Spelling suggestions: "subject:"psychosocial butress"" "subject:"psychosocial detress""
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Etologia aplicada ao enriquecimento ambiental para macacos-prego (Sapajus spp.) semi-cativos / Ethology applied to environmental enrichment for semi-captives capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.)Bruna Rodrigues 14 November 2014 (has links)
Atualmente há uma grande preocupação ética em promover o bem-estar de animais cativos e semi-cativos. Uma das formas mais eficientes de se fazer isso é aplicar técnicas de enriquecimento ambiental. Para avaliar sua eficácia, a abordagem da etologia se encaixa ao utilizarmos estímulos ambientais e analisarmos as mudanças comportamentais causadas por eles, correlacionando com possíveis funções adaptativas. Este trabalho analisou a influência de um método de enriquecimento ambiental sequencial e cumulativo no comportamento de 27 indivíduos de um grupo de macacos-prego (Sapajus sp) semi-cativos no Parque Ecológico do Tietê, São Paulo. O fornecimento de pedras e de cocos para a tarefa de quebra de coco foi utilizado como enriquecimento cognitivo-alimentar e redes em suspensão foram utilizadas como enriquecimento físico. O delineamento experimental foi composto por quatro condições: 1) Linha de Base, observações feitas antes da introdução do enriquecimento; 2) Enriquecimento com cocos Protocolo I, os cocos eram fornecidos em apenas um sítio de quebra; 3) Enriquecimento com cocos Protocolo II, os cocos eram distribuídos igualmente em três sítios de quebra; e 4) Enriquecimento Físico, duas redes foram colocadas em clareiras da ilha, além do fornecimento de cocos em três sítios. O registro dos comportamentos foi feito pelos métodos Varredura Focal e Todas as Ocorrências. Os machos adultos subordinados foram os únicos indivíduos do grupo que apresentaram comportamentos anormais, devido ao maior estresse psicossocial que sofrem na hierarquia do grupo. A frequência de comportamentos anormais foi alterada, especialmente na condição Enriquecimento Físico, quando houve diminuição drástica desses comportamentos. A introdução das redes ofereceu refúgio e evitação de conflitos, aumentando a sensação de controle do ambiente. Além disso, alguns desses indivíduos tiveram um aumento da proximidade espacial e de interações afiliativas com outros subordinados, o que seria uma estratégia adaptativa adotada para reduzir o estresse. Houve aumento das taxas de comportamentos agonísticos no grupo ao introduzirmos o enriquecimento cognitivo-alimentar. O aumento da competição direta intragrupo já era esperado devido às características do enriquecimento oferecido e essa alteração comportamental do grupo pode ser considerada típica em primatas de vida livre. Não houve aumento significativo das taxas de catação e de brincadeira social em nenhuma condição. Houve alteração significativa da coesão grupal apenas na condição Enriquecimento Físico, onde obtivemos as maiores medidas de distância interindividual e a formação de novas relações de proximidade no grupo. O aparecimento de novas díades envolvidas em catação e a diminuição do tamanho do grupo devido à alta mortalidade explicam o aumento da coesão grupal observado nessa condição. A introdução de redes em estratos superiores eliciou menor terrestrialidade, havendo um aumento significativo da frequência do uso de substratos Acima de 1,5m em detrimento do uso de substratos ao nível do solo na condição Enriquecimento Físico, demonstrando uma preferência por substratos acima do solo pelos animais desse grupo. A técnica de enriquecimento empregada se justifica por ser um elemento novo na rotina desses animais que fez com que empregassem seu tempo, esforço e capacidade cognitiva e interagissem socialmente / Nowadays there is a big ethic concern in improving the well-being of captive and semi-captive animals. One of the most efficient forms of doing that is applying environmental enrichment techniques. To evaluate its efficiency, the ethological approach applies environmental stimuli and analyzes the behavioral changes caused by them by correlating with possible adaptive functions. This work has analyzed the influence of a sequential and cumulative environmental enrichment method on the behavior of 27 individuals of a semi-captive group of capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) at Parque Ecológico do Tietê, São Paulo. The provision of rocks and nuts for the task of nutcracking was utilized as cognitive-food enrichment, whereas suspended nets were utilized as physical enrichment. The experimental design was composed of four conditions: 1) Base Line, observations made before the introduction of the enrichment; 2) Enrichment with nuts Protocol I, the nuts were provided at a single cracking site; 3) Enrichment with nuts, Protocol II, the nuts were equally distributed at three cracking sites; and 4) Physical Enrichment, two nets were placed in open areas of the island, beside the provision of nut at three sites. The registry of behavior was made using the Focal Scan and All Occurrences methods. The adult subordinate males were the only individuals of the group that presented abnormal behaviors, as they were under great psychosocial stress in the group hierarchy. The frequency of abnormal behaviors was altered, especially in the Physical Enrichment condition, when a drastic decrease of these behaviors was seen. The introduction of nets provided refugee and enabled conflict avoidance, increasing the sensation of environment control. Besides that, some of the