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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinação de pressões em fossas de erosão a jusante de dissipadores tipo salto esqui / Pressures determination in scour holes downstream of ski jump dissipators

Buffon, Franco Turco January 2016 (has links)
Nesta dissertação estão apresentados os principais conceitos teóricos envolvidos na ação dos jatos formados em dissipadores tipo salto esqui sobre fossa de erosão pré-escavada, desde o trajeto do jato em sua fase aérea e em sua fase submersa, dando especial ênfase às pressões hidrodinâmicas e sua caraterização junto ao fundo da bacia. Para estudar experimentalmente a ação dos jatos nas bacias de dissipação, utilizou-se de um modelo físico de escala 1:100 construído no Laboratório de Obras Hidráulicas do IPH/UFRGS com ensaios de diferentes vazões e diferentes profundidades de fossas pré-escavadas. Os dados foram extraídos dos ensaios no modelo físico através de vasta instrumentação, utilizando-se comportas, pontas linimétricas, piezômetros, sensores de pressão, imagens e outros equipamentos. Foi realizada uma análise criteriosa dos dados gerados no modelo físico a partir das imagens do jato na sua trajetória aérea e no escoamento do jato em sua fase submersa, comparando os dados do modelo aos resultados obtidos por métodos tradicionais de cálculo. Também foram analisados os dados de pressão gerados durante os ensaios, sendo apresentados os resultados relativos às pressões médias e às pressões dinâmicas. As pressões dinâmicas observadas no modelo físico foram comparadas com as calculadas por meio de metodologia teórica abordada na bibliografia com a finalidade de avaliar a qualidade dessa metodologia para aplicação em projetos de engenharia, onde se observou grandes diferenças de magnitude da pressão quando em colchões rasos, e diferenças de distribuição de pressão ao longo do fundo da bacia de dissipação, principalmente quando em colchões profundos. No sentido de ajustar a metodologia aplicada, foi proposta a variação de parâmetros que regulam a forma do bulbo de pressões e a aplicação de um coeficiente de amortecimento de pressões, sendo que assim foi possível melhorar significativamente a distribuição e a magnitude das pressões calculadas devido à ação dos jatos no fundo da bacia de dissipação. Os resultados se mostram satisfatórios até determinada distância após o pico de pressão provocado pelo jato, sendo que após este ponto os efeitos de ressalto hidráulico prevalecem e devem ser pesquisados em estudos futuros. / In this dissertation are presented the main theorical concepts involved in the action of the jets formed in ski jump spillways on stilling basins type pre-excavated scour hole, from the path of the jet in its air stage and in his submerged phase, with particular emphasis on hydrodynamic pressures and its characterization by the bottom of the basin. To experimentally study the action of the jets in stilling basins, was used a physical model in scale 1:100 built in Hydraulic Works Laboratory of IPH/UFRGS with experiments of different flow rates and different depths of pre-excavated scour hole. The data were extracted from experiments on the physical model through extensive instrumentation, using gates, piezometers, pressure sensors, images and other equipment. A careful analysis of the data generated in the physical model from the jet images in your path through the air was performed and the flow of the jet in its submerged phase, comparing the model data to the results obtained by traditional methods of calculation. The pressure data generated during the tests and presented the results for the mean pressures and dynamic pressures were also analyzed. Dynamic pressures observed in the physical model were compared with those calculated by means of theoretical methods for the purpose of evaluating the quality of this methodology for use in engineering projects, where we observed large differences in magnitude of pressure when in shallow water beds, and diferences in pressure distribution over the stilling basin bottom, especially when in deep water beds. In order to adjust the applied methodology, it was proposed to change parameters governing the shape of the pressure bulb and the application of a pressure damping coefficient, and thus was possible to significantly improved the distribution and magnitude of the calculated pressures due to action of the jets in the stilling basin bottom. The results have been satisfactory up to a certain distance after the peak pressure caused by the jet, and after this point the hydraulic jump effects prevail and should be investigated in future studies.

