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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kompenzace poruchy posturální stability v čase u pacientů po resekci vestibulárního schwannomu / Compensation of balance disoder in time in patients after vestibular schwannana resection

Hajná, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: Disorders of balance and dizziness are characteristic symptoms in patients after vestibular schwannoma surgery and often have a negative impact on their quality of life. This thesis deals with impairment of postural stability particularly in patients at the long time period after surgery. The aim of this study is to observe the longitudinal development of vestibular compensation from acute postoperative period to time of several years after surgery. Another aim is to evaluate the short-term effect of vestibular rehabilitation in a long time period after surgical treatment, and to compare the results of measuring the subjective visual vertical, posturography, score of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory questionnaire, age and tumor size in these patients. Methods: Examined group consisted of 10 patients after resection of vestibular schwannoma (mean age 41.4 ± 12.1 years; 2 women and 8 men). All patients underwent intensive rehabilitation program in the acute phase after surgery. 7 patients did exercise with visual feedback, and 3 patients had conventional rehabilitation without visual feedback. In long time period after surgery all patients underwent one exercise unit with visual feedback. Patients underwent computerized posturography examination using force platform Balance Master® in...

Hodnocení vlivu cvičení "plank" na posturální stabilitu jedince / Evaluation of the effect of ,,plank" exercise on postural stability of the individual

Honzková, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of the effect of "plank" exercise on postural stability of the individual. Aims: The aim of this diploma thesis is to assess the effect of "plank" position exercise on postural stability of the individual, which is assessed using dynamic comtuterized posturography (NeuroCom SMART EquiTest System). Summary: This pilot study involved 10 women ranging in age from 20 to 30 years. Participants of the study underwent thirty-day exercise intervention program, during which endurance time in "plank" position was increased gradually each day. Postural stability was measured by dynamic computerized posturography SMART EquiTest System before and after the exercise program from NeuroCom. Measured data were processed using NeuroCom Balance Manager Software. To evaluate the effect of intervention program statistical methods (paired t-test, Wilcoxon rank sum test) were used along with rate of clinical significance of intervention (Cohen's d). Results: The results of this study indicate that long-term "plank" position exercise has a positive effect of enlargement of postural stability limits in an upright stand position. Other parameters of postural stability, detectable by dynamic computerized posturography, were not affected. Keywords: postural stability, stability of the axial system, stability...

Hodnocení posturální stability u jedinců provozujících úpolový a bezkontaktní sport / Evaluation of postural stability in subjects engaged in combat and non-contact sport

Kania, Richard January 2017 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of postural stability in subjects engaged in combatand non-contact sports Objectives: The aim of this diploma thesis is to investigate the influence of contact itself during sport activities on postural stability of athletes. Methods: Into this quasi-experiment study there were picked 16 atheletes (n=16) in age from 22 to 35 years. Selected individuals were divided into two groups of eight according to their sporting activity (combat sports, baseball. In the mentioned individuals the postural stability was measured. To measure postural stability the computerized dynamic posturography of EquiTest Smart System from Neurocom was used. Measured data were processed using Neurocom Balance Manager Software. For the analysis of the data following statistical methods - paired t-test, Mann-Whitney test and rate of clinical signifikance (Cohen's d) were used. Results: The results indicate that individuals performing in combat sports were reaching higher mean scores in Limits of Stability than baseball players. This fact has been statistically and clinically proven. On the other hand baseball players reached higher mean Equilibrium Scores in Sensory organization test, however this fact has not been statistically nor clinically proven. No significant differences between the groups in motor...