individuals had a increase of spatial proximity and showed affiliative behaviors with other subordinates, which would be an adaptive strategy adopted to reduce stress. The rate of agonistic behaviors was seen to have increased with the introduction of cognitive-food enrichment. The increase of intergroup direct competition was already expected due to the characteristics of the enrichment provided and this behavioral change of the group can be considered typical of wild primates. There was no significant increase in grooming and social play rates at any of the conditions. There was significant change of the group cohesion only under the Physical Enrichment condition, where the biggest interindividual distance measures and the formation of new proximity relations in the group were seen. The appearance of new dyads involved in grooming and the reduction of the group size due to high mortality explain the increased group cohesion observed under this condition. The introduction of nets on superior layers elicited less terrestriality, by having a significant increase of the frequency of use of substrates Above 1,5m in detriment of use of substrates at the ground level under the Physical Enrichment condition, showing a preference for substrates above the ground by these animals. The enrichment technique applied is justified by the fact that it is a new element on the routine of these animals, which helped them use their time, effort and cognitive capacity and interact socially
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Psychosocial Stress and Addison's Disease / A new approach to evaluate the relevance of endocrine stress responses for health and disease / Psychosozialer Stress und Morbus AddisonWolf, Jutta Manuela 16 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Die Psychoneuroimmunologie beschäftigt sich unter anderem mit der Frage, ob und unter welchen Bedingungen psychosozialer Stress krank macht. Humanstudien, die dieser Frage nachgehen, können dabei meist nur korrelative Zusammenhänge aufdecken. Um trotzdem Aussagen zu Mechanismen, Ursache-Wirkungsbeziehungen und klinische Relevanz treffen zu können, muss z.B. auf Befunde aus der Tierforschung oder aus in vitro-Studien zurückgegriffen werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, eine Methode zu finden, welche eine breitere Interpretationsgrundlage für korrelative Befunde aus Humanstudien liefert. Als besonders viel versprechend kann die Untersuchung von Patienten mit Morbus Addison angesehen werden. Patienten mit dieser Erkrankung können aufgrund zerstörter Nebennierenrinden kein Cortisol produzieren. Dieses Fehlen von Cortisol wird medikamentös ausgeglichen. Da bislang keine experimentellen Daten zu den aus der Substitutionstherapie resultierenden freien Cortisolkonzentrationen sowie den endokrinologischen Reaktionen auf Stress vorliegen, wurden in einem ersten Schritt diese beiden Fragestellungen bearbeitet. Anschließend wurde die Methode auf immunologische Fragestellungen angewandt. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Studien zeigen zum einen, dass die medikamentöse Morbus Addison-Therapie in der momentanen Form nicht geeignet ist, den bei Gesunden zu beobachtenden zirkadianen Cortisolrhythmus optimal nachzustellen. Des weiteren bestätigte sich, dass psychosozialer Stress bei Patienten mit Morbus Addison lediglich eine Noradrenalinantwort auslöst, stress-induzierte Anstiege in Cortisol und Adrenalin jedoch ausbleiben. Eine Injektion von 0.03mg/kg Hydrocortison nach einem akuten Stresstest zeigte sich als geeignet, normale stressinduzierte Cortisolanstiege und Maximalwerte nachzustellen. In den untersuchten Immunparametern unterschieden sich gesunde Probanden und Patienten mit Morbus Addison vor Stressinduktion nicht. Stress-bedingte Veränderungen in peripheren Lymphozytenzahlen lassen sich dahingehend interpretieren, dass bei Patienten zwar akut eine Einwanderung von Lymphozyten aus dem Gewebe in das Blut stattfindet, aber Cortisol mitverantwortlich ist für die anschließende Redistribution. Bleibt eine Cortisolstressantwort aus, deutet dieser Befund auf ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko hin. Die Verläufe zur stimulierten Produktion des Entzündungsmediators Interleukin-6 stehen im Einklang mit der Hypothese, dass stress-induzierte Cortisolkonzentrationen vor einer überschießenden Entzündungsreaktion schützen. Des weiteren lässt sich bei gesunden Probanden das Absinken der NF-?B-Aktivität nach Stress durch Cortisolwerte direkt nach Stress, bei Morbus Addison-Patienten hingegen durch Veränderungen im Noradrenalin vorhersagen. Das vorliegende Dissertationsprojekt konnte zeigen, dass die Untersuchung von Patienten mit Morbus Addison ein Erfolg versprechender Ansatz ist, um die Gültigkeit von psychoneuroimmunologischen in vitro- und Tierbefunden im intakten menschlichen Organismus zu überprüfen. Die vorliegenden Daten deuten zudem auf eine erstaunliche Anpassungsfähigkeit des Immunsystems hin, was die Notwendigkeit deutlich macht, komplexe psychoneuroimmunologische Prozesse auch im Humanbereich unter Anwendung der Kriterien Hormonsubtraktion und -substitution zu untersuchen. Die Untersuchung von Morbus Addison-Patienten wird in zukünftigen Studien sicherlich entscheidende Hinweise zur klinischen Relevanz einer normalen endokrinen Stressantwort liefern können. / The field of psychoneuroimmunology is among other things dedicated to the question, whether and on what terms psychosocial stress results in disease. Human studies investigating this question often only reveal