Spelling suggestions: "subject:"printing."" "subject:"aprinting.""
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EMBRACING THE DIGITAL TO THE HAND MADE : Bridging digital technology with glassblowing moulds crafting methodsDover, Noam January 2017 (has links)
Abstract This report accompanies my Master project in the fields of ceramic and glass, the CRAFT! MA program, Konstfack. In this project I fuse my industrial design toolbox and my current engagement in open-source 3D printing technology with my ceramic and glass craft practice. The first pair brings in notions of innovation and an active approach towards technological change, while the second carry ancient craft methods and knowledge. I develop and make 3D printers for clay and use them as an experimental ceramic work method. In this research based practice I use ceramics as the material for 3D printed glassblowing moulds. This act represents a link between ceramic and glass crafts, one that was known to the ancient Roman craftsmen. A view on craft and digital innovation Although the computer is in use for several decades now, in most crafts it is still used mainly as an assistive device and we seem not to look at it as a professional tool; as a craft tool. New methods of making are out there. We need to have two toolboxes now: Our traditional one and our new digital one. We can already CAD our concepts, control CNC machines and build 3D-printers customised to our growing new practice. We share our new knowledge on open-source platforms, teach each other through the web (and around the globe) how to apply digital techniques to our craft. We now have the opportunity to join hands with the movements of democratisation of contemporary manufacturing techniques and reinvent our practice, our tools and what new-craft could be.
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Studium vlivu dielektrika na optoelektronické vlastnosti elektroluminiscenčních zařízení / Study of the influence of the dielectrics on the optoelectronic properties of electroluminescent devicesFoldynová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is studing the possibilities of influencing the optoelectric properties of printed light emitting panels, which work on the principle of electroluminescence excited by alternating electric field. The aim of this worrk is to monitor the influence od dielectric properties of electroluminescent phosphor binder on the targeted electroluminescence. In the theoretical part of this thesis, there are described principles of electroluminescence, suitable materials methods of characterization and preparation of panels using printing techniques. Experiment part contains electrical characterization of selected binders to determine their dielectric constants. Subsequently, printing pastes were formulated in different weight ratios of binder electroluminescent phosphor and model light-emitting panels were prepared. Optoelectric characterization was used to determine the change in irradiance. It was found that the dielectric properties of the binder significantly affect the resulting irradinace. It has same irradiance for a smaller amount od phosphor than with the binder with a low dielectric constant. The finding of this work can be used to improve the luminosity at the electroluminescent panels.
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Printed Biosensor Based on Organic Electrochemical Transistor / Printed Biosensor Based on Organic Electrochemical TransistorOmasta, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
Organické elektronické zariadenia sú vyvíjané ako vhodné riešenia senzorov pre bioelektroniku, a to najmä kvôli dobrej biokompatibilite organických polovodičov v nich použitých. Takzvané biosenzory dokážu premeniť elektrochemické procesy na elektronický signál. Matrica takýchto biosenzorov môže simultánne skenovať množstvo biologických vzoriek, alebo rôznych tkanív v živých systémoch. Aktívnou súčasťou zariadenia je organický elektrochemický tranzistor (OECT). V tejto práci je diskutovaný teoretický rámec fungovania takéhoto zariadenia, jeho elektrická charakterizácia, aplikácia v biosenzoroch na báze buniek, spôsoby výroby a aktuálnym stavom techniky v oblasti organickej elektroniky. Experimentálna časť obsahuje konkrétne výrobné postupy vývoja OECT zariadení, ktoré boli použité v našom laboratóriu. Hlavný dôraz sa kladie na schopnosť vyrobených zariadení detekovať reakciu a monitorovať stimuláciu elektrogenných buniek. Za týmto účelom boli vyvinuté matice mikroelektródových OECT zariadení založených na polovodivom polyméri PEDOT:PSS. Tieto boli vyrobené s využitím bežnými tlačiarenských techník (atramentová tlač a sieťotlač) spolu so štandardnými litografickými postupmi. Najnovšie nami vyvinuté zariadenia dosahujú najväčšieho zosílením signálu, g = 2,5 mS a časovú konštantu t = 0,15 s. Tieto zariadenia sú porovnateľné, často dokonca lepšie ako niektoré iné najmodernejšie a plne litograficky pripravené senzory.
