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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aerosol Properties of the Atmospheres of Extrasolar Giant Planets

Lavvas, P., Koskinen, T. 20 September 2017 (has links)
We use a model of aerosol microphysics to investigate the impact of high-altitude photochemical aerosols on the transmission spectra and atmospheric properties of close-in exoplanets, such as HD 209458 b and HD 189733 b. The results depend strongly on the temperature profiles in the middle and upper atmospheres, which are poorly understood. Nevertheless, our model of HD 189733 b, based on the most recently inferred temperature profiles, produces an aerosol distribution that matches the observed transmission spectrum. We argue that the hotter temperature of HD 209458 b inhibits the production of high-altitude aerosols and leads to the appearance of a clearer atmosphere than on HD 189733 b. The aerosol distribution also depends on the particle composition, photochemical production, and atmospheric mixing. Due to degeneracies among these inputs, current data cannot constrain the aerosol properties in detail. Instead, our work highlights the role of different factors in controlling the aerosol distribution that will prove useful in understanding different observations, including those from future missions. For the atmospheric mixing efficiency suggested by general circulation models, we find that the aerosol particles are small (similar to nm) and probably spherical. We further conclude that a composition based on complex hydrocarbons (soots) is the most likely candidate to survive the high temperatures in hot-Jupiter atmospheres. Such particles would have a significant impact on the energy balance of HD 189733 b's atmosphere and should be incorporated in future studies of atmospheric structure. We also evaluate the contribution of external sources to photochemical aerosol formation and find that their spectral signature is not consistent with observations.


Moses, J. I., Marley, M. S., Zahnle, K., Line, M. R., Fortney, J. J., Barman, T. S., Visscher, C., Lewis, N. K., Wolff, M. J. 23 September 2016 (has links)
The past decade has seen significant progress on the direct detection and characterization of young, self-luminous giant planets at wide orbital separations from their host stars. Some of these planets show evidence for disequilibrium processes like transport-induced quenching in their atmospheres; photochemistry may also be important, despite the large orbital distances. These disequilibrium chemical processes can alter the expected composition, spectral behavior, thermal structure, and cooling history of the planets, and can potentially confuse determinations of bulk elemental ratios, which provide important insights into planet-formation mechanisms. Using a thermo/photochemical kinetics and transport model, we investigate the extent to which disequilibrium chemistry affects the composition and spectra of directly imaged giant exoplanets. Results for specific "young Jupiters" such as HR 8799 b and 51 Eri b are presented, as are general trends as a function of planetary effective temperature, surface gravity, incident ultraviolet flux, and strength of deep atmospheric convection. We find that quenching is very important on young Jupiters, leading to CO/CH4 and N-2/NH3 ratios much greater than, and H2O mixing ratios a factor of a few less than, chemical-equilibrium predictions. Photochemistry can also be important on such planets, with CO2 and HCN being key photochemical products. Carbon dioxide becomes a major constituent when stratospheric temperatures are low and recycling of water via the H-2 + OH reaction becomes kinetically stifled. Young Jupiters with effective temperatures less than or similar to 700 K are in a particularly interesting photochemical regime that differs from both transiting hot Jupiters and our own solar-system giant planets.

