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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genetic characterization and fungicide resistance profiles of Botrytis cinerea in rooibos nurseries and pear orchards in the Western Cape of South Africa

Wessels, Andries Bernardus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr. [teleomorph Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel] causes serious losses of over 200 crops worldwide, including rooibos seedlings and pears. This pathogen is characterized by morphological, physiological and genetic diversity. The genetic diversity and population structure have not been investigated for B. cinerea populations in South Africa. Botrytis cinerea collected from rooibos seedlings and in pear orchards in the Western Cape of South Africa were investigated in the present study. The study was done with the aid of microsatellite markers, the amplification of mating type alleles MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 and determination of resistance towards various fungicides. Population dynamics was inferred and a similar picture emerged in both production systems. Botrytis cinerea annually causes severe losses of rooibos seedlings (Aspalathus linearis) in nurseries situated in the Clanwilliam region. Sampling was done in five nurseries and the cryptic species status of the isolates obtained was determined through restriction enzyme digestion of the Bc-hch gene. All but one (206 out of 207) of the isolates belonged to Group II or B. cinerea ‘sensu stricto’. Analysis of the B. cinerea Group II population, using seven microsatellite loci, was performed to assess the genetic population structure. Total gene diversity (H) was high, with a mean of 0.67. Two of the nurseries populations’ sample sizes were severely limited after clone correction, yet 100 genotypes were discerned among the 206 isolates genotyped. The percentage of maximal genotypic diversity (G) ranged between 16 and 68 for the five populations, with a total value of 17 for the 100 genotypes. One genotype, represented by 27 clones, was isolated from four nurseries. Relatively low but significant population differentiation was observed in total between nurseries (mean FST = 0.030, P = 0.001). The distribution of mating types MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 differed significantly from the ratio of 1:1 for the total population plus two of the nurseries’ populations. Three nursery populations had an equal mating type distribution. The index of association (IA) analyses suggests that the populations are asexually reproducing. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that 97% of the total genetic variation is distributed within subpopulations. Fungicide resistance frequency against iprodione for 198 of the genotyped isolates displayed highly varying levels of resistance amongst the five nurseries. The mean total incidence of resistance towards iprodione was 43%, ranging from 0% to 81% for the five nurseries. Baseline sensitivity towards pyrimethanil yielded an average EC50 value of 0.096 mg/L. Botrytis cinerea isolates were collected from pear blossoms (Pyrus communis) in four orchards. Two orchards in the Ceres area and two in the Grabouw area were sampled from. A total of 181 isolates were collected from the four orchards. Incidence of blossom infection in the orchards ranged from 3% to 17%. Overall, there was a high incidence of isolates that had only the Boty transposable element (74%) compared to those harbouring both (Boty and Flipper), simultaneously (transposa, 24%). One isolate examined had the Flipper element only. Cryptic species status according to restriction enzyme digestion of the Bc-hch gene indicated that all the isolates belonged to Group II or B. cinerea ‘sensu stricto’. Analysis of the Group II population, through the use of seven microsatellite loci, was performed to assess the genetic population structure. Total gene diversity (H) was high, with a mean of 0.69 across all populations. Although two of the subpopulations displayed a high clonal proportion, overall 91 genotypes were