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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Riglyne vir psigiatriese verpleegondersteuning aan gesinne van polisiebeamptes wat in 'n hoë-risiko metropolitaanse gebied gestasioneer is

Du Plessis, Erica 13 August 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / Die idee waarmee hierdie studie 'n aanvang geneem het, het ontstaan vanuit my waarneming dat al hoe meer polisiebeamptes opgeneem word in die psigiatriese kliniek waar ek, die navorser werksaam is. Hierdie polisiebeamptes vertel 'n storie van blootstelling aan talle traumatiese situasies in die beoefening van hul beroep, waar geweld, misdaad, lewensgevaar en die dood vir hulle bekende verskynsels is. Maar dit lei dikwels tot depressie, alkoholmisbruik en aggressie by die polisiebeamptes. Hierdie probleme word, volgens polisiebeampes, dikwels vererger deur 'n autokratiese bestuurstelsel in die SAPD, swak salarisse, 'n lae status in die gemeenskap en ontoereikende fasiliteite. Die winde van politieke verandering wat sedert 2 Februarie 1990 deur Suid-Afrika waai, verg van polisiebeamptes om sekere fundamentele aanpassings te maak en 'n nuwe benadering tot polisiering te volg. Hierdie aanpassings word dikwels as moeilik ervaar. Die gesinne van polisiebeamptes word dikwels direk geaffekteer deur al die genoemde faktore, in die sin dat, die polisiebeampte se manier van "dink en wees" as polisiebeampte, sy interaksie met sy gesin beInvloed. Ek het dus gewonder hoe die gesinne van polisiebeamptes dit beleef wanneer 'n lid van die gesin werksaam is as 'n polisiebeampte in 'n hoe-risiko metropolitaanse area in Gauteng. Geen studie is voorheen hieroor uitgevoer nie. Om hierdie vraag te beantwoord, het ek van 'n verkennende, beskrywende, kontekstuele en kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp gebruik gemaak in die uitvoering van hierdie studie. Semigestruktueerde, fenomenologiese onderhoude is gevoer met agt vroue van polisiebeamptes, werksaam by 'n geIdentifiseerde polisiestasie in Gauteng. Die vroue is volgens die sneeubalmetode geselekteer. Dit is gedoen nadat die nodige ingeligte toestemming van hulle verkry is. Stappe is deurgaans deur die studie geneem om vertrouenswaardigheid te verseker, volgens Guba se model. Daar is ook verseker dat hierdie studie op 'n etiese wyse uitgevoer is, deurdat ek myself laat lei het deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Verpleegstersvereniging se standaarde vir verpleegkundige navorsers. Die meta-teoretiese aannames wat hierdie studie rig, is verkry uit die Verplegingsteorie vir Mensheelheid, waarvolgens die mens 'n geestelike wese is wat op 'n gentegreerde, biopsigososiale wyse binne die gesin en gemeenskap funksioneer. Data is ontleed volgens die metodes van Tesch en die dienste van 'n onafhanklike kodeerder is verkry. Sodoende is ooreenstemming bereik oor die kategoriee en subkategoried van temas wat die storie van die vroue so akkuraat as moontlik sou kon beskryf. Die resultate het daarop gedui dat gebroke interaksie dikwels in die gesinne van polisiebeamptes vookom. Hierdie interaksie word gekenmerk deur oppervlakkige, konkrete kommunikasie, aggressie en fisiese, sowel as emosionele afwesigheid van die polisiebeampte in die gesin. Die vrou neem dikwels sekere rolle in die verhouding aan en ervaar emosies van pyn, alleenheid, woede, verwerping, vrees en onsekerheid. Riglyne is beskryf wat moontlik kan lei tot die ondersteuning van die gesinne van polisiebeamptes, deur die psigiatriese verpleegspesialis. Voorstelle vir die aanwending van die resultate in die verpleegonderwys, -praktyk en —navorsing is gemaak. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die verkenning en beskrywing van die beleweniswereld van die gesinne van polisiebeamptes, die psigiatriese verpleegspesialis instaat kan stel om die gesinne te ondersteun in die mobilisering van hulpbronne en die gesin te fasiliteer in die bevordering, handhawing en herstel van gesinsgeestesgesondheid as 'n integrale deel van gesondheid.

