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Monitoring zdravotního stavu semenáčků a sazenic v lesní školce McelyFugl, Vratislav January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Radionuklidų savitojo aktyvumo grybinių ligų ir puvinių pažeistoje pušyje (Pinus sylvestris L.)nustatymas ir įvertinimas / Determination and analysis of radionuclides activity in the pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), affected of fungous diseases and rotsPliopaitė Bataitienė, Ingrida 13 June 2006 (has links)
Il y a plusieurs périodes quad les radioactivité des radionuclides dans l��environement sont grandi . Ces périodes s’ont trouvé à cause des explosions nucléaires et d’avarie de la station atomique de Chernobyl. Les radionuclides se retrouvent dans les plantes avec les emisions d’atmosphere par les surterres partes, avec le fluide de sol par les system de la rasines. Les radionuclides s’accumulent dans les plantes. L’accumulation des radionuclides dans les plantes dépende de la pollutions, du sol type dominant, des particularités chimiques et fisiques des radionuclides, de la forme chimique des radionuclides, du type des plants, des particularités climatiques.
Le pin (Pinus sylvestris L.) est très étendu en Lituanie. Très souvent les maladies des champingion et des moisissures attaquent cet type d’arbre. C'est pourquoi nous choisisons le pin (Pinus sylvestris L.), qui est attaqué des maladies des champingion et des moisissures pour les recherches. Nous avons ramassé et traité tels échantillons: du sol, des mousses, des branches, des rasines, des aiguilles, du boi. Dans notre échantillons nous avons déterminé les activités des 226Ra, 232Th, 40K, 137Cs et les facteurs de transfert des radionuclides dans le systèm sol – arbre. Dans les 27 échantillons de bois nous avons déterminé les colonies des champingions. Mais le excitateur de moisissure (Heterobasidion annosum) as déterminé seulement en un échantillon de bois. Nous avons estimé quel est l’influence des... [to full text]
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Genetic basis of adaptation: bud set date and frost hardiness variation in Scots pineHurme, P. (Päivi) 21 December 1999 (has links)
The genetic basis of large adaptive differences in timing
of bud set and frost hardiness between natural populations of Scots
pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) was studied with
the aid of RAPD markers and quantitative genetic tools. Steep clinal
variation was found for both traits among Finnish Scots pine populations,
and the differences between populations were found to be largely
genetic. QTL mapping with Bayesian analysis revealed four potential
QTLs for timing of bud set, and seven for frost hardiness. The QTLs
were mostly different between the two traits. The potential QTLs
included loci with large effects, and additionally smaller QTLs.
The largest QTLs for bud set date accounted for about a fourth of
the mean difference between populations. Thus, natural selection
during adaptation has resulted in fixation of genes of large effect.
This result is in conflict with the classical infinitesimal model,
but agrees with the results of Orr (1998), suggesting fixation of
large effects during adaptation.
The applicability of RAPD and SSCP markers in quantitative
genetic studies was also studied. The SSCP technique was found to
be efficient in finding polymorphic markers. SSCP polymorphism in
coding genes may provide candidate genes for QTL mapping studies.
RAPDs were found to be useful for many descriptive analyses, but
specific analyses would require more caution.
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Effects of copper and nickel on subarctic Scots pine needlesKukkola, E. (Eija) 07 September 1999 (has links)
Three different studies were conducted to elucidate the effects of copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) on Scots pine needles. One was the Monchegorsk smelter emission gradient study on the Kola Peninsula, Russia, the second was the 3-year seedling and 6-year adult tree low-level CuNi and acid rain (H2SO4 at pH 3) irrigation study at Kevo, Finland. In the third study seedlings were exposed to Cu and Ni for a one season in Oulu, Finland.
Ni accumulated efficiently in needles, and this accumulation was seen in each of the different studies. The Cu concentrations remained low in needles, except near the Monchegorsk smelters. The addition of Ni together with Cu in Oulu seemed to enhance the accumulation of Ni into the needles of Scots pine seedlings.