Exoplanets in Open Clusters and Binaries: New Constraints on Planetary Migration

Quinn, Samuel N 12 August 2016 (has links)
In this dissertation, we present three complementary studies of the processes that drive planetary migration. The first is a radial-velocity survey in search of giant planets in adolescent (<1 >Gyr) open clusters. While several different mechanisms may act to drive giant planets inward, only some mechanisms will excite high eccentricities while doing so. Measuring the eccentricities of young hot Jupiters in these clusters (at a time before the orbits have had a chance to circularize due to tidal friction with their host stars) will allow us to identify which mechanisms are most important. Through this survey, we detect the first 3 hot Jupiters in open clusters (and at least 4 long-period planets), and we measure the occurrence rate of hot Jupiters in clusters to be similar to that of the field (~1%). We determine via analyses of hot Jupiter eccentricities and outer companions in these systems that high eccentricity migration mechanisms (those requiring the presence of a third body) are important for migration. The second project, an adaptive optics imaging survey for stellar companions to known hot Jupiter hosts, aims to determine the role that stellar companions in particular play in giant planet migration. Through a preliminary analysis, we derive a lower limit on the binary frequency of 45% (greater than that of the typical field star), and we find that the presence of a companion is correlated with misalignment of the spin-orbit angle of the planetary system, as would be expected for stellar Kozai-Lidov migration: at least 74% of misaligned systems reside in binaries. We thus conclude that among high eccentricity migration mechanisms, those requiring a stellar companion play a significant role. Finally, we describe simulations of measurements of the planet population expected to be discovered by TESS, and use these to demonstrate that a strong constraint on the obliquity distribution of small planets can be derived using only TESS photometry, Gaia astrometry, and vsin(i) measurements of the host stars. This obliquity distribution will be a key piece of evidence to help detemine the likely formation and migration histories of small planets, and can contribute to the assessment of the potential for Earth-like planets to harbor life.

Extrasolar planet search and characterisation

Hood, Ben Andrew Ashcom January 2007 (has links)
Over two hundred extrasolar planets have been discovered to date with various methods. This thesis reports on searching for extrasolar planets and characterising them by simulating their atmospheres. We used open clusters as targets for deep transit searches, with specific emphasis on the University of St. Andrews Planet Search at the Isaac Newton Telescope. We reduced CCD photometry and described the algorithm we used to search for transits. We estimated the number of transits we expect from our data. We then reduced photometry for the open cluster NGC 6940. From that data we found 18 low-amplitude, short-duration events, though none are transiting planets. They are all eclipsing binary stars. However, our null result constrains the number of planets around M dwarfs, the most numerous stars in our sample. In order to characterise reflected light from extrasolar planets, we built a three-dimensional Monte Carlo based radiation transfer model of extrasolar planetary atmospheres. We detailed the input parameters of the model, and show results of various models, focusing especially on the fractal nature of the clouds of our models, because these are the first three dimensional radiation transfer models of extrasolar planet atmospheres. We found very low geometric albedos in our simulations. Using data specific to the transiting planet HD 209458b, we built a model atmosphere with Rayleigh-scattering hydrogen gas and clouds of enstatite and iron. We show in several models the rarity of a bright HD 209458b, and conclude with some explanations on why extrasolar planets are likely dark and not detected with reflected light.

A New Model of Roche Lobe Overflow for Short-period Gaseous Planets and Binary Stars

Jackson, Brian, Arras, Phil, Penev, Kaloyan, Peacock, Sarah, Marchant, Pablo 24 January 2017 (has links)
Some close-in gaseous exoplanets are nearly in Roche lobe contact, and previous studies show that tidal decay can drive hot Jupiters into contact during the main sequence of their host stars. Improving on a previous model, we present a revised model for mass transfer in a semidetached binary system that incorporates an extended atmosphere around the donor and allows for an arbitrary mass ratio. We apply this new formalism to hypothetical, confirmed, and candidate planetary systems to estimate mass-loss rates and compare with models of evaporative mass loss. Overflow may be significant for hot Neptunes out to periods of similar to 2 days, while for hot Jupiters, it may only be important inward of 0.5 days. We find that CoRoT-24 b may be losing mass at a rate of more than an Earth mass in a gigayear. The hot Jupiter WASP-12 b may lose an Earth mass in a megayear, while the putative planet PTFO8-8695 orbiting a T Tauri star might shed its atmosphere in a few megayears. We point out that the orbital expansion that can accompany mass transfer may be less effective than previously considered because the gas accreted by the host star removes some of the angular momentum from the orbit, but simple scaling arguments suggest that the Roche lobe overflow might remain stable. Consequently, the recently discovered small planets in ultrashort periods (< 1 day) may not be the remnants of hot Jupiters/Neptunes. The new model presented here has been incorporated into Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA).

