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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emotional avatars : choreographing emotional facial expression animation

Sloan, Robin J. S. January 2011 (has links)
As a universal element of human nature, the experience, expression, and perception of emotions permeate our daily lives. Many emotions are thought to be basic and common to all humanity, irrespective of social or cultural background. Of these emotions, the corresponding facial expressions of a select few are known to be truly universal, in that they can be identified by most observers without the need for training. Facial expressions of emotion are subsequently used as a method of communication, whether through close face-to-face contact, or the use of emoticons online and in mobile texting. Facial expressions are fundamental to acting for stage and screen, and to animation for film and computer games. Expressions of emotion have been the subject of intense experimentation in psychology and computer science research, both in terms of their naturalistic appearance and the virtual replication of facial movements. From this work much is known about expression universality, anatomy, psychology, and synthesis. Beyond the realm of scientific research, animation practitioners have scrutinised facial expressions and developed an artistic understanding of movement and performance. However, despite the ubiquitous quality of facial expressions in life and research, our understanding of how to produce synthetic, dynamic imitations of emotional expressions which are perceptually valid remains somewhat limited. The research covered in this thesis sought to unite an artistic understanding of expression animation with scientific approaches to facial expression assessment. Acting as both an animation practitioner and as a scientific researcher, the author set out to investigate emotional facial expression dynamics, with the particular aim of identifying spatio-temporal configurations of animated expressions that not only satisfied artistic judgement, but which also stood up to empirical assessment. These configurations became known as emotional expression choreographies. The final work presented in this thesis covers the performative, practice-led research into emotional expression choreography, the results of empirical experimentation (where choreographed animations were assessed by observers), and the findings of qualitative studies (which painted a more detailed picture of the potential context of choreographed expressions). The holistic evaluation of expression animation from these three epistemological perspectives indicated that emotional expressions can indeed be choreographed in order to create refined performances which have empirically measurable effects on observers, and which may be contextualised by the phenomenological interpretations of both student animators and general audiences.

