Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic managemement "" "subject:"cublic managementment ""
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Towards ecological sustainable sanitation : Oshiwana Penduka informal settlementHerero, Jan Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study undertakes a scientific investigation into the social and environmental
problems encountered by the Oshiwana Penduka informal settlement as a result of the
lack of a proper sanitation system. This informal settlement is located on the periphery
of the municipal boundaries of the town of Mariental in Southern Namibia, about 270
kilometres south of the capital, Windhoek. The unique problem faced by the settlement
is the absence of sanitation facilities or sewage system as a method of solid waste
management. Needless to say, the informal settlement is characterized by
overcrowding, poor sanitation, lack of housing, unemployment and poverty. From the
literature review, it became clear that inadequate water supply and sanitation posed
serious implications to the physical environment and human health. The literature also
reveals that these core challenges are propagated by the continual influx of people to
urban areas and the re-birth of irregular settlements.
In light of the above, the problem statements to be addressed are the following, namely:
what is the impact of the absence of a proper and sustainable sanitation system on the
inhabitants of the Oshiwana Penduka informal settlement and what can be done by the
Mariental Municipality to address the concerns raised?
The key research methods applied for this study entails individual semi-structured
questionnaires and key informant groups. The answers to the interviewed questions
are highlighted in chapter four and the interpretation of the research findings are
constituted in the latter chapter. The hypothesis was proven false and the new model of
thinking generated is suggesting that the prevailing social and environmental problems
are caused by the absence of toilet facilities. It is evident to note from the study results
that the negative social impact, which is being attributed by inadequate sanitation in the
informal settlement, is severe and lethal to human health. In order to prove the
hypothesis, data has been collected at household levels from the informal settlers. Despite the survey results which support the conventional water borne sanitation as the
most preferred sanitation system, vacuum system as an ecological sanitation
technology is recommended for this informal settlement. This particular sanitation
system works on the principle of enhancing water conservation, recycling, reduction of
health, and promotes environmental integrity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie onderneem ʼn wetenskaplike ondersoek na die sosiale en
omgewingsprobleme, wat ondervind word deur die Oshiwana Penduka informele
nedersetting en die gebrek aan ʼn behoorlike sanitasie stelsel. Hierdie betrokke
informele nedersetting is geleë aan die buitewyke van die munisipale grense van die
dorp Mariental. Die dorp Mariental is geleë in die suidelike deel van Namibië, ongeveer
270 km suid van die hoofstad Windhoek. Die unieke problem wat hierdie nedersetting
ondervind is die afwesigheid van sanitasie fasiliteite of ʼn rioolstelsel wat ʼn soliede
metode van goeie rioolbeheer is. Hierdie nedersetting word gekenmerk deur
oorbevolking, swak sanitasie, gebrek aan behuising, werkloosheid en armoede. Vanuit
die literatuurstudie, het dit aan die lig gekom dat onvoldoende water toevoer en
sanitasie ernstige implikasies vir die fisiese omgewing en die menslike gesondheid
inhou. Die literatuur het ook aan die lig gebring dat hierdie basiese probleme vererger
word deur die aanhoudende invloei van mense na die stedelike gebiede.
In die lig van bogenoemde, is die probleemstelling wat aangespreek moet word, soos
volg: wat is die gevolge van ʼn gebrek aan ʼn behoorlike en volhoubare sanitasiestelsel
vir die inwoners van die informele nedersetting en wat kan die Mariental Munisipaliteit
doen om hierdie problem aan te spreek?
Die navorsingsmetode wat aangewend word bevat individuele semi- gestruktureerde
vraelyste en sleutel fokusgroepe. Die antwoorde op die onderhoudsvraelyste word
vervat in hoofstuk vier en die vertolking van die navorsingsbevinding word in die
daaropvolgende hoofstuk aangebied. Die hipoteses was verkeerd bewys en die
alternatief wat gegenereer is, stel voor dat die bestaande sosiale en
omgewingsprobleme veroorsaak word deur die afwesigheid van toilet fasiliteite. Ten spyte van die navorsingsresultate, wat ʼn watersanitasiestelsel as die meeste
verkose stelsel ondersteun, word ʼn suigstelsel as ekologiese volhoubare tegnologie vir
hierdie informele nedersetting aanbeveel. Hierdie betrokke sanitasiestelsel toon
verskeie voordele, onder andere bewaring van water, vermindering van
gesondheidsprobleme en die bevordering van omgewingsvolhoubaarheid.
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The development of a risk management model supporting corporate governance in the City of Cape TownWilliams, Peter D. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Good governance, improved service delivery and sound fiscal rnanagernent
are sorne of the key initiatives of the National Government to create a better
life for all South Africans as stated in the preamble of the Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa,1996 (Act 108 of 1996). Municipalities, in
particular, have a specific reference framework in this regard. In each of these
initiatives there is a certain amount of inherent risks which may hamper the
Government's overall service delivery programmes. In terms of the Municipal
Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003) for Local Government,
councillors and municipal managers are, inter alia, responsible to ensure good
corporate governance, ensure effective, efficient and transparent systems of
financial - and risk management, internal control as well as the managing and
safeguarding of assets and to ensure sustainable service delivery to
Rendering services of a high standard, economically and utilising resources
efficiently remains a challenge for South Africa as a whole and in particular for
local government. The absence of a corporate mechanism or model for the
City of Cape Town makes it difficult to ensure that risks are addressed in an
integrated manner. The development of a risk management model supporting
corporate governance for the City of Cape Town will endeavour to reduce
and/or minimise its risks. The question that arises and which this research
study seeks to provide an answer to is "How can the City of Cape Town deal
with risks relating to corporate governance in order to fulfil its constitutional
and legislative obligations to its community in a sustainable manner?"
The findings of applicable risk management models and/or approaches
implemented at organisations representing semi-private and private sectors
were analysed for consideration during the development of a proposed risk
management model for the City of Cape Town. Legislative requirements and specific developments on risk management in the public sector have
been researched in an attempt to determine what local government is
expected to do in addressing their risks.
