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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


IRIS FIRMINO CARDOSO 04 May 2011 (has links)
[pt] A técnica de simulação tem sido largamente utilizada como uma ferramenta no processo de tomada de decisão. O presente trabalho propõe o uso dessa ferramenta para avaliar o desempenho atual do Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro Antônio Carlos Jobim (Galeão) no que se refere à movimentação de chegadas e de saídas de aeronaves, estimando, entre outras medidas, o ponto de saturação do Aeroporto, e conseqüentemente avaliar o nível de serviço prestado atualmente, visando, caso necessário, propor alterações em sua infraestrutura. O software utilizado na simulação é apresentado e explicado detalhadamente a fim de descrever a seqüência de procedimentos adotados para a obtenção dos resultados desse estudo. Para estimação dos parâmetros necessários na simulação, serão utilizados dados atuais, em forma de séries de tempo, referentes aos processos de movimentação de aeronaves no Aeroporto do Galeão, bem como dados sobre infraestrutura disponível no local. / [en] The simulation technique has been widely used as a tool in the decision making process. The present work proposes the use of this tool to evaluate the current performance of the International Airport of Rio de Janeiro Antonio Carlos Jobim (Galeão) concerning the aircraft movements of arrivals and departures, estimating, among other measures, the saturation point of the airport, and consequently evaluating the current level of service provided, aiming, if necessary, to propouse modifications in its infrastructure. The software used in the simulation is presented and explained in details in order to describe the sequence of procedures adopted to obtain the results of this study. For the estimation of the necessary parameters in the simulation, recent data, in the form of time series, of the aircraft movement procedures in the Galeão Airport, will be used as well as local infrastructure data locally available.

Propuesta de mejora en el proceso de estudios de los proyectos de inversión, de la empresa Sedam Huancayo / Improvement proposal in the process of studies of investment projects, of the company Sedam Huancayo

Laura Peinado, Evelyn Lucía 15 January 2018 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de Tesis, se ha propuesto como objetivo mejorar el proceso de elaboración de los estudios de los proyectos de Inversión Pública en una entidad del Estado, a fin de reducir sus tiempos, toda vez que actualmente no se viene cumpliendo con el Programa de Inversiones y con las implantaciones de conexiones domiciliarias, En tal sentido, mediante la metodología de Mejora de Procesos presentada por la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros se ha elaborado el presente trabajo de Tesis desarrollado en cuatro capítulos. El primer capítulo, corresponde al marco teórico, en donde se ha consignado las definiciones más importantes referidas al giro del negocio y de las diferentes herramientas y técnicas de ingeniería Industrial. El segundo Capítulo, hace referencia al problema principal y análisis de las causas. En el Tercer Capítulo, se desarrolla la metodología de Gestión por Procesos y se incluyen propuestas de solución a su principal problemática con el fin de reducir o eliminar las consecuencias. En el Cuarto Capítulo, se realiza la validación de la metodología elegida a través del simulador Promodel 2014 y el análisis de Flujo de Caja. Los logros obtenidos durante el desarrollo de la presente Tesis, después de aplicar la metodología de Gestión por Procesos fue en reducción el tiempo de elaboración de los estudios ( en los subprocesos de Elaboración de Términos de Referencia y del Estudio de Indagaciones de Mercado) en 72 días, logrando una mejora en el proceso de 35% aproximadamente. Finalmente, se ha estimado que los beneficios económicos de la mejora (ahorros generados) son superiores a los costos que conllevan su implementación, por lo que la propuesta es económicamente viable. Se calcula que los ahorros generados por el pago de remuneraciones y gastos operativos ascienden a S./ 1 368 307 (un millón trescientos sesenta y ocho mil trecientos siete). Con la implementación de esta mejora estaríamos adelantando la ejecución de los proyectos y por consecuencia la reducción en el incumplimiento de las ejecuciones presupuestales. / In the present thesis work, it has been proposed as an objective to improve the process of studies elaboration of Public Investment projects in a State entity. In order to reduce their time because currently it has not been complied the investment program and with the implantations of domiciliary connection. In that sense, through the methodology of Improvement of Processes presented by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers the present work of Thesis has been elaborated developed in four chapters. The first chapter corresponds to the theoretical framework, where the most important definitions referring to the turn of the business and the different tools and techniques of Industrial Engineering have been recorded. The second chapter, refers to the main problem and analysis of causes. In the third chapter, the Process Management methodology is developed and proposals for solving its main problem are included in order to reduce or eliminate the consequences. In the Fourth Chapter, the validation of the chosen methodology is carried out through the Promodel 2014 simulator and the cash flow analysis. The achievements obtained during the development of the present Thesis, after applying the methodology of Management by Processes was in reduction the time of elaboration of the studies (in the subprocesses of Elaboration of Terms of Reference and of the Study of Market Inquiries) in 72 days, achieving an improvement in the process of approximately 35%. Finally, it has been estimated that the economic benefits of the improvement (savings generated) are greater than the costs involved in its implementation, so the proposal is economically viable. It is estimated that the savings generated by the payment of salaries and operating expenses amount to S. / 1 368 307 (one million three hundred sixty-eight thousand three hundred seven). With the implementation of this improvement we would be advancing the execution of the projects and consequently the reduction in the non-compliance of budget executions. / Tesis