Deleuze, judgment and artistic research

Roberts, Spencer January 2016 (has links)
The debate concerning the legitimacy of artistic research that has taken place over the last two decades is notable for the way in which it has drawn attention to rival 'representational' and 'performative' conceptions of thought. In the early stages of the debate, critics such as Durling, Friedman, Elkins and Biggs employed broadly representational arguments in a quasi-legal context of judgment to suggest that processes of artistic research were in some sense unrecognisable when attempts were made to see them through the conceptual lens of 'research'. In contrast to this, advocates of artistic research, such as Haseman, Bolt, Sullivan and Slager proposed that research arising out of artistic practice possessed distinctive qualities - conjoining interests in the experimental, the experiential, and the non-representational, with a set of predominantly transformative aims. Haseman et al have likewise suggested that the concerns of the practitioner-researcher, at least in the context of the arts, are mainly ontological as opposed to epistemological in character - seeking to explore, reframe, or contest existing states of affairs in a broadly performative fashion. Whilst supporters of artistic research often stress the requirement for new ways of thinking to accommodate the specificities of practice-led research, many of the concepts that are employed in an attempt to understand the aims and concerns of artistic research have a long 'process-philosophical' lineage. Process philosophy has been present as a minor current in Western philosophy since as early as 540 BC and through the influence of luminaries such as Dewey and Langer, it has long been associated with education in the arts. Process philosophers typically emphasise both the ontological priority of change and the relational constitution of entities. From the perspective of process philosophy, the world of stable and enduring things arises out of a differential play of interacting forces that admit of multiple and contingent patterns of relation. With this in mind, the contemporary anti-essentialist arguments that are often utilised in the defense of artistic research are positioned in this thesis as examples of process-philosophical thinking, paving the way for an application of the post-structuralist, process-philosophical thought of Gilles Deleuze to the debate concerning the legitimacy of practice-led research. An interesting and long running feature of the legitimacy debate has been the failing of participants on both sides of the discussion to critically engage with their opposition - preferring instead to construct rather idealised, ghostly positions, which ultimately sidestep the specificities of the situation. In an attempt to address the lack of sustained critical confrontation between oppositional voices in the discussion, this thesis attempts a close qualitative engagement with a prominent skeptical position. To this end, the work of Michael Biggs and Daniela Büchler is interrogated from a conceptual, aesthetic and relational perspective, revealing its Wittgensteinian and Kantian roots, and subjecting them to critical scrutiny from the perspective of Deleuzian thought. Biggs and Büchler, have developed a markedly critical voice in the legitimacy debate, importing the early hostility towards practice-led research that arose out of a predominantly North American design community into the context of UK, Dutch and Australian discussion. Biggs and Büchler are much cited within the literature on artistic and practice-led modes of research and they have been influential in the framing of policy. The critique of Biggs and Büchler that is developed in this thesis begins from the observation that their work embodies a broadly conservative emphasis upon representation and recognition, and that it is expressive of what Deleuze describes as the 'dogmatic image of thought'. It is argued here that Biggs and Büchler's resistance to the affective and the performative is pervasive, serving to colour their approach to philosophy, art and aesthetics and to place them at odds with the largely material-experiential, and transdisciplinary interests of many artistic researchers. With this in mind, a series of aesthetico-conceptual strategies are employed in order to problematise Biggs and Büchler's position and to stage an encounter between a process-pragmatism of the left (as typified by the philosophy of Deleuze), and a linguistic-pragmatism of the right (as typified by the philosophy of Wittgenstein). This thesis makes a number of claims to knowledge. Primarily it aims to demonstrate that the justification of artistic research need not be separatist or isolationist in character, but that in demonstrating the overlap between traditional and non-traditional forms of research we need not dispense with artistry or neglect the artefact's performative work. In this sense it aims to show how characteristics sometimes considered specific to practice-led research have a more generalised, if somewhat understated presence in the context of more traditional modes of enquiry. In a similar vein, it aims to demonstrate how a broadly traditional, written thesis might be explored in the spirit of practice-led enquiry - drawing attention to a range of textual, imaginative, conceptual and speculative devices that might enable us to explore the intensities of a problem space, and to investigate the ways in which aesthetic devices might also perform active work in the context of an argument. Ultimately this results in a questioning of the separation of artefact and argument that is characteristic of much discussion of practice-led research. Methodologically the thesis is distinctive in its sustained critical engagement with a single oppositional voice, which is also intended, through a process of extrapolation, to problematise a more generalised positivistic current of thought emanating primarily from the discipline of design. Lastly, the philosophical critique of the Wittgensteinian underpinnings of Biggs and Büchler's position also facilitates a contribution to Deleuze studies - addressing the breadth of Deleuze's concept of relation and critically interrogating the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein - the philosopher for whom Deleuze seemed to harbour the strongest antipathy, but of whom he was also the most reticent to speak. Whilst it is clear that there has been much interest in the potential application of Deleuze since the inception of the legitimacy debate, and whilst it is clear that the employment of Deleuze as primary theorist in practice-based-research projects is in the ascent, to date there has been little work that is explicitly focused upon the resonance of Deleuzian thought with respect to the productive context, or the legitimacy of the practice-based PhD.

Wie gut sind die guten alten FAQs?: Voraussetzungen der Wissenskommunikation über mediengestützte kulturelle Artefakte in Wissensgemeinschaften

Nistor, Nicolae, Schustek, Monika 25 October 2011 (has links)
Die zunehmende Nutzung der digitalen Medien im Rahmen des universitären Bildungsmanagements ist mit neuen Arbeitsweisen verknüpft. Dafür brauchen Hochschulmitarbeiter, Doktoranden und Studierende vielfältige Kompetenzen, die technisches Wissen und Können einschließen und im formellen Rahmen nicht vollständig abgedeckt werden können. Als Alternative zur Unterstützung durch spezialisierte Einrichtungen (wie z.B. IT-Helpdesks) bietet sich die gemeinsame Wissenskonstruktion und -kommunikation in der akademischen Wissensgemeinschaft an. Dabei stellt sich allerdings die Frage, inwieweit und unter welchen Bedingungen die mediengestützten, kulturellen Artefakte wie FAQ-Sammlungen, die diese Lernprozesse unterstützen können, von den Akteuren akzeptiert werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt zunächst einen theoretischen Hintergrund der Wissenskommunikation in Wissensgemeinschaften vor. Dieser umfasst zum einen den Community of Practice-Ansatz (Lave & Wenger, 1991) und zum anderen die Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis & Davis, 2003). Daraus wird ein Forschungsmodell abgeleitet, das die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Akzeptanz von mediengestützten kulturellen Artefakten, der Partizipation in der Wissensgemeinschaft und der Bereitschaft zur Wissenskommunikation erklärt. Anschließend wird das Modell durch eine empirische Studie überprüft. Auf theoretischer Ebene trägt die Studie zur Annäherung der Medienakzeptanztheorien an die Perspektive des situierten Lernens bei. Als medienpädagogische Konsequenz bietet das Modell Ansatzpunkte zur Förderung der Wissenskommunikation in akademischen Wissensgemeinschaften.