associations. Consequences regarding mechanisms, causes, and clinical relevance, are thus usually deduced from animal or in vitro studies. The aim of the present thesis was to find an approach, which provides a broader basis for interpretations of correlative findings from human studies. The investigation of patients with Addison´s disease was regarded as the most promising approach. Due to destroyed adrenal glands, these patients are not able to produce cortisol, which therefore has to be substituted. Since no experimental data regarding free cortisol levels resulting from substitution therapy as well as endocrine stress responses are available, in a first step these two question formulations were investigated. Subsequently, this approach was used to investigate two immunological question formulations. The present studies found patients with Addison´s disease to be over-treated. Psychosocial stress resulted in noradrenaline but not in cortisol or adrenaline responses. An injection of 0.03mg/kg hydrocortisone after stress was suitable to induce increases in cortisol levels and cortisol maximums comparable to healthy subjects. Healthy subjects and patients with Addison´s disease did not differ in any baseline immune measures. Stress-induced changes in lymphocyte numbers suggest cortisol being necessary for lymphocyte redistribution subsequent to stress-induced migration into peripheral blood. Without stress-induced cortisol increases, patients are at higher risk for infectious diseases. The trajectories of stimulated interleukin-6 production support the hypothesis of stress-induced cortisol levels protecting the organism against an over-reacting inflammatory immune reaction. Furthermore, in healthy subjects post-stress cortisol levels predicted stress-induced decreases in NF-´B activity, whereas in patients with Addison´s disease noradrenaline predicted such changes. The results of the present thesis supports the assumption of Addison´s disease being a promising approach to test the validity of psychoneuroimmunological in vitro and animal data in human whole organism. Additionally, the present data emphasize the astonishing adaptability of the immune system. This further emphasizes the necessity to investigate psychoneuroimmunological processes utilizing the criteria of hormone subtraction and hormone substitution also in human research. In future studies investigation of patients with Addison´s diseases will certainly provide crucial evidence regarding the clinical relevance of a normal endocrine stress response.
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Exploring Potential Risk Factors of Fetal Origins of Diabetes: Maternal Stressors during Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes among Women in a Hospital in the Municipality of Caguas, Puerto RicoArroyo, Juan Pablo 01 January 2013 (has links)
Puerto Rico has the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes, low birth-weight, and the second highest prevalence of preterm-birth in all the U.S. and its non-incorporated territories. These conditions are related. Birth-weight at both ends of the spectrum and preterm-birth are associated with an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes and immune-inflammatory dysregulations. Maternal psychosocial stressors during pregnancy have also been recognized as potential risk factors for type 2 diabetes, and have been consistently associated with preterm-birth and low birth-weight across populations. Current evidence points toward epigenetic fetal metabolic-programming as the mechanism that underlies the increased risk for the previously mentioned morbidities. However, the particular psychosocial stressors that may contribute to the high prevalence of low birth-weight and preterm-birth in the population of Puerto Rico have not been well studied.
The present study assesses the relationships between particular psychosocial stressors, socioeconomic status, food insecurity, and birth outcomes. The results of this study show that low-risk pregnancy women were more likely to have babies with a higher ponderal index if they were exposed to stressors during gestation months 5, 6, and 7, or if exposed to "relationship stress" at any time during pregnancy. Women exposed to "financial difficulties" at any time during pregnancy were more likely to deliver babies at an earlier gestational age. Differences in birth outcomes between the exposed and non-exposed women were independent of maternal anthropometric measurements, maternal age at birth, number of previous births, and sex of the baby. Significant differences in birth outcomes were found between categories of father's self-identified and identified by others ethnicity, but sample size within categories was small. Although mothers with children at home had higher levels of food insecurity, and the level of food insecurity was correlated with higher levels of stress, no birth outcome measure was associated with food insecurity.
Some results are atypical in comparison with other populations, and therefore these findings may contribute to the understanding of population differences in the relationship between maternal stress during pregnancy and birth outcomes. The relatively small sample size and strict exclusion criteria of this study may limit the generalizability of the findings. Epidemiological similarities between Puerto Rico and other populations, and the possibility of a higher ponderal index increasing the risk for type 2 diabetes in the population of Puerto Rico need to be examined in future research.