discerned among the 181 isolates. The percentage of maximal genotypic diversity (G) ranged between 18 and 33 for the four populations, with a total value of 14 for the 91 genotypes. One genotype, represented by 27 clones, was isolated from all orchards. Moderate, but significant population differentiation was present in total among orchards (mean FST = 0.118, P = 0.001). The distribution of the mating types, MAT1-1 and MAT1-2, did not differ significantly from a 1:1 ratio for the total population as well as the subpopulations. Index of association (IA) analyses, on the other hand, suggests that the populations reproduce asexually. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that 88% of the total genetic variation is distributed within subpopulations, 9% between subpopulations and only 3% between production areas. Fungicide resistance frequency against fenhexamid, iprodione and benomyl varied, with the highest levels of resistance present against benomyl and low levels of resistance seen towards iprodione and fenhexamid. In conclusion, this study has shown that there exist within the studied populations of B. cinerea, obtained from rooibos nurseries and pear orchards, an adaptive capacity to overcome current means of control. The use of population genetics to further our understanding of how plant pathogens interact and spread throughout a given environment is of cardinal importance in aiding the development of sustainable and integrated management strategies. Knowledge of the dispersal of B. cinerea in the two studied cropping systems has shed light on the inherent risk that it poses, and this together with knowledge of the levels of resistance that occurs should serve as an early warning to help divert possible loss of control in future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Botrytis cinerea Pers. Fr. [teleomorf Botryotinia fuckeliana (de Bary) Whetzel] veroorsaak ernstige verliese van meer as 200 gewasse wêreldwyd, insluitende rooibossaailinge en pere. Hierdie patogeen word deur morfologiese, fisiologiese, asook genetiese diversiteit gekenmerk. Die genetiese diversiteit en populasie-struktuur van B. cinerea populasies wat in Suid-Afrika voorkom, is nog nie ondersoek nie. Botrytis cinerea verkryg vanaf rooibossaailinge en in peerboorde in die Wes-Kaap van Suid-Afrika is ondersoek. Hierdie studie is met behulp van mikrosatellietmerkers, amplifikasie van die twee paringstipe gene (MAT1-1 en MAT1-2), asook die bepaling van weerstandsvlakke teenoor verskeie swamdoders, uitgevoer. Populasie-dinamika is afgelei en ‘n soortgelyke tendens is in beide produksie-sisteme waargeneem. Botrytis cinerea veroorsaak jaarliks ernstige verliese van rooibossaailinge (Aspalathus linearis) in kwekerye in die Clanwilliam-area. Monsters is in vyf kwekerye versamel en die kriptiese spesiestatus van die verkrygde isolate is deur restriksie-ensiemvertering van die Bc-hch geen bepaal. Almal behalwe een (206 uit 207) isolaat het aan Groep II of B. cinerea ‘sensu stricto’ behoort. Analise van die B. cinerea Groep II populasie, deur middel van sewe mikrosatellietmerkers, is uitgevoer om die genetiese populasiestruktuur te bepaal. Totale geendiversiteit (H) was hoog, met ‘n gemiddelde van 0.67. Alhoewel twee van die kwekerye se monstergrootte erg ingeperk is ná kloonverwydering, is daar nogtans 100 genotipes onder die 206 isolate wat geïsoleer is, waargeneem. Die persentasie van maksimale genotipiese diversiteit (G) het tussen 16 en 68, vir die vyf populasies, gewissel, met ‘n totaal van 17 vir die 100 genotipes. Een genotipe, verteenwoordig deur 27 klone, is uit vier kwekerye geïsoleer. Relatief lae dog noemenswaardige populasie-differensiasie is in totaal tussen kwekerye waargeneem (gem. FST = 0.030, P = 0.001). Die verspreiding van die twee paringstipes (MAT1-1 en MAT1-2) het beduidend verskil van ‘n 1:1 verhouding vir die totale populasie, asook twee van die kwekerye se populasies. Die drie oorblywende kwekerye se populasies het egter ‘n gelyke verdeling van die twee paringstipes getoon. Die indeks van assosiasie (IA) analises toon dat die populasies ongeslagtelik