Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic managemement "" "subject:"cublic managementment ""
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Viešųjų paslaugų administravimas atliekų tvarkymo, vandens tiekimo ir nuotekų tvarkymo srityse Marijampolės ir Kazlų Rūdos savivaldybėse / Public management of public services in waste, water-supply and sewer fields in Marijampole and Kazlu Ruda municipalitiesLencevičiūtė, Živilė 18 January 2007 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama tema „Viešųjų paslaugų administravimas atliekų tvarkymo, vandens tiekimo ir nuotekų tvarkymo srityse Marijampolės ir Kazlų Rudos savivaldybėse“. Jos aktualumą lemia tai, kad šiuo metu moderni aplinkos apsauga yra vienas iš kertinių akmenų, kuriant ateities visuomene Lietuvoje. Todėl ypatingą vietą aplinkosaugos sistemoje tenka atliekų tvarkymui, vandens tiekimui ir nuotekų tvarkymui. Šių paslaugų teikimo organizavimas – viena iš savivaldybių funkcijų. Tačiau savivaldybių institucijos nepakankamai efektyviai organizuoja ir kontroliuoja viešųjų paslaugų teikimą, neužtikrina, kad viešosiomis paslaugomis galėtų naudotis visi savivaldybės gyventojai ir kad šios paslaugos būtų teikiamos nuolat ir kokybiškai. Todėl darbo tikslas - ištirti viešųjų paslaugų administravimo atliekų tvarkymo, vandens tiekimo ir nuotekų tvarkymo srityse sistemą Marijampolės ir Kazlų Rudos savivaldybėse. / This work gives conceptions of public service, public management, public management of public services, surveys literature sources, law instruments which regulate public management of public services in waste, water-supply and sewer fields. For the attainment of this work‘s purpose there was reviewed present situation in municipalities and established questions rising for inefficient organizational and control actions of municipal institutions managing rendering of services.
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Att indexera hållbarhet : En metautvärdering av Miljöaktuellts rankning av svenska kommuners hållbarhetsarbeteHåkansson, John January 2014 (has links)
This Bachelor's thesis in Environmental Science studies the quality of an index of performance measurement of Swedish municipalities' sustainability governance offered by the environmental magazine Miljöaktuellt. Executed for six consecutive years, this evaluation is arguably the most comprehensive and widely spread local sustainability assessment in Sweden. Contextualizing this quantitative measurement tool in the paradigm of New Public Management, the research questions posed are: 'to what extent does the index employed by Miljöaktuellt correspond to the requirements of a set of quality criteria for sustainability assessment?' and 'is the index appropriate as a measure of, or a goal for, Swedish municipalities' internal sustainability efforts?' Through the perspective of evaluation theory, Miljöaktuellt's index is seen as a performance evaluation, thus categorizing this study as a meta-evaluation. Through a qualitative thematic approach, the index is analyzed using the 8 BellagioSTAMP-principles that were developed as tools for assessing quality of sustainability assessments as themes for the analysis. The results found by Miljöaktuellt are clearly and effectively communicated, but the index in itself is shown to be inadequate in methodological rigour in its handling of indicator data, lacking analytical power as ecological indicators are given disproportionate attention compared to economic and social indicators, and insufficient in transparency due to unexplained theoretical considerations, rendering the index inappropriate as a basis for policy guidance in Swedish municipalities. / Denna kandidatuppsats i miljövetenskap syftar till att undersöka kvaliteten hos tidningen Miljöaktuellts utvärderingssystem av svenska kommuners hållbarhetsarbete som de har granskat och rankat årligen i sex år. Detta index är antagligen den mest genomgripande utvärderingen av kommunalt hållbarhetsarbete i Sverige. Miljöaktuellts kommunrankning sätts in i New Public Management-paradigmet och utvärderingssamhällets kontext för att besvara frågeställningarna som lyder: ”Hur väl överensstämmer Miljöaktuellts kommunrankning med en uppsättning kvalitetskriterier för utvärdering av hållbar utveckling?" och ”Är kommunrankningen lämplig att använda som mått på, eller mål för kommuners interna hållbarhetsarbete?" Från ett utvärderingsteoretiskt perspektiv betraktas kommunrankningen som en kvalitetsutvärdering; denna studie kategoriseras därmed som en metautvärdering. Indexet analyseras som en tematisk innehållsanalys med utgångspunkt i de 8 BellagioSTAMP-principerna som utvecklats som ett mätverktyg av utvärderingar av hållbar utveckling. Även om Miljöaktuellt kommunicerar sina resultat väl bedöms tidningens index sakna metodologisk tyngd i behandlingen av dess indikatorer, brista i analytisk kapacitet då ekologiska indikatorer ges oproportionerlig tyngd på bekostnad av ekonomiska och sociala indikatorer, samt sakna nödvändig transparens då teoretiska överväganden inte uttrycks och motiveras. Dessa brister gör indexet olämpligt som underlag för politiska beslut inom svenska kommuners hållbarhetsarbete.