When addressing the issue of corporate governance, Chief Executive Officers
should reassess their organisations' corporate culture and set the "tone from
the top". In the City of Cape Town's case the City Manager has a critical role
in balancing the need to address competitive forces and the need to
consistently do the right things. Top Management should constantly evaluate
the completeness and appropriateness of corporate governance policies and
practices as well as critical processes, internal controls and other risk
management practices. Furthermore, the quality and competence of all staff
need to be examined to determine if they understand government's
challenges with regard to corporate governance. The development of a risk
management model for the City of Cape Town will enable the organisation to
pro-actively address its risks in this regard to fulfil its constitutional and
applicable legislative requirements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Goeie regering, verbeterde dienslewering en gesonde finansiele bestuur is
van die vername inisiatiewe van die Nasionale Regering om 'n beter lewe vir
aile Suid-Afrikaners te skep soos vervat in die aanhef van die Grondwet van
die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1996 (Wet 108 van 1996). In hierdie verband
het munisipaliteite, in besonder, 'n spesifieke verwysingsraamwerk. In elk van
hierdie inisialiewe is daar 'n sekere mate van inherente risiko's teenwoordig
wat die Regering se algehele diensleweringsprogramme kan korlwiek. In
terme van die Wet op Munisipale Finansiele Bestuur, 2003 (Wet 56 van
2003) vir Plaaslike Regering is, onder andere, raadslede en munisipale
bestuurders, veranlwoordelik om goeie korporatiewe bestuur te verseker,
doeltreffende, voordelige en deursigtige stelsels vir finansiele - en
risikobestuur, interne beheer asook die bestuur en beskerming van bates te
verseker en om volhoubare dienslewering aan gemeenskappe te verseker.
Die lewering van dienste van 'n hoe standard, ekonomies en die voordeligste
gebruik van hulpbronne is 'n uitdaging vir Suid-Afrika in bree en spesifiek oak
vir plaaslike regering. Die afwesigheid van 'n korporatiewe meganisme of
model maak dit moeilik vir die Stad Kaapstad om te verseker dat risiko's op 'n
integrale wyse aangespreek word. Die onlwikkeling van 'n
risikobestuursmodel ter ondersteuning van korporatiewe bestuur vir die Stad
Kaapstad sal poog om risiko's te verminder en/te beperk. Die vraag wat
ontstaan en wat deur hierdie navorsingstudie beanlwoord moet word is "Hoe
kan die Stad Kaapstad risiko's ten opsigte van korporaliewe bestuur
aanspreek ten einde te voldoen aan die konstitutionele en wetlike verpligtinge
aan sy gemeenskap op 'n volhoubare wyse?"
Die bevindinge van toepaslike risikobestuursmodelle en/of benaderings wat
deur semi-privaat en private ondernemings ge"implementeer word, is ontleed
vir oorweging gedurende die onlwikkeling van 'n voorgestelde
risikobestuursmodel vir die Stad Kaapstad. Wetlike vereistes en spesifieke onlwikkelinge rondom risikobestuur in die openbare sektor is nagevors in 'n
poging om vas te stel wat van plaaslike regerings verwag word lydens die
aanspreek van hul risiko's.
Wanneer die kwessie van korporatiewe bestuur aangespreek word, behoorl
Hoof Uitvoerende Beamptes hul organisasies se korporatiewe kultuur te
herevalueer asook die voorbeeld in hierdie opsig te stel. In verband met die
Stad Kaapstad het die Stadsbestuurder 'n kritieke rol te speel om 'n balans te
handhaaf tussen die behoefte van kompeterende magte en die behoefte om
konstant die regte dinge te doen. Topbestuur behoorl die deeglikheid en
toepaslikheid van korporatiewe bestuursbeleid en praklyke asook kritieke
prosesse, interne beheer en ander risikobestuurspraklyke gereeld te
evalueer. Voorls behoorl die gehalte en bevoegdheid van aile personeel
nagesien te word om te bepaal of hulle die regering se uitdadings ten opsigte
van korporatiewe bestuurs verstaan. Die onlwikkeling van 'n risikomodel vir
die Stad Kaapstad sal die organisasie instaat stel om pro-aktief sy risiko's aan
te spreek en sodoende aan sy konstitutionele en toepaslike wetlike vereistes
te voldoen.
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Housing in Ivory Park : a critical assessmentMmakola, Monepo David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Administration))--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / 105 leaves single sided printed, preliminary pages i-xii and numbered pages 1-92.Includes bibliography and list of tables and figures. / Scanned using a Hp Scanjet 8250 Scanner to pdf format (OCR). / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study assessed the performance of South Africa's Housing Policy in Ivory Park, an informal settlement in Midrand. The study used effectiveness, efficiency, equity, responsiveness and affordability, as criteria for assessment. Research was carried out using a literature review; and face-to-face interviews with officials from the Midrand Metropolitan Local Council, and the residents of Ivory Park who had already moved into the newly built houses. The study found that the performance of the policy in Ivory Park is mixed. From the point of view of effectiveness, the policy has had a positive impact on the lives of beneficiaries. The bigger picture of housing delivery, and the way the policy is being assessed by other spheres of government however, has reduced assessment of the policy to the numbers of housing built, and not taken sufficient consideration of the value of other elements of the policy. The greatest efficiency drawback has been the speed of implementation. The policy is moving at a relatively slow pace. The distribution of the resources of the policy has been equitable, in that the unemployed and households with irregular incomes have been reached by the housing policy. However, there have been difficulties in stimulating the local materials supply industries in the area, but efforts have gone into activating that part. The policy has been responsive, and beneficiaries are satisfied with the role played by the local authority, community organisations and contractors involved in housing delivery. Although the new houses built have not themselves adversely affected the cost of living of beneficiaries, the poverty level in the area, would continue to make services such as housing, unaffordable to households. The study recommends that in future, there be increased consultations with intended beneficiaries of a housing policy, in order to align the views of policymakers with those of beneficiaries. There is also a need to develop indicators that take into account all the objectives government pursues in the housing sector. The local authority should also track ownership of the built houses, to ensure that any change in ownership does not compromise the welfare of beneficiaries, and lead to the subsidisation of housing acquisitions of well-off households. Housing polices should have a more economic development slant, as the new services coming with housing would not have a greater impact in situations of persistent poverty. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het die Suid-Afrikaanse Behuisingsbeleid beoordeel in Ivory Park, 'n informele nedersetting in Midrand. Hierdie beoordeling het die volgende kriteria gebruik, te wete doeltreffendheid, doelmatigheid, eweredigheid, die respons van die inwoners en bekostigbaarheid deur die inwoners. Navorsing is uitgevoer deur middel van 'n literatuuroorsig en persoonlike onderhoude met Raadslede van die Midrandse Metropolitaanse Raad asook die inwoners van Ivory Park wat alreeds in hul nuutgeboude wonings ingetrek het. Die studie het gemengde bevindings ten opsigte van die beleid binne Ivory Park opgelewer. Vanuit 'n doelmatigheidsoogpunt gesien het die beleid 'n positiewe uitwerking op die lewens van die begunstigdes uitgeoefen. Binne die groter geheel van behuisingsvoorsiening, asook die manier waarop die beleid beoordeel word deur ander regeringsfere, blyk dit egter dat die beleid slegs beoordeel word op grond van die aantal wooneenhede gelewer sonder om die ander elemente van die behuisingsbeleid te verdiskonteer. Die implementeringspoed van die beleid was die grootste nadeel vanuit 'n doeltreffendheidsoogpunt gesien aangesien die beleid teen 'n relatiewe stadige pas beweeg. Die bronne van die beleid is eweredig versprei deurdat werkloses en huishoudings met ongereelde inkomste deur die beleid bevoordeel is. Probleme is ook ondervind met die stimulasie van plaaslike boumateriaal voorsieningsindustrieel binne die gebied, maar inisiatiewe is geloods om die gedeelte te aktiveer. Die respons van die gemeenskap, binne die konteks van behuisingsvoorsiening, dui ook op hul tevredenheid met die rol van die plaaslike owerheid, gemeenskapsorganisasies en die betrokke kontrakteurs. Alhoewel die nuwe behuising nie die lewenskoste van die begunstigdes nadelig beinvloed het nie, dra die hoe armoede vlak in die omgewing daartoe by dat behuising vir vele inwoners onbekostigbaar bly. Die studie beveel aan dat daar in die toekoms toenemend met die beoogde begunstigdes van die behuisingsbeleid gekonsulteer moet word ten einde die sienings van die beleidmakers en die begunstigdes in ooreenstemming te bring. Ontwikkelingsindikatore en regeringsdoelwitte moet ook in berekening gebring word binne die behuisingsektor. Die plaaslike owerheid moet ook die eienaarskap van die nuwe wooneenhede navolg om te verseker dat eienaarskap nie die welsyn van die begunstigdes negatief affekteer nie, of dat dit nie lei tot die subsidering van die meer gegoedes in die verkryging van wooneenhede nie. Die behuisingbeleid moet ook 'n groter ekonomiese onderbou he ten einde armoede te bekamp.
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Semi-autonomous revenue authorities for successful implementation of tax administration reformGhebretsadk, A. F. (Abraham Fissehaye) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a growing tendency towards the establishment of semi-autonomous revenue authorities to
collect taxes on behalf of the government. This is necessary for the efficient tax collection by which
the state finances its administrative organs. Tax administration as part of the general civil service
has suffered due to budget restrictions, inefficiency and corruption resulting from the mere
characteristics of the field of public administration.
As a remedy, modern tax administrations are now introducing the principles and methods used in
the private sector. The trend in public administration, thus, seems to be towards autonomy and
professionalization. Strengthening tax administration is thus critical to the successful
implementation of the whole tax system. Tax administration, to be successful, needs the
simplification of tax policy, commitment at the political and managerial level, and the existence of a
comprehensive set of strategies. There is evidence that the creation of semi-autonomous tax
authorities has enabled some developing countries to dramatically increase tax revenue.
These semi-autonomous revenue authorities are created with the aim of generating additional
revenue, improving the tax system and ensuring more equitable taxation. The revenue authorities'
model keeps the better employees by better compensation, is flexible in human resources
management, integrates tax operations, and is flexibile in budget management. Despite their
similarity in objective there are some variations of organizational design of revenue authorities from
country to country, with differences in their legal foundation, governance structures, staffing,
funding basis, and internal organization.
However, there are arguments against semi-autonomous revenue authorities and that they are not a
panacea of tax administration. The arguments against the revenue authorities' model are higher
costs, discontent of the wider civil service (because of inequities of salary), risks involved in the
autonomy, potential for corruption, sustainability and necessity. Nevertheless, the advantages of
revenue authorities weigh more than the disadvantages. To overcome the disadvantages of semiautonomous
revenue authorities, there should be a clearly defined relationship between the
government and the revenue authorities, there should be an appropriate regulatory framework and
public accountability, and the structure should be as simple as possible. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is 'n groeiende tendens na die totstandkoming van semi-outonome inkomste owerhede om
belasting namens die regering in te vorder. Dit is nodig vir die doeltreffende invordering van
belasting deur middel waarvan die staat sy administratiewe organe finansier. Belasting
administrasie, as deel van die algemene staatsdiens het gely deur begrotingsbeperkings,
ondoeltreffendheid en korrupsie wat voortvloei uit die blote kenmerke van die gebied van die
openbare administrasie.
As 'n remedie, is moderne belasting administrasies besig om die beginsels en metodiek wat in die
privaat sector gebruik word in te voer. Die tendens in publieke administrasie is dus gerig op
outonomiteit en professionalisme. Die versterking van belasting administrasie is dus krieties vir die
suksesvolle implimentering van die hele belastingsisteem. Belasting administrasie, om suksesvol te
wees, benodig die vereenvoudiging van belasting beleid, verbondenheid op politieke en
bestuursvlak en die bestaan van 'n omvattende stel strategieë. Daar is getuienis dat die
totstandkoming van semi-outonome belastingowerhede het sekere ontwikkelende lande in staat
gestelom dramaties die belasting inkomste te vermeerder.
Hierdie semi-outonome inkomste owerhede is tot stand gebring met die doelom addisionele
inkomste te genereer, die belastingsisteem te verbeter en om meer billike belastingte verseker. Die
belastingowerhede model behou die beter werknemers deur middel van beter kompensasie, is
buigsaam t.o.v. menslike hulpbronbestuur, integreer belastingsprosesse en is buigsaam in
begrotingsbestuur. Nieteenstaande hul eendersheid t.o.v die doelwitte, is daar wel variasies van
organisasie ontwerp van belastingowerhede van land tot land, met verskille in hul regsgrondslag,
"governance" strukture, personeelvoorsiening, basis van bevondsing en die interne organisasie.