voortplant. Analise van molekulêre variasie (AMOVA) het aangedui dat 97% van die totale genetiese variasie binne die subpopulasies versprei is. Hoogs variërende vlakke van weerstand tussen die vyf kwekerye teenoor die swamdoder iprodioon, is vir die 198 isolate wat getoets is, gevind. Die totale gemiddelde frekwensie van weerstand teenoor iprodioon was 43%, wat tussen 0% en 81% vir die vyf kwekerye gevarieer het. Fondasie-vlak-sensitiwiteit vir pyrimethanil het ‘n gemiddelde EC50 waarde van 0.096 mg/L opgelewer. Botrytis cinerea isolate is ook vanuit peerbloeisels (Pyrus communis L.) vanuit vier boorde versamel, twee uit elk van die Ceres- en Grabouw-areas. In totaal is 181 isolate vanuit die vier boorde versamel. Die frekwensie van bloeiselinfeksie het tussen 3% en 17% gewissel. Oor die algemeen was daar ‘n hoë frekwensie van isolate wat slegs die Boty transponeerbare element teenwoordig gehad het (74%) in vergelyking met dié wat tegelykertyd beide (Boty en Flipper) teenwoordig gehad het. Een isolaat het slegs die Flipper element gehad. Bepaling van die kriptiese spesiestatus met behulp van restriksie-ensiemvertering van die Bc-hch geen het aangedui dat alle versamelde isolate tot Groep II of B. cinerea ‘sensu stricto’ behoort het. Analise van die Groep II populasie, deur middel van sewe mikrosatellietmerkers, is uitgevoer om genetiese populasie-struktuur te bepaal. Totale geendiversiteit (H) was hoog, met ‘n gemiddelde van 0.69 oor alle populasies. Alhoewel twee subpopulasies ‘n hoë klonale fraksie getoon het, is 91 genotipes tussen die 181 isolate wat verkry is, onderskei. Die persentasie van maksimale genotipiese diversiteit (G) het tussen 18 en 33 vir die vier populasies gewissel, met ‘n totale waarde van 14 vir die 91 genotipes. Een genotipe, verteenwoordig deur 27 klone, was in al vier boorde teenwoordig. Gematigde dog beduidende populasie differensiasie was in totaal tussen boorde teenwoordig (gem. FST = 0.118, P = 0.001). Die verspreiding van die paringstipes (MAT1-1 en MAT1-2) het nie betekenisvol van ‘n 1:1 verhouding vir die totale populasie, insluitende die subpopulasies, verskil nie. Indeks van assosiasie (IA) analises het egter aangedui dat die populasies ongeslagtelik voortplant. Analise van molekulêre variasie (AMOVA) het aangedui dat 88% van die totale genetiese variasie in subpopulasies te vinde was, 9% tussen subpopulasies en slegs 3% tussen produksie-areas. Frekwensie van swamdoder weerstandbiedendheid vir fenhexamid, iprodioon en benomyl het gewissel, met die hoogste vlakke teenoor benomyl waargeneem, maar baie lae vlakke teenoor fenhexamid en iprodioon. Samevattend het hierdie studie getoon dat die populasies van B. cinerea wat in hierdie twee produksie-sisteme, op rooibossaailinge en in peer boorde, ondersoek is, ‘n aanpasbaarheid toon om huidige metodes van beheer te oorkom. Die gebruik van populasiegenetika as ‘n hulpmiddel om ons kennis van patogeen-interaksies en -verspreiding te verbreed, is van kardinale belang in die ontwikkeling van geïntegreerde en volhoubare beheermaatreëls. Kennis van die verspreiding van B. cinerea in die bestudeerde gewasproduksiestelsels, werp lig op die inherente risiko wat dié patogeen inhou. Dít, tesame met kennis van die weerstandsvlakke wat voorkom, kan as ‘n vroegtydige waarskuwing dien ten einde moontlike verlies van beheer in die toekoms te help teenwerk.

An investigation of soilborne fungi associated with roots and crowns of nursery grapevines

Van Coller, Gerhardus J. (Gerhardus Johannes) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Soilborne diseases of grapevines represent a complex problem with limited information available, both locally and internationally. Previous research in South Africa indicated that Phytophthora and Pythium spp. were the most widespread and devastating pathogens in grapevine nurseries and vineyards in the Western Cape province. The local grapevine industry is currently expanding; new cultivars, methods and agricultural chemicals are being used which can affect soilborne pathogens. It has therefore become necessary to reassess the status of soilborne pathogens in