Pontos quânticos em matriz de sílica produzidos em alta pressão

Brito, Jackeline Barbosa January 2017 (has links)
Pontos quânticos de carbono (C-dots) luminescentes na região do azul-verde aprisionados em matriz de sílica foram produzidos por um processo novo, baseado na pirólise de grupos contendo carbono dispersos nas bordas dos grãos de dimensões nanométricas de sílica (AEROSIL) previamente sinterizados a frio sob alta pressão, onde nenhuma técnica de passivação foi exigida. A análise de difração de elétrons de área selecionada (SAED – Selected Area Electron Diffraction) e espectroscopia de perda de energia de elétrons (EELS – Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) confirmaram a formação de C-dots contendo átomos de carbono com ligações do tipo sp2. Foram investigados diferentes valores de pressão (2,5, 4 e 7,7 GPa) para sinterização a frio e diferentes temperaturas de pirólise, a partir de 500 até 900°C. Resultados de análise térmica revelaram pequena perda de massa durante a pirólise das amostras, praticamente independente da pressão utilizada na sinterização. Espectroscopia na faixa do infravermelho revelou alterações nas bandas de aborção na faixa correspondente aos modos de vibração de CH2 e CH3, dependentes da temperatura e da pressão utilizadas. Os espectros de fotoluminescência (FL) foram fortemente dependentes do comprimento de onda de excitação e observou-se uma intensidade de emissão mais elevada no intervalo entre 500-550 nm para a amostra sinterizada a frio em 7,7 GPa e tratada termicamente a 800°C para excitação em 460 nm. Também foi investigado a contribuição da matriz de silica após a sinterização. / Quantum dots in the blue-green region embedded in a silica matrix were produced by a new process based on the pyrolysis of groups containing carbon dispersed on the edges of the grain of nanosized silica (AEROSIL) previously sintered under high pressure, where no passivation technique was required. The Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED) and Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) confirmed the formation of Cdots containing carbon atoms with sp2 bonds. Different pressure values (2,5, 4 and 7,7 GPa) were investigated for cold sintering and the pyrolsys was in the temperature range from 500 to 900°C. Results of thermal analysis revealed a small loss of mass during the pyrolysis of the samples, practically independent of the sintering pressure. Infrared spectroscopy revealed changes in the absorption bands in the range corresponding to the CH2 and CH3 vibration modes, depending on the temperature and pressure conditions. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra were strongly dependent on the excitation wavelength and a higher emission intensity was observed in the range 500-550 nm for the sample sintered at 7.7 GPa and pyrolysed at 800°C for excitation at 460 nm. The contribution of the silica matrix after sintering was also investigated.

Caracterização do escoamento provocado pela incidência de um jato vertical em fundo plano

