Spelling suggestions: "subject:"protoplast"" "subject:"protoplasts""
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Metabolite production and molecular characterisation of interspecific AspergilliHothersall, Joanne January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Signaltransduktion über Inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphat in Sonnenblumen-Hypokotylprotoplasten am Beispiel des SchwerkraftreizesMüller, Georg. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2000--Bonn.
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The Venus flytrap - Role of oxylipins in trap performance of Dionaea muscipula / Die Venus Fliegenfalle – Die Rolle von Oxilipinen im Fallenverhalten von Dionaea muscipulavon Rüden, Martin Frederik January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
A part of the plant kingdom consists of a variety of carnivorous plants. Some trap their prey
using sticky leaves, others have pitfall traps where prey cannot escape once it has fallen inside.
A rare trap type is the snap-trap: it appears only twice in the plant kingdom, in the genera
Aldrovanda and Dionaea. Even Charles Darwin himself described Dionaea muscipula, the
Venus flytrap, with the following words “This plant, commonly called Venus' fly-trap, from the
rapidity and force of its movements, is one of the most wonderful in the world”. For a long
time now, the mechanisms of Dionaea’s prey recognition, capture and utilization are of
interest for scientists and have been studied intensively.
Dionaea presents itself with traps wide-open, ready to catch insects upon contact. For this,
the insect has to touch the trigger hairs of the opened trap twice within about 20-30 seconds.
Once the prey is trapped, the trap lobes close tight, forming a hermetically sealed “green
Until lately, there was only limited knowledge about the molecular and hormonal mechanisms
which lead to prey capture and excretion of digestive fluids. It is known that the digestion
process is very water-consuming; therefore, the interplay of digestion-inducing and digestion inhibiting
substances was to be analyzed in this work, to elucidate the fine-tuning of the
digestive pathway. Special attention was given to the impact of phytohormones on mRNA
transcript levels of digestion-related proteins after various stimuli as well as their effect on
Dionaea’s physiological responses.
Jasmonic acid (JA) and its isoleucine-conjugated form, JA-Ile, are an important signal in the
jasmonate pathway. In the majority of non-carnivorous plants, jasmonates are critical for the
defense against herbivory and pathogens. In Dionaea, this defense mechanism has been
restructured towards offensive prey catching. One question in this work was how the
frequency of trigger hair bendings is related to the formation of jasmonates and the induction
of the digestion process. Upon contact of a prey with the trigger hairs in the inside of the trap,
the trap closes and jasmonates are produced biosynthetically. JA-Ile interacts with the COI1-
receptor, thereby activating the digestion pathway which leads to the secretion of digestive
fluid and production of transporters needed to take up prey-derived nutrients. In this work it
could be shown that the number of trigger hair bendings is positively correlated with the level
and duration of transcriptional induction of several digestive enzymes/hydrolases.
Abscisic acid (ABA) acts, along with many other functions, as the plant “drought stress
hormone”. It is synthesized either by roots as the primary sensor for water shortage or by
guard cells in the leaves. ABA affects a network of several thousand genes whose regulation
prepares the plant for drought and initiates protective measurements. It was known from
previous work that the application of ABA for 48 hours increased the required amount of
trigger hair bendings to achieve trap closure. As the digestion process is very water-intensive,
the question arose how exactly the interplay between the jasmonate- and the ABA-pathway
is organized, and if ABA could stop the running digestion process once it had been activated.
In the present work it could be shown that the application of ABA on intact traps prior to
mechanically stimulating the trigger hairs (mechanostimulation) already significantly reduced
the transcription of digestive enzymes for an incubation time as short as 4 h, showing that
already short-term exposure to ABA counteracts the effects of jasmonates when it comes to
initiating the digestion process, but does not inhibit trap closure. Incubation for 24 and 48
hours with 100 μM active ABA had no effect on trap reopening, only very high levels of 200
μM of active ABA inhibited trap reopening but also led to tissue necrosis. As the application
of ABA could reduce the transcription of digestive hydrolases, it is likely that Dionaea can stop
the digestion process, if corresponding external stimuli are received.
