Spelling suggestions: "subject:"porod"" "subject:"gorod""
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Analýza diskursů porodu ve vybraných českých médiích / Discourse analysis of childbirth in the Czech mediaSuchánková, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of a dispute regarding home birth and discourses associated with it. The thesis focuses on the analysis of a dispute regarding home birth and discourses associated with it. The thesis focuses on the analysis of a dispute regarding home birth and discourses associated with it. Choice of location and proces sof giving birth in czech environment remains very limited and domestic deliveries are subject of controversy among professional medical community and state institutions on the one hand and midwives, civil movements and comitted mothers on the other hand. Theme divides laical and expert public. It's established through discourses, reflect the views and opinions of the two quarreled groups - supporters of medically controlled childbirth and supporters of natural birth. In the context of media reporting can be identified two main streams of discursive formations, scattering of concepts, thematic choices, objels and modalities of coming to the statement - medical discourse and natural discourse. The controversy both discourses in the Czech media escalated with court case with midwife Ivana Königsmarková, who in 2009 assisted at home birth that ended tragically - serious damage and subsequent death of a child. Just on the case of Ivana Königsmarková and its...
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Síť aktérů domácího porodu / Homebirth as Actor-NetworkGenttnerová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
Homebirth as Actor-Network: Multiple realities The topic of this medical anthropology thesis is a description of homebirth seen through the eyes of Actor-Network Theory. The focus of this work is thus not on the professional concept of homebirth as a biological process or soon-to-be-mothers experience and take on homebirth. Focus is on homebirth in itself, how it is enacted in practice. After the presentation of two points of view on medicine (disease and illness), an introduction into the basic principles and innovations of ANT (including anthropology of symmetry) and works of people, who build their ideas on it (Mol - multiplicity, De Laet - fluidity, Law), the thesis shifts its focus to the description of the whole actor- network, which enacts homebirth via interaction between the actors in practice. These practices are abstracted from the interviews with mothers, a dula and a paediatrician. The description includes people and objects, because according to ANT, they have the same amount of social agency. Homebirth is then enacted by the objects needed for homebirth - tools to make birth easier and to support its process, by people who partake, venues it takes place and the birthing positions it brings. Another part of the actor-network can be found before the homebirth happens - the hunt for information...
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Kvalita života matek na mateřské a rodičovské dovolené / The Quality of Mother's Life on Maternity and Parental LeaveBeňová, Vladimíra January 2020 (has links)
Bachelor thesis "The Quality of Mother's life on Maternity and Parental Leave" deals with mothers and their satisfaction with this role. It deals with the definition of quality of life and its meaning. It also contains chapters on pregnancy, parenthood, the importance of families and the needs of mothers. It explains the concepts of maternity leave and parental leave. The aim of this work is to find out to what extent women are on maternity leave / parental leave happy and what factors contribute to this. For the practical part was chosen quantitative research, with the technique of questionnaire survey.
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Porodnictví doby pobělohorské: Infanticidium. / Midwifery of Period Called Pobelohorska InfanticideSurá, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
I initially explored historic figures of European accoucheur of the 17. and 18. century. Beyond this I focused on a period called "Pobělohorská" in Czech countries. I summarized the health conditions of the population during this period, and described medical professions, midwifery and emergency Christening ceremonies. One chapter discusses partnerships and considers women who hid their pregnancy to avoid the prospect of caring for their children in the future. For this reason I present questions relating to how women hid their pregnancy during the Early Modern period. In the next chapter I discuss aspects of the process of giving birth, the locations where women gave birth and the moments thereafter. I present the circumstances of the death of the baby and the possible causes of death. The process of investigation of the scene, an assessment of the body and the search for the mother of the baby (as a potential murderer) are all considered. The assessment of the body was in the hands of the regional physiciusurgeon and a midwife. In my work I describe how the body was assessed, how they judged the maturity of the newborn baby and if the baby was born dead or alive. Further chapters explain the treatment of the umbilical cord, the inquisition of the witnesses and the suspect, and the next steps of...
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Bonding matky a novorozence - historické srovnání / Mother-infant bonding - a historical comparisonSlezáková, Zdeňka January 2016 (has links)
Bonding is an emotional and biological process that creates a bond between a mother and her child and is among others important for easier breastfeeding, faster recovery of the mother etc. It is important to support it by an early contact between the mother and her newborn child. The diploma thesis aims to compare the discourse regarding mother-infant bonding and its support in our country around the year of 1980, when the rooming-in system appears, up to the present, with the milestone between 1998 and 2000, when the Centre of Active Birth was established as a result of changes in birth care that occurred then and which started to offer a different kind of care from the model that was known and used in the Czech Republic at that time. Emphasis will be put on the development of the discourse, changes in birth and after-birth care it has brought and changes of its participants and the role which women have as receivers of care. The theoretic part introduces the relatively little-known term 'bonding' and its support from the biological and social points of view, then discourse analysis will be applied in the methodological and experimental parts of the thesis. Analysed materials included media communication both in printed and electronic forms available at each analysed period. Keywords:...