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Changes in both sleep architecture and cognition are common with age. Typically these changes have a negative connotation: sleep fragmentation, insomnia, and deep sleep loss as well as forgetfulness, lack of focus, and even dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Research has shown that psychosocial stressors, such as isolation from family and friends or loss of a loved one can also have significant negative effects on sleep architecture and cognitive capabilities. This leaves the elderly in a particularly vulnerable situation: suffering from cognitive decline and sleep dysregulation already, and more likely to respond negatively to psychosocial stressors. Taking all of these factors into account, it’s surprising that little research has been done to elucidate the mechanisms behind aged subjects’ enhanced vulnerability to new onset psychosocial stress.
Our lab embarked on a series of studies to test the effects of age and psychosocial stress on sleep architecture and cognition. Our first study measured sleep stages in young adult and aged F344 rats during their resting and active periods. Animals were behaviorally characterized on the Morris water maze and gene expression profiles of their parietal cortices were taken. We confirmed previous studies that found impaired cognition and decreased resting deep sleep with age. However, it was increased active deep sleep that correlated best with poor cognitive performance. In the second study rats were subjected to immobilization (restraint stress) immediately preceding their final water maze task. Hippocampi were prepared for synaptic electrophysiology and trunk blood was taken for corticosterone measurement after post-stress sleep architecture data was collected. Young subjects responded to acute stress with decreased cognition, elevated CORT levels and altered sleep architecture. In contrast, stressed aged subjects were statistically indistinguishable from control aged subjects, suggesting that aged rats are less responsive to an acute psychosocial stress event. Together, these studies suggest that alleviating sleep dysregulation could therapeutically benefit cognition psychosocial stress resilience.
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EXTERNAL CAUSES OF DEATH IN ESTONIA 1970-2002 : a special reference to suicide, traffic accidents and alcohol poisoningLaur, Piret January 2005 (has links)
The study aims to describe the external causes of death (ECD) mortality, specifically suicide and traffic death in Estonia 1970-2002 in relation to the political and economic development with a special focus on the unemployment and alcohol use impact. This analyse bases on the Statistical Office of Estonia and other governmental institutions published information. The highest mortality rates occurred for traffic accidents 1990-91 and for suicides 1994-95. Middle-age man excess ECD mortalityoccurred in early 1990s with the greatest politico-economic changes accompanied by high psychosocial stress before the population could acquire appropriate coping strategies. Impact of the first main reforms on the population health has been ascertained. Price liberalisation was followed by immense inflation and real wage fall in early 1990s. Privatisation and monetary reform influenced on the basic living security of the population. People faced unexpected living difficulties as work and dwelling insecurity, decreased real income, insufficiency to meetessential expenditures, declined living standard, social status loss, population stratification and inadequate social protection. Unemployment was just introduced and did not play a significant role for the high mortality. Traffic accidents’ fatal consequences decreased with growing GDP as cars and roads became safer however accidents’ number did not decrease. Western cars appearance euphoria could influence more than alcohol consumption. It could plausibly increase accidents but the reason and role of alcohol consumption in the intentional actions needs more information. Suicide could have been influenced mainly by social and traffic accidents mortality mainly by environmental factors. Earlier findings about the unemployment and alcohol consumption impact on the transition’s high injurymortality have not been confirmed by the current study. Current paper provides framework within population worsening health factors during politico-economic changes could be better understood. The strongest impact on Estonia’s population health could come from transition’s political and economic reforms influencing dwelling and incomesecurity. Low salary and low purchasing power could hurt a human dignity even more than possible unemployment / <p>ISBN 91-7997-094-X</p>
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Psychosocial Stress and Addison's Disease: A new approach to evaluate the relevance of endocrine stress responses for health and diseaseWolf, Jutta Manuela 06 March 2006 (has links)
