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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O profissional da estratégia saúde da família na promoção da saúde mental / The professional of the family health strategy in the promotion of the mental health

Valmir Rycheta Correia 17 October 2011 (has links)
A proposta de Reforma Psiquiátrica vem modificando a assistência ao portador de transtorno mental nas últimas décadas. Com a desinstitucionalização do doente mental, emergem novos paradigmas com grandes desafios a todos os atores sociais envolvidos na construção da cidadania e na busca da reabilitação psicossocial. Surgem novos conceitos do processo saúde-doença, novas redes de assistência, alocação de recursos como também a implantação de Centros de Atenção Psicossocial CAPS e ainda diretrizes do Ministério da Saúde determinando que as ações, no campo da saúde mental, sejam realizadas na atenção básica, ou seja, nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) e por meio da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF). A ESF passa a ser uma importante ferramenta no processo saúde-doença no que diz respeito ao cuidado integral do ser humano visando à promoção, prevenção, proteção e recuperação tanto das doenças físicas, sociais quanto mentais. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é compreender as necessidades da ESF para desenvolver as ações de saúde mental na comunidade e identificar as ações desenvolvidas pelas equipes da ESF frente aos portadores de transtornos mentais e seus familiares. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que foi desenvolvida por meio de entrevista semiestruturada realizada com os membros das equipes da ESF, as entrevistas foram gravadas e transcritas na íntegra para análise. O material foi analisado por meio da Análise Discurso sob a ótica do referencial teórico do materialismo histórico e dialético. Emergiram das entrevistas três categorias: Processo Saúde Doença-Mental; Família; Processo de Trabalho. Os discursos dos informantes revelaram que os profissionais ESF mantêm a prática da psiquiatria tradicional centrado nas consultas, na medicação e nos exames, sendo esse o principal instrumento para a produção de saúde, e exercício das práticas destes profissionais está baseado no diagnóstico psiquiátrico; é incipiente o numero de profissionais que se mobiliza a desenvolver ações voltas ao acolhimento e a escuta; realizam atividades grupais e relatam que existe a necessidade de ampliar seus conhecimentos na área de saúde mental. / The proposed Psychiatric Reform has changed how mental health patients have been assisted in recent decades. With the deinstitutionalization of mental health patients, new paradigms have emerged offering great challenges to all social actors involved in constructing citizenship and to the search for psychosocial rehabilitation. New concepts of the health-disease process have appeared, along with new assistance networks, allocation of resources, as well as the creation of Psychosocial Care Centers CAPS, and Health Ministry guidelines stipulating that actions in the mental health field be undertaken at the basic care level at Basic Health Units (UBS) and through the Family Health Strategy (ESF). ESF has become an important tool in the health-disease process with regard to integral care aiming for the promotion, prevention, protection and recovery of physical, social and mental illness. Thus, the objective of this work is to comprehend the needs of ESF to develop mental health actions in the community and identify the actions developed by ESF teams with regard to mental health patients and their relatives. It is a qualitative research, to be developed through semi-structured interviews with members of the ESF teams; the interviews were recorded and fully transcribed for analysis. O material foi analisado por meio da Análise Discurso sob a ótica do referencial teórico do materialismo histórico e dialético. The material was analyzed through discourse analysis under the theoretical framework of historical and dialectical materialism. Three categories emerged from the interviews: Health-Mental Illness process; Family; Work Process. The discourses of the informants revealed that ESF professionals keep traditional psychiatric practice centered on consultations, medication and exams, making it the main tool for health production, with the exercise of these professionals practice based on psychiatric diagnosis; the number of professionals who mobilize to develop actions focusing on welcoming and listening is still incipient; they perform group activities and report the need to broaden their knowledge on the field of mental health.

Qualidade de vida de portadores de Diabetes Mellitus tipo II frente às oscilações no nível de atividade física, aspectos socioeconômicos e presença de comorbidades / Quality of life of patients with Diabetes Mellitus type II front swings to the level of physical activity, socioeconomic factors and presence of comorbidity

