Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic managemement "" "subject:"cublic managementment ""
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Integrated risk management : a mechanism to minimise risks for local government : a critical perspectiveGeldenhuys, L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (School of Public Management and Planning
))—University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The absence of an integrated risk management programme in local government in South
Africa creates the danger that these risks are not identified, which could be catastrophic,
and opportunities to minimise losses are not utilised. A further problem is that common
risk-management terminology is lacking and management are dependent on diverse
legislation as a guide to developing and implementing risk management.
In order to achieve the strategic and operational objectives of local government in an
effective and efficient manner, a pro-active identification and evaluation of potential risks
should be established to minimise their impact. Officials on every level need to be
informed about processes and techniques for managing risks and recalibrating activities
to enable management to operate more effectively in risk-filled environments.
Problems were identified that prevent management from providing reasonable assurance
to stakeholders that the most significant risks are being addressed. These problems are as
follows: the lack of applying risk management in an integrated manner; the enforcement
of integrated risk management due to the lack of relevant legislation; a lack of training in
risk management, ethics and risk response plans; a lack of practical techniques to assist
officials in taking remedial action to prevent recurrence of risks; the absence of a risksensitive
organisational culture; and a lack of commitment and leadership from
politicians and management.
Relevant legislation on integrated risk management should assist in embedding a culture
where everyone in local government is obliged to adhere thereto and to conduct their dayto-
day activities accordingly. A mission and vision statement needs to be developed and
implemented with the consent of all stakeholders. Integrated risk-management processes,
which are generally lacking or incomplete in local government, should be aligned with
generic public management functions.
An integrated risk-management programme can be enhanced by establishing a risk
organisational structure within local government. The establishment of a risk management department and risk committee is essential to the enhancement of corporate
governance and the management of risks that might have a negative impact on local
Internal and external controls should be evaluated regularly to facilitate the riskmanagement
programme. An Integrated Risk Monitoring Technique is proposed as a
technique to assist stakeholders in identifying root causes of risks and the management
thereof. A model of integrated risk management was designed to assist academics and
practitioners to get a holistic perspective on integrated risk management and to assist in
the management of risks.
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A critical assessment of institutions, roles and leverage in public policymaking : Ethiopia, 1974-2004Abebe Wolde, Mulugeta 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (School of Public Management and Planning
))—University of Stellenbosch,
2005. / This dissertation critically assesses and analyzes the institutional and political settings of
public policymaking in Ethiopia in a space of three decades, from circa 1974. Based on data
and/or information generated through a range of sources and instruments, it attempts to
uncover the prominent actors in public policymaking in Ethiopia far beyond the official
assertions that have formally been claimed in the statutory provisions. It appraises the
institutions, their roles and leverage in the policymaking process, and the extent to which the
profound institutional and political changes that have transpired over the past thirty years
impacted on public policymaking, and with what effect. It examines the emergence and
ascendance of a couple of closely linked institutions, namely the ruling party and the top
echelon of the executive leadership, and the disproportionate influence they have on
government, non-government institutions and overall public policymaking.
The supremacy of the executive and its claims on policymaking had been pervasive
during Haileselassie’s years, with absolute executive powers vested in the monarchy and the
person of the emperor. The combined forces of party and executive leadership and their
overwhelming dominance in public policymaking are relatively new conventions, phenomena
and constructs which featured prominently in the aftermath of 1974. Ideology (Marxism-
Leninism and revolutionary democracy) has since been a critical element guiding and as well
as justifying policy elites’ claims on the choice of public policies and the institutional and
structural mechanisms of implementing them. Wedged between staggering financial,
managerial and organizational capacity, on the one hand, and an inhospitable politicoadministrative
and legal milieu on the other, the civil society, a network of civil society
institutions and the public over three decades appeared to have remained at the peripheral end
in the continuum of public policymaking.
The most formidable challenges that the Ethiopian public policymaking process has over
the past thirty years experienced can therefore be thematically crystallized into three issues.
Firstly, the emergence and consolidation of party and executive leadership (policy elites) has
been the dominant phenomena over the last thirty years, with the ruling party institutions
invariably overlapping with the formally constituted policymaking government structures.
Secondly, not only ideology played a critical role in the choice of public policies and
institutional instruments for implementing them, but also provided policy elites with the
latitude to justify their claims on policy actions, although ideological values served to
preclude the non-state players from making legitimate claims on policymaking. Lastly, the expansion of the powers of the party and the executive seemed to have taken place without a
corresponding development of extra-bureaucratic institutions (i.e. elections and functioning
legislatures) and civil societal associations, and which in turn boils down to the exclusion of
the bulk of the Ethiopian public from playing its legitimate role in the policymaking process.
