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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Requirements for a sustainable growth of the natural gas industry in South Africa

Asamoah, Joseph Kwasi 23 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9202134A - PhD thesis - School of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / South Africa’s energy economy is dominated by coal, which produces relatively high emissions of greenhouse and noxious gases during combustion. This causes environmental problems that may lead to health risks that are cause for concern. In this thesis, various propositions are tested about whether in the Cape Metropolitan Area natural gas is a lower cost energy source than coal for generating base load power within a specified range of capacity factors under different scenarios. The problem being investigated is the uncertainty about the quantified effect that revenue from monetised carbon dioxide credits and inclusion of damage costs would have on the breakeven selling price of electricity, if natural gas were substituted for coal for generating base load power in the above Area. The research procedure entailed conceptualising and developing technical details of four power generation scenarios and reviewing various tools for cost-benefit analysis. Next, a Te- Con Techno-Economic Simulator model and screening curves were selected from a suite of potential tools. The power generation cost profiles for coal and natural gas were determined, followed by sensitivity analysis. The model was populated and used to compare the lifecycle economic performance of coal and natural gas technologies. Natural gas emerged as a lower cost energy source than coal for generating base load power within a specified range of capacity factors under all the scenarios. This thesis recommends the following: the introduction of tax holidays and favourable capital equipment depreciation regimes to stimulate natural gas exploration; the use of natural gas as an energy source to promote small-scale enterprises in communities contiguous to gas transmission pipelines; in addition, electricity prices should reflect damage costs in order to internalise externalities associated with power generation. The contribution to knowledge is the innovative way of financing the gas-fired power generation project by using the monetised carbon dioxide credits under the novel Clean Development Mechanism to redeem a bank and a shareholders’ loan. This could result in reducing the loan payment by 4.3 years, saving 38 % in interest payments and allow scarce finance available for project funding to be extended to other projects to the advantage of national economic development.


JAIR ARONE MAUES 14 January 2009 (has links)
[pt] O trabalho compara sistemas de conversão de energia para geração de energia elétrica, com ênfase no caso brasileiro, levando-se em consideração todos os fatores relevantes envolvidos, em especial os riscos associados a cada um dos componentes do custo final da energia. Os modelos de custos usuais de engenharia tendem a favorecer a geração de energia tradicional em detrimento das renováveis alternativas, ao ignorar os riscos envolvidos, baseando-se apenas no menor preço do quilowatt-hora gerado. O modelo financeiro aplicado nesta comparação baseia-se na Teoria de Portfólios, desenvolvida por Harry Markowitz. Primeiramente são avaliados os resultados do binômio risco-retorno relacionados à matriz prevista pela EPE - Empresa de Pesquisa Energética no Plano Nacional de Energia - 2030, publicado em 2006. Posteriormente, as alternativas indicadas pelo modelo são comparadas. Os resultados mostraram que a matriz prevista pela EPE em 2030 não está otimizada do ponto de vista do binômio retorno-risco dos investimentos em geração elétrica. Os aumentos da participação das fontes renováveis não tradicionais à matriz, especificamente, resíduos das plantações de cana-de-açúcar e energia eólica, reduzem tanto o risco quanto o custo médio do quilowatt-hora gerado. Este resultado vale mesmo quando se variam os dados de entrada, notadamente os riscos associados aos custos de geração relacionados às diversas tecnologias consideradas, assim como os coeficientes de correlação entre elas. As participações dessas duas fontes renováveis na fronteira eficiente, tecnicamente viável, resultaram em portfólios bastante robustos, imunes às variações imputadas. / [en] The work compares current approaches for evaluating and planning Brazilian energy mixes for future power generation, based not only on energy cost components contribution to a portfolio, but on their contribution to portfolio risk, as well. Energy planners have traditionally used least-cost as a basis for generating capacity additions, understating the true value of non traditional renewable technologies for decreasing risk. This project applies widely accepted finance theory, Mean-Variance Portfolio Theory, developed by Harry Markowitz, to provide an economic basis for selecting alternative generating scenarios. First, Brazil`s expected future generating mix for 2030 as predicted by Empresa de Pesquisa Energética in its 2030 Brazilian Power Planning, published in 2006, is evaluated. This mix is referred to as the reference EPE scenario. The risk-return properties of Brazil`s expected EPE mix for the year 2030 is compared to other possible mixes on the projected efficient frontier. The model finds solutions that are superior to the EPE mix in that they reduce risk or cost or both, while including a greater share of wind and biomass from sugar cane in the mix. The basic findings of this analysis seem quite robust, and do not materially change the shape of the efficient frontier, where it is technically feasible, even when the risk parameter estimates and cost covariations are changed significantly in the sensitivity analysis.

