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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Quimioestratigrafia isotópica (C, O, S e Sr), geocronologia (Pb-Pb e K-Ar) e proveniência (Sm-Nd) das rochas da Faixa Paraguai Norte, Mato Grosso / Isotope (C, O, S And Sr) chemostratigraphy, geochronology (Pb-Pb And K-Ar) and provenance (Sm-Nd) of rocks from the North Paraguay Belt, Mato Grosso

Milene Freitas Figueiredo 03 November 2010 (has links)
Anomalias biogeoquímicas expressivas têm sido reconhecidas em rochas marinhas neoproterozoicas depositadas em todos os continentes, não havendo similares ao longo do Fanerozoico. O interesse nesta Era aumentou nos últimos anos, especialmente em relação ao Ediacarano, período que precede a grande Explosão de Vida Cambriana e que abriga os primeiros organismos macroscópicos, conhecidos como Fauna de Ediacara. Assim, o entendimento das condições paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas, bem como o estabelecimento da cronologia dos eventos, é fundamental no entendimento da evolução da biota no planeta durante este período. As rochas da Faixa Paraguai Norte, na região de estudo, registram a ocorrência de duas glaciações, uma criogeniana e outra ediacarana (formações Puga e Serra Azul), separadas por uma espessa plataforma carbonática (Grupo Araras), que registra anomalias biogeoquímicas na água do mar ediacarano. Estas rochas foram depositadas na margem sudeste do Craton Amazônico, no intervalo de tempo entre a quebra do paleocontinente Rodínia e a colagem do Gondwana. O presente trabalho é apresentado na forma de artigos e apresenta estudos de: i) quimioestratigrafia isotópica (C, O, S e Sr) de detalhe nos carbonatos do Grupo Araras e da Formação Serra Azul; ii) proveniência (Sm-Nd) das rochas terrígenas das formações Puga e Serra Azul, bem como da base da Formação Raizama; e iii) geocronologia (Pb-Pb em carbonatos e K-Ar em clastos vulcânicos) da Formação Serra Azul. Os valores de \'delta\'\'POT.13 C\' evidenciaram duas anomalias negativas (ca. - 6%o) pósglaciais e um gradiente de até 2,5%o ao longo da bacia, no período interglacial. As razões \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' (entre 0.7074 e 0.7087) mostraram uma evolução coerente com a esperada para o oceano ediacarano. Os valores de \'delta\'\'POT.34 S\' obtidos nos sulfatos-traços dos carbonatos variaram de 22 a 61, enquanto que nas piritas variaram de 11 a 43%o, sendo os mais pesados já registrados no tempo geológico (acima de 48%o e 30%o, respectivamente). As idades modelo (\'T IND.DM\') Sm-Nd obtidas em rochas terrígenas das formações Puga, Serra Azul e Raizama encontram-se entre 1,6 e 2,2 Ga, mostrando contribuição variável, ao longo da seção, com predomínio de fontes localizadas a norte e a leste da bacia precursora da Faixa Paraguai. As idades K-Ar obtidas em clastos vulcânicos recuperados da Formação Serra Azul variaram de 730 a 1167 Ma, evidenciando uma fonte jovem, distinta do esperado para o Cráton Amazônico. A idade isocrônica Pb-Pb de 596 ± 26 Ma determinada em carbonatos da Formação Serra Azul corrobora sua correlação com a Glaciação Gaskiers, datada em 580 Ma. / Expressive biogeochemical anomalies have been recognized in Neoproterozoic marine rocks deposited worldwide, with no similar record throughout the Phanerozoic. The interest in this Era have been increased, especially on the Ediacaran time, the period that precedes the great CambrianLife Explosion, and houses the first macroscopic organisms, which are known as the Ediacaran Fauna. Thus, the understanding of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions, associated with the establishment of the chronology of the events is crucial in the understanding the evolution of biota on the planet during this period. The rocks of northern Paraguay Belt in the study area record the occurrence of two glaciations, where one is Cryogenian and another is Ediacaran (Puga and Serra Azul formations). These glacial deposits are separated by a thick carbonate platform (Araras Group), which records biogeochemical anomalies in the Ediacaran seawater. These rocks were deposited in the southeastern margin of the Amazonian Craton, in the time interval between the breakup of the Rodinia Paleocontinent and the assemblage of the Gondwana. This work is composed by five articles, whose study scopes are: i) detailed isotope chemostratigraphy (C, O, S and Sr) in carbonates from the Araras Group and the Serra Azul Formation; ii) provenance (Sm-Nd) of the siliclastic rocks from the Puga and the Serra Azul Formations and the base of the Raizama Formation; and iii) geochronology (Pb-Pb in carbonate and K-Ar in volcanic clasts) from the Serra Azul Formation. The \'delta\'\'POT.13 C\' values showed two post-glacial negative anomalies (ca. - 6%o) and a gradient of up to 2.5%o along the basin, during interglacial period. The obtained \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.86 Sr\' ratios (between 0.7074 and 0.7087) showed a consistent trend with that expected for the Ediacaran sea water. The trace sulfate extracted from obtained carbonates yielded \'delta\'\'POT.34 S\' values from 22 to 61%o, whereas the pyrites ranged between 11 and 43%o. These \'delta\'\'POT.34 S\' values are the heaviest ever recorded in geologic time (above 48 and 30, respectively). The Sm-Nd model ages (\'T IND.DM\') obtained from siliciclastic rocks from Puga, Serra Azul and Raizama formations range from 1.6 to 2.2 Ga, and indicate a variable contribution along the section, with predominant sources coming from areas at north and east of the precursor basin. Recovered volcanic clasts from the Serra Azul Formation yielded K-Ar ages between 730 and 1167 Ma, revealing a non expected young source for areas on the Amazon Craton. The Pb-Pb isochron age of 596 ± 26 Ma was determined in carbonates from the Serra Azul Formation and corroborates its correlation with Gaskiers Glaciation which was dated at 580 Ma.

