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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Linking Super Earth Composition to Planet Formation History

Alessi, Matthew January 2016 (has links)
Super Earths are a class of exoplanets with masses between 1-10 M⊕. Comprising nearly 70 % of the discovered planet population, they are largest class of exoplanets known. Super Earths exhibit an interesting variety of compositions, as their densities imply that they range from dense, rocky planets to those with substantial amounts of water. This thesis aims to understand why super Earths form so frequently, and to connect the final compositions of super Earths to the regions where they form in protoplanetary disks. To do this, we combine a model that calculates the physical and chemical conditions within a protoplanetary disk with a core accretion model of planet formation. A key feature of our planet formation model is planet traps that act as barriers to rapid type-I migration. The traps we include in our model are the dead zone, which can be caused by cosmic ray or X-ray ionization, the ice line, and the heat transition. In disks with lifetimes >􏰐 4 Myr we find that planet formation in all traps results in Jovian planets. Typically, the X-ray dead zone and heat transition traps produce hot Jupiters orbiting near 0.05 AU while the cosmic ray dead zone and ice line traps produce Jupiters near 1 AU. Super Earths are found to form in disks with short lifetimes 􏰑< 2 Myr that photoevaporate prior to planets undergoing runaway gas accretion. Additionally, we find that super Earth formation takes place in low-mass disks (<􏰑 0.05 M⊙), where planet formation timescales exceed disk lifetimes inferred through observations. The location of various traps throughout the disk play a key role in allowing super Earths to achieve a range of compositions. Super Earths forming in the ice line or heat transition accrete solids from cold regions of the disk, resulting in planets with large ice contents (up to 50 % by mass). Conversely, super Earths formed in the dead zone trap accrete solids from warm regions of the disk and are therefore composed of mostly rocky materials (less than 5 % ice by mass). / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Monte Carlo radiation transfer studies of protoplanetary environments

Walker, Christina H. January 2007 (has links)
Monte Carlo radiation transfer provides an efficient modelling tool for probing the dusty local environment of young stars. Within this thesis, such theoretical models are used to study the disk structure of objects across the mass spectrum - young low mass Brown Dwarfs, solar mass T-Tauri stars, intermediate mass Herbig Ae stars, and candidate B-stars with massive disks. A Monte Carlo radiation transfer code is used to model images and photometric data in the UV - mm wavelength range. These models demonstrate how modelling techniques have been updated in an attempt to reduce the number of unknown parameters and extend the diversity of objects that can be studied.

Revolution evolution : tracing angular momentum during star and planetary system formation

Davies, Claire L. January 2015 (has links)
Stars form via the gravitational collapse of molecular clouds during which time the protostellar object contracts by over seven orders of magnitude. If all the angular momentum present in the natal cloud was conserved during collapse, stars would approach rotational velocities rapid enough to tear themselves apart within just a few Myr. In contrast to this, observations of pre-main sequence rotation rates are relatively slow (∼ 1 − 15 days) indicating that significant quantities of angular momentum must be removed from the star. I use observations of fully convective pre-main sequence stars in two well-studied, nearby regions of star formation (namely the Orion Nebula Cluster and Taurus-Auriga) to determine the removal rate of stellar angular momentum. I find the accretion disc-hosting stars to be rotating at a slower rate and contain less specific angular momentum than the disc-less stars. I interpret this as indicating a period of accretion disc-regulated angular momentum evolution followed by near-constant rotational evolution following disc dispersal. Furthermore, assuming that the age spread inferred from the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram constructed for the star forming region is real, I find that the removal rate of angular momentum during the accretion-disc hosting phase to be more rapid than that expected from simple disc-locking theory whereby contraction occurs at a fixed rotation period. This indicates a more efficient process of angular momentum removal must operate, most likely in the form of an accretion-driven stellar wind or outflow emanating from the star-disc interaction. The initial circumstellar envelope that surrounds a protostellar object during the earliest stages of star formation is rotationally flattened into a disc as the star contracts. An effective viscosity, present within the disc, enables the disc to evolve: mass accretes inwards through the disc and onto the star while momentum migrates outwards, forcing the outer regions of the disc to expand. I used spatially resolved submillimetre detections of the dust and gas components of protoplanetary discs, gathered from the literature, to measure the radial extent of discs around low-mass pre-main sequence stars of ∼ 1−10 Myr and probe their viscous evolution. I find no clear observational evidence for the radial expansion of the dust component. However, I find tentative evidence for the expansion ofthe gas component. This suggests that the evolution of the gas and dust components of protoplanetary discs are likely governed by different astrophysical processes. Observations of jets and outflows emanating from protostars and pre-main sequence stars highlight that it may also be possible to remove angular momentum from the circumstellar material. Using the sample of spatially resolved protoplanetary discs, I find no evidence for angular momentum removal during disc evolution. I also use the spatially resolved debris discs from the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array-2 Observations of Nearby Stars survey to constrain the amount of angular momentum retained within planetary systems. This sample is compared to the protoplanetary disc angular momenta and to the angular momentum contained within pre-stellar cores. I find that significant quantities of angular momentum must be removed during disc formation and disc dispersal. This likely occurs via magnetic braking during the formation of the disc, via the launching of a disc or photo-evaporative wind, and/or via ejection of planetary material following dynamical interactions.

