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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Qualitative Study on Barriers/Successes in Integrating Safety and Process Improvement using the Modular Value Stream Safety Map (MOD VSSM)

Boudinot, Alyssa C. 13 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Mejora del proceso de recolección y transporte en una empresa operadora de residuos sólidos para reducir los costos operativos

Reyes Bances, Ingrid Carolina January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo el diseño de un plan de mejora del proceso de recolección y transporte en la empresa operadora de residuos sólidos para reducir los costos operativos. En el diagnóstico se obtuvo que la empresa presentaba problemas relacionados con servicios retrasados en un 23,9%, materiales defectuosos en un 14,3%, servicios con paradas no programadas en un 15,0% y a la ineficacia en la clasificación en un 3,7%, lo que ocasionaba que un incremento en los costos operativos de 36,2%, es decir alrededor de S/ 53 825,67; para lo cual se propuso un plan de mejora basada en el Ciclo Deming, donde se diseñaron estrategias como capacitaciones, programa de mantenimiento preventivo, adición de un nuevo subproceso, estándar de recursos y evaluación de proveedores; lo que mejoró el porcentaje de servicios retrasados a un 7%, materiales defectuosos a un 8%, servicios con paradas no programadas a un 11% y la ineficacia en la clasificación a un 0,4% y redujo los costos operativos extras a un 15,6%, es decir a S/ 23 181,73; de esta manera, la propuesta es económicamente viable en un escenario normal con un VAN de S/39 944,35; un TIR de 65,35% y una relación de costo beneficio de S/2,21. / The objective of this research was to design a plan to improve the collection and transportation process in the solid waste operating company to reduce operating costs. In the diagnosis, it was found that the company had problems related to delayed services by 23.9%, defective materials by 14.3%, services with unscheduled stops by 15.0% and ineffectiveness in classification by 3%. .7%, which caused an increase in operating costs of 36.2%, that is, around S/ 53,825.67; For which an improvement plan was proposed based on the Deming Cycle, where strategies such as training, preventive maintenance program, addition of a new subprocess, resource standard and supplier evaluation were designed; which improved the percentage of late services to 7%, defective materials to 8%, services with unscheduled stops to 11% and inefficiency in sorting to 0.4% and reduced extra operating costs to 15,6%, that is, S/ 23 181,73; In this way, the proposal is economically viable in a normal scenario with an NPV of S/39 944,35; an IRR of 65,35% and a cost-benefit ratio of S/2.21.

Mejora del proceso de envasado de una empresa de café instantáneo para incrementar el nivel de servicio

Carrasco Manayalle, Felix Alexander January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo la mejora del proceso de envasado de café instantáneo para incrementar el nivel de servicio del programa de producción. Para lograrlo se establecieron los siguientes objetivos: diagnosticar la situación inicial en la que se encuentra el proceso de envasado, plantear una propuesta de mejora del proceso de envasado para incrementar el nivel de servicio y evaluar la relación de beneficio-costo de la propuesta realizada. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo de tipo aplicada, un nivel descriptivo y un diseño no experimental. Los resultados del diagnóstico dieron como resultado que el nivel de servicio de las máquinas Tecmar y Aranow en 2022 era deficiente (81% y 78% respectivamente). La falta de mantenimiento preventivo, orden y limpieza fue la principal causa de las paradas no programadas; además, una baja disponibilidad de 54% y 49%. La propuesta implementó el ciclo PHVA, incluyendo metodologías como 5's y un sistema de gestión de mantenimiento basado en 4 pilares del TPM, con ello se trabajó un programa de mantenimiento autónomo y preventivo resultando un incremento del 40,58% y 38,65% en el OEE. Con esta mejora se estimó que el nivel de servicio alcanzaría un 98,29% y 94,29% para máquina Tecmar y Aranow respectivamente. Finalmente, el apartado económico, presentó un TIR del 61%, un VAN de S/484 848,36 y una relación de B/C de 0,37 soles ganados por cada sol invertido, lo que respaldan la viabilidad financiera de la propuesta, consolidando su impacto positivo en el nivel de servicio. / The objective of this research was to improve the instant coffee packaging process to increase the service level of the production program. To achieve this, the following objectives were established: diagnose the initial situation in which the packaging process finds itself, propose a proposal to improve the packaging process to increase the level of service and evaluate the benefit-cost analysis of the proposal made. The research had an applied quantitative approach, a descriptive level and a non-experimental design. The diagnostic results showed that the service level of the Tecmar and Aranow machines in 2022 was poor (81% and 78% respectively). The lack of preventive maintenance, order and cleanliness was the main cause of unscheduled stops; In addition, a low availability of 54% and 49%. The proposal implemented the PHVA cycle, including methodologies such as 5's and a maintenance management system based on 4 pillars of the TPM, with which an autonomous and preventive maintenance program was worked on, resulting in an increase of 40.58% and 38.65% in the OEE. With this improvement, it was estimated that the service level would reach 98.29% and 94.29% for the Tecmar and Aranow machines respectively. Finally, the economic section presented an IRR of 61%, a NPV of S/484,848.36 and a B/C ratio of 0.37 soles earned for each sole invested, which support the financial viability of the proposal. consolidating its positive impact on the level of service.