How do patients with cancer pain view community pharmacy services? An interview study

Edwards, Zoe, Blenkinsopp, Alison, Ziegler, Lucy, Bennett, M.I. 26 February 2018 (has links)
Yes / Pain experienced by many patients with advanced cancer is often not well controlled and community pharmacists are potentially well placed to provide support. The study objective was to explore the views and experiences of patients with advanced cancer about community pharmacies, their services and attitudes towards having a community pharmacist pain medicines consultation. Purposive sampling of GP clinical information systems was used to recruit patients with advanced cancer, living in the community and receiving opioid analgesics in one area of England, UK between January 2015 and July 2016. Thirteen patients had a semi-structured interview which was audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed deductively and inductively using Framework Analysis and incorporating new themes as they emerged. The framework comprised Pain management, Experiences and expectations, Access to care and Communication. All patients reported using one regular community pharmacy citing convenience, service and staff friendliness as influential factors. The idea of a community pharmacy medicines consultation was acceptable to most patients. The idea of telephone consultations was positively received but electronic media such as Skype was not feasible or acceptable for most. Patients perceived a hierarchy of health professionals with specialist palliative care nurses at the top (due to their combined knowledge of their condition and medicines) followed by GPs then pharmacists. Patients receiving specialist palliative care described pain that was better controlled than those who were not. They thought medicines consultations with a pharmacist could be useful for patients before referral for palliative care. There is a need for pain medicines support for patients with advanced cancer, unmet need appears greater for those not under the care of specialist services. Medicines consultations, in principle, are acceptable to patients both in-person and by telephone, the latter was perceived to be of particular benefit to patients less able to leave the house. / National Institute of Health Research programme grant

Digital Capability : Investigating Coevolution of IT and Business Strategies / Digital abilitet : En undersökning av samevolution mellan IT- och affärsstrategier

Sandberg, Johan January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the role of information technology (IT) in organizational strategy. Specifically, it examines how organizations can persist in turbulent competitive landscapes characterized by IT innovations. Underlying premises for this dissertation are that: (1) ubiquitous IT implies constant disruptions from digital innovation, (2) IT and practice are becoming fused, and (3) organizational strategies are dynamically linked with practice, i.e. they are reciprocally related through what organizations do rather than have. To investigate such IT strategizing processes, I outline a conceptual framework for analyzing how organizations can generate digital capability, i.e. a collection of routines for strategizing by leveraging digital assets to create differential value. Digital assets here refer to the complement of available resources and competencies for IT design and implementation. Based on the notion of dynamic capability and evolutionary theory, this framework emphasizes the importance of sensing, seizing and transforming abilities for generating digital capability. As organizational practices are becoming fused with IT scholars have argued that attempting to disentangle them analytically is futile. In a similar vein, organizational strategy is increasingly reliant on available IT resources for both formulation and execution. In the IS field it is widely acknowledged that IT has both enabling and inhibiting consequences for organizations. Drawing on the resource-based view of the firm and theory on organizational capabilities, the notion of IT capability has been widely used as a conceptual tool for analyzing these dual strategic effects of IT. Considering the explosive advances in computing, network and interaction that have resulted in IT being ubiquitous and deeply embedded in contemporary practices, recent research argues for the need to move beyond the functional view of technology implicit in the IT capability notion. A key aspect to address for such broadening of the perspective is the coevolution of IT and business practices, i.e. who (or what) leads, who or what follows, and whether such a causal distinction is meaningful. Grounded in the outlined conceptual framework, this dissertation examines how organizations can build digital capability to both enable large variation and complexity of feasible competitive actions, and reduce inhibiting effects of IT. The empirical investigation is situated in three distinct domains: boundary spanning IT innovation, transformation of existing IT resources, and hybridization of technology through digitalization of production equipment. These investigations are presented in five research papers. The dissertation contribute to knowledge of IT strategy by: (1) explicating the construct of digital capability, (2) providing a framework for coevolutionary strategizing processes, (3) presenting an empirical illustration of the coevolution of IT and business strategies, and (4) offer specific insights on design and orchestration of processes for digital capability generation.

