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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Spirituality and nature in the transformation to a more sustainable world : perspectives of South African change agents

Lockhart, Helen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The central premise of this thesis is that humans are disconnected and alienated from Nature and it proposes that we need to attempt to restore this connection in order to overcome the current socioecological crises which threaten our survival as a species on the planet. In response to the research question as to whether a spiritual relationship with Nature could assist in the transformation to a more sustainable world, this study examines the concepts of Nature and spirituality and the relationship between them and, in particular, explores the spiritual practices and human-Nature connections experienced by six South African change agents. The objectives of this exploration are to present individual stories which could be used as case studies in learning for sustainability and to promote and encourage deeper conversations about what a more sustainable world might look like. Given the argument that our disconnection and alienation from Nature is at the crux of the planetary polycrisis and that we face a crisis of spirituality with regards to our relationship with Nature, this thesis explores the concept of Nature in depth, taking into consideration different cultural interpretations, environmental ethical positions and perspectives of Nature held in ancient times. Some of the key arguments as to why humans are disconnected from Nature (science, loss of indigenous knowledge, colonialism, capitalism, globalisation, religion and technology) are presented and I consider the implications of the human-Nature disconnection. A comprehensive literature review presents the key sociological crises, including climate change, ecosystem degradation, inequality and poverty, peak oil, urbanisation and food insecurity, which underpin the planetary polycrisis, and also discusses sustainable development, which arose as an attempt to respond to the planetary polycrisis. I argue that mainstream sustainable development is anthropocentric and perpetuates consumption by means of the current economic system. In light of my research question I propose that spirituality could serve as a bridge between humans and Nature. The understanding of spirituality which informs my approach implies a heightened awareness or consciousness, the capacity for deep reflection and compassion, and a profound sense of what it means to part of the web of life – to be another living, breathing, sentient being in Nature without the hierarchies which are often dictated by religious forms of spirituality. It is a spirituality integral to daily life, which informs the decisions about the way we live, and which is expressed through action, i.e. spirit-in-action. While I acknowledge the role that religion could play in the transformation to a more sustainable world, I highlight a number of practices, including mindfulness, meditation, rituals, poetry, re-learning from indigenous knowledge and wisdom, and restoration, which could perhaps assist in moving towards a deeper connection with Nature. In reflecting on what kind of transformation is needed I refer to complexity theory and systems thinking, and earth jurisprudence as examples of transformative paradigms. Given that this is a qualitative study, I have used heuristic inquiry, reflexivity, narrative and poetics in my research approach and conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with six South African change agents (three women and three men). I have documented their stories as narrative summaries, focusing particularly on their spirituality with respect to their relationship with Nature. I have then considered the emerging themes which point to what might be required in order to create sustainable futures. While there are issues of contention surrounding each of the concepts of Nature, spirituality and sustainable development, the change agents agree that there is a definite relationship between them and that they could help to direct our lives towards sustainability. Irrespective of how each of these concepts is defined, it seems that we need to be thinking about what kind of lives we want to live and what kind of lives future generations will be able to lead on a planet with a limited carrying capacity. As to whether a spiritual relationship with Nature could assist in the transformation to a more sustainable world, it seems that it is not so much a relationship, but a deep understanding and conscious awareness or knowing of the interconnectedness and interdependence between Nature, spirit and the essence of being human. Based on the input from the six change agents, I recommend a number of shifts within individual human consciousness, in our communities and within broader society to promote sustainable living. Other recommendations include the possibility of ecopsychology playing a greater role within the sustainable development discourse and ongoing research to continue to provoke conversations about the human- Nature connection and the implications this has for sustainability. While this work is clearly an academic investigation, it has also been a personal undertaking in that I have explored my own spiritual journey, considered my relationship with Nature, and learned more about my role as a change agent in the transformation to a more sustainable world. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die sentrale veronderstelling van hierdie proefskrif is dat die mens afgesonder en vervreemd geraak het van die Natuur en beveel aan dat ons poog om die konneksie te herstel ten einde die huidige sosio-ekologiese krisis te kan oorkom wat ons oorlewing as 'n spesie op die planeet bedreig. In antwoord op die navorsingsvraag of 'n spirituele verhouding met die Natuur kan bydra tot die transformasie na 'n meer volhoubare wêreld, ondersoek hierdie studie die konsep van die Natuur en spiritualiteit, en die verhouding tussen die twee konsepte, en dan veral die spirituele praktyke en mens- Natuur-konneksies wat ses Suid-Afrikaanse agente vir verandering meegemaak het. Die oogmerke met hierdie verkenning is om individuele verhale aan te bied wat as gevallestudies gebruik kan word om insig te kry in volhoubaarheid, en om dieper gesprekke oor hoe 'n meer volhoubare wêreld daar kan uitsien te bevorder en aan te moedig. Gegewe die redenasie dat ons afsondering en vervreemding van die Natuur die kruks van die globale polikrisis is en dat ons 'n spiritualiteitskrisis beleef wat ons verhouding met die Natuur betref, ondersoek hierdie proefskrif die konsep van die Natuur in diepte, met inagneming van verskillende kulturele interpretasies, omgewingsentriese vertrekpunte en perspektiewe oor die Natuur in die antieke tyd. Sekere sleutelargumente wat aandui waarom die mens afgesonder geraak het van die Natuur (wetenskap, verlies aan inheemse kennis, kolonialisme, kapitalisme, globalisering, godsdiens en tegnologie) word aangebied, terwyl ek die implikasies van die mens-Natuur-afsondering oordink. 'n Omvattende literatuurstudie behandel die sleutel sosiologiese krisisse, met inbegrip van klimaatsverandering, ekosisteemagteruitgang, ongelykheid en armoede, piekolie, verstedeliking en voedselonsekerheid, wat die globale polikrisis onderlê, en ondersoek volhoubare ontwikkeling wat ontstaan het in 'n poging om op die globale polikrisis te reageer. Ek voer aan dat hoofstoom volhoubare ontwikkeling antroposentries is en verbruik volgens die bestaande ekonomiese stelsel voortsit. In die lig van my navorsingsvraag doen ek aan die hand dat spiritualiteit 'n brug tussen die mens en die Natuur kan vorm. Die interpretasie van spiritualiteit, wat die beweegrede vir my benadering is, veronderstel 'n verhoogde bewustheid of bewussyn, die vermoë tot diepe refleksie en medelye, en 'n wesentlike begrip van wat dit beteken om deel van die lewensweb te wees - om 'n lewende, redelike wese te wees wat asemhaal in die Natuur, sonder die hiërargieë wat dikwels deur religieuse spiritualiteitsvorme voorgeskryf word. Dit is spiritualiteit wat 'n integrerende deel van die daaglikse lewe is, wat die beweegrede is vir die besluite waarvolgens ons leef, en wat uitgedruk word deur aksie, i.e. gees-in-aksie. Alhoewel ek die rol erken wat godsdiens kan speel in die transformasie na ʼn meer volhoubare wêreld, lig ek ʼn aantal praktyke uit, nl in-die-oomblik-wees (oplettendheid), meditasie, rituele, poësie, her-leer uit die inheemse kennis- en wysheid-skat, sowel as herstel, wat moontlik kan help om ʼn dieper band met die Natuur te vorm. Wanneer ek reflekteer oor watter tipe transformasie nodig is, verwys ek na kompleksiteitsteorie en sisteemdenke, en aardjurisprudensie as twee voorbeelde van transformerende paradigmas. Aangesien dit ʼn kwalitatiewe studie is, het ek heuristiese ondersoek, refleksiwiteit, narratiewe en poësie in my navorsingbenadering gebruik en semi-gestruktureerde diepte-onderhoude met ses Suid-Afrikaanse agente vir verandering (drie vroue en drie mans) gevoer. Ek het hulle verhale as opsommings van narratiewe opgeteken, en gefokus op hulle spiritualiteit in verhouding tot die Natuur. Daarna het ek opkomende temas oorweeg met aanwysers van wat moontlik nodig is om ʼn volhoubare toekoms te skep. Alhoewel daar verskillende standpunte is oor die konsep Natuur, spiritualiteit en volhoubare ontwikkeling, stem die agente vir verandering saam dat daar ʼn definitiewe verwantskap tussen die konsepte bestaan en dat dit kan bydra om ons lewe tot volhoubaarheid te rig. Ongeag van hoe elkeen van hierdie konsepte omskryf word, blyk dit dat ons moet kyk na watter soort lewe ons wil leef en watter soort lewe toekomstige generasies op ʼn planeet met ʼn beperkte dravermoë sal kan leef. Op die vraag of ʼn spirituele verhouding met die Natuur kan bydra tot die transformasie na ʼn meer volhoubare wêreld, blyk dit dat dit nie soseer ʼn verhouding is nie, maar ʼn diepe begrip vir en werklike bewustheid, of kennis, van die onderlinge verbondenheid en interafhanklikheid tussen die Natuur, die gees en die essensie van menswees. Gebaseer op die inset van die ses agente vir verandering beveel ek ʼn aantal skuiwe binne onsself, in ons gemeenskappe en in die wyer samelewing aan om ʼn volhoubare bestaan te bevorder. Ander aanbevelings sluit in die moontlikheid dat ekopsigologie ʼn groter rol speel in die volhoubareontwikkelingsdiskoers en voortgesette navorsing om deurentyd gesprekke oor die mens-Natuur-konneksie aan te moedig, asook die implikasies wat dit vir volhoubaarheid het. Alhoewel hierdie werk duidelik ʼn akademiese oefening is, was dit ook ʼn persoonlike onderneming deurdat ek my eie spirituele reis onderneem het, my verhouding met die Natuur in oënskou geneem het, en tot insig gekom het van my rol as agent vir verandering in die transformasie na ʼn meer volhoubare wêreld.