nurseries, since information in this regard is crucial for the development of disease management practices for the expanding local grapevine industry. Soilborne fungal genera associated with roots and crowns of declining nursery grapevines were assessed in surveys conducted at three different grapevine nurseries in the Western Cape province. Cylindrocarpon, Fusarium, Pythium, and Rhizoctonia spp. were consistently isolated from roots and crowns of declining nursery grapevines. Cylindrocladiella spp. and Phytophthora cinnamomi were infrequently isolated from diseased roots, crowns and soil whereas Pythium spp. were abundant in most of the soils. Results suggest that the status of soilborne fungal pathogens in grapevine nurseries in the Western Cape province has changed over the last 30 years. The DNA phylogeny and pathogenicity of the isolates of Cylindrocladiella were determined. Four species of Cylindrocladiella occur on grapevines in South Africa, namely C. lageniformis, C. parva, C. peruviana, as well as a new species, described in this study as C. viticola, which forms part of the C. infestans species complex. Pathogenicity trials were inconclusive. Ten Fusarium spp. were isolated from roots and crowns of declining nursery grapevines, namely F. acuminatum, F. anthophilum, F. chlamydosporum, F. equiseti, F. nygamai, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. scirpi, F. semitectum and F. solani. The dominant species was F. oxysporum, followed by F. proliferatum and F. solani. In pathogenicity trials F. oxysporum and F. solani significantly reduced root volume, root dry mass, length of new shoots, stem diameter and number of leaves, but increased the percentage of chlorotic leaves and root rot severity. Fusarium proliferatum also caused a significant reduction in new shoot growth, number of leaves and increased root rot severity compared to the controls. Fusarium so/ani seems to be more virulent than F. oxysporum, followed by F. pro/iferatum. This is the first report of F. oxysporum, F. pro/iferatum and F. so/ani as pathogens of grapevines in South Africa, and the first report of F. proliferatum as a pathogen of grapevines in the world. Phytophthora cinnamomi was isolated at low frequencies from declined grapevines, although present in the rhizosphere soil. It is possible that the extensive use of downy mildew chemicals in grapevine nurseries may protect grapevines from infection by P. cinnamomi. The effect of chemicals used to combat downy mildew on Phytophthora root rot of nursery grapevines was evaluated in a glasshouse. There was very little discernable effect of the chemicals tested relative to the control plants for the parameters measured and it was concluded that the inoculation technique needed refinement. However, plants treated with phosphorous acid tended to be taller and have more leaves, greater stem diameter and root volume than controls or plants treated with the other chemicals. The data obtained in this study are not conclusive, but indicated certain trends that more glasshouse trials and field trials would resolve. Results presented in this thesis indicate that a major shift has occurred in the status of soilborne fungi associated with roots and crowns of grapevines in nurseries in the Western Cape since the 1970s when Phytophthora and Pythium were predominant. The prevalence and role of soilborne fungi need to be determined so that new appropriate disease management strategies can be developed to limit losses in grapevine nurseries and ensure the sustainable production of healthy plants for the grapevine industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'N ONDERSOEK NA GRONDGEDRAAGDE SWAMME GEASSOSIEER MET WORTELS EN KRONE VAN WINGERD IN KWEKERYE Grondgedraagde siektes van wingerd is 'n komplekse probleem waaroor min inligting, beide plaaslik en internasionaal, beskikbaar is. Vorige navorsing in Suid-Afrika het aangedui dat swamme van die genera Phytophthora en Pythium die mees algemene en vernietigende grondgedraagde patogene in kwekerye en wingerde in die Wes-Kaap provinsie is. Die plaaslike wingerdbedryf brei huidiglik uit; nuwe