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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh na zvýšení produktivity podnikových procesů / Proposal to Improvement Productivity of Business Processes

Ungvári, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the proposal to increase the productivity of business processes. For selected processes, it analyzes the current state using the Six Sigma method. Time measurement will be made for individual processes and it identifies bottlenecks. In addition, proposals will be presented in order to improve the current state.

Štíhlá výroba a její implementace / Lean Manufacturing and its Implementation

Kuthanová, Dominika January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the problematics of lean production in a selected company. The analytical part includes the introduction of the company and the analysis of the current state with using lean manufacturing tools to optimize material flows. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part describes the objectives and methodology, followed by the theoretical basis of the work and analysis of the current state of the company. The final part includes suggestions of possible solutions leading to elimination or improvement of identified problems.

Propuesta de implementación del estándar ISO/IEC 29110 parte 5 – 2011(perfil básico) para la mejora de los procesos de gestión de proyectos e implementación de software de una empresa peruana de desarrollo de software

Huapaya Camacho, Juan Ángel, Mori Acosta, Franco Oswaldo, Gamarra Cordova, Norfolk Gabriel, Philipps Tomaylla, Paul Arnaldo 20 January 2021 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación desarrolla una propuesta de mejora de los procesos de Gestión de Procesos y Desarrollo de Software de una pequeña empresa (PYME) dedicada a la consultoría y proyectos de desarrollo en el sector de la industria del software para las empresas del mercado peruano. Strategic Decision Consulting SAC ha realizado proyectos de inteligencia de negocios en los rubros de outsourcing y desarrollo de software de acuerdo con los requerimientos del cliente que le han ayudado rápidamente a tener una cartera de clientes y posicionamiento en el mercado durante el periodo 2016-2017. Después de este periodo de auge y ante la ausencia de formalización de sus procesos de gestión y de desarrollo la empresa Strategic ha ido perdiendo clientes y contratos por diversos problemas como una gestión ineficiente en el ciclo de desarrollo de software, sobrecostos en los proyectos, insatisfacción de los clientes, incidencias en la calidad del software, retrasos en los entregables entre otros problemas. Todo ello ha llevado a una fuerte caída en la facturación en el periodo 2018-2019. Ante este panorama y en medio de una coyuntura terrible por la pandemia debida al Covid-19 se propone el desarrollo de una propuesta de mejora de acuerdo con el perfil básico de la norma ISO 29110 que propone buenas prácticas para el diseño de los procesos de gestión de proyectos y de desarrollo de software. En el presente trabajo de investigación se realiza una revisión de la industria del software, del tipo de empresa, de la situación actual y marco regulatorio de la industria del software en el Perú. Se revisan los modelos de procesos de software presentes en el mercado como Moprosoft, CMMI, ISO 12207, Prince2 entre otros justificando la elección de la norma ISO 29110 para la empresa. Finalmente se define el alcance y marco de evaluación de la norma ISO29110 sustentando el uso del perfil básico. Se realiza un análisis de brechas de los resultados de evaluación de los procesos y una evaluación económica de implementación de la norma ISO29110 cuya relación costo-beneficio es adecuada a las posibilidades de la empresa. / This research work develops a proposal to improve the Software Development and Process Management processes of a small company dedicated to consulting and development projects in the software industry sector for companies in the Peruvian market. Strategic Decision Consulting SAC has carried out business intelligence projects in the areas of outsourcing and software development in accordance with the client's requirements that have quickly helped it to have a portfolio of clients and market positioning during the period 2016-2017. After this boom period and in the absence of formalization of its management and development processes, Strategic company has been losing clients and contracts due to various problems such as inefficient management in the software development cycle, cost overruns in projects, dissatisfaction from customers, incidents in the quality of the software, delays in deliverables among other problems. All this has led to a sharp drop in billing in the 2018-2019 period. Given this scenario and during a terrible situation due to the pandemic due to Covid-19, it is proposed to develop an improvement proposal in accordance with the basic profile of ISO 29110 that proposes good practices for the design of project management and software development processes. In this research work, a review of the software industry, the type of company, the current situation, and the regulatory framework of the software development sector in Peru is carried out. The software process models present in the market such as Moprosoft, CMMI, ISO 12207, Prince2 among others are reviewed, justifying the choice of the ISO 29110 standard for the company. Finally, the scope and evaluation framework of the ISO29110 standard is defined, supporting the use of the basic profile. A gap analysis of the evaluation results of the processes and an economic evaluation of the implementation of the ISO29110 standard are carried out, the cost-benefit ratio of which is appropriate to the possibilities of the company. / Trabajo de investigación