Plasmolysis may be related to both drought and the Ni treatment, as observed in Oulu, because plasmolysis was statistically more abundant in the 15 mg Ni kg-1 dry soil treated needles than in other treatments except in 25 mg Ni kg-1 dry soil. Cu induced lipid peroxidation of chloroplast membranes was visible under transmission electron microscope (TEM) as light colored, swollen thylakoids in chloroplasts near the Monchegorsk smeltersand also in needles exposed to 25 Ni+50 Cu mg kg-1 in soil in Oulu. Some year to year variation in the frost hardening process was seen in metal and acid treated needles, which may have caused the maximum frost hardiness level drop after CuNi, pH3 and CuNi/pH3 treatments.
Root growth was increased by 5 mg Ni kg-1 dry soil in soil in Oulu, but 15 mg Ni kg-1 dry soil Ni in soil decreased root growth and increased root tip dieback. 25 Ni+50 Cu mg kg-1 dry soil in soil markedly decreased root growth. The proportion of oxidized glutathione in Cu-treated needles was smaller than in Ni-treated needles, but roots had higher peroxidase activity levels. However, Ni seemed to cause more oxidative stress to seedlings than copper.
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Analýza tvorby buněk sekundárního xylému a floému borovice lesní (Pinus sylvestris L.) v reakci na stres suchemFajstavr, Marek January 2018 (has links)
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is a long-term economically preferred woody species not only from the standpoint of its wood production but also thanks to its tolerance to extreme climatic factors, environmental modesty, and resistance to drought stress. In recent years, however, due to the action of the changing climatic conditions, this economically significant woody species withers. Its increment in the natural ecotype is affected by the adaptability to the increasing intensity of temperature extremes (prolonged heat waves). The combination of the lack of precipitation and extremely high air temperatures (even in the spring season) will significantly affect the resistance of this woody species to drought stress. This thesis is focused on the analysis of the secondary xylem and phloem cells formation of Scots pine depending on the physiological and morphological changes due to the affecting drought stress. Within the scope of the forming radial cells in individual growing seasons (2013–2016), it has been evaluated how the synergy of the specific factors affecting the overall anatomic structure of the annual ring and the vitality of the examined woody species was expressed in the formation, differentiation, and overall structure of the cells. During the four growing seasons (2013–2016), micro-cores (diameter 1.8 mm) were taken in weekly intervals in the research area in Sobesice of xylem and phloem (including the cambial zone) using the Trephor increment borer. From these micro-cores, permanent microscopic slides of the cross-section were made, on which the analysis of the cambial activity, cell formation, cell differentiation with time, and the evaluation of the morphometric parameters of the formed of xylem and phloem cells were performed. It was found that in each monitored growing season, the drought stress has shown, which was reflected by the dropped of the soil water potential (below -1 MPa) and the intensity of transpiration, which led to the stress reaction of the cambium. The reaction of the drought-stressed cambial zone has been expressed by the decreased activity (a sudden drop of the number of dividing cells) and subsequently, during the recurrence of precipitation, by the reactivation when an increase of the number of dividing cells was observed again. This factor initiated the formation of the intra-annual density fluctuations (IADF), i.e. the formation of the so-called false annual ring. The sensitive reaction of the cambium to the drought stress affected the cell production time, the number of formed cells, and also the time of differentiation of individual tracheids, which was expressed by the reduction of the radial dimensions and cell wall thickness of the tracheids. The artificially induced stress by stem girdling intensified the concurrent drought factor and in the area below the girdling, the cambial activity has stopped within two weeks after the performed treatment. The formed cells were not fully differentiated, so the zone of typically thick-walled cells of latewood was missing in the annual ring. The following growing season, the radial increment was only formed in the area above the girdling (without the latewood zone) and in the second half of the growing season, the trees gradually died. The activity of the plant hormone IAA was also affected by the drought in the summer season, when its concentration dropped below the measurability threshold (2 µg sample-1). At the time of the IAA concentration drop, latewood tracheids began to form and the phloem cell formation was