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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A  apreensão no procedimento dos crimes contra a propriedade imaterial / Seizure in the procedure of immaterial property crimes

Iokoi, Pedro Ivo Gricoli 23 May 2013 (has links)
À luz do princípio da presunção de inocência, construiu-se o entendimento de que no processo penal seriam lícitas apenas as medidas cautelares, em respeito ao status de inocência do acusado, vedando quaisquer outras medidas que revelassem uma antecipação do juízo condenatório. Partindo dessa premissa, as medidas de busca e apreensão passaram a ser entendidas e aceitas apenas como medidas cautelares, destinadas a assegurar a marcha processual ou a eficácia e a utilidade do provimento jurisdicional final. Entretanto, com a promulgação da Lei nº 10.695/2003 que modificou a proteção penal da propriedade imaterial e criou um novo procedimento especial para os crimes de ação penal de iniciativa pública , foi introduzida no sistema uma nova modalidade de apreensão, permitindo o apossamento de todos os bens ilicitamente produzidos ou reproduzidos, com o escopo de tornar o combate à pirataria mais eficiente. Assim, a nova medida deixou de ser um instrumento a serviço do processo e passou a ter um novo objetivo: dar resposta à sociedade com a apreensão, antes mesmo da produção da prova pericial, dos bens contrafeitos, revelando natureza jurídica de medida de antecipação de tutela (satisfativa). Entretanto, apesar de ter natureza jurídica satisfativa, a medida de apreensão prevista no artigo 530-B do Código de Processo Penal se justifica no nosso sistema e não representa violação ao princípio da presunção de inocência, por se referir a capítulo da sentença distinto do capítulo da autoria e da culpabilidade do acusado: refere-se ao capítulo das coisas que não podem ser restituídas. Nessa situação, tanto em casos de condenação quanto em casos de absolvição, impronúncia ou arquivamento, as coisas não podem ser restituídas porque o fabrico, a alienação, o porte ou a detenção constitui por si só fato ilícito autônomo. Logo, a antecipação de tutela determinando a apreensão de tais coisas não representa violação ao princípio da presunção de inocência. Por outro lado, o procedimento deve ser modificado para alcançar o justo equilíbrio entre a eficiência e o garantismo, introduzindo a obrigação de que a ilicitude seja constatada, por perito ou pessoa tecnicamente habilitada, logo após a apreensão e de que a medida seja sempre precedida de ordem judicial ou, nos casos de prisão em flagrante, seja imediatamente submetida à apreciação judicial, para que seja convalidada ou revogada / Under the light of assumption of innocence, it was understood that in the criminal suits there would only be acceptable caution measures regarding the status of innocence of the accused, prohibiting any other measures revealing an advanced position of the condemning judgment. As of this assumption, the search and seizure measures started to be understood and accepted only as caution measures, destined to assure the procedural progress or the effectiveness and usefulness of the final jurisdictional decision. However, with the enactment of Law 10695/2003 which modified the criminal protection of intangible property and created a new special process for criminal suits of public initiative a new kind of seizure was introduced, allowing the possession of all assets produced or reproduced illicitly, with the scope of rendering more efficient the fighting against piracy. Thus, the new measure stopped being an instrument to serve the suit and evidenced a new purpose, of providing answers to the society with the seizure of the infract assets, even before the production of the expert\'s evidence, revealing legal nature of advanced protection (satisfactory). However, in spite of having the legal nature of satisfaction, the seizure measure provided by article 530-B of the Criminal Procedures Code is justified in our system and does not represent infringement of the principle of assumption of innocence, since it refers to a chapter of the sentence different from the chapter of authorship and guilt of the accused, i.e., refers to chapter of things which cannot be returned. In these cases of things which cannot be returned, both in case of condemnation and acquittance, lack of judgment or filing, the things cannot be returned because the manufacture, disposal, possession or holding thereof, in itself, constitutes and independent illicit fact. Therefore, the advanced protection determining the seizure of such things does not represent infringement of the principle of assumption of innocence. On the other hand, the procedure must be modified to achieve fair balance between the efficiency and the guaranteeism, introducing the obligation of the forgery being evidenced by official expert or technically qualified person, straight after the seizure; and that the measure is always preceded by judicial order, or in cases of imprisonment in flagrant, that it is immediately submitted to judicial analysis, for the measure to be validated or revoked.