Die Psychoneuroimmunologie beschäftigt sich unter anderem mit der Frage, ob und unter welchen Bedingungen psychosozialer Stress krank macht. Humanstudien, die dieser Frage nachgehen, können dabei meist nur korrelative Zusammenhänge aufdecken. Um trotzdem Aussagen zu Mechanismen, Ursache-Wirkungsbeziehungen und klinische Relevanz treffen zu können, muss z.B. auf Befunde aus der Tierforschung oder aus in vitro-Studien zurückgegriffen werden. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, eine Methode zu finden, welche eine breitere Interpretationsgrundlage für korrelative Befunde aus Humanstudien liefert. Als besonders viel versprechend kann die Untersuchung von Patienten mit Morbus Addison angesehen werden. Patienten mit dieser Erkrankung können aufgrund zerstörter Nebennierenrinden kein Cortisol produzieren. Dieses Fehlen von Cortisol wird medikamentös ausgeglichen. Da bislang keine experimentellen Daten zu den aus der Substitutionstherapie resultierenden freien Cortisolkonzentrationen sowie den endokrinologischen Reaktionen auf Stress vorliegen, wurden in einem ersten Schritt diese beiden Fragestellungen bearbeitet. Anschließend wurde die Methode auf immunologische Fragestellungen angewandt. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Studien zeigen zum einen, dass die medikamentöse Morbus Addison-Therapie in der momentanen Form nicht geeignet ist, den bei Gesunden zu beobachtenden zirkadianen Cortisolrhythmus optimal nachzustellen. Des weiteren bestätigte sich, dass psychosozialer Stress bei Patienten mit Morbus Addison lediglich eine Noradrenalinantwort auslöst, stress-induzierte Anstiege in Cortisol und Adrenalin jedoch ausbleiben. Eine Injektion von 0.03mg/kg Hydrocortison nach einem akuten Stresstest zeigte sich als geeignet, normale stressinduzierte Cortisolanstiege und Maximalwerte nachzustellen. In den untersuchten Immunparametern unterschieden sich gesunde Probanden und Patienten mit Morbus Addison vor Stressinduktion nicht. Stress-bedingte Veränderungen in peripheren Lymphozytenzahlen lassen sich dahingehend interpretieren, dass bei Patienten zwar akut eine Einwanderung von Lymphozyten aus dem Gewebe in das Blut stattfindet, aber Cortisol mitverantwortlich ist für die anschließende Redistribution. Bleibt eine Cortisolstressantwort aus, deutet dieser Befund auf ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko hin. Die Verläufe zur stimulierten Produktion des Entzündungsmediators Interleukin-6 stehen im Einklang mit der Hypothese, dass stress-induzierte Cortisolkonzentrationen vor einer überschießenden Entzündungsreaktion schützen. Des weiteren lässt sich bei gesunden Probanden das Absinken der NF-?B-Aktivität nach Stress durch Cortisolwerte direkt nach Stress, bei Morbus Addison-Patienten hingegen durch Veränderungen im Noradrenalin vorhersagen. Das vorliegende Dissertationsprojekt konnte zeigen, dass die Untersuchung von Patienten mit Morbus Addison ein Erfolg versprechender Ansatz ist, um die Gültigkeit von psychoneuroimmunologischen in vitro- und Tierbefunden im intakten menschlichen Organismus zu überprüfen. Die vorliegenden Daten deuten zudem auf eine erstaunliche Anpassungsfähigkeit des Immunsystems hin, was die Notwendigkeit deutlich macht, komplexe psychoneuroimmunologische Prozesse auch im Humanbereich unter Anwendung der Kriterien Hormonsubtraktion und -substitution zu untersuchen. Die Untersuchung von Morbus Addison-Patienten wird in zukünftigen Studien sicherlich entscheidende Hinweise zur klinischen Relevanz einer normalen endokrinen Stressantwort liefern können. / The field of psychoneuroimmunology is among other things dedicated to the question, whether and on what terms psychosocial stress results in disease. Human studies investigating this question often only reveal associations. Consequences regarding mechanisms, causes, and clinical relevance, are thus usually deduced from animal or in vitro studies. The aim of the present thesis was to find an approach, which provides a broader basis for interpretations of correlative findings from human studies. The investigation of patients with Addison´s disease was regarded as the most promising approach. Due to destroyed adrenal glands, these patients are not able to produce cortisol, which therefore has to be substituted. Since no experimental data regarding free cortisol levels resulting from substitution therapy as well as endocrine stress responses are available, in a first step these two question formulations were investigated. Subsequently, this approach was used to investigate two immunological question formulations. The present studies found patients with Addison´s disease to be over-treated. Psychosocial stress resulted in noradrenaline but not in cortisol or adrenaline responses. An injection of 0.03mg/kg hydrocortisone after stress was suitable to induce increases in cortisol levels and cortisol maximums comparable to healthy subjects. Healthy subjects and patients with Addison´s disease did not differ in any baseline immune measures. Stress-induced changes in lymphocyte numbers suggest cortisol being necessary for lymphocyte redistribution subsequent to stress-induced migration into peripheral blood. Without stress-induced cortisol increases, patients are at higher risk for infectious diseases. The trajectories of stimulated interleukin-6 production support the hypothesis of stress-induced cortisol levels protecting the organism against an over-reacting inflammatory immune reaction. Furthermore, in healthy subjects post-stress cortisol levels predicted stress-induced decreases in NF-´B activity, whereas in patients with Addison´s disease noradrenaline predicted such changes. The results of the present thesis supports the assumption of Addison´s disease being a promising approach to test the validity of psychoneuroimmunological in vitro and animal data in human whole organism. Additionally, the present data emphasize the astonishing adaptability of the immune system. This further emphasizes the necessity to investigate psychoneuroimmunological processes utilizing the criteria of hormone subtraction and hormone substitution also in human research. In future studies investigation of patients with Addison´s diseases will certainly provide crucial evidence regarding the clinical relevance of a normal endocrine stress response.
