Spelling suggestions: "subject:"printing."" "subject:"aprinting.""
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Expériences de presse, Lyon 1870-1914 / Experiences of journalism, Lyon, 1870-1914Jampy, Marc 11 April 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est héritière de l’histoire de la presse qui s’est d’abord intéressée aux journaux puis aux journalistes. Cette étude, des journaux et en parallèle des journalistes, vise à combler un vide sur le journalisme de la presse périodique. Elle s’intéresse à la période 1870-1914, et analyse de façon critique ce qui est considéré comme l’âge d’or de la presse. Ce travail s’appuie sur des archives inédites, notamment les rapports de police qui ont été rédigés régulièrement sur les journaux et journalistes de Lyon à cette époque. En effet, si les contraintes politiques sur la presse diminuent, notamment avec la loi sur la liberté de la presse de 1881, la surveillance continue à Lyon. La liberté de la presse, avec les progrès techniques, l’alphabétisation, l’urbanisation, la publicité expliquent la hausse du nombre de journaux, de leur tirage et du nombre de personnes qui se rattachent à ces journaux. 1 725 titres parus durant cette période ainsi que 1130 individus ont été recensés. Ces journaux sont des plus divers par leur périodicité, leur tirage et leur sujet, des quotidiens, aux journaux militants, religieux, de loisirs, professionnels. Mais ils répondent tous à un nouveau besoin d’informer et d’être informé, de médiatisation. Ils ont aussi en commun d’être lancés par des jeunes hommes issus de la classe moyenne. Cette expérience permet à certains de devenir journalistes de quotidien et de connaître une ascension sociale à travers les duels, les décorations et l’appartenance à une association de journalistes. Pour la quasi-totalité d’entre eux cela reste cependant une expérience éphémère qui dure quelques semaines. / This doctoral thesis is in line with the history of the press which originally focused on newspapers and later on journalists. The research aims at filling a gap of information on the journalism of periodicals by studying newspapers and journalists simultaneously. It focuses on the years 1870-1914 and provides a critical analysis on the era which is often considered as the Golden Age of the press. The author’s work relies on archives that had not been exploited before, in particular on police reports dealing with journalists and newspapers, which were then made on a regular basis. Indeed, although political pressure on the press diminished after the 1881 freedom of the press act was passed, police surveillance remained active in Lyon. Freedom of the press, as well as technical progress, a higher literacy rate, urbanization and the rise of advertising account for an increase in the number of newspapers, their circulation and contributors. 1725 newspapers and 1130 journalists have been listed. Those newspapers varied in periodicity, circulation and topics, ranging from the daily to the activist, the religious or professional. However, they all fulfilled a new need to inform and be informed, of media coverage and they were all launched by young men from the middle class. The experience of journalism allowed some of those young men to become journalists in daily newspapers, to climb the social ladder by fighting duels, getting decorations or joining association of journalists. And yet, for most of them, journalism remained a short-lived adventure of a few weeks only.
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An investigation into colour accuracy and colour management issues in digitally printed textiles for Higher EducationKelly, Aileen January 2014 (has links)
There is an abundance of information available (from industry journals, company websites, and specialist trade fairs) relating to commercial digital textile printing. However, there is a scarcity of information regarding how digital textile printing is being used and taught, in undergraduate textile design degree programmes and how staff and students deal with colour accuracy issues. This research aims to explore and compare approaches to achieving colour accuracy in digital textile printing in industry and HE environments. The research findings are intended to provide useful information for educators involved with delivering digital textile printing in Higher Education (HE) to benefit the industry. Secondary research contextualises the study, with the history of printed textiles examined in order to place digital textile printing in context. The evolution of digital textile printing, colour communication and colour management in the digital textile printing process are also studied, as is the current status of digital textile printing in industry. A review of literature relating to learning and teaching styles presents aspects of pedagogy relating to the research aims and objectives. The primary research undertaken for the study was through interviews, visits and questionnaires. Questionnaires completed by educators at HE institutions that offer digital textile printing as part of their undergraduate textile design programmes were followed by visits to comparison institutions. The second stage of data collection consisted of individual and group interviews with educators and students from a BSc textile design programme. The individual and group interviews with educators and students led to the formulation of a questionnaire that was sent to industry professionals (including graduates of the BSc programme). For the final stage of the data collection, interviews were conducted with graduates from the BSc programme who were working with digital print. From the primary data collection the key aspects that require teaching for a good understanding of the design process for digital print were identified and rated with regard to importance. This led to a teaching model for an undergraduate textile design programme and the development of initial lectures for such a programme. In addition the data analysis indicated that further work could be done to develop learning resources to improve students’ knowledge in this area and support their transition from the HE environment to industry.