The public policymaking process in Ethiopia has, therefore, witnessed imbalances at two
levels: first, between the executive and the legislature, and second, between policy elites (the
party-fused-with-executive structures/institutions), on the one hand, and ordinary citizens and
civil society organizations (CSOs) representing various interests, on the other. At both levels
the party and the executive exact enormous power leverage. On the other hand, the ordinary
citizens are highly disorganized, and tied up with attending to daily survival needs. Hence,
they have little time to become fully and actively involved in holding government institutions
accountable and responsive, articulating policy demands to policymaking institutions aside.
The legislatures appear to have become a façade of legitimacy for party and executive
decisions and are detached from the society. `
Finally, the dissertation puts forward proposals for more opportunities to give
Ethiopian citizens of all walks of life a chance to influence policies and implementation
outcomes. It suggests a range of options for greater and genuine public participation in the
policymaking process, which would result in as much representative policy-making as
enhancing the quality of services provided by policies and actual control of decisions by
citizens. It also indicates Ethiopian academics’ charge in the new endeavor to launch
independent think-tank and policy study institutions to foster professionalizing policymaking
in Ethiopia.
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Complexity and leadership : conceptual and competency implicationsRonn, Harald 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globalisation, rapid changes in technology, and demographic trends are all important factors
that contribute to conditions that require adaptive capacity in military organisations. The
context of a majority of military operations is often asymmetric with blurred boundaries, and
military organisations are expected to master a wide range of operations from humanitarian
disaster relief to more regular warlike situations in a joint- and multinational framework.
The complexity of the challenges facing military leaders in contemporary and future
operations makes it relevant to develop a meta-competency model for leadership in complex
military systems, which is the main purpose of this dissertation.
A Complexity Approach represents a shift from a set of conservative laws to a perception of
the world as an open and highly dynamic system, and some characterise complexity as a
bridge between modernism on the one hand and post-modernism on the other. Complexity
and complex systems have a number of characteristics, some of them being a large number
of short-ranged interactions that are dynamic, non-linear and fairly rich. Another significant
feature of complexity is the emphasis on emergent patterns that are codetermined through a
dynamic process between the history of the system and the interaction with its local
Leadership in complex systems might be described by the dynamics of emergence, not
merely by incremental influence, and increasingly considered to be a collective social
phenomenon. A complexity-oriented leader acts as an enabler of a rich identity interacting in
richly constrained play of difference, facilitating “bounded” individual and systemic adaptive
The reigning paradigm in military organisations, however, are closely linked to an autocratic
and bureaucratic structure and a fundamental quest for control, equilibrium and stability, all
of which are deeply embedded in Newtonian Principles of linearity, reductionism and
determinism. The investigation of empirical research on Norwegian Military Officers and the
Norwegian Armed Forces reveal a considerable amount of homogenous force substantiating
stability and control, at the same time as complexity and uncertainty are acknowledged.
This dissertation argues that the definition of competencies as “an underlying characteristic
of an individual that is causally related to effective and/or superior performance in a job or
situation”, is not suitable for a complexity understanding and proposes competencies to be
defined as “interconnected underlying characteristics of an individual or system, which through a dynamic and non-linear process of interaction between local agents and the
environment contribute to the emergence of identifiable or unidentifiable patterns of individual
or systemic behaviour”.
Based on a synthesis of a non-empirical literature study, empirical research and a modelbuilding
study, this dissertation suggests that heterogeneity of degree, androgynousity,
cognitive flexibility, ethical reasoning, cross-cultural competence, intuition, identity and
courage, are necessary meta-competencies for leadership in complex military systems. It is
further argued that these meta-competencies must be interpreted as interconnected and
interdependent, and the metaphor of a cloud is therefore presented as a suitable image of
the intricate dynamics of complexity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Globalisering, vinnige veranderinge in tegnologie en demografiese tendense is belangrike
faktore wat bydra tot toestande wat aanpassingsvermoë in militêre organisasies vereis. Die
konteks waarin ’n meerderheid militêre operasies hul bevind is dikwels asimmetries met
onduidelike grense, en daar word van militêre organisasies verwag om ’n wye
verskeidenheid krygsverrigtinge van humanitêre rampverligting tot meer gereelde
oorlogsugtige omstandighede in ’n gesamentlike en multinasionale kader te bemeester.