Accretion Disks and the Formation of Stellar Systems

Kratter, Kaitlin Michelle 18 February 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, we examine the role of accretion disks in the formation of stellar systems, focusing on young massive disks which regulate the flow of material from the parent molecular core down to the star. We study the evolution of disks with high infall rates that develop strong gravitational instabilities. We begin in chapter 1 with a review of the observations and theory which underpin models for the earliest phases of star formation and provide a brief review of basic accretion disk physics, and the numerical methods which we employ. In chapter 2 we outline the current models of binary and multiple star formation, and review their successes and shortcomings from a theoretical and observational perspective. In chapter 3 we begin with a relatively simple analytic model for disks around young, very massive stars, showing that instability in these disks may be responsible for the higher multiplicity fraction of massive stars, and perhaps the upper mass to which they grow. We extend these models in chapter 4 to explore the properties of disks and the formation of binary companions across a broad range of stellar masses. In particular, we model the role of global and local mechanisms for angular momentum transport in regulating the relative masses of disks and stars. We follow the evolution of these disks throughout the main accretion phase of the system, and predict the trajectory of disks through parameter space. We follow up on the predictions made in our analytic models with a series of high resolution, global numerical experiments in chapter 5. Here we propose and test a new parameterization for describing rapidly accreting, gravitationally unstable disks. We find that disk properties and system multiplicity can be mapped out well in this parameter space. Finally, in chapter 6, we address whether our studies of unstable disks are relevant to recently detected massive planets on wide orbits around their central stars.