Proveniência sedimentar das areias holocênicas do rio Madeira, Amazonas, Brasil

Mirian Rosseto 03 September 2013 (has links)
O rio Madeira é um dos principais afluentes da margem direita do rio Amazonas, porém este rio é ainda pouco estudado no âmbito de sua proveniência sedimentar. Deste modo este trabalho busca sugerir as rochas fontes dos sedimentos das areias holocênicas que compõem as barras fluviais ativas do baixo curso dorio Madeira, desde as proximidades da cidade de Porto Velho, próximo a divisa do estado de Rondônia e Amazonas, até sua jusante no rio Amazonas. Para tal, foram realizadasas análises granulométrica, mineralogias essencial e de minerais pesados, tipologias de zircão, andaluzita e quartzo e índice rutilo-zircão. As areias do rio Madeira possuem granulometria nas frações areia fina e média, sendo a fina pobremente selecionada e a média bem selecionada, com a granulação média ocorrendo entre os afluentes Ji-Paraná, Manicoré e Aripuanã. A análise de minerais pesados transparentes não micáceos demonstra uma assembleia mineralógica principal composta de andaluzita, zircão, hornblenda, estaurolita, epídoto, turmalina, rutilo e granada. Com menor frequência ocorrem clinopiroxênios (principalmente augita), ferrisilita, titanita, gedreita-antofilita e sillimanita, além de dumortierita, cassiterita, topázio, espinélio e monazita como traço, sendo os três primeiros os mais abundantes. O anfibólio mais comum é a hornblenda, sugestiva de fontes ígneas e cujas maiores ocorrências começam após a entrada do rio Ji-Paranáno Madeira, o que assinala nova contribuição de fontes mais máficas a aquelas vindas de montante junto aos minerais ferricilita e augita, que denotam fontes de rochas vulcânicas e que podem se tratar de remanescentes vindos da cordilheira andina. Esta nova injeção de anfibólios pode estar associada à Suíte Intrusiva Serra da Providência e Complexo Jamari. A andaluzita é predominante ao longo do rio com 100% de frequênciade ocorrência e valores médios de 52% em areia fina e 22% em areia muito fina, com prevalência de grãos límpidos (metamorfismo regional e/ou hidrotermal) e indício de fontes no Cráton Amazônico para quiastolíticas (metamorfismo de contato) após a entrada do afluente Mancoré. Nesta mesma região grãos euédricos a subédricos de andaluzita, soma 93% em areia fina, o que revela proximidade de sua fonte. Os dados obtidos neste trabalho mostram que este mineral esta constantemente sendo introduzido na carga sedimentar fluvial do rio Madeira, porém a referencia deste mineral nas rochas do sudeste do Cráton Amazônico, da Cordilheira Central e da bacia antepaís andina são escassos, o que dificulta a determinação da origem deste mineral.. A tipologia de zircão mostrou grande quantidade de grãos euédricos e grãos angulosos, com pequeno predomínio de grãos arredondados, que correspondem a mais de 50%. Estes dados mostram contribuição de rochas sedimentares e metassedimentares, como a Formação Içá e o Grupo Alto Tapajós, além dereforçar a contribuição ígnea, como as rochas que ocorrem à montante do Madeira e ao longo de seus afluentes nos estados de Rondônia e Amazonas. Os valores obtidos no RZi não demonstram mudanças fortes de fontes de sedimentos. As fontes sugeridas ganham reforço na identificação de fragmentos de rochas como granitóides, micaxistos, quartzitos e arenitos, que indicam diretamente a rocha de origem e mostram que as fontes do rio Madeira são poligenéticas. A quantificação dos grãos de quartzo (Q), feldspato (F) e fragmentos de rocha (L), demonstram que as areias deste rio são arcóseos, com forte contribuição de fontes ígneas e meta-ígneas. O resultado deste trabalho demonstra que a assembleiade minerais pesados do rio Madeira diferencia-se das comumente descritas para o sistema Solimões-Amazonas, sendo marcado pela presença abundante da andaluzita e este mineral é um indicador da contribuição do Madeira na carga sedimentar do rio Amazonas. A proveniência dessas areias holocênicas está relacionada não apenas aos sedimentos vindos dos Andes e bacias de antepais, como também aos detritos trazidos por seus tributários rios Ji-paraná, Manicoré e Aripuanã que predominam na margem direita no baixo curso deste rio, e que drenam rochas do Cráton Amazônico e da