Daar is wel argumente teen semi-outonome belastingowerhede en dat hulle nie die wondermiddel
vir belasting administrasie is nie. Die argumente teen die belastingowerhede model is dié van hoer
kostes, ontevredenheid van die breë openbare administrasie (weens die onbillikheid van salarisse),
die risko verbondce aan die outonomiteit, die potensiaal vir korrupsie, volhoubaarheid en
noodsaaklikheid. Desnieteenstaande, die voordele van belastingowerhede weeg sterker as die
nadele. Om die nadele te oorkom, moet daar 'n duidelike uiteengesette verhouding tussen die
regering en die belastingowerhede wees, daar moet 'n toepaslike regulerende raamwerk en openbare
toerekenbaarheid en die struktuuer moet so eenvoudig moontlik wees.
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Politieke en administratiewe strukturele desentralisasieverskynsels in plaaslike owerhede in die Kaapse Metropool sedert demokrasie : 'n vergelykende perspektiefBurger, Helena Louisa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since democracy, South Africa underwent significant changes and an encompassing
integration and re-design of the state and society took place structurally, functionally
and value-wise. The type of reform is accompanied with decentralisation or
centralisation of powers and functions. Decentralisation is utilized by governments to
achieve certain goals, and arguments that are normally raised in favour of
decentralisation relate to efficiency of administration, democratisation, social and
economic development, freedom and nation-building.
The study investigates only political and bureaucratic/administrative structural
decentralisation phenomena that appeared in local authorities in the Cape Metropole
since democracy. A comparative perspective is given on phenomena that appeared in
the City of Tygerberg and the City of Cape Town and the decentralisation phenomena
are evaluated in terms of criteria for successful decentralisation.
To be able to give the decentralisation comparative perspective, the study followed a
variety of approaches. Firstly, the nature and extent of decentralisation is investigated.
Secondly, decentralisation under the democratic state in the different spheres of
government is investigated. Thirdly, South African policy which guides decentralisation
initiatives on local government level is investigated. Fourthly, the study focusses on the
two local government organisations the City of Tygerberg and the City of Cape Town to
investigate which political and bureaucratic/administrative structural decentralisation
phenomena appeared, and to which degree the phenomena complied with the values
and requirements for successful decentralisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert demokrasie het Suid-Afrika aansienlike hervormings ondergaan en het daar 'n
omvattende integrasie en herontwerp van die staat en samelewing struktureel,
funksioneel en waardegewys plaasgevind. Die tipe hervorming gaan gepaard met
desentralisasie of sentralisasie van magte en funksies. Desentralisasie word deur
regerings aangewend om sekere doelwitte te bereik en argumente wat normaalweg ten
gunste van desentralisasie gevoer word, hou verband met doeltreffendheid van
administrasie, demokratisering, sosiale en ekonomiese ontwikkeling, vryheid en
Die studie ondersoek slegs politieke en burokratiese/administratiewe strukturele
desentralisasie verskynsels wat in plaaslike owerhede in die Kaapse Metropool sedert
demokrasie voorgekom het. 'n Vergelykende perspektief word gegee van
desentralisasie verskynsels wat in die Stad Tygerberg en die Stad Kaapstad voorgekom
het en die desentralisasie verskynsels word geëvalueer aan die hand van kriteria vir
suksesvolle desentralisasie.
Om die desentralisasie vergelykende perspektief te kon gee, volg die studie verskillende
benaderinge. Eerstens word die aard en omvang van desentralisasie ondersoek.
Tweedens word desentralisasie onder die demokratiese staat in die verskillende vlakke
van regering ondersoek. Derdens word Suid-Afrikaanse beleid bestudeer wat
desentralisasie-inisiatiewe rig op plaaslike regeringsvlak. Vierdens word op die twee
plaaslike owerheidsorganisasies Stad Tygerberg en Stad Kaapstad gefokus om te
ondersoek watter politieke en burokratiese/administratiewe strukturele
desentralisasie verskynsels voorgekom het en in watter mate die verskynsels aan die
waardes en vereistes wat vir suksesvolle desentralisasie gestel word, voldoen.
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The South African Police Service organisational culture : the impact on service deliveryGqada, Dumisani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research study explores the impact of organisational culture with specific reference to the
South African Police Service (SAPS) culture on service delivery. The two interrelated concepts
"organisational culture and service delivery are discussed broadly in terms of their challenges for
the contemporary policing function which put emphasis on the provision of police service and
accounatbility to the broader community. The premise of the study is based on literature research
evidence that organisational culture is an important factor to influence employee behaviour
towards organisational effectiveness and also determine how they respond to its external
environment. At the same time a strong organisational culture can be rigid and become a
hindrance to change.
Service delivery is a critical challenge to the government's ongoing efforts to ensure that its
delivery process is efficient and responsive, particularly to the needs of the previously
disadvantaged communities. In recent years, this challenge reinforced the government to embark
on broad transformation mechanisms in order to position public institutions in an environment
where service delivery meets the public needs and expectations. Some of these mechanisms
include the promulgation of legislation, regulations and a series of policy frameworks notably,
The White Paper on Reconstruction and Development (ROP), 1994, The White Paper on the
Transformation of the Public Service of 1995, Public Service Regulation of 1999 etc. However,
the provision of efficient service delivery in public institutions is usually constrained by various
factors such as lack of capacity and shortage of competency skills, financial and technological
resources as opposed to the private sector which normally have these resources in abundance.
Since lack of sufficient financial resources will always be a challenge for public service delivery
enhancement, this study suggests that public institutions can incorporate some private sector
strategies in order to be innovative and improve efficiency.
Apart from a lack of the above mentioned resources as contributing factor to inefficient service
delivery, available theory on organisational culture state that it is an all encompassing factor that
influences employee behaviour in public institutions. Chapter 3 provides a theoretical framework
on the concept of organisational culture, its formation, and its sources, how it is sustained in the
organisation. Various models and examples of organisational culture as found in small and big
organisations such as those associated with government agencies are analysed and distinguish in terms of why the size of the organisation can determine its prevailing culture. Small
organisations with flat structures are considered to be flexible, autonomous, innovative and
responsive to customer needs.
On the other hand the traditional bureaucratic organisations such as government agencies like
police organisations tend to be characterised by highly formal hierarchical structure with too
many layers, operational rules and regulations which are intended to enforce control measures.
However, type of structures are criticised for rigid systems, autocratic, and slow. Models for
changing organisational culture in order to increase its effectiveness are suggested.