Propuesta de mejora en la gestión del mantenimiento para incrementar la productividad en una empresa productora de papel higiénico institucional

Castro Rodas, Cristhiam Miguel January 2023 (has links)
La investigación se realizó en una empresa ubicada en la región Lambayeque, dedicada a producción y comercialización de papel higiénico institucional, cuya problemática es la baja productividad de su proceso productivo, debido a los paros repetitivos y repentinos de las maquinarias, generados por una inadecuada gestión de mantenimiento. Es por ello, que el objetivo general del estudio fue mejorar la gestión de mantenimiento para aumentar la productividad del proceso de elaboración de papel higiénico institucional. Se realizó un diagnóstico del proceso productivo, que consistió en la toma de tiempos de cada actividad, utilizando como herramientas de apoyo un cronómetro y la metodología Mundel; además, se aplicó una lista de verificación de la metodología 5S, un análisis de causa raíz, análisis de criticidad y se calculó los indicadores de producción y productividad. A continuación, se realizó una evaluación de alternativas y se seleccionó como propuesta un plan de mtto preventivo basado en RCM para la gestión, estimando un incremento de 5,22 a 5,55 und/op-h en la productividad de mano de obra, y un aumento de 56,98% a 60,53% en la productividad basado en la utilización y eficiencia. Asimismo, con una disponibilidad de 94,7%, se estima un incremento producción anual de 2443 unidades. Finalmente, se realizó el análisis económico y financiero de las propuestas, estimando una inversión de S/. 16 900, con un VAN de 7 460, un TIR de 44% y una relación costo-beneficio de S/. 6 435 al tercer año de su implementación, por lo que se concluye que la propuesta es viable. / The research was carried out in a company located in the Lambayeque region, dedicated to the production and commercialization of institutional toilet paper, whose problem is the low productivity of its production process, due to repetitive and sudden stoppages of machinery, generated by inadequate management of maintenance. That is why the general objective of the study was to improve maintenance management to increase the productivity of the institutional toilet paper manufacturing process. A diagnosis of the production process was carried out, which consisted of taking the times of each activity, using a stopwatch and the Mundel methodology as support tools; In addition, a checklist of the 5S methodology was applied and the production and productivity indicators were calculated. Next, an evaluation of alternatives was carried out and a preventive maintenance plan based on RCM was selected as a proposal for management, estimating an increase from 5.22 to 5.55 und / op-h in labor productivity, and a 56.98% to 60.53% increase in productivity based on utilization and efficiency. Likewise, with an availability of 94.7%, an annual production increase of 2443 units is estimated. Finally, the economic and financial analysis of the proposals was carried out, estimating an investment of S /. 16,900, with a NPV of 7,460, an IRR of 44% and a cost-benefit ratio of S /. 6,435 in the third year of its implementation, so it is concluded that the proposal is viable.

