Spelling suggestions: "subject:"potentiality"" "subject:"potentiallity""
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The role of actuality in Aristotle's first philosophyBattiste, Brian 01 July 2014 (has links)
I show how Aristotle’s theory of the priority of actuality and his theory of non-correlative actuality help prepare the way for his own positive account of the separate, non-sensible substances. Aristotle argues that actuality is prior to potentiality in Metaphysics [Theta]8, and in particular that actuality is prior in substance and in a more authoritative kind of way. I show how both of these arguments are to be understood, and how the more authoritative kind of priority (which is not substantial priority, as usually thought) is again appealed to in Metaphysics [Lamda]6 in order to draw important inferences about the primary principles. I also show how the theory of non-correlative actuality used in [Theta]8 is, just like the more authoritative kind of priority, again applied in [Lamda]6 in parallel kinds of ways. It turns out that the traditional interpretation which ascribes the notion of “pure actuality” to Aristotle is mistaken, and this comes to light once Aristotle’s theory of non-correlative actuality is properly understood and the texts are properly interpreted. / text
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An abstract configuration of the epistemology of potentiality paradigm therapy : a qualitative meta-synthesis of theoretical textsGilmore, Ian January 2017 (has links)
The first step that I took in preparing myself to undertake what is in essence a piece of epistemological research was to divide the psychological therapies into two: the potentiality paradigm and the pathology paradigm. The former is based upon the potentiality model articulated by person-centred theorists like Dave Mearns and Brian Thorne, which is essentially a growth model, whilst the latter reflects a form of therapy that recognises people according to what may be considered 'wrong with' or 'deficient about' them, such as operates in the disciplines of medicine and clinical psychology. The main focus of this piece of research was to determine the epistemology that is at work with what actually goes on in the practice of potentiality paradigm therapy. In order to achieve this, I set about identifying, reading, analysing and eventually coding the most epistemologically rich writings that I could find from mainstream authors on potentiality paradigm therapy from the professional and the academic literature. It became clear from this analysis that the heart of what was actually going on in the practice of potentiality paradigm therapy as articulated in these theoretical writings could be coded into three main discourses: an experiential discourse, a relational discourse and a hermeneutic discourse, each of which I have considered to represent an epistemological discourse for the purposes of this piece of research. My next question was to ask myself how these discourses set about articulating the potentiality paradigm with respect to the practice of the psychological therapies, and the answer came back that they articulated the potentiality paradigm best when they worked concertedly rather than discretely. Indeed, it soon became apparent that the human brain integrates and synthesises the data that it receives by way of these three central discourses, and so it seemed only appropriate that I should work towards expressing these findings by creating a qualitative meta-synthesis of these three discourses: the experiential, the relational and the hermeneutic, which is exactly what I did. The epistemological mechanism by which these three discourses are integrated and synthesised needs to reflect the way in which the human brain integrates and synthesises the data that it receives, and the name given to this epistemological mechanism is dialectical constructivism. This is included along with the three epistemological discourses - the experiential, the relational and the hermeneutic - in the creative and interpretive synthesis in which this piece of research culminates, and is followed by an illustrative worked example showing how these discourses articulate the potentiality paradigm - concertedly - with respect to the practice of the psychological therapies. One of the advantages of applying this meta-model to the way in which we look at potentiality paradigm therapy is that it may be used to free us up to practice in the more dialogical ways which have been becoming increasingly favoured by practitioners in recent times. With our view of potentiality paradigm therapy mediated by this meta-model, we may find it easier to traverse across what many practitioners have tended to view as theoretical boundaries. It could also be viewed as a move towards a more functional and less structural form of governance or regulation, as expressed by Mearns and Thorne.
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In the Theater of SubjectivityLitvak, Violetta 01 January 2008 (has links)
This thesis tracks the formal and conceptual development of my work during the two years of graduate study at the VCU Photography and Film Department. It describes the influence of photography on my evolution as an artist and contextualizes my desire to expand the practice beyond the traditional limitations of the medium. It recounts my experimentations with assemblage, video and installation and their contribution to my understanding of spatial and temporal dimensions in the formal construction of my work.In part, the thesis is also a statement of my convictions about art making. It discusses theimportance of perception and subjective experience, as well as the role of personal history in my work.