Modeneze, Dênis Marcelo 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Roberto Vilarta / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação Física / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T08:30:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Modeneze_DenisMarcelo_D.pdf: 2472604 bytes, checksum: fcb970047888b42687543782aaeadf92 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Este estudo de corte transversal exploratório teve por foco avaliar o nível de atividade física (NAF) e verificar possíveis relações com a percepção subjetiva da qualidade de vida (QV) controlando os aspectos socioeconômicos e condições de saúde de pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DMII) frequentadoras da Associação de Diabéticos de Santa Bárbara do Oeste/SP. A amostra de conveniência selecionada consecutivamente foi composta por 101 indivíduos de ambos os sexos com média de idade de 63 anos e 6 meses (± 11 anos e 4 meses), onde a maioria era do sexo feminino, casados , aposentados, baixos níveis socioeconômico e de escolaridade. O questionário utilizado para determinar o NAF foi a versão 8 do Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ) forma curta e semana normal, contendo perguntas sobre a relação da frequência e duração na realização de atividades físicas vigorosas, moderadas e de caminhada. Para a avaliação da percepção de QV utilizou-se o WHOQOL - BREF - The World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment ou WHOQOL Abreviado. Coletaram-se também informações sociodemográficas e condição de saúde através de questionário contemplando idade, gênero, tempo de acometimento da doença, utilização de medicamentos, hábitos de verificação da glicemia, estado civil, nível socioeconômico, nível de escolaridade, presença de doenças, dieta, existência de dificuldades para a prática de atividade física e aposentadoria. A estatística analítica das variáveis independentes que representam o nível de atividade física (caminhada, atividades moderadas e atividades vigorosas) mostrou associação significativa com várias facetas e domínios da variável dependente qualidade de vida (p?0,05), através da utilização do testes t de student, Mann-Whitney e Qui-quadrado para verificar diferenças nas médias e frequências entre os grupos, conforme a natureza das variáveis. As variáveis que mais demonstraram associações com os domínios do WHOQOL-Bref foram a prática da caminhada, seguida por atividades vigorosas. Já a prática de atividades moderadas se associou apenas com o domínio social. Frente às associações observadas, somadas às limitações impostas pela doença, eleva-se a importância das ações de educação em saúde realizadas em grupos de apoio às pessoas com DMII, principalmente no que se refere às orientações para o autocuidado e a prática regular de atividades físicas orientadas respeitando o contexto social e cultural de cada comunidade e as condições de vida locais / Abstract: In this work an exploratory cross-sectional study was carried out in order to assess the level of physical activity (LPA) and to verify its possible correlations with the subjects' perceptions on their own quality of life (QL). We took into account socioeconomic aspects and the health conditions of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (DMII) sufferers, who belong to the Diabetic Association in the town of Santa Bárbara d'Oeste, São Paulo. The convenience sampling, consecutively selected, was composed of 101 individuals, both male and female, average age being 63 years and 6 months (±11 years of age and 4 months), the majority of whom were female, married, retired, lowly educated, and belonging to a low socioeconomic level. To assess LPA, we applied version 8 of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) - short form and regular week - which contained questions on frequency and duration of both vigorous and moderate physical activities, as well as waking. To assess QL perceptions, the WHOQOL-Bref (The World Health Organization Quality of Life Assessment) was used. We also collected information on sociodemography and health conditions through a questionnaire containing age, gender, time of onset of the disease, use of medication, habit of having glycemia checked, marital status, socioeconomic level, education level, onset of other disease(s), dieting, difficulties or not to perform physical activities, and retirement. Statistical analyses of independent variables that represent LPA (walking, moderate and vigorous activities) suggest a significant correlation between different aspects of the dependent variable quality of life (p?0.05). Students t-test, Mann-Whitney, and Chi square tests were used to verify differences in means and frequencies between groups, according to the nature of variables. The practice of walking, followed by vigorous activities, was the variable mostly associated with the domains of WHOQOL-Bref. Moderate activities were associated only with the social domain. In view of the correlations observed, together with limitations imposed by the disease, it is highly important that actions on health education be taken amidst professionally operated support groups to help DMII sufferers. These actions should include orientations for self care and frequent physical activities, respecting each community's social and cultural contexts, as well as local living conditions / Doutorado / Atividade Fisica, Adaptação e Saude / Doutor em Educação Física

Racial /ethnic differences in susceptibility and intention to smoke on smoking behavior among adolescents

