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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Libération et migration du méthane depuis le charbon dans un contexte hydrogéologique post-minier : développement d'un protocole expérimental et approche numérique / Methane release and migration in post-mining hydrogeological context : experimental protocol development and modeling approach

Le Gal, Nils 18 June 2012 (has links)
Dans le but d'une meilleure caractérisation de l'aléa gaz dans les bassins houillers miniers ennoyés, un dispositif expérimental a été développé pour quantifier la libération du méthane depuis le charbon. Des échantillons de charbon saturés en méthane ont été soumis à des pressions hydrostatiques allant de 3 à 4,3 MPa, dans une cellule autoclave. Le protocole développé à partir du système initial et des moyens techniques apportés au cours des travaux de thèse s'est révélé opérationnel. Les résultats des expériences et leur analyse ont mis en évidence deux phénomènes : une désorption significative du méthane initialement adsorbé et l'effet de la pénétration de l'eau dans les pores du charbon sur la pression dans la cellule. Les différents niveaux de pression imposée au charbon ont montré que la fraction de méthane désorbé augmente avec la pression, du fait d'une sollicitation plus profonde des pores saturés en méthane.Les constantes d'équilibre déterminées ont été utilisées dans des modèles numériques visant à simuler la migration du méthane dans des structures minières ennoyées. Les modèles les plus simples ont montré l'importance des perméabilités du charbon et des vides miniers, ainsi que l'effet inhibiteur de l'ennoyage sur la libération de méthane. La concentration atteinte en méthane dissous est limitée par la constante de sorption attribuée au charbon et à sa teneur initiale en méthane. D'autres scénarios reprenant un contexte de gestion de la remontée des eaux de mine illustrent l'impact d'un pompage sur la sollicitation du méthane et son influence quant à une possible émission en surface, au terme d'une durée de l'ordre de la décennie, voire du siècle. / An experimental laboratory device has been developed in order to better characterize the possibility if gas emissions from flooded coal mines. Coal samples, saturated with methane, have been submitted at hydrostatic pressure from 3 to 4.3 MPa in an autoclave cell. The initial set-up and the technical apparatus added during the thesis work permit to establish an operational protocol. The results and their analysis highlight two processes: a significant desorption of methane from the flooded coal and the impact of the water penetration in the coal pores on the hydrostatic pressure. The pressure levels the coal was submitted to reveal that an increase of hydrostatic pressure enhances desorption and dissolution, as a consequence of a deeper solicitation of the methane-saturated pores.The experimental equilibrium constants have been taken into account in numerical models aiming to simulate the methane migration in flooded mine structures. The simplest models showed the importance of coal and mine voids permeability and the methane release limitation by flooding. The methane concentration in water is controlled by the desorption constant of the coal and its initial methane content. Other models simulating a flooding management context illustrate the impact of pumping on methane release and its influence concerning an eventual surface emission after decades or even century.

Photographier la peinture : de la photographie document de l’oeuvre à la photographie de notation / Photographing painting : from photography documenting artworts to photography as note

Molina Martinez, Miguel-Angel 17 November 2012 (has links)
Les taches de couleur au sol ont toujours existé dans l’atelier. Je ne sais comment, subitement, un jour, je lesai vues, non pas comme une saleté «pittoresque», mais comme de la peinture, une peinture sur le sol, desprolongations du tableau en dehors de ses limites. J’ai photographié ces taches de peinture comme d’autresphénomènes périphériques au tableau. La pratique photographique à l’atelier a généré des documents quiincarnaient un regard sur la peinture en train de se faire. Je pense aujourd’hui que cette activité photographiquea largement contribué à une prise de conscience de mon travail en peinture et de ce qu’il est devenu par lasuite. L’enregistrement photographique des oeuvres fait partie de ce que l’on pourrait appeler la production dedocuments pour l’archive. Ces images sont destinées à la préservation d’une mémoire, à la création de dossiersou bien à l’illustration de sites Internet ou de publications.J’ai constaté chez d’autres peintres de ma génération, que le passage au numérique a non seulement développéle travailde postproduction directement lié à l’enregistrement des oeuvres -le plus souvent assumé par l’artistelui-même-, mais qu’il a aussi facilité une activité photographique parallèle que certains artistes assimilent à dela notation ou du croquis. Photographier son propre travail implique de donner à voir, en même temps queles oeuvres, le regard que nous portons sur elles. Mais la plupart du temps, ces images sont des documents.Le devenir-oeuvre de l’archive tient à une opération par laquelle, d’après Olivier Corpet, l’archive évite à l’oeuvrede se renfermer sur elle-même, de se dégrader, voire de se perdre: l’archive peut alors lui sauver la mise, laremettre en mouvement / Stains of color on the floor have always existed in the studio. I do not know how, suddenly, one day, I saw them, not as“picturesque” mess but as painting; a painting on the floor; extensions of the painting beyond its edges. I photographedthese paint stains like other phenomena peripheral to the painting. Photographic practice in the studio generateddocuments that incarnated a way of looking at the painting being made. Today, I think that this photographicactivity greatly contributed to an emerging awareness of my work in painting and what it became thereafter.Recording artworks in photographs is part of what we could call the production of documents for archives.These images are destined to preserve a memory, create files or illustrate websites or publications.I have observed among other painters of my generation that the change to digital not only developed postproductionwork directly linked to recording artworks – most often done by the artist him/herself – but alsofacilitated a parallel photographic activity that certain artists see as similar to note taking or sketching.Photographing one’s own work involves showing both the artwork and the way we look at it. But most often,these images are documents. The archival image becomes artwork in an operation by which, according to OlivierCorpet, the archive prevents the artwork closing in on itself, from degrading itself, or even becoming lost:the archive can thus save it and put it back in motion