Solução de problemas de otimização utilizando arquitetura híbrida. / Solution of optimization problems using hybrid architecture.

Murakami, Lélis Tetsuo 30 April 2008 (has links)
A energia elétrica constitui um dos propulsores da economia de um país, assumindo um papel extremamente importante e estratégico, pois influi diretamente na capacidade produtiva. A expansão da produção de energia elétrica não se consegue somente com medidas de curto prazo, pois as obras deste setor demandam um longo tempo de execução, medido em anos e dependendo da magnitude da obra, o prazo pode até superar uma década. O parque gerador nacional é constituído predominantemente por usinas hidroelétricas, complementado por usinas térmicas que utilizam diversas fontes de combustível, havendo a necessidade de minimizar a produção das térmicas, em virtude do alto custo de geração, em relação ao custo de geração hidroelétrica. Garantir o suprimento da demanda futura de energia elétrica é uma tarefa complexa de planejamento que basicamente, depende da análise de dois cenários que se compõem: o primeiro cenário é o que desenha o crescimento futuro da economia e neste caso, desde que não ocorram fatos extraordinários como o recente crescimento econômico experimentado pela China, a previsão da demanda não acarreta surpresa de grande significância; o segundo cenário, traz como característica a incerteza, uma vez que a produção das hidroelétricas depende da quantidade de água disponível dos cursos de água, que por sua vez, depende do regime de chuvas passado e corrente. O índice pluviométrico é um dado estocástico, ocorrendo ao sabor da probabilidade, o que remete a um estudo de casos e seus desdobramentos, acarretando um leque de possibilidades de estados muito grande, dificultando as análises sobre a previsão futura. Planejar o setor elétrico compreende prever um crescimento de demanda e equipar o setor com máquinas de geração, necessárias para atender a demanda, com uma margem de risco calculada. Para isto, utilizam-se modelos de simulação que possibilitem o exercício de previsão, combinando-se os dois cenários citados, visualizando os estados sub seqüentes, decorrentes de decisões tomadas. A dificuldade desta tarefa é devida à quantidade de alternativas da situação futura, resultante de um fenômeno combinatório de possibilidades que exige para simulação dos modelos, não só uma grande capacidade de processamento dos computadores como também, uma estratégia de tratamento do problema, baseada em processos numéricos especializados e dirigidos a este tipo de problema. Dada a importância e magnitude deste assunto, qualquer esforço que venha a contribuir para uma melhoria do planejamento do setor elétrico, traz benefícios significativos, o que corrobora com os propósitos desta tese, que busca em primeiro lugar, propor soluções técnicas viáveis e econômicas para o problema de otimização da geração de energia elétrica, e em segundo lugar, apresentar uma solução para este tipo de problema, com uma abordagem inovadora, provida de um potencial significativo para aplicação em muitos outros tipos de problemas similares. / Electrical power could be considered as one of the economy propulsion vector of a country, assuming extremely important and strategic role because it makes direct influence to the production capacity. The expansion of electrical energy production could not only be done in a short time because constructions in this area take many years and could require more then a decade depending on the magnitude of them. The national power generation group is constituted mainly by hydro power plants complemented by thermal power plants which use several kinds of fuel which generation cost is high, if compared to hydro power generation, and should be minimized. It is a complex planning issue to supply the future power demand which basically depends on the analysis of two compoundable scenarios: the first one refers to the forecast of future economy growing and in this case, unless unpredicted issues occur such as the recent high economy growing experimented by China, the future demand does not show any surprise and is easy to predict; the second one, has inside the uncertainty because the hydro plants productions depends on the water quantity of rivers which depends on the past and current rainfall regimen. The quantity of rainfall is a stochastic data and follows the rules of probability and this drives to the study of cases and its deployments which are numerous causing difficulties to forecast the future. The planning of the electrical area has to examine the future demand and provide the necessary power generation equipment assuming a certain risk. To have it done, simulation models are used to predict the future, combining the two scenarios cited before, and viewing the results promoted by decision took in a step before. The difficult of this task is caused by the big amount of future alternatives provided by the combinatorial phenomena which require, to process the model, a computer with high processing capacity and specialized and specific methods that can resolve this king of problem. Because of the importance and magnitude of this issue, every effort which contributes to the improvement of power planning is welcome and this corroborates with this thesis which has an objective to propose technical, viable and economic solutions to solve the optimization problems with a new approach and has potential to be applied in many others kind of similar problems.