The International Deep Planet Survey

Galicher, R., Marois, C., Macintosh, B., Zuckerman, B., Barman, T., Konopacky, Q., Song, I., Patience, J., Lafrenière, D., Doyon, R., Nielsen, E. L. 13 October 2016 (has links)
Context. Radial velocity and transit methods are effective for the study of short orbital period exoplanets but they hardly probe objects at large separations for which direct imaging can be used. Aims. We carried out the international deep planet survey of 292 young nearby stars to search for giant exoplanets and determine their frequency. Methods. We developed a pipeline for a uniform processing of all the data that we have recorded with NIRC2/Keck II, NIRI/Gemini North, NICI/Gemini South, and NACO/VLT for 14 yr. The pipeline first applies cosmetic corrections and then reduces the speckle intensity to enhance the contrast in the images. Results. The main result of the international deep planet survey is the discovery of the HR8799 exoplanets. We also detected 59 visual multiple systems including 16 new binary stars and 2 new triple stellar systems, as well as 2279 point-like sources. We used Monte Carlo simulations and the Bayesian theorem to determine that 1.05(-0.70)(+2.80)% of stars harbor at least one giant planet between 0.5 and 14 MJ and between 20 and 300AU. This result is obtained assuming uniform distributions of planet masses and semi-major axes. If we consider power law distributions as measured for close-in planets instead, the derived frequency is 2.30(-1.55)(+5.95)%, recalling the strong impact of assumptions on Monte Carlo output distributions. We also find no evidence that the derived frequency depends on the mass of the hosting star, whereas it does for close-in planets. Conclusions. The international deep planet survey provides a database of confirmed background sources that may be useful for other exoplanet direct imaging surveys. It also puts new constraints on the number of stars with at least one giant planet reducing by a factor of two the frequencies derived by almost all previous works.

Effect of stellar flares on the upper atmospheres of HD 189733b and HD 209458b

Chadney, J. M., Koskinen, T. T., Galand, M., Unruh, Y. C., Sanz-Forcada, J. 08 December 2017 (has links)
Stellar flares are a frequent occurrence on young low-mass stars around which many detected exoplanets orbit. Flares are energetic, impulsive events, and their impact on exoplanetary atmospheres needs to be taken into account when interpreting transit observations. We have developed a model to describe the upper atmosphere of extrasolar giant planets (EGPs) orbiting flaring stars. The model simulates thermal escape from the upper atmospheres of close-in EGPs. Ionisation by solar radiation and electron impact is included and photo-chemical and diffusive transport processes are simulated. This model is used to study the effect of stellar flares from the solar-like G star HD 209458 and the young K star HD 189733 on their respective planets, HD 209458b and HD 189733b. The Sun is used as a proxy for HD 209458, and is an element of Eridani, as a proxy for HD 189733. A hypothetical HD 209458b-like planet orbiting the very active M star AU Microscopii is also simulated. We find that the neutral upper atmosphere of EGPs is not significantly affected by typical flares on HD 209458 and HD 189733. Therefore, stellar flares alone would not cause large enough changes in planetary mass loss to explain the variations in HD 189733b transit depth seen in previous studies, although we show that it may be possible that an extreme stellar proton event could result in the required mass loss. Our simulations do however reveal an enhancement in electron number density in the ionosphere of these planets, the peak of which is located in the layer where stellar X-rays are absorbed. Electron densities are found to reach 2.2 to 3.5 times pre-flare levels and enhanced electron densities last from about 3 to 10 h after the onset of the flare, depending on the composition of the ionospheric layer. The strength of the flare and the width of its spectral energy distribution affect the range of altitudes in the ionosphere that see enhancements in ionisation. A large broadband continuum component in the XUV portion of the flaring spectrum in very young flare stars, such as AU Mic, results in a broad range of altitudes a ff ected in planets orbiting this star. Indeed, as well as the X-ray absorption layer, the layer in which EUV photons are absorbed is also strongly enhanced.