Die kompleksiteit van die uitdagings waarvoor militêre leiers te staan kom in huidige en
toekomstige krygsverrigtinge is dit gepas om ’n meta-bevoegdheidsmodel vir leierskap in
komplekse militêre stelsels te ontwikkel, wat die belangrikste doel van hierdie tesis is.
’n Kompleksiteitbenadering verteenwoordig ’n verskuiwing van ’n stel konserwatiewe wette
na ’n waarneming van die wêreld as ’n oop en hoogsdinamiese stelsel, en kompleksiteit word
soms gekenmerk as ’n brug tussen modernisme aan die een kant en die post-modernisme
aan die ander. Kompleksiteit en komplekse stelsels het ’n aantal kenmerke, waarvan
sommige van hulle ’n groot aantal kortafstandinteraksies wat dinamiese, nie-lineêre en
redelik ryk is. Nog ’n belangrike kenmerk van kompleksiteit is die klem op die ontluikende
patrone wat vasgestel word deur middel van beide ’n dinamiese proses tussen die
geskiedenis van die stelsel en die interaksie met die plaaslike omgewing.
Leierskap in komplekse stelsels kan beskryf word deur die dinamika van verskyning, nie net
deur inkrementele invloed nie, en al hoe meer beskou as ’n kollektiewe sosiale verskynsel. ’n
Kompleksiteitgeoriënteerde leier dien as ’n instaatsteller van ’n ryk identiteit wat
wisselwerking uitoefen in streng beperkte verskilspel, wat “begrensde” individuele en
sistemiese aanpassingsvermoë fasiliteer.
Die huidige paradigma in die militêre organisasies word egter nou gekoppel aan ’n
outokratiese en burokratiese struktuur, en ’n fundamentele soektog vir beheer, ewewig en
stabiliteit, waarvan almal diep in Newtoniaanse Beginsels van lineariteit, reduksionisme en
determinisme vasgelê is. Die ondersoek van empiriese navorsing oor die Noorse Militêre
Offisiere en die Noorse Weermag openbaar ’n aansienlike aantal homogene mag wat
stabiliteit en beheer staaf, terselfdertyd as wat kompleksiteit en onsekerheid erken word.
Hierdie tesis is van mening dat die definisie van vaardighede as “’n onderliggende eienskap
van ’n individu wat oorsaaklik verwant is aan doeltreffende en/of superieure prestasie in ’n
beroep of situasie”, nie geskik is vir ’n kompleksiteitbegrip nie en stel voor dat vaardighede
gedefinieer word as “onderling verbinde onderliggende eienskappe van ’n individu of stelsel, wat deur middel van ’n dinamiese en nie-lineêre proses van interaksie tussen plaaslike
agente en die omgewing bydra tot die verskyning van identifiseerbare of nie-identifiseerbare
patrone van individuele of sistemiese gedrag”.
Gebaseer op ’n sintese van ’n nie-empiriese literatuurstudie, empiriese navorsing en ’n bou
van modelle studie, stel hierdie tesis voor dat die heterogeniteit van graad, androgienisme,
kognitiewe buigsaamheid, etiese beredenering, kruis-kulturele bevoegdheid, intuïsie,
identiteit en moed, nodige meta-vaardighede vir leierskap in komplekse militêre stelsels is.
Dit voer verder aan dat hierdie meta-vaardighede vertolk moet word as onderling verbinde en
onderling afhanklik is, en die metafoor van ’n wolk word dus voorgestel as ’n geskikte beeld
van die ingewikkelde dinamika van kompleksiteit.
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Etnisiteit en groepsverteenwoordiging in die staatkunde : 'n vergelykende studieCloete, Gideon Stephanus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 1981. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this dissertation is the development of an operational
analytical model to illustrate the possibility of successfully
resolving or managing conflict in plural societies by effectively
accommodating different geographically dispersed ethnic groups as
groups in democratic constitutional structures and processes in these
The few existing models or theories of this kind (i e pluralism, consociationalism,
corporatism, personalism/integral federalism) are either
too vague or too incomplete to operationalise effectively. The dynamic
resurgence of ethnicity across the world stresses the need for such a
workable model, especially in view of important prevailing misconceptions
about the nature of the phenomenon of "ethnicity" and its
implications for effective democratic conflict resolution in plural
societies. / INLEIDING: Die effektiewe demokratiese akkommodasie van verskillende geografies
verspreide etniese groepe in die staatkundige struktuur van 'n plurale
samelewing is 'n politieke doelwit wat dusver nog selde in die wêreld
verwesenlik kon word. Dit is dan ook die mees aktuele staatkundige
probleem in Suid-Afrika en vorm die fokus van hierdie studie.