Jimba, Kafilat Tolani 01 January 2010 (has links)
Every year, more than 400,000 Americans die prematurely because of tobacco use, and most users began smoking during their teen years. Adolescent tobacco use remains the nation's most preventable threat to life and health. A better understanding of the relationships between susceptibility to smoking and intention to smoke on smoking behavior by ethnicity, age, and gender is useful for program planners and health educators in designing ethnic, age, and gender specific strategies for tobacco control and prevention initiatives. The purpose of this study was to test the relationships between susceptibility to smoking and intention to smoke on smoking behavior among adolescents by ethnicity, age, and gender. The theory of reasoned action by Ajzen and Fishbein formed the basis of this study and supports the findings and conclusions. To get good representation of the study populations, the study utilized secondary data from the 2007 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The study population includes person ages 12-17 years old, smokers and nonsmokers, who represent White, African American, Hispanic, Asian, Multi-Racial, American Indian, and Native Hawaiian race/ethnicities. Data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), multiple regression analysis, and bivariate Spearman correlation. A statistically significant positive relationship was found between participants' susceptibility to smoking and their intentions to smoke (r = .57, p < .01). More specifically, a significant difference was found among ethnic groups on smoking intentions and among age groups on susceptibility to smoking. Positive social change can occur through improved efforts geared toward primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions. This can result in empowerment programs and enhanced decision making, useful for adolescents of different ethnic groups to resist social and environmental pressures.

"Atividade física no programa saúde da família, em municípios da 5ª regional de saúde do Estado do Paraná - Brasil" / Physical Activity in the Health family Program, in cities of 5th Regional of Health in Paraná State - Brazil

Coutinho, Silvano da Silva 12 September 2005 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi identificar e analisar as percepções dos Secretários Municipais de Saúde da 5ª Regional de Saúde do Estado do Paraná acerca da realização de atividades físicas no Programa Saúde da Família (PSF). Como objetivos específicos elegemos caracterizar e analisar a prática da atividade física nos PSFs dos referidos municípios, bem como, verificar a inserção de profissionais de educação física nessas equipes do PSF. Tomamos como pressuposto teórico as discussões sobre promoção da saúde presentes nas Conferências Internacionais de Promoção da Saúde, buscando articulá-las à teoria e a prática da atividade física. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório (TRIVIÑOS, 1992), com abordagem qualitativa, sendo os sujeitos constituídos de onze secretários de saúde dos municípios da regional citada, e também nove profissionais da área da saúde que são responsáveis pelas atividades físicas realizadas no PSF destes municípios. Os dados empíricos foram coletados através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com os secretários de saúde, e também dos questionários aplicados com os profissionais de saúde responsáveis pela realização das atividades físicas. A organização dos dados foi feita conforme ferramenta metodológica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo - DSC (LEFÈVRE, 2000). Após construirmos os DSCs, elegemos três unidades temáticas, a partir dos conteúdos: Processo de Educação em Saúde, Atividades Físicas no PSF, Prevenção e Promoção da Saúde. Como considerações finais, ressaltamos: o processo de educação em saúde demonstra ter um caráter mais modelador que emancipatório. O entendimento de promoção da saúde está mais ligado à uma visão limitada do processo saúde-doença, pautado no conceito de saúde como ausência de doenças, com alguns apontamentos para uma visão mais ampliada, abarcando aspectos sociais e psicológicos. Verificamos de forma incipiente a realização de atividades físicas em nove equipes de PSF nos municípios participantes da pesquisa, principalmente a caminhada, sob a iniciativa e responsabilidade de profissionais da saúde (quatro enfermeiras, três fisioterapeutas e dois profissionais de Educação Física). Sobre a prática da atividade física no PSF, os gestores a identificam como uma estratégia na prevenção de doenças crônicas, em especial, obesidade, diabetes e hipertensão. Na perspectiva de se aproximar à um conceito mais ampliado de promoção da saúde, os gestores ressaltaram que a atividade física inserida na estratégia do PSF pode trazer outros benefícios além dos biológicos, tais como: desenvolvimento da autonomia para realização dos afazeres do dia-a-dia, melhoria do convívio social, interferência em situações de risco social, educação em saúde e como opção de lazer, no entanto, ainda de forma incipiente. Para tanto, sugerimos que é preciso se (re) pensar a formação dos profissionais da saúde, em especial, a do profissional de Educação Física, buscando uma visão de promoção da saúde, que abarque todas as suas possibilidades, potencialidades, bem como, sua complexidade. Também é preciso vislumbrar outras estratégias que ampliem as possibilidades da atividade física ser incorporada de forma mais sistematizada e ampliada, na atenção à saúde, valorizando o conhecimento da área de Educação Física na construção do SUS. / The general objective of this research was to identify and to analyze the perceptions of the Municipal Secretaries of Health of 5th Regional of Health in Paraná concerning the accomplishment of physical activities in the Health Family Program (PSF). As objective specific we choose to characterize and to analyze the practical one of the physical activity in the PSFs of the related cities, as well as, to verify the insertion of professionals of physical education in these teams of the PSF. We take as estimated theoretician the quarrels on promotion of the health gifts in the International Conferences of Promotion of the Health, searching to articulate them with the theory and the practical of the physical activity. It’s about an exploratory descriptive study (TRIVIÑOS, 1992), with qualitative boarding, being the consisting citizens of eleven secretaries of health of the cities in the regional one cited, and also nine professionals of the area of the health who are responsible for the carried through physical activities in the PSF of these cities. The empirical data had been collected through interviews half-structuralized carried through with the secretaries of health, and also of the questionnaires applied with the responsible professionals of health for the accomplishment of the physical activities. The organization of the data was made in a methodological agreement tool of the Speech of Collective Citizen - DSC (LEFÈVRE, 2000). After to construct the DSCs we choose three thematic units from the contents: Process of Education in Health, Physical Activities in the PSF, Prevention and Promotion of the Health. As final considerations, we stand out: the process of education in health demonstrates to have a character more modeler than emancipation. The agreement of promotion of the health is on to the one limited vision of the process health-illness based in the health concept as absence of illnesses, with some notes for an extended vision more, accumulating of stocks social and psychological aspects. We verify of incipient form the accomplishment of physical activities in nine teams of PSF in the participant cities of the research, mainly the walked one, under the initiative and responsibility of professionals of the health (four nurses, three physiotherapists and two professionals of Physical Education). On the practical one of the physical activity in the PSF, the managers identify it as a strategy in the prevention of chronic illnesses, in special, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. In the perspective of if more approaching to the one extended concept of promotion of the health, the managers had stood out that the inserted physical activity in the strategy of the PSF can bring other benefits beyond the biological ones, such as: development of the autonomy for accomplishment of the tasks of day-by-day, improvement of the social conviviality, interference in situations of social risk, education in health and as leisure option, however, still of incipient form. For in such a way, we suggest that she is necessary if (re) to think the formation of the professionals of the health, in special, of the professional of Physical Education, searching a vision of promotion of the health, that accumulates of stocks all its possibilities, potentialities, as well as, its complexity. Also it’s necessary to glimpse other strategies that more extend the possibilities of the physical activity to be incorporated of systemize and extended form, in the attention to the health, valuing the knowledge of the area of Physical Education in the construction of the SUS.