cobertura sedimentar cenozóica que as recobrem. / The Madeira River is a major tributary of the Amazon River on the right bank, however its sediment provenance is still little studied. Therefore, this paper aims to suggest the source rocks of the Holocene sands that make up the activebars of the lower Madeira River, from near the city of Porto Velho, located close to the border of the states of Rondônia and Amazonas, to the Madeira River downstream, in the Amazon River. To this end, we conducted grain size analysis, major and accessory mineral analysis, varietal study of zircon, andalusite and quartz, and determined the Rutile-Zircon index (RZi). The sands of the Madeira River are fine- to medium-grained. The fine-grained sand is poorly sorted, whereas the medium-grained sand is well sorted and occurs among the Ji-Paraná, Manicoré and Aripuanã affluents. Analysis of non-micaceous transparent heavy minerals shows an mineral assemblage consisting mainly of andalusite,zircon, calcic amphiboles (mostly hornblende), staurolite, epidote, tourmaline, rutile and garnet. Clinopyroxenes (mostly augite), ferrosilite, titanite, gedrite-anthophyllite and sillimanite are less common, with trace amounts of dumortierite, cassiterite, topaz, spinel and monazite, the first three being the most abundant. The most common amphibole is hornblende, which is indicative of igneous origin. Large amounts of hornblende occur after the Ji-Paraná River flows into the Madeira River, indicating the new contribution of mafic rocks to the contribution coming from upstream, with minerals of ferricilita and augite which may be indicates new contribuition of mafic sources to those coming fromthe Andes. This new injection of Amphibole may be associated with the Serra da Providência Intrusive Suite and the Jamari Complex. Andalusite predominates along the whole Madeira River, and the average percentages of this mineral are 52% and 22% in fine-grained and very fine-grained sand, respectively, with prevalecence of clear grains of andalusite (regional and/or hydrothermal metamorphism), and indication of sources in Amazon Craton to chiastolite (contact metamorphism) after entry of the affluente Manicorériver. In this region, grains of andalusite sum 93% in fine-grained sand, which indicates proximity to the source. The data shows that this mineral is constantly being introducted in the fluvial sediment load of the Madeira River, but the reference of the andalusite in the rocks of southeastern Amazon Craton, the Central Cordillera and foreland basin of Andean are scarce. This fact difficult to determine the origin of this mineral. Zircon varietal study shows large amounts of euhedral and angular grains, with a slight predominance of rounded grains, which account for over 50% of the grains. This data shows the contribution of sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks, such as the Içá Formation and the Alto Tapajós Group, and enhances the contribution of igneous rocks, such asthe rocks present along the Madeira River in the Rondônia State and the rocks carried by its tributaries. RZi index shows no considerable changes in sediment sources. The sources suggested here are reinforced by the identification of fragments of rocks, such as granitoids, mica-schists, quartzites and sandstones, which directly indicate the source rocks and show that the source rocks of the Madeira River are not limited to a single rock. Thequantification of quartz (Q) and feldspar (F) grains, and rock fragments (L) shows that the sands of this river are arcosean sands with a strong contribution from igneous and meta-igneous sources. The results of this study show that the heavy minerals assemblage of the Madeira River differs from those described for the Solimões-Amazon system, marked by minerals of andalusite as an indicator of the contribution of the Madeira River to the sediment load of the Amazon River. The sources of these Holocene sands is not associated only with the sediments coming from the Andes and foreland basin, as well as the debris carried by its major tributaries (Ji-Paraná, Manicoré and Aripuanã Rivers), which are more numerous on the right bank of the Madeira River and drain parts ofthe Amazon Craton and the Cenozoic sedimentary cover.