completed. The synthesis and activity of the soluble low-molecular carbohydrates correlated with the course of the cambial activity and the cell differentiation phases, where the dynamics of the concentration also matched the timing of the formation of the individual cell formation phases. With phloem cells, a significant variability in the morphological dimensions has not been observed compared to xylem cells. The phenology of the needles indicated the cell wall formation phases and the initiation of the latewood tracheids. Due to the fact that the needles were fully formed in the season of the spring tracheids formation, their phenology did not reflect the drought stress which was recorded mainly in the summer season. Also, the increment of phloem was formed in the spring season. It has been presented for a long time that coniferous woody species react to the drought stress by thicker cell walls formation of the latewood tracheids. However, it has been observed within the scope of the research of this thesis that the water deficit affected the cambial activity, which has expressed itself on the intensity of the cell formation and the time of their differentiation. Due to this process, tracheids with smaller radial dimensions and a narrower cell wall were formed. This gradually causes structural changes of the formed annual ring, where the typically earlywood and latewood tracheids (classified according to radial dimensions and thicknesses of cell walls) may form independently on the growth seasonality. Especially in cases of IADF formation or in combination with the case where latewood is not even formed, a problem with the validity of the classification according to the so-called Mork’s criterion begins to occur. The understanding of the effect of the specific metabolic and physiological changes on xylem and phloem formation of Scots pine helps to clarify the issues of forestation and overall wood production of this economically significant woody species.
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Endophytes in the buds of Scots pine (<em>Pinus sylvestris</em> L.)Mattila née Pirttilä, A. M. (Anna Maria) 27 June 2001 (has links)
Although microbes are generally found as endophytes in many plant tissues,
the plant shoot meristems have been considered virtually sterile. Plant tissue
culture, which utilizes mostly the meristems, has nevertheless given numerous
references to microbial existence in these tissues. Since the bud-derived tissue
cultures of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) also become
easily occupied by microbes, microbial presence was considered to be one
potential cause of the low regeneration capacity of tissues from mature trees.
The origin of the microbes occurring in tissue cultures of buds of Scots pine was
established in this study. One of the microbes, classified as Hormonema
dematioides (Ascomycota), was localized in the
scale tissues of a bud. Several other microbes were detected, and were associated
especially with the meristematic tissues of Scots pine buds. This group was
comprised of the yeast Rhodotorula minuta, and bacteria
belonging to Methylobacterium spp., the
Pseudomonas fluorescens subgroup, and a
Mycobacterium sp. These endophytes were located particularly
in the outermost cells of meristems, in the epithelial cells of resin ducts, and
in the cells of the developing stem, in the vicinity of the meristems. These
endophytes were less frequently found in the vascular tissue or in the
intercellular spaces of cells, which are typical locations for the previously
known endophytic bacteria.
The meristem-associated endophytes were discovered to affect growth of pine
tissues, and some of them produced substances that are suitable as precursors for
phytohormone synthesis. Additionally, pure cultures of both bacterial and fungal
endophytes showed antagonism in vitro against pathogens.
When the correlation between the presence endophytes and the degeneration of
bud-derived tissue cultures of Scots pine was studied, it was discovered that the
endophytes grew uncontrollably once a tissue culture was initiated from the bud.
A high level of chitinase production was also detected in these tissue cultures,
which was considered to be indicative of a defense reaction. However, the
endophytes were not found to colonize excessively in every tissue, but all
bud-derived tissue cultures of Scots pine eventually degenerate. Therefore, it
was concluded that the endophytes may not exclusively be considered responsible
for the degeneration of the cultures.
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Paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) formos pagal žievės raštą Punios šile / Bark forms of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Punios ŠilasGražulevičius, Gintaras 15 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo objektas: Alytaus miškų urėdijos Punios girininkijos Punios šilas.