Mejora del nivel de servicio en la fabricación de tableros eléctricos en la Empresa Servitronin E. I. R. L. utilizando la metodología Dmaic

Julca Nevado, Charlie Xavier January 2024 (has links)
El rubro eléctrico en el área de automatización va creciendo de forma acelerada en el Perú, en Lambayeque la construcción de empresas Molineras, agroindustriales ha crecido rápidamente, obteniendo mayor demanda en la fabricación de tableros eléctricos de automatización, distribución, control de motores y más. Por este motivo ahora podemos encontrar muchas empresas que se dedican al rubro de fabricación de tableros, existiendo mucha competencia y por ende cada una de ellas se preocupa por tener una característica diferenciadora, una fortaleza bien definida con los mejores productos y precios. Y con ello también han crecido las importaciones de equipos con mayor tecnología en diferentes marcas, con diferentes características, encontrando así infinidad de equipos los cuales cumplen una función determinada y se adaptan a los diferentes tipos de empresa que existen en la región. La empresa SERVITRONIN E.I.R.L. se dedicada a la fabricación de tableros eléctricos. Para ello utiliza equipos importados, de la marca más conocida a nivel mundial, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, el cual su distribuidor directo más cercano se encuentra en Colombia. Por ello el objetivo principal de este proyecto es mejorar el servicio de fabricación de tableros eléctricos utilizando la metodología DMAIC con la finalidad obtener clientes satisfechos (internos y externos), esto se logrará mejorando los tiempos de entrega, mejorando la organización y planificación de los procesos, teniendo un stock de productos de mayor rotación y utilizando todos los recursos e insumos disponibles para adquirir solo lo necesario. Finalmente, con este proyecto las demás empresas podrán tomar la iniciativa de aplicar esta metodología y adecuarla a su realidad. / The electrical sector in the area of automation is growing rapidly in Peru, in Lambayeque the construction of milling and agro-industrial companies has grown rapidly, obtaining greater demand in the manufacture of electrical panels for automation, distribution, motor control and more. For this reason, we can now find many companies that are dedicated to the board manufacturing industry, with a lot of competition and therefore each of them is concerned with having a differentiating characteristic, a well-defined strength with the best products and prices. And with this, imports of equipment with greater technology in different brands, with different characteristics, have also grown, thus finding an infinite number of equipment which fulfill a specific function and adapt to the different types of companies that exist in the region. The company SERVITRONIN E.I.R.L. is dedicated to the manufacture of electrical panels. To do this, it uses imported equipment, from the best-known brand worldwide, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, whose closest direct distributor is in Colombia. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to improve the electrical panel manufacturing service using the DMAIC methodology in order to obtain satisfied customers (internal and external), this will be achieved by improving delivery times, improving the organization and planning of the processes., having a stock of products with greater rotation and using all available resources and inputs to acquire only what is necessary. Finally, with this project other companies will be able to take the initiative to apply this methodology and adapt it to their reality.

Decision Support for Product Management of Software Intensive Products

Khurum, Mahvish January 2011 (has links)
Context: At the core of choosing what features and level of quality to realize, and thus offer a market or customer, rests on the ability to take decisions. Decision-making is complicated by the diverse understanding of issues such as priority, consequence of realization, and interpretations of strategy as pertaining to the short-term and long-term development of software intensive products. The complexity is further compounded by the amount of decision support material that has to be taken into account, and the sheer volume of possible alternatives that have to be triaged and prioritized; thousands or even tens of thousands of requirements can be the reality facing a company. There is a need to develop the functionality that is strategically most significant, while satisfying customers and being competitive, time efficient, cost effective, and risk minimizing. In order to achieve a balance between these factors, all the stakeholders, within an organization, need to agree on the strategic aspects and value considerations to be considered, and their corresponding relative importance. Objective: The objective of this thesis is to provide enhanced decision support for product managers faced with decision-making challenges. This involves, but is not limited to, enhancing the alignment between the product and portfolio management with respect to product strategies, and enabling the use of value as a basis for product management and development related decisions. Method: A number of empirical studies, set in industry, have been performed. The research methods used span from systematic mapping, and systematic reviews to case studies, all aligned to identify possibilities for improvement, devise solutions, and incrementally evaluate said solutions. Close collaboration with industry partners was at the core of the research presented in this thesis. Result: The MASS method presented in this thesis can be used to evaluate strategic alignment and identify possible root causes for misalignment. To strengthen strategic alignment, the Software Value Map and corresponding decision support material, proposed in the thesis, can be used by product managers for making effective and efficient strategic decisions in relation to portfolios, products and process improvement, following a systematic and aligned process. Conclusions: The area of software product management, in the context of market-driven software intensive product development, is a field with unique challenges. The specifics of the solutions are based on industry case studies performed to gauge state-of-the-art, as well as identify the main challenges. The decision support developed takes the form of maps and frameworks that support software product management on product and portfolio level decisions, strategic alignment, value-based requirements selection, and value-based process improvement.