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Systém pro výměnu nástrojů pro 3D tiskárnu / Tool change system for 3D printerKarniš, Radim January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to design and implement a toolchaning system for a 3D printer. As a consequence of such expansion, the printer gains the ability of multimaterial printing and switching between a number of active and passive tools during a single production process. In addition to extensive research of other currently available solutions, this thesis describes the complete mechanical and electrical design process of the device. It also documents the implementation of a functional sample, the creation of software both for the base system and the toolchanger expansion, and the implementation of an associated optical measurement and calibration system.
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Digitální zprovoznění robotizovaného výrobního systému pro 3D tisk / Digital commissioning of a robotic production system for 3D printBeránek, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
The master thesis describes the design and digital commissioning of a robotic production system for 3D concrete printing. The theoretical part of the thesis includes an analysis of the current state of knowledge in the field of 3D printing in industrial automation. It also includes a detailed system analysis of the problem, in which the requirements and elements of the production system are specified. In the applied part of the thesis, a 3D model of the workplace was created and a simulation of the entire production process and digital commissioning of the system were performed using the ABB RobotStudio software. The output of the of the application part of the thesis is the design is the design of the workplace with a debugged control program ready for use in real operation.
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Simulace vlivů vyhřívané podložky na tisknutý model u 3D tiskárny / Simulation of Impact The Heated Bed on Printet Model in 3D PrinterSodomka, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves the 3D printing problematics for non-commercial printers. Firstly possibilities of its using, heat diffusion and printing materials are described. Next part of thesis is focused on heating pads and printing nozzles for which 3D models in SolidWorks software are created. The temperature analyzes are tested with these models and then comparing of results is done. Working models for SolidWorks Plastics and SolidWorks Simulation software is created in following part. Thanks to this software tools printing model is simulated and deformation creating in printing process is observed. The most suitable solutions are chosen from gained solutions.
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Nutzung von 3D-Printing für die Herstellung von Verpackungen aus aufbereitetem MiscanthusstrohKlemm, Diana, Meyer, Wolfgang, Glowa, Gunther, Zeidler, Henning January 2015 (has links)
Der Beitrag berichtet, wie im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens, welches durch das BMWi über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren gefördert wurde, ist untersucht worden, inwieweit der nachwachsende Rohstoff Miscanthus zur Herstellung von Verpackungen genutzt werden kann. Hierbei wurden zwei Verfahren, das Fasergussverfahren und das additive Fertigungsverfahren 3D-Printing, betrachtet. Beteiligt waren drei KMU und zwei gemeinnützige Forschungseinrichtungen.
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Inkjet-based manufacture and mechanical reinforcement of microsievesHammerschmidt, Jens 01 July 2016 (has links)
Microsieves are permeable membranes with excellent properties for filtration applications. In this thesis the inkjet-technology is applied (1) to manufacture micro-porous microsieves, and (2) to reinforce the mechanical stability of float-cast, nano-porous microsieves:
(1) The current process for inkjet-printed microsieves includes a manual step which is substituted by inkjet printing in order to increase the level of automation. The obtained microsieves are characterized regarding the pore size distribution. Effects which occur during the manufacture and broaden the pore size distribution are identified. Based on the results, the process is improved to obtain fully inkjet-printed microsieves with a narrowed pore size distribution.
(2) The mechanical stability of fragile, float-cast microsieves is improved by the application of inkjet-printed reinforcement patterns on top of the microsieves. A machine is built to combine both technologies of float-casting and inkjet printing. The printing process is improved to manufacture reinforcement patterns of well-defined geometry. / Mikrosiebe sind permeable Membranen mit herausragenden Eigenschaften für die Anwendung in der Filtration. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird die Inkjet-Drucktechnologie angewandt, um (1) mikroporöse Mikrosiebe herzustellen und (2) nanoporöse Mikrosiebe mechanisch zu stabilisieren:
(1) Die Herstellung von Mikrosieben mittels Inkjet-Druck beinhaltet momentan einen manuellen Schritt, der durch einen Inkjet-Druckschritt ersetzt wird, um den Automatisierungsgrad des Verfahrens zu erhöhen. Die Mikrosiebe werden bezüglich der Porengrößenverteilung untersucht. Auftretende Effekte, die die Porengrößenverteilung verbreitern, werden identifiziert. Aus den Resultaten dieser Analyse wird der Prozess optimiert, um Mikrosiebe mit einer engen Porengrößenverteilung herzustellen.