An assessment of the effect of participation on sustainable development in a rural electrification project : a case study of the Ipari-Efugo project

Itodo, Anthony Onoja 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to inadequate financial resources and lack of managerial skills, in this case study the local level of governance does not have appropriate mechanisms to manage their resources adequately. It is observed that the Nigerian government cannot provide all basic amenities for the people at the grass-root level of development. Following the above scenario, rural communities do not have access to basic amenities such as electricity and pipe borne water. In Nigeria, little research has been done with regard to sustainable development in rural electrification. This study is based on the impact of community and individual participation in a rural electrification project, and shows how sustainable development plays a leading role. The study is based on a rural electrification project initiated and facilitated in 1996, and was completed in 2000 by the Ipari-Efugo Otukpa community members in Benue State in the North Central part of Nigeria. In spite of prevailing poverty in rural areas, Ipari-Efugo community members were able to be responsible for their own development without government intervention. The research includes literature studies of rural electrification projects and demonstrates how participation and sustainable development can lead to a successful community project. Irrespective of obstacles such as poverty and lack of economic empowerment, Ipari- Efugo community members are resilient and were able to provide electricity. Access to electricity can serve as a prerequisite for economic development and growth. The benefits accruable from the use of electricity outweigh the costs of providing the amenity to the community. Participation through sustainable development remains the core instrument responsible for the completion of the electricity project in Ipari-Efugo. This study encourages rural communities to take responsibility for their own development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As gevolg van onvoldoende finansiële middele en 'n gebrek aan bestuursvaardighede, in die gevallestudie beskik die plaaslike regering nie oor die toepaslike meganismes om hulle hulpbronne na behore te bestuur nie. Boonop blyk dit dat nasionale regerings nie alle basiese geriewe aan diegene op voetsoolvlak kan voorsien nie. Die genoemde scenario impliseer dus dat landelike gemeenskappe nie toegang het tot basiese geriewe soos elektrisiteit en kraanwater nie. In Nigerië word weinig navorsing gedoen op die gebied van volhoubare ontwikkeling in landelike elektrisiteitsvoorsiening. Hierdie studie is gebaseer op die impak van gemeenskaps- en individuele deelname aan 'n landelike elektrisiteitsvoorsieningsprojek, en toon hoe volhoubare ontwikkeling 'n toonaangewende rol hierin speel. Die studie spruit uit 'n landelike elektrifiseringsprojek wat in 2000 deur die gemeenskap van Ipari-Efugo Otukpa in die staat Benue in die noordelik-sentrale deel van Nigerië aangevoer en gefasiliteer is. Ondanks die heersende armoede in landelike gebiede, het lede van die Ipari-Efugo gemeenskap sonder die tussenkoms van die regering verantwoordelikheid vir hulle eie ontwikkeling aanvaar. Die navorsing sluit literatuurstudies van landelike elektrisiteitsvoorsieningsprojekte in, en demonstreer hoe deelname en volhoubare ontwikkeling tot 'n suksesvolle gemeenskapsprojek kan aanleiding gee. Ongeag struikelblokke soos armoede en 'n gebrek aan ekonomiese bemagtiging, was die lede van die Ipari-Efugo gemeenskap vasberade en kon hulle uiteindelik elektrisiteit aan die gemeenskap verskaf. Toegang tot elektrisiteit kan as 'n voorvereiste vir ekonomiese ontwikkeling en groei dien. Die voordele verbonde aan elektrisiteitsverbruik oortref uiteindelik by verre die koste verbonde aan die voorsiening van hierdie gerief aan die gemeenskap. Deelname by wyse van volhoubare ontwikkeling bly die sleutelinstrument vir die voltooiing van die elektrisiteitsprojek in Ipari-Efugo. Hierdie studie moedig landelike gemeenskappe aan om verantwoordelikheid vir hulle eie ontwikkeling te aanvaar.