La gestion du stress chez les aspirants Inspecteur de Police: évaluation d'une méthode de préparation à la tâche recourant à l'hypnose et à l'autohypnose en situation de simulation d'intervention

Daubechies, Frédéric 23 June 2011 (has links)
De nombreuses études (De Soir, Rivolier, Babin, Violanti, …) ont non seulement mis en évidence le stress vécu par les policiers dans l’exercice de leur fonction mais également démontré l’intérêt de modules de formation à la gestion du stress opérationnel à destination des acteurs de l’urgence dont les policiers. Il n’existe cependant pas de recherches ayant investigué les corrélats psycho-biologiques des bénéfices liés à l’acquisition d’une technique de préparation à la tâche recourant à l’hypnose et l’autohypnose chez les aspirants policiers. Les techniques d’hypnose ont par contre, fait l’objet de multiples recherches mettant en évidence son efficacité dans des affections et situations très diversifiées (Salem, Edgette, Fromm,….). L’existence de travaux récents (Kirschbaum et al, Meyerhoff et al, Dinsdale et al, Fontaine et al, Hurwitz et al, Sanders et al, …) indiquant que des facteurs de stress peuvent entraîner une sécrétion augmentée d’hormones de stress (dont le cortisol), une réactivité cardiovasculaire secondaire à certains facteurs de stress et une modulation des réponses immunitaires permettent de poser l’hypothèse que le fait d’intervenir dans un contexte hautement émotionnel (vidéo-tir reprenant des situations d’intervention avec utilisation possible de l’arme à feu) sera également associé à de telles constatations ainsi qu’à l’accentuation des réactions psychologiques.<p>L’acquisition d’une technique de préparation à la tâche recourant à l’hypnose et à l’autohypnose, permettrait donc une meilleure gestion du stress et réussite de cette tâche, pouvant ainsi réduire l’amplitude des réactions psychologiques et physiologiques secondaires au stress psychologique associé à la situation présentée sur vidéo-tir.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Trekangs en diensjare as voorspellers van posttraumatiese stresversteuring onder polisiebeamptes

Knoetze, Johanna Aletta 28 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / The goal of the present study was to investigate the relationship between trait anxiety, years of service and posttraumatic stress disorder in the South African Police Service. This study was regarded as important because posttraumatic stress can have a significant influence on the personal life and work-related performance of police officers. One hundred and twenty white, male police officers volunteered to participate in the study. A structural model of the relationships between trait anxiety, years of service and posttraumatic stress was postulated. The model specified that trait anxiety and years of service influence posttraumatic stress both individually and jointly. Trait anxiety is operationalised by means of the IPAT Anxiety Scale and posttraumatic stress disorder by means of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Interview Schedule. The fit of the postulated model with the observed data was investigated by means of structural equation modelling. The results indicated that the postulated model showed an acceptable fit with the observed data. The estimated parameters of the model indicated that the subscales of the IPAT Anxiety Scale and the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Interview Schedule are good indicators of their respective constructs. It was further shown that trait anxiety and years of service have a significant influence on posttraumatic stress disorder. The results support those of previous studies where it was shown that these variables can influence posttraumatic stress disorder. The present study emphasizes that trait anxiety may predispose police officers to the development of trait anxiety. The study also shows that if police officers are exposed to extended periods of traumatic experiences, they run the risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder.

Police Officer Burnout: An Examination of Officer Stress, the Policing Subculture and the Advantages of Family Counseling

Yanez, Luiz 12 1900 (has links)
The work of a police officer is stressful and could potentially lead to burnout. As a result, a variety of reactions may occur which include, cynicism, abuse of authority, and in extreme cases suicide. One method which has been proven to be effective in treating officer stress is counseling; however, because of the policing subculture the opportunity to seek counseling has been ignored. In order to successfully manage officer stress, the subculture must be dealt with. Additionally, the officers' family must also be acknowledged as being affected by officer burnout. Counseling services must be made available to the officer's family and through training they can become a source of support instead of an added source of stress to the officer.

