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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dirvožemio ilgalaikės užtaršos radionuklidais kaitos tyrimas ir prognozė pagal jų kaitą medžių segmentuose / Investigation and forecast of variation of long-term soil contamination with radionuclides according to their accumulation in tree segments

Beinaravičius, Rimantas 18 November 2005 (has links)
After some time following the global depositions and pollution after the Chernobyl NPP accident, Lithuanian soils are most contaminated with 137Cs and 90Sr. In the work the 137Cs accumulation as well as vertical and horizontal migration in soil have been evaluated. The specific activity of the artificial origin 137Cs in tree segments has been determined, coefficients of its transfer from soil to various parts of the woody plant have been evaluated and compared with the transfer of the natural origin radionuclide 40K. The radionuclide accumulation both in soil and plants, wash–out from the environment and radioactive decay last for years, therefore it is expedient to choose proper methods and evaluate tendencies of the long–term contamination variation. Radionuclides having penetrated into the environment are accumulated in the vegetative ground cover and upper soil layer. Their accumulation in plants occurs directly from the atmosphere through their above–ground parts, while from leaves, branches and sprays as well as root surface radionuclides get into plant tissues and join the biological metabolism. These processes have not been evaluated sufficiently yet, though it is important from both biological and environmental point of view. After evaluating the radionuclide penetration into trees through their above–ground part and roots, radionuclide accumulation and distribution in a tree can be modeled and forecasted as well as a reverse task can be solved – their volume... [to full text]

Dirvožemio ilgalaikės užtaršos radionuklidais kaitos tyrimas ir prognozė pagal jų kaitą medžių segmentuose / Investigation and forecast of variation of long–term soil contamonation with radionuclides according to their accumulation in tree segments

Beinaravičius, Rimantas 21 November 2005 (has links)
General Characteristic of the Disertation The problem The development of mankind is inevitably related to the ever increasing impact on nature. During recent decades due to scientific and technical advances, human possibilities of influencing the nature began to substantially exceed our ability to understand, evaluate and forecast consequences of this activity, quite often unexpected and unacceptable. With the nuclear technology development, along with other problems there occurred the problem of the environment contamination with radioactive substances. Their consequences are felt over many years, and radionuclides having penetrated into the environment take part in the exchange processes between various natural media, migrate over long distances, get into biological objects and accumulate in them. Previously, especially after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (NPP) accident, and currently most attention both in the world and in Lithuania is paid to the investigations of specific activity of radioactive substances in the environment. However, there are a lot of problems of evaluating their biological danger, accumulation, migration and withdrawal in the environment from different environmental objects as well as of forecasting these processes. From the atmosphere radioactive substances are withdrawn with dust, they can be washed out with precipitation and decrease during radioactive decay. Radionuclides deposited to the ground surface are absorbed by soil and vegetation... [to full text]

Maisto produktuose esančių sunkiųjų metalų ir radionuklidų analizė / Analysis of heavy metals and radionuclides present in food products