Architectural Flirtations : A Love Storey

Burroughs, Brady January 2016 (has links)
Formulated as a feminist project, written as a pulp fiction, Architectural Flirtations: A Love Storey begins with our claim that the architectural discipline is centered around a culture of critique, which is based in what bell hooks calls “a system of imperialist, white supremacist, heterosexist, capitalist, patriarchy,” and that the values instilled by this culture not only begin with, but are reinforced and reproduced by, the education of young architects. Sounds serious. Right? In a move toward a more vulnerable, ethical and empowering culture of architecture, the project aims to displace the culture of critique, by questioning and undermining relationships of power and privilege through practices that are explicitly critical, queer feminist, and Campy. In other words, it takes seriously, in an uncertain, improper and playful way, what is usually deemed unserious within the architectural discipline, in order to undermine the usual order of things. All of the (love) storeys take place on March 21st, the spring equinox, in and around a 1977 collaborative row house project called Case Unifamiliari in Mozzo, Italy, designed by Aldo Rossi and Attilio Pizzigoni. Beda Ring, PhD researcher, constructs a Campy renovation of one of these row houses, full of theatricality, humor, and significant otherness; while architectural pedagogue, Brady Burroughs, guides a student group from KTH in an Architecture and Gender course; and Henri T. Beall, practicing architect, attends to the details upstairs. / <p>QC 20161025</p>

A inclusão de professores de ensino básico na pesquisa: um desafio institucional. / The inclusion of basic school teacher into research: an institucional challenge.