The fame monster ! : Revers et fortune du Pirate, du 19e siècle à nos jours, des Mers jusqu'à la Toile / The fame monster ! : Reverse and Fortune of the Pirate, from 19th century till today, from the Seas to the Web

Freyheit, Matthieu 29 November 2013 (has links)
Nous savons tous à quoi ressemble un pirate. Ce que nous savons moins, c’est la raison de ces succès, les causes de notre engouement – voire de notre fascination pour ce Fame Monster. La formule permet de caractériser l’ambiguïté d’un personnage dont chaque fortune connaît un revers, révélant notre soif de transgression et notre tentation pour l’envers de la morale. L’approche littéraire comparatiste, augmentée d’emprunts à l’image, à la sociologie, à la philosophie politique et à l’histoire des mentalités, permet non pas de simplement décrire un phénomène, mais d’essayer d’en extraire les sens, les besoins, les attentes, en prenant pour hypothèse que la fiction pirate constitue un jalon spécifique dans l’histoire des mentalités occidentales, et autorise l’exploration d’un état de nos désirs : d’aventure, de danger, de transgression, d’insurrection ; mais aussi de conformisme, dans un mythe continuellement répété. Histoire dans l’histoire, fiction en négatif, le pirate marginal se donne à lire comme une part retranchée de la société qui l’évacue, et partant comme l’idéal révélateur du sang et de l’or de nos virtualités, de nos « occasions manquées ».C’est ainsi que l’étude du pirate traditionnel conduit non seulement à une analyse du personnage mais encore aux enjeux fictionnels qu’il engage. Piraterie et piratage, ses deux corollaires directs, mettent en œuvre des problématiques particulières de création et de réception, et amorcent une reconversion sémantique du personnage : le pirate connaît une nouvelle fortune numérique, tandis que, devenu comportement par le truchement du piratage, il conduit à repenser le champ de la fiction. Alors : tous pirates ? Ou plutôt : tous (déjà) piratés ? / We all know what a pirate looks like. We may wonder, however, why pirates fill us with such enthusiasm. Where does our fascination for this "Fame Monster" come from? The expression, Fame Monster, underlines the ambiguity of a character whose fortunes will always know a fall-down, unveiling our thirst for transgression – our temptation for the other side of morals. Our comparative literary approach (one that borrows from visual studies, sociology, political philosophy, and cultural history) not only allows for a description of this social trend, but intends to get to its specific meaning, and indeed reveal the needs and the desires it hides. Our hypothesis is that the pirate represents a specific marker in the cultural history of the western world, leading us to explore our own desire for adventure, danger, transgression, rebellion (although it should be noted that the pirate also exposes our willingness to embrace norms and conformism through a stereotypical figure that is constantly repeated, a never-ending myth). Secret history in the main one, negatively connoted fiction, the marginal pirate seems to be read as an outlawed part of our society, as the indicator of either our golden or our bloody potentialities – the indicator of our might-have-been. Thus our study moves further than the mere analysis of a figure, to investigate the true stakes of its fictions and representations. For instance, sea-piracy and web-piracy (and the semantic transformation implicit in the move from one to the other), point to specific issues with regards to creation and reception. As he achieves new e-success on the Web, and becomes more than a character – a behavior, through hacking – the pirate may also provide us with a model to reconsider the very possibilities of fiction. Perhaps, then, is it time to ponder: are we all pirates? Or have we all already been hacked?

Characterization of the Novel Interaction Between Neisseria gonorrhoeae TdfJ and its Human Ligand S100A7