Darbo metodai: vizualinis žievės formų ir medžių būklės vertinimas; taksacinių rodiklių ir morfometrinių parametrų matavimai; pHCaCh2, suminių anglies, azoto ir sieros koncentracijų nustatymas.
Darbo rezultatai: nustatyta skirtingų žievės formų pušų įvairovė ir paplitimas, būklė ir augimas, morfologiniai ir morfometriniai bei cheminiai rodikliai. Rastos gūbriuotosios (40-70 proc), plokštelinės (27-31 proc), egliažievės (10-15 proc.) ir apykaklinės (pavienės) formų geros būklės pušys. Pušynuose 75-100 proc. gūbriuotųjų, plokštelinių ir apykaklinių pušų pušynuose priklausė viršaujantiems ir vyraujantiems medžiams. Apie 60 proc. egliažievių pušų medžių arde buvo stelbiamos ar užstelbtos. Todėl gūbriuotųjų, plokštelinių ir apykaklinių pušų augimo rodikliai (skersmuo, aukštis, lajos parametrai) iš esmės nesiskyrė, o pas egliažievės pušis buvo mažesni. Gamtinės brandos amžiuje pušies formos pagal žievės raštą būna išreikštos vidutiniškai iki 10-12 m aukščio nuo žemės paviršiaus. Gūbriuotosios ir egliažievės f. vidutinis žievės storis siekė 5 cm, plokštelinės - apie 4 cm. Žiauberyje storiausios (apie 3 cm) plokštelės būdingos gūbriuotajai pušiai, plonesnės (1,5 cm) - gūbriuotosioms, o ploniausia (apie 1 cm) - egliažievėms pušims. Pas egliažievės pušis plokštelių vidutinis ilgis (aukštis) siekė 5 cm, plokštelinėje žievėje - 19 cm, o gūbriuotoje - 28 cm ilgį. Apykaklinės f. pušyse apykaklės gali susiformuoti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study: to evaluate the morphological forms of Scots pine bark, the abundance, growth and the condition of trees with different bark forms, morphological, morfometrical and chemical parameters of bark forms.
The object of the study: Punios šilas in Punios forest district of Alytus forest enterpsise.
Methods: visual assessment of different bark forms and the condition of pine trees; measurements of tree growth parameters and the parameters of morphological bark forms; determination of pH and carbon, nitrogen and sulphur concentrations.
The results: It was determined that 3 forms prevailed in Scots pine stands: P. s. f. kienitzii Seitz. – 40-70%; P. s. f. seitzii Schwerin – 27-31%; P. s. f. bonapartei – 10-15%. Meanwhile P. s. f. annulata Caspary occurred seldom only on Nbl forest site. The growth and the condition of the trees of f. kienitzii and f. seitzii not differed, while the trees of f. bonapartei were more suppressed. Mentioned bark forms were expressed up to 10-12 meters from the ground level in pine stems. Mean bark thickness comprised 5 cm for f. kienitzii and f. bonapartei, and 4 cm for f. seitzii. The thickest bark plates were found in the f. kienitzii (about 3 cm), meanwhile were lower in f. seitzii (1.5 cm) and f. bonapartei (1 cm). Mean length of the bark plates comprised: in f. bonapartei – 5 cm; in f. seitzii – 19 cm; in f. kienitzii – 28 cm. The number of the bark rings reached n=5-21 in the stems of f. annulata. The bark of different forms... [to full text]
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Assessment of carbon sequestration and timber production of Scots pine across Scotland using the process-based model 3-PGNXenakis, Georgios January 2007 (has links)
Forests are a valuable resource for humans providing a range of products and services such as construction timber, paper and fuel wood, recreation, as well as living quarters for indigenous populations and habitats for many animal and bird species. Most recent international political agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol emphasise the role of forests as a major sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide mitigation. However, forest areas are rapidly decreasing world wide. Thus, it is vital that efficient strategies and tools are developed to encourage sustainable ecosystem management. These tools must be based on known ecological principles (such as tree physiological and soil nutrient cycle processes), capable of supplying fast and accurate temporal and spatial predictions of the effects of management on both timber production and carbon sequestration. This thesis had two main objectives. The first was to investigate the environmental factors affecting growth and carbon sequestration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) across Scotland, by developing a knowledge base through a statistical analysis of old and novel field datasets. Furthermore, the process-based ecosystem model 3-PGN was developed, by coupling the existing models 3-PG and ICBM. 3-PGN calibrated using a Bayesian approach based on Monte Carlo Markov Chain simulations and it was validated for plantation stands. Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses provided an understanding of the internal feedbacks of the model. Further simulations gave a detailed eco-physiological interpretation of the environmental factors affecting Scots pine growth and it provided an assessment of carbon sequestration under the scenario of sustainable, normal production and its effects from the environment. Finally, the study investigated the spatial and temporal patterns of timber production and carbon sequestration by using the spatial version of the model and applying advanced spatial analyses techniques. The second objective was to help close the gap between environmental research and forest management, by setting a strategic framework for a process-based tool for sustainable ecosystem management. The thesis demonstrated the procedures for a site classification scheme based on modelling results and a yield table validation procedure, which can provide a way forward in supporting policies for forest management and ensuring their continued existence in the face of the present and future challenges.
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Untersuchungen zur phytotoxischen Wirkung von Tetrachlorethen und Trichloressigsäure auf Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.) und Birke (Betula pendula ROTH)Lange, Christian A. 14 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Die phytotoxisch wirkende Trichloressigsäure (TCA) wurde bis in die 1980er Jahre in Form von Natriumtrichloracetat (TCAA- Na) als Herbizid in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft eingesetzt. Mittlerweile ist die Verwendung von TCA als Herbizid aufgrund unerwünschter Nebenwirkungen auf Nutzpflanzen in den meisten europäischen Ländern und vielen weiteren Staaten der Erde untersagt. Tetrachlorethen (PER) gehört zur Stoffgruppe der leichtflüchtigen Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe (LCKW) und findet weltweit hauptsächlich als Entfettungs- und Reinigungsmittel in der metallverarbeitenden sowie chemischen Industrie Anwendung. Darüber hinaus kommen Altlasten, wie z.B. die im Landkreis Bitterfeld (Sachsen- Anhalt) gelegene Deponie Grube Antonie als anthropogene Flächenquelle von PER- Emissionen in Betracht. Die Grube Antonie verfügt über ein sehr großes Inventar sowohl an LCKW als auch an TCA und ist u.a. von Pioniergehölzen, wie der Birke (Betula pendula ROTH), besiedelt. PER wird unter bestimmten physikochemischen Bedingungen in der Atmosphäre zu TCA abgebaut. Darüber hinaus ist mittlerweile bekannt, daß PER nach stomatärer bzw. cuticulärer Resorption in der Blatt- bzw. Nadelmatrix von Pflanzen in Anwesenheit von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) u.a. zu phytotoxischer TCA metabolisiert werden kann. Aufgrund dieser biogenen TCA- Bildung wird PER auch in Verbindung mit neuartigen Waldschäden gebracht. Sowohl regionale als auch weltweit durchgeführte Untersuchungen zeigten, daß besonders Nadelgehölze, wie die Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.) z.T. hohe TCA- Gehalte in den Nadeln akkumulieren. Während in den letzten Jahren der Kenntnisstand hinsichtlich der natürlichen und anthropogenen TCA- Quellen immer mehr zunahm, ist über die schädigende Wirkung von TCA sowie ihrer Präcursoren (wie z.B. PER) auf Wild- und Forstpflanzen bisher nur wenig bekannt. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, anhand von ökotoxikologischen Untersuchungen sowie pflanzenphysiologischen (Chl a - Fluoreszenz), dendrologischen und biochemischen Meßmethoden zu prüfen, ob von Tetrachlorethen (PER) und dessen Metabolit Trichloressigsäure (TCA) ein phytototoxisches Risiko, insbesondere für die Baumarten Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.) und Birke (Betula pendula ROTH), ausgeht. Zur Erfüllung der Zielstellung wurden Monitoringuntersuchungen an PER/TCA- belasteten Birken, Untersuchungen zur Aufnahme, Akkumulation und Wirkung von über den Boden/Wurzel- Pfad appliziertem TCAA bei Kiefer sowie mehrjährige Untersuchungen zur PER- Applikation über den Luftpfad in Expositionskammern, zur Bildung und Akkumulation von TCA und zu PER/TCA- induzierten Wirkungen an Birken und Kiefern durchgeführt.