Challenges faced by female police officers within the South African (SAPS): a case study of two police stations in the Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mutwanamba, Rendani Emmely 02 February 2016 (has links)
MGS / Institute for Gender and Youth Studies

Occupational Stress And Work-related Wellbeing Of Turkish National Police (tnp) Members

Kula, Sedat 01 January 2011 (has links)
Previous studies suggest that the organizational dynamics of police organizations and the nature of police work contribute to law enforcement stress, which in turn reduces job satisfaction and increases burnout. It is also well documented that undesirable organizational factors are more hazardous to the well-being of employees than are the stressors due to nature of police work. The present study examines whether, and to what degree, organizational and operational stresses in law enforcement are associated with job satisfaction, work-related burnout, and supervisor support, holding the effects of age, rank, education, gender, tenure, and shift type constant in the analysis. A total of 538 Turkish National Police (TNP) employees from seven cities in Turkey, comprising 407 regular police officers and 131 ranked police officers, completed the study survey. The influence of organizational and operational stresses on the work-related well-being of TNP employees as measured by job satisfaction and work-related burnout was analyzed by structural equation modeling (SEM) under the theoretical framework of Kahn and Byosiere‟s (1992) causal theory. The results of the study indicate that TNP employees‟ perceived organizational stress has a statistically significant positive effect on work-related burnout and a negative effect on job satisfaction. The more TNP employees experience their organization as stress inducing, the lower their job satisfaction levels and the higher their burnout levels. Perceived operational stress of TNP employees was found to be significantly associated with their work-related burnout, but iv not with their job satisfaction. This study suggests that there is an indirect causal effect of both organizational and operational stresses on job satisfaction via supervisor support as mediator. Supervisor support fully mediates the relationship between operational stress and job satisfaction, and partially mediates the relationship between organizational stress and job satisfaction. After controlling the influence of several demographic variables, job satisfaction made a statistically significant contribution to predicting work-related burnout. This finding suggests that as job satisfaction of TNP employee increases, their work-related burnout decreases. The findings of the study revealed that among the six demographic variables, only education level of TNP employees and rank make statistically significant contribution to their job satisfaction levels. As rank and education level of TNP employees increase, their job satisfaction also increases. The predictor variables of organizational stress, operational stress, and supervisor support, along with education and rank collectively, explain 56 % of the total variation in job satisfaction. On the other hand, organizational stress, operational stress, job satisfaction, and supervisor support together account for 34 % of the total variance in work-related burnout. Overall, the findings of this study illustrate a need for internal policy reform and managerial change in how the executives of TNP organize their agencies and policies, since organizational stressors are the most prevalent factors determining the work-related well-being of TNP employees.

Perceptions of personnel on police suicide and the role of a chaplain

Mabe, Sello Edwin 02 1900 (has links)
Suicide is a common phenomenon in all Police Agencies. Perceptions about police suicide, different Suicide Prevention Strategies and the Chaplain's role in preventing Police Suicide are researched. Data gathering employed two methods, namely:- A questionnaire to assess Perceptions of Personnel on Police Suicide and the Role of a Chaplain in the prevention thereof, and A case study to substantiate qualitative data. Information gathered through questionnaires was presented as percentages of personnel agreeing with statements. Results indicate that the following factors influence police perceptions on suicide:- Job characteristics, Lack of care and support, Low morale, Ineffective coping skills and Police culture. Recommendations are made on how Police Chaplains and SAPS Department can get involved in suicide prevention. This include Pastoral role fulfilment, in cooperation with the multidisciplinary effort by Employee Assistance Service (EAS). Recommendations are also made regarding future research on police suicide and chaplain's intervention. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Perceptions of personnel on police suicide and the role of a chaplain