Another factor, which only emerged later, was the effect of the wounding-induced systemic
jasmonate burst. As efficient as ABA was in inhibiting marker hydrolase expression after
mechanostimulation in intact plants, the application of ABA on truncated traps was not able
to inhibit mechanostimulation-induced marker hydrolase expression. One reason might be
that the ABA-signal is perceived in the roots, and therefore truncated traps were not able to
react to it. Another reason might be that the wounding desensitized the tissue for the ABAsignal.
Further research is required at this point.
Inhibitors of the jasmonate pathway were also used to assess their effect on the regulation of
Dionaea´s hunting cycle. Coronatine-O-methyloxime proved to be a potent inhibitor of
mechanostimulation-induced expression of digestive enzymes, thus confirming the key
regulatory role of jasmonates for Dionaea´s prey consumption mechanism.
In a parallel project, the generation of in vitro cultures from sterilized seeds and single plant
parts proved successful, which may be important for stock-keeping of future transgenic lines.
Protoplasts were generated from leaf blade tissue and transiently transformed, expressing the
reporter protein YFP after 24 h of incubation. In the future this might be the starting point for
the generation of transgenic lines or the functional testing of DNA constructs. / Ein Teil des Pflanzenreiches besteht aus einer Vielfalt fleischfressender Pflanzen. Einige fangen
ihre Beute mit klebrigen Blättern, andere haben Grubenfallen, aus denen die Beute nicht mehr
entkommen kann, wenn sie erst einmal hineingefallen ist. Ein seltener Fallentyp ist die
Klappfalle: Sie kommt im Pflanzenreich nur zweimal vor, in den Gattungen Aldrovanda und
Dionaea. Charles Darwin selbst beschrieb Dionaea muscipula, die Venusfliegenfalle, als "eine
der schönsten Pflanzen der Welt". Die Mechanismen der Erkennung, des Fangs und der
Nutzbarmachung von Beutetieren durch Dionaea sind seit langem von Interesse für die
Wissenschaft und wurden intensiv untersucht.
Dionaea hat weit geöffnete Fallen, die bei Kontakt Insekten fangen können. Dazu muss das
Insekt innerhalb von ca. 20-30 Sekunden zweimal die Triggerhaare der geöffneten Falle
berühren. Sobald die Beute gefangen ist, schließen sich die Fallenhälften fest und bilden einen
hermetisch verschlossenen sogenannten „grünen Magen“.
Bis vor einigen Jahren gab es nur wenige Informationen über die molekularen und
hormonellen Mechanismen, die zu Beutefang und Sekretion von Verdauungsflüssigkeiten
führen. Es ist bekannt, dass der Verdauungsprozess sehr viel Wasser verbraucht; daher sollte
in dieser Arbeit das Zusammenspiel von verdauungsauslösenden und verdauungshemmenden
Substanzen untersucht werden, um die Feinabstimmung des Verdauungsweges aufzuklären.
Ein besonderes Augenmerk wurde auf den Einfluss von Phytohormonen auf die mRNATranskriptzahlen
von Verdauungsproteinen nach verschiedenen Stimuli sowie auf deren
Auswirkungen auf die physiologischen Reaktionen von Dionaea gelegt.
