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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lesson learned? : A study of Sweden’s post-crisis learning after the fire in Västmanland 2014

Tućan Oldgren, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
The world is facing an increase in natural disasters due to climate change, and Sweden is no exception. In the past 10 years Sweden has endured two large forest fires which devastated both land and property and which had huge financial impacts on society. Learning from such disasters is an important task for the crisis management system since learning is vital to be able to both prevent, prepare for, and manage new disasters. By conducting a qualitative in-depth analysis of the post-crisis learning process after the forest fire in 2014, this study aims to examine how actors learn from disasters as well as provide insight into the post-crisis organisational learning process in general. The actions of the Swedish Government and Parliament is evaluated by linking organisational learning to policy change, in such that for learning in the post-crisis management to have happened, the actor needs to have both identified lessons from the disaster, as well as implemented these into policy. In this study a text analysis is conducted on the two inquiries ordered by the Government after the fire to determine the “lessons identified”, and a plethora of government documents is analysed to ascertain whether the lessons identified have been acted upon and implemented into policy. It was found that the inquiries identified many valuable lessons, and that the authorities in most cases had implemented, or tried to implement, the lessons into policy. However, the protracted process of implementation, which led to some measures not being fully implemented until 2021, allowed new fires to occur before the issues were remedied. It is therefore argued that the efficiency of the Swedish Government’s post-crisis learning process should perhaps be questioned.

4D paleoenvironmental evolution of the Early Triassic Sonoma Foreland Basin (western USA) / Evolution paléoenvironnementale 4D du Bassin Foreland de Sonoma au Trias Inférieur (Ouest-USA)