Kempka, Mariane January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese objetiva caracterizar o escoamento provocado pela incidência de um jato vertical em um fundo plano, descrevendo assim as características médias e flutuantes das pressões a partir da investigação experimental. O modelo utilizado é composto por um jato retangular posicionado, perpendicularmente, a uma distância de 0,92 m do fundo plano de um canal. Utilizando transdutores de pressão instalados na posição de incidência do jato, adquiriu-se os valores de pressão “instantânea” a uma frequência de 128 Hz durante 10 minutos. Foram ensaiadas cinco (5) vazões: 25 l/s (Fr1 = 7,12), 30 l/s (Fr1 = 8,51), 36,6 l/s (Fr1 = 10,35), 42,7 l/s (Fr1 = 12,12) e 50l/s (Fr1 = 14,23), além de vinte (20) diferentes espessuras de colchão d'água. Com os dados de pressão, efetuou-se análises no domínio do tempo, da frequência e da posição. No domínio do tempo, analisou-se a variação dos parâmetros estatísticos essenciais (média, desvio padrão, assimetria e curtose) bem como a identificação de valores máximo e mínimos das pressões. No domínio da frequência, procurou-se avaliar por meio da análise espectral a identificação de frequências significativas associadas à energia macroturbulenta. No que tange à análise no domínio da posição buscou-se analisar a faixa de influência do jato junto ao fundo, a região de subpressões e o alcance das pressões dinâmicas. Outro aspecto importante abordado é a apresentação dos resultados em gráficos adimensionalizados, o que confere ao estudo um caráter geral dentro da faixa de valores ensaiados. Os resultados definem um colchão mínimo de água da ordem de 3 vezes a altura crítica do escoamento, para o amortecimento das pressões dinâmicas. A análise dos momentos estatísticos demonstra que a distribuição das pressões não segue a distribuição normal. Dentro disso, estão disponibilizados coeficientes estatísticos de probabilidade para a determinação das pressões extremas. Ainda, estão definidas quatro zonas a jusante do impacto do jato: Zona I - região do impacto, Zona II - reflexão do jato, Zona III - Acomodação do escoamento e por fim, a Zona IV - caracterizada pelo fim da influência do jato. Além disso, uma análise deste escoamento sob a perspectiva da formação de um ressalto hidráulico é realizada, indicando que apenas os parâmetros utilizados, não descrevem o escoamento como tal. Esta tese é produto da parceria entre Laboratório de Obras Hidráulicas do Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (LOH/IPH/UFRGS) e o Laboratório de Hidráulica Experimental e Recursos Hídricos de Furnas Centrais Elétricas S. A. (LAHE/FURNAS). / This thesis aims to characterize the flow prompted by the incidence of a vertical jet on a flat bottom, thus describing the mean and floating characteristics of the pressures from the experimental investigation. The model used is comprised of a rectangular jet positioned perpendicularly at a distance of 0.92 m from the flat bottom of a channel. Using pressure transducers installed in the jet incidence position, the "instantaneous" pressure values were acquired at a frequency of 128 Hz for 10 minutes. Five (5) discharges were tested: 25 l/s (Fr1 = 7.12), 30 l/s (Fr1 = 8.51), 36.6 l/s (Fr1 = 10.35), 42.7 l/s (Fr1 = 12.12) and 50 1/s (Fr1 = 14.23), as well as twenty (20) different waterbed thicknesses. The pressure data were analyzed in terms of time, frequency and position domains. In the time domain, the variation of the essential statistical parameters (mean, standard deviation, asymmetry and kurtosis) was analyzed, as well as the identification of maximum and minimum pressure values. In the frequency domain, it was sought to assess, by means of the spectral analysis, the identification of significant frequencies associated with macroturbulent energy. Regarding the analysis in the position domain, this study aimed to analyze the range of influence of the jet near the bottom, the region of subpressions and the reach of the dynamic pressures. Another important aspect is the presentation of the results in dimensionless graphs, which grants the study a general character within the range of values tested. The results define a minimum waterbed of the order of 3 times the critical height of the flow for the damping of the dynamic pressures. Statistical moments analysis shows that the distribution of pressures does not follow the normal distribution. Therein, probability statistical coefficients are available for the determination of extreme pressures. Also, four zones are defined downstream of the impact of the jet: Zone I - region of impact, Zone II - reflection of the jet, Zone III - accommodation of the flow and, finally, Zone IV - characterized by the end of the influence of the jet. Furthermore, an analysis of this flow from the perspective of the formation of a hydraulic jump is conducted, indicating that the parameters used alone do not describe the flow as such. This thesis is a product of the partnership between the Hydraulic Works Laboratory of the Hydraulic Research Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (LOH/IPH/UFRGS) and the Laboratory of Experimental Hydraulics and Hydraulic Resources of Furnas Centrais Elétricas SA (LAHE/FURNAS).

Propriétés de transport et solubilité des gaz dans les électrolytes pour les batteries lithium-ion / Transport properties and gaz solubility in electrolytes for lithium Li-ion batteries

Dougassa, Yvon 18 December 2014 (has links)
Lors du fonctionnement des batteries Li-ion, la dégradation progressive de l’électrolyte engendre la génération des gaz qui sont à l’origine du phénomène des surpressions dans ces dispositifs, et a pour conséquence des problèmes de sécurité. Cette thèse aborde l’étude de la solubilité des gaz issus des réactions de dégradation des électrolytes tels que le CO2, CH4, ou encore C2H4 dans plusieurs systèmes simples (solvants purs) ou complexes (mélanges binaires, ternaires et quaternaires avec sel de lithium), en fonction de la température, de la structure des solvants et des sels, ainsi que de leurs concentrations en solution. A cet effet, nous avons mesuré préalablement les propriétés volumétriques, de transport, ainsi que les pressions de vapeur des électrolytes formulés en fonction de la composition et de la température. / The performance and the safety of a lithium-ion battery depend to a great extent on the stability of the electrolyte solution, because the high voltage of the battery may cause the decomposition of lithium salt or organic solvents, which limits then the battery lifetime. During these degradations, several gases are, generally, generated like the CO2, CO, CH4 and C2H4, which induce in fact several problems related to the pressure increase inside the sealed cell. The main objective of this PhD thesis is to understand the key thermodynamic parameters which drive the gas dissolution in classical solvents and electrolytes. For that, several pure solvents and electrolytes have been firstly investigated to determine their volumetric and transport properties, as well as, their vapour pressure as the function of temperature and composition.

