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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie protipovodňových opatření v lokalitě Maloměřice na Svitavě v km 8,085 – 10,950 / Feasibility study of the flood protection measures in the locality of Maloměřice at the Svitava river at km 8,085 – 10,950

Kavalírová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with exploring present conditions in Maloměřice-Brno during floods which is followed by design of antiflood protective structures. Research uses coupled 1D/2D numerical model for flood discharges Q1, Q5, Q20 and Q100 computing. In the last step maps of hazard and draw documentation were made.

Multikriteriální riziková analýza na vybrané lokalitě toku / Multicriteria flood analysis

Marková, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the processing map multicriteria decision risk analysis on the basis of on available data in accordance with Directive 2007/60/ES and the methodology of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic in 2012 on the selected location in the river Dřevnice at kilometer 2,340 to 16,633.

Studie protipovodňových opatření v lokalitách Pisárky a Staré Brno na Svratce / Feasibility study of the flood protection measures in the localities of Pisárky and Staré Brno at the Svratka rive

Charvát, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the assessment of the current state of flood protection in Brno, Pisárky and the Staré Brno district on the Svratka river at km 37.053 to 41.116 and the subsequent design and assessment of flood protection measures. Hydraulic calculations were carried out using the coupled 1D / 2D numerical model of water flow to pass peak flows Q1, Q5, Q20, Q100 a Q100 unaffected. The results are processed in the form of inundation maps and drawing documentation.

Las ventajas y desventajas del uso de robots como herramienta de distanciamiento físico en hoteles / The advantages and disadvantages of using service robots as a measure like physical distancing

Vigo Villalobos, Estephanie Millie, Echenique Peñaloza, Karen Sarita 20 July 2021 (has links)
A raíz del brote de la COVID-19, los gobiernos han implementado estrategias con la finalidad de disminuir el número de casos, como la cuarentena, el distanciamiento físico y el uso de mascarillas. Este contexto ha ocasionado la paralización de las industrias y de las actividades económicas a nivel mundial, significando tanto la pérdida de empleos como el cierre de empresas. Es así como muchos hoteles han implementado tecnología para evitar el contacto entre personas, con el fin de que sus huéspedes se sientan seguros y tengan una mejor percepción del alojamiento. Por tal motivo, esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las ventajas y desventajas del uso de robots de servicio en hoteles como herramienta de distanciamiento físico, a través del método de revisión de literatura y aplicando el enfoque integrativo basado en el análisis bibliográfico de fuentes académicas. Se obtuvo como hallazgo que el trabajo en conjunto que viene realizando la inteligencia artificial y la robótica ha logrado que se consideren a los robots de servicio como una futura fuerza laboral en hoteles. De modo que la ventaja principal del personal robotizado dentro de un alojamiento es la reducción del contacto entre personas. Por otro lado, las desventajas más relevantes son su falta de empatía y su limitada comunicación con los huéspedes. En una investigación futura, se recomienda la investigación cuantitativa para obtener información más exacta sobre las preferencias de los clientes y su relación con el uso de robots de servicio en hoteles. / In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, governments have implemented strategies to reduce the number of cases, like quarantine, physical distancing, and the use of masks. This context has caused the disruption of industries and the global economy activity, signifying both job losses and the closure of companies. As a result, many hotels have implemented technology to avoid close contact between people in order to make their guests feel safe and to give a better impression of the hotel. For this reason, this research aims to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using service robots as a measure of physical distancing through the method of literature review and using an integrative method based on the bibliographic search of academic sources. The main finding was that the work that has been done by artificial intelligence and robotic has caused the service robots to be considered as a future labor force in hotels. Additionally, it has been identified that the main advantage of using service robots is to reduce close contact between people. Besides that, the most relevant disadvantages are their lack of empathy and their limited communication with guests. It is recommended the use of a quantitative method to obtain more specific information of guests’ preferences and its relation with the use of service robots in hotels. / Trabajo de investigación

Analysis of information security risks and protection management requirements for enterprise networks

Saleh, Mohamed Saad Morsy January 2011 (has links)
With widespread of harmful attacks against enterprises' electronic services, information security readiness of these enterprises is becoming of increasing importance for establishing the required safe environment for such services. Various approaches are proposed to manage enterprise information security risks and to assess its information security readiness. These approaches are, however, not adequate to manage information security risks, as all required information security components of its structural and procedural dimensions have not considered. In addition, current assessment approaches lack numerical indicators in assessing enterprise information security readiness. Furthermore, there is no standard approach for analysing cost versus benefit in selecting recommended protection measures. This thesis aims at contributing to the knowledge by developing comprehensive Enterprise Information Security Risk Management (EISRM) framework that integrates typical approaches for information security risk management, and incorporates main components of key risk management methodologies. In addition, for supporting phases of the proposed EISRM framework, analytical models for enterprise information security readiness assessment and cost-benefit analysis are developed. The practical evaluation, using the proposed enterprise information security readiness assessment model has been performed depending on a developed investigation form that used to investigate nine enterprises inside Saudi Arabia. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the model in assessing and comparing enterprises information security readiness at all levels of the model, using numerical indicators and graphical representations. The EISRM framework and the analytical models presented in this research can be used by enterprises as single point of reference for assessing and cost effectively improving their information security readiness.

