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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Baltumo ir juodumo konceptai lietuvių ir anglų kalbose / Concepts of Whiteness and Blackness in Lithuanian and English languages

Jokubaitienė, Toma 16 September 2009 (has links)
Visose pasaulio kalbose yra terminai spalvoms reikšti, tačiau priklausomai nuo ekstralingvistinių veiksnių, skirtingos tautos turi nevienodą jų skaičių. Išanalizavę dešimtis kalbų lingvistai B. Berlinas ir P. Kėjus nustatė, jog ankstyvame kalbų raidos etape tebuvo du žodžiai spalvoms apibrėžti: vienas - tamsioms, kitas – šviesioms. Šviesai atstovauja balta spalva, tamsai – juoda. Į prototipines baltumo ir juodumo konceptų reikšmes (baltas, -a – sniego spalvos, visai šviesus, juodas, -a – visiškai tamsus, kaip anglis) remiasi nemažai metaforinių reikšmių. Šio magistro darbo tikslas – išskirti skirtingas ir bendras baltumo ir juodumo metaforines reikšmes, būdingas lietuvių ir anglų kalboms. Tyrimo medžiagą sudaro lietuvių kalbos tekstyno grožinės literatūros blokas ir anglų kalbos tekstyno medžiaga. Išanalizavus tekstyno medžiagą nustatyta, jog prototipinės juodo reikšmės: tamsus, neperregimas, tankus, gilus; nešvarus, suteptas; rasė, gymis; rūšies pavadinimas; kava, arbata; metaforinės reikšmės: nešvarus, nedoras; prastas apie maistą (tik lietuvių kalboje); blogis: a) viduje išgyvenamas (emocijos); b) bauginantys, tragiški, nelaimingi įvykiai, su jais sietinos vietos; sunkus, kasdienis; neteisėta veikla, tokios veiklos rezultatai; simbolinės reikšmės: artėjančios nelaimės simbolis; nelaimės pranašai (blogio simboliai); gedulo simbolis. Tekstyno medžiagos analizė parodė, jog prototipinės balto reikšmės: šviesa; perregimas, bespalvis; švara; tuštuma; rasė, gymis; rūšies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every language has colour terms, but different amount of them depending on extra linguistic features. Linguist B. Berlin and P. Kay analysed dozens of languages and determined that there were only two colour terms (dark and bright) in the first stage of language evolution. Bright is represented by white and dark is represented by black. Many metaphoric meanings are based on prototypical meanings of concepts of whiteness (white – of colour of snow, very bright) and blackness (black – very dark, like coal). The goal of this master thesis is to determine common and different metaphorical meanings of whiteness and blackness characteristic for Lithuanian and English languages. The research material is collected from corpuses of Lithuanian and English languages. The data of the analysis of both concepts showed, blackness and whiteness in most cases are used to identify a feature of colour, i.e. prototypical colour meaning. But it also revealed a number of cases when the colour term does not denote a colour feature, but it is used metaphorically, with objects lacking the colour feature. The analysis has also revealed the importance of the symbolic meaning in the research of the colour concepts. The concept of Blackness in both languages is perceived similarly. Prototypical meanings are the following: dark, lacking light, impenetrable, soiled; used to characterize dark skin pigmentation; certain object in black colour (blackcurrant, black bread and etc.); (coffee or tea) without... [to full text]

Personal Rapid Transit for Halifax, Nova Scotia

Rice, Jordan 20 March 2012 (has links)
As auto-dependent development has forced the urban limits of the city to sprawl, it has put considerable pressure on the transportation corridors that serve the city center. In Halifax, Nova Scotia, this condition is exacerbated by the downtown being bounded by water on three sides. Thus, there are a limited number of transportation corridors onto and off of the peninsula. This thesis examines how transit stations for a proposed public transportation line, within an underused rail corridor, can actively support and engage the communities they serve. A personal rapid transit network is proposed as a mobility-on-demand public transit system within this corridor. This introduction of a new transportation strategy is seen as a paradigm shift for the way transportation is conceived of in Halifax. Thus, the typology of the station will be studied in three different social and topographic environments, to form prototypes for the potential of transit stations throughout Halifax.