Evaluation of the In-Service Basic Education Teacher Diploma Programme in Namibia

Shingenge, Hans Silvanus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The In-Service Basic Education Teacher Diploma Programme (BETD Inset Programme) is a Namibian educational programme under the Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture. It is a unified general preparation for unqualified and partly qualified teachers in Basic Education, with opportunities for specialisation in both phases of schooling and in subject areas. It seeks to strike a balance between professional insight, skills and subject knowledge. A process of evaluation was implemented to assess the programme management and the programme workers’ knowledge, skills and expertise, including their choice of methodology for implementing the BETD Inset Programme. The aim of the programme evaluation was to determine the effectiveness and sustainability of the BETD Inset Programme. The problem statement of this study takes as its point of departure the prevalence of development programmes that are not implemented in an effective and sustainable manner, particularly in Third World countries. Many researchers and scholars have identified programme management as crucial to the effective implementation of development programmes. It is in response to this argument that this researcher decided to conduct a study on the National Institution for Educational Development (NIED)’s implementation of the BETD Inset Programme. The objective was to establish whether the existing programme management strategy implements the BETD Inset Programme effectively, and to explore the possibilities of recommending supporting strategy. This study also referred to the issue of gender balance in the appointment of BETD Inset Programme management staff. Qualitative methodology was used to obtain information from the BETD Inset Unit and Regional Education Offices, who play an important role in the implementation process of the BETD Inset Programme. The senior managers were interviewed and they provided information about the BETD Inset Unit management structures and the objectives achieved during the BETD Inset Programme implementation process. The implementation process plans set by the NIED were based on terms of reference provided by the Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture to determine their effectiveness in achieving the set objectives. The literature review of this study reflects the conceptual categories identified from an overview of programme management objectives in development programmes and distance education programmes. These conceptual categories are based on management models that are useful for programme management evaluation. The conceptual categories point out characteristics fundamental to the effective implementation of the BETD Inset Programme. These characteristics were used to formulate measuring criteria, and they formed the basis for the analysis of the study’s results in chapter 5. BETD Inset Programme is defined as a distance education programme. It was deduced that the BETD Inset Programme faced a number of challenges, and that consequently the NIED management had to implement the programme with a limited infrastructure and work force. All these challenges are linked to one major factor, which is the lack of sufficient resources required for the effective implementation of the BETD Inset Programme in a sustainable manner. This study recommends that a strategy for potential stakeholder participation should be redesigned and effectively implemented, in order to secure sufficient resources to support the programme in a sustainable manner. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Indiensprogram vir ’n Basiese-Onderrig-Onderwysdiploma (BOOD-Insetprogram) is ’n Namibiese onderwysprogram onder leiding van die Ministerie van Basiese Onderrig, Sport en Kultuur. Dit is ’n samevattende algemene voorbereiding vir ongekwalifiseerde en deels-gekwalifiseerde onderwysers in Basiese Onderrig, met geleenthede vir spesialisering beide in skolingsfases en vakgebiede. As algemene doelstelling streef dit na ’n balans tussen professionele insig, vaardighede en vakkennis. Program-evaluering is gedoen ten einde die programbestuur en -werkers te beoordeel volgens hulle kennis, vaardighede en kundigheid, insluitend hulle keuse van metodiek vir die implementering van die BOOD-Insetprogram. Die mikpunt was om die effektiwiteit en volhoubaarheid van die BOOD-Insetprogram te bepaal. Die probleemstelling van die studie is daarop gebaseer dat ontwikkelingsprogramme, spesifiek in Derdewêreldlande, nie effektief en op ’n volhoubare manier geïmplementeer word nie. Navorsers en studente het die bestuur van ontwikkelingsprogramme as die sleutel tot die effektiewe implementering daarvan geïdentifiseer. Dit het daartoe gelei dat die navorser ’n studie onderneem het oor hoe die Nasionale Instelling vir Opvoedkundige Ontwikkeling die Indiensprogram vir ’n Basiese-Onderrig-Onderwysdiploma implementeer. Die doelwit was om vas te stel of die bestaande strategie vir programbestuur die Indiensprogram vir ’n Basiese-Onderrig-Onderwysdiploma effektief implementeer, en ook om ’n moontlike ondersteuningstrategie voor te stel. Die studie het ook die kwessie van geslagsbalans aangeraak ten opsigte van poste wat beklee word deur bestuurspersoneel wat die Indiensprogram vir ’n Basiese-Onderrig-Onderwysdiploma implementeer. ’n Kwalitatiewe metode is gebruik om inligting te verkry vanaf BOOD-Implementeringseenhede en Onderwysstreekkantore wat ’n sleutelrol vervul in die implementeringsproses van die BOOD-Aanvangsprogram. Onderhoude is gevoer met lede van die topbestuur wat ook inligting verskaf het oor die BOOD-Inseteenheid se bestuurstrukture, en doelwitte wat in die implementeringsproses van die BOOD-Insetprogram bereik is. Implementeringsplanne, daargestel deur die Nasionale Instelling vir Opvoedkundige Ontwikkeling aan die hand van riglyne van die Ministerie van Basiese Onderrig, Sport en Kultuur, word gebruik om vas te stel hoe effektief hulle hulle doelwitte bereik. ’n Literatuur-oorsig vir hierdie studie weerspieël die konseptuele kategorieë wat geïdentifiseer kan word uit die gesamentlike bestuursdoelwitte van ontwikkelingsprogramme en afstandsonderrigprogramme. Hierdie konseptuele kategorieë is gebaseer op bestuursmodelle wat ook aangewend kan word vir die evaluering van programbestuur. Die konseptuele kategorieë identifiseer fundamentele kenmerke vir die effektiewe implementering van die Indiensprogram vir ’n Basiese-Onderrig-Onderwysdiploma. Hierdie kenmerke is gebruik om evalueringskriteria te formuleer asook die basis daar te stel vir die ontleding van die studie se resultate in hoofstuk 5. Die Indiensprogram vir ’n Basiese-Onderrig-Onderwysdiploma word getipeer as ’n afstandsonderrigprogram. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat die Indiensprogram vir ’n Basiese-Onderrig-Onderwysdiploma uitdagings in die gesig staar wat die bestuur van die Nasionale Instelling vir Opvoedkundige Ontwikkeling noop om die program met beperkte infrastruktuur en menslike hulpbronne te implementeer. Al hierdie uitdagings hou verband met een hooffaktor, naamlik die gebrek aan voldoende hulpbronne vir die effektiewe en volhoubare implementering van die Indiensprogram vir ’n Basiese-Onderrig-Onderwysdiploma. Die studie stel voor dat ’n strategie herontwerp en effektief geïmplementeer word vir deelname deur potensiële belanghebbendes ten einde voldoende hulpbronne te verseker om die program op ’n volhoubare wyse te ondersteun.

