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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tratamentos para redução de metais alcalinos, enxofre e cloreto em celulignina destinada à obtenção de gás de síntese como substituto do gás natural para geração de energia termoelétrica em turbinas a gás / Treatments for reduction of alkali metals, sulfur and chloride in cellulignin designed to obtain synthesis gas as a substitute for natural gas for thermoelectric power generation with gas turbines

Romão, Erica Leonor 02 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho se insere no Programa de Biomassa - Energia - Materiais - PROBEM?, cuja Refinaria de Biomassa desenvolve tecnologias para o aproveitamento integral de biomassas lignocelulósicas e oleosas, objetivando sua exploração autossustentada. Os principais produtos obtidos são combustíveis para geração de energia termoelétrica, produtos químicos, materiais inorgânicos e reciclagem de fertilizantes. Neste trabalho explorou-se a celulignina, que é um combustível obtido pela pré-hidrólise ácida da biomassa, visando à obtenção de gás de síntese (singás) da celulignina para geração de energia termoelétrica com turbinas a gás, como substituto do gás natural. Para essa aplicação, e também para aplicações em síntese de produtos químicos e combustíveis pelo processo Fischer Tropsch, teores de metais alcalinos, enxofre e cloretos são críticos. A biomassa considerada foi a madeira de Eucalyptus grandis. O trabalho propõe a lixiviação aquosa daqueles contaminantes por pré-hidrólise ácida da biomassa, seguida da moagem a úmido da celulignina para razões líquido/sólido (L/S) otimizadas em relação ao consumo de água e aos teores finais dos contaminantes na biomassa tratada. A eficiência da sequência de tratamentos foi verificada medindo os teores de potássio, sódio, cloreto e enxofre total após cada etapa de lixiviação da celulignina. A pré-hidrólise ácida do E. grandis foi realizada na presença de ácido sulfúrico como catalisador, com produção de cerca de 67% de celulignina e 34% de solução de açúcares, em relação à quantidade de biomassa seca inicial. Os resultados desta etapa do processamento mostraram uma redução no teor de potássio de 3,3 vezes e no teor de sódio de 1,9 vez na celulignina em relação ao E. grandis in natura. A celulignina assim obtida foi submetida a uma sequência de moagem a úmido em moinho de martelos. Resultados apontaram a razão L/S = 12 como mais eficiente. O singás obtido da celulignina apresentou teores estimados de K+ + Na+= 600 ppb, Cl-=1,4 mg/Nm³ e enxofre total = 4 mg/Nm³. Isso significa uma redução de 1000 vezes em K+ + Na+ em relação à biomassa bruta. Nessas condições, o gás de síntese obtido já seria similar ao singás do gás natural, podendo ser usado em turbinas a gás. As aplicações com o gás de síntese no processo Fischer Tropsch não estão descartadas já que as especificações do gás natural para essa mesma aplicação permitem um máximo de enxofre de 70 mg/Nm³. Melhoramentos nos procedimentos de análise química em todas as etapas do processo são necessários para levar a resultados mais acurados. Melhoramentos nos equipamentos de controle das emissões gasosas na geração do singás tendem a diminuir os teores de enxofre para os níveis previstos em norma (< 1mg/Nm³). / This work is part of the Program Biomass - Energy - Materials - PROBEM?, whose Biomass Refinery develops technologies for a self-sustaining exploration of lignocellulosic and oily biomass. The main products are fuels for thermal and electricity energy generation, chemicals, materials and recycled inorganic fertilizers. This work explores the cellulignin, which is a fuel obtained by acidic prehydrolysis of biomass aiming to produce synthesis gas (syngas) as a substitute for natural gas for themoelectrical energy generation with gas turbines. This application, and also for the Fischer Tropsch process, of alkali metals, sulfur and chlorine concentrations in the syngas must be very low. The selected biomass is Eucalyptus grandis. The main objectives are to promote the aqueous leaching of those contaminants from cellulignin