Knowledge, perception, action and intention to modify healthy lifestyle behaviour in Omani patients at risk of stroke

Alalawi, Salwa Saleh Mohammed January 2018 (has links)
Morbidity due to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) has become a worldwide epidemic. As a result, the United Nations (2015) Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) included goal (3.4) that aims to reduce the premature mortality from NCDs by one third. All countries, regardless of income, are required to develop strategies and achieve a reduction in the burden of NCDs. This study, conducted in the Sultanate of Oman, aimed to explore individuals' knowledge, perceptions, actions and intentions to modify their lifestyle to reduce their risk of stroke. The Health Belief Model (HBM) was used as the underpinning theoretical framework to provide a broader conceptual understanding of the Omani sociocultural and structural influences on individuals' lifestyles. A convergent mixed methods design within a realist social constructionism methodology was used. Both quantitative (344 questionnaires) and qualitative (10 interviews) data were integrated using a narrative weaving approach. The study results confirm that both agency and structure influenced the adoption of healthy behaviours in Oman. The study indicates that the study participants are likely to engage in health-related behaviours when they perceived the benefit of such a course of actions in term of it reducing their risk of stroke. The study found that in the Omani setting, individual factors such as fear, family experience and physical sickness, the psychological status of chronic conditions and a cost-benefit analysis of the behaviour influence the individuals' decisions to practise a healthy lifestyle. The major finding in the study showed that perceptions of risk vary among individuals who share the same culture and religion, particularly individual perception of religious belief was found to influence their susceptibility to stroke risk. In addition, the study identified some sociocultural and structural factors that influenced the individuals' decisions to engage in a healthy lifestyle. This study presents an extended HBM to incorporate the role of individual religious beliefs as an individual factor. The study suggests that health improvement plans are needed in Oman to develop both individual- and community- level interventions to achieve the target of SDGs for NCDs.