Moderne Produktentwicklungsprozesse als Grundlage für universitäre Gründerförderung

Neutschel, Bernd, Raith, Matthias G., Vajna, Sándor January 2012 (has links)
Alle europäischen Länder spüren immer deutlicher die Auswirkungen des demografischen Wandels. Die damit verbundenen Veränderungen offenbaren neue Herausforderungen für ein generationsübergreifendes Zusammenleben, erschaffen jedoch auch neue Perspektiven für den beruflichen Werdegang von jungen und älteren Bürgern. In den nächsten 40 Jahren erwartet die Europäische Kommission einen Rückgang der arbeitenden Bevölkerung von 16% bei gleichzeitig sinkenden Geburtenraten. Dies führt u.a. zu Veränderungen am Arbeitsmarkt. Aufgrund des stetig steigenden Nachwuchsproblems sind Unternehmen verstärkt auf das Potential älterer Mitarbeiter angewiesen. Jedoch wird insbesondere in wissensintensiven Branchen der Bedarf an modernem Fachwissen verstärkt über den Nachwuchs geregelt. Ältere Menschen sind verfügbar, jedoch nicht immer ausreichend qualifiziert. Es fehlt ihnen das Wissen über moderne Technologien und Arbeitsabläufe.

Applying Lean Service Concepts to the Fault Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System : A Case Study at an Engineering Firm

Grönqvist, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
As a general rule, companies have focused most of their improvement initiatives in manufacturing and operations, leaving their internal service processes behind. This study presents a FRACAS process which is underperforming in terms of lead time. The process is studied in detail and the people who work with it were interviewed to find out how they think the process inhibits their work. The contribution this study makes is that it provides an example of what lean FRACAS could mean. The studied process presents itself as non-compliant with what the employees wish from such a process. This in turn causes these employees to underperform since they think that the process does not seem to provide value to neither themselves nor the customers.

Six Sigma within Construction Context : As a Quality Initiative, Performance Indicator/Improver, Management strategy

Muharrem Firat, Yilmaz January 2012 (has links)
Six Sigma was developed in 1980s in manufacturing industry and became popular as a process improvement method. However, the adoption of this concept is new in construction industry and the aim of this study is to evaluate Six Sigma as a process improvement method within construction context. This thesis includes Literature Review and three interviews. Literature Review had discussed process improvement methods used in construction industry and analyzed the basic features and principles of Six Sigma. Three interviews were conducted about the basic principles of Six Sigma and Quality Concept. Interviewers are a Project Manager, Field and Cost Engineer. The approach of the interview to Six Sigma is based on quality, performance and management aspects. This study defends that there is no doubt about the positive effects of Six Sigma on construction projects. Particularly, Six Sigma can provide a broader quality concept, detailed performance measurement, coordinated and repeatable process/performance improvement. It has increased quality directly/indirectly and has positive effects on production efficiency. As a 2 management approach, Six Sigma is discussable within construction context due to differences of manufacturing and construction industry. Since construction industry includes lots of unrepeatable tasks and different process design techniques, Six Sigma does not seem applicable as a whole management approach in construction industry. Furthermore, it can be integrated to the existing management procedures of companies. Taking everything into consideration, it is obvious that Six Sigma has a lot in order to accelerate fundamental and cultural challenges construction industry needs.