by a sequence of treatments, and to obtain the syngas by gasification of the cleaned cellulignin. The aqueous leaching of contaminants is carried out by acidic prehydrolysis of the wood, followed by the wet grinding of cellulignin at different liquid / solid (L/S) rations optimized with respect to water consumption and the final concentration of contaminants in the treated biomass. The efficiency of the sequence of treatments was checked by measuring potassium, sodium, chloride and sulfur contents in the cellulignin after each leaching step. Prehydrolysis of E. grandis was carried out using sulfuric acid as a catalyst, producing 67% of cellulignin and 34% of hydrolysate in relation to the initial dry biomass mass. Results after prehydrolysis showed a reduction of 3.3 times in the potassium content and of 1.6 times for sodium in the unwashed cellulignin in relation to the E. grandis \'in natura\'. The cellulignin so obtained was wet-ground in hammer mill. Results showed the L/S = 12 as the more efficient ratio in the grinding step. After gasification of the cellulignin the estimated values of the contaminants in the syngas were K++Na+ = 600 ppb, Cl- =1,4 mg/Nm³, and total S = 4 mg/Nm³, similar to the syngas from natural gas specifications for those elements. This means that the syngas from the cellulignin can be used as a fuel in gas turbines, replacing the syngas obtained from natural gas. Yet, its application in the Fischer Tropsch process is not discarded because maximum sulfur content allowed in the natural gas for that application is 70 mg/Nm³. Improvements have to made on the analytical procedures to ensure more accurate results, and is also necessary to improve the efficiency of the equipments for gas emission control in the syngas generation process. The last improvement should lower the S content to the specification values for the syngas (< 1mg/Nm³).

Dissolvingmassa baserat på soda-AQ kokning : Potential för ökat förädlingsvärde av svensk skogsråvara / Dissolving pulp based on soda-AQ cooking : Potential for production of higher value added products

Kihlman, Martin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete genomfördes från begäran av två företag, Pöyry Sweden AB, Karlstad och Kiram AB. Arbetet var uppdelat i två delar, en litteraturstudie samt en experimentell del. I litteraturstudien kartlades olika processer för framställning av dissolvingmassa och olika processer för beredning av viskosfiber. Utöver det sammanställdes även några av de ledande aktörerna av joniska vätskor samt applikationer för cellulosabaserade produkter. Fokus genom hela arbetet har legat på svavelfria processer som t.ex. användandet av joniska vätskor för upplösning av cellulosa. I den experimentella delen undersöktes det om man via en förhydrolys följt av ett soda-AQ kok, en svavelfri process, kunde producera dissolvingmassa. Utöver produktion av dissolvingmassa undersöktes också filtratet som drogs av efter förhydrolysen.</p><p>Under den experimentella delen varierades olika parametrar för att se hur det påverkade kvaliteten av massan. De parametrar som varierades vid förhydrolysförsöken var tid och antrakinon (AQ), för soda-AQ koket varierades tid, AQ och effektiv alkali (EA) halt. För ett förhydrolysförsök varierades även vätske/vedförhållandet. Vilka betingelser som skulle användas samt de mål som skulle uppnås fick man fram under litteraturstudien.</p><p>För att nå målet med ett utbyte på ca 85 % efter förhydrolysen krävdes en temperatur på 160°C och tid på 1 timme för en förhydrolys med enbart vatten. Hypotesen om att en AQ tillsats redan vid förhydrolysen skulle sänka utbytet visades inte stämma, man fick då istället ett ökat utbyte. Målet för massorna efter soda-AQ koket var ett utbyte på ca 40 %, ett kappatal runt 30 och en viskositet > 1000 ml/g. Utförde man en förhydrolys som beskrivits ovan följt av ett soda-AQ kok med dessa betingelser: temperatur 160°C, tid ≥ 2 h, EA sats > 21 % och en AQ halt ≥ 1 kg/ton, fick man en dissolvingmassa som uppfyllde kraven.