The need for, and state of, energy-efficient homes in the United States

Foss, A.D. 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although there are serious hurdles to overcome before green, energy-efficient homes become common; the technological and market-based foundations are already in place to support a shift in standard practice. Many organizations, from the federal government to local non-profits, are driving the transition to more efficient homebuilding practices through research, market-based competition, and tax incentives. However, many builders are resisting the transition, due to the fragmented nature of the building industry and a perceived lack of consumer demand. Because of the nature of the US economy, until American consumers understand green homes and demand builders to build them, green homebuilding will not reach its full potential. If building practices are left unchanged, inefficient homes will continue to cause dire consequences to the world because of their contribution to global climate change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel daar ernstige struikelblokke bestaan, wat oorkom moet word alvorens groen, energie-doelmatige wonings algemeen raak, is die tegnologiese en markgerigte grondslae reeds gelê om ’n verskuiwing in standaard-praktyk te onderskraag. Verskeie instansies – van die federale regering tot nie-winsgewende organisasies – verleen stukrag deur middel van navorsing, markgerigte mededinging en belastingaansporings aan die oorgang na meer doelmatige gebruike rondom praktyke ten opsigte van die konstruksie van huise. Weens die gefragmenteerde aard van die boubedryf en die waarneembare gebrek aan verbruikersaanvraag staan talle bouers egter die vermelde oorgang teen. Weens die aard van die VSA se ekonomie en totdat Amerikaanse verbruikers groen tuistes kan verkoop en by bouers aandring om hulle op te rig, sal groen woningkonstruksie nie sy volle potensiaal bereik nie. Indien boupraktyke onveranderd gelaat word, sal ondoelmatige wonings as gevolg van hulle bydrae tot globale klimaatsverandering steeds aaklige gevolge vir die wêreld tot gevolg hê.