Far-infrared and sub-millimetre surveys of circumstellar discs

Phillips, Neil Matthew January 2011 (has links)
Stars of all ages and evolutionary stages are seen to be surrounded by discs of matieral. during the formation of a stellar system the stars are orbited by a massive protoplanetary disc composed of interstellar gas and dust, in which planet formation occurs. Betewwen 1 and 10 Myr the protoplanetary disc disperses, leaving behind the newly formed system of planets and smaller bodies. The remaining material which has not formed into planets is referred to as a debris disc. Even though the interstellar dust grains from the protoplanetary disc have long been removed from the system, debris discs can contain large quantities of dust due to collisions between larger bodies and cometary activity. such dust can be detected by its thermal emission. This thesis focuses on observational studies at far-infrared and sub-millimetre wavelengths of debris discs and the late stages of protoplanetary disc evolution. An overview of surveys for debris discs performed to date is presented, highlighting the limitations and statistical biases. the motivation, design and sample selection for two large surveys for debris discs around nearby stars, with the Hershel space observatory and the SCUBA-2 sub-millimetre camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, are described. The combination of a uniform obstevational strategy, longer wavelengths than previous surveys, and a large, clearly chosen sample - unbiased by stellar properties - will allow robust statistical conclusions of how the incidence and properties of debris discs depend on system parameters such as stellar mass, age, metallicity, binarity and the presence of planets. As a precursor to the Hershel and SCUBA-2 surveys, a volume-limited ample of 130 A type star systems was surveyed using observations at 24 and 70 μm, which were required to determine the presence of emission from dust, were predicted by fitting model flux distributions to optical and near-infrared photometry. Debris discs were detected around 46 systems, 12 of which including the system with the largest dust mass - are new discoveries. This survey adds to the results of previous studies which show that debris disc incidence is not correleated with host star metallicity despite the wll known giant planet - metallicity correlation, This is in accordance with what is predicted from the core accretion theory of planet formation. The most signigicant result from this survey is that, contrary to results reported in a previous work, debris discs are oberall less common around binary stars. Further investigation shows that systems with separations of ~3-150 AU are especially deficient of debris, while closer binaries and the primaries of wider binaries show debris detection rates consisten with those for single stars. A sample of circumstellar discs around 29 young stellar systems with ages of 5-30 Myr were observed with the LABOCA sub-millimetre instrument on the APEX telescope at 870μm, to provide disc masses or mass upper limits in support of a large Hershel programme. These targets included the η Chamaeleontis cluster and four bright Herbig Ae/Be stars which have not previously been observed at this wavelength. All but the Herbig Ae/Be stars were not detected, and 3σ dust mass upper limits of ~ 0.1-3 M are determined, with corresponding total disc masses of ~0.03-1Mjup. These mass limits indicate that there is insufficient remaining material in these discs to form gas giant planets, and add to the prevailing view that protoplanetary discs typically disperse within 10 Myr and that gas giant planet formation must be completed before this time. A search for cold dust emimission from two of the Solar System's nearest neighbours - α Centauri AB and ε Indi - was also performed with LABOCA. In both cases no debris disc emission was detected. A bright resolved feature was detected near α Centauri AB, nowever, follow-up observations at a second epoch, two years after the initial observations, showed that the feature is not co-moving with the stars. It is argued that the feature is most likely a pre-stellar core. The stars α Centauri A and B are detected, which is one of only very few detections of main sequence stellar photospheres at sub-millimetre wavelengths.


Banzatti, A., Pontoppidan, K. M., Salyk, C., Herczeg, G. J., van Dishoeck, E. F., Blake, G. A. 10 January 2017 (has links)
We present a new velocity-resolved survey of 2.9 mu m spectra of hot H2O and OH gas emission from protoplanetary disks, obtained with the Cryogenic Infrared Echelle Spectrometer at the VLT (R similar to 96,000). With the addition of archival Spitzer-IRS spectra, this is the most comprehensive spectral data set of water vapor emission from disks ever assembled. We provide line fluxes at 2.9-33 mu m that probe from the dust sublimation radius at similar to 0.05 au out to the region of the water snow line. With a combined data set for 55 disks, we find a new correlation between H2O line fluxes and the radius of CO gas emission, as measured in velocity-resolved 4.7 mu m spectra (R-co), which probes molecular gaps in inner disks. We find that H2O emission disappears from 2.9 mu m (hotter water) to 33 mu m (colder water) as R-co increases and expands out to the snow line radius. These results suggest that the infrared water spectrum is a tracer of inside-out water depletion within the snow line. It also helps clarify an unsolved discrepancy between water observations and models by finding that disks around stars of M-star > 1.5M(circle dot) generally have inner gaps with depleted molecular gas content. We measure radial trends in H2O, OH, and CO line fluxes that can be used as benchmarks for models to study the chemical composition and evolution of planet-forming disk regions at 0.05-20 au. We propose that JWST spectroscopy of molecular-gas may be used as a probe of inner disk gas depletion, complementary to the larger gaps and holes detected by direct imaging and by ALMA.

