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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Průmyslová revoluce: efektivita projektové výuky ve srovnání s výkladovou metodou / Industrial Revolution: efficiency of the project teaching compared to lecture method

Křivková, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is aimed at two different teaching methods, which are compared not only from the viewpoint of their positives and negatives, but also their effectiveness is valuated. One thematic unit from the history curriculum at lower-secondary school is chosen and two different methods are applied, one is based on lecture method, the other one involves project teaching. The effectiveness of the methods is ascertained on the basis of applying these methods in two teaching classes of elementary school. The common thematic unit is Industrial Revolution. According to the number of points every pupil achieves in the didactical test, the class with project teaching turned out better, however the difference was not so prominent. Important is that the effectiveness of both methods cannot be measured based only on number of obtained points. For this reason the author uses another evaluation of methods based on the Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives. By analysing the pupil's answers it was ascertained, that the pupils using the project teaching achieved (apart from factual knowledge) also the procedural and conceptual knowledge, which was found in their answer formulations. These pupils have better understood the deeper relationships and the general context of the subject. In the class, where the...

"Staň se detektivem" - Školní projekt zaměřený na forenzní analýzu / "Become a detective" - Topic work focused on forensic analysis

Uherčíková, Gabriela January 2013 (has links)
UHERČÍKOVÁ, G. : "Become a detective" (Topic work focused on forensic analysis). Master thesis. Prague, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science, Department of Teaching & Didacties of Chemistry, 2013. This thesis deals with the preparation of a draft project for secondary school students on the theme "Become a detective." This is a complex project that is focused not only on the information of biology and chemistry, but also for forensic analysis. The theoretical part is focused on a general production project, forensic analysis, fingerprints, DNA and qualitative analysis. Theory of this part helps pupils and teachers to understand the problem. The practical part contains the whole project within worksheets to copyright solution for teachers. Worksheets are designed to help students manage the entire project. Materials designed for students are attached to this thesis. The project was tested on 30. 4. 2013 in the laboratory of the Department of Teaching and Didactics of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. The project involved 13 pupils from Gymnasium Omská, Prague, 10.

Soudobá ilustrace, východiska, principy a jejich uplatnění v rámci výtvarné výchovy / Contemporary illustration, bases, principles and their application in art education

Janitorová, Magdaléna January 2018 (has links)
My thesis investigates contemporary illustrative art and tendencies occurring in the work of the youngest generation of the Czech illustrators. My objective is to bring an overview of the current forms, shapes, applications and overall state of the contemporary Czech illustration scene. The paper divides the illustration art into four categories, that are then more closely examined in individual chapters. My major focus is on the book illustration in all its current forms. This thesis contains regulatory principles that govern the standard of published illustrated materials through various recognised competitions and awards. I mention different associations and clubs that are currently active in the field of developing contemporary illustration. This occurs not only through grouping of illustrators but also through organising different events and festivals. In the didactic part this paper deals with the role of illustration in child development, specifically its natural artistic expression. This part also includes proposals of teaching materials and curriculum focused on illustration where I introduce my own designs. This appendix follows the above structure and constitutes my own project delivering authorship of visualised illustrations.

La référence dans la formation du projet architectural et urbain : identification d’un référentiel dans les pratiques d’enseignement des ENSA françaises (Bordeaux, Saint-Étienne, Paris Belleville) / The reference in the architectural and urban project creation : identification of a frame of reference in the teaching practices of the French ENSA (Bordeaux, Saint-Étienne, Paris-Belleville)

