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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determining the level of non-booking for antenatal care and associated barriers as well as risk for mother to child transmission of HIV among pregnant women in Chitungwiza city, Zimbabwe

Mandima, Patrica Fadzayi January 2020 (has links)
Master of Public Health - MPH / PMTCT is an effective strategy in preventing paediatric HIV infection. In Zimbabwe the success of PMTCT is entirely dependent on pregnant women accessing antenatal care services and through that, getting linked to PMTCT. Failure of pregnant women to book for antenatal care through the course of pregnancy presents a missed opportunity for PMTCT and a high risk for maternal HIV transmission. It is therefore important to determine the burden of unbooked women and the factors associated with it, if elimination of maternal HIV transmission is to be achieved in the country.

How far can a complex system with increased interventions be pushed?

Bewley, S., McIntosh, Bryan January 2012 (has links)
Postnatal care is an area for serious concern, with readmission of women and infants following discharge having increased significantly over the past decade. A reduction in average postnatal stays together with care delivered by many members of a fragmented multidisciplinary team disallowing full timely assessments of health needs, are reasons cited for this. There is a disjuncture between process, policy and health outcomes in maternity and neonatal outcomes. While there is evidence indicating what needs to be done to reduce mortality and morbidity and improve outcomes, more is required in relation to how this is done; central to this is innovation. Currently, the NHS does not have sufficient useful data on the extent to which frontline workers are delivering needed interventions, or their short and long-term impacts. Unscheduled maternity and neonatal admissions are supposedly a key indicator of the quality of maternity care. An understanding of why these incidents occur could generate significant cost reductions at a time of severe austerity and enhance the quality of care and safety for women and their infants.

An evaluation of postnatal care rendered to HIV positive women and their infants

Dlamini, Bongani Robert 01 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate care rendered to HIV positive women and their infants during the first six weeks of postpartum. Quantitative, descriptive, cross sectional and analytic study was conducted to investigate postnatal care services provided to HIV positive mothers. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. 372 respondents participated in the study. Descriptive data analysis was used; Epi info version 3.5.2 software was used. The study highlighted that the quality of PNC was compromised, in all levels including the critical immediate postnatal care, 3-14 days and 6 weeks postnatal care services. All health facilities that were involved in the study had the basic resources to render quality postnatal care. Negative attitudes of staff and long waiting time (16.7%), were the most deterrents to postnatal care. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

The competencies of midwives during the provision of immediate postnatal care in Swaziland

Dlamini, Bongani Robert 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The aim of the study was to describe the competencies of midwives during the provision of immediate postnatal care (PNC) with the intention of adapting and linking international best practice guidelines as well as a conceptual framework for the implementation of PNC in Swaziland. A quantitative cross-sectional design study was conducted to investigate the competencies of midwives during the provision of immediate postnatal care services to mothers and their infants. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select eighty-eight (88) midwives and six (6) senior midwives to participate in the study. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. Quantitative data was complemented by data that was generated from open-ended questions at the end of the questionnaires. Data analysis was conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics version 22.0 software. The study highlighted that all the midwives who participated in this study had the relevant qualification. Of the respondents, 70.5% were state-certified midwives with a second registered certificate, 27.3% had bachelor’s degrees, while 2.3% had an advanced midwifery certificate. The study found no difference between the type of qualification of midwives and the knowledge of PNC interventions to be offered to mothers immediately post-delivery across different qualifications held by the midwives (Kruskal-Wallis test: x2=5.498, df=2, p=0.064). Gaps were identified in their knowledge and practices. There were discrepancies in the level of knowledge and practices regarding maternal vital sign assessment immediately after delivery (within 30 minutes). It was noted that these vital signs, i.e. blood pressure (12.5%), temperature (50.0%), pulse (54.5%), respiration (63.6%) were not taken after delivery. It was also noted that 15.0%, 58.0%, 64.8% of the respondents were not aware of the importance of assessing newborns for APGAR, skin-to-skin contact and drying the neonate. The study found that there were no postnatal care guidelines in Swaziland. The findings of the study led to the adaption and linkage of the latest international evidence-based guidelines and a conceptual framework for the implementation of immediate PNC to mothers and their infants in Swaziland. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