Regulatory mechanisms of Leishmania Aquaglyceroporin AQP1

Sharma, Mansi 06 November 2015 (has links)
Pentavalent antimonials [Sb(V)] are the primary drug of choice against all forms of leishmaniasis. Emergence of antimony unresponsiveness is a major issue. There is a dire need of understanding antimony resistance mechanisms in Leishmania. One important mechanism is the down regulation of the trivalent antimony [Sb(III)] (the active form of Sb(V)) uptake system. To date, Leishmania aquaglyceroporin AQP1 is the only reported facilitator of Sb(III). Leishmania do not have promoters. They primarily regulate their genes at post-transcriptional and/or post-translational levels. We reported that mitogen activated protein kinase 2 (MPK2) positively regulated AQP1 stability through the phosphorylation of the threonine 197 (T197) residue of AQP1. The goal of this study was to elucidate the regulatory mechanism(s) of AQP1 in Leishmania in order to advance our understanding about the physiological role(s) of AQP1 in Leishmania biology. When Leishmania promastigotes were treated with the proteasome inhibitor MG132, SbIII accumulation was increased due to upregulation of AQP1. Alteration of lysine 12 of AQP1 to either alanine or arginine improved protein stability. Cells co-expressing a dominant-negative MPK2 mutant exhibited severely reduced AQP1 expression, which was reversed upon addition of MG132. Interestingly, the dominant-negative MPK2 mutant could not destabilize either AQP1K12A /AQP1K12R. Stabilization of AQP1 by MPK2 led to its relocalization from the flagellum to the entire surface of the parasite. Both altered AQP1K12A and AQP1K12R were restricted to the flagellum only. The data demonstrated that lysine12 was targeted for AQP1 proteasomal degradation playing an integral role in subcellular localization of AQP1 as well as its interaction with MPK2. This study also demonstrated that the stability of AQP1 mRNA in different Leishmania species was regulated by their respective 3’-untranslated regions. Cutaneous leishmaniasis causing species accumulated more antimonite and therefore, exhibited higher sensitivity to antimonials than species responsible for visceral leishmaniasis. This species-specific differential sensitivity to antimonite was found to be directly proportional to the expression levels of AQP1 mRNA. The differential regulation of AQP1 mRNA explained the distinct antimonial sensitivity of each species. This study will help us to identify new drugs for treatment in the future and also lead to a novel understanding of parasite biology aspects such as integral membrane protein trafficking and regulation.

Modelling socio-economic dynamics in a working class desegregation area in post-industrial, post-Apartheid South Africa : the case of Danville-Elandspoort, Pretoria