(2) Die mechanische Stabilität von fragilen Mikrosieben, die mittels Float-Casting hergestellt werden, wird durch das Aufbringen einer Stützstruktur mittels Inkjet-Druck verstärkt. Ein Maschinensetup wird aufgebaut um beide Technologien des Float-Castings und des Inkjet-Drucks zu kombinieren. Weiterhin wird der Prozess dahingehend optimiert, Stützstrukturen mit wohl-definierten Parametern zu erzielen.
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Crack propagation in 3D-printed PLAStenborg, Johan, Ramirez Flores, Amaro January 2022 (has links)
Cracks form in all materials. This project was about investigating the crackpropagation in 3D-printed PLA. Both simulations and experiments has beenperformed to get the results. The simulations used a already written code to solvethe problem with FEM. It turned out to be much harder then anticipated to getthe simulations to run as they should. Both simulations and experiments wheresupposed to be executed with 3 point bending, but because of convergence problemsin the simulations, simplifications where made. When comparing the simulationsand experiments, no trustworthy conclusions could be made. There are a lot ofsources of error in this project. But with a bit more time and experience with theused software, it should be able to get some good results which one could use tosimulate other material cracking.
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Kundvärde ur ett helhetsperspektiv vid en kundanpassad produkt : En explorativ fallstudie av kundvärde och värdeskapande ur ett helhetsperspektiv vid kundanpassade produkter. / Customer value from a holistic perspective for a customized product : An exploratory case study of customer value and value creation from a holistic perspective for customized products.Nelzén, Ebba, Kågebrand Karlsson, Matilda January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Värdeskapande och att skapa värde har länge varit omtalade fenomen inom företagsekonomisk litteratur. Betydelsen och innebörden av begreppet värdeskapande har dock skiftat från att handla om intern eliminering av icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter till att handla om att skapa värde för kund. Faktiskt värde för kund beskrivs oftast med begreppet kundvärde, vilket definieras som den nytta kunden upplever av att erhålla en produkt eller tjänst i förhållande till de uppoffringar som kunden behöver göra för att anskaffa produkten. Kundvärde är således komplext till följd av att det bestäms individuellt av kunden först efter att denne nyttjat produkten eller tjänsten. För att värde ska skapas för verksamheten bör därför i första hand värde skapas för verksamhetens kunder, vilket beskrivs göras genom att tillhandahålla kunden med produkter som möter kundernas exakta behov vid rätt tidpunkt och till ett accepterat pris. Till följd av ökad konkurrenskraft och globalisering beskriver flertalet forskare att kunder blivit allt mer känsliga samt selektiva, vilket har skapat en större efterfrågan av kundanpassade produkter. Kundanpassade produkter dock oftast dyrare att tillverka och innefattas därför av ett högre produktpris än standardiserade produkter, vilket skapar ett behov av ett tillvägagångssätt för att skapa, uppnå, mäta, kontrollera och följa upp kundvärde ur ett helhetsperspektiv vid en kundanpassad produkt. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa en djupare förståelse för tillvägagångssättet för att skapa och kontrollera hur kundvärde uppnås vid en kundanpassad produkt. Syftet är således att undersöka vad kundvärde är och hur detta uppstår ur ett helhetsperspektiv vid en kundanpassad produkt, samt beskriva hur detta kundvärde kan mätas, kontrolleras och följas upp. För att uppnå syftet kommer en inblick ges i hur Anatomic Studios Sweden AB idag arbetar för att säkerställa att kundvärde skapas samt hur detta arbete kan utvecklas. Metod: Studiens forskningsdesign är en kvalitativ studie som innefattas en explorativ fallstudie med ett iterativt angreppssätt. Den teoretiska materialinsamlingen består främst av vetenskapliga artiklar hämtade från OneSearch samt Google Scholar, medan den empiriska materialinsamlingen gjordes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med samtliga medarbetare på fallföretaget samt dess styrelseordförande. Det empiriska materialet kompletterades sedan med en kundundersökning i form av en enkätundersökning på några av fallföretagets kunder. Slutsats: I syfte att skapa, uppnå, mäta, kontrollera och följa upp kundvärde framställdes ett generellt tillvägagångssätt bestående av fyra huvudsteg. Första steget är att identifiera kunder och kundbehov, andra steget är att identifiera kundvärde, tredje steget är att ta fram värdeskapande aktiviteter och strategier som ska främja det identifierade kundvärdet och det fjärde och sista steget är mätning och kontroll av kundvärdet, vilket blir verksamhetens sätt att kontrollera och följa upp det kundvärde som skapas. För att synliggöra hur kundvärde skapas och uppnås vid en kundanpassad produkt har Kaplan och Nortons ekvation för värdeerbjudande utvecklats både teoretiskt och empiriskt för att både undersöka hur kundvärde skapas och uppnås både generellt och för studiens fallföretag ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Studiens resultat visar på att betydelsefulla produktattribut för att skapa och uppnå kundvärde, både generellt