An evaluation of postnatal care rendered to HIV positive women and their infants

Dlamini, Bongani Robert 01 February 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate care rendered to HIV positive women and their infants during the first six weeks of postpartum. Quantitative, descriptive, cross sectional and analytic study was conducted to investigate postnatal care services provided to HIV positive mothers. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. 372 respondents participated in the study. Descriptive data analysis was used; Epi info version 3.5.2 software was used. The study highlighted that the quality of PNC was compromised, in all levels including the critical immediate postnatal care, 3-14 days and 6 weeks postnatal care services. All health facilities that were involved in the study had the basic resources to render quality postnatal care. Negative attitudes of staff and long waiting time (16.7%), were the most deterrents to postnatal care. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Postpartum mood disorders : a feminist critique with specific reference to postnatal depression

Smit, Joalida 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This review examines the medical model's conceptualisation of postnatal depression (pND) from a feminist perspective. The arguments are fourfold: Firstly, it argues that the fundamental problem underlying the concept of PND is its conception as existing on a continuum with psychosis at the most severe end and maternity blues at the least severe end. The link with psychosis implies that it is potentially pathological requiring medical and psychiatric intervention. On the other hand its link with maternity blues gives scientific credence to continued research on emotional sequelae of reproduction that are below the psychiatric threshold of urgency. Secondly, the medical model's construction of PND implies that women are predisposed to mental illness because of their ability to bear children and thus pathologises normal experiences of childbirth. Thirdly, the medical model's preoccupation with classification and categorisation has become little more than an exercise in labeling that has removed women from their own experiences. Focusing on birth as an activity that is separate from the rest of pregnancy objectify women and ignores the socio-political context within which they give birth and care for their infants. Fourthly, it is argued that a different way of researching postpartum mood disorders is necessary to overcome a reductionistic and pathological model of childbirth. This is important if healthcare delivery hopes to provide adequate treatment for all women in the postnatal period. Especially in South Africa, where the dominant culture has for many years defined the experiences of the 'other', it is important to generate research that should include the 'voices' of the 'other' to prevent hegemonic practice from assuming an expert understanding of PND. This review does not deny the contributions from the medical establishment, but argues that a critique of its underlying assumptions is important to prevent women from being further marginalised by ignoring the socio-political context in which their lives are embedded. The implications for research within South Africa are also addressed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie oorsig ondersoek die mediese model se konseptualisering van postnatale depressie vanuit 'n feministiese perspektief. Die argument is vierledig: Eerstens blyk die konseptualisering van postnatale depressie, naamlik dat dit op 'n kontinuum bestaan, met psigose aan die mees disfunksionele kant en 'maternity blues' aan die minder ernstige kant, 'n fundamentele, onderliggende probleem te wees. Die verband met psigose impliseer dat postnatale depressie potensieel patologies is en mediese en psigiatriese insette benodig. Die verband met 'maternity blues' aan die ander kant, bied wetenskaplike begronding vir volgehoue navorsing op die gebied van emosionele aspekte van kindergeboorte wat nie van psigiatriese belang is nie. Tweedens impliseer die mediese model se konstruksie van postnatale depressie dat vroue 'n predisposisie tot geestessiektes het bloot deur die feit dat hulle die vermoë het om kinders voort te bring. Sodoende word patologiese kenmerke gekoppel aan normale ervarings van kindergeboorte. Derdens het die mediese model se beheptheid met klassifikasie en kategorisering verval in etikettering wat vroue van hul eie ervarings vervreem. Deur te fokus op geboorte as 'n aktiwiteit wat verwyder is van die res van swangerskap maak van vroue objekte wat verwyderd is van die sosio-politieke konteks waarbinne hulle geboorte skenk en sorg vir hul babas. Vierdens word dit beredeneer dat 'n nuwe benadering tot navorsing oor postpartum gemoedsteurings daar gestel behoort te word om 'n reduksionistiese en patologiese model van kindergeboorte te voorkom. Dit is belangrik as gesondheidsorgdienste hoop om toereikende behandeling te bied vir alle vroue in die postnatale periode. Veral in Suid-Afrika, waar 'n dominante kultuurgroep vir so lank die ervarings van ander omskryf het, is dit belangrik om navorsing voort te bring wat die 'stemme' van die 'ander' insluit om sodoende te verhoed dat die heersende praktykvoeringe van die dag 'n eensydige deskundige-verstaan van postnatale depressie voorveronderstel. Hierdie oorsig ontken nie die bydraes van die mediese model nie, maar beredeneer die feit dat 'n kritiese beskouing van die onderliggende aannames belangrik is om sodoende te verhoed dat vroue verder gemarginaliseer word deurdat die sosio-politieke konteks waarin hul lewens gegrond is, buite rekening gelaat word. Die implikasies vir navorsing binne 'n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks word dus ook ondersoek.

