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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The fast queue service point : the analysis of the quality of care for primary health care users in eThekwini district, KwaZulu-Natal

Sokhela, Dudu Gloria January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctoral Degree in Nursing, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / This mixed methods study aimed to assess the functioning and processes of the Fast Queue Service Point in order to analyse the quality of care rendered in primary health care (PHC) facilities in the eThekwini district of the KwaZulu­ Natal Province in South Africa. The Fast Queue Service Point provides service in PHC facilities for health care users requiring short consultations. Congestion of PHC facilities is a result of increased access to PHC services with the introduction of free PHC services. This congestion was aggravated by the decentralization of services from hospitals to PHC level such as the introduction on Nurse Initiated Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (NIMART). In 2010, the National Core Standards (NCS) for health establishments were formulated further to the PHC Service package, to address issues of quality. An explanatory sequential mixed methods study design was used and data collection was conducted in two phases; the quantitative data collection phase consisting of two subsets of observations namely; the retrospective record review and structured observations of the Fast Queue Service Point process. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 was used to analyse data. During the second phase semi-structured interviews were conducted with PHC staff members to describe their experiences of the Fast Queue Service Point and to clarify issues from the quantitative phase. Although Fast Queue Service users received sufficient care, there were important care assessments that had been inadequately performed or omitted. These included discussing side effects of medications and or immunizations and management thereof. Childrens' weights were not interpreted, an important aspect for children under five years of age. There was also lack of supportive supervision coupled with shortage of resources and too many time-consuming written records that were required to compile accurate statistics. Retraining and in-servicing of health personnel and making resources available, would assist in strengthening patient assessment, management and recording thereof. While clinic managers require to offer supportive supervision to health care providers, provision of lower categories of staff would be beneficial in supporting PNs and ENs so that they have time to compile records for statistics purposes, which were found to be taking up the bulk of their time. The framework for continuous quality improvement in implementing a Fast Queue Service in PHC settings was developed based on the findings of the study / D

Nutrition education message topics and accessibility for the well-being of infants in an urban slum area