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Theology of love and temporal justiceGunnarsson, Gretar January 2015 (has links)
The thesis addresses the problematic of the relationship between Christian love and justice as it regards political structures and institutions. In doing so we hope contribute to a better understanding of the relationship that ought to pertain between the Christian church and political authorities. We make a distinction within the concept of justice, distinguishing between a more general loving justice and temporal justice which belongs specifically to political authorities and is reactive to loving justice. We argue that it cannot be maintained that love simply becomes temporal justice, in the sense that the justice of temporal authorities should be the same as the loving justice Christians proclaim and hope for. Neither is there the opposite, a peaceful boundary between love and temporal justice. This is because there is another criterion for the interrelationship between love and justice to be deduced from what will be established in the thesis. Temporal justice is the space created that allows love to be actualized. The nature and limits of this interaction between love and temporal justice will be explained and the spaces of temporal justice argued to be neither negative nor positive but rather suggestive. The thesis provides a descriptive framework for how the interaction between love and temporal justice takes place and posits the criteria that should guide political action and political judgment. The entire argument of the thesis is substantiated by conversation with certain key interlocutors who are all participants in a broader conversation that is defined in the thesis.
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AB DnB Nord banko teikiamų paslaugų analizė ir plėtros galimybės / Analysis of the services offered by the AB DnB Nord bank and its potentiality of the expansionŠliautarienė, Jurgita 26 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjamos AB DnB Nord banko teikiamos paslaugos, nustatomos banko plėtros galimybės. Remiantis Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių moksline literatūra, apžvelgiama bankininkystės raida, apibendrinama bankų veikla, išanalizuojamas pagrindinių bankų paslaugų organizavimas. Atliktas banko teikiamų paslaugų paklausos bei kokybės tyrimas, pasinaudojus anketine apklausa. Remiantis tyrimu, įvertinta AB DnB Nord banko teikiamų paslaugų kokybė, numatytos banko plėtros galimybės. Pasitvirtino autorės suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad naujų paslaugų pasiūlymas gali paskatinti vartotojus aktyviau naudotis AB DnB Nord banko teikiamomis paslaugomis. / Services offered by the AB DnB Nord bank are analysed and its potentiality of the expansion is determined in the master‘s work. Referring to the scientific litarature of Lithuanian and foreign authors, the development of banking and its activity is generalised and organisation of the principal services is analysed. The research of the demand and quality of the services is done using an inquiry form. According to the survey, the quality of the services offered by the AB DnB Nord bank is evaluated and the potentiality of the expansion is planned. The author‘s hypothesis of the scientific research that the offer o new services can motivate the consumers to use the services of the AB DnB Nord bank more active, has proved out.
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Matter and Explanation. On Aristotle's Metaphysics Book H / Matière et Explication. Sur le livre Η de la Métaphysique d'AristoteSeminara, Simone Giuseppe 13 June 2014 (has links)
Le titre de ma thèse est “Matter and Explanation. On Aristotle's Metaphysics Book Η”. Le but de cette recherche est de montrer la profonde unité argumentative du livre H (livre VIII), considéré habituellement comme un ensemble d'appendices au livre livre Z, qui le précède. Dans mon travail, conformément à la tendance dominante dans la littérature spécialisée des dernières années, je pars de l'indication donnée par M. Burnyeat dans “A Map of Metaphysics Ζ” (2001). D’après Burnyeat, H achèverait l'analyse de Z en développant le nouveau point de départ dans l'étude sur la substance établi dans le chapitre Z17. Dans ce texte, on considère la substance comme « principe et cause » et, par conséquent, on recherche « la cause pour laquelle la matière est quelque chose ». Cette indication a été utilisée jusqu'à présent pour voir en H l'endroit où ce principe serait appliqué. H aurait ainsi un rôle didactique, explicitant le principe méthodologique établi en Z17. Dans mon travail, je