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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A survey to determine the perceptions of parents in the central Durban area towards paediatric homeopathy

Harripershad, Sheromani January 2009 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for a Masters Degree in Technology: Homeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2009. / Introduction The aim of this study was to determine the knowledge and perceptions of parents towards homeopathy. Parents with children below 5 years, who attended a registered Crèche or Educare within the central Durban area (Appendix H – ‘Register’ and Appendix I ‘Map’) were approached. Objective The objective of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitudes and parent’s experience with paediatric health care provision towards homeopathy. The awareness of parents with regard to the benefits of homeopathic treatment for children as a possible alternative was also determined. Methodology A survey method in the form of a questionnaire was employed to investigate the perceptions of parents towards homeopathy in the treatment of their children. The target population for this survey was parents, whose children were below 5 years of age and attended a registered Crèche or Educare in the central Durban, Berea, Musgrave and Morningside areas (Appendix I – ‘Map’). The data accumulated was evaluated and analyzed statistically using the SPSS version 17.1. Results A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed and a total of 140 (46.6%) questionnaires were returned. With regards to legitimacy of homeopathy most parents (72.1%) perceived homeopathy to be a legitimate form of medicine. 70.92% of all respondents were aware that homeopathy has a scientific basis. It was encouraging to note that 10.64% of the sample consults with a homeopath when their child is ill or indisposed. The majority of respondents (77.14%) indicated that homeopathic treatment should be available in hospitals and clinics. Only 3.57% felt that it should not be incorporated in hospitals and clinics. This indicates that most respondents perceive that integrated medicine is needed in a hospital setting. The majority of respondents (90.71%) felt that there should be more awareness of homeopathy. Despite the lack of knowledge, a large number of respondents indicated that homeopathy should be available for most medical conditions. Conclusion This study reveals that most respondents had a positive view of homeopathy in general and were enthusiastic to learn more about homeopathy. Although people are aware that homeopathy exists, a lack of knowledge and understanding of its methods and principles prevents them from seeking homeopathic treatment. A need to provide basic homeopathic education to the public exists. Education initiatives should aim to differentiate homeopathy from other alternative therapies, to dispel the confusion and to eliminate misconceptions about homeopathy. This study indicates that by educating the public on paediatric homeopathy, more individuals would be likely to seek homeopathic treatment for their children.

A survey of the perception of homoeopathy amongst parents of children aged 3 to 7 years old at pre primary schools in the Pinetown district

