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Couplage de la vélocimétrie par images de particules en deux temps avec la décomposition en modes propres pour la caractérisation d'un écoulementFavelier, Thomas 28 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de cette étude est d'utiliser la décomposition en modes propres (POD) pour établir un modèle de la composante déterministe et aléatoire d'un écoulement turbulent présentant une instationnarité à grande échelle pseudo périodique.<br />Une étude expérimentale de l'écoulement bidimensionnel en moyenne en aval d'un cylindre semi-circulaire, par vélocimétrie par image de particules en deux temps (PIV2T) caractérise l'écoulement<br />Une analyse POD du champ de vitesse permet d'extraire les modes spatiaux et de définir un paramètre de phase décrivant l'instationnarité à grande échelle qui régit la partie déterministe. La modélisation de l'évolution temporelle des coefficients associés aux modes s'effectue par des fonctions soit harmoniques pour la partie déterministe, soit stochastiques pour la partie aléatoire.<br />La modélisation est en accord avec les mesures expérimentales des premiers moments statistiques en un point et des fonctions de corrélation spatio-temporelle du champ de vitesse.
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Spectral-element simulations of turbulent wall-bounded flows including transition and separationMalm, Johan January 2011 (has links)
The spectral-element method (SEM) is used to study wall-bounded turbulent flowsin moderately complex geometries. The first part of the thesis is devoted to simulations of canonical flow cases, such as temporal K-type transitionand turbulent channel flow, to investigate general resolution requirements and computational efficiency of the numerical code nek5000. Large-eddy simulation (LES) is further performed of a plane asymmetric diffuser flow with an opening angle of 8.5 degrees, featuring turbulent flow separation. Good agreement with numerical studies of Herbst (2007) is obtained, and it is concluded that the use of a high-order method is advantageous for flows featuring pressure-induced separation. Moreover, it is shown, both a priori on simpler model problems and a posteriori using the full Navier--Stokes equations, that the numerical instability associated with SEM at high Reynolds numbers is cured either by employing over-integration (dealiasing) or a filter-based stabilisation, thus rendering simulations of moderate to high Reynolds number flows possible. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the first direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a truly three-dimensional, turbulent and separated diffuser flow at Re = 10 000 (based on bulk velocity and inflow-duct height), experimentally investigated by Cherry et al. (2008). The massively parallel capabilities of the spectral-element method are exploited by running the simulations on up to 32 768 processors. Very good agreement with experimental mean flow data is obtained and it is thus shown that well-resolved simulations of complex turbulent flows with high accuracy are possible at realistic Reynolds numberseven in complicated geometries. An explanation for the discovered asymmetry of the mean separated flow is provided and itis demonstrated that a large-scale quasi-periodic motion is present in the diffuser. In addition, a new diagnostic measure, based on the maximum vorticity stretching component in every spatial point, is designed and tested in a number of turbulent and transitional flows. Finally, Koopman mode decomposition is performed of a minimal channel flow and compared to classical proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). / QC 20111206
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Genetic analysis of earliness traits in chickpea (<i>Cicer arietinum</i> L.)Kabeta, Yadeta Anbessa 31 July 2007
The latter part of the reproductive growth phase in chickpea (<i>Cicer arietinum</i> L.) often coincides with declining temperature and wet conditions in western Canada, in sharp contrast to many other growing environments. This exacerbates the indeterminate nature of the crop, leading to excessive canopy development, and subsequently resulting in delayed maturity. The objectives of this study were to: i) determine the genetic relationships of short internode, double podding and early flowering traits with earliness of crop maturity; ii) determine the genetic control of major earliness traits in chickpea; iii) assess the patterns of post-flowering dry matter accumulation and partitioning to reproductive parts as related to earliness. <p>The results showed that double podding significantly reduced the number of days taken to maturity, under the conditions where this trait was sufficiently expressed. The best double podding genotypes, i.e. those with 1535% of the podded nodes bearing double pods, were about one week earlier than their single podding counterparts and standard checks. A physiological study revealed that the double podding parental genotype 272-2 partitioned a relatively greater proportion (about 58%) of the total dry matter to pods compared to 4254% in the single podding genotypes. Double podding increased the total number of pods set, and thus the increased demand for assimilates may have precluded further production of stems and leaves, resulting in an earlier transition of reproductive growth to physiological maturity. Days to flowering was positively associated with days to maturity, and partial path analysis revealed that days to flowering contributed to days to maturity indirectly via days to first pod maturity. Days to flowering explained 32% of the variation in days to first pod maturity. However, the short internode trait had an undesirable effect, in that all the short internode segregants were too late to mature. <p>Genetic studies revealed that days to flowering was determined by two major genes plus polygenes in chickpea in the short-season temperate environment of western Canada. The two major genes control over 65% of the phenotypic variation. Also, the additive component of genetic variance was significant for days to first podding, days to first pod maturity, reproductive period, and days to maturity; which is desirable for development of superior inbred cultivars of chickpea. These key phenological traits are interrelated but could be manipulated separately in the breeding process. Additional gain in earliness of crop maturity may be achieved through combined selection for these traits.
