is originally a simple game box, knows two major popular movements during the first half of the 20th century. In 1902, the trend is about salon entertainment, a pretext for social distinction. Taking place after diners in the wealthy bourgeoisie, straightness of the body is required. This game respects the gallantry code, which makes is a slow game. Its popularity is the upper class fades from 1903 when the game knows a democratisation in the petty bourgeoisie and the middle class. Eking out as a trivialsalon game, ping-pong reappears as a novelty in 1932 and 1933. It is described as a sporting show magnified by its champions, their technical feats and physical efforts. It also gains in popularity as it enters the habits of the working class. This sporty recognition in social representations is effective a few years after its institutionalisation. Monolithic vision, fashionalso hides and revives other tendencies. A bourgeois reminiscence makes it a popular game in the holiday destinations. It also expands in the coffee shops. Once passed its height, pingpong as a « sport » loses members in the federations in the middle of the 1930s. Its sporty image falters. This phenomenom explains itself by the hardly mesurable place of the informalgame, which satisfies the players. This entertainment is perceived as a relaxing game, as an informal way to practice sport out of the institutions
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The oral epidemiology of 45-64 year-old Chinese residents of a housing estate in Hong Kong coronal and root caries /Lee, Kwok-lun. January 1988 (has links)
Thesis (M.D.S.)--University of Hong Kong, 1988. / Also available in print.
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NetworkPerf : A tool for the investigation of TCP/IP network performance at Saab Transpondertech / NetworkPerf - Ett verktyg för undersökning av prestanda i TCP/IP-nätverk hos Saab TranspondertechJohansson, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
<p>To detect network changes and network troubles, Transpondertech needs a tool that can make network measurements.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis has been to find measurable network properties that best reflect the status of a network, to find methods to measure these proerties and to implement these methods in one single tool. The resulting tool is called NetworkPerf and can measure the following network properties: availability, round-trip delay, delay variation, number of hops, intermediate hosts, available bandwidth, available ports, and maximum allowed packet size. Together, these properties give a good picture of the status of a network connection.</p><p>The thesis also presents the methods used for meassuring these properties in the tool.</p>
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Spårbarhet i ett nätverk : En jämförelse mellan IPsec och 802.1xManfredsson, Alexander January 2013 (has links)
På ett företag eller universitet finns det oftast regler/policys som förklarar hur manfår använda deras nätverk. Om någon bryter mot reglerna vill man kunna identifierapersonen. Denna rapport inriktar sig på att identifiera en användare i ett nätverk. För att kunna identifiera en användare behöver man uppnå spårbarhet. En jämförelsemellan två teknologier (IPsec och dot1x) utfördes, två testmiljöer för detta sattes uppen för vardera teknologi. PfSense (routern) ansluter användarna från det internanätverket till det externa. I routern kan man sedan med hjälp av Packet Capture sevad användaren gör på nätverket. Ett PING används för att illustrera att något görsmot servern, det skulle lika gärna kunna vara en attack som utförts. Illustreringenvisar då att man kan spåra om något utförts som strider mot företagets/universitetetsregler. Resultaten delades upp i två delar, en för dot1x och en för IPsec. Flera scenariongjordes, där användaren har gjort något, exempelvis skickat ett PING till servern.Data utifrån detta samlades in för att se om man kunde identifiera vilken användaresom skickade ett PING till servern. Efter att flera scenarion hade utförts visaderesultatet att spårbarhet gick att uppnå med båda teknologierna.
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Identification of the water pollution sources through analysis of water quality monitoring data of Tamsui and Kao-Ping River BasinJiang, Dong-Xian 26 July 2010 (has links)
In this study, time series analysis and factor analysis of multivariate analysis were applied to surface water quality monitoring data sets. In order to gain a better understanding on water pollution situations and sources of different river basin, we have done some statistical analysis according to the water quality monitoring data from the database of Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan in the years from 2004 to 2008. The statistical analysis is based on the aforementioned contents to find the common latent factors of the water pollution and try to explain the main sources of water pollution of river basins. Specifically the water quality monitoring data of the Tamsui River and the Kao-Ping River basin are analyzed. In seriously polluted areas, from the time series results they reveal that the water quality monitoring data has significant serial correlations. Therefore we firstly use vector autoregression (VAR) model to eliminate the dynamic dependencies of data, and later perform the factor analysis for the residuals. With this analysis procedure, the resulting models and factor variables from the factor analysis, sufficiently explained water quality variables with the potential relationship between environmental pollution in the region.
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The Research of Local Democracy in Taiwan-A Case of Ping-lin Township of Taipei County GovernmentCheng, Su-ling 08 September 2005 (has links)
This research will mainly study the Ping-Ling Freeway Plebiscite Act and the Ping-Ling County River and Fish Protection Act. The thesis adopts the logic of collective action and the analytic path of the resource mobilization theory and approval theory, which are derived from the collective action and social action theories. The research will further analyze the cause, process, effect and obstacles, of the Ping-Ling Plebiscite Action and River and Fish Protection Act. By observing the two actions, conclusions can then be drawn on the relationship between the regional collective action and the regional democracy.
In the research, it is noted that a political elite, who is also an initiator, organizer as well as spokesperson, plays a significant role in the behavior of collective action. The Ping-Ling Plebiscite and the River and Fish Protection Act, with the leadership and power of the political elite added to hold, construct a systematic mechanism such as the Fish Protection Patrol Party. The politic elite will provide the residents theory discourse for use in participating collective action. Throughout the process of the regional residents participating in collective action, there will be great benefits to the democratic development in the region. From the process of actively participating in the regional affairs, the residents will develop new perspectives, and thus have positive on the development of regional civism. It is also discovered in the study that the factional structure of Ping-Ling County is gradually changing. The phenomenon of faction predominating the residents¡¦ power of political life is gradually diminishing. The residents now cast their votes based on the candidates¡¦ ability and contribution to the region and much less based on faction. It is shown that regional democracy can be radicated and practiced through collective action, and this can be a possible approach for every region¡¦s municipals push.
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noneHuang, Yu-Shan 27 July 2001 (has links)
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