Factors influencing utilisation of postnatal services in Mulago and Mengo Hospitals Kampala, Uganda.

Nankwanga, Annet January 2004 (has links)
Maternal and child-health and health education are three major concerns of public health organisations and researchers throughout the world. Health education for mothers is a strategy many countries have adopted to improve maternal and child-health. The present study was carried out in Uganda with the objective of exploring the factors influencing the utilisation of postnatal services at Mulago and Mengo hospitals, a government and private hospital. Both hospitals are located in Kampala district in Uganda. The survey, was completed by 330 women who responded to a structured questionnaire that was given to them six to eight weeks after delivery. Questions that were asked generated demographic information about the mothers / mothers&rsquo / knowledge about postnatal services / mothers&rsquo / socio-economic status and barriers to utilisation of the postnatal services. The participants included all women who delivered in Mulago and Mengo hospitals in November 2003 except for those who had had a neonatal death. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Some of the key findings of the study were that most women lacked awareness about postnatal services and those who knew about these services only knew about immunisation and family planning services. The majority of the mothers did not know about other services, such as physiotherapy, counselling, growth monitoring, and physical examination. Lack of money for transport or service costs, distance from the health care facility, not being aware of the services, lack of somebody to take care of the child at home were some of the main barriers to utilisation of postnatal services. Others included, lack of education, lack of employment, lack of decision-making powers, and lack of time to go back for the service. The ministry of health should educate women and communities about the importance of postnatal care, its availability, and the importance of women having decision-making power over their own health. The health service organization should improve on the quality of care by ensuring that services are provided at convenient hours with privacy, confidentiality and respect and it should evaluate the services periodically from the users perspective to maintain the quality of service.

Período pós-parto: práticas de cuidado adotadas pela puérpera / Postpartum period: care practices adopted by the woman in the puerperium

Baraldi, Nayara Girardi 08 November 2012 (has links)
O puerpério é considerado uma fase de modificações biossocioculturais que, muitas vezes, não são compreendidas pela mulher, o que exige maior atenção dos profissionais, dos familiares e das redes de contato envolvidos em seu cuidado. A literatura e a prática profissional mostram que as crenças sobre o cuidado da puérpera têm relevância em seu cotidiano e, muitas vezes, se sobrepõem às orientações recebidas na instituição de saúde. Diante desta situação, este estudo teve como objetivo: explorar as práticas de cuidado adotadas no pós-parto pela mulher usuária de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde da cidade de Rio Claro, SP. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, que teve como referencial teórico o Modelo de Competência Cultural de Purnell e cujos dados foram tratados pelo Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). A pesquisa foi aprovada por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e atendeu à Resolução 196/96. Os dados foram coletados em 2011, por meio de entrevistas realizadas com 20 puérperas entre o 30º e 45º dias de pós-parto. Identificou-se a condição sociodemográfica e familiar das entrevistadas, além de sua vivência no puerpério. Os dados mostraram que as puérperas eram jovens, apresentavam baixo índice de tabagismo, etilismo e drogadição, com renda média em torno de 3 salários mínimos. Os relatos obtidos originaram 21 DSC, cujos conteúdos mostraram a influência de crenças sobre as práticas de cuidado no puerpério; crenças que foram transmitidas intergerações pelos cuidadores de sua rede familiar e cultural. Os profissionais de saúde se fizeram presentes por meio de orientações de práticas, com enfoque no biológico, oferecidas de maneira verticalizada e, por vezes, fragmentada e divergente, o que demonstrou sua dificuldade em acompanhar as influências culturais envolvidas no processo. Por conta disso, as práticas de cuidado no puerpério sofreram maior influência das crenças e dos padrões da cultura da mulher, como também das informações obtidas na internet, que preencheram lacunas e apontaram caminhos para a mulher seguir com maior segurança nesta fase do ciclo gravídico-puerperal. Diante dos achados, propõem-se o estabelecimento de estratégias para incorporação da bagagem cultural da mulher à assistência prestada pelo profissional de saúde, de modo a prover o cuidado culturalmente competente; a programação de grupos voltados à educação em saúde, focados na vivência do puerpério, para a mulher e sua rede de contato; a implementação da Estratégia Saúde da Família; e a inclusão do egresso de curso de Obstetrícia nos programas de saúde dos municípios, para agregar este novo profissional no cuidado da mulher e de seu recém-nascido. / Puerperium is considered a phase with biological, social and cultural changes often not correctly understood by women, the main reason why requires special attention from professionals, and caregivers networks involved on the care. Literature and professional practice shows that beliefs about postpartum care has a strong relevance in a womans routine and often overlaps guidance received at the health institutions. From this perspective, this study had as objective to explore practices adopted in postpartum by women served in the Basic Health Unit in a city of Rio Claro state of São Paulo (Brazil). This is a qualitative study and followed Purnell Cultural Competence Model as a theoretical approach and whose data was treated by the Collective Subject Speech (CSS). The data was approved by Ethics in Research Committee and complied with Resolution 196/96. The data was collected in 2011 through interviews with 20 women in the puerperium between 30 and 45 days of postpartum. We identified social and demographic conditions from each interviewed as well as from her family, besides their experiences at the puerperal period. The data showed that women in the puerperium were young, had low smoking rates, alcoholism or drugs addictions, and on average had an income that was equivalent to 3 minimum salaries. The reports had originated 21 CSS, and the contents showed the stronger beliefs influence on postpartum care practices; beliefs that were passed by intergenerational family and cultural caregivers. Health professionals demonstrated their presence through guidelines with practices with a biological focus and offered in a vertical manner, and sometimes divergent and fragmented, which demonstrated difficulty in following the cultural influences involved in the process. For this reason, puerperal care practices had suffered greatly due to the influence of beliefs and cultural woman patterns, as well as information obtained from the Internet. The Internet filled gaps and provided greater security methods to follow at pregnancy stage, childbirth as well as at puerperium. Upon reviewing the results, it is suggested that the following take place to incorporate the cultures of women to the experiences of the health care professionals to provide a culturally competent care; programming groups on health education focused on the puerperium experience for women and her caregivers; the implementation of Family Health Program, and the inclusion of Midwifery in the health programs to allow this new professional to take care the woman and her newborn.