"Atividade física no programa saúde da família, em municípios da 5ª regional de saúde do Estado do Paraná - Brasil" / Physical Activity in the Health family Program, in cities of 5th Regional of Health in Paraná State - Brazil

Silvano da Silva Coutinho 12 September 2005 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi identificar e analisar as percepções dos Secretários Municipais de Saúde da 5ª Regional de Saúde do Estado do Paraná acerca da realização de atividades físicas no Programa Saúde da Família (PSF). Como objetivos específicos elegemos caracterizar e analisar a prática da atividade física nos PSFs dos referidos municípios, bem como, verificar a inserção de profissionais de educação física nessas equipes do PSF. Tomamos como pressuposto teórico as discussões sobre promoção da saúde presentes nas Conferências Internacionais de Promoção da Saúde, buscando articulá-las à teoria e a prática da atividade física. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório (TRIVIÑOS, 1992), com abordagem qualitativa, sendo os sujeitos constituídos de onze secretários de saúde dos municípios da regional citada, e também nove profissionais da área da saúde que são responsáveis pelas atividades físicas realizadas no PSF destes municípios. Os dados empíricos foram coletados através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com os secretários de saúde, e também dos questionários aplicados com os profissionais de saúde responsáveis pela realização das atividades físicas. A organização dos dados foi feita conforme ferramenta metodológica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo - DSC (LEFÈVRE, 2000). Após construirmos os DSCs, elegemos três unidades temáticas, a partir dos conteúdos: Processo de Educação em Saúde, Atividades Físicas no PSF, Prevenção e Promoção da Saúde. Como considerações finais, ressaltamos: o processo de educação em saúde demonstra ter um caráter mais modelador que emancipatório. O entendimento de promoção da saúde está mais ligado à uma visão limitada do processo saúde-doença, pautado no conceito de saúde como ausência de doenças, com alguns apontamentos para uma visão mais ampliada, abarcando aspectos sociais e psicológicos. Verificamos de forma incipiente a realização de atividades físicas em nove equipes de PSF nos municípios participantes da pesquisa, principalmente a caminhada, sob a iniciativa e responsabilidade de profissionais da saúde (quatro enfermeiras, três fisioterapeutas e dois profissionais de Educação Física). Sobre a prática da atividade física no PSF, os gestores a identificam como uma estratégia na prevenção de doenças crônicas, em especial, obesidade, diabetes e hipertensão. Na perspectiva de se aproximar à um conceito mais ampliado de promoção da saúde, os gestores ressaltaram que a atividade física inserida na estratégia do PSF pode trazer outros benefícios além dos biológicos, tais como: desenvolvimento da autonomia para realização dos afazeres do dia-a-dia, melhoria do convívio social, interferência em situações de risco social, educação em saúde e como opção de lazer, no entanto, ainda de forma incipiente. Para tanto, sugerimos que é preciso se (re) pensar a formação dos profissionais da saúde, em especial, a do profissional de Educação Física, buscando uma visão de promoção da saúde, que abarque todas as suas possibilidades, potencialidades, bem como, sua complexidade. Também é preciso vislumbrar outras estratégias que ampliem as possibilidades da atividade física ser incorporada de forma mais sistematizada e ampliada, na atenção à saúde, valorizando o conhecimento da área de Educação Física na construção do SUS. / The general objective of this research was to identify and to analyze the perceptions of the Municipal Secretaries of Health of 5th Regional of Health in Paraná concerning the accomplishment of physical activities in the Health Family Program (PSF). As objective specific we choose to characterize and to analyze the practical one of the physical activity in the PSFs of the related cities, as well as, to verify the insertion of professionals of physical education in these teams of the PSF. We take as estimated theoretician the quarrels on promotion of the health gifts in the International Conferences of Promotion of the Health, searching to articulate them with the theory and the practical of the physical activity. It’s about an exploratory descriptive study (TRIVIÑOS, 1992), with qualitative boarding, being the consisting citizens of eleven secretaries of health of the cities in the regional one cited, and also nine professionals of the area of the health who are responsible for the carried through physical activities in the PSF of these cities. The empirical data had been collected through interviews half-structuralized carried through with the secretaries of health, and also of the questionnaires applied with the responsible professionals of health for the accomplishment of the physical activities. The organization of the data was made in a methodological agreement tool of the Speech of Collective Citizen - DSC (LEFÈVRE, 2000). After to construct the DSCs we choose three thematic units from the contents: Process of Education in Health, Physical Activities in the PSF, Prevention and Promotion of the Health. As final considerations, we stand out: the process of education in health demonstrates to have a character more modeler than emancipation. The agreement of promotion of the health is on to the one limited vision of the process health-illness based in the health concept as absence of illnesses, with some notes for an extended vision more, accumulating of stocks social and psychological aspects. We verify of incipient form the accomplishment of physical activities in nine teams of PSF in the participant cities of the research, mainly the walked one, under the initiative and responsibility of professionals of the health (four nurses, three physiotherapists and two professionals of Physical Education). On the practical one of the physical activity in the PSF, the managers identify it as a strategy in the prevention of chronic illnesses, in special, obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. In the perspective of if more approaching to the one extended concept of promotion of the health, the managers had stood out that the inserted physical activity in the strategy of the PSF can bring other benefits beyond the biological ones, such as: development of the autonomy for accomplishment of the tasks of day-by-day, improvement of the social conviviality, interference in situations of social risk, education in health and as leisure option, however, still of incipient form. For in such a way, we suggest that she is necessary if (re) to think the formation of the professionals of the health, in special, of the professional of Physical Education, searching a vision of promotion of the health, that accumulates of stocks all its possibilities, potentialities, as well as, its complexity. Also it’s necessary to glimpse other strategies that more extend the possibilities of the physical activity to be incorporated of systemize and extended form, in the attention to the health, valuing the knowledge of the area of Physical Education in the construction of the SUS.