Caravaca, Gwénaël 10 July 2017 (has links)
Introduction : la Terre au Trias inférieur et la reconquête après l’extinction fini-PermienneSitué après la limite entre le Paléozoïque et le Mésozoïque, le Trias inférieur est un intervalle court (~4Ma seulement ; Ovtcharova et al., 2006 ; Galfetti et al., 2007a ; Baresel et al., 2017). Lors de la transition entre le Permien et le Trias (PTB), la configuration tectonique de la Terre était différente, et la plupart des masses continentales étaient rassemblées en un seul super continent, la Pangée, lui-même entouré par un unique océan global, la Panthalassa (e.g., Murphy & Nance, 2008 ; Murphy et al., 2009 ; Stampfli et al., 2013).Lors de cette transition et durant le Trias inférieur, un évènement volcanique majeur, la mise en place de la grande province ignée de Sibérie (e.g., Ivanov et al., 2009, 2013), a conduit à l’émission de grande quantité de gaz à effet de serre (e.g., Galfetti et al., 2007b ; Romano et al., 2013). Ceux-ci ont contribué à l’acidification de la colonne d’eau et à l’augmentation des températures consécutivement à l’injection de CO2 dans l’atmosphère (e.g., Galfetti et al., 2007b ; Sun et al., 2012 ; Romano et al., 2013).Les perturbations environnementales qui en découlèrent ont eu des conséquences sur les milieux de dépôts associés à cette période, mais également sur les écosystèmes. Elles sont supposées avoir contribué à la mise en place de conditions délétères pour les organismes et avoir perduré durant tout le Trias inférieur, restreignant ainsi la rediversification biologique d’après-crise (e.g., Pruss & Bottjer, 2004 ; Fraiser & Bottjer, 2007 ; Bottjer et al., 2008 ; Algeo et al., 2011 ; Meyer et al., 2011 ; Bond & Wignall, 2014 ; Song et al., 2014).La limite PT fut le théâtre de la plus importante et la plus destructrice crise biologique du Phanérozoïque, et fut responsable de la disparition de plus de 90% des espèces marines (Raup, 1979), ou encore de la perte d’environ 50% des familles de tétrapodes continentaux (Benton & Newell, 2014), pour ne citer que ces deux exemples. De nombreux groupes ont été oblitérés durant cette extinction, comme par exemple les groupes caractéristiques du Paléozoïque tels que les coraux tabulés ou encore les trilobites (Sepkoski, 2002). Cependant, si la Vie a failli s’éteindre à l’aube du Mésozoïque, celle-ci a tout de même pu se reconstruire, au prix d’une rediversification communément admise comme lente et difficile dans des conditions environnementales délétères (e.g., Twitchett, 1999 ; Fraiser & Bottjer, 2007 ; Meyer et al., 2011 ; Chen & Benton, 2012). De grands paradigmes sont couramment associés à la rediversification du Trias inférieur (illustrés dans la Figure R.1a) :La présence de taxons « désastre », représentant des organismes opportunistes et généralistes qui auraient proliféré à la suite de la libération de niches écologiques laissées vacantes par les métazoaires disparus (e.g. ; Schubert & Bottjer, 1992, 1995 ; Rodland & Bottjer, 2001 ; He et al., 2007) ;Des faciès dit « anachroniques », composés de récifs exclusivement microbiens tels ceux trouvés dans les dépôts Précambriens (e.g., Schubert & Bottjer, 1992 ; Woods et al., 1999 ; Pruss & Bottjer, 2005 ; Pruss et al., 2005 ; Woods, 2009) ;Un effet « Lilliput », soit un nanisme généralisé des faunes présentes (e.g., Urbanek, 1993 ; Hautmann & Nützel, 2005 ; Payne, 2005 ; Twitchett, 2007 ; Fraiser et al., 2011 ; Metcalfe et al., 2011 ; Song et al., 2011) ;Une anoxie/euxinie généralisée dans le domaine marin, y compris littoral (e.g., Isozaki, 1997 ; Meyer et al., 2011 ; Song et al., 2012 ; Grasby et al., 2013).Fig. R.1 : a) Représentation synthétique des principaux paradigmes communément acceptés pour la rediversification biologique au cours du Trias inférieur. b) Représentation synthétique de ces mêmes paradigmes, révisés selon les données récemment recueillies dans le bassin ouest-américain (d’après Brayard, 2015). Inf. : inférieur ; m. : moyen ; s./sup. : supérieur (...). / In the wake of the Mesozoic, the Early Triassic (~251.95 Ma) corresponds to the aftermath of the most severe mass extinction of the Phanerozoic: the end-Permian crisis, when life was nearly obliterated (e.g., 90% of marine species disappeared). Consequences of this mass extinction are thought to have prevailed for several millions of years, implying a delayed recovery lasting the whole Early Triassic, if not more.Several paradigms have been established and associated to a delayed biotic recovery scenario expected to have resulted from harsh and deleterious paleoenvironments. These paradigms include a global anoxia in the marine realm, a “Lilliput” effect, and the presence of “disaster” taxa and “anachronistic” facies. However, recent works have shown a more complex global scheme for the Early Triassic recovery, and that a reevaluation of these paradigms was needed. Especially, new data from the western USA basin were critical in re-addressing these paradigms.The western USA basin is the result of a long tectono-sedimentary history that started 2 Gyr ago by the amalgamation of different lithospheric terranes forming its basement. A succession of orogenies and quiescence phases led to the formation of several successive basins in the studied area, and traces of this important geodynamical activity are still present today. The Sonoma orogeny occurred about 252 Ma in response to the eastward migration of drifting arcs toward the Laurentian craton. As a result, compressive constrains lead to the obduction of the Golconda Allochthon above the west-Pangea margin in present-day Nevada. Emplacement of this topographic load provoked the lithosphere flexuration beneath present-day Utah and Idaho to form the Sonoma Foreland Basin (SFB) studied in this work.The SFB record an excellent fossil and sedimentary record of the Early Triassic. A relatively high and complex biotic diversity has been observed there leading to describe a rapid and explosive recovery for some groups (e.g., ammonoids) in this basin after the end-Permian crisis. The sedimentary record is also well developed and has been studied extensively for a long time. Overall, these studies notably documented a marked difference between the northern and southern sedimentary succession within the basin, whose origin was poorly understood.This work therefore aims to characterize the various depositional settings in the Early Triassic SFB, as well as their paleogeographical distribution. Their controlling factors are also studied based on an original integrated method using sedimentological, paleontological, geochemical, geodynamical, structural and cartographic analyses. Aside the fossil and sedimentary discrepancy between the northern and the southern parts of the SFB, geochemical analyses provide new insights supporting this N/S dichotomy. This study also questions the validity of the geochemical signal as a tool for global correlation, as it appears to mainly reflect local forcing parameters.The geodynamical framework of the SFB was also investigated along with a numerical modelling of the rheological behavior of the basin. This work distinguishes the northern and southern parts of the basin based on markedly distinct tectonic subsidence rates during the Early Triassic: ~500 m/Myr in the northern part vs ~100m/Myr in the southern part. Origin of this remarkable difference is found in inherited properties of the basin basement itself. Indeed, different ages and therefore, rheological behaviors (i.e., rigidity to deformation and flexuration) of the basement lithospheric terranes act as a major controlling factor over the spatial distribution of the subsidence, and therefore of the sedimentary deposition. The lithosphere heritage is thus of paramount importance in the formation, development and spatio-temporal evolution of the SFB.This work leads to a new paleogeographical representation of the Sonoma Foreland Basin and its multi-parameter controlling factors (...).

Development and humanitarian middle ground: an analysis of health rehabilitation in post crisis reconstruction (2009-2011) in Zimbabwe

Magezi, Vhumani 06 1900 (has links)
The study was an assessment to determine the health rehabilitation interventions employed by Zimbabwe health actors between 2009 and 2011. It also was to ascertain the extent to which the interventions met criteria for effective rehabilitation, and that includes, health rehabilitation should ease the transition between health humanitarian and health development. Data was collected through interviewing health actors and review of policy documents while a vulnerability analysis approach was applied. The study revealed that, while the implemented health recovery interventions resulted in halting the health crisis, their role in facilitating progress towards health development was marginal. There were clear humanitarian residual issues and evidence of weak areas of the health system. A clear pathway needed to be mapped by actors, particularly policy makers to ensure effective rehabilitation. However, this seemed to lack in some areas. There were numerous overlapping and repetitive policies with little detailed guidelines. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Development and humanitarian middle ground : an analysis of health rehabilitation in post crisis reconstruction (2009-2011) in Zimbabwe