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Live Software for RepRap Assembly Workshops / Live programvara för RepRap monteringskurserLudvigsen, Torbjørn January 2016 (has links)
A key step when initiating robot powered production is setting up the control software.This can be a threshold for operators, especially if the software is fragmented and system requirements are extensive.One way to address this is to pre-configure all the control programs and bundle them with a system that fulfills all the requirements. In this work a live operating system (OS) is loaded with control software and configured to meet the needs of those who have just assembled their first 3D printer.The problem of downloading, configuring and installing various 3D printer controlling programs is reduced to the problem of distributing and booting the live OS. The solution of loading it onto bootable USB drives is tested and evaluated in the context of a commercial RepRap Assembly Workshop (RAW), an event where people pay for RepRap 3D printer parts as well as assembly and usage supervision.The RAW is unusually short, so the bootable USB drives' potential to help RAW hosts with particularly tight time schemes is tested. The results show a limited success.The USB drive is documented not to work for 3 participant groups out of a total of 11 groups.As a solution to fragmented software and diverse system requirements, the live OS is found to work well once booted.Several routes to make the live OS more easily bootable are discussed. Usage examples beyond drop-in replacing existing RAW software setup procedures are discussed. / Alla som startar upp robotiserad produktion måste få igång och börja använda styrprogramvaran.Detta kan inebära en hög tröskel för operatörer, specielt om programen är många och har olika gränssnitt och systemkrav.Ett sätt att hjälpa operatörerna komma igång är att konfigurera alla styrprogram på förhand och bunta ihop dem med ett system som uppfyller alla krav. I detta arbetet laddas ett live operativsystem med styrprogramvara och konfigureras för att lätt kunna användas av någon som precis har satt ihop sin första 3D-skrivare.Problemen med hemladdning, konfigurering och installation av en rad olika styrprogram reduceras till problemet att distribuera och boota live operativsystemet. Lösningen att lasta live-systemet på startbara (eng. bootable) USB-minnen testas och utvärderas som en del av en kommersiell RepRap monteringskurs (eng. RepRap Assembly Workshop), ett event där deltagare betalar för RepRap 3D-skrivardelar, hjälp med att montera ihop dem och med att använda de färdiga 3D-skrivarna.Den undersökta monteringskursen är ovanligt kort, så startbara USB-minnens potential att underlätta för tidsprässade kursvärdar testas. Resultaten visar en begränsad framgång.Vi visar hur 3 av 11 deltagargrupper inte lyckas använda de startbara USB-minnena.Som en lösning på fragmenterad mjukvara med stora systemkrav fungerar live operativsystemet bra när det väl har startats.Olika sätt att göra live-systemet lättare att starta diskuteras. Tillämpningsområden utöver att ersätta existerande programuppsättslösningar för RepRap monteringskurser diskuteras.
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Optimisation de la formulation de matériaux diélectriques en vue de la fabrication de modules LTCC par impression jet d'encre / Formulation of dielectric inks for inkjet-printed LTCC fabricationSinglard, Marc 11 December 2015 (has links)
La formulation d'une encre diélectrique et son dépôt par impression jet d'encre en vue de la fabrication de modules LTCC ont été étudiés, dans le cadre du projet européen SPrinTronics. Les verrous technologiques de la formulation de l'encre ont pu être levés afin d'ajuster ses caractéristiques au procédé. Pour cela, les mécanismes d'hydrolyse de la poudre, d'adsorption/désorption du dispersant et de fragmentation de la poudre ont été étudiés. Il a été mis en évidence la complexité d'obtenir à la fois une grande stabilité et une granulométrie fine. Les tests préliminaires d'impression ont révélé que les différentes stratégies influencent fortement la planéité des plans. Notamment, il est possible de minimiser la rugosité de surface de plans diélectriques imprimés par jet d'encre en maîtrisant la nature de la maille, l'interpénétration des gouttes et la stratégie de remplissage de la maille. Ces différents travaux sont prometteurs quand à l'industrialisation futur de la méthode. Cependant, les efforts doivent être poursuivis afin de mettre au point des véhicules de test. / Formulation of dielectric ink and its deposit by inkjet printing in order to manufacture LTCC have been studied, in the context of SPrinTronics european project. Technological barriers have been solved and the ink characteristics have been adjusted to the inkjet specifications by studying hydrolysis mechanisms of the powder, adsorption/desorption of the dispersant and powder milling. It has been very complex to obtain simultaneously a good stability (low viscosity and sedimentation rate) and fine particle size. Preliminary printing tests have been revealed that printing strategies are efficients to reduce rugosity of printed dielectric plans, especially the lattice, drop-to-drop distance and the filling strategy. These studies are promising for LTCC printing. However, efforts should be coutinued to print test vehicles.