Kvederytė, Kornelija 08 April 2008 (has links)
Tikslas - išanalizuoti maisto produktuose aptiktus sunkiuosius metalus ir radionuklidus, bei palyginti šiuos duomenis su Lietuvos Respublikos ir Europos Sąjungos teisės aktais; atlikti sunkiųjų metalų bei radionuklidų monitoringo (1998-2006 m). tyrimų rezultatų statistinę analizę; gautus rezultatus palyginti su sunkiųjų metalų ir radionuklidų reglamentuotomis normomis. Darbo metu atlikta sunkiųjų metalų bei radionuklidų patekimo į organizmą, įtakos žmogaus sveikatai literatūros duomenų analizė. Aptartas sunkiųjų metalų bei radionuklidų teisinis reglamentavimas LR bei ES, aptarti literatūroje rasti sunkiųjų metalų ir radionuklidų monitoringo duomenys. Informacija ir tyrimų medžiaga (nepageidaujamų likučių, jų tarpe sunkiųjų metalų ir radionuklidų kiekio duomenys) gauti iš Nacionalinės veterinarijos laboratorijos ir atlikta jų statisitinė analizė SPSS statistiniu paketu (SPSS Inc, 1995-2007). Tyrimų duomenų analizės metu nustatyta, kad didžiausi švino kiekiai rasti 1998 metais (tyrimai vykdyti 1998-2004). Kai kuriuose mėginiuose (paukštienoje, žuvyje) ��vino norma viršyta 2 – 5 kartus. Daugiausia švino aptikta pieno mėginiuose 1998 m. Iš 13 tirtų mėginių 11 mėginių švino norma viršyta netgi 10 kartų (0,11 – 0,2 mg/kg) kai norma 0,02 mg/kg. 1998 m. taip pat daug švino rasta žvėrienoje, visuose tirtuose 39 mėginiuose viršyta norma, tačiau dešimtyje jo rasta ypač daug - 0,51 – 2,5 mg/kg, kai norma yra 0,1. Didesni nei leistina norma švino kiekiai (1998-2004 metais) nustatyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose is to analyze the heavy metals and radionuclides encountered in food products, and to compare this data with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania and the European Union; to do the statistical analysis of monitoring results (1998-2006) of heavy metals and radionuclides; and to compare the results to the regulated norms of the heavy metals and radionuclides. There was done the analysis of the literature’s data on the mode, how heavy metals and radionuclides get into the organism and affect the human health. The legal regulation of the heavy metals and radionuclides in the LR and EU was discussed together with the monitoring data found in the literature on the heavy metals and radionuclides. The information and research material (data on the amount of undesirable remains, including heavy metals and radionuclides) were received from the National Laboratory of Veterinary. Their statistical analysis was done with the help of SPSS statistical package (SPSS Inc, 1995-2007). According to the data analysis, the biggest amounts of lead were found in 1998 (researches were done in 1998-2004). In some samples (fowl, fish) the lead’s norm was exceeded from 2 to 5 times. The biggest amount of lead was encountered in milk samples in 1998. Among 13 analyzed samples, 11 had the lead’s norm exceeded 10 times (0,11 – 0,2 mg/kg) when the norm is 0,02 mg/kg. In 1998 a lot of lead was found in game; the norm was exceeded in all 39 samples, but in ten of them there was extremely... [to full text]

Radionuklidų savitojo aktyvumo grybinių ligų ir puvinių pažeistoje pušyje (Pinus sylvestris L.)nustatymas ir įvertinimas / Determination and analysis of radionuclides activity in the pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), affected of fungous diseases and rots

Pliopaitė Bataitienė, Ingrida 13 June 2006 (has links)
Annotation Il y a plusieurs périodes quad les radioactivité des radionuclides dans l��environement sont grandi . Ces périodes s’ont trouvé à cause des explosions nucléaires et d’avarie de la station atomique de Chernobyl. Les radionuclides se retrouvent dans les plantes avec les emisions d’atmosphere par les surterres partes, avec le fluide de sol par les system de la rasines. Les radionuclides s’accumulent dans les plantes. L’accumulation des radionuclides dans les plantes dépende de la pollutions, du sol type dominant, des particularités chimiques et fisiques des radionuclides, de la forme chimique des radionuclides, du type des plants, des particularités climatiques. Le pin (Pinus sylvestris L.) est très étendu en Lituanie. Très souvent les maladies des champingion et des moisissures attaquent cet type d’arbre. C'est pourquoi nous choisisons le pin (Pinus sylvestris L.), qui est attaqué des maladies des champingion et des moisissures pour les recherches. Nous avons ramassé et traité tels échantillons: du sol, des mousses, des branches, des rasines, des aiguilles, du boi. Dans notre échantillons nous avons déterminé les activités des 226Ra, 232Th, 40K, 137Cs et les facteurs de transfert des radionuclides dans le systèm sol – arbre. Dans les 27 échantillons de bois nous avons déterminé les colonies des champingions. Mais le excitateur de moisissure (Heterobasidion annosum) as déterminé seulement en un échantillon de bois. Nous avons estimé quel est l’influence des... [to full text]

AB "Lietuvos elektrinė" mazuto degimo proceso atliekų užterštumo tyrimas ir vertinimas / Investigation and evaluation of fuel oil burning process waste contamination at SC "Lietuvos elektrinė"

