Spelling suggestions: "subject:"precontractual diability"" "subject:"precontractual deniability""
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Komparace předsmluvní odpovědnosti v českém právu a v common law / A comparison of pre-contractual liability in Czech and Common LawNováková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to consider the importance of culpa in contrahendo which does not have a long tradition in the Czech law. However, since the 1 January 2014 it has become enshrined the Czech legal system. The instrument of culpa in contrahendo is connected with the need to protect the good faith of the parties to a contract which is an essential principle of modern contract law, particularly in continental legal systems. Despite the lack of the general duty to act in good faith while negotiating contracts in common law systems, we can see that English or American judges solve the practical problems resulting from dishonesty of one party to the contract through equitable principles such as misrepresentation or promissory estoppel. The importance of protecting good faith is visible even from international contract law documents that are important for the interpretation of national law. Chapter One contains the explanation of culpa in contrahendo as a practical instrument and I distinguish it from pre-contractual liability in the anglo-american legal systems. Despite the differences of the continental and common law systems of law, I consider, on the basis of the laws and court decision analysis, whether the Czech courts, in deciding the pre-contractual liability cases, are getting closer... Read more
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Culpa in contrahendo / Culpa in contrahendoKolářová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
Culpa in Contrahendo Resumé The aim of this degree work is to introduce the institute of pre-contractual liability and its practical application. The work focuses on the position of this institute in the Czech legislation, its classification in the system of laws before the recodification of civil law, and its express regulation in Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. Much attention is devoted to rulings of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic and its approach to the application of pre-contractual liability in specific cases. The degree work is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter defines the term 'Culpa in contrahendo', describes its origin in the work of a German jurist of genius, Rudolf von Jhering, and outlines the origin of the institute in Roman law. In this chapter is also a description of the first case of pre-contractual liability, 'Linoleumfall', which was resolved by the Imperial Court. The chapter also contains an overview of instances of pre-contractual liability embodied in foreign judicial codes. The second chapter describes the regulation of pre-contractual liability in the Czech body of laws before the recodification of civil law with illustrations of individual facts in issue formerly contained in Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code, and Act No. 513/1991 Coll., Commercial Code.... Read more
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Předsmluvní odpovědnost (culpa in contrahendo) / Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)Vlachová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
Pre-Contractual Liability (Culpa in Contrahendo) Summary The purpose of my thesis is to analyse the issue of pre-contractual liability from the microcomparative perspective which subsequently serves as the tool to characterise the main features of pre-contractual liability in the realm of Czech Civil and Commercial Codes. The reason for my research is to prove the existence and importance of pre-contractual liability in the Czech legal order as well as in the sphere of the European Union in the light of its respective case laws. The thesis is composed of five chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of negotiation stage and pre-contractual liability. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology, methodology used in the thesis, scope, and aims. Chapter Two examines chosen foreign legal regulations of pre-contractual liability. The essential attention is given to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland as those legal systems are very close to the Czech one (historically and geographically). The French view is also considered because legislators seek to prepare the reform of obligation laws. Finally, common law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America is discussed and challenged because of its adverse approach to pre-contractual liability.... Read more
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Le droit international privé de négociation précontractuelle / Private international law of precontractual negociationsPiacitelli-Guedj, Aurélia 12 December 2012 (has links)
Dans un contexte de mondialisation, face à l’accroissement des échanges et la complexification des contrats internationaux, les négociations précontractuelles ont pris une dimension particulière : création de nouvelles obligations, étirement de la durée des pourparlers, multiplications des contrats préliminaires, tout conduit à transformer cette simple période de transition en une étape primordiale de la vie contractuelle. Les différentes phases de négociation entre partenaires internationaux vont ainsi générer des contentieux qui intéressent le droit international privé. En effet, la valeur juridique de la négociation diverge d’un régime juridique à un autre. Alors que les Etats de common law adoptent une conception individualiste des pourparlers avec pour principe une liberté contractuelle très étendue, la civil law circonscrit la liberté contractuelle par le respect d’un devoir de bonne foi. Par conséquent, il apparaît essentiel, pour les parties, de connaître avec certitude le droit applicable à leur relation précontractuelle.Or les règles de conflits existantes, supposées garantir la sécurité juridique des parties à la négociation en leur assurant une certaine prévisibilité des solutions, ne sont pas adaptées à l’heure actuelle. Dans cette perspective, l’objet de la recherche s’attache à considérer les spécificités de la période précontractuelle et les questions de droit international privé s’y rattachant et tente d’y apporter des réponses efficaces en proposant des règles de conflits adaptées, afin de garantir la sécurité juridique à laquelle aspirent les parties à la négociation. / In a context of globalization, facing increased trade and the increasing complexity of international contracts, pre-contractual negotiations take a special dimension: creating new obligations, stretching the