Dynamique de bulles de cavitation dans des systèmes micro-confinés / Cavitation bubbles dynamics confined in microsystems

Scognamiglio, Chiara 15 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de la cavitation, c’est-à-dire l’apparition d’une bulle dans un liquide soumis à une dépression. Le contrôle du processus est d’un grand intérêt dans plusieurs domaines, de l’hydrodynamique à la biologie. En fait ce phénomène, apparemment inoffensif, peut provoquer des graves dommages comme la fracture d’hélices ou la mort d’arbres. La première partie de la thèse se focalise sur la cavitation dans un système biomimétique. Il s’agit de micro-volumes d’eau encapsulés dans un milieu poro-élastique. L’évaporation de l’eau à travers l’hydrogel génère des pressions négatives et finalement l’apparition d’une bulle. Lorsque la première bulle de cavitation apparait dans une cellule, elle peut déclencher en quelques microsecondes l’apparition d’autres bulles dans les cellules voisines, en amorçant un effet d’avalanche ultra-rapide. Nous résolvons la dynamique et l’acoustique des bulles, dans le cas des événements uniques ou multiples. La réalisation d’un dispositif innovant ou les volumes du liquide sont encapsulés entre l’hydrogel et une lame de verre ouvre la voie à l’investigation de l’eau métastable. Une deuxième partie du travail a été consacrée à une étude interdisciplinaire où la microfluifique et la biologie sont combinées et appliqués à la livraison de médicament. Le dispositif est composé d’un vaisseau sanguin artificiel en communication avec un tissu cible placé dans un compartiment créé exprès. Les parois du canal microfluidique sont tapissées de cellules endothéliales pour reproduire la paroi réelle d’un vaisseau sanguin in vivo. Ce dispositif permet l’étude des effets des bulles activées par des ultrasons sur la barrière endothéliale. / The present thesis focuses on cavitation process, meaning nucleation and dynamics of a bubble within a liquid as a result of pressure decrease. In particular, we investigate the growth of the vapor phase in micrometric volumes of water confined by a poro-elastic material. In systems where water is encapsulated in a porous medium, molecules can evaporate from the pores resulting in a remarkable pressure reduction and bubbles nucleation. Once a vapor bubble nucleates, it can trigger within few microseconds the appearance of other bubbles in the neighbor cavities, activating an ultra-fast avalanche-like phenomenon. We resolved the dynamics and acoustics of cavitation bubbles, in case of singles or multiple nucleation events. The realization of an innovative device where water is encapsulated between a porous material and a glass window opens the way for metastable water investigation. A second part of the manuscript is devoted to a new project where microfluidics and biology are combined and applied to drug delivery. The device consists of an artificial blood vessel in communication with the target tissue accommodated in a purposely designed compartment (tissue-on-a-chip). The walls of the microfluidic channel mimicking the vessel are lined with endothelial cells to reproduce the actual walls of in vivo blood vessels. This device allows to investigate the effects of ultrasound-activated bubbles on the blood vessels wall.

Estudo teórico e experimental das pressões em silos cilíndricos de baixa relação altura/diâmetro e fundo plano / Theoretical and experimental study of loads in squat silos and flat bottom