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Exposure to Stressful Life Events and Lung Cancer RiskDutczak, Hartley 12 1900 (has links)
Objectif: Examiner l’association entre l'exposition aux évènements stressants de la vie et le cancer du poumon.
Méthodes: Les données proviennent d’une étude cas-témoins, menée chez les hommes et les femmes vivant dans la région métropolitaine de Montréal entre 1996 et 2001. Le cancer du poumon d’un cas éligible devait être confirmé histologiquement à l’un des 18 hôpitaux de cette région. Les témoins ont été sélectionnés aléatoirement de la liste électorale du Québec et ont été appariés au cas par fréquence de groupes d'âge et par sexe. Un questionnaire a été administré en entrevue pour recueillir les données, dont l’évaluation de huit évènements stressants de la vie par le participant. Si le participant avait vécu un évènement stressant ciblé durant les six dernières années, il devait aussi coter cet évènement sur une échelle de trois points. La régression logistique non conditionnelle a été utilisée pour estimer les rapports de cotes ainsi que leurs intervalles de confiance à 95%. Des analyses par sexe, niveau de tabagisme et par type histologique ont été réalisées. Nous avons aussi analysé l’association entre le cancer du poumon et le nombre total d'évènements, les évènements de perte et les évènements socioéconomiques, ainsi que chaque évènement individuellement. Les analyses des scores d'impact autoévalués et avec un score externe de perception, ont également été menées.
Résultats: La population de ce projet comprend 1061 cas et 1422 témoins, âgés de 35 à 70 ans. Les participants inclus avaient répondu aux sections du questionnaire portant sur les facteurs de style de vie et sur l'historique de tabagisme. Dans l'ensemble, nous n’avons pas observé d’association entre le cancer du poumon et l'exposition aux évènements stressants de la vie. Nous avons observé une diminution du risque pour les évènements socioéconomiques autoévalués comme peu stressants (RC=0,50; IC 95%= 0,31 - 0,81).
Conclusion: Nos résultats suggèrent que les évènements socioéconomiques sont associées à un risque réduit si ces évènements sont considérés comme peu stressant. / Objective: To examine exposure to stressful life events in relation to lung cancer risk.
Methods: Our research used data from a case-control study conducted in Montreal from 1996 to 2001. Cases were diagnosed with histologically confirmed incident lung cancer at one of 18 Montreal-area hospitals. Controls were randomly selected from the Quebec electoral list and frequency matched to the distribution of cases by sex and 5 year age groups. Data was collected on sociodemographic characteristics, lifetime smoking, and lifestyle factors including 8 stressful life events. Participants indicated the stressful life events they experienced over the past six years, and an appraisal of their level of stress due to each event on a three-point scale. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Each stressful life event was analyzed individually as well as in grouped variables measuring total number of events, loss events and socioeconomic events. Analyses of self-appraised impact scores were also conducted; additionally an external perceived stress score was also employed.
Results: 1061 cases and 1422 population controls were included in the analyses. Overall, we observed no association between lung cancer and stressful life events. A decrease in risk for socioeconomic events self-appraised as not very stressful was observed (OR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.31, 0.81), which included job loss, increase in debt, and move to another city.
Conclusion: Our results suggest that socioeconomic events, deemed not very stressful, may reduce the risk of lung cancer.