Jasmonsäure (JA) und ihre mit Isoleucin konjugierte Form, JA-Ile, sind ein wichtiges Signal in
pflanzlichen Signaltransduktionsprozessen. In der Mehrzahl der nicht-karnivoren Pflanzen
sind Jasmonate entscheidend für die Abwehr von Herbivoren und Pathogenen. In Dionaea
wurde dieser Abwehrmechanismus für den offensiven Beutefang umstrukturiert. Eine Frage
in dieser Arbeit war also, wie die Häufigkeit der Triggerhaarberührungen mit der Bildung von
Jasmonaten und dem Verdauungsvorgang miteinander in Verbindung steht. Beim Kontakt von
Beute mit den Triggerhaaren im Inneren der Falle schließt sich diese, und es werden durch
Biosynthese Jasmonate gebildet. JA-Ile interagiert mit dem COI1-Rezeptor und aktiviert so den
Verdauungsweg, der zur Sekretion von Verdauungsflüssigkeit und zur Produktion von
Transportern führt, welche zur Aufnahme von aus Beute gewonnenen Nährstoffen benötigt
werden. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Anzahl der Triggerhaarberührungen
positiv mit der Höhe und der Dauer der Transkriptionsinduktion mehrerer Verdauungsenzyme
bzw. Verdauungshydrolasen korreliert.
Abscisinsäure (ABA) fungiert neben vielen anderen Funktionen als pflanzliches
„Trockenstresshormon“. Es wird entweder von Wurzeln als primärem Sensor für
Wassermangel oder von Schließzellen in den Blättern synthetisiert. ABA beeinflusst ein
Netzwerk von mehreren tausend Genen, deren Regulation die Pflanze auf Dürre vorbereitet und entsprechende Schutzmaßnahmen einleitet.
Aus früheren Arbeiten war bekannt, dass die 48-stündige Inkubation einer Dionaea-Falle mit
ABA die erforderliche Anzahl an Triggerhaarberührungen erhöhte, die für einen Fallenschluss
notwendig sind. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Aufbringen von
ABA auf intakte Fallen vor der mechanischen Stimulierung der Triggerhaare
(Mechanostimulation) die Expression von Verdauungsenzymen bereits bei einer
Inkubationszeit von nur 4 Stunden signifikant reduzierte. Das zeigte eindeutig, dass die
kurzzeitige Einwirkung von ABA bereits die Effekte von Jasmonaten blockiert, wenn es um den
Beginn des Verdauungsprozesses geht, aber keinen Einfluss auf den Fallenschluss hat. Eine
Inkubation für 24 und 48 Stunden mit 100 μM aktiver ABA hatte keine Auswirkung auf das
Wiederöffnen der Falle, nur sehr hohe Konzentrationen von 200 μM aktiver ABA hemmten
das Wiederöffnen der Falle, führten aber auch zu Gewebenekrose. Da ABA die Transkription
der Verdauungsenzyme reduzieren konnte, ist es wahrscheinlich, dass Dionaea den
Verdauungsvorgang stoppen kann, wenn entsprechende externe Signale empfangen werden.
Ein weiterer Einflussfaktor, welcher erst später erkannt wurde, war die Auswirkung des
verwundungsbedingten, sprunghaften systemischen Anstiegs der Jasmonatkonzentration auf
die Wirkung von extern aufgegebenen Phytohormonen. So wirksam ABA bei der Hemmung
der Markerhydrolasen-Expression nach Mechanostimulation in intakten Pflanzen war, so
konnte diese Inhibition nach Anwendung von ABA auf abgeschnittenen Fallen nicht mehr
beobachtet werden. Ein Grund könnte sein, dass das ABA-Signal in den Wurzeln
wahrgenommen wird und daher abgeschnittene Fallen nicht darauf reagieren konnten. Ein
anderer Grund könnte sein, dass die Verwundung das Gewebe für das ABA-Signal
desensibilisiert hat. An dieser Stelle besteht weiterer Forschungsbedarf.
Ebenfalls wurden Inhibitoren des Jasmonat-Weges verwendet, um ihre Wirkung auf die
Regulation des Beutefangzyklus von Dionaea zu untersuchen. Coronatine-O-methyloxim
erwies sich als wirksamer Inhibitor der durch Mechanostimulation induzierten Expression von
Verdauungsenzymen und bestätigte damit die zentrale regulatorische Rolle von Jasmonaten
für den Beutefangmechanismus von Dionaea.