kultivars, metodes en landbouchemikalieë word gebruik wat 'n invloed kan hê op grondgedraagde patogene. Gevolglik het dit noodsaaklik geword om die status van grondgedraagde patogene in wingerdkwekerye weer te bepaal, aangesien inligting in hierdie verband noodsaaklik is vir die ontwikkeling van siekte bestuurspraktyke vir die ontwikkelende plaaslike wingerdbedryf. Grondgedraagde swamgenera geassosieer met wortels en krone van terugsterwende wingerd in kwekerye is bepaal in opnames wat by drie verskillende wingerdkwekerye in die Wes-Kaap provinsie uitgevoer is. Cylindrocarpon, Fusarium, Pythium, en Rhizoctonia spp. is konstant vanuit wortels en krone van terugsterwende wingerdplante in kwekery geïsoleer, Cylindrocladiella spp. en Phytophthora cinnamomi is ongereeld vanuit siek wortels, krone en grond geïsoleer, terwyl Pythium spp. algemeen in meeste gronde voorgekom het. Resultate dui daarop dat die status van grondgedraagde swampatogene in wingerdkwekerye in die Wes- Kaap provinsie oor die laaste 30 jaar verander het. Die DNA filogenie en patogenisiteit van die isolate van Cylindrocladiella is bepaal. Vier spesies van Cylindrocladiella kom voor op wingerd in Suid-Afrika, naamlik C. lageniformis, C. parva, C. peruviana, sowel as 'n nuwe spesie, wat in hierdie studie as C. viticola aangedui is en wat deel is van die C. infestans spesie kompleks. Patogenisiteits proewe was onvoldoende om die patogeniese status van die swam me te bepaal. Tien Fusarium spp. is vanuit wortels en krone van terugsterwende wingerdplante in kwekery geïsoleer, naamlik F. acuminatum, F. anthophilum, F. chlamydosporum, F. equiseti, F. nygamai, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. scirpi, F. semitectum en F. solani. Die dominante spesies was F. oxysporum, gevolg deur F. proliferatum en F. solani. In pathogenisteitsproewe het F. oxysporum en F. solani gelei tot 'n betekenisvolle laer wortelvolume, droë massa van wortels, lengte en droë massa van nuwe groei en aantal blare, maar het die persentasie chlorotiese blare en graad van wortelvrot verhoog. Fusarium proliferatum het ook gelei tot 'n betekenisvolle afname in lengte en massa van nuwe groei, aantal blare en 'n verhoogde graad van wortelvrot in vergelyking met die kontrole behandelings. Dit wil voorkom asof Fusarium solani meer virulent is as F. oxysporum, gevolg deur F. proliferatum. Hierdie is die eerste aanmelding van F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum en F. solani as patogene van wingerd in Suid-Afrika, en die eerste aanmelding van F. proliferatum as 'n patogeen van wingerd in die wêreld. Phytophthora cinnamomi is konstant teen lae frekwensies vanuit terugsterwende wingerd in kwekerye geïsoleer, alhoewel dit in risosfeer gronde teenwoordig was. Dit is moontlik dat die ekstensiewe gebruik van chemikalieë teen donsskimmel in wingerdkwekerye die wingerdplante kan beskerm teen infeksie deur P. cinnamomi. Die effek van chemikalieë wat gebruik word teen donsskimmel op Phytophthora wortelverrotting van wingerd in kwekerye, is 'n glashuis geëvalueer. Die chemikalieë wat gestoets is, het vir die gemete parameters, tot baie min onderskeibare effek gelei relatief tot die kontrole plante, en daar is afgelei dat die inokulasie tegniek verbetering benodig. Plante wat met fosforiensuur behandel is, het egter geneig om langer te wees met meer blare, 'n groter stamdeursnee en wortelvolume as kontrole plante of plante behandel met ander chemikalieë. Data verkry vanuit die hierdie studie was onvoldoende, maar sekere neigings is aangedui wat deur verdere glashuis- en veldproewe verklaar sal word. Resultate wat in hierdie tesis weergegee is, het aangedui dat 'n algehele verskuiwing in die status van grondgedraagde swamme geassosieer met wortels en krone van wingerd in kwekerye vanaf die 1970s, toe Phytophthora en Pythium die dominante genera was, plaasgevind het. Die voorkoms en rol van grondgedraagde swamme moet bepaal word, sodat nuwe voldoende siektebestuurspraktyke ontwikkel kan word om verliese in wingerdkwekerye te beperk en sodoende die volhoubare produksie van gesonde plante vir die wingerdbedryf te verseker.