Relações sobre usinas hidrelétricas e alterações nos modos de produção agrícola / Relations between hydroelectric plants and changes in agricultural production methods

Praia, Amanda Salles 23 October 2017 (has links)
A instalação de empreendimentos hidrelétricos ocorreu de forma crescente no Brasil na última década. De igual modo, a importância da produção agrícola na economia nacional também cresceu. A supressão de terras e a alteração do fluxo da água causada pelo alagamento necessário à implantação de usinas hidrelétricas alteram a estrutura e a dinâmica das regiões diretamente afetadas em função de aspectos ambientais e sociais como reassentamentos, migrações, especulação imobiliária, êxodo rural etc. Estes impactos das hidrelétricas têm sido amplamente descritos pela literatura. O presente trabalho buscou analisar de forma especifica os impactos ocasionados pelos alagamentos sofridos pelos municípios brasileiros afetados por usinas hidrelétricas e seu reflexo nos modos de produção agrícola dos municípios afetados. Para tanto, realizou-se uma análise exploratória com indicadores na esfera nacional e um estudo de caso com as hidrelétricas de Jirau e Santo Antônio em Porto Velho (RO) baseado em entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados na fase exploratória as correlações indicaram que quanto maior tamanho da área alagada maior é a variação de áreas plantadas e PIB agrícola dos municípios afetados. Com o estudo de caso foi possível identificar que há impactos significativos sobre os modos de produção agrícola, essa mudança pode ser explicada pela diferença entre a qualidade do solo de regiões ribeirinhas e a qualidade do solo nos reassentamentos. Tais impactos podem influenciar os indicadores que refletem a quantidade de áreas plantadas destes municípios. Identificou-se também que os impactos sobre a agricultura não são previstos nos estudos de impacto ambiental das hidrelétricas de Jirau e Santo Antônio. / The installation of hydroelectric projects has increased in Brazil in the last decade. Likewise, the importance of agricultural production in the national economy has also grown. The land suppression and the alteration of the water flow caused by the flooding necessary to the implantation of hydroelectric plants alter the structure and dynamics of the regions directly affected by environmental and social processes such as resettlement, migration, real estate speculation, rural exodus, etc. These impacts of hydroelectric plants have been widely described in the literature. The present study sought to analyze in a specific way the impacts caused by the floods suffered by the Brazilian municipalities affected by hydroelectric plants and their reflection in the modes of agricultural production of the affected municipalities. The study included an exploratory analysis of the impacts of hydroelectric dams on agriculture using selected indicators from the national scale, complemented by a case-study at the local scale, focusing on the Jirau and Santo Antônio power plants in Porto Velho, Rondônia, through semi-structured interviews.The results from correlations obtained in the exploratory phase showed that the larger the size of the flooded area, the greater the variation of planted areas and the agricultural GDP of the affected municipalities. From the case study it was possible to identify that there are significant impacts on the agricultural production methods, and that this change can be explained by the difference between the quality of the soil of riverside regions and the quality of the soil in the resettlements. Such impacts may influence the indicators that reflect the amount of planted areas of these municipalities. The study also revealed that the impacts on agriculture were not predicted in the environmental impact studies of the Jirau and Santo Antônio hydropower plants.