Unexpected : identity transformation of postpartum women /

Cammaroto, Laura J. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Project (Ed.S.)--James Madison University, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references.

No woman should die while giving life : Does the Health Extension Program improveaccess to maternal health services in Tigray, Ethiopia?

Gebrehiwet, Tesfay Gebregzabher January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: Ensuring access to universal primary health care is essential to secure a safe and pleasant motherhood and to provide compassionate care for mothers and newborns.However, inequalities in the access to maternal health services still remain a prominent problem in many countries. As part of reducing inequalities, Ethiopia launched the Health Extension Program (HEP) in 2003. The HEP is a community based program designed with a defined package of essential promotive, preventive and basic curative services targeting households, particularly mothers and children. Despite the construction of over 600 health posts and deploying more than 1200 Health Extension Workers (HEWs), preliminary data suggests a low utilization of maternal health care services. This thesis explores the HEP contribution in improving women’s access to maternal health care, and the reasons for the low use of maternal health care services from the perspectives of the involved actors in the Tigray region in Ethiopia. The five dimensions of access were used as a framework to explore the access to maternal health care utilization in this setting. Methods: A total of four districts were included in the study. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were applied. In the first sub-study, we assessed the HEP and its association with change in the utilization of antenatal, delivery and postnatal care services. Retrospective longitudinal data for 10 years was extracted from three selected districts and checked for accuracy. Segmented linear regression technique was used to control the secular trends adjusted for correlation of the data. For the second sub-study, we conducted a cross sectional survey with 1115 women (aged 15-49 years who had given birth within five years prior to the survey period) to determine the prevalence of antenatal care and institutional delivery utilization and explore their determinant factors of low utilization. For the third sub-study, we conducted six focus group discussions (FGDs) with a total of 51 women to explore women’s experiences of childbirth and maternal care. An interview with eight HEWs and four midwives were carried out to capture health workers’ perspective on access to maternal health care services in the fourth sub-study. Grounded theory for the former, and thematic analysis for the latter were used for the analysis. Main findings: The finding of the first sub-study showed a statistically significant upward trend for delivery care (DC) and postnatal care (PNC) in all facilities during the HEP late implementation period (July 2008-June 2012). In addition, a substantial trend of antenatal care (ANC) service use was observed at health centres after the intervention. In the second sub-study, the determinant predictors for ANC utilization were: proximity to health facilities, to be married, ≥5 years of education and having non-farming husbands. The last three factors were also significantly associated with institutional delivery, but also lower parity, previous history of obstructed/prolonged labour and ANC counselling. Findings from the qualitative studies pointed out that elderly women influenced women’s decision making about where to give birth. Women were mostly positive about giving birth at health facilities, but were concerned about the poor quality of care, inaccessibility and unavailability of