De Villiers, Anniza 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Dietetics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to contribute to the nutritional well-being of 0 - 24 month old children who attend primary health care clinics (PHC) in Duncan Village, an urban slum. This was to be achieved by first formulating essential nutrition-related message topics and second by formulating recommendations for optimising the accessibility of services, including nutrition-related messages, aimed at mothers attending PHC clinics in Duncan Village. In order to formulate targeted and relevant nutrition-related messages for mothers attending the PHC clinics (Phase I of the research) the need for more information on the six focus areas for intervention that were identified in the previous Duncan Village Day Hospital (DVDH) study" was determined. This was done through key-informant interviews and studying other relevant published research. Eleven research questions related to the six focus areas were subsequently formulated to guide further research. Non-scheduled structured interviews were conducted with mothers with children in specific age groups until data saturation was achieved. A total of 31 interviews were thus conducted at the homes of participants and observation data was also collected at the same time. Three focus groups with corresponding participant categories were also conducted to check the information obtained through the interviews. Two focus groups were conducted with grandmothers to serve as a further form of checking research but also to obtain a different perspective on the research questions. The data available for the formulation of the message topics was analysed qualitatively by hand. The focus areas and the research questions gave a specific focus to the analysis process and the unprocessed data was available in these broad predetermined categories. All the information from all sources (DVDH study, the non-scheduled structured interviews with mothers, focus groups with mothers and grandmothers and observation data) was studied, interpreted and integrated for each identified category. During this process key-factors, which need to be addressed in nutrition-related messages essential for the well-being of infants attending PHC clinics in Duncan Village, were identified. The final step in the analysis process was the formulation of message topics based on these key-factors. During the analysis process it became clear that some of the identified key factors were not suitable for the formu lation of nutrition-related message topics but rather give insight into the total context of the mothers attending the clinics in Duncan Village. It was evident that the information contained in the key factors could be used by health workers to identify and assist vulnerable mothers. These key-factors led to the formulation of relevant help topics. Eighteen main message topics and 16 help topics were formulated. The message topics included topics on: self-development, household food security, breastfeeding, good feeding practices, mothers' health and nutrition and hygiene practices. in Phase 2 of the study the accessibility of services, including nutrition-related messages, to mothers attending PHC clinics in Duncan Village was determined. This was done by determining how mothers inDuncan Village experience the clinics where they could be exposed to nutrition-related messages and by determining the experiences of health care workers with mothers as clients as well as with service delivery. This information was obtained through focus group discussions with different participant categories. These categories included mothers with children in the same age groupings as in Phase I who had either attended clinic for all the child's immunisations or who had not attended clinic for all the child's immunisations or who had attended clinics outside Duncan Village for immunisation purposes. Pregnant women who had either attended antenatal clinics or had not attended antenatal clinics were also included. The last participant category involved health workers. This category included health workers from the obstetric unit where mothers from Duncan Village give birth, the primary health care clinics and community health care workers. The data obtained was analysed with ATLAS/ti, computer software specifically designed for qualitative data analysis. Twelve code families were created during the analysis process, each family referring to a specific aspect of accessibility of services provided at the PHC clinics. A detailed description of each code family is presented after which six networks were compiled. The data and networks were used to create a framework for data interpretation. According to the framework it is proposed that the final elements in the process of providing accessible nutrition-related messages to clients at clinics are (1) that the clients must attend the clinic and (2) that appropriate nutrition-related messages must be available. Problems with interpersonal and organisational aspects of service delivery were found to be two of the most important aspects that influence accessibility of clinic services and therefore nutrition-related messages at the clinics. The last phase of the study (Phase 3) involved the formulation of recommendations to the relevant authorities about targeted and relevant nutrition-related message topics to be included in the education of mothers and pregnant women as well as recommendations to optimise accessibility of nutrition-related messages at the three PHC clinics in Duncan Village and the obstetric unit where mothers of Duncan Village give birth. A total of fifteen recommendations were formulated based on the frndings and recommendations of Phase I and Phase 2. These recommendations focus especially on the necessity for the municipality to create a health empowering environment at the clinics, on the provision of appropriate nutrition-related messages at the clinics and on the need to reach vulnerable mothers. The importance of involving the community in these processes was also emphasised in the recommendations. It is concluded that the implementation of the recommendations will contribute to the nutritional well-being of all young children in Duncan Village and could play an important role in realising the rights of children living in the area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om 'n bydrae te maak tot die voedingswelstand