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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grundskollärares utmattning associerat med organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö : En tvärsnittsstudie om krav och kontroll samt obalans mellan arbete och privatliv

Isaksson, Sanna January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det har påvisats att brister i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön kan ge upphov till psykisk ohälsa och att grundskollärare är särskilt utsatta gällande höga krav och låg kontroll i arbetet. Tidigare studier har visat på att höga krav är en stor riskfaktor för att stressrelaterade psykiska besvär kan uppkomma i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön. Vidare ses att obalans mellan arbete och privatliv kan påverka den psykiska hälsan negativt och att grundskollärares arbetsuppgifter kan påverka balansen mellan arbete och privatliv. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det finns något samband mellan utmattning bland grundskollärare och deras organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö samt den balans mellan arbete och privatliv de beskriver. Metod: Studien var kvantitativ med en tvärsnittsdesign och bekvämlighetsurval som bestod av grundskollärare. Ett elektroniskt frågeformulär baserat på Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire Version III användes för att samla in data som genererade 85 ifyllda frågeformulär. Korrelationsanalys, bivariata och multipla regressionsanalyser samt oberoende t-test användes som analysmetoder i SPSS. Resultat: Resultatet från den multipla regressionsanalysen indikerade en statistisk signifikant association mellan utmattning och obalans mellan arbete och privatliv (β= ,601, SE= ,072, P< ,001). Signifikanta samband identifierades i bivariata regressionsanalyser för krav och kontroll i arbetet och utmattning. De oberoende t-testen påvisade signifikanta skillnader för utmattning där de respondenter som upplevde en hög obalans mellan arbete och privatliv upplevde högre utmattning jämfört med de som upplevde låg obalans oberoende av vilken grad av krav och kontroll som upplevdes. Slutsats: Faktorer i den organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljön påverkar utmattningsgraden negativt. Då detta är en tvärsnittsstudie går det inte att dra några kausala samband och mer forskning med longitudinella studier med större population och ett obundet slumpmässigt urval krävs för att säkerställa dessa resultat. / Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate whether there is any association between exhaustion among primary school teachers and their psychosocial work environment as well as the work-life balance they describe. Method: The study employed a cross-sectional design and an electronic questionnaire, based on Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire Version III, was used to collect the data which generated 85 completed questionnaires. The data was analyzed with correlations analysis, linear regression analysis, and t-test. Results: The result indicated a statistically significant association between exhaustion and work-life imbalance (P< .001). The degree of exhaustion was significant higher for those who experienced a high work-life imbalance compared with those who experienced a low imbalance regardless of the degree of demand and control in work. Conclusion: The psychosocial work environment affects the degree of exhaustion. As this is a cross-sectional study, it is not possible to draw any causal relationships and more research with longitudinal studies with random sample and larger populations is required to ensure these results.

Zkušenosti učitelů s individualizací výuky v distančním vzdělávání / Teacher's experience with individualized teaching in distance education

Patta, Emil January 2022 (has links)
In a time of emergency measures due to the coronavirus pandemic, teachers have been forced to transition into distance education without prior experience and training, thus facing a significant professional challenge. Every teacher has dealt with this change differently and was given the opportunity to reflect their own teaching approach. The main aim of this thesis is to describe how distance education has transformed the approach of various types of teachers to the individual needs of students, in other words, to individualized teaching. In the theoretical part, selected approaches to the typology of teachers and their teaching styles will be described, using available professional publications. The importance of individualization as one of the key principles of current education will be justified. The ways in which a primary school teacher can respond to the individual needs of pupils in teaching will be summarized. The characteristic features of distance education, its advantages and limits will be described. In the practical part of the thesis, teacher's approaches to individualization in in- person and distance education will be mapped through qualitative research, in the form of a questionnaire and in-depth interviews. Key words individualization, distance education, primary school teacher,...

Preparedness of the mainstream primary school teachers in implementing inclusive education policy in Nongoma Circuit, KwaZulu-Natal

Zulu, Phindile Doreen 06 1900 (has links)
Inclusive Education has gained significant currency nationally and internationally. It demands that the teacher be able to meet the needs of learners with impairments in ordinary classrooms. The success of inclusive education rests on quality teacher preparation geared towards inclusive education. The focus of this investigation is on preparedness of mainstream primary school teachers in implementing inclusive education policy in the Nongoma circuit. The lack of teachers prepared to provide quality inclusive teaching to learners and the limitations of existing support structures both impact on inclusion. Through a questionnaire an effort was made to ascertain teachers’ preparedness for inclusive education in the Nongoma circuit. This measure was utilized to determine the extent to which teachers are prepared for the implementation of inclusive education in the classroom. It was also used to describe the nature of training provided by District Based Support Team in an advancement of inclusive education practices in the classroom. The researcher also identified enabling strategies required for teachers in an inclusive classroom environment. Finally, recommendations on strategies for the successful implementation of inclusive education in the classroom were made. The data was collected through a questionnaire. The researcher selected three wards Nongoma circuit as research sites with all teachers in the selected schools participating. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive education)