Ein parallel laufendes Projekt war die Erzeugung von in vitro-Kulturen aus sterilisiertem
Saatgut und einzelnen Pflanzenteilen, das sich als sehr erfolgreich erwies, was für die
Erzeugung zukünftiger transgener Linien wichtig sein kann. Ebenfalls wurden Protoplasten aus
Blattgewebe erzeugt, diese wurden transient transformiert und exprimierten YFP nach einer
Inkubationszeit von 24 Stunden. In Zukunft könnte dies der Ausgangspunkt für die
Generierung transgener Linien sein und der Funktionsüberprüfung von DNA-Konstrukten sein.
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Molecular Studies on Soybean Mosaic Virus-Soybean InterationsQusus, Saba J. 18 April 1997 (has links)
In the U.S., soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is classified into seven strain groups, designated G1 to G7, based on their different responses on resistant soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars. These responses are: symptomless or resistant (R), necrotic (N), and mosaic or susceptible (S). The gene-for-gene model has been proposed for SMV-soybean interactions. In the majority of cultivars, a single dominant gene, Rsv1, confers both the R and N responses. In the first part of this study, the coat protein (CP) genes of two SMV strains, G1 and G6 were isolated, cloned, and sequenced. Gene isolation was done by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on partially purified virus preparation without prior RNA extraction. Amplified products were blunt-end ligated into pNoTA/T7 vector and transformed into competent cells. Sequencing was performed in both directions on heat-denatured double-stranded plasmids. The predicted 265 amino acid sequence of the CP of G1 and G6 strains were 98.9% identical, with only two amino acid differences. Correlating the CP sequences of G1, G2, G6, and G7, with their virulence on resistant soybean cultivars indicated that the CP is not likely to be the R- and/or N-determinant in the SMV-soybean system. The second part of the study involved studying the pathogenesis of G1, G6, and G7 strains on inoculated leaves of R, N, and S soybean cultivars by leaf imprint immunoassay. Results indicated four types of reactions: i) susceptible, showing unrestricted replication and spread; ii) immune, where no virus was detected; iii) systemic spread, showing unrestricted replication but limited spread along the veins; and iv) restricted replication and spread, where infection was restricted to few foci along the veins. Results of this study indicated that Rsv1-mediated resistance is a multicomponent type of resistance that involves both inhibition of virus replication as well as cell-to-cell movement. The third part of the study aimed at investigating Rsv1-mediated resistance at the cellular level. For this purpose, an SMV-soybean protoplast system was developed. Protoplast isolation was based on a combined cellulase-pectolyase Y-23 digestion and metrizamide-sorbitol gradient purification protocol. Virus inoculation of protoplasts was facilitated by either polyethelene glycol (PEG) or poly-L-ornithine (PLO), and method of detection was by Western blotting using antiserum to whole virus. Inoculation by PEG was successful, but results were irreproducible because of the adverse effect of PEG on protoplast viability. Inoculation by PLO was inconclusive because of the high background from residual inoculum. Additional research is needed before a protoplast system can be used to study the mechanism of Rsv1 resistance to SMV at the cellular level. / Ph. D.
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Nuclear proteome response to cell wall removal in rice (Oryza sativa)Mujahid, Hana, Tan, Feng, Zhang, Jian, Nallamilli, Babi Ramesh, Pendarvis, Ken, Peng, Zhaohua January 2013 (has links)
Plant cells are routinely exposed to various pathogens and environmental stresses that cause cell wall perturbations. Little is known of the mechanisms that plant cells use to sense these disturbances and transduce corresponding signals to regulate cellular responses to maintain cell wall integrity. Previous studies in rice have shown that removal of the cell wall leads to substantial chromatin reorganization and histone modification changes concomitant with cell wall re-synthesis. But the genes and proteins that regulate these cellular responses are still largely unknown. Here we present an examination of the nuclear proteome differential expression in response to removal of the cell wall in rice suspension cells using multiple nuclear proteome extraction methods. A total of 382 nuclear proteins were identified with two or more peptides, including 26 transcription factors. Upon removal of the cell wall, 142 nuclear proteins were up regulated and 112 were down regulated. The differentially expressed proteins included transcription factors, histones, histone domain containing proteins, and histone modification enzymes. Gene ontology analysis of the differentially expressed proteins indicates that chromatin & nucleosome assembly, protein-DNA complex assembly, and DNA packaging are tightly associated with cell wall removal. Our results indicate that removal of the cell wall imposes a tremendous challenge to the cells. Consequently, plant cells respond to the removal of the cell wall in the nucleus at every level of the regulatory hierarchy.