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Europäisches Verwaltungsmanagement : Vergleich von Hauptstädten neuer und alter Mitgliedsstaaten der EU am Beispiel der Bürgerdienste / European administrative management : comparison of capital cities of new and old member states of the EU using the example of citizen servicesTietz, Marcel January 2014 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Dissertation wird die Anwendung und Wirkung von Kernelementen des New Public Management (NPM) am Beispiel der Bürgerdienste der sechs europäischen Hauptstädte Berlin, Brüssel, Kopenhagen, Madrid, Prag und Warschau analysiert. Hierbei steht der Vergleich von Hauptstädten der MOE-Staaten mit Hauptstädten alter EU-Mitgliedsstaaten im Vordergrund. Es wird die folgende Forschungshypothese untersucht:
Die Verwaltungen in den Hauptstädten der östlichen Mitgliedsstaaten der EU haben in Folge der grundsätzlichen gesellschaftlichen und politischen Umbrüche in den 1990er Jahren bedeutend mehr Kernelemente des NPM beim Neuaufbau ihrer öffentlichen Verwaltungen eingeführt.
Durch den folgerichtigen Aufbau kundenorientierter und moderner Verwaltungen sowie der strikten Anwendung der Kernelemente des New Public Management arbeiten die Bürgerdienste in den Hauptstädten östlicher EU-Mitgliedsstaaten effizienter und wirkungsvoller als vergleichbare Bürgerdienste in den Hauptstädten westlicher EU-Mitgliedsstaaten.
Zur Überprüfung der Forschungshypothese werden die Vergleichsstädte zunächst den entsprechenden Rechts- und Verwaltungstraditionen (kontinentaleuropäisch deutsch, napoleonisch und skandinavisch) zugeordnet und bezüglich ihrer Ausgangslage zum Aufbau einer modernen Verwaltung (Westeuropäische Verwaltung, Wiedervereinigungsverwaltung und Transformations-verwaltung) kategorisiert.
Im Anschluss werden die institutionellen Voraussetzungen hinterfragt, was die deskriptive Darstellung der Stadt- und Verwaltungsgeschichte sowie die Untersuchung von organisatorischen Strukturen der Bürgerdienste, die Anwendung der NPM-Instrumente als auch die Innen- und Außenperspektive des NPM umfasst. Es wird festgestellt, ob und in welcher Form die Bürgerdienste der Vergleichsstädte die Kernelemente des NPM anwenden. Im Anschluss werden die Vergleichsstädte bezüglich der Anwendung der Kernelemente miteinander verglichen, wobei der Fokus auf dem persönlichen Vertriebsweg und der Kundenorientierung liegt.
Der folgende Teil der Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Output der Bürgerdienste, der auf operative Resultate untersucht und verglichen wird. Hierbei stellt sich insbesondere die Frage nach den Leistungsmengen und der Produktivität des Outputs. Es werden aber auch die Ergebnisse von Verwaltungsprozessen untersucht, insbesondere in Bezug auf die Kundenorientierung. Hierfür wird ein Effizienzvergleich der Bürgerdienste in den Vergleichsstädten anhand einer relativen Effizienzmessung und der Free Disposal Hull (FDH)-Methode nach Bouckaert durchgeführt. Es ist eine Konzentration auf populäre Dienstleistungen aus dem Portfolio der Bürgerdienste notwendig. Daher werden die vergleichbaren Dienstleistungen Melde-, Personalausweis-, Führerschein- und Reisepass-angelegenheiten unter Einbeziehung des Vollzeitäquivalents zur Berechnung der Effizienz der Bürgerdienste herangezogen. Hierfür werden Daten aus den Jahren 2009 bis 2011 genutzt, die teilweise aus verwaltungsinternen Datenbanken stammen.