length of talks, multiplications of preliminary contracts, are leading to transform this simple transition in a primordial stage of contracts. The different phases of negotiation between international partners and will generate interest litigation private international law.Indeed, the legal negotiation differs from one legal regime to another. Common law countries adopt an individualistic principle for talks with extensive contractual freedom, whereas civil law circumscribes the freedom of contract in respect of a duty of good faith. Therefore, it is essential for the parties to know with certainty the law applicable to their pre-contractual relationship.However, the existing conflict rules, supposed to guarantee the legal security of the negotiating parties by ensuring predictability solutions are not appropriate at this time. In this perspective, the purpose of the research focuses on considering the specificities of the pre-contractual period and issues of private international law relating thereto and attempts to provide effective responses by providing conflict rules adapted to ensure legal certainty aspired parties to the negotiation. Read more
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Informační povinnost při jednání o uzavření smlouvy / Information duty in pre-contractual negotiationsVrběcký, Matouš January 2016 (has links)
Information duty in pre-contractual negotiations Act no. 89/2012 Sb., the Civil Code, has brought many changes into the private law. The new Civil Code within the frame of pre-contractual liability among other things explicitly embedded in the provision of Section 1728 Subsection 2 the so called general information duty, i. e. a duty of the contracting parties to notify each other of certain circumstances prior to the conclusion of the contract. The paper aspires to define the term and the scope of general information duty with the help of the comparison of approaches toward this duty in other states and with the help of existing judicial (both Czech and foreign) decision making. In certain aspects, documents of European Contract Law were also taken into account owing to the fact that the European Contract Law was used in the process of drafting the valid and effective Civil Code. Even though many sources were used while writing the paper, the scope of general information duty could not be definitely determined. With respect to the fact that no explicit and distinct limits of this duty are set, the main source of knowledge will be judicial decision making which should take a consistent attitude toward a complex issue of general information duty which is inseparably related to the Economic Analysis of Law.... Read more
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Ukončení jednání o uzavření smlouvy bez spravedlivého důvodu / Breaking-off contract negotiations without justifiable groundsJanoušková, Anežka January 2016 (has links)
Breaking-off contract negotiations without justifiable grounds Abstract The thesis at hand deals with Sec. 1729 of the Civil Code which governs the liability for breaking-off contract negotiations without justifiable grounds. Its aim is to interpret the afore-said provision that forms an inherent part of the newly introduced regulation of pre-contractual liability. The thesis discusses both the conditions for establishing the liability for breaking-off contract negotiations and concurrently the legal consequences thereof. The difficulties in terms of interpretation, incidental to the introduction of this provision, are attempted to be solved by use of theological interpretative method and inspiration drawn from the comparative study of German and Austrian state of law. Finally, the thesis strives for analysing the case-law of the Czech Supreme Court related to the previous legislation and answering a question to which extent the conclusions previously arrived at by this court may be uphold following the recodification process. The thesis is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter emphasizes the importance and role of the principles of freedom of contract and good faith which are crucial for better understanding of culpa in contrahendo. It also elaborates, albeit in general terms, on the matter of... Read more
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Předsmluvní odpovědnost (culpa in contrahendo) / Pre-contract liability (culpa in contrahendo)Kinclová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The times when closing of the contract was as simple as making an offer and receiving its acceptance are long over now. A variuosly long period preceeds an establishment of a contractual relationship. During such period, when a contract is being formed, the parties exchange their requests or essential information and negotiate the content of the contract. The longer this pre-contractual negotiation lasts, the more time, money or other means parties invest in good faith that they shall be compensated once the contract is concluded. In case the closing of the contract is not going to occur, because of a party's unfair dealings, the party in harm shall be entitled to engage liability of the other contractor. In these circumstances, the party in harm shall base its claim on a pre-contractual liability, also referred to as culpa in contrahendo. Apart from determining the pre-contractual obligations and liability for their breach in general fashion, the subject matter of this thesis is mainly an effective comparison of Czech and French relevant legal regulation. Since the legislation does not currently regulate the issue of pre-contractual liability, this thesis is focused primarily on the case law issued by courts from both states. In particular, the thesis analyzes the case law of the Czech Supreme... Read more
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Contractual innovations: Memorandum of Understanding / Innovaciones contractuales: el Memorando de EntendimientoLópez Fung, Jorge 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article addresses the most relevant aspects of Memorandum of Understanding, one of the most important contractual figures of our times. Through the article, the author explains this figure according to doctrinaire and jurisprudential pronouncements and determines its legal nature and the treatment the Peruvian legal system should grant to it. / El presente artículo aborda los aspectos más relevantes del Memorando de Entendimiento o Memorandum of Understanding, una de las figuras contractuales más importantes de nuestros tiempos. A lo largo del artículo, el autor explica esta figura a la luz de pronunciamientos doctrinarios y jurisprudenciales y, asimismo, determina su naturaleza jurídica y el tratamiento que el ordenamiento jurídico peruano debe otorgarle.