Vliv akrobatických sportů na dynamickou posturální stabilitu / Influence of acrobatic sports on dynamic postural stability

Šalbabová, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Author: Anna Šalbabová Title: Influence of acrobatic sports on dynamic postrual stability Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate an influence of acrobatic sports on dynamic postural stability with greater focus on vestibular system and reaction time of the subjects and to compare those qualities with non-acrobatic subjects who have no history of acrobatic training. Methods: Assessments were performed on NeuroCom Smart Equi Test device, which is located in laboratory of kinesiology at the UK FTVS. There were 20 subjects divided into 2 groups 10 subject each. One group made of 10 acrobatic athletes, the second group of 10 non- acrobatic subjects with no history of acrobatic training. The age of all subjects ranges from 20 to 34 years. For the testing of dynamic postural stability were used Sensory Organization Test (SOT), Motor Control Test (MCT), Head Shake - Sensory Organization Test (HS-SOT). For assessment of vestibulo-ocular reflex was used Dynamic Visual Acuity Test (DVAT), which cannot be performed without Perception Time Test (PPT). Results: The results have shown significantly better reaction times of acrobatic group in MCT and better results of acrobatic group in Head Shake - SOT in half of the performed tests. SOT and DVAT have shown no significant data. Conclusion: This study...

Eficácia da dieta fracionada e restritiva de carboidratos em pacientes portadores de distúrbios do equilíbrio corporal associados a alterações do metabolismo da glicose por meio da posturografia dinâmica computadorizada, disability / Effectiveness of the glucose restrictive and fractionated diet in patients with corporal imbalance and disorders of glucose metabolism by computerized dynamic posturography, disability index and visual analog scale

Santos, Maruska d'Aparecida 05 December 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O consumo mundial de açúcar triplicou nos últimos 50 anos e a sua ingesta abusiva é responsável pela resistência periférica à insulina, que origina a síndrome metabólica - obesidade, diabetes melito, hipertensão arterial e doenças coronarianas . Motivados pelo elevado número de pacientes que nos procuram com queixas vestibulares associadas aos distúrbios de metabolismo da glicose (DMG) resolvemos avaliar de forma objetiva, a influência dos DMG nas disfunções labirínticas e o efeito da dieta restritiva de carboidratos como forma de tratamento. OBJETIVO: Observar o impacto da dieta fracionada e restritiva de carboidratos na qualidade de vida dos pacientes portadores de distúrbios do equilíbrio corporal e DMG por meio da posturografia dinâmica computadorizada (PDC), do disability index (DI) e da escala análogo-visual (EAV). CASUÍSTICA E METODOLOGIA: Este estudo foi desenhado como um ensaio clínico prospectivo controlado randomizado realizado no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída de 51 pacientes divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Dieta (GD): indivíduos tratados com comprimidos de placebo e dieta fracionada com restrição de glicose, Grupo Controle (GC): receberam apenas placebo. Os pacientes realizaram PDC, DI e EAV no primeiro e trigésimo dias do estudo. RESULTADOS: A amostra mostrou-se homogêna quando comparados os grupos e observou-se melhora, estatísticamente comprovada nas condições posturográficas avaliadas quando comparados GD e GC. Observou-se ainda melhora clínica do GD na análise da EAV. CONCLUSÃO: A dieta fracionada e restritiva de carboidratos mostrou-se eficaz no tratamento da nossa amostra de pacientes portadores de disfunções vestibulares associadas a DMG. / INTRODUCTION: World sugar consumption has tripled in the last 50 years and its abusive ingestion is responsible for peripheral insulin resistance, which leads to metabolic syndrome - obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Because of the high number of patients with vestibular complaints and with glucose metabolism disorders (GMD) we decided to objectively evaluate the effect of glucose restrictive and fractionated diet as a option of treatment in these patients. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the glucose restrictive and fractionated diet on the Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP), disability index (DI) and the visual analogue scale (VAS) in patients with balance disorders and disorders of glucose metabolism. SAMPLES AND METHODOLOGY: Randomized controlled trial. Sample of 51 patients divided into two groups: Diet Group (DG) treated with placebo pills and glucose restrictive and fractionated diet and Control Group (CG) with only placebo. The individuals performed CDP, DI and VAS at first and thirtieth days of study. RESULTS: The sample groups were homogeneous before the study. There were significant improvement of DG on CDP conditions 4, 5, 6 and composite score. There was, also, significant improvement of VAS analysis on DG after intervention. CONCLUSION: The glucose restrictive and fractionated diet was effective in the treatment of patients with vestibular dysfunction associated with glucose metabolism disorders