Exploring Place for Community Mental Health Support in Natural Environments

Schuhmann, Kristiana 11 July 2012 (has links)
The thesis looks at developing a new model for a mental health support program which is integrated into a natural recreational environment. Its starting point is Beginning Again, a registered charity in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, which provides a supportive workplace, called Treasures, to engage psychiatric patients in meaningful and productive work. The intent of the thesis is to develop an architecture that reflects the mission and objectives of the program in order to increase the opportunity for recovery and interaction with the local community. This is done by creating a more general prototype or “parent seed” which can be applicable to many locations and then testing the model by planting it in the Oak Ridges Corridor Park, located in the suburban community of Oak Ridges, Ontario. This thesis builds upon the long history of rehabilitative environments to create a community model of care that regards work as primarily a social and cultural activity.


Rouly, Ovey Etienne 02 December 2013 (has links)
A novel method was developed to design and fabricate nozzles capable of producing low-divergence fluid jets. Nozzle apertures were elliptical, and jets exhibited elliptical cross-sections with divergence varying predictably between 0 and 13°. Nozzle aperture aspect ratios varied from 1.00 to 2.45, area was equivalent to that of a 6mm diameter circle. An elliptical jet was developed with 0.4° and 0.9° divergence in the major and minor axes, respectively. Performance of this elliptical nozzle was compared to that of a circular nozzle via profiled creep-feed grinding trials. Results indicate the circular nozzle performs similarly to the horizontal ellipse; the vertical ellipse frequently caused wheel breakdown. Optimized cutting parameters: wheel speed 23m/s, cut depth 1.78mm, feed rate 200mm/min, jet pressure 3.21MPa or greater. Experiments were performed on a Blohm Planomat 408 CNC grinding machine using CimTech 310 cutting fluid. Nozzle experiments used a Brix concentration of 6.1%, grinding experiments used 3.1%.

Implementation of coarse-grain coherence tracking support in ring-based multiprocessors

Coté, Edmond A. 25 October 2007 (has links)
As the number of processors in multiprocessor system-on-chip devices continues to increase, the complexity required for full cache coherence support is often unwarranted for application-specific designs. Bus-based interconnects are no longer suitable for larger-scale systems, and the logic and storage overhead associated with the use of a complex packet-switched network and directory-based cache coherence may be undesirable in single-chip systems. Unidirectional rings are a suitable alternative because they offer many properties favorable to both on-chip implementation and to supporting cache coherence. Reducing the overhead of cache coherence traffic is, however, a concern for these systems. This thesis adapts two filter structures that are based on principles of coarse-grained coherence tracking, and applies them to a ring-based multiprocessor. The first structure tracks the total number of blocks of remote data cached by all processors in a node for a set of regions, where a region is a large area of memory referenced by the upper bits of an address. The second structure records regions of local data whose contents are not cached by any remote node. When used together to filter incoming or outgoing requests, these structures reduce the extent of coherence traffic and limit the transmission of coherent requests to the necessary parts of the system. A complete single-chip multiprocessor system that includes the proposed filters is designed and implemented in programmable logic for this thesis. The system is composed of nodes of bus-based multiprocessors, and each node includes a common memory, two or more pipelined 32-bit processors with coherent data caches, a split-transaction bus with separate lines for requests and responses, and an interface for the system-level ring interconnect. Two coarse-grained filters are attached to each node to reduce the impact of coherence traffic on the system. Cache coherence within the node is enforced through bus snooping, while coherence across the interconnect is supported by a reduced-complexity ring snooping protocol. Main memory is globally shared and is physically distributed among the nodes. Results are presented to highlight the system's key implementation points. Synthesis results are presented in order to evaluate hardware overhead, and operational results are shown to demonstrate the functionality of the multiprocessor system and of the filter structures. / Thesis (Master, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2007-10-24 10:16:47.81 / Financial support for this work was provided by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Communications and Information Technology Ontario, and Queen's University.