After a theoretical discussion on both the concepts organisational culture and service delivery,
the SAPS was used as a case study to establish the applicability and the extent to which
organisational culture impact on service delivery. The first stage consist of analytical perspective
of the SAPS historical military culture since its inception in 1913 and giving critical accounts of its
operational phases that it had undergone until the new dispensation. Since the early 1990s until
after April 1994 elections, marked a new era in the SAPS which embarked on broad
transformation initiatives in order to change policing function from that of a narrow law and order
maintenance to a fully integrated community policing which makes police officers to be
accountable to the broader community by rendering police service and problem solving within a
human rights culture. However, police culture has been widely criticised as a source of
resistance to change and reform, and is often misunderstood.
The prevailing police culture which was inherited from the previous paramilitary legacy such as
the autocratic leadership style, traditional bureaucratic structure, corruption, secrecy, mistrust are
some of the dominant indicators which are identifiable and commonalities among the different
police agencies. These dominant features cause any resistance to any change initiative and are
perceived with negative image. After contextualising the description of the SAPS, the study
describes the methods and procedures used to conduct an empirical research project in the form
of a pilot study conducted in two police stations in Cape Town. Data collection methods include
the following: 1) literature review, 2) open-ended one-an-one interviews with the station
commissioners from the selected stations, 3) distributing survey questionnaires which consist of
close ended questionnaires to junior officers at police stations to determine their attitudes
towards the organisations they work in, and 4) by means of observation. Theoretical evidence proves that police culture which is characterised by paramilitary,
bureaucracy, rigid systems and procedures, inflexible structure still prevail in the SAPS and
contributes significantly to lack of coordination, slow response and results inefficient service
delivery. It is concluded that police stations are the primary centres where the public gets first
hand experience when reporting their cases or need the help of police officers to solve problems
in the community. In order to provide efficient police service, units which provide interrelated
functions need to be fully integrated under one unit commander in order to improve coordination
and prompt response. Policing crime is still the primary function of the police and police officers
need to be fully equipped with competency skills and other capacity building programs that are
consistent with the contemporary policing function. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingstudie stelondersoek in na die impak van organisasiekultuur met spesifieke
verwysing na die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) se kultuur op dienslewering. Die twee
verwante konsepte "organisasiekultuur"en "dienslewering"word breedvoerig bespreek teen die
agtergrond van die agtergrond van die uitdagings wat dit stel vir die hedendaagse
polisieringsfunsie wat dit beklemtoon dat die polisie 'n diens moet lewer en aanspeeklik moet
wees teenoor die breer gemeenskap. Die studie se aanname is gebasseer op literatuurnavorsing
wat toon dat organisasiekultuur 'n faktor is wat werknemersgedrag beinvloed ten opsigte van
organisasie-effektiwiteit asook hoe werknemers reageer teenoor die eksterne omgewing. 'n
Sterk organisasiekultuur word beskou as 'n bindende faktor tussen werkers en die organisasie
en dit skep kosekwentheid en rigting. 'n Sterk organisisasiekultuur kan terselfdetyd rigied wees
en 'n struikelblok word in die weg van voorgestelde verandering aangesien verandering beskou
kan word as inmenging in die normale gang van die organisasie. Hierteenoor het 'n meer
buigsame kultuur die voordeel van aanpasbaarheid ten opsigte van verandering.
Dienslewering is 'n volgehoue uitdaging vir die regering se se volgehoue pogings om te verseker
dat sy leweringsproses effektief is en die behoeftes van spesifiek die voorheen benadeelde
groepe aanspreek. Hierdie uitdaging het die regering genoop om transformasie-meganismes
daar te stel ten einde openbare instellings in staat te stelom leweringsagente te word wat die
behoeftes en uitkomste-verwagtinge van almal aanspreek. Van die meganismes sluit in die
promulgering van wetgewing en beleid soos die Heropbou-en Ontwikkelingsprogram (HOP)
Witskrif, 1994, die Transformasie van Openbare Dienste Witskrif, 1995, die Openbare Diens
Reguleringswet van 1999 ensomeer. Die lewering van effektiewe dienste word gewoonlik beperk
deur deur veskeie faktore soos 'n gebrek aan kapasiteit en vaardighede, asook finasiele en
tegnologiese hulpbronne wat normaalweg tot die beskiking van die private sektor is. Gegewe dat
'n tekort aan finansiele hulpbronne altyd 'n uitdaging vir effektiewe openbare sektor
dienslewering sal wees, stel hierdie studie voor dat openbare instellings sekere privaatsektor
strategiee kan inkorporeer ten einde innovasie en effektiwiteit te verbeter.
Behalwe bogenoemde beperkende faktore, stel beskikbare organisasiekultuur-teorie dit dat dit
ook organisasiekultuur is wat openbare sektor amptenare se gedrag is wat die kwaliteit en vlak
van dienslewering beinvloed. Hoofstuk drie bied 'n teoretiese raamwerk vir die konsep organisasiekultuur ten opsigte van hoe dit geskep en in stand gehou word binne organisasies.
Verskeie modelle en voorbeelde van organisasiekultuur binne klein sowel as groor organissaies
word ontleed en daar word gekyk na hoe die grootte van 'n organisasie organisasiekultuur
beinvloed. Klein organisasies met 'n plat struktuur word beskou as buigsaam, outonoom,
innoverend en daartoe in staat om die vebruiker se behoeftes aan te spreek.
Daarteenoor word tradisionele burokratiese organisasies soos polisie-organisasies gekenmerk
deur formele strukture met te veel vlakke, operasionele reels en regulasies ten einde volle
beheer te he oor prosedures. Die rigiede stelsels, outokrasie, en stadiege leweringsproses van
sulke strukture word dikwels gekritiseer. Modelle om organisasiekultuur te verander ten einde
effektiwiteit te verbeter word voorgestel.
Die teoretiese bespeking van die konsepte organisasiekultuur en dienslewering word gevolg deur
'n gevallestudie van die SAPD ten einde te bepaal die mate waartoe organisasiekultuur
impakteer op dienslewering. Die eerste fase behels 'n analitiese perspektief van die SAPD se
historiese militere kultuur sedert 1913 asook' n kritiese blik op operasionele fases waardeur die
SAPD gegaan het tot en met die nuwe dispensasie. Die vroee 1990s tot net na die April 1994
verkiesing verteenwoordig' n nuwe era in die SAPD ten opsigte van transformasie inisiatiewe wat
daarop gerig was om die polisieringsfunksie te verander van 'n agent wat eng gefokus was op
die handhawing van wet en orde na 'n geintegreerde polisiediens wat aanspeeklik is teenoor die
bree gemeenskap. Dit behels die lewering van 'n polisiediens sowel as probleem-oplossing
binne die konteks van 'n menseregte-kultuur. Polisiekultuur word, as gevolg van misverstande,
dikwels beskou as 'n bron weerstand teen verandering.