Maurakis, Stavros 01 January 2019 (has links)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is an obligate human pathogen that causes the common STI gonorrhea, which presents a growing threat to global health. The WHO estimated 78 million new cases of gonorrhea worldwide in 2017, with estimates of 820,000 new cases in the United States alone according to the CDC. High-frequency phase and antigenic variation inherent in N. gonorrhoeae, coupled with its natural ability to rapidly acquire and stably integrate antimicrobial resistance factors into its genome, have culminated in an infection against which there is no effective vaccine, and for which the list of viable therapeutic options is quickly shrinking. Moreover, no protective immunity against subsequent infections is elicited upon exposure to N. gonorrhoeae, which highlights the need for research of novel antimicrobial and vaccination strategies. Within the human host, N. gonorrhoeae utilizes a unique strategy to overcome host sequestration of essential nutrients – termed nutritional immunity (NI) – such as ions of trace metals. The pathogen produces a family of outer membrane proteins called TonB-dependent transporters (TdTs) capable of binding to host NI factors and stripping them of their nutritional cargo for use by the pathogen. Importantly, these TdTs are very highly conserved and expressed among Neisseria species. TbpA is a well-characterized TdT that allows N. gonorrhoeae to acquire iron from human transferrin, and recent studies from our lab have shown that TdfH is capable of binding to a zinc-sequestering S100 protein called calprotectin and stripping it of its zinc ion. The S100 proteins are EF-hand calcium-binding proteins that naturally play an integral role in Ca2+ homeostasis, but due to their ability to bind transition metals, they have also demonstrated an innate immunity role by participating in nutrient sequestration. The S100 proteins are expressed in all human cells, and all are capable of binding transition metals including zinc, manganese, and cobalt. Calprotectin, S100A7, and S100A12 have demonstrated an ability to hinder the infection potential of pathogenic E. coli, S. aureus, C. albicans, and various other pathogens via zinc sequestration. Herein, we demonstrate that N. gonorrhoeae is able to overcome this phenomenon and actually utilize these proteins as a zinc source in vitro. Furthermore, we identify S100A7 as the specific ligand for TdfJ, which utilizes this ligand to internalize zinc during infection. S100A7 growth support in vitro is dependent upon a functional TonB, TdfJ, and the cognate ABC transport system ZnuABC, and isogenic mutants incapable of producing znuA or tdfJ recover S100A7 utilization by complementation. Whole-cell binding assays and affinity pulldowns show that S100A7 binds specifically to both gonococcal and recombinant TdfJ, and growth and binding experiments show that these described phenomena are specific to human and not mouse S100A7. Finally, we show that a His-Asn double mutant S100A7 that is incapable of binding zinc cannot be utilized for growth by gonococci. These data illustrate the unique nature of the gonococcus’ ability to co-opt host defense strategies for its own purposes, and further identify the TdTs as promising targets for strategies to combat and prevent gonococcal infection.

Social Piracy in Colonial and Contemporary Southeast Asia

Bird, Miles T 01 January 2013 (has links)
According to the firsthand account of James Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak, it appears that piracy in the state of British Malaya in the mid-1800s was community-driven and egalitarian, led by the interests of heroic figures like the Malayan pirate Si Rahman. These heroic figures share traits with Eric Hobsbawm’s social bandit, and in this case may be ascribed as social pirates. In contrast, late 20th-century and early 21st-century pirates in the region operate in loosely structured, hierarchical groups beholden to transnational criminal syndicates. Evidence suggests that contemporary pirates do not form the egalitarian communities of their colonial counterparts or play the role of ‘Robin Hood’ in their societies. Firsthand accounts of pirates from the modern-day pirate community on Batam Island suggest that the contemporary Southeast Asian pirate is an operative in the increasingly corporate interest of modern-day criminal organizations.

Ungdomars musikvanor : En studie i hur och var svenska ungdomar upptäcker och konsumerar musik ur ett mottagarperspektiv. / Music consumption habits in youth : A study on music discovery and consumption habits from a receivers perspective in Swedish youth

Pazooki, Parham, Tauber, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
This essay is a study of the various attitudes and behavioral habits for music consumption and discovery of new music amongst young people in Sweden from a receivers perspective. The aim of the study is to review and map out the current trends, habits and cultural views on music consumption. An online survey was posted and spread on Facebook with 195 respondents as a result. The analyzed result and conclusions of the survey was then to be of use for understanding how to market and spread new music more efficiently. The study showed that there are three dominating sources of music for youth in Sweden. Whether it is discovering new music, sharing music, or just consuming music through media platforms, the three dominating trends are; friends, social media and streaming services. The traditional media channels such as TV and radio are losing power compared to earlier generations but are still vital for music marketing when working in symbiosis with positive audience response. Most of the young people in our study use the combination computer-streaming service to listen to music and discover new music through friends. They also value music recommendations from friends the most. A lot of the young people also discover music through social media, such as Facebook. The study showed that the people who discovered music through social media also used social media for sharing music. Ergo, we believe the most important channels to focus on, if you want to reach as many recipients as possible when marketing and spreading new music with young people in Sweden as the target audience, is Facebook and Spotify, while also keeping in mind the importance of Word Of Mouth and Buzz Marketing.

To download a movie or to buy fake branded clothes? : a study of consumers’ attitudes towards counterfeited and pirated products. / Att ladda ner en film eller att köpa förfalskade märkeskläder? : en undersökning på konsumenters attityd gentemot förfalskade och piratkopierade produkter.