The effects of tidal interactions on the properties and evolution of hot-Jupiter planetary systems

Brown, David John Alexander January 2013 (has links)
Thanks to a range of discovery methods that are sensitive to different regions of parameter space, we now know of over 900 planets in over 700 planetary systems. This large population has allowed exoplanetary scientists to move away from a focus on simple discovery, and towards efforts to study the bigger pictures of planetary system formation and evolution. The interactions between planets and their host stars have proven to be varied in both mechanisms and scope. In particular, tidal interactions seem to affect both the physical and dynamical properties of planetary systems, but characterising the broader implications of this has proven challenging. In this thesis I present work that investigates different aspects of tidal interactions, in order to uncover the scope of their influence of planetary system evolution. I compare two different age calculation methods using a large sample of exoplanet and brown dwarf host stars, and find a tendency for stellar model fitting to supply older age estimates than gyrochronology, the evaluation of a star's age through its rotation (Barnes 2007). Investigating possible sources of this discrepancy suggests that angular momentum exchange through the action of tidal forces might be the cause. I then select two systems from my sample, and investigate the effect of tidal interactions on their planetary orbits and stellar spin using a forward integration scheme. By fitting the resulting evolutionary tracks to the observed eccentricity, semi-major axis and stellar rotation rate, and to the stellar age derived from isochronal fitting, I am able to place constraints on tidal dissipation in these systems. I find that the majority of evolutionary histories consistent with my results imply that the stars have been spun up through tidal interactions as the planets spiral towards their Roche limits. I also consider the influence of tidal interactions on the alignment between planetary orbits and stellar spin, presenting new measurements of the projected spin-orbit alignment angle, λ, for six hot Jupiters. I consider my results in the context of the full ensemble of measurements, and find that they support a previously identified trend in alignment angle with tidal timescale, implying that tidal realignment might be responsible for patterns observed in the λ distribution.


ASOUS, WALEED ASAD. January 1982 (has links)
The scattered radiation fields in spherical planetary atmospheres have been considered by a new method which is called the Quasi-Spherical method. This method is applicable to planets with radii which are much larger than the height of their atmosheres. The scattering of 0.5 (mu)m radiation in a conservative and vertically inhomogeneous atmosphere has been discussed. Results comparing the emerging radiation from plane-parallel and spherical models for the earth's atmosphere have been presented for four different aerosol distributions in addition to the normal molecular composition. These results indicate measurable differences on the order of 10 to 300% as the angle of observation and/or the angle of incident sun falls within 10(DEGREES) from the horizon. Also, the obtained results in the spherical atmosphere show that additional layers of aerosols in either the stratosphere or the troposphere can be detected by satellite or aircraft radiometric measurements, while the plane-parallel atmosphere does not permit such a detection. The accuracy of the obtained results by the present method can be increased by increasing the number of spherical shells in the spherical atmosphere. The emerging radiation in homogeneous and inhomogeneous Rayleigh atmospheres as computed by the Quasi-Spherical and the Monte Carlo methods compare quite well. By applying the divergence theorem it was shown by the present method that the total flux in the spherical atmosphere is conserved within 1.351%.


Mulders, Gijs D., Pascucci, Ilaria, Apai, Dániel, Frasca, Antonio, Molenda-Żakowicz, Joanna 23 November 2016 (has links)
Host star metallicity provides a measure of the conditions in protoplanetary disks at the time of planet formation. Using a sample of over 20,000 Kepler stars with spectroscopic metallicities from the LAMOST survey, we explore how the exoplanet population depends on host star metallicity as a function of orbital period and planet size. We find that exoplanets with orbital periods less than 10 days are preferentially found around metal-rich stars ([Fe/H] similar or equal to 0.15 +/- 0.05 dex). The occurrence rates of these hot exoplanets increases to similar to 30% for super-solar metallicity stars from similar to 10% for stars with a sub-solar metallicity. Cooler exoplanets, which reside at longer orbital periods and constitute the bulk of the exoplanet population with an occurrence rate of greater than or similar to 90%, have host star metallicities consistent with solar. At short orbital periods, P < 10 days, the difference in host star metallicity is largest for hot rocky planets (< 1.7 R-circle plus), where the metallicity difference is [Fe/H] similar or equal to 0.25 +/- 0.07 dex. The excess of hot rocky planets around metal-rich stars implies they either share a formation mechanism with hot Jupiters, or trace a planet trap at the protoplanetary disk inner edge, which is metallicity dependent. We do not find statistically significant evidence for a previously identified trend that small planets toward the habitable zone are preferentially found around low-metallicity stars. Refuting or confirming this trend requires a larger sample of spectroscopic metallicities.

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