</p><p>Kolhydratanalysen på filtratet visade att mestadels glukomannan brutits ner och lösts ut under förhydrolysen. Däremot skedde det ingen nedbrytning av cellulosa. Utförde man förhydrolysen på ett sådant sätt som beskrivits ovan bröt man ner en hemicellulosa mängd på ca 72 kg/ton flis. Det får ses som en ganska rejäl mängd eftersom man enbart använder vatten under förhydrolysen.</p> / <p>This project was carried out on a request from two companies, Pöyry Sweden AB, Karlstad and Kiram AB. The work was divided in two parts, one literature study and one experimental part. In the literature study different processes for production of dissolving pulp and different processes for viscose preparation were identified. Besides that, some of the lending companies of ionic liquids and some applications of cellulose based products were compiled. The main focus throughout this work has been on processes without sulfur, for an example the use of ionic liquids for dissolving cellulose. In the experimental part, dissolving pulp production by a prehydrolysis followed by a soda-AQ cooking was investigated. The filtrate gained from the prehydrolysis was also examined.</p><p>In the dissolving pulp production different parameters for the prehydrolysis and cooking stage were alternated. For the prehydrolysis the following parameters were varied: time and concentration of anthraquinone and for the cooking stage the parameters time, EA and concentration of anthraquinone. In one experiment the liquid to wood ratio was varied. The conditions that would be used and the target of the experimental work were received from the literature study.</p><p>To reach the target yield of approximately 85 % after an prehydrolysis, with water, the following conditions were required, a temperature of 160°C and a time of 1 hour. The hypothesis that an AQ additive, already in the prehydrolysis, should lowered the yield proved to be wrong. The target for the dissolving pulps after a soda-AQ cooking were a yield of ~ 40 %, a kappa number around 30 and finally a viscosity > 1000 ml/g. A soda-AQ cooking with these conditions: temperature 160°C, time ≥ 2 h, EA > 21 % and an AQ conc. ≥ 1 kg/ton, after a prehydrolysis, mentioned above, resulted in a pulp which achieved the targets.</p><p>The carbohydrate analysis on the filtrate showed that mostly glucomannan was settled out during the prehydrolysis. It also showed that no cellulose was settled out. A result after a prehydrolysis like the one mentioned above was that the amount of hemicellulose was reduced with ~ 72 kg/ton wood.</p>

Dissolvingmassa baserat på soda-AQ kokning : Potential för ökat förädlingsvärde av svensk skogsråvara / Dissolving pulp based on soda-AQ cooking : Potential for production of higher value added products

Kihlman, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Detta examensarbete genomfördes från begäran av två företag, Pöyry Sweden AB, Karlstad och Kiram AB. Arbetet var uppdelat i två delar, en litteraturstudie samt en experimentell del. I litteraturstudien kartlades olika processer för framställning av dissolvingmassa och olika processer för beredning av viskosfiber. Utöver det sammanställdes även några av de ledande aktörerna av joniska vätskor samt applikationer för cellulosabaserade produkter. Fokus genom hela arbetet har legat på svavelfria processer som t.ex. användandet av joniska vätskor för upplösning av cellulosa. I den experimentella delen undersöktes det om man via en förhydrolys följt av ett soda-AQ kok, en svavelfri process, kunde producera dissolvingmassa. Utöver produktion av dissolvingmassa undersöktes också filtratet som drogs av efter förhydrolysen. Under den experimentella delen varierades olika parametrar för att se hur det påverkade kvaliteten av massan. De parametrar som varierades vid förhydrolysförsöken var tid och antrakinon (AQ), för soda-AQ koket varierades tid, AQ och effektiv alkali (EA) halt. För ett förhydrolysförsök varierades även vätske/vedförhållandet. Vilka betingelser som skulle användas samt de mål som skulle uppnås fick man fram under litteraturstudien. För att nå målet med ett utbyte på ca 85 % efter förhydrolysen krävdes en temperatur på 160°C och tid på 1 timme för en förhydrolys