Ibianskaitė, Juta 20 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama dirbtinės (137Cs) ir gamtinės (40K, 226Ra, 232Th) kilmės radionuklidų ir sunkiųjų metalų (Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn) kaupimasis AB „Lietuvos elektrinė“ mazute ir jo degimo proceso atliekose bei šių teršalų sklaida elektrinės įtakos zonoje. Eksperimente naudojamas mazutas, mazuto pelenai, elektrostatinio filtro pelenai, gipsas ir dirvožemis, surinktas elektrinės įtakos zonoje. Visuose bandiniuose gama spektrometrijos būdu išmatuoti radionuklidų savitieji aktyvumai ir atominės absorbcijos būdu išmatuotos sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijos. Gauti rezultatai lyginami skaičiuojant teršalų kiekių santykius tarp mazuto, jo degimo proceso atliekų ir dirvožemio. Vertinami teršalų kiekiai elektrinės atliekų kaupe. Remiantis eksperimentinių tyrimų duomenimis sudarytas radionuklidų ir sunkiųjų metalų sklaidos iš elektrinės kamino modelis. Darbą sudaro septynios dalys: įvadas, tyrimo objekto ir problemos aptarimas, eksperimentinių tyrimų metodika, rezultatų analizė, modeliavimas, bendrosios išvados ir rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 87 p. be priedų, 19 lentelių, 33 paveikslai. Atskirai pridėti priedai ir moksliniai straipsniai. / In the final thesis is analysed fuel oil burning process waste contamination of artificial (137Cs), naturally occuring (40K, 226Ra, 232Th) radionuclides and heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn) at SC „Lietuvos elektrinė“. In the experiment were used samples or fuel oil, fuel oil ash, electrostatic precipitator ash, gypsum and soil. Specific activity of radionuclides was measured using gamma spectrometer and using atomic absorption method were measured concentrations of heavy metals. The results are compared calculating the quantity of pollution between oil, the combustion of waste and soil. Contaminants concentrations valued in power plant’s wastes. Based on experimental data was used power plant stack dispersion model. The thesis consists of seven parts: introduction, discussion of the problem, experimental research methodology, analysis of results, modeling, conclusions, recommendations and list of references. The thesis has 87 pages of text excluding appendixes, 19 tables, 33 figures. Appendixes and scientific articles are added separately.

Radionuklidų savitojo aktyvumo statybinėse medžiagose Lietuvoje eksperimentinis tyrimas, jų sukeltos apšvitos modeliavimas ir vertinimas / Investigation of concentrations of radionuclides in Lithuanian construction materials, modelling and evaluation of exposure due to these radionuclides

Pilkytė, Laima 09 November 2006 (has links)
The study is devoted to problems of exposure caused by radionuclides in construction materials. Results received by gamma measurements and calculations (dose modeling) are used. Construction materials produced and/or used in Lithuania were investigated. The results of measurements (concentrations of natural radionuclides and activity indexes) are given for different types of construction materials. On the basis of these results and peculiarities of use of construction materials they have been classified according to their radiological significance. It helps to determine possible amounts of construction materials to be investigated and priorities of investigations. Relationship between activity indexes of different construction materials and dose rates in premises constructed of these construction materials has been determined. It might be used for increase of precision of personal dosimetric measurements performed in premises constructed of different materials. Possible relationship between absorbed dose rate indoors and concentration of indoor radon is discussed. Results of measurements of concentrations of natural radionuclides in archeological samples of construction materials are also presented and discussed. Dose modeling has been performed with the help of ALARA planning tool Visiplan 3D. Distributions of absorbed dose rate in standard living premises have been determined, relationship between dose rate and different parameters of constructions, such as thickness... [to full text]

Radionuklidų savitojo aktyvumo statybinėse medžiagose Lietuvoje eksperimentinis tyrimas, jų sukeltos apšvitos modeliavimas ir vertinimas / Investigation of concentrations of radionuclides in Lithuanian construction materials, modelling and evaluation of exposure due to these radionuclides

Pilkytė, Laima 10 November 2006 (has links)
The study is devoted to problems of exposure caused by radionuclides in construction materials. Results received by gamma measurements and calculations (dose modeling) are used. Construction materials produced and/or used in Lithuania were investigated. The results of measurements (concentrations of natural radionuclides and activity indexes) are given for different types of construction materials. On the basis of these results and peculiarities of use of construction materials they have been classified according to their radiological significance. It helps to determine possible amounts of construction materials to be investigated and priorities of investigations. Relationship between activity indexes of different construction materials and dose rates in premises constructed of these construction materials has been determined. It might be used for increase of precision of personal dosimetric measurements performed in premises constructed of different materials. Possible relationship between absorbed dose rate indoors and concentration of indoor radon is discussed. Results of measurements of concentrations of natural radionuclides in archeological samples of construction materials are also presented and discussed. Dose modeling has been performed with the help of ALARA planning tool Visiplan 3D. Distributions of absorbed dose rate in standard living premises have been determined, relationship between dose rate and different parameters of constructions, such as thickness... [to full text]