Von Bardeleben, Caron Lee January 2009 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for a Masters Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban University of Technology, 2009. / Introduction More and more people are becoming concerned about the effects of drugs, particularly in relation to children. There is an alternative in homoeopathy (Speight, 1983). Families need more options. Homoeopathy is a wonderful option because homoeopathic remedies are safe, cause no side effects or allergic reactions, and are inexpensive. They are easy to use because they taste good and above all, they are curative, not suppressive (Ullman, 1992). It was therefore necessary to determine the perception or perceptions towards homoeopathy as a treatment method and in terms of a primary health care option. The study population selected for this research is required to attend pre primary school in the Pinetown district. This district was chosen for the diversity in race, religion, and socio-economic factors, as well as the mixture of both rural and urban areas in this district. Purpose/Aim The purpose of this survey was to assess the perception, extent of knowledge and general understanding of as well as misconceptions about homoeopathy, including attitudes towards homoeopathy as a primary health care option in order to determine possible needs for homoeopathic services. The aim of this study is to develop and improve the knowledge and general understanding of homoeopathy and the perception towards the profession of homoeopathy amongst the general public by means of an information pamphlet (Appendix E). Methodology The research instrument used was a quantitative questionnaire (Appendix A), aimed at parents of children aged 3 to 7 years old in pre primary schools in the Pinetown district , as laid out by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education – map version 2 October 2007 (Appendix H and I) EduAction (2007). It was introduced to the principals of randomly selected (stratified random sampling method was used) pre primary schools (Appendix J) of the Pinetown district, and arrangements were made with those principals for distribution and collection of the completed questionnaires. The questionnaire was adapted from Moys, (1998) Small, (2005) Paruk, (2006) and Khoosal, (2007). Anonymity was maintained as no names, addresses or other information was required, thereby preventing identification of the respondents. The data accumulated was evaluated and analyzed statistically using the SPSS® version 15.0 for Windows™ and Excel® XP™. According to statistician Tonya Esterhuizen, a p-value <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Comparisons between demographics and areas were achieved using Pearson‟s chi-square tests. Descriptive analysis involved frequency tables showing counts and percentages of categorical variables. Bar or pie charts were used to show responses graphically. The profession can then use this information to decide what steps can be taken to rectify the misconceptions, improve general knowledge and attitudes towards homoeopathy; through education, media, community talks and the like. This information can also be used to plan for the necessary services required for the children (Khoosal, 2007). Results Of the 1400 questionnaires distributed, 508 questionnaires 36.3% from 13 different schools (Appendix J) were completed and considered evaluative. Not every question was answered on every questionnaire giving rise to some results that do not tally. Respondents answered questions on the extent of knowledge and general understanding (as well as misconceptions) regarding homoeopathy and it was found that more than half 56.1% had heard of homoeopathy. Of the sample, 22.7% had previously taken their child to a homoeopath for treatment, and the level of satisfaction with homeopathic treatment was 48.6%. According to the respondents 40.9% of children were in good health, while 33.9% was in excellent health and 24% in reasonable health. As anticipated a number of the respondents were unsure of the various roles of a homoeopath or did not know enough to comment. While 46% thought homoeopaths emphasize a healthy lifestyle, 45% thought that homoeopaths boost the immune system and 39% thought they prescribe plant extracts. Over half (51.2%) thought that homoeopathy had a valid scientific basis. And 32.4% agreed that homoeopathy takes longer to work than orthodox medicine although most (42.4%) were unsure about this question. On analyzing the attitudes towards homoeopathy as a primary health care option only 12.8% of respondents would contact a homoeopath if their child were ill. Most would contact a General Practitioner (GP) (61.3%). The majority (65.6%) thought homoeopathic treatment should be available in hospitals and clinics. While 40% saw homoeopathy as preventative medicine, 37.6% saw it as supportive and 35.7% as first choice treatment. On analyzing the conditions for which respondents would seek homoeopathic treatment, allergies ranked highest (43.5%) for which they would seek treatment, while hay fever was second (38.1%), followed by eczema (37.6%). The condition that was least agreed on was toothache (11.3%). A small percentage (3%), of respondents had a religious objection to seeking treatment from a homoeopath. Conclusion It can be concluded from the study that more than half of the public surveyed (56.1%) were aware of homoeopathy but levels of understanding and knowledge were lower than expected even where there had been partial experience with a practitioner. More detailed education on this modality of medicine is required in order to improve exposure to homoeopathy and to allow more informed decisions. It can also be concluded that a majority of respondents (65.6%) are in favour of homoeopathy having a place in primary health care. This study actually found that 65.6% of respondents felt that homoeopathy should be available in hospitals and clinic – this may not mean as a primary health service, but perhaps as an available alternative.