Análisis comparativo de software para simulación en minería subterránea

Hidalgo Sánchez, Tomás Eulogio January 2017 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil de Minas / La pequeña y mediana minería son sectores con múltiples desafíos en aspectos de seguridad, reducción de costos y aumentos de producción. Los desafíos relacionados a costos y producción pueden ser atendidos con la incorporación de la planificación y simulación minera. Por estos motivos surge la importancia de buscar y/o implementar nuevos software de simulación que puedan ser adquiridos a un menor precio pero que sigan cumpliendo con las expectativas de los software tradicionalmente usados. Debido a esto, el objetivo de esta memoria es realizar una comparación técnica entre los programas de simulación ProModel y Delphos Simulator (DSim), orientada principalmente a la velocidad de ejecución, flexibilidad y facilidad de uso de ambos software. El propósito es buscar nuevas alternativas a software frecuentemente utilizados en minería, que requieren de un mayor presupuesto para adquirirlos. La validación de los modelos se hizo comparando el modelo generado en DSim y el generado en ProModel, lo que entregó una diferencia del 0.03% en la producción lograda por ambos software. El motivo de esta diferencia se debe en cierta medida al layout, al recorrido realizado por los LHDs y la cantidad de decimales que soportan ambos software. Para modelos con pocas variables, como el caso de estudio, ProModel tiene tiempos de corrida de simulación al menos 6 veces menores que los logrados en DSim y menor utilización de recursos (procesador) del equipo. DSim ofrece mucha flexibilidad, pero que requiere de altas habilidades de programación para construir un modelo en un tiempo razonable. DSim es mucho mejor para modelar sistemas de gran tamaño o que poseen un layout cambiante en el tiempo, ya que es más fácil reutilizar códigos e ir implementando los nuevos sobre el modelo preconstruido. En cambio, ProModel es mucho mejor para modelar sistemas pequeños debido a que el software cuenta con una interfaz de botones y elementos de simulación que facilitan la construcción de los modelos, además de que el layout de una mina puede ser importado fácilmente. Para el caso de estudio considerado es mejor ProModel. Si el layout fuera pequeño pero existiera una alta cantidad de tareas o interacciones de equipos, ya sea entre LHDs, equipos de preparación u otros, DSim sería más útil ya que la flexibilidad que posee permite abordar el modelo se simulación de diferentes maneras. No se puede indicar con certeza cuál de estos software es mejor, sino que dependiendo de las necesidades del usuario, se debe definir cuál software es más útil o más práctico para realizar un modelo de simulación.