med enbart vatten. Hypotesen om att en AQ tillsats redan vid förhydrolysen skulle sänka utbytet visades inte stämma, man fick då istället ett ökat utbyte. Målet för massorna efter soda-AQ koket var ett utbyte på ca 40 %, ett kappatal runt 30 och en viskositet &gt; 1000 ml/g. Utförde man en förhydrolys som beskrivits ovan följt av ett soda-AQ kok med dessa betingelser: temperatur 160°C, tid ≥ 2 h, EA sats &gt; 21 % och en AQ halt ≥ 1 kg/ton, fick man en dissolvingmassa som uppfyllde kraven. Kolhydratanalysen på filtratet visade att mestadels glukomannan brutits ner och lösts ut under förhydrolysen. Däremot skedde det ingen nedbrytning av cellulosa. Utförde man förhydrolysen på ett sådant sätt som beskrivits ovan bröt man ner en hemicellulosa mängd på ca 72 kg/ton flis. Det får ses som en ganska rejäl mängd eftersom man enbart använder vatten under förhydrolysen. / This project was carried out on a request from two companies, Pöyry Sweden AB, Karlstad and Kiram AB. The work was divided in two parts, one literature study and one experimental part. In the literature study different processes for production of dissolving pulp and different processes for viscose preparation were identified. Besides that, some of the lending companies of ionic liquids and some applications of cellulose based products were compiled. The main focus throughout this work has been on processes without sulfur, for an example the use of ionic liquids for dissolving cellulose. In the experimental part, dissolving pulp production by a prehydrolysis followed by a soda-AQ cooking was investigated. The filtrate gained from the prehydrolysis was also examined. In the dissolving pulp production different parameters for the prehydrolysis and cooking stage were alternated. For the prehydrolysis the following parameters were varied: time and concentration of anthraquinone and for the cooking stage the parameters time, EA and concentration of anthraquinone. In one experiment the liquid to wood ratio was varied. The conditions that would be used and the target of the experimental work were received from the literature study. To reach the target yield of approximately 85 % after an prehydrolysis, with water, the following conditions were required, a temperature of 160°C and a time of 1 hour. The hypothesis that an AQ additive, already in the prehydrolysis, should lowered the yield proved to be wrong. The target for the dissolving pulps after a soda-AQ cooking were a yield of ~ 40 %, a kappa number around 30 and finally a viscosity &gt; 1000 ml/g. A soda-AQ cooking with these conditions: temperature 160°C, time ≥ 2 h, EA &gt; 21 % and an AQ conc. ≥ 1 kg/ton, after a prehydrolysis, mentioned above, resulted in a pulp which achieved the targets. The carbohydrate analysis on the filtrate showed that mostly glucomannan was settled out during the prehydrolysis. It also showed that no cellulose was settled out. A result after a prehydrolysis like the one mentioned above was that the amount of hemicellulose was reduced with ~ 72 kg/ton wood.

Etude de l'impact de l'extraction des hémicelluloses du bois sur les procédés d'obtention de cellulose et d'éthanol dans le cadre d'une bioraffinerie lignocellulosique / Study of the impact of hemicellulose extraction from wood on cellulose fibres and ethanol production as part of a lignocellulosic biorefinery

Boiron, Lucie 07 September 2012 (has links)
Le renouveau des biocarburants pourrait être aussi celui de l’industrie chimique de la pâte àpapier, en diversifiant l’éventail des produits fabriqués à partir de bois. Cette étude porte surl’intégration d’une extraction des hémicelluloses du bois au procédé Kraft dans le cadre d’une coproductionde fibres cellulosiques et de bioéthanol.Le travail expérimental de cette étude balaie l’ensemble du procédé depuis l’extraction de plus dela moitié des hémicelluloses de bois de résineux, par autohydrolyse ou par hydrolyse à l’acidedilué, jusqu’à la production de fibres cellulosiques blanchies et d’éthanol obtenu par la fermentationdes hydrolysats.Les pâtes de bois préhydrolysé se sont distinguées par de très bonnes aptitudes à