Optimisation de générateurs thermoélectriques pour la production d’électricité / Optimization of thermoelectric generators for electricity production

Favarel, Camille Benjamin 02 July 2014 (has links)
Une des préoccupations majeures de la recherche dans le domaine de l’énergie est la diminution de la production des gaz à effet de serre et la réduction de notre empreinte écologique. Les générateurs thermoélectriques participent à une démarche globale d’efficacité énergétique en convertissant directement une partie de l’énergie thermique qui les traverse en énergie électrique. Ces derniers sont encore peu utilisés et rares sont les travaux qui traitent de leur optimisation. Ce travail a permis d’explorer les stratégies d’intégration des modules thermoélectriques dans les ensembles définis par les utilisateurs finaux en utilisant une méthodologie basée sur une modélisation complète des systèmes du flux de chaleur à la production électrique. Un code numérique couplant les équations de la thermique, de la thermoélectricité et de l’électricité a été développé et permet d’observer l’influence de plusieurs paramètres sur la production d’électricité (débit et température de la source chaude, débit et température de la source froide, type de modules thermoélectriques, emplacement des modules,…). La validation de ce modèle a nécessité la réalisation et l’instrumentation de plusieurs prototypes expérimentaux dont le plus conséquent est une boucle d’air à haute température alimentant un prototype de générateur thermoélectrique modulable. La conception et la réalisation de convertisseurs électriques dédiés, à recherche du point de fonctionnement maximal (MPPT), a permis de tester ces prototypes au point d’adaptation optimale. Enfin, une méthode d’optimisation appliquée au modèle nous délivre le nombre de modules ainsi que leur emplacement pour une production électrique maximale. Un outil de dimensionnement et d’optimisation de générateurs thermoélectriques est maintenant disponible. Il nous a permis tout d’abord d’étudier la faisabilité d’une production d’électricité en zones isolées au travers d’un prototype de cuisinière à bois thermoélectrique. Puis nous avons analysé la faisabilité dans le domaine de l’automobile en se plaçant à un point de fonctionnement précis correspondant au gaz d’échappement. / A major concern of research in the field of energy is the decrease in the production of greenhouse gas emissions and reducing our ecological footprint. Thermoelectric generators participate in a comprehensive approach to energy efficiency by directly converting a part of the thermal energy that flows through in electricity. This work explore strategies for integrating thermoelectric modules in sets defined by end users using a methodology based on a complete systems modelling from heat flow to power generation. A numerical code coupling equations of heat transfers and thermoelectricity was developed and used to observe the influence of several parameters on the production of electricity (flow and temperature of the hot source, flow and temperature of the cold source, type of thermoelectric modules, module location...). The validation of this model has necessitated the construction and the instrumentation of several experimental prototypes which for the most important is a hot air loop supplying a prototype flexible thermoelectric generator. The design and the realization of dedicated electrical converters to research the maximum operating point (MPPT) was performed to test these prototypes optimal adaptation issue. Finally, an optimization method applied to the model delivers us the number of modules and their location for maximum power production. A tool for design and optimization of thermoelectric generators is now available. It has allowed us to study the feasibility of an integrated thermoelectric generation in a variety of systems such as the automobile using exhaust gas or a specific cook stove for developing countries.