Die heersende organisasiekultuur - wat 'n nalatenskap is van die vorige paramilitere styl
byvoorbeeld outokratiese leierskapstyl, tradisionele burokratiese strukture, korrupsie,
geheimhouding, wantroue - is van die dominante indikatore wat gemeenskaplike eienskappe is
van die verskeie polisie-agentskappe. Hierdie dominante kenmerke veroorsaak weerstand teen
enige veranderingsinisiatief en word as negatief beskou. Die beskrywing van die SAPD word
gevolg deur' n uiteensetting van metodes en prosedures wat gebruik was tydens die empiriese
navorsing wat gedoen was by twee polisiestasies in Kaapstad. Data insamelingsmetodes sluit
in: 1) lieratuurnavorsing, 2) ope een-tot-een onderhoude met die stasiekomisarisse van die twee
stasies, 3) die verspreiding van geslote vraelyste aan junior offisiere by polisiestasies ten einde
hul houding te bepaal teenoor die organisaies waar hulle werk, en 4) observasies. Teoretiese bewyse toon dat die polisiekultuur wat normaalweg gekenmerk word deur
paramilitere, buroktariese, rigiede stelsels en prosedures steeds bestaan binne die SAPD en dat
dit bydra tot swak koordinasie, swak response en oneffektiewe dienslewering. Ten slotte word
gemeld dat polisiedienssentra plekke is waar die publiek eerstehands kennis maak met
dienslewering. Ten einde 'n effektiewe diens te lewer, behoort eenhede wat verwante diense
lewer geintegreer te word onder die bevel van een bevelvoerder. Misdaadvoorkoming is steeds
die primere funksie van die SAPD en beamptes moet toegerus word met die nodige
bevoegdhede, vaardighede asook kapasiteitsbouprogramme wat in lyn is met die kontemporere
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Basic training in the South African police service : determining the perceptions of policing skills of entry-level constablesGossmann, Leon Ludwig 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this study is to determine the perception of entry-level constables, field
training officers and supervisors with regard to the level of competencies in the
condensed Police Basic Training Programme. The research was done in the Pretoria area,
which consisted oftwenty-one stations and the Pretoria West Basic Training College. The
entry-level constable should complete both the college phase and the field training phase
to be declared competent. The entry-level constable completed a questionnaire after
completion of the college training and completed a second questionnaire after completion
of the field training. The sample group consisted of a convenience group based in the
Pretoria area representing the majority of the stations in the area. The supervisors of the
entry-level constables were also requested to complete a similar questionnaire. The
researcher interviewed the field training officers and mentors by means of a semistructured
The entry-level constables were questioned on thirty-seven competencies during both the
college and field training. Some competencies included were basic, whilst the other were
classified as complex competencies. The duration of the college training and the field
training were each four months. The entry-level constables were taught on various
subjects in academics that included Law, Elements of a crime, Specific crimes, Statutory
and Common Law, Communication, Detention and Law of evidence. Other areas of
training were Musketry, Drill and Physical training. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie studie is om die persepsie van intree-vlak konstabels,
veldopleidingsbeamptes en toesighouers te bepaal aangaande die vlak van bevoegdhede
in die gekondenseerde Polisie Basiese Opleidingsprogram. Hierdie navorsing is in die
Pretoria-area voltooi, en sluit 21 stasies asook die Pretoria-Wes Basiese
Opleidingskollege in. Die intree-vlak konstabel moes beide die kollege- en die
veldopleidingsfase voltooi het om bevoegd verklaar te word. Die intree-vlak konstabel
het 'n vraelys voltooi na die voltooiing van beide die fases van opleiding. Die proefgroep
het uit 'n geskiktheidsgroep bestaan wat in die Pretoria-area gestasioneer is en
verteenwoordig die oorgrote meerderheid van die stasies in die area. Die toesighouers oor
die intree-vlak konstabels is ook versoek om 'n vraelys te voltooi. Die navorser het
onderhoude gevoer met die veldopleidingsbeamptes en mentors met behulp van semigestruktureerde
Die vraelys het 37 bevoegdhede van die intree-vlak konstabels getoets wat hulle tydens
beide hul kollege- en veldopleiding aangeleer het. Sommige van hierdie bevoegdhede
was basies terwyl ander as komplekse bevoegdhede geklassifiseer is. Die tydsduur van
die kollege- en veldopleiding was vier maande elk. Die intree-vlak konstabels het
opleiding in verskeie vakke ontvang insluitende Regte, Elemente van 'n oortreding,
Spesifieke oortredings, Landswette en Gemene reg, Kommunikasie, Aanhouding en
Regte van bewyse. Ander areas van opleiding sluit in skietkuns, driloefeninge en fisieke
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Die bestuur van verandering in die publieke sektorSwanepoel, Deon Venter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The management of change in the South African public sector is facing a
number of challenges. An integrated management model for the effective
management of change in public sector organisations, which recognises
the characteristics and environment of the public sector and integrates
different approaches towards the management of organisational change,
is not generally known or available to change agents in the public sector.
The overall research objective is to develop an integrated management
model for the effective management of change in the public sector. The
differences and similarities in the management of change in public and
private sector organisations will also be examined. Strategic management, organisational development and transformation as
approaches towards management of change are analised in terms of
processes, techniques, interventions and guidelines to manage the
organisation through the change process. The concepts of organisation
culture, leadership, power, authority, communication, ethics and role of
change agents are studied.
International case studies of the transformed public sectors of the United
States of America and Britain are examined for guidelines that can be
applied to the South African public sector. The case studies revealed that
the success of public sector transformation resulted from the application of
private sector management principles and practices.
From the author's research it was found that changes in the political,
economic and socio-cultural environment of the South African public
sector, the new Constitution, new legal and policy frameworks, directives
for transparency and inclusivity as well as the required social, political and
administrative organisational cultures have a strong impact on the process
and contents of management of change in the public sector.
Supporting evidence was found that the application of strategic
.management in the public sector provides direction for organisations,
assists in analysing the external environment systematically and promotes
the co-ordination of change management activities, provided the
characteristics of the public sector are taken into account.