Guridi, Veronica Marcela 14 August 2007 (has links)
O problema da relação entre a docência e a pesquisa têm sido um tema amplamente discutido na literatura educacional. Desde os primórdios, com a concepção do professor pesquisador, até os tempos atuais, com as pesquisas colaborativas desenvolvidas tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior, têm surgido várias propostas para a superação da distância existente entre ser professor e ser pesquisador. Algumas dessas propostas acenam a possibilidade de pesquisar sobre a própria prática profissional, como uma tentativa de incorporar os saberes advindos da prática nas pesquisas desenvolvidas pelos professores. Nosso trabalho tem como objetivo analisar inclusão de professores no universo da pesquisa acadêmica em Educação em Ciências, através de uma disciplina chamada \"Introdução à pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências\", ministrada no programa de pós-graduação Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências da Universidade de São Paulo. A pesquisa tenta dar resposta à pergunta: Quais seriam as condições para a inclusão e o reconhecimento do professor no meio acadêmico? A hipótese que norteou o trabalho é que a inclusão do professor na disciplina pressupõe uma via de mão dupla: por um lado, os professores precisam incorporar progressivamente ferramentas e critérios da comunidade científica e por outro, a Academia, representada pelos responsáveis da disciplina, precisa flexibilizar os critérios tradicionais sobre o que é fazer pesquisa para que seja incorporado o genuíno interesse do professor em explorar os saberes de sua prática. Por essa razão, temos centrado a nossa análise nos casos de professores que desejam pesquisar a sua própria prática, por considerar que essa pode ser uma via possível de superação da distância entre a docência e a pesquisa. O referencial teórico foi construído a partir da interação entre os dados coletados e a bibliografia consultada sobre o assunto, derivando na definição de um conjunto de indicadores dos movimentos inclusivos realizados em ambas direções: o movimento do professor para ser incluído na disciplina e o movimento de inclusão realizado pela Academia. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi qualitativa, sendo desenvolvido um estudo de caso junto a duas turmas de professores matriculados na disciplina, acompanhadas durante o semestre em que a disciplina foi ministrada. As técnicas de coleta de dados incorporaram a observação participante, o registro de observação das aulas em notas de campo, a coleta de documentos e o registro em vídeo de algumas aulas. Como técnicas de análise foram utilizadas a análise de conteúdo e a análise de documentos, além da reconstrução da história da disciplina. Foram analisados em profundidade os casos de seis professores que queriam pesquisar sua própria prática. Os resultados mostram que, apesar de haver diferenças nos processos inclusivos dos seis professores, todos eles experimentaram avanços nas suas aprendizagens vinculadas a habilidades e competências necessárias a um pesquisador. Nas conclusões argumentamos que quando determinados critérios da comunidade científica são flexibilizados e quando a Academia realiza esforços de tradução da linguagem acadêmica para a linguagem utilizada pelos professores, e vice-versa, esse processo de inclusão se vê facilitado. / The problem concerning the relationship between teaching and research has been a topic frequently discussed in educational literature. From the beginning, with the conception of teacher researcher, up to the actual times, with the proposal of collaborative researches, there have been several proposals developed in order to superate the distance between teaching and research. Some of these proposals link the possibility of school teacher research his own practice, as a attempt to incorporate his practical knowledge. Our works is intended to analyse basic school teachers´ inclusion on the universe of academic research in Science Education, through a course called \"Introduction to Science Teaching Research\", in the post-graduation programme at University of São Paulo, Brazil. The research is deveoped to answer the question: In which conditions the basic shool teacher should be recognized and included into the academical environment? Our hypotese is that the inclusion of basic school teacher can be understanding through two complemmentary aspects: on the one hand, teachers need to progressively incorporate tools and criteria of the scientific community and, on the other, Academy - represented by the teacher and monitors of the post-graduation course, needs to make mor flexible the traditional criteria related to the meaning of \"research\". For these reason, our analysis is centered on teachers who wish to research their own practice, because this could be a way for overhelming the distance between the two activities, teaching and research. Our theorethical framework was constructed by dialectic interaction between data and literature review. These framework is composed by a set of indicators that suggests movements in both directions: the basic school teacher movement in order to be included into the course and the movement of Academy in order to inlcude this teacher. The methodology was qualitative. A case study was realized in two of the three groups of teachers registered on the post-graduation course in 2004. Data collection techniques included participant observation, registers in field notes, document collection and video records of some classroom episodes. Some techniques of data analyse were: content analysis and document analysis. A reconstruction of the history of the course was an intermediate phase in the process of data analysis. The cases of six basic school teachers, all of them researchers of their own practice, were analysed more deeply. Results shows that in spite of the differences in the inclusion processes of these six teachers, all of them have registered some progress in their learning processes, adquiring some basic habilities typical of researchers. In the conclussions, we argue that when some scientific criteria become more flexible and when Academy make some efforts to translate the language used by teachers into scientific language and to translate the scientific language into a language more comprehensible for teachers, the inclusion process is facilitated.

Elaboração e análise de uma metodologia de ensino voltada para as questões sócio-ambientais na formação de professores de química / Preparation and analysis of a teaching methodology focused on the socioenvironmental issues in chemistry teachers training.