Freitas, Edna das Graças Assunção 06 December 2001 (has links)
A armazenagem em fazenda necessita ser expandida de modo a propiciar um melhor equilíbrio de fluxos e funções entre as etapas da rede armazenadora. No Brasil, embora não se disponha de números exatos, sabe-se que armazenagem na fazenda é mínima, sendo estimada em torno de 4% a 7%, dependendo da região. Em geral, os silos utilizados para a armazenagem em fazenda apresentam baixa relação entre a altura do silo e o seu diâmetro ou lado (0,75 a 1,5) e fundo plano. Podem ser construídos com os mais diversos materiais, como concreto, madeira, argamassa armada etc., mas a predominância é a utilização de silos metálicos em chapa de aço ondulada. Apesar da intensa utilização destas unidades em todo o mundo, e serem as mais produzidas pela indústria, a previsão das pressões devidas ao produto armazenado é ainda divergente entre os pesquisadores e normas existentes. Este trabalho foi realizado em duas etapas: teórica e experimental. Na parte teórica, deu-se ênfase à análise comparativa das principais teorias e normas estrangeiras. Na parte experimental, foram feitos ensaios diretos em um silo protótipo com relação h/d=0,98 e um silo piloto para relações h/d=0,98, 1,25 e 1,49, ambos de chapa de aço ondulada, para obtenção das pressões horizontais na parede e verticais no fundo plano. Com base nos resultados experimentais propõe-se modelos empíricos para a determinação das pressões horizontais e verticais no fundo plano do silo para esse tipo de unidade armazenadora. Também determinou-se experimentalmente o valor do parâmetro K, concluindo-se que a formulação de Hartmann é a mais indicada para silos metálicos de chapa de aço ondulada. / The farm storage must be expanded in order to offer a better balance of flows and functions among the stages of the storage system. In Brazil, it is known that storage in the farms is only about 4% to 7%, depending on the region. In general, the silos used for farm storage presents low ratio between the height of the silo and its diameter or side (0,75 to 1,5) and flat bottom. They can be built with different structural materials, as concrete, wood, ferrocement, etc., but the material predominance is corrugated steel. In spite of the intense use of these units all over the world, and its industry production, the pressures due the stored product is still divergent between the researchers and existent codes. This work was accomplished in two stages: theoretical and experimental. The theoretical part corresponds to the comparative analysis of the main theories and foreign codes. The experimental part corresponds to load tests using pressure cells in a silo prototype of relationship h/d=0,98 and a pilot silo for relationships h/d=0,98, 1,25 and 1,49, both of corrugated steel, for obtaining of the horizontal wall pressures and vertical pressures in the flat bottom. Based in the experimental results empiric models for the determination of the horizontal and vertical pressures in the bottom are proposed. The value of the parameter K, was also experimentally determined and the results showed that the formulation of Hartmann is the most suitable for metallic silos of corrugated steel plates.

Estudo teórico e experimental das ações em silos horizontais / Theoretical and experimental study of loads in horizontal silos

Gomes, Francisco Carlos 19 July 2000 (has links)
O projeto seguro e econômico das estruturas de armazenamento é função das máximas ações impostas e da resistência destas estruturas de suportar tais ações, observadas as combinações mais desfavoráveis. Entre as ações consideradas nos cálculos dos silos horizontais (peso próprio, peso de equipamentos, vento, recalques diferenciais de apoios, impacto de veículos, explosões, etc), a de maior importância é a causada pelo empuxo dos produtos armazenados e que foi objeto de estudo nesta pesquisa. Este trabalho foi realizado em duas etapas, teórica e experimental, procurando avaliar estas ações com base em teorias e métodos de cálculo de diversos autores. Na tremonha do silo, as pressões foram avaliadas através do método de cálculo proposto por Safarian & Harris, da teoria de Walker e da Norma Australiana AS 3774. Nas paredes, foram avaliadas as pressões de acordo com as teorias de Airy, Reimbert & Reimbert, Coulomb e Rankine e da norma americana ANSI/96. Os modelos teóricos foram estudados e comparados com os resultados obtidos através de medições diretas das pressões em modelo piloto e silo horizontal em escala real com a determinação da relação entre as pressões verticais e horizontais (K). Dos resultados obtidos propõe-se um novo método de cálculo com base em um modelo empírico para a determinação das pressões horizontais nestas unidades. / The safe and economic design of storage structures is a function of the loads and of the strenght of these structures, considering unfavorable loads combinations. Among the loads considered in the calculations of the horizontal silos, the most important load is due stored products. Silos are usually designed on the basis of simple theory which is used to predict horizontal pressures on the walls and hoppers. The pressures generally depend on many factors including the physical properties of the stored materials, the flow pattern and also the method of operating the silo. This work is divided in two parts in order to evaluate these loads based in theories and international codes.The silo hopper was evaluate by Walker\'s theory and by AS 3774-1996 code. The silo walls was evaluete by theories of Airy, Rankine, Reimbert & Reimbert, Coulomb, Safarian & Harris and ANSI (1996) code. The theoretical models were studied and compared with the results obtained through pressure measurements in a real and a pilot silos. From the results we proposed a new empiric design method to evaluate the horizontal pressures in the silos wall.