Development of a sustainable framework to manage flare gas in an oil and gas environment : a case study of Nigeria

Ojijiagwo, Emeka Nnanna January 2017 (has links)
Associated natural gas is produced as a by-product from crude oil exploration and production. When perceived as a non-desirable product, it is wasted during gas flaring. Globally, about 100 Billion Cubic Meters (BCM) of gas is flared annually, leading to release of about 300 million tons of carbon dioxide yearly into the environment. Russia and Nigeria flare more than other countries to the tune of 35.5 and 18.27 BCM, respectively. The consequence of gas flaring has continued to pose significant threats to the environment as well as the economy of oil and gas producing countries. Therefore, this research is aimed at developing a sustainable framework that could enable management of flared gas in an oil and gas environment by generating energy and also minimise environmental impact that arises from gas flaring process. Three major research gaps were identified and they include lack of existing gas flare management framework in Nigeria, lack of economic evaluation of gas to wire (GTW) technology for flared gas reduction and, lack of cordial relationship and understanding between oil and gas producing/flaring companies and electricity producing sectors towards gas flare management. A qualitative research strategy was employed – utilising the single case study approach with embedded units of analysis. Three case study companies were used - one oil and gas producing company, and two electricity-generating companies. Data collection involved semi structured interviews, documentation, observation, and review of relevant literature. Data was analysed using QSR Nvivo version 10. A framework for flared gas reduction was developed based on literature review and also from information made available by experts operating in the oil and gas and electricity sectors. The framework shows inputs from various stakeholders, as well as an evaluation of volume of gas produced, utilized and flared. An economic assessment of GTW technology was carried out to determine the cost effectiveness of the framework. Findings from the study showed that GTW is a viable means of management, and could reduce the total volume of flared gas in Nigeria to 7.1%. This reduces environmental, health and safety hazards. It is also economically profitable. A total capital investment of £1.64b is required in the Nigerian context, with a net profit of £1.26b/year, and has a rate of return of investment of 16.3%. This study has demonstrated that GTW is a sustainable technology for reducing flared gas in Nigeria and other countries facing similar challenges as Nigeria; and capable of minimising adverse environmental and health impact associated with gas flaring. Therefore, the developed framework is also recommended for effective management of flared gas in such countries.

Solução de problemas de otimização utilizando arquitetura híbrida. / Solution of optimization problems using hybrid architecture.