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Untersuchungen zur phytotoxischen Wirkung von Tetrachlorethen und Trichloressigsäure auf Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.) und Birke (Betula pendula ROTH)Lange, Christian A. 02 May 2005 (has links)
Die phytotoxisch wirkende Trichloressigsäure (TCA) wurde bis in die 1980er Jahre in Form von Natriumtrichloracetat (TCAA- Na) als Herbizid in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft eingesetzt. Mittlerweile ist die Verwendung von TCA als Herbizid aufgrund unerwünschter Nebenwirkungen auf Nutzpflanzen in den meisten europäischen Ländern und vielen weiteren Staaten der Erde untersagt. Tetrachlorethen (PER) gehört zur Stoffgruppe der leichtflüchtigen Chlorkohlenwasserstoffe (LCKW) und findet weltweit hauptsächlich als Entfettungs- und Reinigungsmittel in der metallverarbeitenden sowie chemischen Industrie Anwendung. Darüber hinaus kommen Altlasten, wie z.B. die im Landkreis Bitterfeld (Sachsen- Anhalt) gelegene Deponie Grube Antonie als anthropogene Flächenquelle von PER- Emissionen in Betracht. Die Grube Antonie verfügt über ein sehr großes Inventar sowohl an LCKW als auch an TCA und ist u.a. von Pioniergehölzen, wie der Birke (Betula pendula ROTH), besiedelt. PER wird unter bestimmten physikochemischen Bedingungen in der Atmosphäre zu TCA abgebaut. Darüber hinaus ist mittlerweile bekannt, daß PER nach stomatärer bzw. cuticulärer Resorption in der Blatt- bzw. Nadelmatrix von Pflanzen in Anwesenheit von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) u.a. zu phytotoxischer TCA metabolisiert werden kann. Aufgrund dieser biogenen TCA- Bildung wird PER auch in Verbindung mit neuartigen Waldschäden gebracht. Sowohl regionale als auch weltweit durchgeführte Untersuchungen zeigten, daß besonders Nadelgehölze, wie die Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.) z.T. hohe TCA- Gehalte in den Nadeln akkumulieren. Während in den letzten Jahren der Kenntnisstand hinsichtlich der natürlichen und anthropogenen TCA- Quellen immer mehr zunahm, ist über die schädigende Wirkung von TCA sowie ihrer Präcursoren (wie z.B. PER) auf Wild- und Forstpflanzen bisher nur wenig bekannt. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit bestand darin, anhand von ökotoxikologischen Untersuchungen sowie pflanzenphysiologischen (Chl a - Fluoreszenz), dendrologischen und biochemischen Meßmethoden zu prüfen, ob von Tetrachlorethen (PER) und dessen Metabolit Trichloressigsäure (TCA) ein phytototoxisches Risiko, insbesondere für die Baumarten Kiefer (Pinus sylvestris L.) und Birke (Betula pendula ROTH), ausgeht. Zur Erfüllung der Zielstellung wurden Monitoringuntersuchungen an PER/TCA- belasteten Birken, Untersuchungen zur Aufnahme, Akkumulation und Wirkung von über den Boden/Wurzel- Pfad appliziertem TCAA bei Kiefer sowie mehrjährige Untersuchungen zur PER- Applikation über den Luftpfad in Expositionskammern, zur Bildung und Akkumulation von TCA und zu PER/TCA- induzierten Wirkungen an Birken und Kiefern durchgeführt.
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