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L'évolution de la responsabilité civile dans la phase précontractuelle : comparaison entre le droit civil français et le droit civil roumain à la lumière du droit européen / The evolution of pre-contractual liability : comparation between the franch civil and romanian civil law in the light of european lawStancu, Radu 01 September 2015 (has links)
La thèse a pour but l’analyse de l’évolution récente du droit civil français et roumain de la responsabilité civile au cours de la période précontractuelle. Nous avons privilégié une approche comparative entre les deux droits nationaux à la lumière des droits européens. Au cours de la période précontractuelle les parties sont libres de négocier comme elles le veulent, mais sans causer un dommage à leur partenaire. Il y a un lien qui se crée entre les parties et qui ne peut être rompu que conformément au principe de la bonne foi. Nous avons pu constater que le fondement de la responsabilité est assez controversé et varie d’un ordre juridique à l’autre. En effet, la responsabilité civile balance entre sécurité juridique, autonomie privée et liberté contractuelle. En résumé, la phase précontractuelle a connu de profondes transformations au cours de son évolution. À l’heure de l’harmonisation européenne, voire de la globalisation, les droits français et roumain subissent des modifications afin de clarifier des règles de plus en plus compliquées et notamment celles relatives à la responsabilité civile précontractuelle. / The thesis finds its main purpose in the study of the recent evolution of French and Romanian civil law of liability during the pre-contractual period. We favored a comparative approach between national rights, in the light of European laws. During the pre-contractual period, the parties are free to negotiate as they please, as long as they do not cause damage to their partner. A bond is created between the parties and it can only be broken in accordance with the principle of good faith. We noted that the basis of liability is fairly controversial and varies from one legal system to another. Indeed, the civil liability is balances between legal security, private autonomy and freedom of contract. In summary, the pre-contractual phase has experienced profound transformations in its evolution. At the time of European harmonization, or even globalization, French and Romanian law undergo modifications in order to clarify the most complicated rules, in particular those relating to pre- contractual civil liability. Read more
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Právní následky porušení smlouvy v občanském právu / Legal consequences of a breach of contract in civil lawAntošová, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this Master's degree thesis is "Legal consequences of breach of contract in civil law". The aim of this thesis is especially to analyse the legal consequences of the breach of contract under civil law. The text is divided into six chapters. Each chapter characterizes the particular consequence of the breach of contract. Each chapter also shows main differences and and possible advantages or disadvantages its enactment in the new Civil Code that came into effect on 1st January 2014. The first chapter deals with the pre-contractual liability. This chapter includes description of the pre- contractual negotiation and its main elements recognized within the framework of the Czech legal system. The chapter two analyzes aspects of delay in civil commitments in the law system of the Czech Republic with focus on the consequences a delay may cause. The third chapter explains essential points of the withdrawal from a contract. The fourth chapter describes and analyzes the legal institute of liability for defects, the issues regarding the liability for defect, its impact and also mentions some practical aspects related to it.Chapter five deals with the civil liability for damage. The aim of this chapter is to provide a basic overviewand to clarify crucial aspects of this legal institute. Chapter six... Read more
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