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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Industriell invandring : Utländsk arbetskraft och metall- och verkstadsindustrin, i Västmanlands län och på Bulten i Hallstahammar, 1946-1967 / Industrial Immigration : Foreign Workers and the Metal and Engineering Industries, in the county of Västmanland and at Bulten in Hallstahammar, 1946-1967

Jansson, Olle January 2014 (has links)
During the first decades of the post-war era, Sweden experienced a rapid increase in labour immigration. Many of these migrants found employment in the industrial sector, where they became concentrated. This concentration varied between different industries, but was amongst the highest in the metal and engineering industries. The aim of the thesis is to explain why migrant workers were concentrated in the Swedish metal and engineering industries during the post-war period, circa 1946-67. For this aim the thesis uses case studies, one on the regional level and another at the company level, in order to investigate and differentiate between different explanations. A varied set of different direct, as well as underlying causes and circumstances have been suggested in previous research to explain this uneven distribution of migrant workers on the labour market. Different explanations arising from these perspectives have been used in prior research with some success, but they rarely confront explanations from other perspectives, thus creating different narratives driven by different circumstances, causes, processes and intentions. The ambition of this thesis has been to seek explanations for a complex and changing historical process in post-war Sweden. In order to study this, explanations from previous research have been used to find the reasons and causes behind the concentration of foreign workers in the metal and engineering industries during the post-war era. At the same time, the results of these empirical studies are used to problematize and question these established explanations. The results have led to a somewhat different picture of the circumstances and reasons that shaped the labour immigration and the distribution of foreign employees on the Swedish labour market during the post-war period. The thesis particularly stresses that the possibilities and capabilities of the employers had a significant impact on the distribution of foreign workers.

Město Jílové u Děčína po roce 1945: Odsun a osídlení v příbězích jeho obyvatel / History of the city Jílové near Děčín after 1945: Transfer and Settlement in the Narratives of Its Inhabitants

Doležalová, Hana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis considers a difficult period of the post-war period of history in Jílové near Děčín. The main chapters of this work deal with the themes of transfer of Germans from the city and with the following event of settlement of new inhabitants. The aim of this thesis is to reflect the period of the national migration in Jílové. Last but not least this work aims to reveal micro-historical view on a process of key events in a small city considering individual life stories. Submitted thesis is based on available archive materials and literature. At the same time there was applied a method of oral history. In the following chapters there are introduced 6 life stories of inhabitants of Jílové who helped with their narrations to describe the key themes of this research as well as "small history" of everyday life in the post-war era. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Représentations et réception des films sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale en France à la Libération (1944-1950) : la concurence des victimes / Cinematographic depictions of WWII victims and public response in the aftermath of the French Liberation (1944-1950) : victim’s competition

Cassam-Chenaï, Arnaud 05 July 2019 (has links)
Dès les premiers jours de la Libération, de nombreux films sur la Seconde Guerre mondiale vont être projetés dans les salles de cinéma françaises. Entre la fin de l’année 1944 et 1950, ce sont 302 films qui prennent le conflit comme sujet. Pourtant, ces films qui sortent en France ne sont pas issus des mêmes pays, ne datent pas tout à fait de la même période, et n’abordent pas la guerre de la même façon. Surtout, ces films ne vont pas traiter des mêmes victimes de la guerre. Il y a des différences importantes entre une chronique française de l’Occupation, un film de guerre américain, la vision du retour des prisonniers italiens, une histoire de résistants soviétiques ou le récit de vie de citoyens britanniques. Le public français et la presse de l’époque qui commente ces sorties ne reçoivent pas ces différentes visions de la Seconde Guerre mondiale de la même façon. Étudier ces films et l’accueil qui leur a été réservé au lendemain du conflit permet de mieux comprendre la mise en place d’une mythologie de l’évènement en France. Mon étude analyse en trois parties ces représentations des différentes victimes de la guerre, et leur réception dans l’immédiat après-guerre. La première présente les concepts théoriques de l’histoire au cinéma, et l’histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale telle qu’elle est visible durant la période, en prenant en compte des statistiques générales élaborées pour cette étude. Les deux parties suivantes proposent des études de cas, sélectionnés pour leur représentativité. On se concentre d’abord sur les différents types de victimes combattantes – les militaires à la guerre, les militaires hors du front, les résistants et enfin les espions et assimilés. Ensuite, on étudie les victimes non-combattantes – les civils occupés, les civils libres, les prisonniers et déportés, les prisonniers de retour, les Juifs et victimes de l’antisémitisme et enfin les enfants. / In the immediate aftermath of the French liberation, theaters across the country began to project movies centered around the recent conflict. Between 1944 and 1950, World War II was the central theme of more than 302 films. However, these films came from different countries; they were not produced at the exact same time; they did not depict the conflict through the same angle; and more importantly, they did not cover the same class of war victims. Wide differences exist between a French chronicle of the Occupation and a U.S. war movie, a depiction of the homecoming of Italian prisoners and the story of soviet resistance or a narration of British citizens’ everyday life during the war. At the time, the response of the French audience and critics to these diverse movie releases varied greatly too. By studying these movies and their reception at the time of their releases, the present study informs our understanding of the emergence of the French mythology surrounding this major conflict. In three chapters, I analyze the cinematographic depictions of various groups of war victims in movies of this era, as well as the audience and critics’ response at the time. In the first chapter, I describe the theoretical underpinnings of the cinema history, as well as the narration of World War II as presented by these movies, using statistics specifically collected for this study. The two following chapters offer a series of representative case studies. I first focus on different groups of victims actively involved in the conflict: militaries on and off the front-lines, members of the resistance, and spies and assimilated individuals. I then study the non-fighting victims: civilians under the occupation, civilians living in the free zone, homecoming prisoners, members of the Jewish community and other victims of antisemitism, and finally, the children.