ladélignification lors de la cuisson Kraft et lors du blanchiment à l’oxygène. Une analyse desconstituants des pâtes de bois préhydrolysé a permis de comprendre pourquoi la préhydrolyseconduit à une diminution du rendement de cuisson (perte de lignine et de la totalité deshémicelluloses dont les xylanes). L’analyse des lignines de pâtes écrues de bois préhydrolysé apermis d’émettre une hypothèse quant à l’excellente aptitude de ces pâtes à la délignification lorsdu blanchiment à l’oxygène.En définitive, l’intégration d’une extraction des hémicelluloses à une usine Kraft telle qu’elle estproposée par cette étude permet d’obtenir à partir de 100 kg de bois de résineux, 27 à 36kilogrammes de fibres cellulosiques blanchies et jusqu’à 6 litres de bioéthanol. Ces fibrescellulosiques blanchies présentent des caractéristiques attrayantes pour la production de cellulose àusage chimique ou de nanocristaux de cellulose. / Biofuel revival could be a great opportunity for the chemical pulp industry to widen the range ofits products made from wood. This thesis deals with the integration of a softwood hemicelluloseextraction step prior to the Kraft pulping process in order to produce both cellulose fibres andbioethanol.In this study the experimental work covers the entirety of the process: from the extraction ofmore than half of the hemicelluloses from wood either by autohydrolysis or dilute acid hydrolysis tothe production of bleached cellulosic fibres as well as ethanol from fermentated wood hydrolyzates.Prehydrolyzed wood and their subsequent pulps stood out by their excellent delignification abilityduring Kraft cooking and oxygen bleaching. Quantitative analysis of the main constituants of thepulps showed why prehydrolysis leads to decreased Kraft pulp yields (extra lignin loss andhemicelluloses loss including xylans). A range of hypotheses to explain the good delignificationability of prehydrolyzed wood Kraft pulps during oxygen bleaching was narrowed to one by Kraftlignin analysis.The overall results of the hemicellulose extraction prior to Kraft pulping as it has been defined inthis study showed that from 100 kg of softwood, 27 to 36 kg of bleached cellulosic fibres and 6litres of ethanol could be produced. The bleached cellulosic fibres are of great interest for dissolvingpulp or cellulose nanocrystals production.

Tratamentos para redução de metais alcalinos, enxofre e cloreto em celulignina destinada à obtenção de gás de síntese como substituto do gás natural para geração de energia termoelétrica em turbinas a gás / Treatments for reduction of alkali metals, sulfur and chloride in cellulignin designed to obtain synthesis gas as a substitute for natural gas for thermoelectric power generation with gas turbines

Erica Leonor Romão 02 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho se insere no Programa de Biomassa - Energia - Materiais - PROBEM?, cuja Refinaria de Biomassa desenvolve tecnologias para o aproveitamento integral de biomassas lignocelulósicas e oleosas, objetivando sua exploração autossustentada. Os principais produtos obtidos são combustíveis para geração de energia termoelétrica, produtos químicos, materiais inorgânicos e reciclagem de fertilizantes. Neste trabalho explorou-se a celulignina, que é um combustível obtido pela pré-hidrólise ácida da biomassa, visando à obtenção de gás de síntese (singás) da celulignina para geração de energia termoelétrica com turbinas a gás, como substituto do gás natural. Para essa aplicação, e também para aplicações em síntese de produtos químicos e combustíveis pelo processo Fischer Tropsch, teores de metais alcalinos, enxofre e cloretos são críticos. A biomassa considerada foi a madeira de Eucalyptus grandis. O trabalho propõe a lixiviação aquosa daqueles contaminantes por pré-hidrólise ácida da biomassa, seguida da moagem a úmido da celulignina para razões líquido/sólido (L/S) otimizadas em relação ao consumo de água e aos teores finais dos contaminantes na biomassa tratada. A eficiência da sequência de tratamentos foi verificada medindo os teores de potássio, sódio, cloreto e enxofre total após cada etapa de