俞秀鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
我國銀行業於1991年開放新民營銀行設立,使得整體銀行的服務水準得以提升,新金融商品的開發更加快速,但利率自由化,以及各銀行採取價格競爭策略爭取客戶之作法,使得存放款利差日益縮小,各項經營風險隨之提高。金融機構惡性競爭不僅導致銀行授信品質日益惡化,同時也壓縮了銀行的獲利能力。近年來台灣經濟的不景氣與金融環境快速的變化,金融業的競爭優勢將取決於對市場、顧客及競爭同業能否做出最佳及最具差異化之決策。然而金融業收入之穩定來源,取決於企業流程作業之有效性,企業需要檢視其作業流程以消除無效率及無附加價值的作業,以降低成本、提升作業效率及效能。本研究應用企業流程資訊有機體分析架構(Tsaih and Lin 2006),透過重現、系統化分析個案公司之房貸業務授信循環流程,並於評估流程實作後,提出相對應之作業流程及管理資訊之改善建議與管理議題,以提供個案公司做為未來管理房貸授信風險決策之參考。 / The deregulation of the Taiwan Banking industry started in 1991 has enhanced the quality of the financial service as well as speeded up the development of new financial products. The deregulation not only leads to the liberation of interest rate but also opens up the price competition between banks in order to attract customer and keep continuous sales growth. Such effect has depressed the spread of interest rate and instigated various operating risks. The cutthroat competition between banks results in deterioration of credit granting quality and reducetion in profitability. Due to the economic recession in Taiwan and the fast changing of financial environment in the recent years, the competitive advantages of the financial industry are determined by whether a bank is capable of making the best and differentiated reactions to market, customers and its competitors. The stability of the income generation to the financial industry depends mostly on the effectiveness and efficiency of the business processes. It is essential for an organization to oversee its business process to reduce less efficient, non-value-adding activities and costs. This study, based on an application to the Process-Wide Information Organism approach (Tsaih and Lin. 2006), investigates the mortgage loan business process of the subject company. By reconstructing and analyzing the practice of granting a mortgage loan, this study is able to provide corresponding suggestions with respect to process improvements and related managerial implications to the subject company.

採購流程分析-以某機殼組裝公司為例 / The procurement process analysis - A case study

姜琦 Unknown Date (has links)
採購部門之功能角色從企業中被動及支援者,逐步轉變成為今日具有影響企業策略之決策者。面對激烈的市場競爭,企業轉型時需以策略採購思維著手,將企業與採購策略相互配合方能創造客戶價值,增加企業競爭力。 本研究採取個案研究方法,經由蒐集個案公司及產業相關資料,並與管理階層訪談,瞭解個案公司面臨之管理議題。個案公司為大陸東莞之台資企業,產品為專業五金製品製造。為配合環境變遷面臨轉型,將生產重心由業電腦機殼轉移至大型遊戲機台組裝。遊戲機組裝市場特性為少量多樣與客製化,與原產品工業電腦型態相異,造成過往供應商物料短缺與新供應商開發困難。爾後與個案公司採購部門及相關部門多次深度訪談及焦點訪談,採用PWIO(Process Wide Information Organism)分析方法,詳實描繪企業採購及付款循環流程,將流程拆解成為請購、供應商管理、採購、驗收及應付款項處理作業向下延展至十一項作業功能並展開實作表,再將各作業流程細分為內、外向聯絡管道及接觸點並具體詳實描述。 透過PWIO描述及分析採購作業流程,找出造成個案公司管理議題之採購流程缺失,包含隨機篩選新供應商、新承認供應商直接成為合格供應商、供應商管理策略與企業策略未結合、供應商評鑑缺乏客觀衡量標準、及供應商評鑑作業未與執行面配合。經由產業專家訪談、產業相關資訊之蒐集,及層級分析法(AHP)之應用,針對五項流程缺失給予改善建議方案,包含建立供應商初步媒合流程、配合企業策略設計新供應商評量表、建立新舊供應商分流管理制度、以企業策略著眼設計供應商評鑑表、及加強變革成效,促進新制度落實與執行五面向。以上建議方案可加強企業及採購策略之配合度,透過新舊供應商評鑑與管理篩選適當合作之供應商,將採購流程制度化,進而改善目前採購流程之問題。 / Strategic procurement is crucial to strengthen a company’s core competence in the competition among enterprises. Procurement function has evolved from being supporters to decision makers that can impact the company’s strategies. The main purpose of this research is to improve the procurement process which is related to the case company’s management issues. The case company is a metal case assembly manufacturer located in Dong-guan which has been specialized in Industrial computer products. To increase its share and profit, the company developed new business chances by entering the gaming market that requires high degree of customization and specialization. The switch had caused supplier cooperating and material shortage issues. By focus-group and in-depth interviews with its procurement team members, using PWIO (Process Wide Information Organism) as a description tool to record every single step of the procurement operation process, and finally analyzing all the steps, five crucial gaps are found. The five gaps include the lack of an organized process of new supplier selection, unfair new supplier management process, disconnection between supplier management and company’s strategy, non-objective methods for supplier evaluation, and not executing the evaluation results in practice. By interviews with experts in the industry, questionnaires for procurement members in the case company, and AHP, the research provides five solutions for to improve its procurement operation process. The five solutions include establishing new supplier searching scanning process, designing a new supplier evaluation sheet based on company strategy, practicing a dual management method for original and new suppliers, designing objective evaluation criteria for supplier management, and to strengthening the execution of the evaluation results. The five solutions can improve the procurement operation process, maximize procurement efficiency, and build up core competence while the case company enters the new gaming market.