van 0-24 maandoue kinders wat prirnere gesondheidsorg (PGS) klinieke in Duncan Village, 'n verarmde stedelike gebied, besoek. am die doel te bereik is daar eerstens beplan om essensiele voedingsverwante boodskappe te formuleer. Tweedens is daar beplan om aanbevelings vir die optimalisering van die toeganklikheid van gesondheidsorgdienste vir rna's wat die klinieke bywoon, insluitend die toeganklikheid van voedinsgverwante boodskappe, te maak. Voordat relevante voedingsverwante boodskappe vir rna's wat die klinieke in Duncan Village besoek, geformuleer kon word, was meer inligting nodig oor die ses fokusareas vir intervensie wat in die vorige Duncan Village Daghospitaal studie bepaal is. Die bepaling van watter inligting nodig was, is gedoen deur sleutelinformantonderhoude en die bestudering van ander relevante gepubliseerde navorsing. Na aanleiding hiervan is elf navorsingsvrae wat verband hou met die ses fokusareas geformuleer. Nie-geskeduleerde, gestruktureerde onderhoude is vervolgens met 111a's met kinders in spesifieke ouderdomsgroepe gehou totdat dataversadiging bereik is. 'n Totaal van 31 onderhoude is met respondente gehou by hul huise, waartydens die onderhoudvoerder ook sekere waamemingsdata ingesamel het. Drie fokusgroepe is ook met rna's met kinders in ooreenstemmende kategoriee gehou om die inligting na te gaan wat deur die onderhoude ingesamel is. Twee fokusgroepe is ook met oumas gehou om die data verder na te gaan maar ook om 'n ander perspektief op die navorsingsvrae te verkry. Die data wat verkry is, is kwalitatief met die hand geanaliseer. Die fokusareas en die navorsingsvrae het 'n spesifieke fokus aan die analiseproses gegee en die ongeprossesseerde data was beskikbaar in hierdie bree vooraf gedetermineerde kategoriee. Die inligting van aile bronne (DVDH-studie, die nie-geskeduleerde gestruktureerde onderhoude met die rna's, die fokusgroepe met die rna's en oumas asook die observasie data) is bestudeer, geinterpreteer en geintegreer vir elke geidentifiseerde kategorie. Gedurende hierdie proses is sleutelfaktore geidentifiseer wat aangespreek moet word in essensiele voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe wat gemik is om die voedingswelstand van klein kinders wat die PGS-klinieke in Duncan Village besoek te verbeter. Die finale stap in die analiseproses was die formulering van boodskaponderwerpe. Die onderwerpe is gebaseer op die geidentifiseerde sleutelfaktore Dit het duidelik geword tydens die analiseproses dat sommige van die sleutelfaktore nie geskik was vir die formulering van voedingsverbandhoudende boodskaponderwerpe nie, maar dat dit eerder insig verskaf in die totale lewenskonteks van die rna's. Die inligting in hierdie sleutelfaktore kan wei gebruik word deur gesondheidswerkers om kwesbare ma's te identifiseer en by te staan. Hierdie sleutelfaktore het dus tot die formulering van relevante hulpboodskappe gelei. Agtien voedingsverbandhoudende en 16 hulpboodskappe is geformu leer. Die boodskaponderwerpe sluit in onderwerpe oor selfontwikkeling, huishoudelike voedselsekuriteit, borsvoeding, goeie voedingspraktyke, gesondheid van die rna en voeding- en higienepraktyke. Tydens Fase 2 van die studie is die toeganklikheid van PGS dienste, insluitend voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe vir rna's, bepaal. Dit is gedoen deur te bepaal hoe mas in Duncan Village die kliniekdienste ondervind, waar hulle aan hierdie boodskappe blootgestel kan word asook die ondervindinge van die gesondheidswerkers met die rna's en die diensleweringsproses. Hierdie inligting is deur middel van fokusgroepbesprekings met verskillende deelnemerskategoriee ingesamel. Hierdie kategoriee het rna's ingesluit wat die klinieke in Duncan Village besoek het vir a.l die spesifieke kinders se immunisasies maar ook ma's wat nie kinders geneem het vir al hul immunisasies nie of wat hul kinders na klinieke buite Duncan Village geneem het. Swanger vroue wat die voorgeboortelike klinieke besoek het asook die wat nie die klinieke besoek het nie, is ook ingesluit. Die laaste kategorie wat betrek is, was gesondheidswerkers. Hierdie kategorie het werkers van die kraamafdeling van die nabygelee hospitaaI en die primere gesondheidsorgklinieke ingesluit. Beide professionele verpleegpersoneel en gemeenskapsgesondheids= werkers van die klinieke is betrek. Die data wat verkry is, is met ATLAS/ti, 'n rekenaarprogram spesifiek geskep vir die analise van kwalitatiewe data, ontleed. Twaalf kodefamilies is geskep tydens die analiseproses. Elke familie verwys na 'n spesifieke aspek van toeganklikheid van dienste by die klinieke. 'n Gedetailleerde beskrywing van elke kodefamilie is gegee asook ses netwerke. Die data en die netwerke is gebruik om 'n raamwerk vir data-intepretasie te skep. Die raamwerk postuleer dat die finale elemente in die proses van die verskaffing van toeganklike voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe by klinieke die volgende is: (1) kliente moet die kliniek besoek en (2) toepaslike voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe moet beskikbaar wees. Probleme met interpersoonlike en organisatoriese aspekte van dienslewering is geidentifiseer as die twee belangrikste aspekte wat toeganklikheid van kliniekdienste en daarom ook toeganklikheid van voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe beinvloed. Die laaste fase van die studie (Fase 3) het die formulering van aanbevelings aan die relevante owerhede behels Die aa.nbevelings handel oor die insluiting van toepaslike voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe by die gesondheidsonderrig van ma's en swanger vroue sowel as aanbevelings oor die optimalisering van toeganklikheid van dienste by die PGS klinieke en die kraamafdeling waar Duncan Village rna's geboorte gee. Vyftien aanbevelings gebaseer op die bevindinge van Fases I en 2 is geformuleer . Die aanbevelings fokus veral op die nocdsaaklikheid vir die plaaslike owerheid om 'n atmosfeer van gesondheidbemagtiging by die klinieke te skep, die nodigheid om toepaslike voedingsverbandhoudende boodskappe by die klinieke te verskaf en die belangrikheid daa.rvan om kwesbare rna's te bereik. Die noodsaaklikheid om die gemeenskap te betrek in hierdie prosesse is ook benadruk. Samevattend kan gese word dat die implementasie van die aanbevelings sal bydra tot die voedingswelstand van alle jong kinders in Duncan Village en dat dit 'n belangrike bydrae kan lewer tot die realisering van die regte van kinders in die area.