transport. From the health workers’ perspective: specialized performance of hospital services, community assistance during referral and an increased awareness among women regarding the benefits of giving birth at a health facility were perceived as facilitators for institutional deliveries. Poor perceived competence of HEWs, poor conditions of health care facilities and inaccessibility of transportation, among others, were perceived as barriers for giving birth at health facilities. Conclusion: Overall, this research revealed a considerable contribution of the HEP in improving the access and coverage of maternal health services (ANC, DC and PNC). However, cultural traditions, scattered localities, mountainous roads without adequate transportation and low quality of care are still the major obstacles to accessing the services. Mechanisms need to be designed to enable health facility access of safe delivery for women in hard to reach areas, improving the proficiency of health workers and introducing a women centered approach that enhances acceptability of the services. / ሽፋን መሰረታዊ ክንክን ጥዕና ምዕባይ ድሕንነት ኣዴታትን ህፃናትን ንኽረጋገፅ ዝለዓለ ተራ ከምዘለዎ ይፍለጥ፡፡ ይኹንደኣምበር ግልጋሎት ጥዕና ኣዴታት ብማዕረ ኣብ ምብፃሕን ብምዕሩይ ኣገባብ ኣብ ምሃብን ብዙሓት ሃገራት እናተፀገማ እየን፡፡ ነዚ ዘይምዕሩይን ማዕረ ዘይኾነን ኣዋህባ ግልጋሎት ጥዕና ንምምሕያሽ ኣብ ሃገርና (ኢትዮጵያ) ብ1994-1995 (ብአቆፃፅራ ግእዝ) ዝተኣታተወ ፕሮግራም ምግፋሕ ጥሙር ጥዕና ቤተሰብ (Health Extension Program/HEP) 10 ዓመታት ኣሕሊፉ ይርከብ፡፡ ፕሮግራም ምግፋሕ ጥሙር ጥዕና (HEP)፣ ሕብረተሰብ መሰረት ዝገበረ-ምክልኻል ሕማማትን ምስጓም ጥዕናን - ምትእትታው ግልጋሎት ሕክምና ቀለልቲ ሕማማትን ብፍላይ ድማ ንኣዴታትን ህፃናትን ትኹረት ብምግባር ስድራ ቤት ብምሕቋፍ ዝንቀሳቐስ ፕሮግራም እዩ፡፡ እዚ ፕሮግራም ንምትግባር ኣብ ክልል ትግራይ ልዕሊ 600 ኬላታት ጥዕና ተሃኒፀን፡፡ ልዕሊ 1200 ሞያተኛታት ጥሙር ጥዕና እውን ሰልጢነን እየን፡፡ ክልተ ሞያተኛታት ኣብ ሓደ ኬላ ጥዕና ተመዲበን ካብ 5000-7000 በዝሒ ንዘለዎ ሕብረተሰብ ግልጋሎት እናሃባ ይርከባ፡፡ እንተኾነ ግን ዝተፈላለዩ መፅናዕታታት ከምዘመላኽትዎ ግልጋሎት ኣዴታት ጥዕና (ወሊድን ድሕሪ ወሊድን) ትሑት ሽፋን ከምዘለዎ ይሕበር፡፡ ዕላማ እዚ ዝገበርናዮ መፅናዕቲ እውን ኩነታት እቲ ግልጋሎት ብኣሃዝ ንምዕቃንን ከምኡ እውን ምኽንያታት እቲ ትሑት ግልጋሎት ንምድህሳስን እዩ፡፡ ኣብዚ መፅናዕቲ እዚ ምኽንያታት