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Closing the strategy execution gap in the public sector : a conceptual modelOlivier, Anton J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The importance of strategy execution to achieve organisational objectives is increasingly
recognised. However, successful execution seems to remain problematic, not only in
government, but also in the business world today. Because of the gap between strategy
planning and execution, the required benefits stated in this planning are seldom realised.
The consistent and generally poor execution of strategic plans in the public sector leads to poor
service delivery. The objective of the research was to develop, test and further improve a
conceptual model that can specifically be applied in public sector organisations (PSOs) to help
close their strategy execution gap. According to the research hypothesis, strategy execution will
significantly improve by using a simplified, dynamically integrated conceptual model as guide in
tailoring strategy execution in each PSO. The qualitative Participative Action Research (PAR)
methodology was used based on case studies in Namibia, including ministries, state-owned
enterprises and local authorities.
The literature gap was found to be the limited number of resources addressing strategy
execution in the public sector and the limited number of sources presenting a multi-disciplinary
or integrated model involving the whole organisation. Based on previous literature reviews and experience, the researcher developed his first
conceptual model in 2006. After the development of four more models, the final MERIL-DE
Model was arrived at in 2014 as conceptual model to help close the strategy execution gap in
the public sector. Additional literature review and analysis of the public sector context,
supported by ten case studies in Namibia over the eight year period (2006–2013), led to the
MERIL-DE Model containing and integrating the nine vital strategy execution components.
These are as follows: 1) Leadership, 2) Strategic Planning, 3) Project Management, 4)
Alignment (with organisational elements), 5) Performance Management (containing the MERIL
elements Measure, Evaluate, Report, Improve and Learn), 6) Drive (mostly internal motivation),
7) Engagement (through dialogue), 8) Risk Management and 9) Stakeholder Management. The
first seven components were identified through literature review and the last two from
considering the unique public sector context.
Features of the model include the critical role of leadership, the need to clearly link strategy and
projects, the important role of project management, the shorter review periods for both strategic
and project plans, the need for an institutionalised quarterly strategy execution cycle and
importance of engagement and motivated workforce. The MERIL-DE Model shows the need to
build adaptive and sustainable organisations in a complex and challenging public sector. The
conventional plan-and-execute processes have to be complemented by sense-and-respond
capabilities through a system of Measure, Evaluate, Report, Improve and Learn – linked to
Drive and Engagement – in which components are dynamically integrated. Each PSO, however, needs to develop its own unique or tailor-made MERIL-DE model. This
tailored model is referred to as the “Stratex Car” to be designed and built by each PSO,
considering its own unique conditions. The Strategy Execution Framework (SAF) is presented
as tool to assess the strength of each MERIL-DE component with the Total Strategy Execution
Capacity (TSEC) to determine the total capacity of the PSO to execute its strategy.
It is believed that the use and application of the MERIL-DE Model will significantly contribute to
close the strategy execution gap present in the public sector, not only in Southern Africa, but
worldwide – to see governments and public organisations deliver real beneficial public service.
Monitored application of this model will be valuable for future research towards the ongoing
closing of the strategy execution gap. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word toenemend ag geslaan op die belangrikheid van strategie-uitoefening om
organisatoriese mikpunte te bereik. Suksesvolle uitoefening blyk egter problematies te bly, nié
net in die regering nie, maar ook in vandag se besigheidswêreld. Weens die gaping tussen
strategie-beplanning en -uitoefening word die voordele wat in die beplanning uiteengesit word
selde ’n realiteit.
Die konstante en oor die algemeen swak uitoefening van strategiese beplanning in die
openbare sektor lei tot swak dienslewering. Die doel met die navorsing was om ’n begripsmodel
wat spesifiek in publieke sektororganisasies (PSOs) toegepas kan word, te ontwikkel, te toets
en te verbeter om die gaping in strategie-uitoefening te oorbrug. Volgens die
navorsingshipotese sal strategie-uitoefening kenmerkend verbeter deur ’n vereenvoudigde,
dinamies-geïntegreerde begripsprosesmodel te gebruik wat die strategie-uitoefening in elke
staatsonderneming aanpas. Die kwalitatiewe deelnemer-aksie-navorsingsmetodologie
(Participative Action Research) is in gevallestudies in Namibië toegepas, insluitende ministeries,
staatsondernemings en plaaslike owerhede.