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Obesidade centralizada e stress psicossocial em mulheres de um município da grande São Paulo / Abdominal obesity and psychosocial stress on women from one cty of the great São PauloBullentini, Berenice Edna 25 September 2008 (has links)
Objetivo. Ao mesmo tempo em que a obesidade aumenta no mundo todo e se torna cada vez mais um problema de Saúde Pública, o stress aumenta no cotidiano das pessoas e na busca pela sobrevivência. Verificar a possível associação entre prevalências de obesidade centralizada e indicadores de stress é o objetivo desse trabalho. Métodos. Utilizam-se dados de um estudo transversal, com informações de 298 mulheres de 20 a 59 anos, moradoras de um município da Grande São Paulo, as quais responderam questionários especialmente elaborados para avaliar o stress psicológico. O diagnóstico de obesidade centralizada foi feito através da medida da circunferência da cintura (CC) e da razão cinturaquadril (RCQ). O stress psicológico foi medido em escores atribuídos às respostas dos questionários e classificado em 3 categorias: isento, resistência e exaustão. A análise estatística foi realizada mediante dois modelos de regressão linear generalizada múltipla entre a variável resposta obesidade centralizada em duas categorias (sim, não) e o stress psicológico em três fases (isento, resistência e exaustão), controlando-se as variáveis demográficas: idade e escolaridade. Resultados. As prevalências de obesidade centralizada foram semelhantes nos dois modelos, respectivamente 40,6 % e 42% para CC e RCQ. As prevalências de stress psicológico foram 61,7% e 8,4% para as fases resistência e exaustão. As associações entre a categoria sim foram positivas e significantes, respectivamente para CC e RCQ (RP 1,51, P 0,028 e RP 1,52, P 0,022) com o stress na fase de exaustão, com o aumento da idade (RP 1,02, P 0,001 e RP 1,01, P 0,002) e com baixa escolaridade (RP 0,67, P 0,030 e RP 0,59, P 0,005). O teste de tendência foi positivo (P 0,029) para a categoria sim do RCQ e aumento das categorias de stress. Conclusões. A fase de exaustão do stress mostrou associação positiva e significante com a obesidade centralizada nos dois modelos estudados, CC e RCQ. O teste significante de tendência com a RCQ sugere efeito gradativo das fases do stress sobre a obesidade centralizada. São necessários, no entanto, outros estudos que comprovem a associação da obesidade centralizada com o stress subdividido em categorias. / Objective. When observing modern life nowadays we find out that, at the same time that obesity increases all around the world and becomes a real concern to public health authorities, we also see stress proliferating in peoples everyday life, specially in the fight for survival. The purpose of this work is to verify the association between prevalence of abdominal obesity and stress indicators. Methods. This work uses given data of a transversal study, containing information of 298 women aged between 20 and 59, inhabitants of the Great São Paulo, who had been submitted to questionnaires especially formulated to evaluate psychological stress. The diagnosis of abdominal obesity was made using two models: measuring Waist Circumference (WC) and Waist - Hip ratio (WHR). Psychological stress was measured in scores attributed to answers of the questionnaires and classified in 3 categories: Exempt, Resistance and Exhaustion. The statistics analysis were carried through two models of multiple generalized linear regression between the variable which is the answer- abdominal obesity focused in two categories (Yes, No) and psychological stress focused in three categories (Exempt, Resistance, Exhaustion) maintaining under control the demographic variables such as age and scholarship. Results. The results referring to the prevalence of abdominal obesity were similar in the two models showing respectively 40.6% and 42% for WC and WHR. The results on the prevalence of psychological stress were 61.7% and 8.4% respectively for the phase of Resistance and the phase of Exhaustion. The associations in the Yes category were classified as being positive and significant, for WC and WHR respectively, Prevalence Ratio PR 1,51, significancy P 0,028 and PR 1,52, P 0,022 for the stress in the phase of Exhaustion, when considered also an increase in age (PR 1,02, P 0,001 and PR 1,01, P 0,002) and a decrease in the level of education (PR 0,67, P 0,030 and PR 0,59, P 0,005) The trend analysis was positive (P 0,029) for the increase of the WHR and the categories of stress. Conclusions. The phase of Exhaustion of Stress showed positive and significant association with the Abdominal Obesity in the two models, WC and WHR. The positive results in the trend tests with the WHR suggest that abdominal obesity may be gradually affected by the phases of stress. Nevertheless, there is the need of further investigation to confirm the association between abdominal obesity and the various categories of stress.