Using discrete event simulation : Improving efficiency and eliminating nonvalue added work

Janius, Camilla, Mir, Sahel January 2016 (has links)
Process improvement is one of the challenging tasks within manufacturing companies. This study has been focused on analysing a packaging station by using a discrete event simulation tool. Packaging is an important part of the production and logistics process, but it is seldom considered when analysing non-value added activities. Discrete event simulation has been used in the analysis of non-value added activities in production systems, but noted by the low number of articles related to the usage of discrete event simulation within packaging, there exists a limited understanding of discrete event simulation use in this area. The authors divided the scope of the research into the following research questions, which are presented below: RQ1: How can discrete event simulation be used as a tool to identify time wastes and create efficiency in a packaging station? RQ2: What method is suitable when creating a simulation project? These questions were to be answered by performing a literature review and a case study in ABB AB Control Products Vasteras, mentioned as ABB in later in the thesis, where the packaging station were in need of improvements. The results from theoretical and empirical finding were analysed, they highlight the importance of packaging and its impact on logistics and supply chain management performance. By creating discrete event simulation models for both current and future stage, the authors were able to provide analysed improvements of the packaging station. The result of the models illustrated by implementing the improvements it could generate in less pressure on the operators as well as an approximated improvement of 125% more packed product. The improvements of the model involve a better material handling and a more optimized packaging station in order to create a more efficient workstation. The conclusion of the study is that the company should develop the product simultaneously as the production, were every activity and process should be included. They should also consider what impacts the development has on the entire supply chain.  This could be a way to eliminate non-value activities from the start.  Discrete event simulation is a tool that could be of help when visualizing the process and it allows the developers to see the impact of a change or improvement on the other processes.

Zlepšování softwarových procesů v oblasti testování / Software Testing Process Improvement

Libík, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with software process improvement based on the deployment package Software testing, which is a guide for implementation of testing related processes of the international standard ISO/IEC 29110 Life-Cycle Profiles for Very Small Entities. The aim of this thesis is localization of the deployment package Software testing into Czech and realization of the pilot project based on this package on the real software project in a very small enterprise. Another aim is to evaluate the deployment package and to propose modifications to improve it. The real benefit of this thesis is in realization of the pilot project itself, which resulted in testing process improvement in the enterprise. Another expected benefits of this thesis based on its goals are in actual localization of the deployment package into Czech, its evaluation and suggestion of its modifications. Thesis as a whole can be used as a guide and information source for other enterprises seeking an improvement of the testing process as it provides an example of the deployment package Software testing implementation and also theoretical introduction to testing and software process improvement in a small enterprise.

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