Planet Formation Imager (PFI): science vision and key requirements

Kraus, Stefan, Monnier, John D., Ireland, Michael J., Duchêne, Gaspard, Espaillat, Catherine, Hönig, Sebastian, Juhasz, Attila, Mordasini, Chris, Olofsson, Johan, Paladini, Claudia, Stassun, Keivan, Turner, Neal, Vasisht, Gautam, Harries, Tim J., Bate, Matthew R., Gonzalez, Jean-François, Matter, Alexis, Zhu, Zhaohuan, Panic, Olja, Regaly, Zsolt, Morbidelli, Alessandro, Meru, Farzana, Wolf, Sebastian, Ilee, John, Berger, Jean-Philippe, Zhao, Ming, Kral, Quentin, Morlok, Andreas, Bonsor, Amy, Ciardi, David, Kane, Stephen R., Kratter, Kaitlin, Laughlin, Greg, Pepper, Joshua, Raymond, Sean, Labadie, Lucas, Nelson, Richard P., Weigelt, Gerd, ten Brummelaar, Theo, Pierens, Arnaud, Oudmaijer, Rene, Kley, Wilhelm, Pope, Benjamin, Jensen, Eric L. N., Bayo, Amelia, Smith, Michael, Boyajian, Tabetha, Quiroga-Nuñez, Luis Henry, Millan-Gabet, Rafael, Chiavassa, Andrea, Gallenne, Alexandre, Reynolds, Mark, de Wit, Willem-Jan, Wittkowski, Markus, Millour, Florentin, Gandhi, Poshak, Ramos Almeida, Cristina, Alonso Herrero, Almudena, Packham, Chris, Kishimoto, Makoto, Tristram, Konrad R. W., Pott, Jörg-Uwe, Surdej, Jean, Buscher, David, Haniff, Chris, Lacour, Sylvestre, Petrov, Romain, Ridgway, Steve, Tuthill, Peter, van Belle, Gerard, Armitage, Phil, Baruteau, Clement, Benisty, Myriam, Bitsch, Bertram, Paardekooper, Sijme-Jan, Pinte, Christophe, Masset, Frederic, Rosotti, Giovanni 04 August 2016 (has links)
The Planet Formation Imager (PFI) project aims to provide a strong scientific vision for ground-based optical astronomy beyond the upcoming generation of Extremely Large Telescopes. We make the case that a breakthrough in angular resolution imaging capabilities is required in order to unravel the processes involved in planet formation. PFI will be optimised to provide a complete census of the protoplanet population at all stellocentric radii and over the age range from 0.1 to similar to 100 Myr. Within this age period, planetary systems undergo dramatic changes and the final architecture of planetary systems is determined. Our goal is to study the planetary birth on the natural spatial scale where the material is assembled, which is the "Hill Sphere" of the forming planet, and to characterise the protoplanetary cores by measuring their masses and physical properties. Our science working group has investigated the observational characteristics of these young protoplanets as well as the migration mechanisms that might alter the system architecture. We simulated the imprints that the planets leave in the disk and study how PFI could revolutionise areas ranging from exoplanet to extragalactic science. In this contribution we outline the key science drivers of PFI and discuss the requirements that will guide the technology choices, the site selection, and potential science/technology tradeoffs.

NGC 1980 Is Not a Foreground Population of Orion: Spectroscopic Survey of Young Stars with Low Extinction in Orion A