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‘The Wuding Editions’: Printing, Power, and Vernacular Fiction in the Ming DynastyGregory, Scott W. 20 April 2017 (has links)
The vernacular fiction 'novel' is a genre typically associated with the explosion of commercial printing activity that occurred in the late sixteenth century. However, by that time, representative works such as the Shuihu zhuan and Sanguo yanyi had already been in print for several decades. Moreover, those early print editions were printed not by commercial entities but rather the elite of the Jiajing court. In order to better understand the genre as a print phenomenon, this paper explores the publishing output of one of those elites: Guo Xun (1475- 1542), Marquis of Wuding. In addition to vernacular fiction, Guo printed a number of other types of books as well. This paper examines the entirety of his publishing activities in order to better contextualize the vernacular novel at this early stage in its life in print.
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Analysis of wetting and optical properties of materials developed for novel printed solar cellsSliz, R. (Rafal) 24 June 2014 (has links)
Printed electronics offer unique possibilities for the development of devices and manufacturing methods. A prime example of printed electronics where the production volume can be significantly increased are solution-processed organic solar cells. Roll-to-roll (R2R) technology has made it possible to print solar cells almost as fast as newspaper.
Unfortunately, the performance of printed devices depends strongly on film morphology, which is affected by the behaviour of the used ink on the confining surface - wetting. Key parameters that influence the wetting behaviour include surface energy, ink formulation, surface roughness, solvent properties, processing temperature and pre/post-treatments (heat, acid or plasma) and chemical heterogeneity. Importantly, a precise control of wetting and, consequently, film morphology is emphasized by many authors as an important factor for the commercialization of printed solar cells.
This research focuses on measuring and analysing the influence of substrate processing temperature as well as plasma and UV pre-treatments on the wettability of various inks and substrates used in Organic Solar Cell (OSC) fabrication. It also explores the application of interesting novel materials, such as nanocellulose, in solar cell manufacture. The main tool applied here is the contact angle measurement method, since it is commonly used to obtain quantitative data describing the behaviour of ink droplets on substrate surfaces.
Chief among the achieved results is the finding that the three factors mentioned above significantly influence ink-substrate interactions. Therefore, manipulation of plasma and UV treatments as well as substrate processing temperature, allow us to control wetting properties and, in consequence, the printing process. Another important result shows that the degree of control is strongly dependent on ink formulation and material composition and must, therefore, be taken into account in process development. These findings will contribute to a faster development of printed solar cells and their manufacturing conditions and requirements. / Tiivistelmä
Painettava elektroniikka tarjoaa uusia mahdollisuuksia elektronisten laitteiden ja niiden valmistusmenetelmien kehittämiseen. Liuoskäsitellyt orgaaniset aurinkokennot ovat hyvä esimerkki painetun elektroniikan tuotteesta, jonka tuotantomäärää on voitu kasvattaa merkittävästi. Rullalta rullalle (engl. Roll-to-roll, R2R) -menetelmän avulla aurinkokennoja voidaan painaa lähes samalla nopeudella kuin sanomalehteä. Painettujen laitteiden suorituskyky riippuu suuresti tuotetun kalvon morfologiasta, johon vaikuttavat tuotantoprosessissa käytettyjen materiaalien kostumisominaisuudet. Tärkeimmät kostumiskäyttäytymiseen vaikuttavat parametrit ovat pintaenergia, pinnan karheus, musteen koostumus, liuotinominaisuudet, käsittelylämpötila, esi- ja jälkikäsittely (lämpö, happo tai plasma) sekä kemiallinen heterogeenisyys. Kostumisen, ja sitä kautta kalvon morfologian, tarkka säätely on tärkeää painettujen aurinkokennojen kaupallisen hyödyntämisen kannalta.