PROV-Process: proveniência de dados aplicada a processos de desenvolvimento de software

Dalpra, Humberto Luiz de Oliveira 23 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-01-16T17:35:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 humbertoluizdeoliveiradalpra.pdf: 4521013 bytes, checksum: 48a27b3b030503c69b1b6dda2de4be97 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diamantino Mayra (mayra.diamantino@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-01-31T10:32:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 humbertoluizdeoliveiradalpra.pdf: 4521013 bytes, checksum: 48a27b3b030503c69b1b6dda2de4be97 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-31T10:32:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 humbertoluizdeoliveiradalpra.pdf: 4521013 bytes, checksum: 48a27b3b030503c69b1b6dda2de4be97 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-23 / O processo de desenvolvimento de software pode ser definido como um conjunto de atividades, métodos, práticas e transformações utilizadas para desenvolver e manter o software e seus produtos associados. A descrição simplificada deste processo é denominada modelo de processo, no qual definem-se as atividades para o desenvolvimento do software, as especificações dos produtos de cada atividade e a indicação dos papéis das pessoas envolvidas. A execução destes processos gera dados importantes sobre o mesmo. A análise devida do histórico destes dados pode resultar na descoberta de informações importantes, as quais podem contribuir para o entendimento de todo o processo e, consequentemente, colaborar para a melhoria deste. A palavra proveniência refere-se a origem, fonte, procedência de um determinado objeto. Em termos computacionais, proveniência é um registro histórico da derivação dos dados que pode auxiliar no entendimento do dado e/ou registro atual. Este trabalho apresenta a proposta de uma arquitetura que, através do uso de modelos de proveniência de dados, aliado a um modelo ontológico e técnicas de mineração de dados, visa identificar melhorias nos processos de desenvolvimento de software e apresentá-las ao gerente de projetos por meio de uma ferramenta. Esta ferramenta, através da importação dos dados de execução de processos, alimenta um banco de dados relacional, modelado conforme a especificação de um modelo de proveniência de dados. Estes dados são carregados em um modelo de Ontologia e em um arquivo de mineração de dados. Assim, os dados são submetidos a uma máquina de inferência, no modelo ontológico, e também a análise de um algoritmo que integra regras de classificação e associação, na mineração de dados. O resultado desta análise apresenta indícios de pontos de melhorias no processo de desenvolvimento de software. A arquitetura proposta baseia-se em trabalhos relacionados, os quais foram selecionados a partir da execução de uma revisão sistemática. / The software development process can be defined as a set of activities, methods, practices and transformations used to develop and maintain the software and its related products. A simplified description of this process is called process model, which defines the activities for the development of software, product specifications of each activity and the indication of the roles of the people involved. The implementation of these processes generates important data on it. The proper analysis of the history of this data may result in the discovery of important information, which can contribute to the understanding of the process and therefore contribute to its improvement. The word provenance refers to the origin or source a particular object. In computer terms, provenance is a historical record of the derivation of data that can assist in the understanding of the data and / or the current record. This dissertation presents a proposal for an architecture that, through the use of data source models, combined with an ontological model and data mining techniques, aims to identify improvements in software development processes and present them to the project manager. This tool, by importing the process execution data, feeds a relational database, modeled based on a provenance model. These data are loaded into an ontology model and into a data mining file. Upon this loading, the data are processed by an inference machine, considering the ontological model, and also by an algorithm that integrates classification and association rules in data mining. The result of this analysis can presents points to improvements in the software development process. The proposed architecture is based on related work, which selected from the execution of a systematic review.