Propuesta de mejora de la productividad mediante la aplicación de la metodología de Manufactura Esbelta en el área de producción de una fábrica de calzados para damas / Proposal for improving productivity by applying the Methodology of Lean Manufacturing in the area of production of a women's shoes factory

Tamashiro Tamashiro, Eduardo, Yacarini Vadillo, César Javier 29 November 2018 (has links)
En el presente trabajo, se analizarán los principales beneficios de la aplicación de la metodología de Manufactura Esbelta en el área de producción de la empresa Jah’s Company S.A.C. Beneficios que también podrán ser alcanzados por las empresas PYME de la industria del calzado en general. La Manufactura Esbelta es mayormente conocida como Lean Manufacturing por su nombre en inglés. Cabe resaltar que la empresa Jah’s Company S.A.C. se dedica a la elaboración de calzado para damas con centro de operaciones en la ciudad de Lima-Perú. En este proyecto se parte de la hipótesis que los principales beneficios de la aplicación de la metodología en la empresa serán el aumento de la productividad y la disminución de los retrasos en la producción. Con respecto a la estructura del trabajo, este se divide en cinco capítulos; en el primero, se definen conceptos necesarios para la comprensión del proyecto; en el segundo, se describe a la organización en estudio; en el tercero, se elegirá la metodología más adecuada para demostrar la hipótesis anteriormente mencionada, en el cuarto capítulo se evaluarán propuestas de solución al problema existente, además se realiza una simulación con los distintos escenarios y en el quinto capítulo se realiza las conclusiones y recomendaciones a partir de todos los argumentos presentados en el proyecto de investigación. Estas conclusiones demuestran que el aumento de la productividad y la disminución de los retrasos en producción son los principales beneficios en la aplicación de la metodología. / In the present work, the main benefits of the application of the Lean Manufacturing methodology in the production area of the company Jah's Company S.A.C. will be analyzed. Benefits that can also be achieved by SMEs in the footwear industry in general. “Manufactura Esbelta” is better known as Lean Manufacturing by its English name. It should be noted that the company Jah's Company S.A.C. is dedicated to the development of footwear for ladies with operations center in the city of Lima-Peru. This project is based on the hypothesis that the main benefits of the application of the methodology in the company will be the increase in productivity and the reduction of production delays. With respect to the structure of the work, it is divided into five chapters; in the first, concepts necessary for understanding the project are defined; in the second, the organization under study is described; in the third, the most appropriate methodology will be chosen to demonstrate the aforementioned hypothesis, in the fourth chapter proposals for solving the existing problem will be evaluated, in addition, a simulation is made with the different scenarios and in the fifth chapter the conclusions and recommendations are made from all the arguments presented in the research project. These conclusions show that the increase in productivity and the reduction of production delays are the main benefits in the application of the methodology. Keywords: Lean Manufacturing; Mapping of the Value Chain; Eng. Of Methods; Kaizen, financial analysis, Promodel, Productivity / Tesis

Integrating Process Mining with Discrete-Event Simulation Modeling

Liu, Siyao 01 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Discrete-event simulation (DES) is an invaluable tool which organizations can use to help better understand, diagnose, and optimize their operational processes. Studies have shown that for the typical DES exercise, the greatest amount of time is spent on developing an accurate model of the process that is to be studied. Process mining, a similar field of study, focuses on using historical data stored in software databases to accurate recreate and analyze business processes. Utilizing process mining techniques to help rapidly develop DES models can drastically reduce the amount of time spent building simulation models, which ultimately will enable organizations to more quickly identify and correct shortcomings in their operations. Although there have been significant advances in process mining research, there are still several issues with current process mining methods which prevent them from seeing widespread industry adoption. One such issue, which this study examines, is the lack of cross-compatibility between process mining tools and other process analysis tools. Specifically, this study develops and characterizes a method through which mined process models can be converted into discrete-event simulation models. The developed method utilizes a plugin written for the ProM Framework, an existing collection of process mining tools, which takes a mined process model as its input and outputs an Excel workbook which provides the process data in a format more easily read by DES packages. Two event logs which mimic real-world processes were used in the development and validation of the plugin. The developed plugin successfully extracted the critical process data from the mined process model and converted it into a format more easily utilized by DES packages. There are several limitations which will limit model accuracy, but the plugin developed by this study shows that the conversion of process models to basic simulation models is possible. Future research can focus on addressing the limitations to improve model accuracy.