Natour, Jamal, Anabtawi, Rewa Leila January 2012 (has links)
Purchasing counterfeited luxury products and downloading pirated items have becomemore common nowadays. Fashion and IT industries are affected negatively by consumers’supportive attitude towards piracy and counterfeits. Many luxury branded companies havetheir exclusive brand names stolen by counterfeits producers. Likewise producers ofcomputer software, music, and movies are affected by individuals who download/streamtheir items for free. Consumers’ attitudes towards counterfeiting and piracy are importantto examine as to understand their acceptance and rejection towards counterfeits and piracy.The purpose of this thesis is to examine consumers’ attitudes towards counterfeits andpiracy. What is accepted and rejected by consumers? To answer the research questions, aqualitative method is used. The data is collected through semi-structured interviews with12 consumers of both/either counterfeits and piracy. The study is performed in Skåne(Scania), Sweden, mainly in Malmö, Perstorp and Kristianstad.We implemented the Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Moral Reasoning, ConsumerTheory and different attitudes for analysing the empirical presentation. The result of thestudy showed that the interviewees had a more accepting attitude towards piracy while themajority of them had a rejecting attitude towards counterfeits. Due to the fact thatcomputer and IT have become a part of the everyday life for many individuals. However,the interviewees who buy counterfeits consume the items while they are on vacationabroad since the supply of counterfeits in the Swedish market is not very big. When itcame to piracy and counterfeited products, the age of the interviewees did matter to someextent. Also, price was one important element why consumers are interested in counterfeitsor download piracy.This study contributes to fill the gap in the lack of studies of consumers’ attitudes towardsboth piracy and counterfeits. The conclusions can be used as a guideline and tool forcompanies to be aware of consumers’ attitudes towards illicit products. Keywords: Counterfeit products, Piracy, Consumer attitude, Physical products, Digitalproducts, Luxury brands, Genuine luxury brand, Illicit forged products

Commerce, authority and piracy in the Indian Ocean world, c. 1780-1850

Layton, Simon January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Programų apsaugos, naudojant lustines korteles, metodo sudarymas ir tyrimas / Development and research of software protection method using smart cards

Kreickamas, Tomas 21 August 2013 (has links)
Taikomųjų programų piratavimas – procesas, kurio metu nelegaliai atkuriama ir neturint tam teisės platinama taikomoji programa. Ši problema nėra nauja, tačiau efektyvių apsaugos priemonių nuo jos šiandien dar nesukurta. Dėl šios priežasties 2011 m. nelegalios programinės įrangos buvo parsisiųsta už daugiau nei 60 mlrd. JAV dolerių ir ši suma kasmet auga. Atlikus taikomųjų programų grėsminių analizę išsiaiškinome, kad didžiausia problema – atvirkštinė inžinerija. Šią problemą padedančias išspręsti apsaugos priemones suskirstėme į programines ir aparatūrines. Atlikus programinių apsaugos priemonių analizę išsiaiškinome, kad geriausiai nuo atvirkštinės inžinerijos padeda apsisaugoti kodo šifravimas arba glaudinimas. Atlikus aparatūrinių apsaugos priemonių analizę išsiaiškinome, kad apsaugai nuo piratavimo dažniausiai naudojami apsaugos raktai. Išanalizavus programinių ir aparatūrinių apsaugos priemonių privalumus ir trūkumus sukūrėme kompleksinį apsaugos metodą. Šis metodas remiasi kritinių (vertingiausių) programos modulių šifravimu ir vykdymu saugiame įrenginyje. Šiame darbe kaip saugų įrenginį naudojame lustines korteles. Šie įrenginiai buvo pasirinkti dėl jų nedidelės kainos ir teikiamo didelio saugumo lygio. Atlikę sumodeliuoto metodo programinę realizaciją jį ištyrėme greitaveikos aspektu ir nustatėme, kad modulio užimančio 6KB iššifravimas lustinėje kortelėje trunka tik 2% viso programos vykdymo laiko, todėl didelės įtakos programos vykdymo laiko išaugimui neturi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Software piracy is copying and distributing of software illegally and without permission. This problem is not new but effective protective measures against it until today are not developed. Therefore, in 2011 illegal software has been downloaded for more than 60 billion USA dollars and that amount is growing every year. After software threats’ analysis we found out that the biggest problem is reverse engineering. Measures which can help to solve this problem we divided into software-based and hardware-based protection. After software-based protection analysis we found out that one of best measures against reverse engineering is code encryption or packaging and one of the best hardware-based protection tools is using of dongle keys. After analysis of advantages and disadvantages of software-based and hardware-based protection we developed method against software piracy. This method relies on the encryption of critical (most valuable) program modules and its safe execution in a safe device. In this paper, as a safe device we will use smart cards. These devices were chosen for their low cost and high level of safety. After implementation of simulated method we found out that decryption of module, which size is ~6KB, in smart card takes only 2% of the total program execution time, so this task does not have significant impact on program execution time. The biggest impact on increasing of protected program execution time have the module performance (59,37% of the total time)... [to full text]

Outsourcing security : the role of private military companies and arms dealers in modern conflicts /

Lyons, Clint, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Missouri State University, 2009. / "May 2009." Includes bibliographical references (leaves 89-97). Also available online.