Radioaktyvių izotopų kaupimosi Drūkšių ežero žuvų organizmuose įvertinimas / The estimation of radioactive isotopes accumulation in fish organisms of Lake Druksiai

Talačka, Vaidas 30 May 2005 (has links)
It was being exploratored radiation pollution of fish living in water-cooling basin of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in master's work. The objectives of work. NPP water-cooling basin's fish. The purpose of work was to estimate fish (Rutilus rutilus ( L.), Abramis brama ( L.), Esox lucius ( L.) and Perca fluviatilis ( L.)) contamination degree with macrobiotic radioisotopes cesium ( 137Cs) and strontium ( 90Sr) of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant ( NPP) water cooling basin, to point up estimated radio-pollution concentrations dependence from fish capturing period of year, their (fish) varietal particularity, nutritional mode of fish life and compare with fish contamination by macrobiotic radioisotopes in other Lithuanian waters. Methods of work. Gama spectral analysis to estimate 137Cs levels in foodstaffs; 90Sr method estimation in foodstaffs and environmental samples by method of Tcherenkov radiation. The experiment was accomplished in the Laboratory of Environmental Protection – the subdivision of Ignalina NPP in 2004-2005. Samples of fish were delivered for the investigations by three times a year ( by 20 kg for every time (month); by 5 kg of different kind; totally 60 kg). It was being applied that method for statistical evaluation of secured data - calculable marks evaluation of secured results. All findings are on 95 % reliability level. The results of investigations showed, that larger specific activity of ( 137Cs) has been found in Esox lucius ( L.) and Perca... [to full text]

Artificial radionuclides and their interaction with aerosol particles in the Ignalina NPP and its environment / Dirbtiniai radionuklidai ir jų sąveika su aerozolio dalelėmis Ignalinos AE ir jos aplinkoje

Rožkov, Andrej 28 December 2009 (has links)
Investigations on the determination of 137Cs sources in the Ignalina NPP environment air and the evaluation of changes of the long-term trend of 137Cs activity concentrations in the Ignalina NPP ground-level air were carried out in this dissertation. Radionuclide activity concentrations in the air and deposition were measured in the Ignalina NPP impact zone in 2004-2009. Results show, that in recent years annual 137Cs activity concentrations in the ground-level air in the Ignalina NPP region change with the half-time of 30 years. Observed episodic increases in 137Cs activity concentrations in the air correlate well with air mass transport trajectories that intersect territories, polluted with 137Cs after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. The growth of radioactive aerosol particles in the oversaturated water vapour of the operating RBMK reactor has been investigated. In the one contour nuclear power plant coolant water steam, noble gas radionuclides decay into alkaline and earth-alkali metals, which become condensation nuclei and due to the absorption of water molecules in several minutes grow into radioactive aerosol particles. The classical method of the radionuclide activity determination in aerosol particle samples, collected on filters, was supplemented with experiments on the leaching of aerosol particles using the distilled water and measurements of radionuclide activities in samples before and after the experiment. Results show that the quantity of 137Cs and 60Сo in... [to full text] / Disertacijoje nustatyti 137Cs patekimo į Ignalinos AE aplinkos orą šaltiniai ir įvertinti ilgamečiai 137Cs aktyvumo koncentracijų ore pokyčiai. Radionuklidų aktyvumo koncentracijos ore ir iškritose matuotos nuo 2004 iki 2009 metų Ignalinos AE poveikio zonoje. Gauta, kad metinės 137Cs aktyvumo koncentracijos pažemio ore pastaraisiais metais kinta su 30 metų mažėjimo pusiau trukme. Stebėta, kad šuoliški 137Cs aktyvumo koncentracijų pažemio ore padidėjimai koreliuoja su oro masių pernašos trajektorijomis, kertančiomis teritorijas, užterštas po avarijos Černobylio AE. Nustatytas radioaktyvių aerozolio dalelių augimas prisotintuose vandens garuose veikiančio RBMK reaktoriaus kondensatoriuje. Vieno kontūro atominės elektrinės aušinamame vandens gare inertinių dujų radionuklidai, skildami virsta šarminių ir žemės šarminių metalų elementais, tampa aerozolio gamybos centrais, absorbuoja vandens molekules ir per keliolika minučių ant jų, kaip kondensacijos branduolių, išauga radioaktyvios aerozolio dalelės. Klasikinis radionuklidų aktyvumo aerozolio dalelių, surinktų filtrais, bandiniuose nustatymas papildytas išplovimo distiliuotu vandeniu eksperimentais, matuojant radionuklidų aktyvumą bandiniuose iki ir po eksperimento. Gauta, kad 137Cs ir 60Сo dalis aerozolio dalelių, surinktų veikiančio reaktoriaus ventiliaciniame ore, tirpioje frakcijoje buvo 74 17 %, atitinkamai, o neveikiančio reaktoriaus ventiliaciniame ore 22 % ir 67  5 %. 60Co aktyvumo koncentracijos AE fakele... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Dirbtiniai radionuklidai ir jų sąveika su aerozolio dalelėmis Ignalinos AE ir jos aplinkoje / Artificial radionuclides and their interaction with aerosol particles in the Ignalina NPP and its environment