Melo, Marlene Rios 24 February 2010 (has links)
A importância das questões sócio-ambientais vem crescendo rapidamente, sobretudo na elaboração de currículos de ciências, com conseqüências para a formação de professores. No entanto, atuar nessa perspectiva vai além da disponibilidade de materiais didáticos comprometidos com essa proposta, faz-se necessário formar professores capazes de utilizálos, dotados de visão multidisciplinar do corpo teórico específico de sua área de atuação e com condições de adotarem um modelo de ensino diferente do vivenciado por eles durante toda a sua vida escolar. As metas de uma formação comprometida com as questões sócioambientais envolvem não somente a apropriação do conhecimento científico tanto teórico quanto experimental, mas também o reconhecimento dos impactos ambientais envolvidos no ciclo de vida de produtos de consumo duráveis e não duráveis, e até mesmo o planejamento do ensino experimental contemplando formas de minimização dos impactos ambientais. Nossa pesquisa procurou tornar viável a avaliação da formação de professores de Química na perspectiva de um comprometimento com as questões sócio-ambientais. Para tanto acompanhamos a elaboração e aplicação de uma metodologia de ensino apoiada nos princípios da Química Verde e voltada para tais questões pela docente, e também pesquisadora da própria prática, de disciplinas da licenciatura em Química em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior particular no interior de São Paulo no período de 2005-2008. Tal acompanhamento nos permitiu estabelecer indicadores de comprometimento sócio-ambiental durante a evolução da elaboração dessa metodologia. Esses indicadores foram analisados sobre a perspectiva do amadurecimento do aparelho psíquico proposto por Melanie Klein e generalizados para propiciar a análise dos projetos de ensino, elaborados pelos licenciandos da turma de 2008, com ênfase para as questões sócio-ambientais na perspectiva CTS. Essa análise nos permitiu concluir sobre o nível de comprometimento dos licenciandos com essas questões. Analisamos também os efeitos da pesquisa sobre a própria prática, resultando em uma reflexão que permitiu tanto uma mudança do discurso da docente, como também uma evolução na relação professor/aluno, através da superação parcial tanto das limitações institucionais como pessoais. Essa evolução foi percebida através de análise de projetos de ensino, das participações dos alunos, dos artigos elaborados pela docente, da orientação de projetos de iniciação científica, desde 2005 até 2008. / The importance of socio-environmental issues is growing rapidly, especially in developing science curricula, with consequences for the teacher training. However, work in this perspective goes beyond the availability of materials involved in this proposal, it is necessary to train teachers to use them and having multidisciplinary view of the theoretical specific to your area of expertise and that could adopt a model education other than experienced by them throughout their school life. The goals of training committed to the socio-environmental issues not only involve the appropriation of scientific knowledge, both theoretical and experimental, but also a recognition of the environmental impacts involved in the life cycle of consumer durable and nondurable goods, and even planning of experimental teaching contemplating ways to minimize environmental impacts. Our research sought to make viable the evaluation of chemistry teachers training at the prospect of a commitment to the socio-environmental issues. To this end we follow the development and implementation of a teaching methodology supported the principles of green chemistry and attention to those issues by the teacher, researcher and also of the practice of disciplines in Teachers College in an Institution of higher education particularly in São Paulo in the period 2005-2008. Such monitoring has allowed us to establish indicators of socioenvironmental commitment during the course of developing this methodology. These indicators were analyzed from the perspective of maturation of the psychic apparatus proposed by Melanie Klein and generalized to provide an analysis of the teaching projects, prepared by students teachers of class of 2008, with emphasis on socio-environmental perspective STS. This analysis allowed us to conclude about the level of commitment to these issues by the teacher training student. We also analyzed the effects of own practice research, resulting in a reflection that enabled both a change in the discourse of teaching as well as developments in the teacher / student, in part by overcoming the limitations both institutional and personal. This process has been perceived through analysis of education projects, the participation of the students, the articles written by the teacher, the guidance of basic scientific research projects, from 2005 to 2008.

A inclusão de professores de ensino básico na pesquisa: um desafio institucional. / The inclusion of basic school teacher into research: an institucional challenge.