Expressed fears and coping mechanisms of a selected group of preschool children

Loxton, Helena Susanna 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although fear is an integral part of normal human functioning, the onset of many anxiety disorders can be traced back to childhood. For preventative intervention to be effective, it is important to obtain knowledge of children's normative fears and coping mechanisms in order for parents and caregivers to understand and contribute towards mediating potentially stressful experiences of young children in their care. The primary aim of the study was to obtain normative data regarding the content and number of expressed fears, coping mechanisms and perceived efficacy in response to these fears by a culturally diverse group of South African preschool children living in Stellenbosch in the Western Cape Province. The secondary aim was to ascertain whether any differences in the expressed fears, coping mechanisms and perceived efficacy of the participants were found with respect to the independent variables of gender, culture, socio-economic status (SES) and community comparisons with regard to violence risk. Parental perception of children's fears, coping mechanisms and perceived efficacy, compared to the children's own views, were also taken into account. The participants consisted of 152 preschool children selected from the population of children between 5 and 7 years attending a preschool or day-care setting for at least 3 months prior to testing. The study was of an exploratory and descriptive nature. A predominantly qualitative method of data collection was used. Measuring instruments consist of the Goodenough- Harris Drawing Test, as well as semi-structured interviews in combination with drawings. Parental perceptions of children's fears, coping mechanisms and perceived efficacy, as well as participants' background information were obtained by means of a Biographical questionnaire. The data were analysed and coded according to categories based on emerging themes. The results showed similarities in many ways to that of the existing body of knowledge. The largest proportion of participants reported having animal fears, especially wild animal fears, showing that this is a relatively common type of fear in normal children between the ages of 5 and 7. Other high-frequency fear categories that emerged are the fears of the dark, night, bad dreams; fantasy people fears; real people fears; and fears of physical harm. A total number of 429 fears were expressed, ranging from 1 to 9 per participant, with an average of 2.8 fears per child for the overall sample. Parents' perceptions of the content and number of their children's fears differed hugely from those expressed by the children. Social/spiritual support was found to be the most frequently utilised, as well as perceived effective coping mechanism. Similarities with regard to the parents' perceptions were also find in this regard. Significant differences regarding the content of expressed fears were found amongst the groups relating to culture, SES and violence risk comparisons. Gender and SES differences were found to be significant amongst the groups with regard to the utilisation ·oftbping mechanisms and perceived efficacy. These differences yielded few similarities upon comparisons to the findings of previous studies. The implications of the present study' findings for the South African context as well as recommendations for further studies are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel vrees 'n integrale deel van normale menslike funksionering is, word, wat die etiologie van angsversteurings betref, gevind dat dit dikwels tot vreesagtigheid tydens die kinderjare herlei kan word. Vir voorkomende intervensies om effektief te wees, is dit belangrik om kennis aangaande kinders se normale vrese en hanteringsmeganismes in te win, sodat ouers en versorgers 'n beter begrip kan hê en 'n bydrae kan maak deur middel van die mediëring van potensiële stresvolle ervarings by kinders in hulle sorg. Die primêre doel van die studie was om normatiewe data in te win aangaande die inhoud en frekwensie van uitgesproke vrese, sowel as die hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid in respons tot hierdie vrese by 'n kultureel diverse groep Suid-Afrikaanse voorskoolse kinders wat woonagtig is te Stellenbosch in die Westelike Provinsie. Die sekondêre doel van die studie was om vas te stelof daar verskille was in die uitgesproke vrese, hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid van die deelnemers met betrekking tot die onafhanklike veranderlikes van geslag, kultuur, sosioekonomiese status (SES) en van gemeenskapsvergelyking op grond van geweldsrisiko. Ouers se persepsie van kinders se vrese, hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid is ook in ag geneem. Die deelnemers was tussen 5 en 7 jaar oud en het bestaan uit 152 voorskoolse kinders wat 'n voorskoolse - of dagsorgsentrumopset bygewoon het vir minstens 3 maande lank voor toetsing plaasgevind het. Die studie was eksploratief en beskrywend van aard. 'n Oorwegend kwalitatiewe metode van data-insameling is gebruik. Meetinstrumente wat gebruik is, is die Goodenough- Harris Drawing Test, sowel as semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude in kombinasie met tekeninge. Ouers se persepsies van kinders se vrese, hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid, sowel as agtergrondsinligting oor die deelnemers, is met behulp van die Biografiese vraelys ingewin. Die data is geanaliseer en in kategorieë gekodifiseer op grond van die temas wat na vore gekom het. Die resultate het in baie opsigte ooreenkomste met die bestaande kennisbasis getoon. Die grootste proporsie van die deelnemers het vrese vir diere, veral wilde diere, gerapporteer, wat 'n aanduiding is dat dit 'n baie algemene tipe vrees by normale kinders tussen die ouderdomme van 5 en 7 jaar is. Ander hoë-frekwensie vreeskategorieë wat na vore gekom het, is vrese vir die donker, nag, slegte drome; vrese vir fantasiekarakters; vir werklike mense, en vrese vir ligaamlike skade. 'n Totale aantal van 429 vrese is gerapporteer, wat gewissel het van 1 tot 9 per deelnemer, met 'n gemiddelde van 2.8 vrese per deelnemer vir die totale groep. Ouers se persepsies van die inhoud en frekwensie van hulle kinders se vrese het grootliks verskil van dié van die kinders. Dit is gevind dat sosiale/geestelike ondersteuning die mees algemeen gebruikte sowel as die mees effektiewe waargenome hanteringsmeganisme was. Ooreenkomste ten opsigte hiervan is ook gevind met betrekking tot die ouers se persepsies. Beduidende verskille ten opsigte van die inhoud van uitgesproke vrese is gevind tussen groepe met betrekking tot kultuur, SES en gemeenskapsvergelyking op grond van geweldsrisiko. Met betrekking tot die keuse van hanteringsmeganismes en waargenome doeltreffendheid, is beduidende verskille ten opsigte van geslag en SES tussen groepe gevind. Daar blyk weinig ooreenkoms met bevindinge van vorige studies in hierdie verband te wees. Die implikasies van die huidige studie se bevindinge ten opsigte van die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, sowel as aanbevelings vir verdere studies, word bespreek.