Brandspridning i äldre trähusbebyggelse : Brandskyddsinventering av Rademachersmedjorna i centrala Eskilstuna

Ingelmark, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
It is very important to protect buildings against fire. Especially older wooden buildings and areas with a historically important heritage, i.e. areas that cannot be restored to their original condition upon loss. In Eskilstuna one such area is located - Rademachersmedjorna. On behalf of Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB a documentation of Rademachersmedjorna’s constructional fire protection has been conducted in this report in order to have the area's fire protection level documented. The purpose of this study has been, via systematic field studies, to provide an overview of Rademachersmedjorna and document the area’s current fire protection level. Based on this information, a visualization of the area's constructional fire protection and risk zones has been developed to give a simple overview for users, managers and owners. The inventory can be used by Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB for a quick and easy visualization of Rademachersmedjorna’s fire protection level and risk zones. Furthermore, this information could be used as a basis for planning future safety prevention efforts. The documentation over the area is based on the assessment method Bedömning av brandskydd i kulturbebyggelse (hereafter referred to as BSV-k) and the parts this method includes. There are a total of 16 buildings at the Rademacher area and only one building achieved an acceptable fire protection level according to BSV-k. There are several zones in the area that pose a higher risk for the occurrence of fire and fire spread. These higher vulnerable fire hazard zones are spread out over Rademachersmedjorna which means that the whole area quickly can get involved in case of fire. In this context it is important to avoid fire what so ever may arise. Removing combustible material in escape routes, in attics and combustible materials nearby the buildings are some fire prevention measures which can be applied. It is also important to note objects such as bins and wooden planks that exist between the buildings being potential fire carriers. In cases where the buildings distance to a nearby located building is very short, the potential fire carriers pose little threat as the fire can spread directly from building to building. To achieve an acceptable level of fire protection for Rademachersmedjorna - according to this study's assessment method - is sufficient in many cases to apply fire prevention.

BRANDSSPRIDNING I ÄLDRETRÄHUSBEBYGGELSE : Brandskyddsinventering av Rademachersmedjorna i centrala Eskilstuna