Evaluating the referral system between Cecelia Makhiwane Hospital ART unit and its feeder sites, (Zone 2, 8 and 13 clinics)

Ncana, Lundi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Purpose of the study. The primary purpose of the study was to evaluate the referral system between CMH ART unit and its feeder sites, and assess the staff perception and patient.s satisfaction about the latter with the intention of improving and shaping it. Research design A non-experimental descriptive type of quantitative research was used in conducting a cross sectional survey to evaluate the referral system between CMH ART unit and its feeder sites. Data was collected through open and closed ended questionnaires handed to the respondents to fill and return back to the researcher. Findings The results revealed lack of management support and supervision of the system; absence of standard operative procedure to follow when down referring patients; insufficient staffing; congested waiting rooms and long waiting hours. Conclusion The down referral process began without the completion of planning with all involved stakeholders because of the pressure to implement the decision to down refer, staff at the feeder clinics although trained on ART care, but not experienced enough to manage the large influx of patients on ART were left alone to manage patients on HAART. Simple measures like communication between facility staff and patient education should be adopted to improve the system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doel van die studie Die primêre doel van die studie was om die verwysing stelsel tussen die CMH ART eenheid en sy voeder werwe te evalueer, asook om die personeel se persepsie en pasiënte se tevredenheid oor die laasgenoemde te evalueer met die voorneme om dit te verbeter en verwerk. Navorsingsontwerp 'n Nie-eksperimentele beskrywende aard van kwantitatiewe navorsing is gebruik in die uitvoering van' n kruis deursnee-opname om die verwysing stelsel tussen CMH ART eenheid en sy voeder werwe te evalueer Data is ingesamel deur middel van oop en geslote geëindig vraelyste uitgedeel aan die respondente om in te vul en terug te keer na die navorser. Bevindings Die resultate blyk 'n gebrek aan ondersteuning van die bestuur en beheer van die stelsel; die afwesigheid van standaard operatiewe prosedure om te volg wanneer pasiënte af verwys word; „n tekort aan personeel; oorgelaaide wagkamers en lang wag ure. Gevolgtrekking Die af verwysing proses het sonder die voltooiing van die beplanning met alle betrokke belanghebbendes begin as gevolg van die druk om die uitvoering van die besluit om af te verwys te implementeer. Personeel by die voeder klinieke, alhoewel opgelei in ART sorg, maar sonder die nodige onderving om die groot instroming van ART pasiënte te behandel, was alleen gelos om die pasiënte op HAART te behandel. Eenvoudige maatreëls soos die kommunikasie tussen die fasiliteit personeel en die opvoeding van pasiente sal moet goedgekeur word om die stelsel te verbeter.

Practice revitalisation of the role of the clinic nurse regarding growth development monitoring of children in the primary health care settings of Tshwane, Gauteng Provinve

Black, Morongwa Johanna 11 1900 (has links)
A qualitative, descriptive, exploratory and contextual study was undertaken to explore and describe how clinic nurses practice their role regarding growth development monitoring and anthropometric measurement of children and interpretation of their values. An accessible population of twelve clinic nurses of all categories were purposively recruited to participate in the study. In depth individual interviews were conducted to generate data. Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed by the researcher verbatim. The direct quotes of participants were coded and arranged into meaning units for analysis. Tech’s (1990:142-145) eight steps of analysis to analyse the textual qualitative data as cited by Creswell (2009:186) was used until themes, categories and subcategories were identified and developed. Data analysis was triangulated by using Atlas.ti computer software version 7.0 to organise text, audio data files coding, memos and findings into project files. An independent coder analysed data for validation using content analysis. Data analysis revealed that nurses had challenges in ways of doing practice evidenced by inconsistencies and discrepancies in GDM, APM of children and incorrect interpretation of their values. Non-compliance to protocols from both nurses and parents was a significant finding. Shortage of resources was reported as a major hindrance. Guidelines were formulated to guide clinic nurses. Recommendations were proposed that the matter be taken up by nurse managers, educators and leadership from the Department of Health / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Integrated primary health care: the role of the registered nurse