Abbey, Steve Keith 11 August 2008 (has links)
Within post-Apartheid research there is little to no research into poor historically White areas which are experiencing rapid rates of desegregation. It is in these cases a researcher could pose a question to whether or not Apartheid’s race-class divisions are still prevalent. A further gap in South African literature is a lack of a model on which to base socio-economic changes in a situation of post-Apartheid and post-industrial trends. This study addresses both of these short fallings of current academic literature. This paper explores Socio Economic Transformation within a lower income urban area of Pretoria, South Africa. The area, which was previously White only under Apartheid legislation, has been experiencing changes due to factors including post-Apartheid legislation and post-industrialism. Desegregation and a decline in industry have created complicated racial and social patterns within a merging community. Two major trends within the study area include an influx of an upwardly mobile Black population and secondly a downward economic movement of White individuals. The trends identified within the study area contradict many mainstream South African beliefs as the more traditional White-racist-empowered vs. Black-marginalized-oppressed binary is not absolutely valid. These newly emerging racial geographies are identified and explained with the use of personal interviews. The resulting classifications of local individuals are then utilized in a conceptual model to help explain the various socio-economic trends within the area. The study is structured in three main components. Firstly, structural and contextual issues relating directly to the study site are addressed to provide a backdrop on which social issues can be analysed. Socio-economic changes with focus on racial and economic situation are identified and explained. Once the social, economic and spatial are well discussed a theoretical model is developed. The theoretical model is then utilized to plot the individual changes within the study area. The individual trends, which were identified during field studies, are modelled and analysed within a South African context. The model developed from the study has the potential to base further community research upon, both within South Africa and international arenas. The model identifies and explains both the status of individuals which is an individuals socio-economic standing. Secondly trends are defined as an individuals change in socio-economic status through time. Results from the study have shown that labelling the economic situation of varying racial groups on the historic Apartheid framework is no longer valid in all situations. Post-Apartheid racial hiring policies as well as a national de-industrialization trend has created a situation of an upwardly mobile Black middle class as well as a declining poor White economic classification. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology / MSc / Unrestricted

La démocratisation par l’européanisation. Les transformations de la culture politique et du phénomène partisan dans la Roumanie postcommuniste / Democratization through Europeanization.Transformations of Political Culture and of the Partisan Phenomenon in Post-communist Romania

Mikola, Clara-Ioana 27 September 2019 (has links)
Le processus d’européanisation invite la Roumanie postcommuniste à redéfinir sa culture politique. Bien qu’inachevé, il provoque la mise en place des mécanismes de rétraction du politique. Le déclin contemporain de la démocratie représentative ainsi que de l’engagement partisan, nous invitent à repenser la relation « démocratie – européanisation ». Tant que les conditions ne sont pas réunies pour une démocratisation de l’Union européenne, elles ne le seront pas pour l’amélioration de l’exercice démocratique des Etats qui la composent. L’implantation d’une culture démocratique en Roumanie est endiguée par le manque de compréhension du Politique, mais aussi par l’entrée en post-démocratie d’une culture dont les racines sont paternalistes et clientélaires. Le passage d’une incompréhension du politique à l’impolitique trace les contours d’une culture qui a du mal à se définir. Avant d’être un régime, la démocratie est une culture des valeurs. Cette étude traite de la démocratie comme culture ainsi que des barrières qui empêchent sa transposition dans la Roumanie postcommuniste. Nous allons interroger la manière roumaine de se construire comme société. L’apport de la sociologie historique et de l’anthropologie à la compréhension de la culture politique postcommuniste roumaine reste non seulement important, mais crucial. Il nous permet de percer les différences de trajectoire des partis Social Démocrate – PSD et National Libéral – PNL suite à l’intégration européenne. Notre travail cherche à regarder la culture politique roumaine en miroir de celle européenne, prenant acte de la difficulté à sortir de soi. Une Roumanie européanisée et démocrate dévient plus fictive que jamais. L’européanisation n’améliore pas la qualité de l’exercice démocratique. Prisonnière de la continuité des élites qui entretiennent un lien étroit avec le passé, la culture politique roumaine parle plus de continuité que de rupture. L’européanisation n’entraîne pas la Roumanie au passage d’un régime communiste à un régime démocratique, mais à celui d’un communisme national à une démocratie nationale. Les cadres politiques postcommunistes restent producteurs d’idéologie à partir de l’imitation du modèle européen pour redonner un sens à l’action politique. Pourtant, chaque instant ne vaut pas l’imitation, mais aussi de la création. / The Europeanization process invites post-communist Romania to redefine its political culture. Although incomplete, it causes the setting up of retraction mechanisms of politics.The contemporary decline of the representative democracy and of the partisan engagement invites us to redefine the relationship between « Democracy and Europeanization ». As long as the conditions for democratization of the European Union are not settled, they will not aim at the improvement of the democratic exercise of the States that compose it. The establishment of a democratic culture in Romania is impeded by the lack of understanding Politics, but also by the entry into the post-democracy era of a culture whose roots are paternalistic and clientelist. The transition from misunderstanding politics to impolitic traces the contours of a culture that has difficulty in defining itself. Before being a regime, democracy is a culture of values. This study deals with democracy as culture and the barriers that prevent its transposition into postcommunist Romania. We will question the Romanian way of building itself as a society. The contribution of historical sociology and anthropology to the understanding of Romanian postcommunist political culture remains not only important, but crucial. It allows us to understand the differences between the main Romanian political parties: The Social Democrats (PSD) and The National Liberals (PNL) following European integration. Our study seeks to analyze the Romanian political culture as reflected in European culture, taking note of the difficulty of getting out of itself. A Europeanized and democratic Romania becomes more fictitious than ever. The Europeanization process does not improve the quality of the Romanian democratic exercise. Prisoner of its neo-communist elites who maintain a close link with their past, the Romanian political culture is built between continuity and change. Europeanization does not involve Romania in the transition from a communist regime to a democratic one, but from national communism to national democracy. Post-communist Romanian political parties imitate the European model. Their main goal is to give meaning to their political action. Yet, every moment does not mean imitation, but also innovation.

