Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprofessional development"" "subject:"bprofessional development""
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Professional Development as a Means to Increase Teacher Fidelity and Improve Teacher and Student OutcomesBooth, Shari Lynn 01 March 2017 (has links)
This study was conducted to examine professional development techniques for training special education teachers to implement discrete trial training with in the classroom environment. The purpose of this study was to determine if professional development regarding discrete trail training increases the fidelity with which teachers implement discrete trail training when providing instruction to students with autism spectrum disorder. Specifically, the study noted if professional development that included coaching in the classroom increased the fidelity with which teachers were able to implement discrete trail training. Further, this study examined the correlation between an improvement in the fidelity with which teachers implemented discrete trail training and positive student outcomes. Six studies were included in the present study. These studies found that following an initial presentation of information regarding discrete trail training with in the classroom coaching leads to an increase in teachers’ ability to implement discrete trail training with fidelity. An increase in teacher fidelity was found to correlate positively to an increase in positive student outcomes such as increased student learning and decreased negative student behaviors. The impact these improvements in teacher and student outcomes stand to have on issues such as teacher burnout, attrition, and self-efficacy are also discussed.
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Issues that Prevent Students of Color from Majoring in Teacher EducationNapier, Elizabeth Joann 01 January 2019 (has links)
As the student population in public schools throughout the United States continues to increase in ethnic diversity, the number of college students of color majoring in teacher education have remained stagnant. The local problem addressed in the study is that despite intentional recruitment efforts, college students of color are not majoring in teacher education at a university in Ohio. Bell's critical race theory was used throughout this basic qualitative study to explore what issues influence students of color to choose majors other than teacher education. Individual student interviews with 8 students of color were conducted to answer the research question regarding issues that have influenced students of color to choose majors other than teacher education at one university in Ohio. Transcripts from interview sessions were coded and analyzed to identify emerging patterns and themes. Member checks were used for accuracy in analysis, and maximum variation, with participants from 7 different majors, served to enhance credibility. At the local setting, the implications for positive social change may include bringing awareness to issues that students of color have encountered while enrolled at the study site. A broader implication for social change may be that institutions of higher education with similar demographics could benefit from the results of this study to address similar issues regarding students of color not choosing teacher education programs.
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The Role of In-Service Teachers in Pre-service Teacher Preparation for Multicultural EducationGrych, Diane Smith 01 January 2011 (has links)
The U.S. population is rapidly diversifying, with the expectation that culturally diverse groups---including students---will outnumber European Americans by the year 2050. In contrast, public school teachers are expected to remain largely middle class, female, and Caucasian. Most multicultural education research has focused on cultural diversity in urban education settings. However, a gap in the literature has existed regarding student diversity and teachers' culturally responsive teaching in predominantly rural areas. In this study, Appalachian elementary school teachers shared their perspectives and experiences on effective multicultural teaching. An important gap has been bridged by using a 3-part theoretical framework, based on critical reflection, scaffolding, and perspective taking, related to the main research questions regarding (a) the qualities and experiences that in-service public school teachers possess that allow them to effectively teach students from a variety of backgrounds, and (b) what in-service teachers suggest for improving teacher preparation to meet the challenges of cultural diversity in schools. A qualitative, phenomenological approach anchored in a constructivist paradigm was used to gather voice data via a digital voice recorder from 8 participants. Semi structured, open-ended interviews were conducted to collect the data, followed by transcription and analysis. Data analysis resulted in the discovery of 5 themes related to the research questions and revealed mapping onto the conceptual framework. Social change implications can result in improved teacher education programs in rural areas and can enhance collaboration with professional development schools to improve pre-service teacher preparation for teaching diverse students.
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Relationships Among Teachers' Attitudes, Behaviors Toward English Language Learners, Experience, and TrainingMitchell, Sandra 01 January 2016 (has links)
Public school teachers must meet the unique needs of English language learners (ELLs) in the general education classroom. There is a need to understand teacher attitudes toward ELLs because attitudes can explain and influence teacher behavior and professional practice. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationships between attitudes and behavior with years of experience as well as professional development among teachers working with ELLs. Sociocultural, situational learning, and second language acquisition theories provided the theoretical foundation for the study. Data were collected from 286 teachers using the Teacher Attitudes Toward English-as-a-Second-Language Survey. Analyses included descriptive statistics, correlational analysis, independent sample t tests, and Mann-Whitney U test. Results indicated a significant, direct correlation between teachers' years of experience and their attitudes regarding coursework modifications. The independent sample t tests indicated significant differences in a subscale of the variable teaching behavior between participants who had and had not received adequate training. In addition, significant differences in teachers' attitudes existed among those teachers between participants who had and had not received professional development. The study can effect social change at the local site by fostering an increased understanding of how experience and professional development influences teachers' attitudes toward inclusion and behaviors toward ELLs, thereby highlighting the importance of professional development and experience for meeting the needs of ELL students.