Ingelmark, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
Sedan forskning inom ämnet brandskydd för byggnader inleddes på 1900-talets andra hälfthar intresset för att bygga allt högre och mer komplexa byggnader ökat. I och med detta harhögre krav på brandskydd samt lagar och regler som beskriver de olika krav som ställsutvecklats.Äldre kulturhistoriskt viktiga bebyggelser i Sverige har svårt att uppfylla dessa krav.Samtidigt som det ställs höga krav på såväl organisatoriskt som byggnadsteknisktbrandskydd spelar byggnadernas kulturhistoriska värde en avgörande roll i hur brandskyddettillåts implementeras och i vilken omfattning. Det blir därför en avvägning mellan vad som ärmöjligt att göra ur brandskyddssynpunkt och ur en kulturhistorisk aspekt. I både Sverige ochNorge har man vid brandskyddsinventeringar kommit fram till ett flertalbrandskyddslösningar som varit möjliga att tillämpa.Ett exempel på dessa kulturhistoriska trähusbebyggelser är Rademachersmedjorna iEskilstuna. På mitten av 1600-talet beordrade den dåvarande konungen Karl X Gustaf att ettflertal stensmedjor skulle uppföras i Eskilstuna. I samband med konungens död 1660 föllplanerna och endast ett 20-tal smedjebyggnader uppfördes och då istället i trä. Endast sex avdessa smedjebyggnader finns bevarade och utgör de Rademachersmedjor som området ärkänt för idag.Syftet med denna studie är att genom systematiska fältstudier skapa en översikt över ochdokumentera Rademachersmedjornas nuvarande brandskydd. Utifrån detta materialvisualiseras områdets byggnadstekniska brandskydd samt riskzoner på ett översiktligt sättför brukare, förvaltare och ägare. Vidare fokuseras arbetet på brandspridningsaspekten samtrespektive byggnads nuvarande brandskydd. Detta innebär att den kulturmässiga aspektenendast kommer att beröras översiktligt.Denna studie baseras på bedömningsmodellen Bedömning av brandskydd ikulturbebyggelse (härefter kallat BSV-k) och de delar denna omfattar. Detta innebär att detbefintliga brandskydd som inte omfattas av bedömningsmetoden inte kommer att bedömas,däremot kommer detta brandskydd översiktligt beröras i samband medbyggnadsbeskrivningarna.Av Rademacherområdets totalt 16 byggnader uppnår endast en byggnad brandskyddsnivånacceptabelt brandskydd. Detta medför att områdets totala brandskydd är bristfälligt sett urdagens brandskyddsperspektiv. På Rademacherområdet har uppmärksammats ett flertalzoner som utgör en högre risk för uppkomst av brand. Dessa högre utsatta riskzoner ärspridda över hela Rademacherområdet vilket innebär att en uppkommen brand i områdetsena del kan komma att spridas vidare till andra delar av området. I och med detta kan storadelar av området snabbt bli involverat. I dessa sammanhang är det viktigt att försöka undvikaatt brand över huvud taget kan uppstå. Sådana åtgärder är oftast av enklare karaktär och imånga fall de mest ekonomiskt fördelaktiga. Att ta bort brännbart material i anslutning tillbyggnaden, ta bort löst brännbart material på vindsutrymmen och i utrymningsvägar ärnågra brandförebyggande åtgärder som kan tillämpas på Rademacherområdet. Sådanabrandförebyggande åtgärder utgör delvis ett skydd mot brandspridning. I de fall därbyggnadernas avstånd till angränsande byggnader är mycket kort utgör potentiellabrandbärare, såsom papperskorgar och träplank, ett större hot till vidare brandspridning dåbranden har ett kortare avstånd till brandbäraren jämfört med den närliggande byggnaden.Det redan korta skyddsavståndet mellan två byggnader blir ännu mindre när en potentiellbrandbärare är placerad mellan byggnaderna. Detta innebär att branden kan spridassnabbare till närliggande byggnader och omfatta ett större område.För att nå en acceptabel brandskyddsnivå enligt BSV-k för Rademacherområdet i Eskilstunaräcker det i många fall att tillämpa brandförebyggande åtgärder, såsom att ta bort brännbartmaterial i vindsutrymmen och flytta undan papperskorgar från fasaderna. / It is very important to protect buildings against fire. Especially older wooden buildings andareas with a historically important heritage, i.e. areas that cannot be restored to their originalcondition upon loss. In Eskilstuna one such area is located - Rademachersmedjorna. Onbehalf of Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB a documentation of Rademachersmedjorna’sconstructional fire protection has been conducted in this report in order to have the area'sfire protection level documented. The purpose of this study has been, via systematic fieldstudies, to provide an overview of Rademachersmedjorna and document the area’s currentfire protection level. Based on this information, a visualization of the area's constructionalfire protection and risk zones has been developed to give a simple overview for users,managers and owners. The inventory can be used by Eskilstuna Kommunfastigheter AB for aquick and easy visualization of Rademachersmedjorna’s fire protection level and risk zones.Furthermore, this information could be used as a basis for planning future safety preventionefforts. The documentation over the area is based on the assessment method Bedömning avbrandskydd i kulturbebyggelse (hereafter referred to as BSV-k) and the parts this methodincludes. There are a total of 16 buildings at the Rademacher area and only one buildingachieved an acceptable fire protection level according to BSV-k. There are several zones inthe area that pose a higher risk for the occurrence of fire and fire spread. These highervulnerable fire hazard zones are spread out over Rademachersmedjorna which means thatthe whole area quickly can get involved in case of fire. In this context it is important to avoidfire what so ever may arise. Removing combustible material in escape routes, in attics andcombustible materials nearby the buildings are some fire prevention measures which can beapplied. It is also important to note objects such as bins and wooden planks that existbetween the buildings being potential fire carriers. In cases where the buildings distance to anearby located building is very short, the potential fire carriers pose little threat as the firecan spread directly from building to building. To achieve an acceptable level of fire protectionfor Rademachersmedjorna - according to this study's assessment method - is sufficient inmany cases to apply fire prevention.