Proveniência das rochas do Grupo Península Trinity, Antártica, como ferramenta para reconstrução da margem Pacífica do Gondwana / not available

Andrea Prendalia Harabari 07 May 2014 (has links)
As rochas do Grupo Península Trinity e das unidadesequivalentes abrangem arenito, argilito e conglomerado, além de seus correspondentes metamórficos, e cuja formação é atribuída a correntes de turbidez. Afloram na parte norte da Península Antártica e arquipélagos adjacentes. Amostras de arenito, arcósio e conglomerado dessas unidades foram analisadas com intuito de traçar sua proveniência. A partir da análise petrográfica de arenito foi constatada a similaridade entre as rochas das formações do Grupo Península Trinity, Formação Grauvaca-Folhelho e Formação Miers Bluff. As rochas apresentam composição quartzo-feldspática, com baixa porcentagem de fragmentos líticos de composição plutônica, vulcânica e metamórfica. Diferenças composicionais ocorrem na Formação View Point, na qual também ocorre subarcóseo; e na Formação Miers Bluff, arcóseo lítico. As idades U-Pb de grãos detríticos de zircão para as rochas do Grupo Península Trinity da região de Botany Bay são concordantes e a mais jovem é 324 ± 8 Ma, ainda com quantidade expressiva de grãos com idades de 512 a 541Ma e 1001 a 1091Ma. Valores de ?Nd para rocha total, calculados para 220 Ma estão entre -5 e -8, indicando influência de fontes crustais recicladas ou de razoável residência crustal. A extensa gama de idades para a área-fonte indica reciclagem sedimentar de fonte diversa, com idades carboníferas, cambrianas e pré-cambrianas. O ?Hf calculado para as idades de U-Pb dos grãos de zircão detríticos mais jovens variade -1,2 a -5,7, também indicam extensa residência crustal. A amostra da Formação Legoupil, que complementa os dados de idades U-Pb em grãos detríticos de zircão para oGrupo Península Trinity, apresenta idade mais jovem de 265 ± 2, restringindo a idade máxima de sedimentação ao Permiano. Para as amostras da Formação Grauvaca-Folhelho as idades U-Pb em grãos detríticos de zircão apresentam duas concentrações bem definidas, permo-triássica e cambriana, com idade concordante mais jovem de 216 ± 2 Ma e mais antiga de 1,8 ± 0,13 Ga. Essas idades são condizentes com as dos grãos detríticos de zircão do Grupo Península Trinity. A partir dos dados de idades de grãos detríticos dezircão pode-se definir como a idade máxima para deposição para as formações Legoupil e Grauvaca-Folhelho sendo permo-triássica, assim como para as rochas do GrupoPenínsula Trinity em Botany Bay. Idades essas que levam a sugerir como fonte a Patagônia, no maciço Norte-patagônico, e Antártica Ocidental, na Terra de Mary Byrd. Estascondizem tanto em idade como em tipo de fonte, ígnea e metamórfica, com contribuição sedimentar. / The rocks of the Trinity Peninsula Group and equivalent units comprise sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate, as wel as their corresponding metamorphic rocks, whose formation is attributed to turbidity currents. They crop out in the northern Antarctic Peninsula and adjacent islands. Samples of sandstone, arkose and conglomerate of these units were analyzed in order to trace their provenance. From the petrographic analysis of sandstone was found similarity between the rocks of the Trinity Peninsula Group, Greywacke-Shale Formation and Miers Bluff Formation. The rocks have quartz-feldspathic composition, low percentage of lithic fragments of plutonic, volcanic and metamorphic rocks. Compositional differences occur in View Point Formation, which also occurs subarkose, and Miers Bluff Formation, lithic arcóseo. The U-Pb ages dates of detrital zircon grains in the rocks of the Trinity Peninsula Group region of Botany Bay are concordant and the youngest is 324 ± 8 Ma, but concentrations around 512-541Ma and 1001-1091Ma are common. Values of ?Nd calculated for 220 Ma are between -5 and -8, indicating influence of recycled crustal sources or with reasonable crustal residence. With extensive range of ages for the source area, indicating sediment recycling of diverse source areas, with ages spread from Carboniferous to Cambrian and Precambrian. The ?Hf calculated for dates U-Pb of younger detrital zircon ranges from -1.2 to -5.7, also indicate extensive crustal residence. The sample of Legoupil Formation, which complements the U-Pb dates for detrital zircon grains of the Trinity Peninsula Group, presents younger date of 265 ± 2, restricting the maximum age of the sedimentation asPermian. For samples of Greywacke-Shale Formation the U-Pb dates for detrital zircon grains exhibit two well-defined concentrations, permo-triassic and cambrian, with younger concordant date of 216 ± 2 Ma and older of 1.8 ± 0,13 Ga. These dates are consistent with those of detrital zircon grains from the Peninsula Group Trinity. From the data on detrital zircon grains can be defined as the maximum age for deposition for Legoupil and Greywacke-Shale formations being permo-triassic, as well as the rocks of the Trinity Peninsula Group in Botany Bay. Dates that suggest as a source area Patagonia, in Northern Patagonian massif and West Antarctica, in the Mary Byrd Land. These areas are consistent with both in age and rock types, igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary, as the source area.