Mohale, Mpho Dorothy 30 November 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the perceptions of the registered nurses and the nurse managers regarding the role of the registered nurse in integrated primary health care. Quantitative, descriptive research was conducted to determine if there were any discrepancies between role perceptions and role expectations. Data collection was done using structured questionnaires. Two groups of respondents participated in the study. The registered nurse group (n=40) provided direct clinical care in integrated primary health care settings. The second group was composed of nurse managers (n=20) managing integrated primary health care services. The findings revealed that there are some areas where there is lack of congruence between the perceptions of registered nurses and nurse managers regarding the functions that registered nurses perform. These differences may result in confusion and role conflict among registered nurses, which can ultimately impede the attainment of integrated primary health care goals. / Advanced Nursing Sciences / M.A.(Nursing Science)

Primary health care challenges in Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality

Ndhambi, Mshoni Angeline 01 February 2013 (has links)
OBJECTIVE/ METHOD The study examined implementation challenges faced by primary health care workers within the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng South Africa. Data collection was based on semi-structured interviews carried out on a purposive sample (n=19) of frontline clinicians working within the district as primary health care practitioners. RESULTS Participants confirmed that work within the primary health care service disproportionately focussed on curative and rehabilitative functions of their roles with little prioritisation of preventive and promotive interventions. Primary identified reasons included, institutional culture that prioritised short-term curative approaches. Clinicians also cited a range of other organisational barriers, such as – poor strategic planning, and a lack of understanding of health promotion and illness prevention. CONCLUSIONS Although the challenges that exist in implementing primary health care are clearly understood, clinicians perceive the solutions for these as being within the control of policy makers and those with power within the organisation. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

The attitude of community health nurses towards integration of traditional healers in primary health care in North West Province

Peu, Mmapheko Doriccah 06 1900 (has links)
South Africa is called "the rainbow nation" because it has so many different cultures. These have an impact on the provision of primary health care. The purpose of this research is to foster good relationships between community health nurses and traditional healers and to explore, identify and describe the attitude of community health nurses towards the integration of traditional healers into primary health care. A non-experimental, explorative and descriptive research strategy was designed to explore the working relationship between community health nurses and traditional healers. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. Quantitative as well as qualitative data analysis techniques were adopted to interpret the findings. The results indicated that respondents demonstrated positive attitudes towards working with traditional healers, especially in the provision of primary health care. Positive opinions, ideas and views were provided about the integration of traditional healers into primary health care. Respect, recognition and sensitivity were emphasized by respondents. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Participatory research with hospital social workers in a primary health care context

Sihlobo, Alice 01 1900 (has links)
We conducted the study to explore and define the role of the social worker in Primary Health Care. The medical care model on its own is viewed as inappropriate for developing countries. We see Primary Health Care as holding the key to improving the health status of the many disadvantaged communities in South Africa. The Primary Health Care approach demands those health care providers, including social workers work collaboratively to provide the best possible services to the communities. Social Work is a profession concerned with the disadvantaged. However, social workers are assigned a very limited role in Primary Health Care. Since participants are concerned about subjective and experiential realities, participatory research was the appropriate research method. The major findings and conclusions were that, social workers have a role in Primary Health Care. They have to be assertive and tell others what is it that they do to find a place in Primary Health Care / Social Work / M.A. (Social Science (Mental Health))

Identifying challenges related to providing community-based environmental health education and promotion programmes

Witthuhn, Jacqueline 06 1900 (has links)
This research study was initiated by the desire to identify the constraining and enabling factors experienced by environmental health officers (EH Os) and their management in the implementation of environmental health education and promotion programmes in the environmental health sector. The research contextualises the issues of health promotion, the role of education in health promotion, and community-based environmental health service provision with specific reference to the role of the EHO in relation to these issues. The foremost value ofthis study lies in the fact that it profiles the need for change in the delivery of community-based environmental health education and promotion programmes and identifies distinctive policy changes and skills development needs in the field of environmental health promotion which are central to improved and sustainable community-based environmental health education and promotion. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)

Risk management in health care in South Africa

Fernandes da Costa, Melanie Sandra 03 1900 (has links)
Risk management strategy is a broad discipline aimed at identifying, evaluating and handling risks by both physical and financial means. The medical aid industry in South Africa has experienced a disproportionate increase in expenditure relative to the overall economic growth. These cost pressures have placed restraints on their ability to obtain new members, which is vital when subsidizing higher risks with younger healthier members, and has resulted in losses for many schemes. Compounding the problem has been political and regulatory health care reforms as well as technological advances, which have initiated a complete restructure of the industry. This dissertation reviews the risk management strategies implemented by medical insurers in South Africa. An analysis of alternate risk management strategies is taken with the view of recommending a tentative means of making medical aids more efficient in an increasingly difficult market. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)

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