Emploi de la construction en bă à l’oral et à l’écrit chez les enfants sinophones préscolaires âgés de plus de cinq ans et demi vivant en Chine / The bă construction in spoken and written language of over five and a half old chinese speaking preschool living in China

Li, Ting 02 July 2015 (has links)
De nos jours, la construction en bă, en tant que structure particulière et fréquente à l’oral et à l’écrit en chinois mandarin moderne, est souvent un sujet à polémique dans les analyses sémantico-syntaxiques ; les études sur son emploi chez les enfants sont plutôt rares. Partant de cette réalité, en m’appuyant sur la description détaillée de son emploi chez des enfants préscolaires âgés de plus de 05 ;06, et en combinant analyse quantitative et analyse qualitative, j’ai réussi non seulement à faire un « état des lieux » plus actualisé sur son emploi chez ces enfants, mais aussi à expliquer ses spécificités linguistiques à travers son acquisition, qui sont les deux objectifs principaux de cette thèse. Convaincu par son efficacité et l’absence de contrainte qu’elle impose à l’enfant, j’ai pratiqué la dictée à l’adulte tout au long de mon expérimentation, ce qui m’a permis de constituer mon propre corpus longitudinal, constitué d’enregistrements audio et vidéo de plus de 72 heures. Cette thèse permet, de ce fait, de dégager des paramètres opérants pour évaluer la bonne maîtrise de cette structure à l’oral, de discerner des caractéristiques acquisitionnelles facilitant son apprentissage et son enseignement, mais encore de mettre en évidence que, malgré le fait que les enfants maîtrisent la plupart des structures du syntagme verbal de cette construction avant leur scolarisation, son acquisition se poursuit après à l’école. Les analyses syntaxiques confirment que, même si divers facteurs peuvent influencer son emploi, les enfants l’utilisent essentiellement en raison de contraintes syntaxiques imposées par la langue chinoise, ce qui prouve bien que la construction en bă n’a pas encore acquis un sémantisme distinct et qu’elle est toujours en relation étroite avec l’ordre S.-V.-O., l’ordre canonique du chinois. / Nowadays, the bă construction, as a particular but frequent structure in spoken and written modern Mandarin Chinese, is still a controversial subject in semantico-syntactic analysis; the studies on children’s acquisition of this structure are even rare. With this reality in mind, based on the detailed description of its use by over 05;06 years old preschool children, and combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, I not only have updated the knowledge of its use by children, but also have explained its linguistic properties through how it has been acquired. These are also the two main objectives of this thesis. Convinced by its effectiveness and the absence of experimental constraint for children, I practiced the “dictée à l’adulte” (dictation to adult) throughout all my experimentation in China, which allowed me to build up my own longitudinal corpus including audio and video recordings of more than 72 hours. This thesis permit to identify effective parameters to evaluate the level of its mastery in children’s spoken language, to discern acquisitionnal features which could improve its teaching and facilitate children’s learning, and to highlight that despite the fact that children master most of the predicative structure likely to be used in this construction before entering school, its acquisition will continue during their education at primary school. Syntactic analysis confirms that while many factors could influence its use, the children use it mainly for the syntactic constraints imposed by the Chinese language. This fact proves that the bă construction has not yet acquired a distinct meaning and it is still closely related to the order S-V-O, the canonical order of Mandarin Chinese.