Using Bulk XRF-Analysis of Chinese Loess to Determine High-Resolution Records of Dust Provenance

Engström Johansson, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
Understanding the sources of the dust that forms the extensive loess deposits on the Chinese Loess Plateau is crucial for reconstructing atmospheric circulation patterns and dust pathways. Dust sources are however highly debated, mainly due to the low resolution of many records and the often ambiguous nature of geochemical proxies. The widely used concept of elemental ratios as provenance indicators is based on the idea that the relative abundance of immobile elements remains unaffected by chemical weathering, thereby preserving source signals. High-resolution spatial and temporal records of loess composition were determined for two study sites and three lithostratigraphic units using bulk X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, and independently dated using Optically Stimulated (OSL) and post-IR Infrared Stimulated (pIR-IRSL) Luminescence dating. Four elemental ratios were chosen based on element properties of mobility and grain size, linear correlation strength and the existence of lithostratigraphic trends: Ti/Al, Si/Al, K/Al and Fe/Ti. Potential source signals were detected at both sites, at glacial-interglacial transitions as well as within lithostratigraphic units. Source changes detected within lithostratigraphic units show millennial-scale variability, indicating that abrupt shifts in dust provenance are possible. This implies that millennial-scale variability of the East Asian Monsoon may be related to changes in atmospheric dust content.

A Comparison of Vistrails and Taverna, and Workflow Interoperability

Nyasulu, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
In silico experiments in the field of bioinformatics generate large amounts of data since most of the tasks are done in an exploratory fashion. Workflows are one of the many tools used by scientists to model complex tasks.The interoperability of data generated from these tools plays an important role in improving the efficiency of such tools and also in verifying results from other experiments.We aim to compare workflow systems by integrating bioinformatics data in Vistrails and Taverna. We also look at how the two systems use the open provenance model that has been developed to bring provenance interoperability. We developed web services to perform similar functions of some workflows in Vistrails. With the services we were able to perform most of the tasks we planned using both systems. Differences in how lists of items are processed in the two systems results in differences in how workflows are composed in the two systems. In Taverna there is implicit iteration and Vistrails requires the use of additional modules to perform iteration.There are also differences in the execution times of workflows using web services, with workflows in Taverna taking longer than their counterparts in Vistrails. There are some similarities in the execution pattern of workflows if same workflow is invokedmultiple times, with the first invocation taking longer time than the subsequent ones.