Pedagogický projekt a jeho uplatnění při osobnostním a sociálním rozvoji dětí v mateřské škole / Educational project and its application in personality and social development of children in the pre primary school

Leškaničová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a preschool-aged children and on possibilities of their personality and social development through the educational project in preschool education. The first, theoretical part, deals with the process of socialization which is broadly developing after the start of preschool education. It also presents pieces of information about educational process in pre-primary school related to the importance of the process of socialization in educational practice as well as in relation to contemporary personality approach and comprehensive integrated approach in preschool education. The main focus remains on the possibilities of educational projects in this area. The second, practical part, explores via observation and questionaire methods the personality expressions of children in social interaction and relationships between children. But first and foremost it verifies the benefits of educational projecting for the possibility of intentional work on personality and social development of children in pre-primary school. KEY WORDS socialization, personality of a preschool child, pre-primary school, preschool education, personality model of preschool education, pre-primary school teacher, educational project

Specifika kvalit učitele malotřídní školy a jeho profesní příprava / Multileveled schooľs teacher specific qualities and professional preparation

Burýšková, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis titled Multileveled school's teachers specific qualities and professional preparation focuses on finding specific qualities of multileveled schools, qualities of their teachers in the area of professional competence and quality of institutions for training future teachers. The theoretical background is applied to the research section. Depth group interview, observation and analysis of written sources reveals the essence of teachers' work at multileveled school with all its specifics. Summarize the results and try to find the relations between the observed and the specifics of their qualities. Can not say unequivocally that the multileveled schools'specifics and specific teachers skills are quality guarantee. The teacher always depends his knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and personality traits and the initial training and continuing professional development, as consider the quality of their work and how to proceed further development. Even though specific teacher's job may be a part of a potential professional qualities that teachers want to develop.

Les usages professionnels de l'internet chez les enseignants du primaire : une recherche en Communauté française de Belgique / Professional uses of Internet by primary school teachers

Duquesnoy, Maxime 27 November 2014 (has links)
Le développement d’Internet induit divers changements dans le quotidien, modifications auxquelles n’échappent pas la sphère scolaire et le travail enseignant. À la lumière des sociologies du travail et de l’éducation, cette thèse se propose d’analyser les usages professionnels d’Internet par les enseignants du primaire, en Communauté française de Belgique. En s’appuyant sur une enquête par questionnaire, sur une démarche ethnographique et l’analyse de sites internet et de réseaux socionumériques, l’approche plurielle de cette étude permet d’analyser les usages d’internet de ces professionnels, de cerner la place ainsi occupée à chaque niveau de leur travail, tout en étudiant l’impact de cette utilisation. Cette étude s’attache à l’analyse du travail dans sa globalité et permet de dépasser les formes visibles des usages afin de les cerner dans leur ensemble et toute leur complexité. L’enquête auprès de plus de 200 instituteurs permet de cibler des usages réguliers et prédominants ou, au contraire, délaissés par les enseignants. L’observation du quotidien de ces acteurs, durant trois années scolaires, apporte la contextualisation de certains éléments, parfois en les nuançant à la lumière de la réalité du terrain. Enfin, l’analyse des sites fréquentés et de leurs interactions sur les réseaux socionumériques met en lumière certaines tâches parfois occultées du travail enseignant. / The development of the internet leads to various changes in our everyday life, including in the academic sphere and in the work of teachers. In the light of work and education sociologies, this thesis analyses professional uses of the internet by primary school teachers in the Frenchspeaking Community of Belgium. Based on a questionnaire survey, an ethnographic proccess and the analysis of websites and social networks, the pluralist approach of this study makes it possible to analyse the uses of the internet by these professionals, to understand when and how they use it in their work and to study its impact. This study focuses on the analyses of the work in its globality, going beyond the visible aspects of the uses in order to comprehend them as a whole and in their full complexity. More than 200 teachers were surveyed, which allowed to focus on regular and prevailing uses as well as, on the contrary, neglected ones. The observation of these stakeholders daily work during three school years brings the contextualization of certain elements, sometimes being moderated in the light of the realities on the ground. Finally, the analyses of the used websites and their interactions on social networks highlights some teacher tasks at times concealed.