Die gaping in die literatuur het geblyk die beperkte hoeveelheid hulpbronne te wees wat
strategie-uitoefening in die openbare sektor en die beperkte hoeveelheid bronne wat ’n multidissplinêre
of geïntegreerde model wat die hele organisasie betrek, aanspreek. Die navorser het in 2006 sy eerste begripsmodel ontwikkel wat op vorige literatuuroorsigte en
ervaring gegrond was. Na die ontwikkeling van nóg vier modelle het die finale MERIL-DE-model
in 2014 as begripsprosesmodel onstaan om die gaping in strategie-uitoefening in die openbare
sektor die hoof te help bied. Addisionele literatuurstudie en -analise van die openbare sektorkonteks,
ondersteun deur die tien gevallestudies in Namibië oor die agtjaarperiode (2006–
2013), het gelei tot die insluiting en integrasie van die nege strategie-uitoefeningskomponente in
die MERIL-DE-model. Hierdie komponente is soos volg: 1) Leierskap, 2) Strategiese
Beplanning, 3) Projekbestuur, 4) Belyning (met organisatoriese elemente), 5) Prestasiebestuur,
6) Dryfkrag (meestal interne motivering), 7) Betrokkenheid (deur dialoog), 8) Risikobestuur en
9) Belanghebberbestuur. Die eerste sewe komponente is deur literatuurstudie geïdentifiseer en
die laaste twee deur die unieke konteks van die openbare sektor in ag te neem.
Eienskappe van die model sluit in die kritiese rol van leierskap, die behoefte om strategieë en
projekte duidelik te verbind, die belangrike rol van projekbestuur, die korter oorsigperiodes vir
beide strategie- en projekplanne, die behoefte aan ’n geïnstitusionaliseerde kwartaallikse
strategie-uitoefeningsiklus en die belangrikheid van betrokkenheid en gemotiveerde
diensnemers. Die MERIL-DE-model wys die behoefte om aanpasbare en onderhoubare
organisasies in ’n komplekse en uitdagende openbare sektor uit. Die konvensionele beplan-enuitoefenprosesse
moet deur waarneem-en-reageervermoëns gekomplementeer word deur ’n stelsel van Meet, Evalueer, Rapporteer, Verbeter/ ”Improve” en Leer – verbind met Dryfkrag en Betrokkenheid/ ”Engagement” (MERIL-DE) – waarin komponente dinamies geïntegreer is.
Elke PSO moet egter sy eie unieke MERIL-DE-model ontwikkel. Hierdie situasie-aangepaste
model staan bekend as die “Stratex Car” wat deur elke PSO ontwerp en gebou moet word deur
hul eie unieke toestande in ag te neem. Die Strategie-uitoefeningsraamwerk (sg. SAF) word as
hulpmiddel voorgestel om die gehalte van elke ‘MERIL-DE’-komponent na te gaan te bepaal
met die Totale Strategie-uitoefeningskapasiteit (sg. TSEC) om die totale kapasiteit van die PSO
te bereken vir die uitoefening van sy strategie.
Dit word verwag dat die gebruik en toepassing van die MERIL-DE-model kenmerkend kan
bydra om die gaping in strategie-uitoefening wat aanwesig is in die openbare sektor die hoof te
bied, nié net in Suider-Afrika nie, maar wêreldwyd – om te verseker dat regerings en openbare
organisasies ware voordelige publieke diens lewer. Gekontroleerde toepassing van hierdie
model sal waardevol wees vir toekomstige navorsing vir die verdere vernouïng van die gaping
in strategie-uitoefening.