Tässä väitöskirjatyössä mitataan ja analysoidaan käsittelylämpötilan sekä plasma- ja UV-esikäsittelyiden vaikutuksia orgaanisten aurinkokennojen valmistuksessa käytettyjen musteiden ja alustojen kostumisominaisuuksiin sekä tarkastellaan aurinkokennoliuoksissa käytettäviä uusia, mielenkiintoisia materiaaleja, kuten nanoselluloosaa. Työssä eniten hyödynnetty menetelmä on kontaktikulman mittaus, joka on yleisesti käytetty tapa hankkia kvantitatiivista tietoa mustepisaroiden käyttäytymisestä erilaisilla pinnoilla.
Keskeisin saavutettu tutkimustulos on se, että kaikilla yllämainituilla kolmella käsittelyllä on huomattava merkitys musteen ja alustan vuorovaikutuksiin. Näin ollen plasma- ja UV-käsittelyillä sekä alustan käsittelylämpötilan säätelyllä voidaan hallita kostumisominaisuuksia ja sitä kautta koko painatusprosessia. Toinen tärkeä löydös on, että musteen koostumus ja alustan materiaali vaikuttavat siihen, kuinka voimakkaasti kostumista voidaan hallita. Näin ollen ne täytyy ottaa huomioon painatusprosessin suunnittelussa. Työssä saavutettuja tuloksia voidaan käyttää painettujen aurinkokennojen sekä niiden tuotantomenetelmien kehittämiseen.
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Inkjet printing of carbon nanotubes for electronic applicationsMustonen, T. (Tero) 24 November 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, preparation of carbon nanotube (CNT) inks and inkjet printing of aqueous dispersions of CNTs for certain electrical applications are studied. The nanotube inks prepared in this work are based on chemically oxidized CNTs whose polar side groups enable dispersion in polar solvents. Subsequent centrifugation and decanting processes are used to obtain stable dispersions suitable for inkjet printing. The inks are based on either carboxyl functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), carboxyl functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) or SWCNT-polymer composites.
The applicability of MWCNT inks is firstly demonstrated as printed patterns of tangled nanotube networks with print resolution up to ∼260 dpi and surface resistivity of ∼40 kΩ/□. which could be obtained using an ordinary inkjet office printer. In addition, MWCNT inks are found to exhibit spatial ordering in external magnetic fields due to entrapped iron catalyst nanoparticles in the inner-tubular cavity of the nanotubes. Ordering of nanotubes in the inks and in drying droplets placed in relatively weak magnetic fields (B ≤ 1 T) is demonstrated and studied.
The high electrical conductivity and optical transparency properties of SWCNTs are utilized for enhancing the conductivity of transparent poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulphonate) (PEDOT:PSS) films. Polymer-nanotube composite materials are inkjet printed on flexible substrates. It is demonstrated that incorporation of SWCNTs in the thin polymer films significantly increases the electrical conductivity of the film without losing the high transparency (> 90%). The structure of composite films is studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM).
The electronic properties of deposited random SWCNT networks are studied. The amount of deposited SWCNT is controlled by the inkjet printing technique. In dense networks the current-voltage behaviour is linear whereas for sparse films the behaviour is nonlinear. It is shown that the conduction path in dense films is through the metallic nanotubes, but in sparse films the percolation occurs through random networks of metallic and semiconducting SWCNTs having Schottky-type contacts. The existence of Schottky-junctions in the films is demonstrated with field-effect transistors (FET) on Si-chips and on polymer substrates. The latter is demonstrated as fully printed transistors using a single ink as a material source. FETs are further utilized as chemical-FET sensor applications. The performance of resistive CNT sensors and their comparisons with chem-FETs in terms of selectivity are studied for H2S gas.
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Die drukkers- en uitgewersbedryf in Transvaal, 1857-1902 : 'n bibliografiese studieBuys, Elna Lusya 25 March 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Information Science) / Since the earliest civilizations books have found their way into libraries, thus the printing and publishing industries in the era after Gutenberg invented printing with moveable type, are of cardinal importance to library science. Within the field of library science the systematic bibliographic description of the products of the printing and publishing industries features strongly. Books and other publications are a basic necessity in any civilized community. It therefore stands to reason that after the constitutional establishment of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek (ZAR) a printing and publishing industry would develop and thrive. A complete survey of the printing and publishing industry in the Transvaal has not yet been published. This study endeavours to fill this gap by bringing together information on all types of publications printed in Dutch, Afrikaans, English and other languages in the Transvaal during the period 1857-1902. This is done in the form of a bibliography and a description of the printing and publishing industry in the ZAR. A literature study was done using bibliographies and catalogues in the Brenthurst Library, Johannesburg Public Library and the Rand Afrikaans University Library. It was established from the literature what was printed and published from 1857-1902 in the Transvaal. A bibliography of these items was compiled and information on the printers and publishers was collected. This was supplemented by information gleaned from books, periodical articles, newspapers, theses and dissertations...