Oroclines of the Iberian Variscan belt: Tectonic and paleogeographic implications

Shaw, Jessica 24 August 2015 (has links)
The Western European Variscan orogenic belt is thought to represent the final in a series of Paleozoic continental collisions that culminated with the amalgamation of the supercontinent Pangea. The Iberian segment of the Variscan belt is characterized by Cantabrian orocline, which is 180º and convex toward the west. Several lines of evidence are at odds with classical interpretation of the Cantabrian orocline as the core of the much larger ‘Ibero-Armorican’ arc, suggesting instead that it is structurally continuous with a second more southerly and complimentary orocline. Paleocurrent data collected from the Lower Ordovician Armorican Quartzite of the deformed Iberian Paleozoic passive margin sequence confirm the existence of the so-called Central Iberian orocline. Structural continuity between the Cantabrian and Central Iberian oroclines suggests that they formed contemporaneously and in the same fashion. Mesoscale vertical-axis folds deforming slaty cleavage and shear fabric within the Ediacaran Narcea Slates have a dominant vergence toward the hinge of the Cantabrian orocline, suggesting that its formation was in part accommodated by a mechanism of flexural shear during buckling of a linear belt in response to an orogen parallel principle compressive stress. The Cantabrian-Central Iberian coupled oroclines therefore palinspastically restore to an originally linear belt 2300 km in length. Provenance analysis of detrital zircons sampled from the Armorican Quartzite along a 1500-km-long segment of the palinplastically restored Iberian passive margin indicate that it originated in a paleogeographic position stretching east-west along the northern limits of north African Gondwana, from the Arabian-Nubian Shield to the Saharan hinterland. Paleomagnetic data and the distribution of Variscan ophiolites support a model of mid-Paleozoic separation of the Variscan autochthon (Armorican continental ribbon) from north Gondwana preceding or in conjunction with a 90º rotation required to reorient the ribbon to a Late Carboniferous north-south trend. Formation of the Iberian coupled oroclines accommodated 1100 km of orogen parallel shortening. The Western European Variscan belt, North American Cordillera, and Eastern European Alpine system are orogens similarly characterized by both coupled oroclines and paleomagnetic inclinations that are significantly shallower than cratonic reference values. Palinspastic restoration of the Alaskan and Carpathian–Balkan coupled oroclines fully resolves inclination anomalies within the Cordillera and Eastern Alpine system, respectively. Inclination anomalies within the Iberian Variscan belt are only partially resolved through palinspastic restoration of the Iberian coupled oroclines, but the sinuous geometry of the belt is not yet fully deciphered. Oroclines within the Western European Variscan belt, not the orogen itself, provide the true record of Pangean amalgamation. / Graduate

The classification of agricultural products according to geographical origin by means of quadrupole-based ICP-mass spectrometry for the determination of ¹¹B/¹°B isotope ratios, and the study of boron isotope fractionation

Greeff, Liezl 01 April 2010 (has links)
M.Sc. / The 11B/10B stable isotope ratio in wine- and provenance soil samples of four South African wine regions was determined by means of quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The data obtained was combined with multi-element results for the same samples. Discriminant analysis and ANOVA statistics were utilized to create a footprint of wines compared to their provenance soil. The results showed that the stable boron isotope ratio was a distinguishable characteristic in wine and soil samples for the Stellenbosch, Robertson, Swartland, and Walker Bay wine regions. The potential improvement of precision and accuracy was investigated specifically for ICP-QMS (quadrupole mass spectrometry) analysis of boron isotope ratios. Sample preparation methods for the matrices used in this work were developed and applied. The influence of the matrix components was investigated. Ion exchange separation procedures were developed for the separation of total B from the wine and soil matrices. Results were treated mathematically to minimize mass bias effects. It was found that combined matrix effects and TDS (total dissolved solids) deposition did have a pronounced effect on the 11B/10B isotope ratios of the samples. The possibility of boron isotope fractionation was investigated in vine plants. Hydroponic experiments were set up with test plants of two cultivars. A 10B enriched nutrient solution or growth solution with natural 11B/10B ratio was supplied to the plants during alternating periods of 5 weeks each. New growth leaves were harvested once every week during each of these time periods. All samples were carefully prepared and analyzed to determine the relationship of the 11B/10B ratio in the leaves compared to that of the supplied nutrient solution. It was observed that the 11B/10B isotope ratio of the growth solution had an influence on the 11B/10B stable isotope ratio in new growth leaves of vine plants.