Rožkov, Andrej 28 December 2009 (has links)
Disertacijoje nustatyti 137Cs patekimo į Ignalinos AE aplinkos orą šaltiniai ir įvertinti ilgamečiai 137Cs aktyvumo koncentracijų ore pokyčiai. Radionuklidų aktyvumo koncentracijos ore ir iškritose matuotos nuo 2004 iki 2009 metų Ignalinos AE poveikio zonoje. Gauta, kad metinės 137Cs aktyvumo koncentracijos pažemio ore pastaraisiais metais kinta su 30 metų mažėjimo pusiau trukme. Stebėta, kad šuoliški 137Cs aktyvumo koncentracijų pažemio ore padidėjimai koreliuoja su oro masių pernašos trajektorijomis, kertančiomis teritorijas, užterštas po avarijos Černobylio AE. Nustatytas radioaktyvių aerozolio dalelių augimas prisotintuose vandens garuose veikiančio RBMK reaktoriaus kondensatoriuje. Vieno kontūro atominės elektrinės aušinamame vandens gare inertinių dujų radionuklidai, skildami virsta šarminių ir žemės šarminių metalų elementais, tampa aerozolio gamybos centrais, absorbuoja vandens molekules ir per keliolika minučių ant jų, kaip kondensacijos branduolių, išauga radioaktyvios aerozolio dalelės. Klasikinis radionuklidų aktyvumo aerozolio dalelių, surinktų filtrais, bandiniuose nustatymas papildytas išplovimo distiliuotu vandeniu eksperimentais, matuojant radionuklidų aktyvumą bandiniuose iki ir po eksperimento. Gauta, kad 137Cs ir 60Сo dalis aerozolio dalelių, surinktų veikiančio reaktoriaus ventiliaciniame ore, tirpioje frakcijoje buvo 74  22 % ir 67  17 %, atitinkamai, o neveikiančio reaktoriaus ventiliaciniame ore – 24  5 % ir 20  5 %. 60Co aktyvumo koncentracijos AE... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Investigations on the determination of 137Cs sources in the Ignalina NPP environment air and the evaluation of changes of the long-term trend of 137Cs activity concentrations in the Ignalina NPP ground-level air were carried out in this dissertation. Radionuclide activity concentrations in the air and deposition were measured in the Ignalina NPP impact zone in 2004-2009. Results show, that in recent years annual 137Cs activity concentrations in the ground-level air in the Ignalina NPP region change with the half-time of 30 years. Observed episodic increases in 137Cs activity concentrations in the air correlate well with air mass transport trajectories that intersect territories, polluted with 137Cs after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. The growth of radioactive aerosol particles in the oversaturated water vapour of the operating RBMK reactor has been investigated. In the one contour nuclear power plant coolant water steam, noble gas radionuclides decay into alkaline and earth-alkali metals, which become condensation nuclei and due to the absorption of water molecules in several minutes grow into radioactive aerosol particles. The classical method of the radionuclide activity determination in aerosol particle samples, collected on filters, was supplemented with experiments on the leaching of aerosol particles using the distilled water and measurements of radionuclide activities in samples before and after the experiment. Results show that the quantity of 137Cs and 60Сo in... [to full text]

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