Decentralisation for community development - a Rwanda Case study

Mutagoma, Paul 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A community-centred development which can be qualified as authentic development leads to the sustainability of the community. This must be understood as a process of economic, political and social change springing from the efforts of people themselves working for the benefit of themselves, their families and, hopefully, their communities, which process can be referred to as a self-reliant participatory development. This calls for active mutual self-help among people working together in their common struggle, at the grassroots level, to deal with their common problems. It is also acknowledged that if development efforts are to be effective, then the participation of problem-affected groups is necessary, with support from local government, NGO’s, local resource people and donors, willing to live and work among them. The success of this self-reliant participatory development approach accompanied by inner conviction, a shared understanding, and awareness or consciousness-awakening that people have of their common problems, and finding ways of mobilising resources, planning, implementing and eventually controlling their own development activities. Against this background, however, the roles of government as well as of NGOs, in fighting against poverty and social transformation that leads to the development of the community, remain indispensable. Government roles should be enabling and supportive, and create a space for communities’ needs. This study aimed to explore the decentralisation process to boost the community efforts towards participation in local development management. As the public participation processes in local government do not yield the outcomes that reveal a fully optimised process, the role of the community developer is merely to create an environment of freedom within which the latent development potential of the community can bloom (Schutte, 2000:5). This Rwandan case study offers an overview of its decentralisation and community development policies. The literature review provides the definitions of key concepts regarding the topic, in both the international context as well as Rwandan context. It discusses the topic and highlights definition, objective, different forms of decentralisation, community development and its delivery framework. The findings show that community development depends on the political will that establishes effective and favourable institutions to sustain the self-reliance of the community as well as the awareness of the community of its daily problems and its participation in planning and implementing solutions. The SWOT analysis provides a situation from which to adopt new alternatives and strengthen the existing one in order to face challenges. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gemeenskapgesentreerde ontwikkeling wat kwalifiseer as oorspronklike ontwikkeling, lei tot die volhoudbaarheid van die gemeenskap. Dit moet gesien word as ‘n proses van ekonomiese, politieke en sosiale verandering wat sy oorsprong het in die pogings van die mense self, wat werk tot voordeel van hulself, hulle gesinne, en hopelik hulle gemeenskappe. Hierdie proses kan na verwys word as selfstandige deelnemende ontwikkeling. Dit vereis aktiewe, onderlinge selfhulp waar mense saamwerk en saamstreef op voetsoolvlak, om hulle gemeenskaplike probleme te oorkom. Daar word ook erken dat om doeltreffend te wees, die deelname van die voordeeltrekkers nodig is, met die ondersteuning van plaaslike regering, Nie-Regerings Organisasies (NGOs), plaaslike kundiges en donateure wat gewillig is om tussen die mense te woon en te werk. Om die sukses van hierdie deelnemende ontwikkelingsbenadering te verseker, moet dit gesteun word deur innerlike oortuiging, ‘n gesamentlike siening, en die bewuswording van die mense self van hulle gesamentlike probleme. Hulle moet maniere vind om hulle hulpbronne te mobiliseer, om te beplan, die planne te implementeer en uiteindelik om hulle eie ontwikkelingsaktiwiteite te beheer. Teen hierdie agtergrond, egter, is die rolle van die regering en die nie-regerings organisasies in die stryd teen armoede onontbeerlik en is dit nodig om sosiale transformasie wat kan lei tot die ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap, te bewerkstellig. Die regering se rol is om die gemeenskap te bekwaam en te ondersteun, en om spasie te skep vir die vervulling van die gemeenskap se behoeftes. In hierdie studie word die desentralisasieproses wat die gemeenskap se pogings tot deelname in plaaslike bestuur bevorder, ondersoek. Aangesien die uitkomste van publieke deelname prosesse in plaaslike regering nog nie ten volle geoptimaliseer is nie, moet die gemeenskapontwikkelaar ‘n omgewing skep waarin die latente ontwikkelingspotensiaal van die gemeenskap vryelik kan blom (Schutte, 2000:5). Hierdie Rwandese gevallestudie bied ‘n oorsig van die desentralisasie en gemeenskapsontwikkeling beleid in Rwanda. Definisies van sleutelkonsepte rakende die onderwerp, in beide die internasionale konteks en die Rwandese konteks word in die literatuuroorsig verskaf. Die onderwerp word bespreek en die definisie, doelwit, verskillende vorme van desentralisasie, gemeenskapontwikkeling en die raamwerk waarbinne dit moet plaasvind, word beklemtoon. Die bevindinge toon dat gemeenskapsontwikkeling afhang van die politieke wil om doeltreffende instansies te skep vir gemeenskappe wat op hulleself kan steun en wat bewus is van hulle daaglikse probleme asook hoe hulle moet deelneem in die beplanning en implementering van oplossings. Die SWOT ontleding verskaf ‘n situasie waaruit nuwe oplossings kan ontstaan en bestaande oplossings versterk kan word, om sodoende nuwe uitdagings tegemoet te gaan.

Project proposal for transforming Grabouw, Western Cape, into a sustainable community