Gendered Peace: Women's Struggles for Post-War Justice and Reconciliation.

Pankhurst, Donna T. 03 November 2009 (has links)
No / This volume contributes to the growing literature on women, conflict and peacebuilding by focusing on the moments after a peace accord, or some other official ending of a conflict, often denoted as `post-conflict¿ or `post-war¿. Such moments often herald great hope for holding to account those who committed grave wrongs during the conflict, and for a better life in the future. For many women, both of these hopes are often very quickly shattered in starkly different ways to the hopes of men. Such periods are often characterized by violence and insecurities, and the official ending of a war often fails to bring freedom from sexual violence for many women. Within such a context, efforts on the part of women, and those made on their behalf, to hold to account those who commit crimes against them, and to access their rights are difficult to make, are often dangerous, and are also often deployed with little effect. Gendered Peace explores international contexts, and a variety of local ones, in which such struggles take place, and evaluates their progress. The volume highlights the surprising success in the development of international legal advances for women, but contrasts this with the actual experience of women in cases from Sierra Leone, Rwanda, South Africa, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, East Timor, Peru, Central America and the Balkans.'

Moderskapets oväntade reaktioner

Hallberg, Emma, Lundmark, Lisa January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förlossningsdepression (Post partum depression) är vanligt förekommande, cirka 13 procent av nyblivna mammor drabbas. Faktorer som påverkar uppkomsten är bland annat tidigare missfall, hormonella rubbningar, depression tidigare i livet eller att förlossningen varit komplicerad. Första symtomet som uppträder är ofta sömnstörningar och sedan följer oro, osäkerhet, hopplöshet, skam och gråt. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser att drabbas av post partum depression. Metod: Sökning av vetenskapliga artiklar gjordes i databaserna EBSCO (CINAHL och Academic search elite), PubMed och SveMed+. För analys av artiklar användes metasyntes och utifrån materialet skapades fem huvudkategorier och elva underkategorier. Resultat: Huvudkategorierna belyste kvinnors upplevelser av PPD, Behov av stöd från omgivning och anhörig, Personligt förhållningssätt, Känslomässiga reaktioner i samband med PPD, Krav från omgivning och Känsla av maktlöshet. Slutsats: Kvinnor som led av PPD upplevde rollen som mamma mycket påfrestande. De beskrev brist på stöd från omgivning och sjukvårdspersonal, samt att de inte blev tagna på allvar när hjälp söktes. Dålig information och kunskap om PPD bidrog till känsla av misslyckande och därför valde en del kvinnor att isolera sig.

Bridging the gap towards postgraduate studies at the Central University of Technology, Free State

Maasdorp, C., Holtzhausen, S.M. January 2011 (has links)
Published Article / A worldwide concern are focusing on the quality of postgraduate training in higher education institutions, the length of time it takes postgraduate students to complete their studies, and the high percentage of postgraduate students who terminate there studies. Furthermore the involvement in research is making increasing quality demands on higher education institutions in terms of sustaining high-level research capability and involvement on an efficient and effective basis. It is clear that the postgraduate environment will have certain expectations as well as obstacles for the students and therefore if the undergraduate students are prepared beforehand for the postgraduate environment, they will be able to bridge the gap between undergraduate and postgraduate studies more successfully.

Automated Binding of Attributes to Telemetry Data

Kalibjian, J. R., Voss, T. J., Yio, J. J., Hedeline, B. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1993 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / An automated method is described for binding attributes to extracted data from a telemetry stream. These attributes can be used by post processing utilities to facilitate efficient analysis. A practical implementation of such a scheme is described.

Automated Application of Calibration Factors on Telemetered Data

Kalibjian, J. R., Voss, T. J., Yio, J. J. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1993 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / A long standing problem in telemetry post processing is the application of correct calibration factors to telemetered data generated on a system which has had a history of hardware changes. These calibration problems become most exacerbated when old test data is being examined and there is uncertainty as to hardware configuration at the time of the test. In this paper a mechanism for introducing a high degree of reliability in the application of calibration factors is described in an implementation done for Brilliant Pebbles Flight Experiment Three (FE-3).

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