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Emergent good practice approaches to business support : implications for local governmentAckron, Johan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Policy makers and development practitioners particularly in developing countries face
daunting challenges in formulating strategies to achieve sustained growth and improved
standards of living through productive engagement of the population in the economy
rather than through welfare transfers. Business activities are self-sustaining and
therefore have the potential to contribute greatly through the economic system to the
creation of sustainable employment and prosperity. Yet many developing countries are
faced with inadequate levels of business activity and business growth. Historical
approaches to stimulating and supporting business development have proved largely
cost ineffective and unequal to the challenge. The hypothesis that fundamental paradigm
shifts in the approach to business support are taking place internationally is tested in this
thesis. Key features of an evolving entrepreneurial approach to business support are
identified and described representing the defining elements of the new business
development support paradigm. Institutional implications of the approach in the context
of institutional development theory and current approaches to the stimulation of local
economic development at local community level are also discussed, as are key
implications of the new paradigm for local government. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beleidmakers en praktisyns in ontwikkelende lande staar uitdagings in die gesig wat
betref die handhawing van volgehoue ontwikkeling en die verbetering van
lewensstandaarde by wyse van werkgeleentheidskepping en produktiewe betrokkenheid
van die bevolking by die ekonomie eerder as deur sosiale welvaarts oordragte. Sake
bedrywe en 'n dinamiese sakesektor het die potensiaal om aansienlik by te dra tot
volhoubare ontwikkeling. Maar die meeste ontwikkelende lande ondervind
ontoereikende vlakke van sake aktiwiteit en van groei in die omvang van die sakesektor.
Benaderings tot die stimulering van uitbreiding van die sakesektor as grondslag vir
volgehoue werkskepping is in die verlede grootliks koste ondoeltreffend en die resultate
was ontoereikend. Die hipotese dat daar 'n fundamentele aanpassing van die paradigma
onderliggend aan benaderings tot stimulering van die sakesektor as deel van algehele
ontwikkelingsstrategie plaasvind word in die tesis getoets. Kern eienskappe van 'n nuwe
benadering word geidentifiseer en omskryf. Institusionele implikasies van die benadering
in die samehang van ontwikkelingsteorie en huidige benaderings tot plaaslike
ekonomiese ontwikkeling op plaaslike gemeenskapsvlak word ook bespreek, asook
kern implikasies van die nuwe paradigma vir plaaslike regering.
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An assessment of the required competencies for the senior management service in the South African public serviceRossouw, A. (Andre) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A major challenge facing the South African government is the acceleration of
service delivery improvement to ensure a better life for all South Africans. The
White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service (South Africa, 1995)
has as its objective “empowering, challenging and motivating managers at all
levels to be leaders, visionaries, initiators and effective communicators and
decision-makers, capable of responding pro-actively to the challenges of the
change process, rather than acting as the administrators of fixed rules and
procedures.” The White Paper also proposes that new and more participative
organisational structures, new organisational cultures, learning organisations,
and techniques for managing change and diversity be developed.
A new Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) for the
Senior Management Service (SMS) has been created, which has as its basis
performance management and development as an approach. It consists of a
standardised set of competencies, to be used as basis for performance
appraisal. As it is expected of SMS members to manage and lead their
respective institutions to meet the stated objectives, the Core Management
Criteria (CMCs) will have to assist the development of competencies in SMS
members to capacitate them to meet the stated objectives and to lead their
organisations to change that will assist service delivery.
The question, therefore, arises whether the CMCs will develop SMS members to
lead their organisations to change. The aim of this research will be to
determine whether the competencies used in the PMDS are also focused
on leadership and organisational development issues needed in a
developmental situation to enable SMS members to lead their
organisations, rather than merely acting as the administrators of fixed rules
and procedures. The research is divided into distinct phases. The first entails exploring the
meaning of competence and the conceptual structure of competencies to be able
to analyse the CMCs. This is followed by an analysis of managerial versus
leadership competencies in general to provide a theoretical context for an
analysis of the CMCs in terms of management or leadership focus.
In the next phase the CMCs as competencies used in the PMDS are also
analysed and discussed, after which a comparative analysis is undertaken, with
competencies used in notable international examples to provide context. In the
final phase the CMCs as competencies are analysed in terms of management or
leadership focus and focus on organisation development.
The research showed that the appraisal system used for the SMS members in
terms of the PMDS could lead to a manipulation of the appraisal system whereby
SMS members could “influence” the system to their own benefit. The research
also showed that there are definite personally oriented competencies absent
from the PMDS, whereas they are present in the international examples.
The research also showed that certain competencies supporting leadership roles
are strengthened by the international systems, whereas these are absent from
the PMDS and therefore not strengthened. The research further showed that
these leadership roles that are not strengthened by the PMDS, but are included
in the international systems, also coincide with the leadership roles that are not
strengthened from a theoretical perspective.