Haysom, Gareth (Gareth Duff) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cities and in particular, secondary cities are fast emerging as the dominant form of human settlement. Considering the anticipated growth in the population and the expected global economic growth, what role will cities play in addressing the core issues pertaining to sustainable development? Will cities be able to address these issues at all? Addressing the sustainability of cities is about focussing on addressing the key issues of form and function. These, coupled with the specific social interactions, the cultural and political actions, are the drivers that need to be harnessed, integrated and reworked if cities are to be sustainable in any way. Without a collective and concerted drive to make direct inputs into the three main drivers of a city; planning and design, the resource use and inputs and the social interactions within cities, no efforts to address the hope of leaving legacies of resources for future generations will be realised. If these efforts do not originate in, and grow out of cities, cities will not support, but rather undermine, any attempts at achieving sustainable development. There is an increasing realisation that the current approaches to development are not meeting the needs of the growing global populations and as such, new approaches need to be sought. The one key area where these new approaches hold potential is to attempt to seek ways to create sustainable communities, communities with equitable access to resources and where communities are designed to function in different ways. The town and outlying areas of the Grabouw region in the Western Cape provide a unique and extremely rare opportunity for implementing a wide range of Government policies that have been adopted at the National, Provincial and Local Government levels to give effect to the national commitment to sustainable development and the creation of sustainable communities. These policy commitments span social, environmental and economic policies. Grabouw is perfectly configured in both geographical and strategic terms to become a national model for ‘integrated sustainable development’ and to demonstrate in practice how the attainment of the concept of sustainable development and sustainable communities can be supported. The intention of the project proposal is to facilitate specific actions that would include the framing of a foundation that is the core discussion document for the engagement with the broader communities. The purpose of this document and supporting plan would be to facilitate the communities’ participation in the creation and design of the project that serves to transform the town of Grabouw, and the region, ultimately becoming a national model of sustainability with a community that is resilient and equitable, meeting their current needs fairly, but doing so in a manner that preserves resources for future generations of Grabouw residents and South Africans. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stede, en sekondêre stede in die besonder, wen vinnig veld as die dominante vorm van menslike vestiging. Met inagneming van die verwagte groei in die bevolking en die verwagte globale ekonomiese groei, kan die vraag gestel word watter rol stede gaan speel om die kernvraagstukke met betrekking tot volhoubare ontwikkeling aan te spreek. Sal stede hoegenaamd daartoe in staat wees om hierdie vraagstukke aan te spreek? Van deurslaggewende belang vir die volhoubaarheid van stede is die fokus op die sleutelvraagstukke van vorm en funksie. Dit, gekoppel aan die spesifieke maatskaplike interaksies, die kulturele en politieke aksies, is die sleutelaandrywers wat ingespan, geïntegreer en herbeplan moet word om stede volhoubaar te hou. Sonder 'n kollektiewe en volgehoue plan om direkte insette te lewer in die drie sleutelaandrywers van 'n stad – beplanning en ontwerp; die gebruik van hulpbronne en insette; en die maatskaplike interaksies binne stede – sal daar niks kom van die wens om hulpbronne vir toekomstige nageslagte na te laat nie. As hierdie pogings nie in stede ontstaan en uit stede groei nie, sal stede nie daarin slaag om enige pogings tot volhoubare ontwikkeling te ondersteun nie, maar dit eerder kelder. Daar word toenemend besef dat die huidige benadering tot ontwikkeling nie in die behoeftes van die groeiende globale bevolkings voorsien nie en dat nuwe benaderings op die proef gestel moet word. Die een sleutelgebied waar 'n nuwe benadering belofte inhou, is om maniere te ondersoek om volhoubare gemeenskappe te skep – gemeenskappe met gelyke toegang tot hulpbronne en waar gemeenskappe ontwerp is om op verskillende maniere te funksioneer. Die dorp en distrik Grabouw in die Wes-Kaap bied 'n unieke en uiters seldsame geleentheid vir die implementering van breë nasionale, provinsiale en plaaslike regeringsbeleide om uitvoering te gee aan die nasionale verbintenis tot volhoubare ontwikkeling en die skepping van volhoubare gemeenskappe. Maatskaplike, omgewings- en ekonomiese beleide word in hierdie beleidsverbintenisse saamgesnoer. Grabouw is ideaal vanuit 'n geografiese sowel as strategiese oogpunt om 'n nasionale model te word vir 'geïntegreerde volhoubare ontwikkeling' en om prakties te demonstreer hoe volhoubare ontwikkeling en volhoubare gemeenskappe ondersteun kan word. Die oogmerk van die projekvoorstel is om spesifieke aksies te fasiliteer, soos die opstel van 'n kernbesprekingsdokument met as doelwit die betrekking van die breër gemeenskappe. Die doel van hierdie voorstel is die fasilitering van die gemeenskappe se deelname aan die skepping en ontwerp van die projek wat dien om die dorp en distrik Grabouw te transformeer tot 'n nasionale model van volhoubaarheid, met 'n gemeenskap wat kragtig en gelyk is, en waar in huidige behoeftes voorsien word, maar op so 'n manier dat hulpbronne vir toekomstige geslagte Grabouw-inwoners en Suid-Afrikaners bewaar word.

A model for the delegation of roles and responsibilities within a performance management system at Oudtshoorn Municipality

Sauls, Alfonso Loxley 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Thc purpose of this research was to design a model for the delegation of roles and responsibilities within a performance management system (PMS) that will assist Oudtshoom Municipality in the implementation ofPMS. The motivation for the study was the fact that performance management is a relatively new legislative requirement for local government in South Africa. Local government authorities are currently experiencing many problems in the delivering of services to their respective communities, and this makes performance management a contemporary issue. The objectives of this research project are to o Explain what PMS is; o Explain how I'MS fits into the legislative framework in local government in South Africa; o Explain the importance of defining roles and responsibilities in a PMS; o Design a model for the delegation of roles and responsibilites within a PMS for Oudtshoorn Municipality; o Make recommendations for the successful implementation of PMS at Oudtshoorn Municipality. The research design that was used in this study was a combination of a model-building design and a case study design. The study was qualitative in nature and was a combination of non-empirical and empirical studies. Semi-structured interviews were held with a selected group of individuals who are key role-players in I'MS at Oudtshoorn Municipality. Some of the aims of the interviews were to establish the respondents understanding of PMS, and roles and responsibilities. The same respondents were given a table of different roles and responsibilities, to determine whether they knew what the different roles and responsibilities are of the different stakeholders in the PMS. The data analysis showed that the stakeholders (participants in the research) within the PMS at Oudtshoorn Municipality could not assign roles and responsibilities correctly. In order for PMS to be implemented successfully at Oudtshoorn Municipality, stakeholders in the PMS need to know exactly what is expected of them. It is not only from an organisational point of view that roles and responsibilities are important, but it is also a legislative requirement that roles and responsibilities need to be clarified before implementing a PMS. This problem created the need to design a model for the delegation of roles and responsibilities within a PMS that will assist Oudtshoorn Municipality in the implementation of PMS. The model is presented and an explanation of the model is given to understand how to use the model. Since Oudtshoorn Municipality is in the process of developing a PMS, a few recommendations are made to assist the municipality in the implementation of PMS. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om 'n model te ontwikkel vir die delegering van rolle en verantwoordelikhede binne 'n prestasie besluurstelsel, wat Oudtshoom Munisipaliteit kan help met die implementering van 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel. Die motivering vir die studie was die lcit dat prestasie bestuur 'n relatiewe nuwe wetlike vereiste vir plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika is. Plaaslike regerings owerhede ondervind tans baie probleme met dienslewering aan hulle onderskeie gemeenskappe en dit maak prestasie bestuur 'n kontemporere saak. Die doel van hierdie navorsingsprojek is om, o Te beskryfwat 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel is; o Te beskryf hoe 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel inpas in die wetlike raamwerk van plaaslike regering in Suid-Atrika; o Te beskryf die belangrikheid om rolle en verantwoordelikhede binne 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel te definieer; o Om 'n model vir die delegering van rolle en verantwoordelikhede binne 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel vir Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit te ontwikkel; en o Aanbevelings te maak vir die suksesvolle implementering van 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel by Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit. Die navorsingsontwerp wat gebruik was in hierdie studie was 'n kombinasie van modelbou ontwerp en 'n gevallestudie ontwerp. Die studie was kwalitatief van aard en was 'n kombinasie van nie-empiriese en empiriese studies. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude was gevoer met 'n geselekteerde groep individue wat sleutel rolspelers is, in prestasie bestuur, by Oudtshoom Munisipaliteit. Sommige van die mikpunte van die onderhoude was om vas te stel die respondente se verstaan van prestasie bestuurstelsels en rolle en verantwoordelikhede. Dieselfde respondente het ook 'n tabel voltooi wat verskillende rolle en verantwoordelikhede van die onderskeie rolspelers binne 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel aandui. Die data analise hel getoon dat rolspelers (deelnemers in die navorsing) binne die prestasie bestuurstelsel by Oudtshoom Munisipaliteit nie rolle en verantwoordelikhede korrek kon toeken nie. Om 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel suksesvol by Oudtshoom Munisipaliteit te implementeer, is dit belangrik dat elke rolspeler presies sal weet wat van homlhaar verwag word. Dit is nie net vanuit 'n organisatoriese oogpunt belangrik dal rolle en verantwoordelikhede gedefinieer moet word nie, maar wetgewing vereis ook dat rolle en verantwoordelikhede duidelik moet wees voordat 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel geimplementeer word. Die probleem wat hier ontstaan het, het die geleentheid geskep om 'n model te ontwikkel vir die delegering van rolle en verantwoordelikhede binne 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel wat Oudtshoom Munisipaliteit kan help met die implementering van 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel. Die model, met 'n verduideliking hoc om die model te verstaan, word ook voorgestel. Oudtshoorn Munisipaliteit is tans besig om 'n prestasie bestuurstelsel te ontwikkel. Aanbevelings word gemaak om die munisipaliteit te help met die implementering van 'n prestasie besluurstelsel.