Lélis Tetsuo Murakami 30 April 2008 (has links)
A energia elétrica constitui um dos propulsores da economia de um país, assumindo um papel extremamente importante e estratégico, pois influi diretamente na capacidade produtiva. A expansão da produção de energia elétrica não se consegue somente com medidas de curto prazo, pois as obras deste setor demandam um longo tempo de execução, medido em anos e dependendo da magnitude da obra, o prazo pode até superar uma década. O parque gerador nacional é constituído predominantemente por usinas hidroelétricas, complementado por usinas térmicas que utilizam diversas fontes de combustível, havendo a necessidade de minimizar a produção das térmicas, em virtude do alto custo de geração, em relação ao custo de geração hidroelétrica. Garantir o suprimento da demanda futura de energia elétrica é uma tarefa complexa de planejamento que basicamente, depende da análise de dois cenários que se compõem: o primeiro cenário é o que desenha o crescimento futuro da economia e neste caso, desde que não ocorram fatos extraordinários como o recente crescimento econômico experimentado pela China, a previsão da demanda não acarreta surpresa de grande significância; o segundo cenário, traz como característica a incerteza, uma vez que a produção das hidroelétricas depende da quantidade de água disponível dos cursos de água, que por sua vez, depende do regime de chuvas passado e corrente. O índice pluviométrico é um dado estocástico, ocorrendo ao sabor da probabilidade, o que remete a um estudo de casos e seus desdobramentos, acarretando um leque de possibilidades de estados muito grande, dificultando as análises sobre a previsão futura. Planejar o setor elétrico compreende prever um crescimento de demanda e equipar o setor com máquinas de geração, necessárias para atender a demanda, com uma margem de risco calculada. Para isto, utilizam-se modelos de simulação que possibilitem o exercício de previsão, combinando-se os dois cenários citados, visualizando os estados sub seqüentes, decorrentes de decisões tomadas. A dificuldade desta tarefa é devida à quantidade de alternativas da situação futura, resultante de um fenômeno combinatório de possibilidades que exige para simulação dos modelos, não só uma grande capacidade de processamento dos computadores como também, uma estratégia de tratamento do problema, baseada em processos numéricos especializados e dirigidos a este tipo de problema. Dada a importância e magnitude deste assunto, qualquer esforço que venha a contribuir para uma melhoria do planejamento do setor elétrico, traz benefícios significativos, o que corrobora com os propósitos desta tese, que busca em primeiro lugar, propor soluções técnicas viáveis e econômicas para o problema de otimização da geração de energia elétrica, e em segundo lugar, apresentar uma solução para este tipo de problema, com uma abordagem inovadora, provida de um potencial significativo para aplicação em muitos outros tipos de problemas similares. / Electrical power could be considered as one of the economy propulsion vector of a country, assuming extremely important and strategic role because it makes direct influence to the production capacity. The expansion of electrical energy production could not only be done in a short time because constructions in this area take many years and could require more then a decade depending on the magnitude of them. The national power generation group is constituted mainly by hydro power plants complemented by thermal power plants which use several kinds of fuel which generation cost is high, if compared to hydro power generation, and should be minimized. It is a complex planning issue to supply the future power demand which basically depends on the analysis of two compoundable scenarios: the first one refers to the forecast of future economy growing and in this case, unless unpredicted issues occur such as the recent high economy growing experimented by China, the future demand does not show any surprise and is easy to predict; the second one, has inside the uncertainty because the hydro plants productions depends on the water quantity of rivers which depends on the past and current rainfall regimen. The quantity of rainfall is a stochastic data and follows the rules of probability and this drives to the study of cases and its deployments which are numerous causing difficulties to forecast the future. The planning of the electrical area has to examine the future demand and provide the necessary power generation equipment assuming a certain risk. To have it done, simulation models are used to predict the future, combining the two scenarios cited before, and viewing the results promoted by decision took in a step before. The difficult of this task is caused by the big amount of future alternatives provided by the combinatorial phenomena which require, to process the model, a computer with high processing capacity and specialized and specific methods that can resolve this king of problem. Because of the importance and magnitude of this issue, every effort which contributes to the improvement of power planning is welcome and this corroborates with this thesis which has an objective to propose technical, viable and economic solutions to solve the optimization problems with a new approach and has potential to be applied in many others kind of similar problems.

Estrat?gia Empresarial: um panorama das empresas de gera??o de energia el?trica do Brasil. / Estrat?gia Empresarial: um panorama das empresas de gera??o de energia el?trica do Brasil.