Safety Reviews of Technical System Modifications in the Nuclear Industry

Falk, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
The function of safety reviews (here understood as expert judgements on proposals for design modifications and redesign of technical systems in commercial Nuclear Power Plants, supported by formalised safety review processes) plays a fundamental role for safety in nuclear installations. The primary aims of the presented case studies includes: critically examining and identifying the main areas for improvement of the existing technical safety review process as it is conducted at a Swedish nuclear power plant, developing a new process, and evaluating whether any improvements were accomplished. By using qualitative methods, observation/participation and interviews, data has been gathered on how the safety review process is perceived and conducted by experts involved in the safety review process, and ways to improve this process have been developed. This area is neglected in the larger safety literature. The novel approach here is to gather data directly from those involved in the safety review process, analysis of safety review reports as well as from inspection reports by the regulatory authority. The study presented in paper I shows that the partition between primary and independent review is positive, having supplementary roles with different focus and staff with different skills and perspectives making the reviews. The study identifies a number of areas for improvement, such as: - a tendency to put too much resource on minor assignments - a clearer prioritization would improve focus on the most critical projects - there is a need for improved guidance and direction for how to structure the work It is argued that future applications of safety review processes should focus more on communicating and clarifying the process and its adherent requirements, and improve the feedback system within the process. It is also recommended that the NPPs create introductory training for new reviewers The study presented in paper II concluded that grading of the primary safety review reports facilitates improved experience feedback by providing easier access to good examples for reviewers. Improvements identified by implementing the revised process are primarily linked to the independent safety review function, including better planning and means for resource allocation as well as clearer and more unambiguous supporting instructions. Introduction of formalized independent review meetings provides increased exchange of knowledge and strengthened the independent safety review function in the organization. / <p>QC 20130305</p>

Propuesta de arquitectura empresarial para la mejora del proceso de planta concentradora de una minera subterránea en el Perú / Proposal for a business architecture for the improvement of the process of a concentrator plant of an underground mining in Perú

Diaz Estrella, Lizbeth Grettel, Montaño Avalos, Gino Milton 12 August 2020 (has links)
La elaboración manual de reportes y el registro no centralizado de información dentro de una empresa conlleva a la perdida de información valiosa que puede generar una ventaja competitiva importante. Del mismo modo, la automatización de procesos empresariales proporciona beneficios dentro de los cuales se encuentran: mayor productividad, reducción de tiempo, optimización de costos, generación de una base de conocimientos y sobre todo la obtención de la información en tiempo real. Contar con la información en tiempo real en los procesos claves permite la toma de decisiones de modo más eficiente generando así un mayor valor para la empresa. En este contexto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo elaborar una arquitectura empresarial que permita la mejora del proceso de “Planta Concentradora” basado en la automatización tecnológica de actividades claves del proceso. Como resultado de la automatización se podrá contar con una base de conocimiento desde la cual se podrá obtener información para dar solución a las incidencias del proceso, se reducirá el tiempo de elaboración en los reportes y se podrá consultar el resultado de cada subproceso en tiempo real. / The manual preparation of reports and the non-centralized registry of information within a company lead to the loss of valuable information that can generate an important competitive advantage. In the same way, the business processes automation provides benefits: higher productivity, time reduction, cost optimization, generation of a knowledge base, and above all, obtaining real-time information. Having real-time information in key processes allows more efficient decision-making, thus generating greater value for the company. In this context, the present work aims to develop a business architecture that allows the improvement of the "Concentrator Plant" process based on the technological automation of process’ key activities. As a result of the automation, it will be possible to have a knowledge base from which information can be obtained to solve the incidents of the process. The elaboration time in the reports will be reduced, and the result of each sub-process can be consulted in real-time. / Tesis

Exploring the Process of Lean Training in the Healthcare Industry

Bailey, Rose 01 January 2016 (has links)
Organizational leaders use lean training as a process improvement strategy to eliminate waste and inefficiencies in processes. Of the 91% of company leaders who believed lean training was important, 64% of those leaders expressed the perception that workers do not comprehend lean training and methodology. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore how healthcare managers successfully implemented lean training strategies to combat escalating costs. The target population consisted of healthcare managers in a single rural care hospital located in Tennessee who had implemented lean training strategies to train staff in lean principles and lean tools. The conceptual framework for this study was the general systems theory. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with healthcare managers, document review of public hospital data, and public quality reports. Member checking of interview data was used to strengthen the credibility of the findings. Yin's 5-phase qualitative data analysis process was used consisting of compiling the data, disassembling the data, reassembling the data, interpreting the data, and concluding the data. Themes emerged resulting from the use of methodological triangulation of collected data to include improving quality of patient care, teamwork and collaboration, hands-on learning, and training the trainers. The application of the findings may contribute to social change by identifying strategies related to lean training to address inefficiencies, improve quality patient care, and provide a safer healthcare environment.

Implementing the Six Sigma Breakthrough Management Strategy to Reduce Bowed Pipe Defects in the Oil and Gas Industry, a Black Belt’s Approach

Howell, Clarence, III 26 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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