Precise 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio measurement by quadrupole based ICP-MS after ion exchange separation of Rb for provenance determination of agricultural products

Vorster, Clarisa 08 April 2010 (has links)
M.Sc. / The strontium isotope ratio 87Sr/86Sr in the wine and soil of four wine-producing regions in South Africa has been determined using quadrupole ICP-MS. Isotope ratio measurements with fairly good precision had been obtained and 87Sr/86Sr ratio values in wine and soil samples were statistically evaluated to determine whether the regions investigated could be distinguished. Statistical interpretation of data revealed that the Robertson wine-producing region could be distinguished from Stellenbosch, Swartland and Walker Bay wine regions on the basis of their 87Sr/86Sr ratio. By using a combination of 87Sr/86Sr and multielement data, canonical discriminant functions with very good classification abilities could be obtained to correctly distinguish between wine and soil samples originating from a specific production region. Due to the isobaric overlap of strontium and rubidium at mass 87, a very good strontium-rubidium separation method had to be developed. The chelating properties of EDTA and DCTA in combination with ion exchange chromatography were explored in order to achieve such a separation. Due to the advanced rubidium separation ability of the developed DCTA elution method, it has been employed in all wine and soil sample preparations. Since chromatographic ion exchange procedures are not capable of removing all the rubidium from the sample matrices, 87Sr/86Sr ratio values were mathematically corrected for residual rubidium using an 88Sr correction. Since strontium isotope ratio measurements require very good precision, it is traditionally determined using TIMS. However, due to the ease of operation, shorter analysis time and widespread availability of quadrupole ICP-MS, the technique was evaluated for its merit for determining strontium isotope ratios. The optimization of acquisition parameters for the determination of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in wine and soil samples with good precision of below 0.1% RSD has been conducted. Furthermore, selected sample matrix components were assessed as possible matrix interferences as well as for their ability to affect the precision of measurements. It was concluded that with adequate optimization of acquisition parameters, proper sample preparation and reliable mathematical correction of data, 87Sr/86Sr ratio measurements with reasonable precision could be obtained using quadrupole ICP-MS.

Multi-element analysis of South African wines and their provenance soils by ICP-MS and their classification according to geographical origin using multivariate statistics

Van der Linde, Gert 08 April 2010 (has links)
M.Sc. / The South African wine industry is well respected internationally for producing high quality wines. The possible adulteration of these wines can lead to loss of reputation and a loss of sales and could also be dangerous to consumer’s health. Multi-element analysis of wines is one way of implementing quality control and the same multi-element data can also be used to prove the point of origin. The metal content of the fruit (grapes) should represent the metal content of the soil in which the plants (vineyards) were grown. An Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) was used with correct internal standard and interference correction to obtain reliable concentrations for 27 elements (Li, B, Al, Sc, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Rb, Sr, Zr, Nb, Mo, Cd, Sn, Sb, Ba, Ce, Nd, W, Tl, Pb and U) of 1:1 diluted wines and microwave digested vineyard soil from four South-African wine-producing regions: Stellenbosch, Swartland, Robertson and Walker Bay. This multi-element data was then interpreted using multivariate statistical analysis in order to determine which elements have the ability to discriminate between the four regions. Li, B, Sc, Ni, Mn, Co, Cu, and Rb were the elements that were identified to have discrimination ability. 96% of wines and 100% of vineyard soils were correctly classified. Indirectly it has been proven that the metal content of the soil can be correlated to the metal content of the wine. This methodology can be reliably used in industry for quality control and routine provenance determination

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