Treinamento em estratégias focadas na solução de problemas: prevenção ao stress do professor

Biazzi, Sideli 15 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-09-28T12:42:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sideli Biazzi.pdf: 3707349 bytes, checksum: 1e01ba062f78669d61f2fb21d52c1496 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-28T12:42:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sideli Biazzi.pdf: 3707349 bytes, checksum: 1e01ba062f78669d61f2fb21d52c1496 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-15 / This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of a stress reduction training, based on the promotion of strategies focused on problem solving. To achieve such objective, the research was divided into two stages, the first as a diagnostic selection procedure (with the participation of 278 teachers). From this total, 148 (53.23%) presented stress, most of them in the resistance phase (42.1%) with prevalence of psychological stress (68.92%). Women, a predominant portion of the studied population (84.9%), presented a higher level of stress when compared to men (p <0.0001). In the second phase, among the 148 teachers who presented stress, a draw was held with the purpose of forming three groups (30 teachers each group): Experimental Group (EG), Control Group (CG) and Placebo Group (GP), with evaluations pre- and post-intervention. The EG followed a stress reduction program by means of a problem-focused training; the PG received a pedagogical training offered by the Institution's Education Department (the pedagogical training and the stress reduction program were carried out for five days at the Training Center of Cotia, SP, as a 36-hour immersion course); the CG did not receive any intervention, maintaining their regular work activities. Participants were tested at three different moments: T0 (before intervention), T1 (30 days after EG treatment), and T2 (90 days after EG treatment), through the Lipp Adult Stress Symptom Inventory (ISSL), the Cope Breve Scale (for EG only), and the Visual Analogue Scale - VAS (for EG only, used at the beginning and at the end of each intervention day). The intervention results demonstrated that the EG teachers presented a statistically significant reduction in stress symptoms. In addition, it was found that the training was also effective in promoting the use of strategies focused on problem solving and in significantly reducing the use of strategies focused on emotion. Such changes remained after 90 days of training. The PG also achieved statistically significant results as to the presence or absence of stress – the T1 evaluation showed a reduction in stress level; however, after 90 days the EG teachers’ stress level was significantly lower than the PG’s. For the CG, no significant difference was detected when evaluating the proportion of individuals in the respective phases of stress, either as to the stress symptomatology or the presence or absence of stress over the 30 and 90 days. It can be noticed that the EG improvement was superior to those attained by PG and CG. The positive results achieved by EG indicate that, although teachers coexist with high levels of stress throughout their lives, if well oriented they can find effective ways of managing their stressors / Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a eficácia de um treinamento de redução do stress, baseado na promoção de estratégias focadas na solução de problemas. Para a consecução desse objetivo, a pesquisa foi dividida em duas etapas, a primeira como um procedimento de seleção diagnóstica (com a participação de 278 professores). Deste total, 148 (53,23%) apresentaram stress, a maioria na fase de resistência (42,1%) com prevalência de stress psicológico (68,92%). As mulheres, parcela predominante da população estudada (84,9%), apresentaram maior stress que os homens (p<0,0001). Na segunda etapa, entre os 148 professores que apresentaram stress, houve um sorteio visando a formação de três grupos (com 30 professores cada grupo): Grupo Experimental (GE), Grupo Controle (GC) e Grupo Placebo (GP), com avaliações pré- e pós-intervenção. O GE seguiu um programa de redução do stress por meio de um treinamento focado na solução de problemas; o GP recebeu uma capacitação pedagógica oferecida pelo Departamento de Educação da Instituição (a capacitação pedagógica e o programa de redução do stress foram realizados durante cinco dias no Centro de Treinamento de Cotia, SP, em caráter de imersão, com carga horária de 36 horas); e o GC não recebeu intervenção alguma, permanecendo em suas atividades laborais. Os participantes foram testados em três momentos: T0 (antes da intervenção), T1 (30 dias após o tratamento do GE) e T2 (90 dias após o tratamento de GE), por meio do Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp (ISSL), da Escala Cope Breve (somente para GE), e da Escala Visual Analógica – EVA (somente para GE, utilizada no início e no final de cada dia de intervenção). Os resultados da intervenção demonstraram que os professores do GE apresentaram redução estatisticamente significativa nos sintomas do stress. Além disso, verificou-se que o treinamento também foi eficaz em promover o uso de estratégias focadas na solução de problemas e em diminuir significativamente o uso de estratégias focadas na emoção. Tais mudanças permaneceram após 90 dias de treinamento. O GP também atingiu resultados estatisticamente significativos quanto à presença ou ausência de stress – na avaliação em T1 houve redução no nível de stress; no entanto, após 90 dias o nível de stress dos professores do GE mostrouse significativamente menor que o do GP. Já para o GC não foi encontrada diferença significativa na avaliação da proporção de indivíduos nas respectivas fases do stress, seja quanto à sintomatologia do stress seja quanto à presença ou ausência do stress ao longo dos 30 e 90 dias. Nota-se que a melhora no GE foi superior às do GP e do GC. Os resultados positivos alcançados com o GE apontam que, embora professores convivam com altos níveis de stress ao longo da vida, se bem orientados eles podem encontrar meios eficazes de gerenciamento dos seus estressores