Tixier, Marine 01 July 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans une volonté de lecture de la formation au projet architectural et urbain dans les écoles françaises tant d’un point de vue pédagogique que didactique. Il s’agit d’identifier les principaux courants d’enseignement transversaux aux ENSA. Pour ce faire nous nous appuyons sur les références modernes comme outil d’identification, élément transversal de tous les enseignements de projet. Nous supposons un lien intrinsèque entre référence, formes de réinterprétation des références et construction des référentiels. Pour vérifier nos hypothèses nous avons cherché à comprendre les grandes périodes historiques de l’enseignement, structurantes de notre modèle actuel. Puis nous avons suivi durant un semestre 6 ateliers issus des ENSA de Bordeaux, Saint-Étienne et Paris Belleville, chacun marqué par une forme de réinterprétation des références. Si la référence apparaît bien comme un outil d’identification propre au projet d’architecture, et que plusieurs formes de réinterprétation sont identifiables (formelle, constructive, méthodologique et valorielle), il n’est plus possible d’identifier des référentiels d’enseignement. La didactique et la pédagogie construisant auparavant le référentiel sont aujourd’hui multiples. De plus la notion de situation intègre l’étudiant dans son processus d’apprentissage. Si nous ne parlons plus de référentiel d’enseignement, nous emploierons le terme de référentiel de compétence pour identifier les transversalités. Cette identification s’adresse à la fois aux enseignants dans le but de positionner leurs pratiques, mais aussi aux étudiants pour qu’ils comprennent les attendus de l’enseignement qui leur est prodigué. Cette recherche souhaite donc réinstaurer un dialogue entre les acteurs du projet. / This research goes along a will of architectural and urban training scheme reading in French schools, such on didactics than teaching skills. It about to identify the main teaching flows across the ENSA. In order to do this, we base on modern references as identifying tools, cross-elements of all teaching projects. We suppose an inherent link between references, reference-reinterpretation forms and frame of reference building. In order to confirm our hypothesis we have tried to understand greats teaching historic periods, structure of our actual model. Then, we have followed during a semester 6 project studios from Bordeaux, Saint-Étienne and Paris Belleville ENSA, each committed by a form of reference reinterpretation. If the reference appears correctly, an identifying tool peculiar to the architectural project, and that multiple forms of reinterpretation are identifiable (formal, constructive, methodological and moral), it is no longer possible to identify frames of reference teaching schemes. Didactics and teaching skills formerly building the frame of reference are nowadays multiple. Furthermore, circumstances concept incorporates the student into his own learning process. If we do not talk about teaching frame of reference anymore, we will use the term of skill frames of reference in order to identify interdisciplinarities. This identification is directed at both teachers and students, in order to get into position their practices, but also to make students reach a better understanding of the teaching goals they receive. This research intends to re-establish a dialogue between the project participants.

Projekt "Technické objekty v regionu a jejich uplatnění ve výuce na primární škole" / Project "Regional technical facilities and their application in teaching at primary school"

ZAHRADNÍČEK, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis describes "project teaching" as one of the methods that enhance the activity of students and improve the learning process. Furthermore, technical education and its role in primary school is described. The last section of the theoretical part deals with the technical monuments, which were used in the creation of learning projects. The practical part presents the various training projects designed for the primary schools, which are thematically based on the technologically important buildings of the South Bohemian region. Projects also includes teaching materials and information basis for teachers.

Moje město Třeboň. Výtvarný projekt pro 2. stupeň ZŠ. (teoreticko - projektová práce) / My Town Třeboň. The Art Project for 2nd grade of Elementary School. (theoretical - project thesis)

PUMPROVÁ, Klára January 2018 (has links)
The presented master thesis focuses on processing of an art project with the topic "My town Třeboň" as a part of Art classes at secondary school. The thesis is composed of two interconnected parts - the theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical part discusses the characteristics of Třeboň. It describes the history of the town, urbanism, the sights, the celebrities who emerged from this town and it also provides an accurate depiction of local landscape. Furthermore, the thesis elaborates on project teaching, it briefly introduces its history and lists e.g. projects typology, stages of project teaching and also examines more closely the role of project teaching in art education. The practical part documents and describes the proposed project. Certain portion of the lessons involved took place at the Grammar school in Třeboň. The master thesis is supplemented by a representative photographic documentation in the annex.

Projektové vyučování ve výuce historických témat v hodinách výchovy k občanství (Pracovní tábor Terezín)

VIDOVÁ, Iveta January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on project teaching method in "civic education" classes, which are focused on history. The contemporary calls for the elimination of fact and positive approach to teaching are encouraged by project teaching method. Project teaching method organises itself in a new way, so the pupils do not have to listen to a lecture, watch demonstrations, remember the information and finally reproduce the received and remembered information. The thesis is divided into two parts, of which the first one is analytical and concerns itself with the essence of project teaching method and its history and use in "civic education" classes. The author is explains how an excursion should look like and how to organise it. An important part of the analytic part is the history of the Czech nazi work-camp called Terezin. In the second practical part, the author emphasises the actual in-class use of the previous findings. The author also incorporates the topic of holocaust into curriculums of certain schools and grades. Finally an excursion which particular schools undertook is described and evaluated via a quantitative questionnaire-based research.

Projekt: Využití přírodních materiálů ve výuce na primární škole / The use of Natural Materials in Primary School Education

ŠEVČÍKOVÁ, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis is concerned with topics related to project teaching,creativity,framework educational program in field of Man and the world of work and property of nature. The practical part consists of 11 project using products of nature. The end of the practical part deals with verification of created projects and evaluation of implemented projects.