Integrating Value Stream Mapping and Simulation

Scullin, Michelle E. 07 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
An important principle in Lean manufacturing, value stream mapping (VSM) can be helpful in understanding how process flow and information flow affect each other. A VSM is a static picture of a process that allows the user to see where value is added into the value stream. Simulation is used to evaluate the behavioral issues of processes. In a manufacturing realm this means simulation shows how each operation affects other operations so determinations can be made about where bottlenecks or other problems exist in the process. Theoretically, the integration of VSM and Simulation can aide in process improvement by showing both the static and behavioral characteristics of a process. Determining the feasibility of such an integration is the basis for this thesis. Using research performed by Jack McClellan at BullFrog Spa, a comparative study was conducted by two test groups. One used the traditional simulation approach and the other the integrated simulation approach. The test groups were formed from nine students taking the Manufacturing Systems course fall semester 2004. The traditional simulation approach used the ProModel simulation software to perform a test using a paper form of a VSM. The integrated simulation approach used Process Simulator simulation software, which created a simulation from a VSM created in Microsoft Visio. After completion of the tests, the students filled out surveys comparing their results with McClellan's results for verification of their simulations. The results from the study indicated that the students were able to create a working simulation using both approaches and there was no significant difference between times that it took to create the simulations. It was also discovered that a VSM helps increase understanding of a process, but cannot be the sole source of information to create a simulation. More behavioral information about the process is needed.

Suitability of the NIST Shop Data Model as a Neutral File Format for Simulation

Harward, Gregory Brent 07 July 2005 (has links)
Due to the successful application in internet related fields, Extensible Markup Language (XML) and its related technologies are being explored as a revolutionary software file format technology used to provide increased interoperability in the discrete-event simulation (DES) arena. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has developed an XML-based information model (XSD) called the Shop Data Model (SDM), which is used to describe the contents of a neutral file format (NFF) that is being promoted as a means to make manufacturing simulation technology more accessible to a larger group of potential customers. Using a two step process, this thesis evaluates the NIST SDM information model in terms of its ability to encapsulate the informational requirements of one vendor's simulation model information conceptually and syntactically in order to determine its ability to serve as an NFF for the DES industry. ProModel Corporation, a leading software vendor in the DES industry since 1988, serves as the test case for this evaluation. The first step in this evaluation is to map the contents of ProModel's information model over to an XML schema file (XSD). Next, the contents of this new XSD file are categorized and compared to the SDM information model in order to evaluate compatibility. After performing this comparison, observations are made in relation to the challenges that simulation vendors might encounter when implementing the proposed NIST SDM. Two groups of limitations are encountered which cause the NIST SDM to support less than a third of the ProModel XSD elements. These two groups of limitations are: paradigm differences between the two information models and limitations posed due to the incomplete status of the NIST SDM specification. Despite these limitations, this thesis shows by comparison that XML technology does not pose any limitation which would invalidate its ability to syntactically represent a common information model or associated XML NFF. While only 28% of the ProModel element are currently supported by the SDM, appropriate changes to the SDM would allow the information model to serve as a foundation upon which a common information model and neutral file format for the DES industry could be built using XML technologies.

Computer-Simulation-Assisted Lean Manufacturing Training

Wang, Luoding 19 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis assesses the potential of using computer simulation to aid existing lean manufacturing training methods such as lecture and live simulation. An investigation of this possibility was carried out in conjunction with UMEP's Lean 101 class. In the study, two experimental computer simulation models demonstrating the push and pull production scenarios were constructed using ProModel software. Simulation models were equipped with a Visual Basic interface to aid trainees to manipulate the model via ActiveX. Constructed computer simulation was compared with live simulation to answer these research questions: 1. Was computer simulation able to teach additional lean concepts not covered in live simulations? 2. Was training time less for trainees going through a computer simulation than for those going through a live simulation? 3. Was a computer simulation quicker and easier to set up than a live simulation for trainers? 4. Did computer simulation achieve comparable educational objectives as live simulation? Objective measurements for first three questions were positive and conclusive. For the fourth one, a survey was conducted among trainees of a treatment group (computer simulation only) and a control group (live simulation only) to collect responses. Statistical analysis of the subjective responses indicated the computer simulation aided the trainees to learn and implement lean manufacturing, but was not as effective as live simulation. Holistically, these results did not warrant the complete changeover from live simulation to computer simulation. Yet, a combined implementation of computer simulation and live simulation was proposed to reap the benefits from the best of both approaches.

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