Mabe, Sello Edwin 02 1900 (has links)
Suicide is a common phenomenon in all Police Agencies. Perceptions about police suicide, different Suicide Prevention Strategies and the Chaplain's role in preventing Police Suicide are researched. Data gathering employed two methods, namely:- A questionnaire to assess Perceptions of Personnel on Police Suicide and the Role of a Chaplain in the prevention thereof, and A case study to substantiate qualitative data. Information gathered through questionnaires was presented as percentages of personnel agreeing with statements. Results indicate that the following factors influence police perceptions on suicide:- Job characteristics, Lack of care and support, Low morale, Ineffective coping skills and Police culture. Recommendations are made on how Police Chaplains and SAPS Department can get involved in suicide prevention. This include Pastoral role fulfilment, in cooperation with the multidisciplinary effort by Employee Assistance Service (EAS). Recommendations are also made regarding future research on police suicide and chaplain's intervention. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

A systemic analysis of the perception of stress within the emergency services

Du Toit, Renee Elsie 16 August 2012 (has links)
D. Litt. et Phil. / This report presents the findings of a study conducted in February-March 1995, involving 109 members of different emergency services from three regions: Pretoria, Durban and Cape Town. The emergency services included in the study were three units of the South African Police Service (Visible Policing, the Internal Stability Unit and the Flying Squad), provincial fire and ambulance services, and municipal traffic services. The aims of the study were to: (1) describe the underlying causes of stress in the emergency services; (2) establish how stress is currently being dealt with by members and identify the structures and support systems available to assist members with stress-related problems; (3) identify constructive and destructive, effective and ineffective mechanisms used by members to cope with their stress, and (4) suggest solutions to problems experienced in managing stress in the emergency services. The study investigated stressors of SAPS members under the following themes: (1) public image of the SAPS, (2) management style in the SAPS, (3) communication in the SAPS, (4) working environment in the SAPS, (5) working conditions and remuneration packages, (6) distinct characteristics of the work of SAPS members, and (7) the priorities set by SAPS members that need to be addressed in order to reduce their level of stress. The stressors of members of the fire and ambulance services were dealt with under the following themes: (1) utilisation of manpower in the organisation, (2) training provided to members, (3) management style in the fire and ambulance services, (4) distinct characteristics of the work of members of the fire and ambulance services, (5) remuneration packages, and (6) the priorities set by members that need to be addressed in order to reduce their level of stress. The stressors of members of the traffic services were dealt with under the following themes: (1) the public image of the traffic services, (2) distinct characteristics of the work of traffic officials, (3) communication in the traffic services, (4) working conditions and remuneration packages and (5) the priorities set by members that need to be addressed in order to reduce their level of stress. Regarding the support members of the emergency services receive within their organisations for managing stress, a number of sources of support were mentioned, such as social workers, psychologists and chaplains in the SAPS, support by supervisors, debriefing after traumatic events, stress management training, nursing sisters at ambulance stations, drinking and socialising, with the biggest form of support being "buddies". Regarding the co-operation between members of the different emergency services, the perception was that there was a very good relationship and good co-operation. Number of problems experienced in their day-to-day contact with each other were however mentioned.

The Incidence of post traumatic stress disorder among police officers

Stromnes, Justina 01 January 1999 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between traumatic events and PTSD among police officers in KwaZulu-Natal and the mediating effects of coping and social support. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of PTSD among police officers and whether coping and social support structures act as mediating variables in the stress-illness realtionship. In order to achieve this aim an assessment battery containing Biographical Checklist, the Ways of Coping Checklist, The Index of Social Support and the Dutch Post Traumatic Stress Scale was distributed to a sample of police officers in Kwazulu-Natal. The findings indicate a high incidence of PTSD, among policemen although no significant relationship was found between exposure to traumatic events and PTSD. Further, emotion­ focused coping strategies, namely, self-blame and wishful thinking, were found to be predictive of PTSD. No significant relationship was established between the availability of social support and satisfaction with social support and PTSD. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

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