Prise en charge et diversité des expériences dans les camps de réfugié.e.s allemands de Bamberg

L'Abbé, Florence 06 1900 (has links)
À partir de l’automne 1944, on estime à 12 millions le nombre d’Allemand·e·s réfugiés ou expulsés des provinces orientales du Reich ou encore des différents pays d’Europe Centrale et de l’Est. Pourtant, en dehors de la RFA, le traitement de ces populations une fois arrivées dans l’Ouest de l’Allemagne reste une facette peu étudiée dans l’historiographie de l’après-guerre. À travers une analyse de l’aide et la prise en charge des réfugié·e·s dans la ville, le district et l’archidiocèse de Bamberg, ce mémoire de maîtrise illustre les raisonnements et processus complexes par lesquels les autorités bavaroises et les organisations d’entre-aide allemandes tentent d’intégrer la population réfugiée. Cette étude souligne les distinctions établies entre certains groupes de réfugié·e·s et une priorisation de certains individus plus à risque ou plus important au détriment d’autres, dans une situation de graves pénuries de logements, de bien essentiel et une politisation de l’aide humanitaire, En utilisant une analyse historique du genre et de l’histoire sociale afin d’inclure des groupes qui sont traditionnellement exclus ou négligés par les principaux récits historiques, ce travail s’intègre dans des thèmes plus globaux de l’Allemagne de l'après-guerre, comme la mise en place du nouveau système politique, social, économique et de relations des genres. On cherchera à comprendre pourquoi et comment certains groupes ont accès à de la nourriture, des logements, des emplois et des services médicaux avant d’autres, dans le contexte de la montée de la rhétorique de victimisation, de la formation de la mémoire et de l’identité ouest-allemande. / From the autumn of 1944, an estimated 12 million Germans fled or were expelled from the Reich’s eastern provinces and various Central and Eastern European countries. Yet, outside Germany, the treatment of these refugees once they arrived in western Germany has hardly been studied in the post-war historiography. Examining the refugee camps in Bamberg, Upper Franconia as study cases, this master thesis will aim to identify different victim groups or divisions within the refugee population as well as the complex reasoning and processes by which the city, district and archdiocese of Bamberg and the German aid groups try to integrate the newcomers. In a context of severe shortage of housing, basic necessities and politicization of humanitarian assistance, this study highlights the distinctions and prioritization made between certain groups of refugees at the expense of others. Using gender as a category of historical analysis, as well as social history to include groups traditionally excluded from the main historical narratives, this study will also engage in wider discussions in postwar Germany about the German’s development of a new political, social, economic and gender order. This memoir will seek to explain how and why some groups got access to food, accommodation, employment and medical services before others, in a context of the rise of the rhetoric of victimization and the creation of a west-German memory and identity. / Ab Herbst 1944 wurden schätzungsweise 12 Millionen Deutsche aus den östlichen Provinzen des Reiches oder aus verschiedenen zentral- und osteuropäischen Ländern Flüchtlinge oder Vertriebene. Dennoch fand die Behandlung dieser Personen nach ihrer Ankunft in den Westzonen in der Historiographie außerhalb Deutschlands bisher kaum Beachtung. Anhand der Untersuchung eines Flüchtlingslagers im oberfränkischen Bamberg, widmet sich diese Masterarbeit dem Ziel, die verschiedenen Gruppen innerhalb der Flüchtlingsbevölkerung zu identifizieren und die komplexen Entscheidungsprozesse der Stadt, der Diözese und der deutschen Hilfsorganisationen bezüglich der Integration der Neuankömmlinge zu analysieren. Vor dem Hintergrund der prekären Wohnungsnot, dem Fehlen von Basisgütern und der Politisierung der humanitären Hilfen, hebt diese Studie die Unterschiede, sowie die Bevorzugung einzelner Flüchtlingsgruppen zum Nachteil anderer hervor. Diese Arbeit widmet sich in besonderem Maße der Geschlechter- und Sozialgeschichte, um die in der traditionellen Geschichtsschreibung häufig vernachlässigten historischen Analysekategorien miteinzubeziehen. Weiterhin liegt der Fokus auf den deutschen Nachkriegsdebatten zur Entwicklung einer neuen Ordnung von Politik, Ökonomie, Gesellschaft und Geschlecht. Ich werde daher versuchen, im Kontext der aufkommenden Viktimisierung im Zuge der Gestaltung einer westdeutschen Identität und Erinnerungskultur, zu verstehen wie und warum manche Gruppen eher Zugang zu Nahrung, Wohnraum, Arbeit und medizinischer Versorgung erhielten als andere.

Vyobrazení rasových a etnických stereotypů v amerických kreslených filmech / The Portrayal of Racial and Ethnical Stereotypes in American Animated Cartoons

Vejvodová, Iva January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the depiction of racial and ethnic stereotypes in American animated cartoons particularly from the first half of the twentieth century. It studies the relationship between animation and American culture and examines how animation reflects and shapes American identity in terms of race and how it critiques and promotes American values and attitudes regarding race and ethnicity in particular. Considering the historical, political, legal and cultural background of the contemporary eras of American animation, the thesis analyses the portrayal of racial and ethnic features in animated cartoons from the 1920s to the 1960s. Such stereotypes represent, in my opinion, significant aspects of societal and cultural changes in American society of the examined eras of animation. The beginnings of the entertainment industry affected the booming era of animation by implementing commonly recognised literary stereotypes of the African-Americans into animated cartoons. This thesis strives to study the development of animated features of the racial stereotypes throughout the contemporary eras. It provides a brief systematic overview of the main eras that have significantly highlighted the start of animation as markers of race and ethnicity. Simultaneously, it discusses the problematic...

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