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Seleção de linhagens de Saccharomyces cerevisiae potencializadas pelo fator Killer, H2S- e o carater floculante. / Improvement of a saccharomyces cerevisiae strain by the characters: "Killer" skills, flocculation capacity and lack in productinof H2S-.Brites, Anny Stella Monteiro 04 April 2003 (has links)
Dentre as características desejáveis em leveduras fermentadoras alcóolicas estão a capacidade de floculação, a não produção de H2S e o caráter "killer". Neste trabalho foram selecionadas sete linhagens de Saccharomyces cerevisiae com algumas destas características, que passaram por testes confirmativos e pela cariotipagem eletroforética resultando na escolha de duas linhagens: ATCC 26602 (altamente floculante) e K1 (H2S - e possuidoras do caráter "killer"). Estas linhagens foram utilizadas em um cruzamento via fusão de protoplasto para se obter um produto de fusão estável com as características de interesse tecnológico. Na seleção das linhagens híbridas com base em caracteres naturais foram isolados 1291 híbridos em meio seletivo e entre essas colônias somente 1,5% foram inicialmente consideradas híbriadas. Após três subcultivos em YEPD líquido, estes produtos de fusão não se mostraram estáveis. / Flocculative and "killer" skills and lack in production of H2S are desirable characteristics of the ethanolic fermentative yeasts. Seven selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with some of these characteristics were evaluated for confirmation of these habilities and their genetic characterization was undertaken by eletrophoretic kariotyping. The strain ATCC 26602 had flocculant hability and the strain K1 was H2S - and "killer". The strains were selected for protoplast fusion aiming to obtain a stable fusion strain with these desirable technologyc characteristics. The selection of the hybrid strains were based on natural characters and have shown 1291 hybrids (frequency of 1,5%) in the medium for the isolation of the fusionants (protoplasts). The protoplast stability were monitored by three continuous growth in the YEPD liquid midium and the stable fusion products were not obtained.
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Etablierung und Anwendung molekularer Methoden zur Analyse des Arabidopsis thaliana Transkriptionsfaktor-ORFeoms / Establishment and application of molecular tools to analyse the Arabidopsis thaliana transcription factor ORFeomeWehner, Nora January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Transkriptionsfaktoren (TF) sind wichtige Regulatoren der Genexpression. In Arabidopsis kodieren ca. 1500-2000 Gene für TF, von denen die Mehrheit bis heute nicht funktionell charakterisiert ist. Um die Aufklärung der TF-Funktionen weiter voranzutreiben, werden daher Analyse-Plattformen für Hochdurchsatzverfahren immer wichtiger. In den letzten Jahren sind umfangreiche Gateway® -kompatible ORF (open-reading-frame)-Kollektionen für Arabidopsis aufgebaut worden, die nun als nützliche Ressourcen für genetische Analysen zur Verfügung stehen. Auf Grundlage dieser Kollektionen wurde in dieser Arbeit eine neue Screening-Plattform etabliert, mit der trans-regulatorische Eigenschaften von TF in einem Hochdurchsatzverfahren untersucht werden können. Ein Mikrotiterplatten-System für Protoplastentransformationen erlaubt die transiente Koexpression von 96 verschiedenen TF-Expressionsvektoren mit einem Promotor:Luciferase-Reporter der Wahl. Das Transaktivierungspotential jedes einzelnen TF kann über die Luciferaseaktivität bestimmt werden, indem emittierte Lumineszenz in einem Luminometer detektiert wird. Die Funktionalität des PTA (Protoplast Trans Activation)-Systems wurde anhand einer Transaktivierungsstudie der bereits gut charakterisierten Promotoren von RD29A und PDF1.2 und der ERF (Ethylene Response Factor)-TF-Familie überprüft, wobei bekannte Bindungsspezifitäten der TF bestätigt werden konnten. Für das System wurde eine umfassende Arabidopsis TF-Kollektion aufgebaut. Ca. 950 verschiedene Gateway® -kompatible TF-Expressionsvektoren stehen für Screening-Ansätze zur Verfügung. Für das PTA-System wurden verschiedene Anwendungen etabliert. Neben transaktivierenden, konnten beispielsweise auch repressive Eigenschaften von TF bestimmt werden. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, (I) die Expression von Promotoren gezielt durch verschiedene Stimuli, wie Salz oder Pflanzenhormone zu modulieren, (II) Protein-Protein-Interaktionen zu bestimmen, sowie (III) den Einfluss von Signalmolekülen (wie z. B. Kinasen) auf ihre Aktivierungseigenschaften zu untersuchen. Das PTA-System wurde in verschiedenen Screening-Ansätzen zur Identifizierung transkriptioneller Regulatoren pflanzlicher Stressantworten eingesetzt. In einer Analyse des Auxin-induzierbaren GH3.3-Promotors wurde dabei gezeigt, dass weit mehr bZIP-TF Einfluss auf die Auxin-vermittelte GH3.3-Expression haben, als bisher angenommen. Beispielsweise zeigten bZIP16 und bZIP68 ein höheres Transaktivierungspotential, als die bisher beschriebenen bZIP-Regulatoren der GH3.3-Expression. In einem zweiten Ansatz wurde die koordinierte Regulation der Biosynthese von Tryptophan-abgeleiteten antimikrobiellen Sekundärmetaboliten (Indol-Glukosinolate, Camalexin) untersucht. Dabei konnten ERF-TF der phylogenetischen Gruppen VIII und IX als potentielle Regulatoren mehrerer wichtiger Gene der Biosynthesewege identifiziert werden. Mit einem zusätzlichen Screening-Ansatz der gesamten TF-Expressionsvektor-Kollektion und einem Markerpromotor des Camalexin-Biosynthesewegs wurden weitere potentielle Regulatoren identifiziert, von denen einige bereits in der Pathogenantwort beschrieben sind. In einem weiteren Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit wurde die von Weiste et al. (2007) etablierte Arabidopsis thaliana TF-ORF-Überexpressions-Kollektion (AtTORF-EX) erweitert. Mit Hilfe des dafür entwickelten Hochdurchsatzverfahrens zur Generierung stabil transformierter Pflanzenlinien wurden neue Überexpressionssamen-Kollektionen hergestellt und anschließend in einem Screening-Ansatz auf erhöhte Toleranz gegenüber oxidativem Stress getestet, wobei die Chemikalie Paraquat als oxidativer Stress-Geber eingesetzt wurde. Die TF bZIP1 und OBP1 konnten dabei als Resistenz-vermittelnd identifiziert werden. Zusammenfassend wurden in dieser Arbeit mit Hilfe beider Systeme neue potentielle Regulatoren pflanzlicher Stressantworten identifiziert. / Transcription factors (TFs) are important cellular regulators of gene expression. In Arabidopsis approximately 1500-2000 genes encode for TFs. Until now, the majority of these genes has not been functionally characterized. To further promote the evaluation of TF function, high-throughput tools are required. In recent years, comprehensive Arabidopsis open reading frame (ORF) collections have been established, which are valuable resources for functional genomics. Based on these collections a high-throughput microtiter plate based Protoplast Trans Activation (PTA) system has been established to screen for TFs which regulate a given promoter:Luciferase construct in planta. 96 protoplast transfection experiments can be performed simultaneously in a standard microtiter plate. Transactivation of a promoter:Luciferase reporter is measured via luciferase imaging. A screening collection of roughly 950 TFs expression vectors has been assembled using Gateway® technology and can be tested in various screening approaches. In this respect, it is possible to analyze transactivating as well as repressive properties. Moreover (I) stimulus induced transcription, (II) studies of protein-protein interaction and (III) the impact of signaling molecules (e.g. kinases) on the promoters activation potential can be measured. To demonstrate the feasibility of the high-throughput system, the transactivating