Organisational culture can be changed through incremental processes and
actions whilst culture replacement can be managed through revolutionary
processes. Leaders and change agents should consolidate management and
organisational behavioural competencies in an integrative approach
towards the management of change. They must also aquire and
demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills to give direction,
empower, communicate, validate, advise and inspire people on
organisational, group and individual level.
The change process requires a well planned and broadly consulted
communication plan, structures and channels.
Internal change agents (leaders, managers, etcetera) and external change
agents (consultants, new members of top management, etcetera) should
be appointed as members of a multi-disciplinary transformation team that
will plan, facilitate and monitor the change process.
Through research, the author has developed an integrated management
model for the management of change in the public sector, comprising of 5
phases and 16 steps, some of which should be executed simultaneously
and others consecutively to ensure a holistic process and the advantages
of integrating the various approaches towards the management of change
in the public sector. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestuur van verandering in die Suid-Afrikaanse publieke sektor kom
voor verskeie uitdagings te staan. 'n Geintegreerde bestuursmodel vir die
effektiewe bestuur van verandering in publieke-sektor-organisasies, wat
die aard en omgewing van die publieke sektor erken en verskeie
benaderings tot die bestuur van organisasieverandering integreer, is nie
algemeen aan veranderingsagente in die publieke sektor bekend of
beskikbaar nie.
Die oorkoepelende navorsingsdoel is om 'n ge"integreerde bestuursmodel
vir die effektiewe bestuur van verandering in die publieke sektor te
ontwikkel. Die wesenlikheid van verskille en ooreenkomste in die bestuur
van verandering in die privaat- en publieke-sektor-organisasies word
ondersoek. Strategiese bestuur, asook organisasie-ontwikkeling en -transformasie,
word ontleed as benaderings tot bestuur van verandering in terme van
prosesse, tegnieke, intervensies en riglyne wat gevolg kan word om
organisasies deur die veranderingsproses te bestuur. Die konsepte van
organisasiekultuur, leierskap, mag, gesag, kommunikasie, etiek en die rol
van veranderingsagente word ondersoek.
Internasionale gevallestudies van die getransformeerde publieke sektore
van die Verenigde State van Amerika en Brittanje word ondersoek vir
riglyne wat in die Suid-Afrikaanse publieke sektor toegepas kan word. Die
gevallestudies het aan die lig gebring dat die suksesvolle publieke-sektortransformasies
die gevolg was van die toepassing van privaatsektorbestuursbeginsels.
Uit die skrywer se navorsing is bevind dat die politieke, ekonomiese en
sosio-kulturele omgewing van die Suid-Afrikaanse publieke sektor, die
nuwe Grondwet, verskeie nuwe wetgewende en beleidsraamwerke en
direktiewe aangaande deursigtigheid, inklusiwiteit sowel as die vereiste
sosiale, politieke en administratiewe organisasiekulture, 'n sterk impak op
die proses en program vir die bestuur van verandering in die publieke
sektor het.
Ondersteunende bewys is gevind dat, met inagname van die unieke aard
van die publieke sektor, strategiese bestuursprosesse rigtinggewend vir
die publieke-sektor-organisasies is. Hierdie bestuursprosesse help om
veranderings in die eksterne omgewing sistematies te ontleed, en dit
bevorder die koordinerinq van veranderingsaktiwiteite.
Veranderingsagente moet toesien dat bestuurskundigheid met
organisasiegedragskundigheid gekonsolideer word in 'n qeinteqreerde
benadering tot die bestuur van verandering. Organisasiekultuurverandering kan deur inkrementele prosesse en aksies
plaasvind terwyl organisasiekultuurvervanging deur revolusionere
prosesse plaasvind.
Leiers wat verandering effektief wil lei moet paslike kundigheid en
vaardighede bekom en demonstreer ten einde rigtinggewend,
stroombelynend, bemagtigend, kommunikerend, fasiliterend, adviserend
en inspirerend op organisasie-, groep- en individuele vlak te wees tydens
organisasieverandering. Die veranderingsproses vereis 'n
kommunikasieprogram en kommunikasiestrukture en -kanale wat deeglik
gekonsulteer, beplan en ge'implementeer is.
Interne veranderingsagente (Ieiers, bestuurders, ensovoorts), en eksterne
veranderingsagente (konsultante, nuwe lede van topbestuur, ensovoorts),
behoort as lede van 'n multi-dissiplinere transformasiespan aangestel te
word om die veranderingsproses te beplan, te fasiliteer en te moniteer.
Die skrywer het 'n qeintegreerde bestuursmodel vir die bestuur van
verandering in die publieke sektor uit die navorsing ontwikkel, wat uit
5 fases en 16 stappe bestaan. Sommige van die stappe behoort
gelyktydig en ander stappe agtereenvolgend uitgevoer te word ten einde
'n holistiese proses en die voordeel van die integrasie van verskeie
benaderings tot die bestuur van verandering in die model te verseker.
79 |
Institutionalization of civil service systems for comparative analysisVan Beek, Monique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary focus of this study is the civil service system as an organization and the
extent to which it is institutionalized within a specific society. Within the ambit of
organizational science the emphasis is on the concept of institutionalization, more
specifically the institutionalization of the civil service system. Several aspects pertain
to the field of Public Administration; these include the study of public organization
structures and processes, the formulation and execution of public policy and the
general administration and management of the public organization. Civil service
systems form an integral part of public administration. The civil service is viewed as
the focal point in this study as it represents a collective organization that incorporates
the different public organizations within the system. This study focuses on four
concepts identified by Bekke, Perry, & Toonen (1996) in their book Civil Service
Systems - In Comparative Perspective. These concepts act as indicators of
institutionalization within civil service organizations. The concepts are briefly
explained as: boundedness (the influence of the boundaries between civil service
system and society), exchange (the interaction that occurs externally between the
civil service and society, and internally within the system), routinization (the extent to
which the organizations within the system are rule and routine-bound) and
connectedness (the extent to which the different components of the system are
connected). Each of the indicators is developed within a theoretical framework that
supports scientific operationilization. With operationilization each of the indicators
are explored according to a set of questions. The answers to the questionnaires
developed for a specific indicator represents the extent to which the civil service is
institutionalized. The information supplied by all the different questionnaires provide
for the creation of a profile that indicates to the level of institutionalization of the civil
service system. This information can be utilized within a comparative analysis of civil
service systems. These questionnaires and the information they provide can also be
utilized in the identification of key concepts, they can improve understanding
concerning relationships among concepts and the underlying logic or dynamic of
different organizational relations within civil service organizations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre fokus van hierdie studie is die staatsdiensstelsel as 'n organisasie en die
mate waartoe dit geinstitusionaliseerd is binne 'n bepaalde samelewing. Die doel
van die studie behels die ontwikkeling van 'n navorsingsinstrument wat gebruik kan
word binne 'n vergelykende studie aangaande die institusionalisering van
staatsdienssteiseis. Verskeie akademiese dissiplines dra by tot die aard van
vergelykende studies. Die primêre fokus van hierdie studie omvat twee van hierdie
dissiplines, naamlik Publieke Administrasie en Organisasiekunde Wetenskap.