Eignet sich der Balance-X-Sensor Pro als Assessmentinstrument im Alltag einer Rehabilitationsklinik? Entwicklung einer Testbatterie für Patienten mit chronischen Rückenschmerzen und anschließender Vergleich mit bereits validierten Assessmentmethoden / Fits the Balance-X-Sensor Pro as an Assessmentinstrument in the everyday life of a rehabilitation clinic? Development of a test battery for patients with chronic low back pain and comparison with already validated assessmentmethods.

Burke, Josephine 12 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Hodnocení kompenzace stabilometrických parametrů u pacientů po operaci vestibulárního schwannomu / The assessment of the compensation of stabilometric parameters in patients after vestibular schwannoma surgery

Kozlová, Eva January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we have been dealing with the evaluation of progressing of the postural stability in the patients after the operation of the vestibular schwannoma (VS). The stability was evaluated by means of stabilometric parameters (COP trajectory length, COP confidence ellipse area). We measured the development of the parameters before operation, immediately after resection and before the discharge. The set contained 17 patients (n = 17). The level of static importance we determined p ≤ 0,05. We found a statistically significant difference between the measurement before the operation and the measurement immediately after the operation (COP confidence ellipse area: p = 0,0183, COP trajectory length: p = 0,0355). On the other hand, the change in both parameters in the measurement before the discharge and the testing after the resection wasn't statistically significant (COP confidence ellipse area: p = 0,4081, COP trajectory length: p = 0,9991). Our next goal was to find out if the stability fault correlates with the disorder of function VOR. We testing the function of t-VOR by the subjective visual vertical (SVV) (n = 24), the function of the r-VOR by the dynamic visual acuity (DVA) (n = 28) and the caloric test (n = 21). We found a statistically significant correlation of both stabilometric...

Vliv virtuální reality na dynamickou posturální stabilitu / Aplication of virtual reality on dynamic postural stability

Al Amri, Saad Khazim D January 2018 (has links)
Objective The aim of this study was to identify if there is any significant difference in dynamic postural stability after 3D Virtual Reality VR application on healthy adults. Methodology There were 11 healthy adults participants ( n=11 , 7 males, 4 females), with age average of 27 years. Pre-test and post-test procedures were performed by using NeuroCom, Smart Balance Master System, Sensory Organization Test SOT (Composite Equilibrium, Sensory Analysis of Somatosensory SOM, Visual VIS, Vestibular VEST, and Preference PREF) and Motor Control Test MCT (Weight Symmetry). Application of 3D Virtual Reality was provided by using Samsung Gear Goggles, with 5 minutes duration. Results There were no significant statistical differences in SOT Composite Equilibrium, Sensory Analysis of Somatosensory SOM, Visual VIS, Vestibular VEST, Preference PREF, and MCT Weight Symmetry results (p > 0.05) after the Virtual Reality application. Conclusion The application of Virtual Reality has no significant difference on dynamic postural stability in healthy adults from one session exposure. Further investigation and trials are needed to clarify the Virtual Reality effectiveness on dynamic postural stability of healthy adults. Keywords Postural Stability, Dynamic Postural stability, Balance, Computerized Dynamic...