Anschließend wird der Versuch unternommen, den Outcome in die Effizienzanalyse der Bürgerdienste einfließen zu lassen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die Anwendbarkeit von verschiedenen erweiterten Best-Practice-Verfahren und auch eine Erweiterung der relativen Effizienzmessung und der FDH-Methode geprüft.
Als Gesamtfazit der Dissertation kann festgehalten werden, dass die Bürgerdienste in den untersuchten Hauptstädten der MOE-Staaten nicht mehr Kernelemente des NPM anwenden, als die Hauptstädte der westlichen Mitgliedsstaaten der EU. Im Gegenteil wendet Prag deutlich weniger NPM-Instrumente als andere Vergleichsstädte an, wohingegen Warschau zwar viele NPM-Instrumente anwendet, jedoch immer von einer westeuropäischen Vergleichsstadt übertroffen wird.
Auch die Hypothese, dass die Bürgerdienste in den Hauptstädten der MOE-Staaten effizienter arbeiten als vergleichbare Bürgerdienste in den Hauptstädten westlicher EU-Mitgliedsstaaten wurde durch die Dissertation entkräftet. Das Gegenteil ist der Fall, da Prag und Warschau im Rahmen des Effizienzvergleichs lediglich durchschnittliche oder schlechte Performances aufweisen.
Die aufgestellte Hypothese ist durch die Forschungsergebnisse widerlegt, lediglich das gute Abschneiden der Vergleichsstadt Warschau bei der Anwendungsanalyse kann einen Teil der These im gewissen Umfang bestätigen. / In the context of the thesis, the application and impact of core elements of the New Public Management (NPM) is analysed using the example of the Citizen Services of six European capital cities Berlin, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Prague and Warsaw. In this connection the comparison of the capital cities in the CEE countries with capital cities in the old EU Member States is foregrounded. The following research hypothesis is examined:
In consequence of the fundamental social and political upheavals in the 1990s the administrations in the capital cities of the eastern EU Member States have introduced significantly more core elements of NPM during the reorganisation of their public administrations.
Due to the consequent erection of customer-oriented and modern administrations and the strict application of core elements of the New Public Management, the Citizen Services in the capital cities of eastern EU Member States work more efficient and effective than comparable Citizen Services in the capital cities of western EU Member States.
To survey the research hypothesis, the capital cities are initially assigned to the relevant legal and administrative traditions (Continental European German, Napoleonic and Scandinavian) and afterwards categorised with respect to their initial position to build up a modern administration (western European administration, reunion administration and transformation administration).
Thereafter institutional requirements are questioned, which includes a descriptive presentation of urban and administrative history and the analyses of organisational structures of the Citizen Services, the application of NPM instruments as well as the internal and external perspectives of the NPM. It is concluded, whether and in what form the Citizen Services of the capital cities utilise the core elements of NPM. Following the capital cities are compared regarding the application of core elements, whereat the focus is on the personal channel of distribution and customer orientation.
The following part of the thesis deals with the output of Citizen Services, which is examined and compared to operational results. This raises in particular the question of the activity quantity and the efficiency of the output. But there are also examines of the results of administrative processes, particularly in reference to customer orientation. Thus a comparison of efficiency of Citizen Services in the capital cities is performed, which is based on a relative measurement of efficiency and the Free Disposal Hull Method (FDH) according to Bouckaert. A focus on popular services from the portfolio of the Citizen Services is needed, wherefore the efficiency of the Citizen Services is calculated with the comparable services identity card, driving license and passport involving the full-time equivalent. Therefor data from the years 2009 to 2011 are used, which originate from internal administrative databases.
Following an attempt is made to include the outcome in the analysis of efficiency of the Citizen Services. In this context, the applicability of various advanced best practice methods and an extension of the relative measurement of efficiency and the FDH method is verified.
As an overall conclusion of the thesis can be stated that the Citizen Services in the investigated capital cities of the CEE countries do not apply more core elements of the NPM compared to the capital cities of the western EU Member States. In contrast Prague applies significantly less NPM instruments compared to other capital cities, whereas Warsaw applies many NPM instruments but is always exceeded by a western European capital city.
The hypothesis that the Citizen Services in the capital cities of the CEE countries work more efficiently than comparable Citizen Services in the capital cities of the western EU Member States is also ruled by the thesis. The opposite is the case as Prague and Warsaw show only an average or poor performance in the context of the comparison of efficiency.