Marcelino, Deividy Attila 19 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007 - Deividy Attila Marcelino.pdf: 602923 bytes, checksum: b30a778e1a49c1c66c059e268603c8de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-19 / The objective of this study is to draw a panorama of the business strategies in the segment of electric power generation, making a comparison among the data obtained in the research, starting from 2001. The analysis is based on the vertical integration level, in the participation area in the country and in the technology (hydroelectric power, thermoelectric or alternative) used by the companies. Those variables are compared to the ROE of each company and to the composition of its Social Capital. For that, the sample contains three private companies, three public state companies and three public federal companies, so that it establishes a balance in the analysis. The methodology consists of a multicases study with the survey of data by formularies. The obtained results demonstrate that the best performance don't depend on the composition of the company?s Social Capital, but depends on its strategic vision. In other words, the companies that adapt to the market, taking advantage new opportunities, have the largest Return on Equity. That verification reinforces the Theories of Innovation of Value of Kim & Maubourgne, where the companies break up with the effective order and create new market borders. / O objetivo deste estudo ? tra?ar um panorama das estrat?gias empresariais do segmento de gera??o de energia el?trica, fazendo uma compara??o entre os dados obtidos na pesquisa, a partir de 2001. A an?lise ? baseada no n?vel de verticaliza??o, na regi?o de atua??o no pa?s e na tecnologia (hidrel?trica, termel?trica ou alternativa) utilizada pelas empresas. Essas vari?veis s?o comparadas ao ROE de cada empresa e paralelamente ? composi??o do seu capital. Para isso, a amostra possui tr?s empresas privadas, tr?s p?blicas estaduais e tr?s p?blicas federais, de forma que se mantenha um equil?brio na an?lise. A metodologia consiste em um estudo de multicasos com o levantamento de dados atrav?s de formul?rios. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os melhores desempenhos n?o dependem da composi??o do capital da empresa, mas sim, de sua vis?o estrat?gica. Ou seja, as empresas que buscam se adaptar, aproveitando as novas oportunidades do mercado, t?m os maiores retornos sobre o Patrim?nio Liquido. Tal constata??o refor?a as Teorias de Inova??o de Valor de Kim & Maubourgne, onde as empresas rompem com a ordem vigente e criam novas fronteiras de mercado.

Advancement of direct drive generator systems for offshore renewable energy production

Burchell, Joseph William January 2018 (has links)
As machine topologies and technologies mature, the fundamental function of the device is honed. Direct drive machines have the potential to launch the renewable energy sector into a new era of large scale, reliable, offshore power generation. With advancements in new technologies, such as superconductivity, the reduction of generator mass due to incorporation of machine and device structures, the continued advancements in component and system reliability; direct drive generators have the ability to outsize geared wind systems and simplify submerged linear and rotary power generation. The research held within this thesis will focus on improving direct drive power take off systems for offshore renewable energy power generation by splitting the area into four parts. The first part will discuss the various methods of energy extraction within the offshore and marine environment. The future of the sector will be discussed, and a forecast of technological advancement and existing reliability issues will be provided based on current data. The second part will focus on drive trains and direct drive generators, assessing the current topologies and suggesting alternatives that may thrive in a variety of large and small offshore renewable machines. The third part investigates the application of novel linear bearings in direct drive systems for offshore and submerged operation. A brief study of the loads found in wave applications will be presented and the testing of several polymer bearing materials will be outlined. The final part will discuss the potential benefits of flooding the airgap of a direct drive generator with sea water for marine applications. Results will be presented from two linear test rigs and the marinisation of devices will conclude the report.

Distributed control system for demand response by servers

Hall, Joseph Edward 01 December 2015 (has links)
Within the broad topical designation of “smart grid,” research in demand response, or demand-side management, focuses on investigating possibilities for electrically powered devices to adapt their power consumption patterns to better match the availability of intermittent renewable energy sources, especially wind. Devices such as battery chargers, heating and cooling systems, and computers can be controlled to change the time, duration, and magnitude of their power consumption while still meeting workload constraints such as deadlines and rate of throughput. This thesis presents a system by which a computer server, or multiple servers in a data center, can estimate the power imbalance on the electrical grid and use that information to dynamically change the power consumption as a service to the grid. Implementation on a testbed demonstrates the system with a hypothetical but realistic usage case scenario of an online video streaming service in which there are workloads with deadlines (high-priority) and workloads without deadlines (low-priority). The testbed is implemented with real servers, estimates the power imbalance from the grid frequency with real-time measurements of the live outlet, and uses a distributed, real-time algorithm to dynamically adjust the power consumption of the servers based on the frequency estimate and the throughput of video transcoder workloads. Analysis of the system explains and justifies multiple design choices, compares the significance of the system in relation to similar publications in the literature, and explores the potential impact of the system.

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