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參數式一體化之可動關節模型的生成- 以FDM 3D列印為例 / Generation of Parametric Non-Assembly Joint Model: A Case Study for FDM 3D Printers陳科豫, Chen, Ko Yu Unknown Date (has links)
3D列印的普及讓民眾可利用簡易的建模軟體建立3D模型,但是如何建立可動模型對一般使用者而言卻是一道難題,因為必須考驗建模者對於模型設計與結構的熟悉程度,以及受到目前3D印表機的可印程度等因素限制。目前市面上的3D列印成型技術,以FDM最為普遍,優點是便宜、無毒等,而缺點則為精細度低及需印出支撐材,與其他3D列印技術相比限制較多,且失敗率相對較高。本論文的目標主要是將3D靜態(不可動)的肢體動物模型,以FDM印表機為輸出目標,產生出一體化關節可動模型。根據使用者輸入的模型與骨架,本系統會自動找出關節位置,利用關節點與模型頂點的距離計算各部位關節的半徑大小,並利用外積與旋轉矩陣將可動關節與肢體方向對齊,並調整模型至可動關節可嵌入的大小。使用者可藉由本系統所提供的直覺式操作介面,進行參數化調整,以印出不需組裝之可動模型,我們邀請了10位受試者,透過系統操作教學及任務,讓受試者學習如何使用此系統,並透過問卷的方式探討系統的優缺點。問卷的評分方式是採5分量表,從實驗結果顯示,系統整體有用性平均分數為4.5分,表示本系統能有效的幫助使用者建立可動關節模型;而易用性的平均分數是3.9分,代表本研究在介面設計上雖非重點,但仍有改進的空間;易學性方面的平均分數為4.5 分,表示本系統的操作對使用者是容易學習的。整體而言,實驗結果顯示,本研究所建立的可動關節模型系統已達到輔助使用者建立可動模型的目標,並證實了本研究的發展價值。 / The popularity of 3D printing has allowed people to design 3D models through common 3D modeling software. However, it is still difficult for a regular user to build a model with movable joints because most users are not familiar with mechanical design and it is a great challenge to design such a model that is printable with current 3D printing technology. FDM is the most popular type with the advantages of being cheap. However, its disadvantage is low precision, which make its failure rate higher than others. In this thesis, we aim to design a system that can take a static articulated model and convert it into a non-assemble model with movable joints that is printable on a FDM 3D printer. Our system can automatically find the positions of the joints according to the input mesh and skeleton and compute the radius of the maximal enclosing circle for each joint model. After aligning the joint model with the limb, the system can automatically adjust the size of the whole model such that the joint model can be embedded in the body model. A user can also tune system parameters through an intuitive interface to determine the orientation and limits of each joint. In order to evaluate our system, we invited ten persons to test user our system by completing assigned tasks and filling a usability survey. The survey is a questionnaire consisting of typical five-point Likert-scale items. The survey reveals that the usefulness of our system is 4.5, which means that our system can effectively help the users construct movable joint models. The score of ease-of-use is 3.9, which means that our user interface still have room for improvement although it is the current focus of our system. The score of ease-of-learning is 4.5, which means that our system is easy for the users to learn. In short, from the experimental results, we believe that our system has achieved the goal of providing a 3D modeling system that can assist users in building non-assemble moveable joint models that are printable on FDM 3D printers.
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Analýza využití 3D tisku v domácnostech / The Analysis of 3D printing use in householdsUreš, Miloslav January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis called The Analysis of 3D printing use in households is dealing with the current topic of 3D printers and examines the ways of their use in households in the Czech Republic. The main objective is to analyze the use of 3D printing in households. This means to find out why and how often the owners of 3D printers use them in their households. Also, to find out the whole range of other factors related to the ownership of 3D printers such as frequency usage, machine satisfaction, number of owned printers, etc. Based on the analysis for which the data was collected by the questionnaire survey method and later evaluated using hypotheses and comparisons with another similar survey, criteria for 3D printer selection are compiled. These recommendations serve to those who are interested in acquiring this technology. Research conducted in this thesis may be beneficial for future analyzes of this market, or for inventors of 3D printers who are considering to launch their 3D printers on the Czech market.
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