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Effects of mentoring preservice teachers on inservice teachers in professional development school environmentsPratschler, Marianne 01 January 2009 (has links)
Colleges and universities collaborte with P-12 public schools in professional development school (PDS) partnerships to improve teacher training, provide professional development for inservice teachers, improve student achievement, and promote action research. Most research has been done on advantages for preservice teachers and for students in classrooms. The purpose of this qualitative study was to better understand inservice teachers' mentoring experiences in order for a local college to support and enrich the professional lives of inservice teachers. Research questions addressed inservice teachers' perceptions regarding mentoring interactions, effects on their own classroom practices, and professional growth. The purposeful sample was comprised of 17 mentor teachers from 3 elementary schools that had PDS partnerships with a local college. Individual interviews and school cohort focus group transcripts were coded and analyzed using a data analysis spiral. The researcher also collected unobtrusive data relevant to professional development activities in the PDSs. Results indicated that mentor teachers viewed mentoring experiences as positive and felt rejuvenated. Participants noted that reciprocal learning took place and that they had grown professionally. The local college has implemented changes and plans to continue to improve programs based of the study findings. Other colleges and universities can utilize the study results and the PDS model to improve inservice teachers' mentoring experiences. Inservice teachers may be empowered by successful mentoring experiences to create change in their schools as they take leadership roles, engage in action research, and promote academic success for all learners in the 21st century.
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Teacher Perceptions and Attitudes of Classroom Technology Integration Related to iPad TrainingPepe, Theresa Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
While professional development on the use of technology in the classroom aids educators to implement new teaching strategies, little is known about teachers' concerns with professional development specifically for adopting mobile technologies like iPads in their classrooms. The purpose of this study was to discover teachers' attitudes and perceptions toward teacher training for integration of the iPad into their classroom instruction. Using a case study approach and the concerns-based adoption model as a framework, this study examined teachers' concerns about their training for using the iPads in the classroom. Participants were 7 teachers from a small, suburban, Catholic K-8 school who rated their lowest and highest concerns about using iPads in the classroom. Data sources included the Stages of Concern Questionnaire, Levels of Use observation rubric, and one-on-one interviews. Data analysis included open and axial coding for identification of themes and patterns. Results indicated teachers had little concern with gaining extra training on classroom time and organization and with conflicts between their interests and teaching responsibilities when integrating iPads. Results also indicated they had high levels of concern regarding developing working relationships with fellow faculty members to maximize the benefits of iPad training, as well as about receiving additional iPad training. Finally, results indicated teachers' concerns with acquiring more iPads for students, as well as acquiring greater network connectivity within the school. These results will aid administrators and designers with making positive changes to professional development that both improve and increase teachers' successful integration of mobile technology in their classrooms.
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The impact of technology on the development of expertise and teacher beliefsPenland, Diane Robinson 01 January 2011 (has links)
Although successful integration of technology into classrooms has proven beneficial to the learning process, little is yet known about how teachers respond to the introduction of technology and why some choose to use it while others do not. Using Sandoltz' stages of teacher technology adoption as a framework, this multiple case study utilized historical data that captured the experiences of teachers in 2001--2002 to determine the process of teachers' adoption of innovations into existing classroom practices. Participants included a purposive sample of eight 5th- and 6th-grade teachers from 3 schools. Data sources included teacher interviews, classroom observations, and video recordings of classroom practices for each teacher. Analysis included deconstruction by research question to identify patterns and emerging themes. The findings in this study showed that the voluntary nature of participation in technology integration activities contributed to students' success. It also indicated that teachers who received on-going grant support had greater success integrating technology into instructional practices. This study contributes to positive change by providing a tool that can be used by policy makers and staff developers to better improve the adoption of current and future technological innovations where resistance may occur.