Veronica Marcela Guridi 14 August 2007 (has links)
O problema da relação entre a docência e a pesquisa têm sido um tema amplamente discutido na literatura educacional. Desde os primórdios, com a concepção do professor pesquisador, até os tempos atuais, com as pesquisas colaborativas desenvolvidas tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior, têm surgido várias propostas para a superação da distância existente entre ser professor e ser pesquisador. Algumas dessas propostas acenam a possibilidade de pesquisar sobre a própria prática profissional, como uma tentativa de incorporar os saberes advindos da prática nas pesquisas desenvolvidas pelos professores. Nosso trabalho tem como objetivo analisar inclusão de professores no universo da pesquisa acadêmica em Educação em Ciências, através de uma disciplina chamada \"Introdução à pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências\", ministrada no programa de pós-graduação Interunidades em Ensino de Ciências da Universidade de São Paulo. A pesquisa tenta dar resposta à pergunta: Quais seriam as condições para a inclusão e o reconhecimento do professor no meio acadêmico? A hipótese que norteou o trabalho é que a inclusão do professor na disciplina pressupõe uma via de mão dupla: por um lado, os professores precisam incorporar progressivamente ferramentas e critérios da comunidade científica e por outro, a Academia, representada pelos responsáveis da disciplina, precisa flexibilizar os critérios tradicionais sobre o que é fazer pesquisa para que seja incorporado o genuíno interesse do professor em explorar os saberes de sua prática. Por essa razão, temos centrado a nossa análise nos casos de professores que desejam pesquisar a sua própria prática, por considerar que essa pode ser uma via possível de superação da distância entre a docência e a pesquisa. O referencial teórico foi construído a partir da interação entre os dados coletados e a bibliografia consultada sobre o assunto, derivando na definição de um conjunto de indicadores dos movimentos inclusivos realizados em ambas direções: o movimento do professor para ser incluído na disciplina e o movimento de inclusão realizado pela Academia. A metodologia utilizada na pesquisa foi qualitativa, sendo desenvolvido um estudo de caso junto a duas turmas de professores matriculados na disciplina, acompanhadas durante o semestre em que a disciplina foi ministrada. As técnicas de coleta de dados incorporaram a observação participante, o registro de observação das aulas em notas de campo, a coleta de documentos e o registro em vídeo de algumas aulas. Como técnicas de análise foram utilizadas a análise de conteúdo e a análise de documentos, além da reconstrução da história da disciplina. Foram analisados em profundidade os casos de seis professores que queriam pesquisar sua própria prática. Os resultados mostram que, apesar de haver diferenças nos processos inclusivos dos seis professores, todos eles experimentaram avanços nas suas aprendizagens vinculadas a habilidades e competências necessárias a um pesquisador. Nas conclusões argumentamos que quando determinados critérios da comunidade científica são flexibilizados e quando a Academia realiza esforços de tradução da linguagem acadêmica para a linguagem utilizada pelos professores, e vice-versa, esse processo de inclusão se vê facilitado. / The problem concerning the relationship between teaching and research has been a topic frequently discussed in educational literature. From the beginning, with the conception of teacher researcher, up to the actual times, with the proposal of collaborative researches, there have been several proposals developed in order to superate the distance between teaching and research. Some of these proposals link the possibility of school teacher research his own practice, as a attempt to incorporate his practical knowledge. Our works is intended to analyse basic school teachers´ inclusion on the universe of academic research in Science Education, through a course called \"Introduction to Science Teaching Research\", in the post-graduation programme at University of São Paulo, Brazil. The research is deveoped to answer the question: In which conditions the basic shool teacher should be recognized and included into the academical environment? Our hypotese is that the inclusion of basic school teacher can be understanding through two complemmentary aspects: on the one hand, teachers need to progressively incorporate tools and criteria of the scientific community and, on the other, Academy - represented by the teacher and monitors of the post-graduation course, needs to make mor flexible the traditional criteria related to the meaning of \"research\". For these reason, our analysis is centered on teachers who wish to research their own practice, because this could be a way for overhelming the distance between the two activities, teaching and research. Our theorethical framework was constructed by dialectic interaction between data and literature review. These framework is composed by a set of indicators that suggests movements in both directions: the basic school teacher movement in order to be included into the course and the movement of Academy in order to inlcude this teacher. The methodology was qualitative. A case study was realized in two of the three groups of teachers registered on the post-graduation course in 2004. Data collection techniques included participant observation, registers in field notes, document collection and video records of some classroom episodes. Some techniques of data analyse were: content analysis and document analysis. A reconstruction of the history of the course was an intermediate phase in the process of data analysis. The cases of six basic school teachers, all of them researchers of their own practice, were analysed more deeply. Results shows that in spite of the differences in the inclusion processes of these six teachers, all of them have registered some progress in their learning processes, adquiring some basic habilities typical of researchers. In the conclussions, we argue that when some scientific criteria become more flexible and when Academy make some efforts to translate the language used by teachers into scientific language and to translate the scientific language into a language more comprehensible for teachers, the inclusion process is facilitated.