The established hypothesis is disproved by the research results, only the good performance of the capital city of Warsaw in the analysis of application is able to confirm a part of the thesis to a certain extent.
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Controlling-Konzept im integrierten Gemeindemanagement-Modell für Gemeinden ohne Parlament : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der vertikalen Integration /Kleindienst, Andrea. January 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Staatswiss. St. Gallen, 1999 ; Nr. 2251. / En librairie dans la collection "Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Öffentliche Dienstleistungen und Tourismus / Beiträge zum öffentlichen Management", Bd. 1. Literaturverz.
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Public participation in environmental impact assessment : a comparative analysis of the United Kingdom, South Africa and the United States'Decadt, Leen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Despite calls for greater public participation in all aspects of environmental
planning, impact assessment and decision making, opportunities for participation in the
planning, legal and administrative systems governing these activities, are limited. Public
participation has often been reduced to a procedural exercise instead of a substantive
process to include the public in environmental decision making. Thus, it is relevant to
examine public participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), providing ways
to improve its effectiveness.
The emphasis of this thesis is therefore, to compare the role of public
participation in the environmental assessment process in the United Kingdom, South
Africa and the United States. It begins by defining the principles of Environmental Impact
Assessment and the concept of public participation and explores how the rationales of
public participation may be integrated into the environmental planning process.
Features of each of the three existing EIA systems are examined since components such
as the appropriate legislative framework, the institutional framework, the public, and
formal and informal public participation opportunities in the EIA process are the factors
contributing towards effective public participation in Environmental Impact Assessment.
The author argues that public participation deserves attention because the degree
of participation affects the quality of the Environmental Impact Assessment, which, in
turn, affects the quality of a decision about a project. Broader participation creates more
information and alternatives to be presented to decision makers, enhancing the
opportunity to mesh public values and government policy. Although public participation
may slow down the EIA process, the real goal of EIA theory is to ensure sustainable
development, no matter how long the EIA process takes.
Apparently, the three EIA laws discussed in the comparative analysis, are
consistent with sustainable development since these laws operate to force considerations
of environmental impacts into the decision making process. Moreover, properly drafted EIA laws are based on a strict standard of procedural compliance to ensure that the
responsible decision makers are fully apprised of the environmental consequences which
they review.
Involving the public is a safeguard against bad or politically motivated decisions,
and a mechanism to increase public awareness of the delicate balance between economic
and environmental trade offs. If conducted openly, it may ultimately increase public
confidence in the decision making process. Public participation has the potential to
enhance the maintenance of accountability in public and private sectors. The public
should realise that they, individually or through interest groups, can participate in public
matters that affect them, with a view to persuading decision makers and shaping
environmental policies.
The thesis further reviews the different roles the public can play during the various
stages of an Environmental Impact Assessment process, whereby formal and informal
public participation opportunities are explored according to the country-specific context.
The comparative analytical framework in the thesis reveals significant variations
within and between the three countries. Apparently, the three EIA systems seem to
possess more or less mature, well-defined and formal Environmental Impact Assessment
systems. For the UK and South Africa, examples could be taken from the United States,
which has developed more adequate public participation provisions than those of the
European Directive and of the South African EIA Regulations, particularly as far as the
level and degree of public participation and techniques are concerned. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ten spyte van beroepe op groter openbare deelname in alle aspekte van
omgewingsbeplanning, inpakbeoordeling en besluitneming, is geleenthede vir deelname
in die beplannings-, administratiewe en wetlike sisteme wat hierdie aktiwiteite beheer,
beperk. Openbare deelname word dikwels gereduseer tot 'n proseduriële oefening in
plaas van 'n substantiewe proses te wees om die publiek in omgewingsbesluitneming te
betrek. Dit is derhalwe relevant dat openbare deelname in Omgewingsimpakbeoordeling
(algemeen in Engels na verwys as EIA) ondersoek word tot einde wyses vir
effektiwiteitsverbetering daar te stel.