Smart Growth : a sustainable solution for our cities

Theart, Alwie 03 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The greatest challenge for our time is to ensure the preservation of our environment and the well being of our people. With this in mind and the fact that almost half of the world’s population is living in urban areas, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that cities develop in a sustainable manner. Cities are regarded as one of the most magnificent creations of human achievements, but when looking at urban areas around the world it can also be regarded as one of the most problematic achievements. The growth of cities is a natural process and an unstoppable progression of events. Modern cities have a major impact on the environment and to ensure successful reduction of this impact, certain problem areas will have to be identified and addressed without delay in order to be in a position to make any significant change in the long run. Interventions of some sort are needed to make living in cities as well as on the planet as a whole more sustainable. The big question is however, how this can be achieved? One of the possible new interventions is the Smart Growth Concept, which is a form of growth management. Although Smart Growth has been around from the early 70’s, it is still a new concept that has not been explored to its full potential. The concept is well known in America but in most countries around the world, including South Africa, it is still a vague concept, which needs more introductions, convincing and ultimately, implementation. Although this article will focus on the Smart Growth concept as a possible solution to creating sustainable cities, the critics do not all agree with this point of view. Enough evidence is however provided to prove that Smart Growth can make a difference in our daily lives. The main aim of this article is to provide the reader with enough information on the subject of Smart Growth, and address the criticism against the concept of Smart Growth, to be able to see the positive influence that the Smart Growth concept can have on our cities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die grootste uitdaging van ons tyd is om te verseker dat die ons omgewing beskerm word en die welstand van ons mense bevorder word. Met dit in gedagte en die feit dat ongeveer die helfte van die aarde se bevolking in stedelike areas woonagtig is, is dit van uiterste belang dat stede op ‘n volhoubare manier ontwikkel word. Stede kan as een van die grootste skeppings van die mensdom beskou word, maar as daar gekyk word na stedelike areas rondom die wêreld kan dit ook as een van die problematiese skeppings beskou word. Die groei van stede is natuurlike proses en is onstuitbare sameloop van gebeurlikhede. Moderne stede het groot inpak op die omgewing en om te verseker dat die impak suksesvol beperk word, is daar sekere probleemareas wat geïdentifiseer moet word en wat sonder enige verder vertraging aangespreek moet word, ten einde in ‘n posisie te wees om enige beduidende verandering op die lang duur te maak. Ingryping op een of ander manier is nodig om stede meer bewoonbaar te maak, asook die planeet as ‘n geheel meer volhoubaar te maak. Die groot vraag is egter, hoe om dit te doen? Een van hierdie moontlike ingrypings is die Innoverende Groei (‘Smart Growth’) Konsep, wat ‘n vorm van groeibestuur is. Alhoewel die Innoverende Groei Konsep al sedert die sewentiger jare bestaan, is dit steeds ‘n nuwe konsep wat nog nie tot sy volle potensiaal ontwikkel is nie. Die konsep van Innoverende Groei is bekend in Amerika maar is in die meeste lande rondom die wêreld, insluitend Suid-Afrika, nog steeds ‘n vae konsep wat nog verder bekendstelling en oortuiging vereis en uiteindelik geïmplementeer moet word. Alhoewel hierdie artikel die fokus plaas op die Konsep van Innoverende Groei as moontlike oplossing in die skepping van volhoubare stede, is daar kritici wat nie saamstem met hierdie sienswyse nie. Genoeg bewyse word egter voorgehou om te bewys dat die Konsep van Innoverende Groei ‘n verskil kan maak in ons daaglikse lewe. Die hoof doel van hierdie artikel is om die leser van genoeg inligting te voorsien rondom die Konsep van Innoverende Groei , en om die kritiek teen die konsep aan te spreek, ten einde die leser te oortuig dat die konsep positiewe invloed op die groei van ons stede kan hê.

