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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

VIDUTINIOJO IR VYRESNIOJO AMŽIAUS MOKINIŲ POZICIJOS, VERTINANT SOCIALINĮ ELGESĮ, TYRIMAS / The investigation of the students’ position of middle and senior ages towards the evaluation of social behaviour

Rakaitytė, Jurgita 29 May 2006 (has links)
The main aim of the research dealt with the analysis of middle and senior town and rural school aged boys and girls’ positions towards the evaluation of their social behavior. In order to achieve the present, aim three hypotheses were raised. Subsequently two of them were confirmed and one of them was due to be rejected. According to the results of the questionnaire, it was revealed that students from towns are deviant. After the summing of results and comparing them to the second method of the research, it was noticed that the two hypotheses were confirmed once more and coincide with the data of the research analysis: students from towns are deviant, boys from both town and rural are more inclined to misdemeanor than girls. However it is impossible to state that junior students are more inclined to crime. Thus, this hypotheses was rejected.

3-4 klasių mokinių mokymosi motyvacijos ir tėvų auklėjamosios pozicijos ryšys / 3-4 grade schoolcholdren's learning motivation coherence with parenting position

Šapranauskaitė, Indrė 08 June 2005 (has links)
This master paper deals with the problem if there is any coherence between parenting positions and schoolchildren’s learning motives and motivation. The tasks of the investigation were: 1) to ascertain the level of schoolchildren learning motivation and prevailing learning motives; 2) to compare the level of learning motivation and learning motives between girls and boys; 3) to ascertain prevailing parenting positions and 4) to ascertain connections between schoolchildren learning motives, learning motivation and parenting positions. Methods of the research: studying and analyzing sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature, forming, statistical methods. Learning motives scale (Zambacevičienė, Janulytė, 1998; Pileckaitė-Markovienė, 2001), learning motivation form (Елисеев, 2000) and parenting position form (Немов, 2000) were used as evaluation tools. 204 children (104 girls and 100 boys) from third and fourth grade and their parents were investigated by these methods. The results of the research showed, that inner learning motives (N=191), social recognition motives (N=186) and negative stimulation motives (N=164) are important for the most part of children, and they are more important for girls then boys. It was found, that girls learning motivation level (x=3.605, σ=1.046) is higher than boys (x=3.150, σ=1.166), and difference between girls and boys learning motivation level is statistical significant and substantial (t=2.933, p=0.004). It was found, that most... [to full text]

Galvos pozicijos nustatymas ekrano atžvilgiu, panaudojant ant galvos pritvirtintą kamerą / Tracking of Head Position Relative to the Screen using Head Mounted Camera

Borcovas, Evaldas 20 June 2012 (has links)
Tobulėjant kompiuteriams, ieškoma vis naujų galimybių informacijos perdavimui tarp vartotojo ir mašinos. Yra atliekama daug tyrimų žmogaus ir kompiuterio sąveikos – HCI (Human computer interaction) – srityje. Ieškoma naujų būdų bei metodų, kaip perduoti informaciją iš vartotojo kompiuteriui, ir atvirkščiai. Senesni metodai, tokie kaip įvestis pelės ir klaviatūros pagalba, išvestis vaizduoklio, projektoriaus bei spausdintuvo pagalba, yra optimizuojami. Siekiama surasti ergonomiškiausią įvesties, išvesties ir informacijos perdavimo metodą. / With the development of computers engineers are looking for new ways of commutation between user and machine. There are many researches done in human-computer interaction – HCI field. Engineers are always Ssearching for new ways, methods of transmitting information from user to machine and vice versa. Older methods, mouse and keyboard input, monitor, projector and printer output, are optimized. The aim of these studies is to find the most ergonomic input, output and communication method.

Mokslo populiarinimo diskursas anglų ir lietuvių kalbomis: multimodalioji analizė / Popular Scientific Discourse in English and Lithuanian: A Multimodal Perspective

Ringailienė, Teresė 13 February 2014 (has links)
Šios disertacijos tikslas – išanalizuoti mokslo populiarinimo diskursą anglų ir lietuvių kalbomis multimodaliuoju aspektu. Multimodalioji analizė – pakankamai nauja diskurso analizės prieiga, kai analizuojama ne tik kalba, bet ir kitos raiškos priemonės (pvz., paveikslėliai, nuotraukos, diagramos). Taigi šiame tyrime analizuojami dominuojantys neverbaliniai (nejudantys paveikslėliai) ir verbaliniai elementai (autoriaus požiūrio raiška, intertekstualumas ir interdiskursyvumas). Analizė parodė, kad nuotraukose ir paveikslėliuose vaizduojami stereotipai (pvz., stereotipiškai vaizduojamos profesijos, lytys ar nevakarietiškos kultūros). Taip pat atskleidžiama, jog vaizdinių raiškos priemonių funkcijos skiriasi: nuotraukos ir paveikslėliai ne tik informuoja, bet ir atlieka tarpasmeninę, estetinę, naratyvinę ar kitas funkcijas. Santykis tarp teksto ir vaizdo irgi nevienareikšmis: jis varijuoja nuo glaudaus, kai tekstu aprašomi vaizdiniai aspektai, iki pakankamai atsieto, kai tarp raiškos priemonių nėra aiškaus tiesioginio ryšio. Labiausiai dominuojančių verbaliųjų bruožų analizė atskleidė, kad autoriaus požiūrio raiška mokslo populiarinimo straipsniuose anglų ir lietuvių kalba ženkliai nesiskiria. Pagrindinis skirtumas pastebimas lyginant mokslo populiarinimo ir akademinį diskursą. Anglų kalba daugiau autoriaus požiūrio bruožų vartojama akademiniame diskurse, o lietuvių kalba – jų daugiau kaip dvigubai daugiau mokslo populiarinimo diskurse. Pastebėta, jog anglų mokslo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this dissertation is to analyze popular scientific discourse in English and Lithuanian from a multimodal perspective. Multimodal analysis is a comparatively new approach to discourse analysis which discusses not only language but also other modes, such as pictures, photos, videos, or graphs. Thus, the present investigation combines the analysis of non-verbal (non-moving images) and verbal elements (the author’s stance, intertextuality, and interdiscursivity), which appeared to be the most dominant modes in both languages. The analysis has revealed that the visual mode typically shows stereotypes depicted in pictures or photos (e.g., stereotypes of professions, gender, or non-Western cultures). The present investigation also demonstrates that the functions of the visual mode are varied: pictures and photos serve not only the informative, but also interpersonal, aesthetic, narrative, and other functions. The relationship between the textual and the visual is not homogeneous as it varies from very close when the textual describes the visual to a looser one when there is no direct relationship between the modes. The analysis of the verbal mode has revealed that the expression of the author’s stance is not very different in English and Lithuanian. The main difference can be observed when comparing popular scientific and academic discourse. In English more author’s stance features are used in academic discourse, while in Lithuanian they are used more than twice in... [to full text]

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