Hmyz. Výtvarná řada pro výtvarnou výchovu na 1. stupni ZŠ. / Insects. Series of creative lessons for art education on the primary school.

KANKRLÍKOVÁ, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents theoretical and practical materials for primary school art teachers. It deals with the theme of ?Insects? and how it can be taught to pupils from the third to fifth class of primary school. The theoretical part examines the biological, didactic as well as artistic aspects of the topic. The last chapter concentrates on the project method in art education. The theoretical part is followed by a concrete art series consisting of six art activities described in detail. The work is completed with a rich picture appendix, including a CD with motivational PowerPoint presentations.


IZABEL MARIA DE OLIVEIRA 26 March 2010 (has links)
[pt] Um dos pontos centrais nas discussões sobre a pedagogia do design refere-se ao ensino de projeto e ao campo de conhecimento relativo ao processo projetual de configuração de objetos ou sistemas de informações visuais. Historicamente, o desenvolvimento do projeto tem sido visto como ponto de convergência e de articulação dos diversos níveis de saberes adquiridos durante o curso, de forma a conjugar experiências, reflexões, análises e ações práticas. Por conta destes fatores, assumiria um papel nuclear, estrutural, não só em termos curriculares mas, especialmente, no sentido pedagógico e cognitivo. Entretanto, o pleno funcionamento do ensino de projeto com o enfoque de espinha dorsal do curso e motor da formação do conhecimento específi co em design foi bastante difi cultado no período em que vigorou o Currículo Mínimo, estabelecido pelo Conselho Federal de Educação em 1987, por conta de sua estrutura pouco flexível. Com o estabelecimento das Novas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais - LDB 9.394/96, as instituições de ensino ganharam autonomia e flexibilidade para definir as propostas pedagógicas e curriculares de seus cursos de graduação. Nesse contexto, refl etir sobre as inúmeras questões que permanecem ou despontam no âmbito do ensino de projeto torna-se imperativo. Essa tese tem como objetivo traçar um panorama da construção de uma realidade relativa ao ensino de projeto em design, conforme está sendo vivenciada em diferentes contextos do país, a partir da identificação e análise de aspectos relevantes do discurso construído na prática pedagógica de um grupo de professores de disciplinas de projeto. Utiliza o método de análise de discursos com o intuito de revelar indicadores daquilo que compõe opiniões, idéias, convicções, conflitos e questionamentos, entre outros aspectos, gerados pela experiência dos docentes que fazem parte do grupo selecionado. O detalhamento metodológico observou alguns princípios básicos do Método de Explicitação do Discurso Subjacente (MEDS) desenvolvido por Nicolaci-da-Costa. As questões abordadas são discutidas sob a ótica da experiência educacional, percebendo-a como território politico, como uma construção social, resultante de um processo histórico. Os pontos centrais relacionam- se à concepção de conhecimento e de educação, assim como à visão e postura frente aos paradigmas e modelos pedagógicos. / [en] One of the main issues in discussions on design courses focuses on teaching project design and the field of knowledge encompassing the project design processes required to confi gure visual information systems or items. Historically, the development of project design has been viewed as a point of convergence and networking for various levels of knowledge acquired during the course, underpinning the conjugation of experiences, refl ections, analyses and practical actions. Due to these factors, it would take on a structural role, not only with regard to the syllabus but more specifi cally in the educational and cognitive senses. However, the full functioning of project design teaching focused on the backbone of the course and the driver behind the formation of specifi c design knowledge was hampered significantly during the time of the Minimum Syllabus, (introduced by the Federal Education Council in 1987), due to its somewhat rigid structure. With the establishment of the New National Syllabus Guidelines in 1996 through Law Nº 9,394, teaching institutions were endowed with greater autonomy and fl exibility for defi ning educational proposals and syllabuses for their undergraduate courses. Within this context, it is imperative to refl ect on the countless issues that still remain or arise within the project design teaching sphere. This thesis intends to outline an overview of the construction of the real situation of project design education in design courses as experienced in a variety of contexts in Brazil, based on the identifi cation and analysis of important aspects of the discourse built up through the teaching practices of a group of project design lecturers. It uses the discourse analysis method in order to disclose indicators refl ecting opinions, ideas, beliefs, confl icts and queries, among other aspects, generated by the experience of faculty members belonging to the selected group. The methodological detailing complies with some basic principles of the Underlying Discourse Unveiling Method developed by Nicolaci-da-Costa. The issues addressed are discussed from the standpoint of educational experience, perceiving it as a political territory, a social construct that is the outcome of a historical process. The key points relate to the concepts of knowledge and education, in addition to vision and stance on teaching paradigms and models.

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