Die aksent van hierdie tesis is dus 'n vergelyking van openbare deelname in
omgewingsbeoordeling in die Verenigde Koninkryk, Suid-Afrika en die Verenigde State
van Amerika onderskeidelik. Daar word begin met definiëring van die beginsels van EIA
en die konsep "openbare deelname" en 'n ondersoek na integrering van die rationales vir
openbare deelname in die omgewingsbeplanningsproses. Kenmerke van elk van die drie
bestaande EIA -stelsels word ondersoek aangesien komponente soos die geskikte
wetgewende raamwerk, die institusionele raamwerk, die publiek, asook formele en
informele openbare deelname-geleenthede in die EIA -proses, die bydraende faktore is tot
effektiewe openbare deelname in EIA.
Die navorser argumenteer dat openbare deelname aandag verdien omdat die
graad van deelname die kwaliteit van die EIA affekteer met voortspruitende effek vir die
kwaliteit van besluitneming rakende 'n projek. Breër deelname skep meer inligting en
alternatiewe vir voorlegging aan die besluitnemers ter verbetering van die geleentheid
vir die ineenskakeling van openbare waardes en regeringsbeleid. Hoewel openbare
deelname die EIA-proses mag vertraag, is die werklike doel van EIA-teorie die
bewerkstelliging van volhoubare ontwikkeling, ongeag van hoe lank die proses ook mag
duur. Die drie EIA-wette bespreek in die vergelykende analise is oënskynlik konsekwent
in terme van volhoubare ontwikkeling aangesien hierdie wette gerig is op die
inkorporering van omgewingsimpak oorwegings in die besluitnemingsproses. Verder is
behoorlik geformuleerde EIA-wette gebaseer op 'n streng standaard van proseduriële
onderworpenheid ten einde te verseker dat die verantwoordelike besluitnemers ten volle
ingelig is oor die omgewingsgevolge onder hersiening.
Die insluiting van die publiek is 'n voorsorg teen swak of polities gemotiveerde
besluite en 'n meganisme om openbare bewustheid ten opsigte van die delikate balans
tussen ekonomiese en omgewings komprimieë. As dit openlik gedoen word, behoort dit op
die lange duur die publiek se vertoue in die besluitnemingsproses te verhoog. Openbare
deelname kan tot die behoud van, deur hul betrokkenheid aanspreeklikheid in die
openbare en private sektore bydra. Die publiek moet besef dat hulle deur hulle
betrokkenheid, individueel of deur middel van belangegroepe, in openbare
aangeleenthede wat hulle raak, beluitnemers kan oorreed en omgewingsbeleid help vorm.
Die tesis beskou ook die verskillende rolle wat die publiek gedurende die
verskillende fases van 'n Omgewingsimpakbeoordelingsproses kan speel, en verken
geleenthede vir formele en informele openbare deelname binne elke land se spefieke
Die vergelykende analitiese raamwerk in die tesis bring betekenisvolle variasies
binne en tussen die drie lande aan die lig. Oënskynlik verteenwoordig die drie EIA
stelsels min of meer volwasse, goed definieërde en formele
Omgewingsimpakbeoordelingstelsels. Die VK en Suid Afrika kan leer uit die voorbeeld
van die VSA wat meer voldoende voorsienning vir openbare deelname bied as die van die
Europese Direktief en van Suid Afrika se EIA Regulasies, in besonder sover dit die vlak
en graad van openbare deelname en tegnieke betref
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Efter appliceringen av importerade styrformer : En flerfallsstudie om hur sjuksköterskor på svenska offentliga sjukhus upplever sin arbetssituation / After the Application of Imported Control Forms : A multiple case study of hownurses at Swedish public hospitals perceive their working situationCrona, Clara, Jevinger, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under 1980-talet introducerades begreppet New Public Management som lade grunden för att inom offentlig sektor styra verksamheter på ett nytt sätt, genom en styrning som tydligare ligger i linje med den privata sektorn. Tidigare studier har till stor del fokuserat på implementering och applicering av dessa styrformer, hur detta har påverkat den anställde har dock varit svårt att fastställa. Utifrån detta finns ett behov av att vidare undersöka hur offentligt anställda upplever sin nuvarande arbetssituation, främst med fokus på aspekter kopplade till motivation och psykosocial arbetsmiljö. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för hur sjuksköterskor på svenska offentliga sjukhus upplever sin nuvarande arbetssituation. Metod: Detta är en kvalitativ flerfallstudie med ett fenomenologiskt vetenskapsperspektiv. Studien utgår från ett induktivt förhållningssätt och sex semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts för datainsamling. Empirin har analyserats med hjälp av en fenomenologisk analys. Slutsats: Studien visar på en komplex bild av sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av sin arbetssituation där delaktighet och sammanhållning med kollegor leder till en positiv upplevelse av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Negativa upplevelser av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön är främst kopplat till minskad kontroll i arbetssituationen. Studien visar även på att sjuksköterskorna motiveras av både inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer, vilket indikerar en motsättning till delar av tidigare teorier om hur offentligt anställda motiveras på arbetsplatsen. / Background: During the 1980’s, New Public Management was introduced as a new way of regulating the public sector, by managing more in line with private sector activities. Previous studies have primarily focused on the implementation and application of these control forms, but how this has affected the employees have so far been hard to ascertain. On this basis there is a need to investigate further how public sector employees experience their current working situation, with the main focus on aspects linked to motivation and psychosocial work environment. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to generate an understanding of how nurses at Swedish public hospitals perceive their current working situation. Methodology: This is a qualitative multiple case study using the scientific perspective of phenomenology. The study is based on an inductive approach and six semi-structured interviews have been used to collect data. The empirical data has been analysed through a phenomenological analysis. Conclusion: This study demonstrates a complex view of the nurses’ perception of their working situation, where participation and unity with colleagues lead to a positive perception of the psychosocial work environment. The negative perception of the psychosocial work environment is mainly related to reduced control within the working situation. The study also shows that both inner and outer motivators motivate the nurses, which indicates a contradiction to parts of previous motivation theories regarding public sector employees.
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Gymnasieskola under olika huvudmannaskap : - En studie om ekonomistyrning / Secondary schools with different mandatorship, a casestudy in management controlOhlsson, Amanda, Pålsson, Ebba, Nilsson, Adam January 2017 (has links)
Friskolereformen öppnade upp för privata aktörer att kunna bedriva skolverksamhet i början på 1990-talet. Skolorna finansieras på samma sätt och har ur många perspektiv samma förutsättningar oavsett huvudman. Då många friskolor drivs i form av aktiebolag som ofta förknippas med vinstintresse kan det vara rimligt att anta att målen med verksamheten skiljer sig från de med kommunal huvudman. Målen är viktiga grundpelare för hur ekonomistyrningen sedan sker och det skulle därför vara intressant att undersöka hur arbetet med planering, resursanvändning samt uppföljning och kontroll sker på gymnasieskolor under olika huvudmän.
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Finns det uttryck för New Public Management i hälso- och sjukvårdslagar? : En komparativ studie över finsk, norsk och svensk lagstiftning / Is New Public Management expressed in health care laws? : A comparative study on Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish lawNilsson, Evelina January 2021 (has links)
Nationally and globally the public sector is exposed to new challenges. Tthe most recent is the global pandemic covid-19. The health care system faces new challenges, such as an ageing population which means that more people are in need of more care. The technological and the medical development also means an increased expenditure. As a way of handling the challenges liberal ideas on how the market should work were transferred to the public sector and New Public Management (NPM) was created. Ideas of decentralisation, privatization, demands of cost-effectiveness and the public sector competing with each other on the market are examples of NPM. The purpose of this study was to find out how NPM is expressed in health care law. The countries chosen for this comparative study were Finland, Norway and Sweden, based on a most-similar design. The study was conducted using thematic textual analysis on each country’s health care law.