Fang, Min, Kim, Jinyoung Serena, Pascucci, Ilaria, Apai, Dániel, Zhang, Lan, Sicilia-Aguilar, Aurora, Alonso-Martínez, Miguel, Eiroa, Carlos, Wang, Hongchi 30 March 2017 (has links)
We perform a spectroscopic survey of the foreground population in Orion. A with MMT/Hectospec. We use these data, along with archival spectroscopic data and photometric data, to derive spectral types, extinction values, and masses for 691 stars. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope data, we characterize the disk properties of these sources. We identify 37 new transition disk (TD) objects, 1 globally depleted disk candidate, and 7 probable young debris disks. We discover an object with a mass of. less than 0.018-0.030 M-circle dot, which harbors a flaring disk. Using the Ha emission line, we characterize the accretion activity of the sources with disks, and confirm that the. fraction of accreting TDs is lower than that of optically thick disks (46% +/- 7% versus 73% +/- 9%, respectively). Using kinematic data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and APOGEE INfrared Spectroscopy of the Young Nebulous Clusters program (IN-SYNC), we confirm that the foreground population shows similar kinematics to their local molecular clouds and other young stars in the same regions. Using the isochronal ages, we find that the foreground population has a median age of. around 1-2 Myr, which is similar to that of other young stars in Orion. A. Therefore, our results argue against the presence of a large and old foreground cluster in front of Orion. A.

Chasing Shadows: Rotation of the Azimuthal Asymmetry in the TW Hya Disk

Debes, John H., Poteet, Charles A., Jang-Condell, Hannah, Gaspar, Andras, Hines, Dean, Kastner, Joel H., Pueyo, Laurent, Rapson, Valerie, Roberge, Aki, Schneider, Glenn, Weinberger, Alycia J. 31 January 2017 (has links)
We have obtained new images of the protoplanetary disk orbiting TW Hya in visible, total intensity light with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), using the newly commissioned BAR5 occulter. These HST/STIS observations achieved an inner working angle of similar to 0."2, or 11.7 au, probing the system at angular radii coincident with recent images of the disk obtained by ALMA and in polarized intensity near-infrared light. By comparing our new STIS images to those taken with STIS in 2000 and with NICMOS in 1998, 2004, and 2005, we demonstrate that TW Hya's azimuthal surface brightness asymmetry moves coherently in position angle. Between 50 au and 141 au we measure a constant angular velocity in the azimuthal brightness asymmetry of 22 degrees.7. 7 yr(-1) in a counterclockwise direction, equivalent to a period of 15.9. yr assuming circular motion. Both the (short) inferred period and lack of radial dependence of the moving shadow pattern are inconsistent with Keplerian rotation at these disk radii. We hypothesize that the asymmetry arises from the fact that the disk interior to 1 au is inclined and precessing owing to a planetary companion, thus partially shadowing the outer disk. Further monitoring of this and other shadows on protoplanetary disks potentially opens a new avenue for indirectly observing the sites of planet formation.


Pascucci, I., Testi, L., Herczeg, G. J., Long, F., Manara, C. F., Hendler, N., Mulders, G. D., Krijt, S., Ciesla, F., Henning, Th., Mohanty, S., Drabek-Maunder, E., Apai, D., Szűcs, L., Sacco, G., Olofsson, J. 02 November 2016 (has links)
The disk mass is among the most important input parameter for every planet formation model to determine the number and masses of the planets that can form. We present an ALMA 887 mu m survey of the disk population around objects from similar to 2 to 0.03 M-circle dot in the nearby similar to 2 Myr old Chamaeleon I star-forming region. We detect thermal dust emission from 66 out of 93 disks, spatially resolve 34 of them, and identify two disks with large dust cavities of about 45 au in radius. Assuming isothermal and optically thin emission, we convert the 887 mu m flux densities into dust disk masses, hereafter M-dust. We find that the M-dust-M* relation is steeper than linear and of the form M-dust proportional to (M*)(1.3-1.9), where the range in the power-law index reflects two extremes of the possible relation between the average dust temperature and stellar luminosity. By reanalyzing all millimeter data available for nearby regions in a self-consistent way, we show that the 1-3 Myr old regions of Taurus, Lupus, and Chamaeleon. I share the same M-dust-M* relation, while the 10 Myr old Upper. Sco association has a steeper relation. Theoretical models of grain growth, drift, and fragmentation reproduce this trend and suggest that disks are in the fragmentation-limited regime. In this regime millimeter grains will be located closer in around lower-mass stars, a prediction that can be tested with deeper and higher spatial resolution ALMA observations.

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