A  apreensão no procedimento dos crimes contra a propriedade imaterial / Seizure in the procedure of immaterial property crimes

Pedro Ivo Gricoli Iokoi 23 May 2013 (has links)
À luz do princípio da presunção de inocência, construiu-se o entendimento de que no processo penal seriam lícitas apenas as medidas cautelares, em respeito ao status de inocência do acusado, vedando quaisquer outras medidas que revelassem uma antecipação do juízo condenatório. Partindo dessa premissa, as medidas de busca e apreensão passaram a ser entendidas e aceitas apenas como medidas cautelares, destinadas a assegurar a marcha processual ou a eficácia e a utilidade do provimento jurisdicional final. Entretanto, com a promulgação da Lei nº 10.695/2003 que modificou a proteção penal da propriedade imaterial e criou um novo procedimento especial para os crimes de ação penal de iniciativa pública , foi introduzida no sistema uma nova modalidade de apreensão, permitindo o apossamento de todos os bens ilicitamente produzidos ou reproduzidos, com o escopo de tornar o combate à pirataria mais eficiente. Assim, a nova medida deixou de ser um instrumento a serviço do processo e passou a ter um novo objetivo: dar resposta à sociedade com a apreensão, antes mesmo da produção da prova pericial, dos bens contrafeitos, revelando natureza jurídica de medida de antecipação de tutela (satisfativa). Entretanto, apesar de ter natureza jurídica satisfativa, a medida de apreensão prevista no artigo 530-B do Código de Processo Penal se justifica no nosso sistema e não representa violação ao princípio da presunção de inocência, por se referir a capítulo da sentença distinto do capítulo da autoria e da culpabilidade do acusado: refere-se ao capítulo das coisas que não podem ser restituídas. Nessa situação, tanto em casos de condenação quanto em casos de absolvição, impronúncia ou arquivamento, as coisas não podem ser restituídas porque o fabrico, a alienação, o porte ou a detenção constitui por si só fato ilícito autônomo. Logo, a antecipação de tutela determinando a apreensão de tais coisas não representa violação ao princípio da presunção de inocência. Por outro lado, o procedimento deve ser modificado para alcançar o justo equilíbrio entre a eficiência e o garantismo, introduzindo a obrigação de que a ilicitude seja constatada, por perito ou pessoa tecnicamente habilitada, logo após a apreensão e de que a medida seja sempre precedida de ordem judicial ou, nos casos de prisão em flagrante, seja imediatamente submetida à apreciação judicial, para que seja convalidada ou revogada / Under the light of assumption of innocence, it was understood that in the criminal suits there would only be acceptable caution measures regarding the status of innocence of the accused, prohibiting any other measures revealing an advanced position of the condemning judgment. As of this assumption, the search and seizure measures started to be understood and accepted only as caution measures, destined to assure the procedural progress or the effectiveness and usefulness of the final jurisdictional decision. However, with the enactment of Law 10695/2003 which modified the criminal protection of intangible property and created a new special process for criminal suits of public initiative a new kind of seizure was introduced, allowing the possession of all assets produced or reproduced illicitly, with the scope of rendering more efficient the fighting against piracy. Thus, the new measure stopped being an instrument to serve the suit and evidenced a new purpose, of providing answers to the society with the seizure of the infract assets, even before the production of the expert\'s evidence, revealing legal nature of advanced protection (satisfactory). However, in spite of having the legal nature of satisfaction, the seizure measure provided by article 530-B of the Criminal Procedures Code is justified in our system and does not represent infringement of the principle of assumption of innocence, since it refers to a chapter of the sentence different from the chapter of authorship and guilt of the accused, i.e., refers to chapter of things which cannot be returned. In these cases of things which cannot be returned, both in case of condemnation and acquittance, lack of judgment or filing, the things cannot be returned because the manufacture, disposal, possession or holding thereof, in itself, constitutes and independent illicit fact. Therefore, the advanced protection determining the seizure of such things does not represent infringement of the principle of assumption of innocence. On the other hand, the procedure must be modified to achieve fair balance between the efficiency and the guaranteeism, introducing the obligation of the forgery being evidenced by official expert or technically qualified person, straight after the seizure; and that the measure is always preceded by judicial order, or in cases of imprisonment in flagrant, that it is immediately submitted to judicial analysis, for the measure to be validated or revoked.

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