vise à montrer que l’attitude d’Aristote à propos de la notion de substance ne se borne pas, dans le livre H, à une simple synthèse exposant des résultats préalablement acquis. J’estime, au contraire, qu’il procède à une révision profonde du statut de substantialité qui est celui de la matière, c'est-à-dire du sujet ontologique, dont il s’agit alors d’expliquer l'organisation. Cette révision concerne les critères de référence, utilisés dans Z, qui avaient différemment contribué à imposer une lecture déflationniste de la notion de ὕλη. Dans H, au contraire, la matière est abordée en tant que sujet physique sous-jacent aux changements et à travers son rôle dispositionnel à l'intérieur des composées biologiques. Cette perspective de recherche s'accomplit en H6, où Aristote montre la supériorité explicative de son hylémorphisme par rapport à la doctrine platonicienne des Idées. / The main aim of my work – “Matter and Explanation. On Aristotle's Metaphysics Book Η” – is to show the argumentative unity of Book Η (VIII), which has been usually regarded as a mere collection of appendices to the previous Book Ζ. In my thesis I take on the main suggestion provided by M. Burnyeat in “A Map of Metaphysics Ζ” (2001). According to Burnyeat, Η accomplishes the enquiry of Ζ by developing Ζ17's fresh start into the analysis of sensible substances. Starting from Ζ17, Aristotle regards the notion of substance in its explanatory role as “principle and cause” and, as a consequence, he searches for “the cause by reason of which a certain matter is some definite thing”. Burnyeat's suggestion has been so far followed in order to look at Η as at that place where this search is accomplished. Thus, Η would play a didactical-expository role. In my work I aim at showing how in Book Η Aristotle does not confine himself to a mere exposition of the previous outcomes. By contrast, he provides a deep revision of the status of matter's substancehood. Namely of that ontological subject whose organization must be explained. Such a revision concerns those criteria, which in Book Ζ have provided a deflationary reading of the notion of ὕλη. On the contrary, in Η matter is read as subject of physical changes and in its dispositional role within the biological wholes. Such a framework is accomplished in Η6, where Aristotle shows the explanatory primacy of his own hylomorphism over the Platonic Doctrine of Forms.
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Ethical design : a foundation for visual communicationBuwert, Peter January 2016 (has links)
The central original contribution to knowledge proposed by this thesis is the setting forth of a conceptualisation of ethical theory specifically in relation to design, with a focus on visual communication design. Building on earlier work by design theorist Clive Dilnot in the area of design ethics and on philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s formulation of the philosophical concept of potentiality, a way of thinking about the relationship between design and ethics is proposed which concludes that design is in fact always inherently ethical. However, this conception of ethical design purposefully leaves questions of the qualification of good and bad unresolved, stating only that the ethical is the prerequisite condition in which both good and bad become possibilities. Design’s significantly unethical capability to suppress and anaesthetise individuals’ ethical experience is highlighted through a proposal of a process of an/aesth/ethics. Observation of the relationship between design and ethics in the real world through a series of interviews demonstrates something of the complexity of design’s relationship with ethics and the diverse range of positions, beliefs, attitudes and paradoxes abounding within the design profession when it comes to addressing the question of “good” design practice. Six “sites” of ethics within contemporary design discourse are introduced and discussed. The ethicality of design practices in relation to these sites are then analysed through the lens of the proposed ethical framework: identifying strengths, weaknesses and potentials within these observed strategies. The way of thinking about ethical design proposed here demonstrates potential in contributing to designers’ ability to critically consider the ethicality of their own practices. From this foundation they may be better equipped to begin addressing the question of the qualification of the “goodness” of design. In conclusion, proposals are made for how this framework could be practically developed and used to support and encourage ethical design in the real world.