lixiviação da celulignina. A pré-hidrólise ácida do E. grandis foi realizada na presença de ácido sulfúrico como catalisador, com produção de cerca de 67% de celulignina e 34% de solução de açúcares, em relação à quantidade de biomassa seca inicial. Os resultados desta etapa do processamento mostraram uma redução no teor de potássio de 3,3 vezes e no teor de sódio de 1,9 vez na celulignina em relação ao E. grandis in natura. A celulignina assim obtida foi submetida a uma sequência de moagem a úmido em moinho de martelos. Resultados apontaram a razão L/S = 12 como mais eficiente. O singás obtido da celulignina apresentou teores estimados de K+ + Na+= 600 ppb, Cl-=1,4 mg/Nm³ e enxofre total = 4 mg/Nm³. Isso significa uma redução de 1000 vezes em K+ + Na+ em relação à biomassa bruta. Nessas condições, o gás de síntese obtido já seria similar ao singás do gás natural, podendo ser usado em turbinas a gás. As aplicações com o gás de síntese no processo Fischer Tropsch não estão descartadas já que as especificações do gás natural para essa mesma aplicação permitem um máximo de enxofre de 70 mg/Nm³. Melhoramentos nos procedimentos de análise química em todas as etapas do processo são necessários para levar a resultados mais acurados. Melhoramentos nos equipamentos de controle das emissões gasosas na geração do singás tendem a diminuir os teores de enxofre para os níveis previstos em norma (< 1mg/Nm³). / This work is part of the Program Biomass - Energy - Materials - PROBEM?, whose Biomass Refinery develops technologies for a self-sustaining exploration of lignocellulosic and oily biomass. The main products are fuels for thermal and electricity energy generation, chemicals, materials and recycled inorganic fertilizers. This work explores the cellulignin, which is a fuel obtained by acidic prehydrolysis of biomass aiming to produce synthesis gas (syngas) as a substitute for natural gas for themoelectrical energy generation with gas turbines. This application, and also for the Fischer Tropsch process, of alkali metals, sulfur and chlorine concentrations in the syngas must be very low. The selected biomass is Eucalyptus grandis. The main objectives are to promote the aqueous leaching of those contaminants from cellulignin by a sequence of treatments, and to obtain the syngas by gasification of the cleaned cellulignin. The aqueous leaching of contaminants is carried out by acidic prehydrolysis of the wood, followed by the wet grinding of cellulignin at different liquid / solid (L/S) rations optimized with respect to water consumption and the final concentration of contaminants in the treated biomass. The efficiency of the sequence of treatments was checked by measuring potassium, sodium, chloride and sulfur contents in the cellulignin after each leaching step. Prehydrolysis of E. grandis was carried out using sulfuric acid as a catalyst, producing 67% of cellulignin and 34% of hydrolysate in relation to the initial dry biomass mass. Results after prehydrolysis showed a reduction of 3.3 times in the potassium content and of 1.6 times for sodium in the unwashed cellulignin in relation to the E. grandis \'in natura\'. The cellulignin so obtained was wet-ground in hammer mill. Results showed the L/S = 12 as the more efficient ratio in the grinding step. After gasification of the cellulignin the estimated values of the contaminants in the syngas were K++Na+ = 600 ppb, Cl- =1,4 mg/Nm³, and total S = 4 mg/Nm³, similar to the syngas from natural gas specifications for those elements. This means that the syngas from the cellulignin can be used as a fuel in gas turbines, replacing the syngas obtained from natural gas. Yet, its application in the Fischer Tropsch process is not discarded because maximum sulfur content allowed in the natural gas for that application is 70 mg/Nm³. Improvements have to made on the analytical procedures to ensure more accurate results, and is also necessary to improve the efficiency of the equipments for gas emission control in the syngas generation process. The last improvement should lower the S content to the specification values for the syngas (< 1mg/Nm³).