Galios elektronikos mokymo laboratorinės įrangos prototipų kūrimas / Laboratory Equipment Prototype Development for Training of Power Electronics

Bielskis, Edvardas 04 August 2011 (has links)
Šis elektros inžinerijos bakalauro darbas yra aktualus, nes yra kuriami nauji laboratorinių darbu stendai galios elektronikos, kurių dar katedra neturėjo. Taip kuriant naujus mokomuosius stendus bus galima padidinti studijų kokybę, nes bus lengviau paaiškinti vykstančius sudėtingus procesus, kurie yra reikalingi gauti reikiamą valdymo dėsnį. Iki šiol panašūs laboratoriniai darbai buvo atlikinėjami programinėmis įrangomis imituojant elektrines grandines, tačiau toks mokymo būdas yra suidealizuotas, todėl nelabai atitinka tikrovę. Buvo nutarta pagaminti du stendus, susijusius su galios elektronikos disciplinos studijomis. Tai būtų tiristorinio lyginimo tiltelio stendas ir inverterio stendas. Pradinėje gamybos stadijoje programine įranga „MULTISIM“ buvo modeliuojamos stendų atitinkamos elektrinės grandinės ir žiūrima ar rezultatai tenkina norimus gauti parametrus. Toliau sumodeliavus atitinkamas elektrines grandines, buvo braižomos elektrinės schemos, pagal kurias buvo gaminami realūs laboratoriniai stendai. Toliau pagaminti stendai buvo išbandomi ir jų rezultatai palyginami su žinomomis teorinėmis reikšmėmis. Darbo metu buvo pagaminti minėti du stendai. Buvo išbandyta ar jie tinkamai veikia tikrinant oscilografu atitinkamų dalių elektrinės grandinės taškų signalus. Taip pat buvo sukurti stendų aprašai, pagal kuriuos studentai galios elektronikos laboratoriniuose darbuose susipažins su šių stendų įranga bei naudojimosi algoritmu. Be to buvo sukurtos laboratorinių darbų užduotis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Bachelor’s work in Electrical Engineering is relevant, whereas new power electronics equipment for laboratory works were developed. So far, the department did not have such kind of equipment. Thus, developing the new, it will be possible to improve the study quality, whereas is will be easier to explain the operation of complicated processes. Herewith, similar virtual experimentation was performed using electrical circuit simulation software. However such method of teaching was idealised, therefore it did not meet the reality very much. It was intended to develop two different laboratory equipment sets in relation with the requirements of the Power Electronics course. These include SCR control and voltage inverter modules. In the initial stage, the respective electrical circuits were simulated using “MULTISIM”. Further, the real electrical circuits were designed, made and tested. The simulation and real systems analysis results were in good agreement. The descriptions of the equipment were prepared, which can be used for the laboratory practice. The students will have to perform respective tasks and measurements and familiarise themselves with the principles of power electronic circuit operation. Conclusions: The equipment testing results were in conformity with the theory, therefore they are operating appropriately. Students will be able to obtain appropriate knowledge concerning power electronics devices in the real environment. The price of production of the... [to full text]

Situational variables associated with unsafe sexual behaviour in an MSM population.

Thompson, Lance, David January 2009 (has links)
The current study examined the capacity of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and the Prototype/Willingness model (P/W model) to predict intention to have unsafe sex with new and regular partners as well as frequency of unsafe sex in a sample of men who have sex with men (MSM) sample. The study also examined aspects of the sexual situation immediately prior to or during unsafe sexual intercourse (such as substance use, venue and emotional state) to determine whether there were any significant correlations and group differences. One hundred and fifty-eight male participants between the ages of 18-26 who have had sex with another male in the last nine months completed an online survey of sexual habits, TPB and P/W model variables. With the exception of prototypes, the results showed significant group difference in terms of TPB and P/W model variables between risk groups. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between models in predictive capacity in terms of either intention or frequency of unsafe sex. The results of the study suggested participants were generally only having unsafe sex with regular partners, that in older samples it may be more parsimonious to use the TPB than P/W model and that it is important to measure TPB variables in terms of both new and regular partners for increased accuracy and greater applicability in terms of HIV/STI interventions.