Magezi, Vhumani 06 1900 (has links)
The study was an assessment to determine the health rehabilitation interventions employed by Zimbabwe health actors between 2009 and 2011. It also was to ascertain the extent to which the interventions met criteria for effective rehabilitation, and that includes, health rehabilitation should ease the transition between health humanitarian and health development. Data was collected through interviewing health actors and review of policy documents while a vulnerability analysis approach was applied. The study revealed that, while the implemented health recovery interventions resulted in halting the health crisis, their role in facilitating progress towards health development was marginal. There were clear humanitarian residual issues and evidence of weak areas of the health system. A clear pathway needed to be mapped by actors, particularly policy makers to ensure effective rehabilitation. However, this seemed to lack in some areas. There were numerous overlapping and repetitive policies with little detailed guidelines. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)

Kris i besöksnäringen? : En turismvetenskaplig studie om Värmländska småföretagares agerande och stöd under COVID-19

Kron, Paulina, Hallberg, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
In this study, crisis management has been studied primarily from the perspective of small business owners and lifestyle entrepreneurs. Over time, a need was also discovered to interview and study the relationship of public support organizationswith small businesses in crisis contexts. This is because in the theoretical research framework we experienced a lack of how private small businesses can act in a crisis. This is how our subject has been developed, and curiosity about practical crisis management versus theoretical crisis management has played a central role. Following the work, the niche of small entrepreneurs became in nature tourism, partly due to the fact that Värmland as a county has many entrepreneurs in this category. It is also inevitable that Värmland and the entrepreneurs here have had a strong international market before COVID-19 and therefore the interest has also been to study and analyze how they have acted and proceeded during the crisis. The question of adjustment is therefore very essential to study for future possible crises. To discern these similarities and differences, the private has been set against the regional and public, but also against each other. It has been conducted thanks to semi-structured interviews that highlight the same themes. The themes then follow a consistent structure for both method, empirical data and analysis, where it relates to the study's purpose and issues. Overall, the study has generated striking similarities and differences, but also a dimension in the exclusion of small business owners. The lastpart of the conclusion shows why it is still important to study the subject, as COVID-19 has affected the tourism industry in a very unique and global way, which has not previously been discernible. It highlights the importance of contributing to and continuing research in the future, where both public actors together with regional and private actors can find a way to deal with future crises together. / I denna studie har krishantering studerats utifrån framförallt småföretagares- och livsstilsföretagares perspektiv. Under tidens gång upptäcktes även ett behov av att intervjua och studera offentliga stödorganisationers förhållande till småföretagare i krissammanhang. Det på grund av att det i de teoretiska forskningsramarna upplevdes en brist för hur privata småföretagare kan agera vid kris. Det är genom den vägen ämnet har arbetats fram, och nyfikenheten kring praktisk krishantering versus teoretisk krishantering har spelat en central roll. Utefter arbetets gång kom nischen av småföretagare att bli inom naturturism, bland annat på grund av att Värmland som län innehar många företagare inom den kategorin. Det går heller inte att undkomma att Värmland och företagarna här har haft en stark internationell marknad innan COVID-19 och därför har intresset likaså varit att studera och analysera hur företagarna har agerat och gått tillväga under krisens gång för att ställa om. Omställningsfrågan är därför essentiell att studera för framtida eventuella kriser. För att skönja dessa likheter och skillnader har det privata ställts emot de regionala och offentliga, men även mot varandra. Det har utförts tack vare semistrukturerade intervjuer som lyft samma teman. Temana följer sedan en genomgående struktur för både metod, empiri och analys, där de förhåller sig till studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Studien har totalt sett genererat påvisande likheter och skillnader, men även en dimension i exkludering av småföretagare. I slutsatsens sista del framkommer det varför det är fortsatt viktigt att studera ämnet, eftersom COVID-19 har påverkat besöksnäringen på ett väldigt unikt och globalt sätt, som tidigare inte har kunnat skönjas. Det belyser vikten av att bidra med samt fortsätta forskning framöver där både offentliga aktörer tillsammans med regionala- och privata aktörer kan hitta ett sätt att tillsammans hantera kommande kriser / <p>C-uppsats </p>

Transformace realitního odvětví v postkrizovém období / Transformation of real estate sector in post-crisis period

Dvorská, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
Main subject of this diploma thesis is real estate sector, his basic principles, structure and factors of influence. Diploma thesis is analysing actual post - crisis trends in real estate sector, origins and causes of these trends. Special attention is concentrated into the specific development and surroundings of real estate sector in Czech republic. The analysis of the sector transformation intensity is used for searching of future potential of real estate sector, future trends and appropriate measures for healthy growth of real estate sector and long - term sustainability of real estate sector projects. The next one of the main baselines of the thesis is research of behavioral changes of real estate market demand because of cyclicality of real estate market. The research shows context between real estate cycle and business cycle and analyses typical behavioral reaction of demand in various phases of real estate sector cycle.

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