properties of the Ethylene Response Factor (ERF) TF family were studied in combination with the well-characterized RD29A and PDF1.2 promoters. By this means, known binding specificities of the TF family were confirmed. Furthermore, the PTA-System was applied to identify transcriptional regulators involved in plant stress responses. In one approach the influence of bZIP TFs on the auxin-inducibility of the GH3.3-promoter was studied. In particular, bZIP16 and bZIP68 showed a stronger transactivation potential than those bZIPs which were previously described to regulate this auxin-responsive promoter. In an independent approach the transcriptional regulation of tryptophan-derived antifungal compounds (indol-glycosinolates, camalexin) biosynthesis has been studied. ERF TFs of the groups VIII and IX were identified as potential regulators of several biosynthetic genes. A subsequent screening approach of a key promoter of the camalexin biosynthetic pathway disclosed further potential regulators. Among these TFs, many have been described previously in plant pathogen responses. As a second approach to examine TF function the Arabidopsis thaliana TF ORF-EXpression-library (AtTORF-EX) established by Weiste et al. (2007) was extended. The developed high-throughput transformation procedure was used to generate new TF overexpression seed collections. Afterwards the library was applied in a screening approach to identify regulators which mediate enhanced tolerance towards the oxidative stress inducing chemical Paraquat. Thus, the TFs bZIP1 and OBP1 were found to promote resistance against Paraquat when overexpressed in Arabidopsis. In summary, using both approaches novel putative regulators of plant stress response signaling were identfied.
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Seleção de linhagens de Saccharomyces cerevisiae potencializadas pelo fator Killer, H2S- e o carater floculante. / Improvement of a saccharomyces cerevisiae strain by the characters: "Killer" skills, flocculation capacity and lack in productinof H2S-.Anny Stella Monteiro Brites 04 April 2003 (has links)
Dentre as características desejáveis em leveduras fermentadoras alcóolicas estão a capacidade de floculação, a não produção de H2S e o caráter "killer". Neste trabalho foram selecionadas sete linhagens de Saccharomyces cerevisiae com algumas destas características, que passaram por testes confirmativos e pela cariotipagem eletroforética resultando na escolha de duas linhagens: ATCC 26602 (altamente floculante) e K1 (H2S - e possuidoras do caráter "killer"). Estas linhagens foram utilizadas em um cruzamento via fusão de protoplasto para se obter um produto de fusão estável com as características de interesse tecnológico. Na seleção das linhagens híbridas com base em caracteres naturais foram isolados 1291 híbridos em meio seletivo e entre essas colônias somente 1,5% foram inicialmente consideradas híbriadas. Após três subcultivos em YEPD líquido, estes produtos de fusão não se mostraram estáveis. / Flocculative and "killer" skills and lack in production of H2S are desirable characteristics of the ethanolic fermentative yeasts. Seven selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with some of these characteristics were evaluated for confirmation of these habilities and their genetic characterization was undertaken by eletrophoretic kariotyping. The strain ATCC 26602 had flocculant hability and the strain K1 was H2S - and "killer". The strains were selected for protoplast fusion aiming to obtain a stable fusion strain with these desirable technologyc characteristics. The selection of the hybrid strains were based on natural characters and have shown 1291 hybrids (frequency of 1,5%) in the medium for the isolation of the fusionants (protoplasts). The protoplast stability were monitored by three continuous growth in the YEPD liquid midium and the stable fusion products were not obtained.