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Enhancing teaching learning in inclusion : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandHutton, Ronald Stewart January 2008 (has links)
Enhancing teacher learning in inclusion is an action research study which researched how two New Zealand classroom teachers were facilitated to enhance their pedagogy and become more inclusive. An examination of the international literature suggested that contextual professional development, classroom action research, and a collaborative relationship with a critical friend would facilitate inclusive pedagogy. However, there were no published studies of New Zealand primary teachers engaged in classroom-centred action research on inclusion involving an educational psychologist. A two phase action research design was used, firstly negotiated and modelled by an outside researcher, second order action research, and secondly by empowering the teachers to become action researchers, first order action research. Some inclusive practices were evident but two major barriers to inclusive practice in New Zealand classrooms were highlighted. These were an independent and autonomous teacher practice and limited use of individual student assessment data to inform teaching for individual learning. Active reflective thinking through reflection journals and teacher action research of teacher chosen classroom learning challenges occurred in two cycles of second order action research. Results established increased teacher focus on individual student learning, collaboration between themselves and the researcher, knowledge and skills of action research and its effectiveness in solving learning challenges within the teaching programme, use of student assessment data to inform subsequent teaching and learning, and critical awareness of the effect of their beliefs, knowledge and actions on student learning. Whilst literature suggests that schoolwide re-culturing is necessary, this research has demonstrated that two teachers engaging in practitioner action research, supported by a small community of practice, reflective thinking and critical dialogue, can improve their pedagogical and inclusive practice.
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Teacher change facilitated by sustained School Situated Professional Development: Exemplar learning of Technology Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA)St. Cyr, Karen Eleanor 01 February 2009 (has links)
This case study instantiates longitudinal change over a two year period by examining the role of School Situated Sustained Professional Development (SSSPD) on the evolution of the participant's practice. The participant was a secondary science teacher who emerged as an exemplar in integrating Technology Enhanced Formative Assessment (TEFA) pedagogy into her practice, which was facilitated by personal response systems (PRS). The research question was: What could be revealed about the impact of SSSPD by studying teacher learning of a teacher who emerged as an exemplar? The participant was one of ten teachers learning the TEFA pedagogy. Professional development (PD) that facilitates change in teachers' practice and that sustains those changes over time is critical. Findings were triangulated from seven quantitative and qualitative data sets including monthly surveys, lesson observations, journal entries, interviews and action research sessions. The major findings of the study were: (1) implementing TEFA led to changes in the participant's practice, and (2) the SSSPD model was instrumental in the participant learning how to implement TEFA. Findings also revealed changes in the participant's beliefs, teaching strategies and in her modification of TEFA. Eight elements of teacher change were identified which were used to develop the Elements of Teacher Change in Adoption of Pedagogy (ETCAP) model. Gaining a better understanding of the SSSPD model and its potential as an effective model for PD is dependent on proving its effectiveness in promoting teacher change and sustaining that change over time.
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The Development of Culturally Responsive Literacy Practices in the Classrooms of Three TeachersStephens, Alicia N. 01 August 2012 (has links)
The responsibility of educators continues to increase as they serve an increasingly diverse population, while attempting to narrow achievement disparities between students with mainstream backgrounds and those who are culturally diverse. Educator cultural perceptions remain unique to their own background and experiences, yet when presented with the challenge of educating the culturally diverse, teachers are often less than enthusiastic toward their instructional obligations. This study targeted how professional development can enhance teacher capability in a culturally diverse school, with the intent to add to existing literature regarding this topic.
This twelve-week qualitative study examined teacher beliefs pertaining to their own culture and that of their students, and whether or not those beliefs would change once teachers had undergone professional development regarding culturally responsive instruction. This study also analyzed the extent of increase in teacher capability for meeting the needs of culturally diverse students once they had participated in professional development focusing on how to more successfully meet student needs. Three teachers were selected as case study participants and their ideas and instructional practices were critically examined throughout the semester. Several data sources were collected and evaluated, including surveys, pre/post interviews, classroom observations, and journal entries.
Analysis of data alluded to the fact that an affirming attitude toward students who differ culturally and the implementation of culturally responsive instruction is vital to the enhancement of classroom instruction. After further data examination, the researcher concluded that educator life experiences, and especially with diverse cultures, is crucial in maximizing their ability to accommodate culturally diverse students. Case study participants’ personal belief systems and previous encounters were the most influential factors in their maturation throughout the semester.
Implications of this study consisted of the necessity for professional development programs explicitly modeling how to engage in critical and reflective thinking, reminding teachers how imperative it is to develop an affirmative attitude toward diversity, and providing educators experiences with diverse settings and people. The researcher also determined that cultural competence is a persistent process.
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