The effect on protein synthesis in barley of infection with P. hordei

Morton, J. D. January 1989 (has links)
Infection of barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves with the rust fungus, Puccinia hordei, causes changes in the host protein synthesis. This thesis analyses these changes in the barley cultivar Triumph following inoculation of 7-day-old leaves with either a virulent or an avirulent race of P. hordei. The initial approach was to isolate membrane-bound polysomes from infected leaves, translate them in vitro and analyse the translation products. These products include the integral membrane proteins which were expected to be involved in the response of the host to the pathogen. A method based on differential centrifugation in the presence of a ribonuclease-inhibiting buffer was developed for separating membrane-bound polysomes from the rest of the cytoplasmic polysomes. Membrane-bound polysomes were found to comprise one fifth of the total polysomes in the leaves. Analysis of the translation products of membrane-bound polysomes by SDS-PAGE showed them to be of higher average molecular weight than those from free polysomes. Comparison of polypeptides produced by membrane-bound polysomes from healthy and inoculated plants showed some differences however the low yield of membrane-bound polysomes made it difficult to obtain conclusive results. Thus it was decided to isolate total polysomes by including 1% Triton X-100 in the extraction buffer. Polysomes were extracted from 12 to 72 h after inoculation. Infection caused a decline in yield of polysomes during this period when compared with healthy leaves of the same age. Polysomes isolated 16 h after inoculation with the virulent race were 20% less efficient at translation than polysomes from control leaves. In contrast polysome isolated from leaves inoculated with the avirulent race were 20% more efficient. Analysis of the labelled translation products by SDS-PAGE and fluorography showed relative increases in the synthesis of some proteins by 16 h after inoculation with either race when compared to products from healthy leaves. Protein synthesis in the infected plants was further analysed by in vivo labelling and one- and two-dimensional PAGE. The fluorographs revealed increased synthesis of a group of proteins from 58 to 116 kDa starting 12 h after inoculation with either race of P. hordei; confirming the results from the polysome translations. Two polypeptides with molecular weights of about 66 kDa were found to increase following infection only with the virulent race. By three days after inoculation with either fungal race the most obvious change in protein synthesis was a marked decrease in the synthesis of the two most prominent polypeptides with molecular weights of 15 and 51 kDa which were considered to be the subunits of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. The elicitor hypothesis, in attempting to explain cultivar-specific resistance in plants, postulates that resistance is controlled by the interaction of specific fungal elicitors and plant receptors and that this interaction which only occurs between resistant hosts and avirulent pathogens triggers specific gene expression leading to resistance. This hypothesis does not fit the situation in the barley-P. hordei interaction as protein synthesis showed similar changes following infection with either a virulent or an avirulent race.

Studies on the biocontrol of seedling diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium sp. on sorghum and tef.

Tesfagiorgis, Habtom Butsuamlak. January 2003 (has links)
Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium spp. are aggressive soil-borne fungal pathogens responsible for seed rot and seedling damping-off of many crops. With increased environmental and public concern over the use of chemicals, biological control of these diseases has been attracting more attention. However, success with this strategy depends on the development of effective antagonists, which requires repeated in vitro and in vivo tests. Bacillus spp. were isolated from a soil sample obtained from a field where sorghum and tef had been grown for at least two years. Potential Bacillus isolates were screened for their ability to inhibit in vitro growth of R. solani and Pythium sp. Among 80 isolates tested, endospore forming Bacillus spp. H44 and H51 gave highest antifungal activity against the two test-pathogens in three consecutive tests. Results demonstrated that both H44 and H51 have potential as biocontrol agents against diseases caused by these two pathogenic fungi. The interaction between three isolates of Trichoderma (T. harzianum Eco-T, Trichoderma spp. SY3 and SY4) and Pythium sp. were investigated using in vitro bioassays together with environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Visual observation on the dual culture tests revealed that hyphal growth of Pythium was inhibited by these antagonists soon after contact between the two organisms within 3-4 days of incubation. The ESEM investigations showed that all three isolates of Trichoderma grew toward the pathogen, attached firmly, coiled around and penetrated the hyphae of the pathogen, leading to the collapse and disintegration of the host's cell wall. Degradation of the host cell wall was postulated as being due to the production of lytic enzymes. Based on these observations, antibiosis (only by Eco-T) and mycoparasitism (by all three isolates) were the mechanisms of action by which in vitro growth of Pythium sp. was suppressed by these Trichoderma isolates. The reduction of seedling diseases caused by R. solani and a pythium sp. were evaluated by applying the antagonists as seed coating and drenching antagonistic Bacillus spp. (B81, H44 and H51) and Trichoderma (T. harzianum Eco-T and Trichoderma spp. SY3 and SY4). On both crops, R. solani and Pythium sp. affected stand and growth of seedlings severely. With the exceptions of H51, applications all of isoltes to seeds reduced damping-off caused by R. solani