Aspects of the demographic profile and standard of pharmaceutical services in South Africa / J. Adsetts

Adsetts, Jacqueline January 2006 (has links)
The objects of the South African Pharmacy Council in terms of the Pharmacy Act, 1974 (5311974) as amended are, inter alia, "to uphold and safeguard the rights of the general public to universally acceptable standards of pharmacy practice in both the private and the public sector" as well as "to establish, develop, maintain and control universally acceptable standards of practice of the various categories of persons required to be registered.. ." One of the major difficulties health care providers worldwide are faced with is how to maintain a proper balance between the trio goals of health care, namely adequate access, high quality and acceptable costs (Li, 2003:192-193). Relatively little is known about such problems as do exist for patients regarding access to pharmaceutical services (Doucette et al., 1999:1268). Two main objectives were identified for this study, namely to investigate the demographic profile of community and institutional pharmacies registered with the South African Pharmacy Council; and to determine the standard of pharmaceutical services provided by these pharmacies. Inspection results of community and institutional pharmacies were obtained from the South African Pharmacy Council and extracted for the time period 1 January 2004 to 31 May 2005. To determine the demographic and geographic profile of these pharmacies, data of the Register of Pharmacies of the South African Pharmacy Council for August 2003, 2004 and 2005 were merged with the Census data of South Africa of 2001. It was found that the total number of pharmacies in both the public and private sectors increased with 2.1% (n=68) from August 2003 to August 2005. Public and private pharmacies that provided services directly to patients increased with 6.3% (n=33) and 1.3% (n=35) from August 2003 to 2005. It was found that the Gauteng province was the best provided with registered pharmacies in South Africa, as only 0.06% (n=5 783) of the population did not have any registered pharmacy available on municipality level. It was also revealed that the majority of inspections were carried out in Gauteng, whilst this province accounts for only 19.7% of the total population of South Africa. During the study period a total of 1178 community pharmacy inspections were carried out in 1103 community pharmacies (one or more inspections per pharmacy) representing 43% (n=2 550) of the total number of community pharmacies registered with the South African Pharmacy Council during May 2005. Nationally community pharmacies achieved a score of 92.27 (+ 6.65 per cent) for compliance with Good Pharmacy Practice guidelines. The lowest compliance score (73.34 + 27.49 per cent) was obtained for the availability of written standard operating procedures and the highest was for the promotion of public health (99.02 + 6.30 per cent). No practical significant differences (dc0.8) were found between the overall compliance scores obtained by community pharmacies of the different provinces. The highest compliance score was obtained by community pharmacies in the Free State (93.09 + 4.90 per cent), followed by Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Kwazulu Natal, Limpopo, Northern Cape, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and the North West. A total of 343 institutional pharmacy inspections (one or more inspections per pharmacy) were carried out in public and state subsidised institutions (n=245), private institutions (n=90) and mine hospitals (n=5). These pharmacies represented 46% of the total number of institutional pharmacies registered with the South African Pharmacy Council during May 2005. Nationally all institutional pharmacies (both private and public) achieved a score of 92.49 + 8.33 per cent for compliance with Good Pharmacy Practice guidelines for all above-mentioned aspects. Nationally public and state subsidised institutional pharmacies obtained a lower compliance score (91.02 + 9.08 per cent) than private institutional pharmacies (96.39 + 3.91 per cent). Lastly, a grading system was developed that was based on the results obtained through this study, in order to quantify the standard of pharmaceutical services provided by pharmacies in South Africa. / Thesis (M.Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Aspects of the demographic profile and standard of pharmaceutical services in South Africa / J. Adsetts