Avaliação das práticas adotadas na preservação de cargas ante a ameaça de roubo no modal rodoviário: o caso Martins

Nunes, élder Ferreira 29 April 2008 (has links)
The present project has the Fleets Management as the concentration area and it is inserted in the line of Market research and Supply Chain specifically, in the moment of physical distribution of goods. It has as purpose the evaluation of the adopted practices for the preservation of loads, in the case of the cargo theft, in the modal road. So that, a research is made in the existent literature in order to obtain a better understanding concerning the physical administration of fleets, identifying the characteristics of the cargo theft in Brazil and, still, verifying the protection actions which are recommended, by the specialists, for the treatment of that threat in the road transport. Then, based on a case study done in the wholesaler distributor Martins Comércio & Serviços de Distribuição S.A, settled in the city of Uberlândia-MG, the statistical data of the risks management section is analyzed. The data is compared with the information taken from the literature and the similarities are verified. Then, semi-structured interviews with managers of the study area are applied to identify the real processes and tools used for the treatment of the risk and the obtained results with such practices. Based on this material, the conclusion is that, even though the cargo theft is an adverse threat to the internal controls of the company, the risks management can reduce the number of occurrences and diverted values, and is also an efficient contribution to improve the results operated by the logistics. / O presente trabalho tem a Gestão de Frotas como área de concentração e encontra-se inserido na linha de pesquisa Mercado e Cadeia de Abastecimento especificamente, no momento da distribuição física de mercadorias. Tem como propósito a avaliação das práticas adotadas para a preservação de cargas, ante a ameaça de roubo, no modal rodoviário. Para tanto, é feita uma pesquisa na literatura existente com a finalidade de se obter um melhor entendimento acerca da gestão de frotas na distribuição física, identificando as características do roubo de cargas no Brasil e, ainda, verificando as ações de proteção que são recomendadas, por especialistas, para o tratamento dessa ameaça no transporte rodoviário. Depois, por meio de um estudo de caso realizado no atacadista distribuidor Martins Comércio e Serviços de Distribuição S.A, da cidade de Uberlândia-MG, analisam-se os dados estatísticos do setor de Gestão de Riscos, confrontando-os com os colhidos na literatura e verificando as similaridades. Ainda, por meio da aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas nos gestores da área em estudo, identificam-se os processos e as ferramentas efetivamente utilizadas para o tratamento do risco e quais os resultados que foram obtidos com tais práticas. Chegou-se à conclusão de que, mesmo sendo o roubo de cargas uma ameaça adversa aos controles internos da empresa, é possível, mediante a prática do gerenciamento de riscos, alcançar uma redução no número de ocorrências e de valores subtraídos e, de tal forma, contribuir para a melhoria dos resultados obtidos pela logística. / Mestre em Administração

Posouzení preventivně výchovné činnosti v oblasti požární ochrany a seznamování obyvatel v obci s charakterem možného ohrožení a s opatřeními ochrany obyvatelstva realizovanými obcemi a Hasičským záchranným sborem kraje. / The assessment of preventive educational activities in the field of fire protection and getting people in villages aware of the nature of potential threats and of protective measures implemented by municipalities and regional fire brigades.

HEINRICHOVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The content of this thesis is to document the current status of the content and forms of training people for self-protection and mutual assistance in case of emergency events. This content and forms are part of the legislative norms of the state, including the quantification and qualification of entities that provide these activities. To obtain information, questionnaire survey was conducted with employees of one branch of civil service and self-government authorities. Similar research with one hundred citizens aged over 18 years was carried out for specific assessment of education and public awareness. After the analysis of these sections, it can be concluded that although the current legislation, the long-term concept of the government of the Czech Republic and the wide range of possible influences on the population in preventive education activities in the field of fire protection and protection of the population form a prerequisite for penetration of the necessary information to the public, the desired efficiency and effectiveness required are not achieved in their implementation. For example, the older generation lacks basic knowledge, which has been politicized before 1989. Overall, this work can lead to the conclusions that there is a need for education at schools of all levels and subsequent lifelong learning for all the citizens of this country. It is also necessary to continuously update and maintain the required level of competency of staff of the entities that carry out preventive educational activities in the field of fire and civil protection.

Studie protipovodňových opatření v lokalitě Žabovřesky na Svratce v km 42,000 – 45,000 / Feasibility study of the flood protection measures in the locality of Žabovřesky at the Svratka river at km 42,000 – 45,000

Libosvár, Marek January 2016 (has links)
Diploma Thesis deals with the studies of flood protection measures in locality of Brno - Žabovřesky. The work is mainly focused on the calculation of flood flows (Q1, Q5, Q20, Q100 a Q100 neovlivněný) in the area of interest and to proposal flood control measures. Simulation calculations are performed using a coupled 1D / 2D model of the flow of surface water in the bed of the river and its flood area. The results of hydraulic calculations were within the framework the work processed in the form of maps depths, velocity and inundation. Curves levels were indicated in the longitudinal profiles of watercourses.

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