The research concludes that the CMCs used in the PMDS would probably not
support SMS members to develop competencies that are oriented towards
leadership and organisation development to enable them to really change their
organisation to adapt. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die groot uitdaging wat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering tans in die gesig staar, is
versnelde verbetering van dienslewering om ‘n beter lewe vir alle Suid Afrikaners
te verseker. Een van die doelwitte van die Witskrif op die Transformasie van die
Staatsdiens (1995), is die bemagtiging, uitdaging en motivering van bestuurders
op alle vlakke om versiende leiers, inisieerders en effektiewe kommunikeerders
en besluitnemers te wees, instaat om pro-aktief te reageer op die uitdagings van
die proses van verandering, eerder as om bloot die administrators van reëls en
voorskrifte te wees. Die Witskrif stel ook voor dat nuwe en meer deelnemende
organisatoriese strukture ontwikkel word, ‘n nuwe organisasie-kultuur geskep
word en dat organisasies voortdurend by verandering en diversiteit sal aanpas.
‘n Nuwe prestasiebestuur en –onwikkelingstelsel is gevolglik vir die Senior
Bestuurskader ontwikkel. Die stelsel bestaan uit ‘n gestandaardiseerde stel Kern
Besuurskriteria wat as basis vir prestasie-evaluering gebruik word. Aangesien dit
van Bestuurders verwag word om hul onderskeie komponente te bestuur en die
leiding te neem om gestelde doelwitte te bereik, moet die stelsel vaardighede in
die Bestuurders ontwikkel wat hulle instaat sal stel om wel die doelwitte te bereik
en om leiding te neem om hul organisasies te transformeer om verbeterde
dienslewering te bewerkstellig.
Die vraag ontstaan egter of die gestelde Kern Bestuurskriteria wel
leierskapsvaardighede sal ontwikkel, wat Bestuurders sal benodig om die leiding
te neem ten opsigte van verandering. Die doel van die navorsing is om vas te
stel of die Bestuurskriteria wat in die prestasiebestuur en –
onwikkelingstelsel gebruik word, ook gefokus is op leierskap- en
organisasie-ontwikkelingsvaardighede, wat bestuurders sal benodig om
leiding te neem, teenoor bestuurders wat slegs optree as administrateurs
van reëls en voorskrifte. Die eerste gedeelte van die navorsing analiseer die betekenis van vaardigheid
en die konsepsuele struktuur van vaardighede, ten einde die Kern
Bestuurskriteria te ontleed. Hierna volg ‘n ontleding van bestuurs- en
leierskapsvaardighede in die algemeen, om die teoretiese konteks vir die
ontleding van die Kern Bestuurskriteria in terme van fokus op bestuur en
leierskap te verleen.
In die volgende fase, word die Kern Bestuurskriteria wat as vaardighede in die
Suid-Afrikaanse bestuurstelsel gebruik word, ontleed en bespreek. Hierna word
‘n vergelykende analise gedoen met vaardighede wat in geseleketeerde
internasionale stelsels gebruik word, om verdere konteks te verleen. Die Kern
Bestuurskriteria word daarna ontleed in terme van fokus op bestuur of leierskap,
en ook organisasie-ontwikkeling.
Die navorsing het bevind dat die evalueringstelsel vir die bestuurskader moontlik
deur bestuurders gemanipuleer kan word om hulself te bevoordeel. Die
navorsing het verder getoon dat definitiewe vaardighede wat op die persoon self
gemik is, ontbreek, terwyl dit wel in die internasionale voorbeelde teenwoordig is.
Die navorsing het verder bevind dat die internasionale voorbeelde wel sekere
vaardighede leierskapsrolle ontwikkel en versterk, terwyl dit afwesig is in die Suid
Afrikaanse stelsel. Die navorsing het verder bevind dat die leierskapsrolle wat nie
deur die Suid Afrikaanse stelsel versterk word nie, maar wel deel vorm van die
internasionale voorbeelde, ooreenstem met die leierskapsrolle uit ‘n teroretiese
oogpunt, wat nie deur die Suid Afrikaanse stelsel versterk word nie. Die
navorsing bevind finaal dat die Kern Bestuurskriteria waarskynlik nie die nodige
leierskaps- en organisasie-ontwikkelingsvaardighede in bestuurders sal ontwikkel
nie, wat wel nodig sal wees om organisasies te verander.