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Omställningsstöd till följd av covid-19 : En användarnvänlig utformning? / Economic support system due to covic-19 : A user-friendly design?Hard, Frida, Lidwall, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Under året 2020 drabbades världen av covid-19, en global pandemi som kom att påverka världsekonomin. Pandemin innebar stora svårigheter för många svenska företag. Till följd av omständigheterna införde den svenska regeringen ett omställningsstöd för att underlätta för företag som tappat stor del av sin omsättning. Vid utformningen av omställningsstödet infördes vissa kontrollmekanismer för att minimera missbruksrisken. Dock framfördes vissa farhågor angående mekanismerna då de ansågs kunna försvåra ansökan av omställningsstöd för vissa grupper. Det finns tidigare forskning kring användandet av New Public Management (NPM) och vilken påverkan det har på myndigheter och deras anställda. Det finns dock ett kunskapsgap gällande hur statens NPM-inspirerade styrning påverkar utformningen av offentliga tjänster samt hur en sådan styrning kan komma att påverka användarna av offentliga tjänster. Syftet med studien är därför att öka förståelsen för hur användandet av NPM kan ha kommit att prägla, och störa, det värdeskapande som sker i mötet mellan myndigheter och deras användare. Studien har tillämpat en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi och insamlandet av data har skett via intervjuer samt kompletterande dokument. För att besvara studiens syfte har en fallstudie genomförts där fokus legat på omställningsstödet till följd av covid-19. Studiens resultat visar att kravet på revisorsintyg kan komma att ha en negativ påverkan på tillgängligheten för vissa användargrupper. Resultatet av studien indikerar även att hanteringen av omställningsstödet till största del varit positiv, men att omställningsstödet i vissa hänseenden brustit i sin kommunikation. Utifrån dessa faktorers påverkan kan slutsatsen dras att statens NPM-influerade styrning har försvårat värdeskapandeprocessen för vissa användare. Studiens fynd kan eventuellt vara tillämpbara för att förbättra tillgängligheten för användare av statliga tjänster. Därav kan studiens resultat vara betydelsefulla för framtida forskning kring hur NPM-inspirerad styrning påverkar användarna av statliga tjänster. / During the year of 2020, the world was affected by covid-19, a global pandemic that also came to affect the world economy. The pandemic caused big difficulties for many Swedish companies. In the light of these circumstances the Swedish government introduced an economic support system (omställningsstödet) to ease the impact for these companies. Control mechanisms to reduce the risk of abuse were introduced when developing the aid. However, some apprehension surrounding the control mechanisms and their effect on the application process for some groups was presented. Previous research shows how New Public Management (NPM) affects the governmental agencies and their employees. There is however an existing knowledge gap regarding how the government´s NPM-inspired management affects the design of public service and how this will affect the users of public services. The aim of the study is therefore to clarify whether the ideas behind NPM may also have influenced, and disrupted, the value creation that takes place in the meeting between authorities and their users. The study has applied a qualitative research strategy and the collection of data has taken place via interviews and supplementary documents. To answer the purpose of the study, a case study was conducted where the focus was on the adjustment support because of covid-19. The results of the study show that the requirement for an auditor's certificate may have a negative impact on the availability of certain user groups. The results of the study also indicate that the handling of the support has been largely positive, but also shows that the support in some respects failed in its communication. Based on the influence of these factors it can be concluded that the government´s NPM-influenced governance has made the value creation process more difficult for certain users. The findings may be applicable to improve accessibility for the users of public services. Therefore, the results of the study may be significant for future research on how NPM-inspired governance affects users of public services.
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Des corps à l’ouvrage. Les inspections du ministère de la Culture face au new public management (1959-2017) / New public management and French Ministry inspectorates of culture (1959-2017)Demonteil, Marion 11 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse prend pour objet l’institutionnalisation paradoxale d’une fonction d’inspection de la culture. Alors que le contrôle de l’État sur la culture représente un tabou, cette administration a considérablement renforcé et rendu visibles ses capacités d’inspection entre 1959 (création du ministère) et nos jours. Les conditions de possibilité d’un tel retournement constituent donc une énigme historique. Notre argumentation éprouve l’idée selon laquelle le contrôle de l’État sur les politiques culturelles n’a pu s’afficher et être assumé comme tel, depuis les années 2000, qu’à la condition d’être présenté comme une modalité de surveillance dépolitisée. À travers le cas de l’administration de la culture, et plus particulièrement des usages politiques de ses inspections, nous questionnons donc plus largement la dépolitisation de la décision politique. L’enquête commencée en 2013 mobilise une méthodologie mixte, qui associe étroitement méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives, au service d’une perspective diachronique embrassant la période 1950-2017. / This dissertation addresses the paradoxical institutionalization of inspectorates in the French ministry of Culture. While state control over culture is taboo, this administration has significantly strengthened and made visible its inspection capabilities between 1959 (creation of the ministry) and 2017. The conditions of possibility of such a reversal constitute a historical and sociological puzzle, that our dissertation seeks to explain. Our argument is based on the idea that state control over cultural policies managed to appear and be explicitely undertaken as such since the 2000s, provided that it is presented as a depoliticized surveillance modality. Through the case of the administration of culture, and more particularly the political uses of its inspections, we question more broadly the depoliticization of the political decision. The survey started in 2013 relies on a mixed methodology, which closely associates qualitative and quantitative methods, at the service of a diachronic perspective covering the period 1950-2017.
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