ትሑት ሽፋን ግልጋሎት ክንክን ጥንሲ ወሊድን ድሕረ ወሊድን እንታይ ምዃኑ ካብ ሕሉፍ ልምዲ (ተሞክሮ) ኣዴታትን ሰብ ሞያ ጥዕናን ብዝርዝር ብምድህሳስ - ፕሮግራም ምግፋሕ ጥሙር ጥዕና ንቐረብ ግልጋሎት ኣዴታት ጥዕና ንምምሕያሽ ዘለዎ ኣስተዋፅኦ እንታይ ከምዝመስል ተተንቲኑ ቐሪቡ ኣሎ፡፡ እቲ ቀረብ ግልጋሎት ጥዕና ሓሙሽተ መዐቀኒታት ብዘለዎ ፍሬም ዎርክ እዩ ተዳህሲሱ እቶም ሓሙሽተ መመዘኒታት 1. ቅርበት ትካል ጥዕናን ሰብ ሞያ ጥዕናን ንተገልገልቲ 2. ህልውነት ሰብ ሞያ ጥዕናን ናውትን ድሌት ተገልገልትን 3. ሰብ ሞያ ጥዕና ብተገልገልቲ ዘለዎም ተቐባልነት 4. ትካል ጥዕና ንድሌት ተገልገልቲ ንምዕጋብ ዘለዎ ድልውነት 5. ተገልገልቲ ወፃኢታት ሕክምና ንምሽፋን/ንምኽፋል ዘለዎም ድሌትን ዓቕምን እዮም፡፡ እዞም ሓሙሽተ መዐቀኒታት መሰረት ዝገበሩ ኣርባዕተ ዓይነታዊን አሃዛዊን ሜላታት ብምጥቃም ዝተኻየዱ መፅናዕትታት ኣብ ኣብ 4ተ ወረዳታት ትግራይ እዮም ተኻይዶም፡፡ ኣብቲ ቀዳማይ መፅናዕቲ ፕሮግራም ምግፋሕ ጥሙር ጥዕና ቤተሰብ (HEP) ኣብ ምምሕያሽ ክንክን ጥንሲ-ወሊድን-ድሕረ ወሊድን ግልጋሎት ዘምፅኦ ለውጢ ኣብ ሰለስተ ወረዳታት (ጋንታአፈሹም፤ ክልተ ኣውላዕሎ፣ ሕንጣሎ ዋጅራት) ንዝሓለፉ 10 ዓመታት ኣብ ዝተዋህበ ግልጋሎት ብምድራኽ እዩ ዳህሰሳ ተኻይዱ፡፡ ትኽክለኛነት እቲ ፀብፃብ እውን ካብ ትካላት ጥዕና ዝተልኣኸ ወርሓዊ ኣብ ወረዳ ምስ ዘሎ ፀብፃብ ብምንፅፃር ንኽረጋግፅ ተገይሩ እዩ፡፡ እቲ ካልኣይ መፅናዕቲ ኣብ ወረዳ ሰሓርቲ ሳምረ ካብ 19 ጣብያታት ካብ ዝተመረፃ 30 ቑሸታት ዕድሚአን ካብ 15-49 ዓመት ምስ ዝኾና 1115 ደቂኣንስትዮ ኣስታት 30 ደቓይቕ ዝወደአ ቃለ መሕትት ብምኽያድ እዩ ዳህሰሳ ተኻይዱ፡፡ ኣብ ወሊድ ግልጋሎት ዘሎ ልምድን ተሞክሮን ንምድህሳስ 51 ኣዴታት ዝተሳተፋሉ ሽዱሽተ ጉጅላዊ ምይይጥ በቲ ሳልሳይ መፅናዕቲ ምርምር ዝተፈፀመ እንትኾን ምስ ሸሞንተ ሞያተኛታት ጥሙር ጥዕናን ኣርባዕተ ነርስ መዋልዳንን ቃለ መሕትት ብምኽያድ እቲ 4ይ ምርምር/መፅናዕቲ ተፈፂሙ እዩ፡፡ ውፅኢት ቀዳማይ መፅናዕታዊ ፅሑፍ ኣብዚ ቐዳማይ መፅናዕቲ እቶም ዝተአከቡ መረዳእታት ኣብ ሰለስተ ደረጃታት - ቅድመ ፕሮግራም-ፕሮግራም-ድሕረ ፕሮግራም ብዝብል ዝተመቐሉ እዮም፡፡ እቲ ቐንዲ ዕላማ ፕሮግራም ምግፋሕ ጥሙር ጥዕና ድሕሪ ምጅማር ዝተራእየ ለውጢ ንምፍታሽ እዩ፡፡ ኣብ ድሕሪ እቲ ፕሮግራም ካብ 2001-2004 ዓ/ም ብዝተኻየዱ ንጥፈታት ጥዕና ግልጋሎት ወሊድን ድሕረ ወሊድን ኣብ ኩለን ትካላት ጥዕና ካብ ዓመት ናብ ዓመት ልዑል ኣዝማሚያ እናርኣየ ከምዝኸደ ብስታቲስቲካዊ መረዳእታ ንምርግጋፅ ተኻኢሉ እዩ፡፡ ብተመሳሳሊ ኣብዚ ወቕቲ እዚ ኣዝማሚያ ግልጋሎት ክንክን ጥንሲ ኣብ ጥዕና ጣቢያታት ጥራሕ እናለዓለ ከምዝኸደ ውፅኢት እቲ መፅናዕቲ የረድእ፡፡ እቲ መፅናዕቲ ከም ዘረድኦ ሽፋን ክንክን ጥንሲ ብ1995 ካብ ዝነበሮ 28.2% ብ2004 ናብ 46.7 ክምዝለዓለ፤ ግልጋሎት ወሊድ ብ1995 ካብ ዝነበሮ 5% ዝነበረ ናብ 23% ከምዝደየበ ድሕረ ወሊድ ግልጋሎት እውን 11% ዝነበረ ናብ 41% ከምዝለዓለ ንምርዳእ ተኻኢሉ ኣሎ፡፡ ውፅኢት ካልኣይ መፅናዕታዊ ፅሑፍ ኣዴታት ግልጋሎት ክንክን ጥንሲ ኣብ ጥዕና ጣቢያ ንኽጥቀማ ቅርበት ትካላት ጥዕና ንመንበሪ ገዛውቲ፣ ሓዳር ምግባር፣ ልዕሊ 5 ዓመት ስሩዕ ትምህርቲ ምምሃርን ካብ ሕርሻ ወፃኢ ኣብ ካልእ ስራሕቲ ዝተዋፈሩ ሰብ ሓዳር ምህላው ወሰንቲ ኣካላት ምዃኖም በቲ ዝተገብረ ካልኣይ መፅናዕቲ ተረጋጊፁ፡፡ ብተመሳሳሊ ኣብ እዋን ክንክን ጥንሲ ንኣዴታት ምኽሪ ግልጋሎት ምሃብ ቅድመ ታሪኽ ዝንጉዕ ሕርሲ ወይ ሃልኪ ምንባር እውን ኣብ ትካላት ጥዕና ወሊድ ግልጋሎት ንኽመሓየሽ ወሰንቲ ኩነታት ከምዝኾኑ በቲ መፅናዕቲ ተረጋጊፁ፡፡ ብሓፈሻ ፕሮግራም ምግፋሕ ጥሙር ጥዕና ቤተሰብ (HEP) ቀረብ ግልጋሎት ጥዕናን ሽፋን ክንክን ጥንሲ ወሊድን ድሕረ ወሊድ ግልጋሎትን ኣብ ምምሕያሽ ዝተፃወቶ ተራ ትርጉም ዘለዎ ምዃኑ በቲ ዝገበርናዮ መፅናዕቲ ንምርዳእ ተኻኢሉ ኣሎ፡፡ እንተኾነ ግን ባህላዊን ልማዳዊን ኩነታት (ኣብ ገዛ ክትወልድ ምድላይ- ነፍሰፁር ዓይኒሰብ ከይረኽባ ኢልካ ምእማን) - ተበቲኖም ዝሰፈሩ ነበርቲ ምህላው - ኣፀገምቲን ዓቐብ ቁልቁልን ጎቦታትን ዝበዝሖም መንገድታትን እኹል መጉዓዝያ ዘይምህላውን ቀንዲ ሃልኪታትን ዕንቅፋታትን እቲ ዝወሃብ ግልጋሎት ምዃኖም ኣብዚ መፅናዕቲ ተገሊፁ እዩ፡፡ ብተወሳኺ ኣብ ላዕለዎት ትካላት ጥዕና ዘይብሩህ ገፅን ሰሓባይ ኣቀራርባ ሰብ ሞያ ጥዕና ዘይምህላውን ተቐባልነት ዘይብሎም ባህሪያት ምንፅብራቕን ነቲ ግልጋሎት ዝዓዘዘ ዕንቅፋት ከምዘለዎ በቲ መፅናዕቲ ንምርዳእ ተኻኢሉ እዩ፡፡ ማይን መብራህትን ዝኣመሰሉ ትሕቲ ቕርፂ ኣብ ኬላታት ጥዕና ዘይምህላዉ ኣዴታት ኣብ ቀረበአን ዘሎ ትካል ጥዕና ንኽወልዳ ዘየተባብዕ ከምዝኾነ እውን ተሓቢሩ እዩ፡፡ ውፅኢት ሳልሳይን ራብዓይን መፅናዕታዊ ፅሑፍ ኣብ ሳልሳይ መፅናዕቲ ምስ ኣዴታት ብዝተገበረ ምይይጥ - ኣደ እትወልደሉ ቦታ ባዕላ ንኽትውስን ከምእነሓጎታት ዝመሰላ ዕድመ ዝደፍኣ ኣዴታትን ፀቕጢ (ተፅእኖ) ከምዝግበረላ እቶም መፅናዕቲታት ይሕብሩ፡፡ ዋላ አኳ ኣብ ትካል ጥዕና ብዛዕባ ምውላድ ኣዎንታዊ ኣረኣእያ ኣዴታት ዝዓዘዘ እንተኾነ ብዛዕባ ድኹም ኣዋህባ አገልግሎት ጥዕና ኣዝዩ ከምዘተሓሳስበን እቲ መፅናዕቲ ይገልፅ፡፡ ትካል ጥዕና ናብ መንበሪ ኣዴታት ዘለዎ ርሕቐትን መጓዓዓዚ ዘይምርካብ ዝኣመሰሉ ፀገማት ከምዘገድስወን እውን እቲ መፅናዕቲ ይሕብር፡፡ ኣብቲ ራብዓይ መፅናዕቲ ብወገን ሞያተኛታት ጥሙር ጥዕናን ነርስ መዋልዳንን ብዝተገበረ ምይይጥ - ኣብ ሆስፒታል ዝዋሃቡ ዝሐሹ ግልጋሎት ኣዴታት ካብ ታሕተዋይ ትካል ጥዕና ናብ ሆስፒታላት ሪፈር እንትበሃላ ኣብ ምጉዕዓዝ ብሕብረተሰብ ዝግበር ምትሕግጋዝ ከምኡ እውን እናዓበየ ዝኸይድ ዘሎ ግንዛበ ሕብረተሰብ ኣዴታት ኣብ ትካል ጥዕና ንኽወልዳ መሳለጢ ከምዝኾነ እቲ ፅንዓት የረድእ፡፡ ዓቕሚ ምንኣስ ሞያተኛታት ጥሙር ሞያተኛታት ጥሙር ጥዕናን ነርስ መዋልዳንን - ድኹም ኩነታት ትካል ጥዕናን (ሕፅረት ናውቲ ጥዕና ምህላዉ - ትሕቲ ቅርፂ ዘይምምላእ) ፀገም መጉዓዝያን እውን ኣዴታት ኣብ ትካል ጥዕና ንኸይወልዳ ዕንቅፋታት ከምዝኾነ እቲ ፅንዓት የመላኽት፡፡ መጠቓለሊ እቶም ዝተጠቐሱ ዕንቅፋታትን ፀገማትን ብምንካይ ቀረብ ወሊድ ግልጋሎት ጥዕና ንምዕባይ እዞም ዝስዕቡ ፃዕሪታት ምክያድ ይግባእ፡፡ ኣብ ጎቦታትን ኣዝዩ ርሑቕን ኣፀገምትን ዝሰፈረ ሕብረተሰብ ካብቲ ልሙድ ዝተፈለየ ቀረብ ግልጋሎት ጥዕና ምሃብ (ንኣብነት ካብ ጥዕና ጣቢያ ኣዝየን ዝርሕቓ ኬላታት ጥዕና ክእለት ዘለወን ነርስ መዋልዳን (midwives) ምምዳብ - ኣደ ማእኸል ዝገበረ ግልጋሎት ንኽወሃብ ሰብ ሞያ ጥዕና ብዓቕሚ ንኽዓብዩ ምግባርን ነቶም ሓሙሽተ መዐቀኒታት ቀረብ ግልጋሎት ብምምላእ ኣብቲ ሕብረተሰብ ተቐባልነት እቲ ግልጋሎት ክዓቢ ምግባርን፡፡

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