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Genetic analysis of earliness traits in chickpea (<i>Cicer arietinum</i> L.)Kabeta, Yadeta Anbessa 31 July 2007 (has links)
The latter part of the reproductive growth phase in chickpea (<i>Cicer arietinum</i> L.) often coincides with declining temperature and wet conditions in western Canada, in sharp contrast to many other growing environments. This exacerbates the indeterminate nature of the crop, leading to excessive canopy development, and subsequently resulting in delayed maturity. The objectives of this study were to: i) determine the genetic relationships of short internode, double podding and early flowering traits with earliness of crop maturity; ii) determine the genetic control of major earliness traits in chickpea; iii) assess the patterns of post-flowering dry matter accumulation and partitioning to reproductive parts as related to earliness. <p>The results showed that double podding significantly reduced the number of days taken to maturity, under the conditions where this trait was sufficiently expressed. The best double podding genotypes, i.e. those with 1535% of the podded nodes bearing double pods, were about one week earlier than their single podding counterparts and standard checks. A physiological study revealed that the double podding parental genotype 272-2 partitioned a relatively greater proportion (about 58%) of the total dry matter to pods compared to 4254% in the single podding genotypes. Double podding increased the total number of pods set, and thus the increased demand for assimilates may have precluded further production of stems and leaves, resulting in an earlier transition of reproductive growth to physiological maturity. Days to flowering was positively associated with days to maturity, and partial path analysis revealed that days to flowering contributed to days to maturity indirectly via days to first pod maturity. Days to flowering explained 32% of the variation in days to first pod maturity. However, the short internode trait had an undesirable effect, in that all the short internode segregants were too late to mature. <p>Genetic studies revealed that days to flowering was determined by two major genes plus polygenes in chickpea in the short-season temperate environment of western Canada. The two major genes control over 65% of the phenotypic variation. Also, the additive component of genetic variance was significant for days to first podding, days to first pod maturity, reproductive period, and days to maturity; which is desirable for development of superior inbred cultivars of chickpea. These key phenological traits are interrelated but could be manipulated separately in the breeding process. Additional gain in earliness of crop maturity may be achieved through combined selection for these traits.
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Modélisation des machines asynchrones et synchrones a aimants avec prise en compte des harmoniques d'espace et de temps : application à la propulsion marine par PODLateb, Ramdane 19 October 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail porte sur la modélisation et le dimensionnement des moteurs à aimants<br />permanents et asynchrones destinés à la propulsion marine par POD. Un état de l'art est<br />présenté, où les différentes topologies de moteurs pour ce type d'application y sont abordées. La<br />Machine à aimants permanents et la machine asynchrone on été retenue pour notre application.<br />Dans le cas de la machine à aimants permanents, une analyse par éléments finis est<br />effectuée pour dimensionner la machine à aimants permanents et minimiser les principaux<br />harmoniques de la FÉM. Un modèle éléments finis 2D en magnétostatique couplé à un modèle<br />circuit est développé pour la prédiction des couples pulsatoires dues aux harmoniques du<br />convertisseur.<br />En ce qui concerne la machine asynchrone, Pour tenir compte des harmoniques d'espace<br />et évaluer leurs pertes, un modèle électromagnétique utilisant la résolution par éléments finis 2D<br />en magnétodynamique couplé à un modèle circuit est développé. Par ailleurs, un autre modèle<br />basé sur le principe de couplage éléments finis- circuit électrique est développé pour tenir compte<br />des harmoniques de temps du variateur, ce modèle permet d'évaluer à la fois les pertes dues aux<br />harmoniques de temps, mais aussi des couples pulsatoires.<br />Dans la phase de validation et vérification des différents calculs, nous avons utilisé l'outil<br />Flux2D de calcul par éléments finis qui tient compte de la rotation du rotor (pas à pas dans le<br />temps) et effectué certaines mesures (cas de la machine à aimants permanents). Les résultats des<br />calculs obtenus par les modèles développés concordent avec ceux obtenus par la méthode<br />temporelle (pas à pas dans le temps) et les quelques mesures dont nous disposons.
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Plant-herbivore-predator communities and grassland management intensity - Implications for biodiversity conservation practices on local and landscape scalesRothenwöhrer, Christoph 19 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Détection de structures cohérentes dans des écoulements fluides et interfaces homme-machine pour l'exploration et la visualisation interactive de données scientifiquesGuéniat, Florimond 06 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis l'identification par Brown \& Roshko, en 1974, de structures jouant un rôle majeur dans le mélange d'un écoulement turbulent, la recherche de structures cohérentes a été un des principaux axes d'étude en mécanique des fluides.Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit s'inscrivent dans cette voie.La première partie du manuscrit traite ainsi de l'identification de structures cohérentes. Elle se compose de trois chapitres abordant deux techniques d'identification. La Décomposition en mode dynamique (DMD), ainsi que des variantes généralisant son champ applicatif est présenté dans le premier chapitre. Cette méthode propose une représentation par modes spatiaux et temporels d'un ensemble de données. Une méthode pour la sélection de composantes particulièrement représentatives de la dynamique, i.e. présentant de bonnes qualités d'observabilité, se basant sur cette décomposition est également décrite dans ce chapitre.Le deuxième chapitre traite de la détection de structures cohérentes lagrangienne, par suivi de particules. Ces structures permettent d'identifier les frontières matérielles et apportent des éclaircissements sur les mécanismes du mélange au sein de l'écoulement considéré.Ces méthodes sont appliquées, dans le chapitre trois, au cas d'un écoulement incompressible affleurant une cavité ouverte.La seconde partie du manuscrit traite des questions de représentation et discrimination de données scientifiques.Une réponse à la question de la représentation de structures cohérentes a été la mise en place d'outils permettant la visualisation interactive de jeux de données scientifiques, qui dont la présentation fait l'objet du chapitre quatre. En particulier, l'utilisation d'objets tangibles, représentant les données dans le monde réel, permet une exploration plus efficace des ensembles de volumétriques de données scientifiques. La question d'une perception et discrimination efficace de données représentées, e.g. la différentiation entre deux valeurs proches, est abordée dans le cinquième chapitre.
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Porovnání produkční schopnosti vybraných odrůd brambor v ekologickém a konvenčním systému pěstování / Production capacity of selected potato varieties in organic and convention growingHOŠKOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The dissertation investigated on the base of smallparcelled land the production abilities of chosen varieties of potatoes with different lenght of vegetation period in conventional and ecological system. The aim was to evaluate the yield of the tubers, weight of tubers, number of tubers under bunch, number of tubers with a proportion of market value tubers, amount of starch and amount of nitrates on the base of reached results of one years field experiment based on ecological and conventional grown system. The chosen varieties were divided in germinated and non germinated variantions in small parcelled experiment. It was found out that content of nitrates was by both grown technologies under hygienic limit. The lower values were reached in ecological grown system. The determinated starch content of tubers did not prove the differencies between varieties and growing system and it was determinated by 14 %. The conventional technology was better evaluated by yielded elements. Very early variety Magda non germinated showed from chosen varieties enhanced yield of tubers in ecological grown system and it was defined to 87 % of conventional yield for determinated variety. The whole number of tubers in ecological system reached 82 % of conventional technology. Positive influence of germinated seedlings was proved by the yield of consuming tubers. Despite the ecological way of growing was less productive in all evaluated criteria it has very important position in potatoes offer in the market.
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Vliv účetní profese na rozvoj účetnictví v ČR / The influence of accounting profession on development of accounting in the Czech RepublicPolachová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with accounting profession, its association in individual professional organizations and with its mutual cooperation. Mutual cooperation of professional organizations together with representative of academics environment has to resulted in independent professional organization The Czech National Accounting Board (NAB). Also thesis deals with influence of NAB´s interpretations on Czech accounting legislation. Especially its focused on interpretations which have impact on amendment of Decree for entrepreneur and on amendment of accounting act. Thesis examines interpretations which arise from accounting law amendment. At last but, not least is portion of this thesis devoted to survey which examines awareness about NAB, interpretations among main accountants and top management of accounting units and their usage in practice.
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Zesilování ocelových prutů namáhaných osovou silou pod zatížením / Strengthening of axially loaded steel members under loadVild, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
Dissertation focuses on strengthening of axially loaded steel members strengthened under load. Strengthening under load using welding is time and financially efficient. Plastic design can be used for members without stability problems. However, the design of members susceptible to buckling is difficult and opinions of researchers differ on this matter and there are only several experiments. The dissertation is focused on strengthening under load of members with selected cross-sections susceptible to flexural buckling. It is necessary to check the resistance of the base member weakened by the elevated temperatures caused by welding. The preload and welding – residual stress and deformations – must be taken into account for the determination of the buckling resistance of the member strengthened under load. The aim of this dissertation is to provide the load resistance of selected compressed members strengthened under load. Author performed experiments on members with the H and L shaped cross-sections and seamless tubes. Other experiments were performed on members with H shaped cross-section and rectangular hollow sections to determine the resistance of base member during welding. These served to validate numerical models which helped to increase the number of specimens for statistical evaluation. Analytical models to determine the load resistances of the base member during welding and the strengthened member were developed using experiments from literature and author’s experiments and numerical models. The simplified model is conservative and suitable for practical design. The complex model is suitable for scientific purpose and it provides both deformation and load resistance using modified imperfection factor. It provides a good agreement with the experiments. Doctoral thesis also includes practical recommendations for design and execution of strengthening under load using welding.
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