i samband med kundanpassade produkter och i förhållande till studiens fallföretag, är produktens unikhet, kvalitet och funktionalitet. Ytterligare produktattribut och faktorer som framkommit som betydelsefulla är innovation, flexibilitet, aktivt arbete inom miljömässig och social hållbarhet samt kundens möjlighet till delaktighet i tillverkningsprocessen. De uppoffringar som kunder kan behöva göra vid anskaffandet av en kundanpassad produkt visar sig i studien vara pris och tid, vilket är faktorer som kan få en negativ inverkan på det upplevda kundvärdet. Utifrån vilka faktorer och attribut som identifierats skapa kundvärde har värdeskapande aktiviteter och strategier framställts för att säkerställa att kundvärde skapas. För att kontrollera att kundvärde skapas visar studiens resultat på att prestationsmätning inom kostnad, kvalitet, kundnöjdhet samt social och miljömässig hållbarhet är viktiga aspekter att mäta, kontrollera och följa upp. / Background and problem: Value creation is a well-known phenomenon in business economics literature. However, the meaning of the concept has shifted from being about internal elimination of non-value-creating activities to creating value for customers. Actual value for the customer is usually described by the concept of customer value, which is defined as the benefit the customer experiences from receiving a product or service in relation to the sacrifices that the customer needs to make to acquire the product. However, customer value is complex as a result of it being determined individually by the customer only after the customer has used the product or service. In order for value to be created for the business, value should therefore primarily be created for the business's customers, which is described as being done by providing the customer with products that meet their exact needs at the right time and at an accepted product price. As a result of increased competitiveness and globalization, many researchers describe that customers have become increasingly sensitive and selective, which has created a greater demand for customized products. Customized products, however, are often more expensive to manufacture and therefore have a higher product price than standardized products, which creates a need for an approach to create, achieve, measure and control customer value from a holistic perspective when the product is customized. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to create a deeper understanding of the approach to creating and controlling how customer value is achieved with a customized product. The purpose is thus to investigate what customer value is and how this arises from a holistic perspective in a customized product, and to describe how customer value can be measured, controlled and followed up on. To achieve the purpose, an insight will be given into how Anatomic Studios Sweden AB works to ensure that customer value is created and how this work can be developed. Method: The study is a qualitative research that includes an exploratory case study with an iterative approach. The theoretical material mainly consists of scientific articles found on OneSearch and Google Scholar, while the empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with all employees at the case company and its chairman. The empirical material has also been collected through a customer survey of some of the case company's customers. Conclusion: In order to create, achieve, measure and control customer value, a general approach consisting of four main steps was developed. The first step is to identify customers and customer needs, the second step is to identify customer value, the third step is to develop value-creating activities and strategies that will promote the identified customer value and the fourth and final step is measuring and controlling customer value, which is the business' way of control and follow up on the customer value that is created. In order to show how customer value is created and achieved when the product is customized, Kaplan and Norton's equation for value proposition has been developed both theoretically and empirically to examine how customer value is created and achieved both in general and for the case company from a holistic perspective. The results show that significant product attributes for creating and achieving customer value, both in general and in relation to the case company, are the product's uniqueness, quality and functionality. Additional product attributes and factors that have emerged as significant are innovation, flexibility, an active work in environmental and social sustainability and the customer's participation in the design process of the product. The sacrifices that customers may need to make when purchasing a customized product turn out to be price and time, which are factors that can have a negative impact on the customer value. Based on the factors and attributes that have been identified as creating customer value, value- creating activities and strategies have been elaborated to ensure that customer value is created. In order to control that customer value is created, the result shows that performance measurement in cost, quality, customer satisfaction, social and environmental sustainability are important aspects to measure, control and follow up on.
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