Tangirala, Phani 01 January 2005 (has links)
Percent Moisture Content (MC %) of wood is defined to be the weight of the moisture in the wood divided by the weight of the dry wood times 100%. Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC), moisture content at environmental equilibrium is a very important metric affecting the performance of wood in many applications. For best performance in many applications, the goal is to maintain this value between 6% and 8%. EMC value is a function of the temperature and the relative humidity of the surrounding air of wood. It is very important to maintain this value while processing, storing or finishing the wood. This thesis develops a special purpose sensor and processor system to be implemented as a small hand-held device used to sense, calculate and display the value of EMC of wood depending on surrounding environmental conditions. Wood processing industry personnel would use the hand-held EMC calculating and display device to prevent many potential problems that can show significant affect on the performance of wood. The design of the EMC device requires the use of sensors to obtain the required inputs of temperature and relative humidity. In this thesis various market available sensors are compared and appropriate sensor is chosen for the design. The calculation of EMC requires many arithmetic operations with stringent precision requirements. Various arithmetic algorithms and systems are compared in terms of meeting required arithmetic functionality, precision requirements, and silicon implementation area and gate count, and a suitable choice is made. The resulting processor organization and design is coded in VHDL using the Xilinx ISE 6.2.03i tool set. The design is synthesized, validated via VHDL virtual prototype simulation, and implemented to a Xilinx Spartan2E FPGA for experimental hardware prototype testing and evaluation. It is tested over various ranges of temperature and relative humidity. Comparison of experimentally calculated EMC values with the theoretical values of EMC derived for corresponding temperature and relative humidity points resulted in validation of the EMC processor architecture, functional performance and arithmetic precision requirements.

Investigating Connectivity Challenges and Available Mitigation for Communication in Rural and Remote Environments

Melvin, Roberta M. 06 1900 (has links)
While workers in an urban environment typically enjoy full speed, always available, broadband access, those in rural and remote environments do not necessarily have the same level of service. The goal of this thesis is to investigate positive and negative rural and remote work experiences, looking for novel ways to leverage available strengths in mitigating productivity challenges. An exploratory qualitative study suggests increasing reliance on networked technology by participants, to accomplish work. Larger human networks are common, where members have diverse levels of network access. Search Connected, a prototype tool, looks to leverage this human network to mitigate challenges that might be experienced during work in remote locations, improving search productivity. A preliminary study evaluating the tool suggests that participants see value in the tool and further research be pursued to find a tipping point between added communication overhead and search speed improvement.

Integration of Enterprise Modeling and Model Driven Development : A Meta-Model and a Tool Prototype

Zikra, Iyad January 2014 (has links)
The use of models for designing and developing Information Systems (IS) has changed in recent years. Models are no longer considered a peripheral documentation medium that is poorly maintained and often neglected. Rather, models are increasingly seen as essential parts of the final product—as central artifacts that drive and guide the development efforts. The knowledge that modelers rely on when designing models is represented as formal models and clearly defined rules for transforming the models. The flexibility, reliability, and effectiveness offered by the formal models and the transformations are making Model Driven Development (MDD) a popular choice for building IS. Models also serve in describing enterprise design, where enterprise-level models capture organizational knowledge and aid in understanding, improving, and growing the enterprise. Enterprise Modeling (EM) offers a structured and unified view of the enterprise, thereby enabling more informed and accurate decisions to be made. Many MDD approaches have been proposed to tackle a wide range of IS-related issues, but little attention is being paid to the source of the knowledge captured by the IS models. EM approaches capture organizational knowledge and provide the necessary input and underlying context for designing IS. However, the results produced by EM approaches need to be manually analyzed by modelers to create the initial MDD model. This interruption of the MDD process represents a gap between enterprise models and MDD models. Limited research has been done to connect EM to MDD in a systematic and structured manner based on the principles of model-driven development. This thesis proposes a unifying meta-model for integrating EM and MDD. The meta-model captures the inherent links that exist between organizational knowledge and IS design. This helps to improve the alignment between organizational goals and the IS that are created to support them. The research presented herein follows the guidelines of the design science research methodology. It starts with a state-of-the-art survey of the current relationship between MDD and prior stages of development. The findings of the survey are used to elicit a set of necessary properties for integrating EM and MDD. The unifying meta-model is then proposed as the basis for an integrated IS development approach that applies the principles of MDD and starts on the enterprise level by considering enterprise models in the development process. The design of the meta-model supports the elicited integration properties. The unifying meta-model is based on the Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD) approach to EM. A prototype tool is developed to support the unifying meta-model, following a study to choose a suitable implementation environment. The use of the unifying meta-model is demonstrated through the implemented tool platform using an example case study, revealing its advantages and highlighting the potential for improvement and future development.

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