Verskeie aspekte hou verband met Publieke Administrasie as "n studieveld,
insluitend die bestudering van openbare organisasiestrukture en prosesse, die
formulering en die uitvoering van openbare beleid asook die algemene administrasie
en bestuur van "n openbare instelling. Staatsdiensstelsels vorm 'n integrale deel van
publieke administrasie. Hierdie studie fokus hoofsaaklik op die staatsdiens as "n
kollektiewe organisasie wat die verskillende openbare instellings inkorporeer en
verteenwoordig. Binne die strekking van die organisasiewetenskap is die klem op
die konsep institusionalisering en meer spesifiek die institusionalisering van die
staatsdiens. Die klem val veralop die vier konsepte wat deur Bekke, Perry &
Toonen (1996) in hulle boek Civil Service Systems - In Comparative Perspective
geidentifiseer is. Hierdie konsepte word gebruik as indikatore om die mate van
institusionalisering van die staatsdiens aan te dui. Die konsepte kan kortliks beskryf
word as begrensing (die invloed van instellingsgrense of afbakenings tussen die
staatsdienssisteem en die samelewing), uitruiling (die interaksie wat plaasvind tussen
die staatsdiens en die samelewing asook die interaksie binne die staatsdiens),
roetineering (die mate waartoe instellings binne die staatsdiens verbonde is tot reëls
en roetine) en verbondenheid (die mate waartoe die verskillende komponente van
die stelsel aan mekaar verbind is). Elkeen van hierdie komponente word omskryf
deur middel van "n teoretiese raamwerk wat die wetenskaplike operasionalisering
van elke komponent ondersteun. Met die operasionalisasie word die verskillende
konsepte toegepas binne "n bepaalde vraelys. Die antwoorde op die vrae bied 'n
aanduiding van die mate waartoe die instelling geinstitusionaliseerd is. Die inligting
wat verskaf word deur die verskillende vraelyste gee aanleiding tot die samestelling
van 'n profiel wat die vlak van institusionalisering binne "n bepaalde staatdiensstelsel aandui. Sulke profiele kan gebruik word binne 'n vergelykende studie van
verskillende staatsdienssteiseis. Die vraelys inligting kan ook gebruik word vir die
identifikasie van sleutel konstepte binne staatsdienssteiseis, asook die verklaring van
bepaalde verhoudings en onderliggende logika of dinamika tussen die verskillende
instellings binne die staatsdiens.
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A normative framework for analysing the training needs of local government managers in implementing performance management systemsSmit, Babette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recent developments in legislation pertaining to local government in South
Africa depict performance management as a means to enable local
government managers to actively plan, manage and measure the
performance of the organisation. In order to ensure the implementation of
performance management, local governments are required to develop and
adopt an integrated performance managements system, which should consist
of seven elements, namely performance planning; a framework for
performance management; key performance indicators and targets; shared
responsibility for performance; performance monitoring and measurement;
performance review and reports; and performance improvement. However,
the successful implementation of the performance management system is
dependent on the availability of competent managers that possess the
necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to implement and manage the
performance management system. Performance management training is seen
as a fast and effective way to ensure the obtainment of competent managers
to implement the performance management. However, to ensure that training
programmes address the most critical needs in a cost-effective manner,
training should be preceded by a comprehensive training needs assessment.
This research aims to development a normative framework developed in this
research, describing several knowledge elements, skills and abilities
necessary for effective performance management, upon which a formal
training needs assessment for local government managers may be based.
Recommendations are also made pertaining to the development of
performance management training activities to ensure the development of
performance management capacity under local government managers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onlangse beleidsontwikkelinge rondom die bestuur van plaaslike owerhede in
Suid-Afrika beskryf prestasiebestuur as 'n wyse waardeur plaaslike owerheid
bestuurders die prestasie van die organisasie aktief kan beplan, bestuur en
meet. Om die implementering van prestasiebestuur te verseker word plaaslike
owerhede deur die wet verplig om 'n geïntegreerde prestasiebestuurstelsel te
ontwikkel en formeel aan te neem. So 'n stelsel sal uit sewe elemente
bestaan, naamlik prestasie beplanning; 'n raamwerk vir prestasiebestuur; kern
prestasie indikatore en mikpunte; gedeelde verantwoordelikheid vir prestasie;
prestasie monitering en meting; prestasie hersiening en rapportering; en
prestasie verbetering. Die suksesvolle implementering van 'n munisipale
prestasiebestuurstelsel is egter onderhewig aan die beskikbaarheid van
kundige personeel wat oor die nodige kennis, vaardighede en vermoëns
beskik om die stelsel te implementeer en bestuur. Prestasiebestuur opleiding
word beskou as 'n vinnige en effektiewe manier om bevoegde personeel te
bekom waardeur die implementering van prestasiebestuur verseker kan word.
Gegee die hoë koste verbonde aan opleiding programme, is dit wenslik dat
sulke intervensies vooraf gegaan word deur 'n omvattende opleiding behoefte
bepaling. Hierdie navorsing mik op die ontwikkeling van 'n normatiewe
raamwerk, saamgestel uit verskeie kennis elemente, vaardighede en
vermoëns noodsaaklik vir die implementering van 'n prestasiebestuurstelsel,
waarop 'n formele opleiding behoefte bepaling vir plaaslike owerhede
gebaseer kan word. Aanbevelings word ook gemaak vir die ontwikkeling van
prestasiebestuur opleiding intervensies waardeur prestasiebestuur kapasiteit
onder plaaslike owerheidsbestuurders bevorder kan word.
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