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Protoplast Fusion for the Production of Intermonoploid Somatic Hybrids in Cultivated PotatoJohnson, Alexander Arthur Theodore 15 October 1998 (has links)
Monoploid potato genotypes represent plant material that is free from the "genetic load" of lethal and severely deleterious alleles normally present in the highly heterozygous cultivated potato species. Field evaluations enabled the identification of agronomically superior monoploid potato genotypes from a population of more than 100 anther-derived monoploids. Chemical fusion and electrofusion between pairs selected from 31 superior monoploids resulted in the production of three different groups of intermonoploid somatic hybrids.
The hybridity of somatic hybrid plants and calluses was confirmed through PCR-based amplification of simple sequence repeat (SSR) sequences in the potato genome. Polymorphic SSR loci between the monoploid parents of a particular group of somatic hybrids were used to separate true somatic hybrids (heterozygous at the loci) from parental somaclones regenerating from unfused protoplasts (homozygous for one parental band at the loci).
One group of somatic hybrids (SH1, SH2 and SH2B) was of particular interest because it resulted from the fusion of a S. phureja monoploid to a high acetylleptinidine-producing monoploid derived from an F1 hybrid between S. chacoense and S. phureja. The leptine acetylleptinidine (ALD) is produced only by some accessions of S. chacoense Bitt. and provides resistance to feeding by the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) when present in sufficient concentrations. The somatic hybrids produced moderate levels of ALD in leaves and stems (roughly 60% that of a high ALD-producing S. chacoense clone).
Pollinations of SH1, SH2 and SH2B by several diploid and tetraploid potato clones resulted in three fruit on SH2, one fruit on SH2B and no fruit on SH1. Two resulting progeny populations of SH2 [SH2A = SH2 × S. andigena 8-1 (4x); SH2P = SH2 × S. phureja 66AP11-53 (2x)] expressed higher fertility than the original somatic hybrids and were sexually crossed as both male and female parents to S. tuberosum cv. Atlantic. All of the SH2 progeny populations expressed acetylleptinidines, albeit at lower levels than the SH2 somatic hybrid, providing strong evidence that the genes controlling acetylleptinidine production are dominant. Variation for ALD expression in the SH2 progeny indicated one or a few genes with additive effect controlling the ALD trait. In addition, the choice of male parent in sexual crosses to SH2 affected subsequent ALD expression in progeny populations. The SH2 progeny represent an important first step towards transferring acetylleptinidines to cultivated potato.
SH1, SH2 and SH2B appeared to be negatively affected by an unusually high ploidy (hexaploid, 6x). Field-grown plants produced many tubers (mean = 35) of low weight (mean = 10.4 g) and were stunted in appearance. Anther culture of SH2 yielded triploid regenerants (3x). These regenerants may be more phenotypically normal than the original somatic hybrids because of lower ploidy. Segregation of SSR alleles in the triploid anther culture regenerants provided evidence that the hexaploid somatic hybrid SH2 genome is comprised of four homologous genomes of CP2-103 (the high leptine-producing monoploid) and two homologous genomes of 13-14 203 (the S. phureja monoploid). / Master of Science
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Studies on the floral regulatory mechanism in a non-flowering cabbage mutant that spontaneously reacquires flowering ability / 偶発的な開花復帰性をもつ非開花性キャベツ変異体の開花制御機構に関する研究Kinoshita, Yu 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第24653号 / 農博第2536号 / 新制||農||1097(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R5||N5434(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科農学専攻 / (主査)教授 土井 元章, 教授 田尾 龍太郎, 教授 那須田 周平 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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