Elaboração e análise de uma metodologia de ensino voltada para as questões sócio-ambientais na formação de professores de química / Preparation and analysis of a teaching methodology focused on the socioenvironmental issues in chemistry teachers training.

Marlene Rios Melo 24 February 2010 (has links)
A importância das questões sócio-ambientais vem crescendo rapidamente, sobretudo na elaboração de currículos de ciências, com conseqüências para a formação de professores. No entanto, atuar nessa perspectiva vai além da disponibilidade de materiais didáticos comprometidos com essa proposta, faz-se necessário formar professores capazes de utilizálos, dotados de visão multidisciplinar do corpo teórico específico de sua área de atuação e com condições de adotarem um modelo de ensino diferente do vivenciado por eles durante toda a sua vida escolar. As metas de uma formação comprometida com as questões sócioambientais envolvem não somente a apropriação do conhecimento científico tanto teórico quanto experimental, mas também o reconhecimento dos impactos ambientais envolvidos no ciclo de vida de produtos de consumo duráveis e não duráveis, e até mesmo o planejamento do ensino experimental contemplando formas de minimização dos impactos ambientais. Nossa pesquisa procurou tornar viável a avaliação da formação de professores de Química na perspectiva de um comprometimento com as questões sócio-ambientais. Para tanto acompanhamos a elaboração e aplicação de uma metodologia de ensino apoiada nos princípios da Química Verde e voltada para tais questões pela docente, e também pesquisadora da própria prática, de disciplinas da licenciatura em Química em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior particular no interior de São Paulo no período de 2005-2008. Tal acompanhamento nos permitiu estabelecer indicadores de comprometimento sócio-ambiental durante a evolução da elaboração dessa metodologia. Esses indicadores foram analisados sobre a perspectiva do amadurecimento do aparelho psíquico proposto por Melanie Klein e generalizados para propiciar a análise dos projetos de ensino, elaborados pelos licenciandos da turma de 2008, com ênfase para as questões sócio-ambientais na perspectiva CTS. Essa análise nos permitiu concluir sobre o nível de comprometimento dos licenciandos com essas questões. Analisamos também os efeitos da pesquisa sobre a própria prática, resultando em uma reflexão que permitiu tanto uma mudança do discurso da docente, como também uma evolução na relação professor/aluno, através da superação parcial tanto das limitações institucionais como pessoais. Essa evolução foi percebida através de análise de projetos de ensino, das participações dos alunos, dos artigos elaborados pela docente, da orientação de projetos de iniciação científica, desde 2005 até 2008. / The importance of socio-environmental issues is growing rapidly, especially in developing science curricula, with consequences for the teacher training. However, work in this perspective goes beyond the availability of materials involved in this proposal, it is necessary to train teachers to use them and having multidisciplinary view of the theoretical specific to your area of expertise and that could adopt a model education other than experienced by them throughout their school life. The goals of training committed to the socio-environmental issues not only involve the appropriation of scientific knowledge, both theoretical and experimental, but also a recognition of the environmental impacts involved in the life cycle of consumer durable and nondurable goods, and even planning of experimental teaching contemplating ways to minimize environmental impacts. Our research sought to make viable the evaluation of chemistry teachers training at the prospect of a commitment to the socio-environmental issues. To this end we follow the development and implementation of a teaching methodology supported the principles of green chemistry and attention to those issues by the teacher, researcher and also of the practice of disciplines in Teachers College in an Institution of higher education particularly in São Paulo in the period 2005-2008. Such monitoring has allowed us to establish indicators of socioenvironmental commitment during the course of developing this methodology. These indicators were analyzed from the perspective of maturation of the psychic apparatus proposed by Melanie Klein and generalized to provide an analysis of the teaching projects, prepared by students teachers of class of 2008, with emphasis on socio-environmental perspective STS. This analysis allowed us to conclude about the level of commitment to these issues by the teacher training student. We also analyzed the effects of own practice research, resulting in a reflection that enabled both a change in the discourse of teaching as well as developments in the teacher / student, in part by overcoming the limitations both institutional and personal. This process has been perceived through analysis of education projects, the participation of the students, the articles written by the teacher, the guidance of basic scientific research projects, from 2005 to 2008.

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