En kvalitativ undersökning om hur fyra pedagoger arbetar med flerspråkiga förskolebarn

Kayhan, Yasar January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to visualize how four preschool teachers working with multilingual preschool children. The study's problem consists of the following questions:  How do pre-school teachers work with the aspect of language of multi-lingual chrildren? How is the use of mother tongue/native language perceived by pre-scool teachers? The methodological approach is qualitative, and all data is collected through qualitative method - interviews. The interviews was conducted in two different preschools, with two pre-school teachers from each kindergarten. We call one of the preschools Glädjen, which is more centrally located in a multicultural area where many of the children are multilingual. While the other preschool we call the preschool Delfinen, which is more centrally located in a Swedish dominatinged area. The theoretical basis I am using to support my study is Vygotsky's socio-cultural perspective and previous research by Anne Kultti (2012), Anders Skans (2011) and Polly Björk-Willén (2006).

The implementation of developmental play therapy with pre-schoolers in a primary school : a case study

Botha, Cynthia Evelyn 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: My study aims to explore whether a Developmental Play Programme can be implemented in a primary school with learners, using trained volunteer therapists from an old age home in the area. I also looked at the experiences of the learners and that of the volunteer therapists using Developmental Play Therapy as a therapeutic technique. The technique facilitates the development of child-adult relationships that are necessary for the development of children. The research is in the form of a qualitative case study. It is approached from an ecosystemic perspective i.e. learners are viewed as a core system which in turn is part of several other systems, for example the family, school, church, community etc. The systems are interdependent, which means that change in the one system also results in change within other systems. In the data production video recordings, unstructured interviews, observations and field notes are used. Data analysis was done using principles of coding. The results of the study show that Developmental Play Therapy is indeed an effective psychotherapeutic technique to use in a primary school with a group of learners and to use senior citizens as volunteer therapists to do the therapy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel met die studie is om na te vors of die Ontwikkelende speelprogram op leerders in 'n primêre skool toegepas kan word, deur inwoners van 'n ouetehuis in die area op te lei as vrywillige terapeute. Ek het die ervaringe van die leerders en die van die vrywillige terapeute observeer waar Ontwikkelende Speelterapie as terapeutiese tegniek toegepas is. Die tegniek bevorder onder andere die ontwikkeling van ouer - kindverhoudings, wat noodsaaklik is vir die ontwikkeling van kinders. Die navorsing neem die vorm van 'n kwalitatiewe gevallestudie aan. Dit word benader vanuit 'n ekosistemiese perspektief, dit wil sê die leerders word gesien as die kernsisteem wat deel is van verskeie ander sisteme soos byvoorbeeld die familie, skool, kerk en gemeenskap. Die sisteme is interafhanklik wat beteken dat verandering in een sisteem ook verandering in die ander sisteme tot gevolg het. In die data - produksie is tegnieke naamlik video - opnames, ongestruktureerde onderhoude, observasies en veldnotas gebruik. Data - analise is volgens die beginsels van kodering gedoen. Die resultate van die onderhewige studie toon dat Ontwikkelende speelterapie 'n effektiewe psigoterapeutiese tegniek is om in 'n primêre skool te gebruik met 'n groep leerders, en om gebruik te maak van senior burgers as vrywillige terapeute om die terapie te doen.

Development of pitch discrimination in preschool children

Ho, Kit-chun., 何結珍. January 1990 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education

Developing creativity and problem solving through story telling for preschool children

Lam, Tsz-ki., 林子琪. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Education / Master / Master of Education

Bilingual language development in 4-year-old children in Hong Kong preschools

Lee, Pui-ling, Diana., 李佩鈴. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Education / Master / Master of Education

Tonal characteristics of early English-Cantonese bilinguals

Law, Chung-wa., 羅頌華. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Linguistics / Master / Master of Arts

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