Eficácia da dieta fracionada e restritiva de carboidratos em pacientes portadores de distúrbios do equilíbrio corporal associados a alterações do metabolismo da glicose por meio da posturografia dinâmica computadorizada, disability / Effectiveness of the glucose restrictive and fractionated diet in patients with corporal imbalance and disorders of glucose metabolism by computerized dynamic posturography, disability index and visual analog scale

Maruska d'Aparecida Santos 05 December 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O consumo mundial de açúcar triplicou nos últimos 50 anos e a sua ingesta abusiva é responsável pela resistência periférica à insulina, que origina a síndrome metabólica - obesidade, diabetes melito, hipertensão arterial e doenças coronarianas . Motivados pelo elevado número de pacientes que nos procuram com queixas vestibulares associadas aos distúrbios de metabolismo da glicose (DMG) resolvemos avaliar de forma objetiva, a influência dos DMG nas disfunções labirínticas e o efeito da dieta restritiva de carboidratos como forma de tratamento. OBJETIVO: Observar o impacto da dieta fracionada e restritiva de carboidratos na qualidade de vida dos pacientes portadores de distúrbios do equilíbrio corporal e DMG por meio da posturografia dinâmica computadorizada (PDC), do disability index (DI) e da escala análogo-visual (EAV). CASUÍSTICA E METODOLOGIA: Este estudo foi desenhado como um ensaio clínico prospectivo controlado randomizado realizado no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi constituída de 51 pacientes divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Dieta (GD): indivíduos tratados com comprimidos de placebo e dieta fracionada com restrição de glicose, Grupo Controle (GC): receberam apenas placebo. Os pacientes realizaram PDC, DI e EAV no primeiro e trigésimo dias do estudo. RESULTADOS: A amostra mostrou-se homogêna quando comparados os grupos e observou-se melhora, estatísticamente comprovada nas condições posturográficas avaliadas quando comparados GD e GC. Observou-se ainda melhora clínica do GD na análise da EAV. CONCLUSÃO: A dieta fracionada e restritiva de carboidratos mostrou-se eficaz no tratamento da nossa amostra de pacientes portadores de disfunções vestibulares associadas a DMG. / INTRODUCTION: World sugar consumption has tripled in the last 50 years and its abusive ingestion is responsible for peripheral insulin resistance, which leads to metabolic syndrome - obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Because of the high number of patients with vestibular complaints and with glucose metabolism disorders (GMD) we decided to objectively evaluate the effect of glucose restrictive and fractionated diet as a option of treatment in these patients. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the glucose restrictive and fractionated diet on the Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP), disability index (DI) and the visual analogue scale (VAS) in patients with balance disorders and disorders of glucose metabolism. SAMPLES AND METHODOLOGY: Randomized controlled trial. Sample of 51 patients divided into two groups: Diet Group (DG) treated with placebo pills and glucose restrictive and fractionated diet and Control Group (CG) with only placebo. The individuals performed CDP, DI and VAS at first and thirtieth days of study. RESULTS: The sample groups were homogeneous before the study. There were significant improvement of DG on CDP conditions 4, 5, 6 and composite score. There was, also, significant improvement of VAS analysis on DG after intervention. CONCLUSION: The glucose restrictive and fractionated diet was effective in the treatment of patients with vestibular dysfunction associated with glucose metabolism disorders

Posturální strategie hráčů volejbalu a jejich schopnost dynamické stabilizace / Postural strategy of volleyball players and their ability to dynamically stabilize

Hasalová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Title: Postural strategy of volleyball players and their ability to dynamically stabilize. Objective: The aim of this diploma thesis is to find and describe the parameters, which enable the level of postural stabilization in professional volleyball players to be traced, depending on their playing position. These parameters were obtained by taking measurements using dynamic computer posturography (Smart EquiTest System). Methods: In this experiment, 10 professional players between the ages of 18 and 28, who actively compete in the highest national volleyball league, were specifically selected. The selected individuals were divided into groups according to their game specialization (left side hitter/ right side hitter (n = 3), middle blocker (n = 3), setter (n = 2) and libero (n = 2)). In addition, a control group was selected, consisting of 5 recreational volleyball players. In this thesis, in order to objectively assess the postural stability of test subjects (top athletes and control groups), Neurocom's Smart EquiTest System was used, and the measured data was then processed in Neurocom's Balance Manager Software. Statistical evaluation using Shapiro - Wilk's Normality Test, Student's t - test and Mann - Whitney test subsequently made it possible to compare the game specializations of the test...

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