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Co ženy potřebují k dobrému porodu? / What do women need for a good birth?Došková, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of biopsychosocial factors in childbirth. It aims to map factors and their possible relationships that contribute to a positive birth experience. The study used a mixed methods research design. A questionnaire was used for the quantitative part of the research. Respondents completed a set of online questionnaires about pregnancy and childbirth, followed by a questionnaire on childbirth experience, stress management strategies (SVF-78), and the Psychosocial Climate of the Maternity Hospital (KLI-P). For the qualitative part, semi-structured interviews were used. The research sample for the quantitative part consisted of 81 first-time mothers, from which five respondents who scored above average on the birth experience questionnaire were subsequently interviewed. The results showed that the absence of obstetric complications, perceived low pain intensity, delivering without pain relief medication, a pleasant psychosocial climate of the maternity hospital and stress avoidance coping strategies significantly contributed to a positive birth experience. The qualitative analysis results showed that a close person, especially a partner, who assists with their passive presence or practical help, also plays an important role. Women with positive birth experiences in the...
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Kontroverze o porodech mimo nemocniční zařízení / The Controversy about Childbirths outside HospitalsPultarová, Jana January 2020 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The issue of births outside a medical facility is currently a controversial topic between specialists as well as in the public sector. While the specialists concur in refusing home births, the society is divided. There are voices that refuse home births but there are also plenty of people who support the right of mothers to give birth outside of a medical facility. Very sensitive topic is the legal and ethical aspects of the protection of unborn children and the issue of a safely conducted delivery. In the last decades, the life value of an unborn child has been seen as an ethical problem. The right to life is one of the fundamental human rights, which is enshrined in the constitutional system of the Czech Republic and also in the international human rights conventions. Because there are different opinions regarding this issue, it is necessary to establish a view that is widely accepted so that legal standards can be approved provided that the opinions of minorities are being respected. The main objective of this presented dissertation was to ascertain why are people losing confidence in a doctor's role during delivery and what is the reason for some of the mothers being unsatisfied with current institutional system of obstetrics. On the basis of these factual findings, which emerged during the...
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Sexuálně liminální období v životě žen ve Starověkém Egyptě / Sexually liminal periods in the lives of women in Ancient EgyptSvobodová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
The thesis seeks to explain the sexual passages of women related to fertility, such as menstruation, pregnancy and birth, in the ancient Egyptian world. The passages related to fertility have strong connotations with death in the Egyptian mythological context. The aim of the thesis is to understand this relationship, often metaphorically conveyed in iconography or in the netherworld literature. The thesis collects material from various sources, archeological, textual, iconographical, not only Egyptian, but also Greek and Roman. The methods used vary from cognitive linguistics and semiotic analysis to religious anthropology. Menstruation, pregnancy and birth in ancient Egypt are explained not only on the level of the understanding of the body of the Egyptians, but also in terms of what role they play in iconography and mythology. Furthermore, the relationship between birth and death is made with regards to fertility. The basic findings of this thesis consist of illustrating a dichotomy between the feminine nurturing principle of and masculine creative principle which appear in different contexts related to birth and death: in iconography, on the level of bodily fluids, or in mythological creation.
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Pohled na mateřství očima žen tří generací / Motherhood seen throw the eyes of three generations of womenHavránková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to make a plot of generations changes in motherhood. The aim of the theoretical part is to introduce possible views on motherhood. It gives us a look at materhood like a social construct and a biological instinct. This part is also dealing with their reciprocal combinations. Another parts of this section is to introduce motherhood like a social role and motherhood like a sense of identity. The aim of the practical part is to collect information from mothers of three generations about their own experiences with motherhood. The interview was according to The Grounded Theory. The particular aims of this section are to discover important areas of motherhood for women of all generations, find out the generation changes in this areas and evaluate the impact of this changes on the final image of motherhood. The generation changes and important areas of motherhood are compared and discussed with theoretical findings from the first part. The conclusion of this work thesis is focused on importance of these generation changes on the final image of motherhood.
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Promítnutí práva znát svůj původ do českého právního řádu (kritická studie) / Reflection of the right to know one's own origin in the Czech legal order (critical study)Bednářová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
(Abstract) The diploma thesis deals with the reflection of the right to know one's own origin in the Czech legal order. Knowledge of one's own origin and the right to know one's own origin constitute not only a legal but also a moral and ethical question. The right to know one's own origin (i.e. the right to know one's parents, one's biological family and one's ancestors) is one of the subjective human rights, which belongs to every natural person. This right is more or less reflected in majority of institutes of family law. The thesis analyses the most important of them and indicates how the right to know one's own origin is reflected in these institutes or it is not, although it should be. The work seeks to highlight possible shortcomings of the legislation and tries to propose possible solutions de lege ferenda. There are also stated (for the purposes of comparison) some examples of foreign legislation in cases of some legal institutes. The diploma thesis is based on the legislation effective on the 26th March 2016. It is composed of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter deals with the right to know one's own origin and its legal regulation in the Czech Republic. It mainly discusses the international conventions that are (in compliance with the Art. 10 of the...
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