Reactivity increasement of prehydrolysis kraft pulp from Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus hybrids / Ökad reaktivitet för förhydrolyserad kraftmassa från Acacia crassicarpa och Eucalyptushybrid

Tandy, Edward January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete var att öka reaktiviteten hos förhydrolyserad kraftmassa genom att använda tidigare förhydrolysat och svavelsyra under förhydrolysen. Först bestämdes den kemiska sammansättningen av två olika vedråvaror (Acacia crassicarpa och Eucalyptushybrider) för att observera och korrelera med förhydrolysprocessen. Därefter studerades effekten av att för förhydrolyskraftkokning använda vatten, förhydrolysat och svavelsyra med olika koncentration under förhydrolysen vilket korrelerades med avlägsnandet av pentosan, utbyte, viskositet, kappanummer och ljushet. Därefter valdes en av vardera syrabaserad förhydrolyskraftmassa att blekas helt till dissolvingmassa för bestämning av Fock-reaktivitet, vilket jämfördes mot den vattenbaserade förhydrolysen som referens. Den slutliga kvaliteten på de olika förhydrolyskraftmassorna studerades också. Detta examensarbete visade att användandet av förhydrolysat och svavelsyra kan ge högre Fock-reaktivitet jämfört med vatten under liknande processförhållanden. Däremot gav syrabaserad förhydrolyskraftmassa lägre utbyte än vattenbaserad förhydrolyskraftmassa. Syrabaserad förhydrolyskraftkokning gav även lägre pentosanhalt, lägre halt extraktivämnen och lägre viskositetsvärden. Förhydrolysatbaserad förhydrolyskraftmassa hade värden mellan de som uppvisades av vattenbaserade- och svavelsyrabaserade förhydrolyskraftmassor. Dessutom hade förhydrolyskraftmassor från Eucalyptushybrider högre Fock-reaktivitet, lägre pentosanhalt, lägre halt extraktivämnen och högre viskositet än förhydrolyskraftmassor från Acacia crassicarpa. / The worldwide demand for dissolving pulp has been increasing significantly in Asia which is majorly produced from prehydrolysis kraft pulping and most of the prehydrolysis kraft pulp are consumed in viscose rayon production. Thus, it is interesting to have research in the process of prehydrolysis kraft pulping to make it a cleaner and more sustainable production. One of the most important qualities of prehydrolysis kraft pulp in viscose rayon is reactivity, which can lead to less chemical consumption and lower production cost. The aim of this research project is to increase the reactivity of prehydrolysis kraft pulp by using prehydrolysate and sulfuric acid during prehydrolysis cooking. Firstly, the wood chemical composition of two different hardwood species (Acacia crassicarpa and Eucalyptus hybrids) were determined and correlated with the prehydrolysis kraft pulping process. Secondly, prehydrolysis kraft cooking using water, prehydrolysate, and sulfuric acid with different concentration during prehydrolysis were studied and correlated with pentosan removal, yield, viscosity, kappa number, and brightness. Later, one of each acid based prehydrolysis kraft pulping were chosen to be proceed to fully bleached dissolving pulp for determining Fock reactivity which was compared to water prehydrolysis kraft pulping as the reference. The final quality of different prehydrolysis kraft pulps were also studied. From this research project, it showed that prehydrolysate and sulfuric acid prehydrolysis kraft pulp improved the Fock reactivity as compared to water prehydrolysis in similar pulping condition. However, acid based prehydrolysis kraft pulping gave lower yield than water prehydrolysis kraft pulping. Acid based prehydrolysis kraft cooking provided lower pentosan and extractive content, but lower viscosity values. Meanwhile, the prehydrolysate kraft pulp had the intermediate values between water and sulfuric acid prehydrolysis kraft pulping. In addition, Eucalyptus hybrids prehydrolysis kraft pulping had higher Fock reactivity, lower pentosan content, lower extractives, and higher viscosity than Acacia crassicarpa. To conclude, the more acidic prehydrolysis increased Fock reactivity with lower pulp yield, pentosan, extractive and viscosity.