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Mouvements et modalités : l’interprétation et la transformation de la dunamis et de l’energeia chez Hegel et chez Heidegger / Movements and Modalities : The Interpretation and Transformation of dunamis and energeia in the Philosophies of Hegel and HeideggerSauder, Christopher 11 February 2012 (has links)
En enchâssant notre étude dans la conceptualité aristotélicienne de l’accomplissement processuel de l’être, nous voulons ouvrir une voie qui permette de renouveler le dialogue manqué entre Hegel et Heidegger. En effet, nous voulons démontrer que les divergences fondamentales entre les deux philosophes allemands quant au mouvement, à la modalité et au temps se laissent comprendre à partir de leurs interprétations, adaptations et transformations des notions de puissance et d’acte. Dans un premier temps, nous mettons en contraste les deux modèles – celui des actes immanents et celui des mouvements transitifs – de la puissance et de l’acte chez Aristote, qui nous serviront ensuite à éclairer la divergence entre les interprétations de Hegel et de Heidegger. Dans un second temps, nous examinons les interprétations de ces termes dans les nombreux cours donnés par les deux philosophes sur le Stagirite. Nous nous tournons ensuite vers les pensées propres des philosophes afin de démontrer leur dépendance envers la conceptualité cinétique d’Aristote, aussi bien que les limitations qu’ils y trouvent et qui les amènent à la trahir. Il s’avère que Hegel, porté vers l’antériorité et l’immanence de l’acte compris comme le mouvement circulaire et intemporel de la dialectique, aboutit à une modalité qui ressemble à celle des Mégariques. Heidegger, de son côté, comprend le discours aristotélicien de la production comme une proto-phénoménologie, mais le trouve cependant insuffisant pour conceptualiser le mouvement essentiel du Dasein, à cause de son orientation téléologique. Néanmoins, Heidegger demeure aristotélicien dans son insistance sur le lien entre le mouvement (de l’ouverture) et le temps. / This study constructs a dialogue between Hegel and Heidegger, within the framework of the Aristotelian conceptuality of the processual fulfilment of being. The fundamental divergences between the two German philosophers concerning movement, modality and time are analyzed in terms of their interpretations, adaptations, and transformations of the notions of potentiality and actuality. I begin by developing two contrasting conceptions of potentiality and actuality – immanent acts and transitive movements – that serve to mark out the different trajectories of interpretations made by Hegel and Heidegger. I then turn to an analysis of the numerous lecture courses both philosophers gave on Aristotle. Finally, I show how certain of their fundamental philosophical breakthroughs rely on the kinetic conceptuality of the Stagirite, even if the limitations of those Aristotelian paradigms ultimately force Hegel and Heidegger to transgress them. It turns out that Hegel, taking his point of depart from the priority and immanence of energeia, understood as the circular and atemporal movement of the dialectic, ends up with a theory of modality bearing close resemblance to that of the Megarians. Heidegger, on the other hand, understands the Aristotelian production discourse as a proto-phenomenology, which he nevertheless finds insufficient for conceptualizing the essential movement of Dasein, due to its overriding teleological orientation. Nevertheless, Heidegger remains Aristotelian in his insistence on the intrinsic relation between the movement of phenomenological appearing and time.
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Volba modu ve španělských konstrukcích s modálním významem potenciálním (s přihlédnutím k situaci v češtině a italštině) / Choice of Mood in Spanish Grammatical Constructions Expressing Potentiality (with Reference to Czech and Italian)Kratochvílová, Dana January 2012 (has links)
in English Choice of Mood in Spanish Grammatical Constructions Expressing Potentiality (with Reference to Czech and Italian) Key words: Mood, Subjunctive, Potentiality, Corpus, Spanish, Italian, Czech The objective of this paper is to study the systemic possibilities of alternation between the subjunctive and the indicative in Spanish grammatical constructions expressing potentiality, the semantical differences this alternation brings and also the frequency these two modes appear in respective constructions. In order to achieve this objective I studied not only the specialized literature in the topic but also the language corpora. Later I compared the situation in Spanish with Italian and Czech as well. The results of my study brought me to the conclusion that it is necessary to study each expression of potentiality separately because the verbal modes do not appear equally often after these expressions. On the other hand, the use of the conjunctive in Italian is far more formalized. Czech does not posses any systemic tool that could work for the Spanish subjunctive in every context. However, its translation as the conditional or the future indicative is possible.
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Estudo sobre a potencialidade melancólicaMoser, Matheus 07 May 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-05-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present research consists in a study about the melancholic potentiality. The subject of this study is the actress Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) whom, based in her biography, I suppose to be a carrier of a melancholic potentiality because of
the exhibition of a series of melancholic features and for have suffered a
narcissistic disqualification in the primordial moments of the constitution of her
psyche. The objective of this study is to make a psychopathologic read of the case, prioritizing the identity conflict of Marilyn Monroe. The psychoanalysis is
the theory used in this work, which has as principal authors Freud, Aulagnier and Violante / A presente pesquisa consiste em um estudo sobre a potencialidade melancólica. O sujeito desse estudo é a atriz Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) que, baseado em sua biografia, suponho ser portadora de uma potencialidade melancólica por exibir uma série de traços melancólicos e por ter sofrido uma desqualificação narcísica nos momentos primordiais da constituição da seu psiquismo. O objetivo deste estudo é fazer uma leitura psicopatológica do caso, priorizando o conflito identificatório de Marilyn Monroe. A psicanálise é o referencial teórico deste trabalho, que tem como principais autores Freud, Aulagnier e Violante
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