Adsetts, Jacqueline January 2006 (has links)
The objects of the South African Pharmacy Council in terms of the Pharmacy Act, 1974 (5311974) as amended are, inter alia, "to uphold and safeguard the rights of the general public to universally acceptable standards of pharmacy practice in both the private and the public sector" as well as "to establish, develop, maintain and control universally acceptable standards of practice of the various categories of persons required to be registered.. ." One of the major difficulties health care providers worldwide are faced with is how to maintain a proper balance between the trio goals of health care, namely adequate access, high quality and acceptable costs (Li, 2003:192-193). Relatively little is known about such problems as do exist for patients regarding access to pharmaceutical services (Doucette et al., 1999:1268). Two main objectives were identified for this study, namely to investigate the demographic profile of community and institutional pharmacies registered with the South African Pharmacy Council; and to determine the standard of pharmaceutical services provided by these pharmacies. Inspection results of community and institutional pharmacies were obtained from the South African Pharmacy Council and extracted for the time period 1 January 2004 to 31 May 2005. To determine the demographic and geographic profile of these pharmacies, data of the Register of Pharmacies of the South African Pharmacy Council for August 2003, 2004 and 2005 were merged with the Census data of South Africa of 2001. It was found that the total number of pharmacies in both the public and private sectors increased with 2.1% (n=68) from August 2003 to August 2005. Public and private pharmacies that provided services directly to patients increased with 6.3% (n=33) and 1.3% (n=35) from August 2003 to 2005. It was found that the Gauteng province was the best provided with registered pharmacies in South Africa, as only 0.06% (n=5 783) of the population did not have any registered pharmacy available on municipality level. It was also revealed that the majority of inspections were carried out in Gauteng, whilst this province accounts for only 19.7% of the total population of South Africa. During the study period a total of 1178 community pharmacy inspections were carried out in 1103 community pharmacies (one or more inspections per pharmacy) representing 43% (n=2 550) of the total number of community pharmacies registered with the South African Pharmacy Council during May 2005. Nationally community pharmacies achieved a score of 92.27 (+ 6.65 per cent) for compliance with Good Pharmacy Practice guidelines. The lowest compliance score (73.34 + 27.49 per cent) was obtained for the availability of written standard operating procedures and the highest was for the promotion of public health (99.02 + 6.30 per cent). No practical significant differences (dc0.8) were found between the overall compliance scores obtained by community pharmacies of the different provinces. The highest compliance score was obtained by community pharmacies in the Free State (93.09 + 4.90 per cent), followed by Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Kwazulu Natal, Limpopo, Northern Cape, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and the North West. A total of 343 institutional pharmacy inspections (one or more inspections per pharmacy) were carried out in public and state subsidised institutions (n=245), private institutions (n=90) and mine hospitals (n=5). These pharmacies represented 46% of the total number of institutional pharmacies registered with the South African Pharmacy Council during May 2005. Nationally all institutional pharmacies (both private and public) achieved a score of 92.49 + 8.33 per cent for compliance with Good Pharmacy Practice guidelines for all above-mentioned aspects. Nationally public and state subsidised institutional pharmacies obtained a lower compliance score (91.02 + 9.08 per cent) than private institutional pharmacies (96.39 + 3.91 per cent). Lastly, a grading system was developed that was based on the results obtained through this study, in order to quantify the standard of pharmaceutical services provided by pharmacies in South Africa. / Thesis (M.Pharm. (Pharmacy Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Gedragswetenschappelijk onderzoek ten dienste van gezondheidsvoorlichting en -opvoeding (GVO)

Haes, W. F. M. de January 1983 (has links)
Thesis--Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen. / Summary in English. Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-179).

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