Elevrelaterat våld mot lärare i relation till skolklimatet

Forsberg, Donny, Fredriksson, Joakim, Svärdström, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att via en kvantitativ webbenkät i ett bekvämlighetsurval av svenska lärare, undersöka förekomst av elevrelaterat direkt våld och indirekt våld mot lärare samt i vilken utsträckning olika aspekter av skolklimatet som kan förklara lärarens upplevelser av direkt våld och indirekt våld. Urvalet bestod utav 143 svenska grundskolelärare (25 män och 117 kvinnor samt en som ej angav kön) i åldrarna 20-65 (M = 40,44, SD = 11,17). Resultatet visade att åtta av tio lärare hade blivit utsatta för någon typ av elevrelaterat direkt våld vid minst ett tillfälle under det senaste året. Den vanligaste typen av elevrelaterat direkt våld var verbala kränkningar följt av lättare fysiskt våld och hot om våld. Det visade sig också att en stor del av lärarna blivit utsatta för flera typer av elevrelaterat direkt våld under de senaste 12 månaderna, vilket indikerar på en multipel utsatthet. Indirekt våld hade i stort sett samtliga lärare upplevt vid ett flertal tillfällen under det senaste året. Vidare fann studien att kvinnliga lärare uppgav sig vara mer utsatta för både direkt och indirekt våld jämfört med männen. Studien fann även att struktur och engagemang tycks vara de viktigaste dimensionerna av skolklimatet för att förebygga elevrelaterat direkt våld och indirekt våld mot lärare. / The aim of the study was to investigate, through a quantitative web survey in a convenience sample of Swedish teachers, the presence of student-related direct violence and indirect violence against teachers and to what extent different aspects of the school climate that can explain the teacher's experiences of direct violence and indirect violence. The sample consisted of 143 Swedish primary school teachers (25 men and 117 women and one who did not specify the gender) at the ages 20-65 (M = 40.44, SD = 11.17). The result showed that eight out of ten teachers had been exposed to any type of student-related direct violence on at least one occasion in the past year. The most common type of student-related direct violence was verbal abuse followed by easier physical violence and threats of violence. It also turned out that a large number of teachers were exposed to several types of student-related direct violence in the last 12 months, which indicates a multiple victimization. Indirect violence had virtually all teachers experienced on several occasions over the past year. Furthermore, the study found that female teachers stated that they were more victimized by both direct and indirect violence compared to men. The study also found that structure and engagement seem to be the most important dimensions of the school climate to prevent student-related direct violence and indirect violence against teachers.

Preparedness of the mainstream primary school teachers in implementing inclusive education policy in Nongoma Circuit, KwaZulu-Natal

Zulu, Phindile Doreen 06 1900 (has links)
Inclusive Education has gained significant currency nationally and internationally. It demands that the teacher be able to meet the needs of learners with impairments in ordinary classrooms. The success of inclusive education rests on quality teacher preparation geared towards inclusive education. The focus of this investigation is on preparedness of mainstream primary school teachers in implementing inclusive education policy in the Nongoma circuit. The lack of teachers prepared to provide quality inclusive teaching to learners and the limitations of existing support structures both impact on inclusion. Through a questionnaire an effort was made to ascertain teachers’ preparedness for inclusive education in the Nongoma circuit. This measure was utilized to determine the extent to which teachers are prepared for the implementation of inclusive education in the classroom. It was also used to describe the nature of training provided by District Based Support Team in an advancement of inclusive education practices in the classroom. The researcher also identified enabling strategies required for teachers in an inclusive classroom environment. Finally, recommendations on strategies for the successful implementation of inclusive education in the classroom were made. The data was collected through a questionnaire. The researcher selected three wards Nongoma circuit as research sites with all teachers in the selected schools participating. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive education)

Diferenciace a individualizace výuky nadaných žáků s ADHD na 1. stupni ZŠ / Differentiation and individualization of teaching gifted with ADHD at primary school

Horová, Edita January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis aims to introduce and describe effective strategies and teaching methods that teachers of gifted pupils with ADHD use and during which the different educational needs of these learners are taken into consideration. This thesis also presents how faculty primary school teachers apply these strategies and teaching methods in integrated and segregated forms of education focused on gifted pupils with ADHD. The theoretical part of this thesis summarizes findings about the issues of differentiation, individualization, talent and teaching strategies of gifted pupils. It also deals with a specific group of gifted pupils with ADHD which are classified as twice-exceptional learners. Therefore, there are also described the recommended strategies for the education of pupils with ADHD. Based on the study of Czech and foreign literature, this thesis delimits strategies and teaching methods which are suitable for gifted pupils with ADHD. The practical part of the thesis is a qualitative research done by analysing the observed lessons in classes with gifted pupils with ADHD, and subsequent in-depth interviews with the teachers of these pupils who teach in an integrated and segregated forms of teaching. This thesis tries to find out what strategies and teaching methods these teachers choose during...

Učitelství jako druhá kariéra / Teaching as a second career

Zajíčková, Martina January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the personality of a primary school teacher for which teaching is a second career. The theoretical part is focused on general demands placed on teacher's personality, defines the term 'second career teacher', describes professional development of a teacher, gives potential motivators influencing the choice to become a teacher and also briefly introduces the system of professional training of primary school teachers in Czech Republic and some other European countries. The aim of qualitative survey performed by deep semi- structured discussions with 5 teachers about their live stories was to answer the research question: "What is the second career teacher like?" By means of partial questions the survey has uncovered the reasons that brought those teachers to career change, which benefits and difficulties following their decision they perceived, which gains from previous profession they can use in their new teaching career. Finally, the thesis brings the point of view of the respondents on their studies at pedagogical faculty. The analysis of the data enabled to investigate the decision-making process about changing the career from non-teaching to teaching one and identify the key moments which can influence the decision. It was found that internal and external motivators play a...

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