Evaluation on the impact of low and high chip basic density (CBD) and H-Factor variation delignification rate of Eucalyptus species

Rusli, Andri January 2024 (has links)
Den förbättrade livsstilen hos människor har stimulerat en ökad efterfrågan på textilier, inklusive användningen av dissolvingmassa. Dissolvingmassa med hög renhet av cellulosainnehåll och unika egenskaper har varit ett attraktivt material inom textilindustrin. Eukalyptusved har i stor utsträckning använts för produktion av dissolvingmassa, särskilt i Indonesien och Brasilien. Eukalyptusved erbjuder flera fördelar såsom högt cellulosainnehåll och snabb tillväxt, vilket gör den till ett idealiskt råmaterial. I den här studien valdes två olika densiteter för eukalyptus, nämligen låg och hög flisbasdensitet, för dissolvingmassanprocessen. En fördjupad kunskap och förståelse av delignifieringsprocessen vid kokning av eukalyptus med dessa två olika densiteter kan användas för att förbättra kokningsegenskaperna, inklusive massautbyte och kvalitet.  Huvudsyftet med denna avhandlingen var att undersöka effekten av flisbasdensiteten hos eukalyptus i dissolvingmassaprocessen. Metoden för dissolvingmassaprocessen följde APRIL företagets process standard. Förhydrolystemperaturen ställdes in på 110°C till 165 °C med en ökning på 2 °C/min, neutraliseringstemperaturen ställdes in på 150 oC och den milda koktemperaturen på 155 oC, medan koncentrationen av kokkemikalien (effektiv alkali 20% och sulfiditet 30%) hölls konstant men H-faktormålen varierades. De fysiska och kemiska egenskaperna hos eukalyptus analyserades och medan den oblekta massan som producerades analyserades vidare för siktat massautbyte, lignininnehåll, pentosan, viskositet och ljusstyrka. Dessutom undersöktes fibermorfologin med SEM och ligninstrukturen undersöktes med 2D-NMR. Resultaten visar att den höga basdensiteten uppvisade överlägsna egenskaper och är en idealisk råvara vid tillverkning av dissolvingmassa. Resultaten av lägre pentosanhalt, associerad med en minskad mängd hemicellulos och en högre S/G-förhållanden, visade sig vara gynnsamma i dissolvingmassaprocessen. Vidare ledde en högre basdensitet hos träflisorna, vilket resulterar i en ökad mängd siktad massautbyte och minskad specifik vedförbrukning, vilket medför betydande positiva ekonomiska effekter och kan även minska logistikkostnaderna. Av den anledningen har eukalyptusträd av hög basdensitet en god potential för framtida utveckling och för storskaliga odlingar. / The improvement in people’s fashion lifestyle has stimulated an increase in textile demand, including the use of dissolving pulp. Dissolving pulp with high purity of cellulose content and unique properties has been an attractive material in the textile industry. Eucalyptus wood has been broadly used in dissolving pulp production, especially in Indonesia and Brazil. Eucalyptus wood offers several advantages such as high cellulose content and rapid growth that make it an ideal raw material. In this study, eucalyptus with low and high basic density, were selected in the dissolving pulp process. Better knowledge and understanding of the cooking delignification process of two different densities of eucalyptus could be used to achieve excellent cooking performance such as pulp yield and quality. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the impact of chips basic density of eucalyptus in the dissolving pulp process. The dissolving pulp process method followed the APRIL company process standard. The prehydrolysis temperature was set at 110 oC to 165 oC with ramping 2 oC/min, neutralization temperature was set at 150 oC and the mild cooking temperature at 155 oC, while the cooking chemical concentration effective alkali 20% and sulfidity 30% were kept constant but the H-Factor targets were varied. The physical and chemical properties of eucalyptus were analyzed and the unbleached pulp produced was then analyzed for screened pulp yield, lignin content, pentosan, viscosity, and brightness. Furthermore, the fiber morphology was investigated with SEM and the lignin structure was investigated with 2D-NMR. The findings indicate that the high basic density eucalyptus wood exhibited superior behaviors and demonstrated ideal raw material in dissolving pulp production. The results of lower pentosan levels attributed to lower hemicellulose content, and higher S/G ratio were favorable in the dissolving pulp process. Moreover, the higher basic density of the wood chips resulting in higher screened pulp yield and achieved lower specific wood consumption have a huge positive economy. Additionally, it can lower the logistics cost. Hence, high basic density eucalyptus wood has good potential for future development and larger plantations.

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