The global corporation and its role as a source of innovation for sustainable development : beyond corporate social responsibility

Gonzalez, Maria Susana Muhamad, Hamann, R., Loorbach, D. 03 1900 (has links)
77 leaves single side printed, preliminary pages i-v and numbered pages 1-72. Includes bibliography. / Thesis (MPhil (Sustainable Development Planning and Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores how to bring about change through innovation by using current power structures to move towards a more sustainable society. The type of change we are concerned with is the transformation from social structures, economic systems and institutions which diminish natural resources; to systems of production, institutions and social structures which affirm and interact productively with living systems, assuring their own sustainability. This change cannot be limited to address the social, environmental and economic consequences of the current system but should redefine the basic principles of society’s design and operation. One of the key actors in the current system are Multinational Corporations (MNCs) which have the capacity to mobilize natural resources, labour, and financial capital at a global scale. It is defined that to contribute proactively towards sustainability, the role of the corporation is to innovate in its core business, creating products and services that help to solve the current un-sustainability patterns of society. However, how effective are targeted innovation platforms within MNC’s in designing and implementing meaningful innovations for sustainability? How meaningful are these innovation efforts in terms of the broader CSR strategy of the company and its sustainability performance? What can we learn from business innovation platforms in terms of organization and entrepreneurship for sustainability? In order to answer these questions an action research method was used in which I reflect on my own experience of using the innovation platform from the Royal Dutch Shell Group (Shell) to develop sustainability innovations. Within this perspective, the notion of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is re-visited to highlight its potential to hinder or facilitate this process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Hierdie tesis ondersoek hoe verandering met innovasie te weeg gebring kan word deur gebruikmaking van huidige magstrukture om sodoende te beweeg na ’n meer volhoubare gemeenskap. Die verandering waarmee ons gemoeid is, is die transformasie van sosiale strukture, ekonomiese stelsels en instansies - wat natuurlike hulpbronne verminder - na stelsels van produksie, asook instellings en sosiale strukture wat regstel en produktief wisselwerk met lewenskragtige stelsels om sodoende hulle eie volhoubaarheid te verseker. Hierdie verandering kan geensins beperk word om die sosiale, omgewings en ekonomiese gevolge van die huidige stelsel aan te spreek nie, maar behoort die basiese beginsels van die gemeenskap se ontwerp en optrede te herdefinieer. Een van die sleutelspelers in die huidige stelsel is die Multinasionale Korporasies (‘MNCs’) wat oor die vermoë beskik om natuurlike hulpbronne, arbeid en geldelike kapitaal op globale skaal te mobiliseer. Om pro-aktief tot volhoubaarheid by te dra, moet die rol van die korporasie – volgens definisie – van so ’n aard wees dat hy in sy kern-sakebedrywighede innoverend optree om produkte en dienste te skep wat sal bydra om die huidige nie-volhoubare patrone binne die gemeenskap uit te skakel. Maar hoe doeltreffend is geteikende innovasie-platforms binne die Multinasionale Korporasies egter vir soverre dit die ontwerp en toepassing van betekenisvolle innovasies betref wat op volhoubaarheid gerig is? Hoe betekenisvol is dié pogings rondom innovasie gemeet teen die breër strategie van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid van die maatskappy en sy volhoubaarheidsprestasie? Wat kan ons van innovasie-platforms van sakeondernemings met betrekking tot organisasie en entrepreneurskap - gerig op volhoubaarheid - wys word? Met die oog op die beantwoording van hierdie vrae, is ’n aksie-navorsingsmetode gebruilc, waarin ek besin oor my eie ondervinding met die gebruik van innovasieplatforms van die Royal Dutch Shell Group (Shell) om volhoubaarheidsinnovasies te ontwikkel. Binne hierdie perspektief word weer gekyk na die konsep van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid om sodoende sy potensiaal om dié proses te kortwiek of te fasiliteer, uit te lig.

Developing an individual performance management instrument for Overberg District Municipality

Prins, Henry F. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Overberg District Municipality is required by law to develop and implement a organisational performance management system. This requirement by law is in recognition of the need for government to take real steps to ensure that municipalities effectively deliver on their constitutional mandate. The transformation of local government ushered in a pertinent focus on developing and implementing performance management systems. The researcher experienced that municipalities are at this stage primarily focusing on developing systems for organisational performance management, resulting in minimum attention to individual performance management. The purpose of this research is to develop an individual performance management instrument, integrating the strategic objectives as identified in the Integrated Development Plan of the Overberg District Municipality with the objectives of the individual. The proposed instrument should enhance integrated human resource management and be commensurate with applicable labour legislation. A literature review of performance management and related human resource management practices was conducted in order to gain better insight into the topic. Further to this, legislation and policy documents were analysed with specific reference to performance management. After gathering the information through the literature review, a proposed individual performance management instrument was developed and submitted to subject matter experts for their input. The research is concluded with a presentation of recommendations for implementation at Overberg District Municipality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit moet volgens wet 'n organisatoriese prestasiebestuurstelsel ontwikkel en implementeer. Hierdie wetlike vereiste erken die vereiste dat die regering doelgerigte stappe moet doen om te verseker dat munisipaliteite hul grondwetlike mandaat doeltreffend uitvoer. Die transformasie van plaaslike regering het 'n besliste fokus op die ontwikkeling en implementering van prestasiebestuurstelsels meegebring. Die navorser het ondervind dat munisipaliteite op hierdie stadium hoofsaaklik op die ontwikkeling van stelsels vir organisatoriese prestasiebestuur ingestel is, en dus die minimum aandag aan individuele prestasiebestuur gee. Die oogmerk van hierdie navorsing is om 'n individuele prestasiebestuursinstrument te ontwikkel, en daardeur die strategiese doelwitte wat in die Geintegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan van die Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit geidentifiseer is, met die individu se doelwitte te integreer. Die voorgestelde instrument moet geintegreerde menslikehulpbronbestuur versterk en in ooreenstemming met toepaslike arbeidswetgewing wees. 'n Literatuuroorsig van prestasiebestuur en verwante menslike hulpbronbestuurspraktyke is gedoen ten einde 'n beter begrip van die onderwerp te kry. Verder is wetgewing en beleidsdokumente ontleed met spesifieke verwysing na prestasiebestuur. Nadat die inligting by wyse van die literatuuroorsig versamel is, is 'n voorgestelde individuele prestasiebestuursinstrument ontwikkel en aan kundiges op hierdie gebied voorgelê vir hulle insette. Die navorsing is afgesluit met aanbevelings vir implementering by die Overberg Distriksmunisipaliteit.

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