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Obesidade centralizada e stress psicossocial em mulheres de um município da grande São Paulo / Abdominal obesity and psychosocial stress on women from one cty of the great São PauloBerenice Edna Bullentini 25 September 2008 (has links)
Objetivo. Ao mesmo tempo em que a obesidade aumenta no mundo todo e se torna cada vez mais um problema de Saúde Pública, o stress aumenta no cotidiano das pessoas e na busca pela sobrevivência. Verificar a possível associação entre prevalências de obesidade centralizada e indicadores de stress é o objetivo desse trabalho. Métodos. Utilizam-se dados de um estudo transversal, com informações de 298 mulheres de 20 a 59 anos, moradoras de um município da Grande São Paulo, as quais responderam questionários especialmente elaborados para avaliar o stress psicológico. O diagnóstico de obesidade centralizada foi feito através da medida da circunferência da cintura (CC) e da razão cinturaquadril (RCQ). O stress psicológico foi medido em escores atribuídos às respostas dos questionários e classificado em 3 categorias: isento, resistência e exaustão. A análise estatística foi realizada mediante dois modelos de regressão linear generalizada múltipla entre a variável resposta obesidade centralizada em duas categorias (sim, não) e o stress psicológico em três fases (isento, resistência e exaustão), controlando-se as variáveis demográficas: idade e escolaridade. Resultados. As prevalências de obesidade centralizada foram semelhantes nos dois modelos, respectivamente 40,6 % e 42% para CC e RCQ. As prevalências de stress psicológico foram 61,7% e 8,4% para as fases resistência e exaustão. As associações entre a categoria sim foram positivas e significantes, respectivamente para CC e RCQ (RP 1,51, P 0,028 e RP 1,52, P 0,022) com o stress na fase de exaustão, com o aumento da idade (RP 1,02, P 0,001 e RP 1,01, P 0,002) e com baixa escolaridade (RP 0,67, P 0,030 e RP 0,59, P 0,005). O teste de tendência foi positivo (P 0,029) para a categoria sim do RCQ e aumento das categorias de stress. Conclusões. A fase de exaustão do stress mostrou associação positiva e significante com a obesidade centralizada nos dois modelos estudados, CC e RCQ. O teste significante de tendência com a RCQ sugere efeito gradativo das fases do stress sobre a obesidade centralizada. São necessários, no entanto, outros estudos que comprovem a associação da obesidade centralizada com o stress subdividido em categorias. / Objective. When observing modern life nowadays we find out that, at the same time that obesity increases all around the world and becomes a real concern to public health authorities, we also see stress proliferating in peoples everyday life, specially in the fight for survival. The purpose of this work is to verify the association between prevalence of abdominal obesity and stress indicators. Methods. This work uses given data of a transversal study, containing information of 298 women aged between 20 and 59, inhabitants of the Great São Paulo, who had been submitted to questionnaires especially formulated to evaluate psychological stress. The diagnosis of abdominal obesity was made using two models: measuring Waist Circumference (WC) and Waist - Hip ratio (WHR). Psychological stress was measured in scores attributed to answers of the questionnaires and classified in 3 categories: Exempt, Resistance and Exhaustion. The statistics analysis were carried through two models of multiple generalized linear regression between the variable which is the answer- abdominal obesity focused in two categories (Yes, No) and psychological stress focused in three categories (Exempt, Resistance, Exhaustion) maintaining under control the demographic variables such as age and scholarship. Results. The results referring to the prevalence of abdominal obesity were similar in the two models showing respectively 40.6% and 42% for WC and WHR. The results on the prevalence of psychological stress were 61.7% and 8.4% respectively for the phase of Resistance and the phase of Exhaustion. The associations in the Yes category were classified as being positive and significant, for WC and WHR respectively, Prevalence Ratio PR 1,51, significancy P 0,028 and PR 1,52, P 0,022 for the stress in the phase of Exhaustion, when considered also an increase in age (PR 1,02, P 0,001 and PR 1,01, P 0,002) and a decrease in the level of education (PR 0,67, P 0,030 and PR 0,59, P 0,005) The trend analysis was positive (P 0,029) for the increase of the WHR and the categories of stress. Conclusions. The phase of Exhaustion of Stress showed positive and significant association with the Abdominal Obesity in the two models, WC and WHR. The positive results in the trend tests with the WHR suggest that abdominal obesity may be gradually affected by the phases of stress. Nevertheless, there is the need of further investigation to confirm the association between abdominal obesity and the various categories of stress.
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Arginine vasopressin and adrenocorticotropin secretion in response to psychosocial stress is attenuated by ethanol in sons of alcohol-dependent fathersZimmermann, Ulrich, Spring, Konstanze, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Himmerich, Hubertus, Landgraf, R., Uhr, Manfred, Holsboer, Florian 05 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Familial risk and environmental stress promote the development of alcohol dependence. We investigated whether a positive family history of alcoholism affects the neuroendocrine response to a standardized laboratory stress test in healthy subjects without alcohol use disorders. Twenty-four high-risk subjects with a paternal history of alcoholism (PHA) and 16 family history negative (FHN) controls were evaluated. Psychosocial stress was induced by having subjects deliver a 5-min speech and mental arithmetics in front of an audience on separate days, after drinking either placebo or ethanol (0.6 g/kg) in a randomized sequence. Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) was measured in 10 plasma samples covering up to 75 min after the stress test. Plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) was determined before the stressor, at the time of maximum ACTH secretion, and at 75 min after stress onset. The stress test induced a phasic increase in ACTH secretion. At the time of maximum ACTH, AVP was significantly increased in relation to baseline. Compared to placebo, alcohol administration significantly attenuated maximum ACTH concentration in PHA but not FHN subjects, and decreased AVP measured in the same samples in PHA but not FHN subjects. We conclude that activation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal system by psychosocial stress is accompanied by an increase in peripheral plasma AVP levels. Secretion of both ACTH and AVP suggest that alcohol attenuates the stress response selectively in PHA but not FHN subjects. This might imply some short-term positive alcohol effect in sons of alcoholics, but also constitute a mechanism by which their risk to develop alcohol use disorders is increased.
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