Steeves, Laura 01 January 2019 (has links)
Traditional methods of studying underground coal mine explosions are limited to observations and data collected during experimental explosions. These experiments are expensive, time-consuming, and require major facilities, such as the Lake Lynn Experimental Mine. The development of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of explosions can help minimize the need for large-scale testing. This thesis utilized the commercial CFD software, SC/Tetra, to examine three case studies. The first case study modeled the combustion of methane in a scaled shock tube, measuring approximately 1 foot by 1 foot, by 20.5 feet long, with a methane cloud of 2.5 feet in length, at a concentration of 9% methane. The numerical results from the CFD model were in good agreement with experimental data gathered, with all pressure peaks within 0.25 psi of the recorded pressure data. However, the model had an extensive run-time of 16 hours to reach the peak pressures. The second case study modeled the same explosion, but utilized a total pressure boundary condition at the location of the membrane, instead of the combustion of methane. A pressure-time curve was assigned to this boundary, recreating the release of pressure by the explosion. This was made possible with the knowledge of the experimental data. The numerical results from the CFD model were in excellent agreement with experimental data gathered, with all pressure peaks within 0.07 psi of the recorded pressure data. Alternatively, this model had a run-time of 40 minutes. The third case study modeled a methane explosion in a large shock tube, measuring 8 feet by 8 feet, by 40 feet long, with a methane cloud of 4 feet in length, at a concentration of 9% methane. The bursting balloon technique was employed, which did not model the combustion of methane, but instead the equivalent energy release. The numerical results from the CFD model were in good agreement with the experimental data gathered, with all pressure peaks within 0.025 psi of the recorded pressure data. Additionally, the numerical results modeled the negative pressure phenomenon observed in the experimental results, caused by suction or negative pressure created by the blast wave, immediately following the positive wave. This model had a run-time of 20 minutes. The results of this researched provided validation that there are alternative ways to successfully model methane explosion, without having to model the chemical reactions involved in the combustion of methane, providing quicker run-times and in this case, more accurate results.

Symptoms of Depression and Stressors in Law Enforcement

Mash, Parisa Tiana 01 January 2019 (has links)
Policing has long been recognized by experts in the field as a stressful, unpredictable, emotionally exhausting, and dangerous occupation. Stress and contributing risk factors have lasting and sometimes fatal results among police officers. The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine if there is a relationship between symptoms of depression and 3 constructs of the Personal Observation Wellness and Evaluation Report--Power Portfolio (PP) survey, specifically administrative and organizational pressures, emotional, physical, psychological threats, and lack of administrative support. Archival data from the National Police Suicide Foundation were used. The independent variable was symptoms of depression as measured by the PP. The dependent variables were administrative and organizational pressures, physical and psychological threats, and lack of support as measured by the work-related problems domain of the PP. The participants (N = 150) consisted of officers employed by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies throughout the United States. The results of the regression analysis and ANOVA were significant for the 3 research questions. The independent variable depression was related to work-related problems, work-related punishments, and the overall score reflecting participants feelings about their work as police officers. The results illustrate that police officers encounter organizational/administration demands with added stressors that accumulatively can develop into maladaptive coping mechanism and skills. Implications for positive social change include the development of mandatory interventions tailored to meet the need of individual police officers. These and other regulations, training, and protocols may reduce officers' work-related stress and improve the relationship between line and administrative personnel.

Modelling and Fixed Step Simulation of a Turbo Charged Diesel Engine / Modellering och simulering med fast steglängd av en turboladdad dieselmotor

Ritzén, Jesper January 2003 (has links)
<p>Having an engine model that is accurate but not too complicated is desirable when working with on-board diagnosis or engine control. In this thesis a four state mean value model is introduced. To make the model usable in an on-line automotive application it is discrete and simulated with a fixed step size solver. Modelling is done with simplicity as main object. Some simple static models are also presented. </p><p>To validate the model measuring is carried out in a Scania R124LB truck with a 12 liter six-cylinder turbo charged diesel engine. In general, for this relatively simple model, the mean errors must be considered low. The inlet manifold pressure mean error during highway driving is 3.4\%.</p>

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