in both crops. Application of Eco-T, H44 and SY3 to sorghum controlled R. solani and Pythium sp. effectively by yielding similar results to that of Previcur®. On tef, biological treatments with Eco-T and SY4 reduced seedling damping-off caused by R. solani and Pythium sp., respectively, by providing seedling results similar to the standard fungicides, Benlate® and Previcur®. Most other treatments gave substantial control of the two pathogens on tef. Overall, Bacillus sp. H44 and T harzianum Eco-T were the best biocontrol agents from their respective groups in reducing damping-off by the two pathogens. In all instances, effects of application method on performance of biocontrol agents and adhesive on emergence and growth of seedlings were not significant. A field trial was conducted at Ukulinga Research Farm at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, to determine efficacy of biological and chemical treatments on growth promotion and reduction of damping-off incited by R. solani and Pythium sp., and to evaluate the effects of a seed coating material, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), on seedling emergence and disease incidence. Seeds of sorghum and tef were treated with suspensions of antagonistic Bacillus H44 or T harzianum Eco-T, or sprayed with fungicides, Benlate® or Previcur®. Application of Benlate® and Previcur® during planting significantly increased the final stand and growth of sorghum seedlings. Seed treatments with both H44 and Eco-T substantially controlled damping-off caused by Pythium, resulting in greater dry weights of seedlings than the standard fungicide. However, they had negative effects when they were tested for their growth stimulation and control of R. solani. The CMC had no significant effect on germination and disease levels. These results showed that these antagonists can be used as biocontrol agents against Pythium sp. However, repeated trials and better understanding of the interactions among the antagonists, the pathogens, the crop and their environment are needed to enhance control efficiency and growth promotion of these antagonists. Some of these biocontrol agents used in this study have the potential to diseases caused by R. solani and Pythium sp. However, a thorough understanding of the host, pathogen, the antagonist and the environment and the interactions among each other is needed for successful disease control using these antagonists. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

Why are some species invasive? : determining the importance of species traits across three invasion stages and enemy release of southern African native plants in New Zealand

Nghidinwa, Kirsti C. January 2009 (has links)
There are many factors that have been proposed to contribute to plant invasiveness in nonnative ecosystems. Traits of invading species are one of them. It has been proposed that successful species at a certain invasion stage share particular traits, which could be used to predict the behaviour of potentially invasive plants at the respective stage. Three main stages of invasion are distinguished: introduction, naturalization, and invasion. I conducted a stageand trait-based analysis of available data for the invasion of New Zealand by the flora of southern Africa. Using 3076 southern African native vascular plant species introduced into New Zealand, generalised linear mixed model analysis was conducted to assess association of several species traits with the three invasion stages. The results showed that plant traits were significantly associated with introduction but fewer traits were associated with naturalization or invasion, suggesting that introduction can be predicted better using plant traits. It has been also hypothesized that species may become invasive in non-native ecosystems because they are removed from the regulatory effects of coevolved natural enemies (Enemy Release hypothesis). A detailed field study of the succulent plant Cotyledon orbiculata var. orbiculata L. (Crassulaceae) was conducted in the non-native New Zealand and native Namibian habitats to compare the extent of damage by herbivores and pathogens. C. orbiculata is a southern African species that is currently thriving in New Zealand in areas seemingly beyond the climatic conditions in its native range (occurring in higher rainfall areas in New Zealand than are represented in its native range). As hypothesised, C. orbiculata was less damaged by herbivores in New Zealand but, contrary to expectation, more infected by pathogens. Consequently, the plant was overall not any less damaged by natural enemies in the non-native habitat than in its native habitat, although the fitness impacts of the enemy damage in the native and invaded ranges were not assessed. The results suggest that climatic conditions may counteract enemy release, especially in situations where pathogens are more prevalent in areas of higher rainfall and humidity. To forecast plant invasions, it is concluded that species traits offer some potential, particularly at the early stage of invasion. Predicting which introduced plants will become weeds is more difficult. Enemy release may explain some invasions, but climatic factors may offset the predictability of release from natural enemies.

Interaktionen zwischen der Ackerkratzdistel, pathogenen Pilzen und phytophagen Insekten: Grundlagen einer biologischen Unkrautkontrolle / Interactions between creeping thistle, pathogens and phytophagous insects: fundamentals of biological weed control

Kluth, Stephanie 14 November 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Adhesion of the rapeseed pathogen Verticillium longisporum to its host Brassica napus: Uncovering adhesion genes and the evolutionary origin of the fungus / Die Adhäsion der Raps Erreger Verticillium longisporum seinen Wirt Brassica napus: Aufdeckung Adhäsion Genen und der evolutionären Ursprung des Pilzes

Tran, Van Tuan 02 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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