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Water scarcity and electricity generation in South AfricaWassung, Natalie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has a mean annual precipitation far lower than the global average. This is a
fundamental constraint to development, especially when the country has already run out of surplus water and dilution capacity. To add further pressure, Southern Africa’s water resources are expected
to decrease as a result of climate change. Despite the potential devastation, the country’s response
to climate change has been limited. South Africa’s energy sector is dominated by coal power stations
and is the country’s primary emitter of carbon dioxide. Given the significantly higher water usage of
coal-fired power plants compared to that of most renewable energy power plants, the transition to a
clean energy infrastructure might be more successfully motivated by water scarcity than by the
promise of reduced carbon emissions. This article analyses more critically the impact of coal-fired
electricity generation on South Africa’s water resources, by estimating a water-use figure that
extends backwards from the power plant to include water used during extraction of the coal. This
figure can then be compared to the water usage of alternative electricity generation options. It is
then possible to estimate how much water could be saved by substituting these alternatives in place
of additional coal-fired plants. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se gemiddelde jaarlikse neerslag is baie laer as die wêreldwye gemiddelde. Dit plaas ’n
wesenlike beperking op ontwikkeling, veral aangesien die land se surplus water- en
verdunningskapasiteit reeds uitgeput is. Om die saak verder te vererger, word verwag dat Suidelike Afrika se waterbronne gaan kleiner word as gevolg van klimaatsverandering. Ten spyte van die
potensiële ramp, was die land se reaksie op klimaatsverandering tot dusver baie beperk.
Steenkoolkragstasies, wat Suid-Afrika se energiesektor oorheers, is die land se primêre bron van
koolstofdioksieduitlating. Gegewe die beduidend hoër waterverbruik van steenkoolkragstasies
teenoor dié van die meeste kragstasies wat met hernubare energie werk, kan die verandering na ’n
skoonenergie-infrastruktuur meer suksesvol gemotiveer word deur waterskaarste as deur die
belofte van verminderde koolstofuitlatings. Hierdie artikel analiseer die impak van
steenkoolgedrewe elektrisiteitsopwekking op Suid-Afrika se waterbronne meer krities deur te
beraam hoeveel water verbruik word van die kragstasie terug tot by die ontginning van die
steenkool. Hierdie syfer kan dan vergelyk word met die waterverbruik van alternatiewe
kragopwekkingsopsies. Dit is dan moontlik om te beraam hoeveel water gespaar kan word deur
hierdie alternatiewe op te rig in plaas van bykomende steenkoolkragstasies.
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Organic farming : the way forward for sustainable agriculture in the Western Cape ProvinceRobertson, Raynita N. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil) --Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The incidence of organic agriculture, seen as the sustainable agriculture of the future, was
investigated in the Western Cape Province (WCP). Informationabout organic farms in the
WCP was obtained through the Internet, over a period of three months. These farms
occupy about 33% (771 122 hal of the area within the WCP which is presently being used
for the cultivation of crops and horticulture. The information obtained with regard to the
type of agriculture and the location thereof was processed and presented graphically.
Further, the utilisation of land in the WCP was researched, as well as the problems
experienced with the degradation thereof. The possibility of making municipal
commonage available to communities and small farmers for sustainable agriculture was
also investigated.
Taking cognisance of the above variables (organic farms, soil quality and municipal
commonage), "Go Organics at Spier" (GOAS) was investigated as a case study.
Recommendation was then made on how organic agriculture in the WCP could be
promoted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorkoms van organiese landbou, gesien as die volhoubare landbou van die toekoms,
is ondersoek in die Wes~Kaap Provinsie (WKP). Inligting oor die organiese plase in die
WKP is verkry deur middel van die Internet, oor 'n periode van drie maande. Hierdie plase
beslaan ongeveer 33% (771 122 ha) van die oppervlakte binne die WKP wat tans vir die
verbouing van gewasse benut word. Die inligting wat verkry is ten opsigte van die tipe
landbou en die ligging daarvan is verwerk en grafies voorgestel.
Verder is daar ondersoek ingestel na die benutting van grond in die WKP en die probleme
wat ondervind word met die degradasie daarvan. Daar is ook ondersoek ingestel na die
moontlikheid om munisipale gemeenskapsgronde beskikbaar te stel aan gemeenskappe
en klein boere vir volhoubare landbou.
Met inageneming van bogenoemde veranderlikes (organiese plase, grond kwaliteit en
munisipale gemeenskapsgrand), is "Go Organics at Spier" (GOAS) as 'n gevallestudie
ondersoek. Voorstelle word dan gemaak oor die bevordering van organiese landbou in die
WKP. / Thesis
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Bacteriological quality control of milk production in the Swartland Municipal AreaAllies, Bonita 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
The aim of this thesis was to determine in terms of policy analysis why the bacteriological quality of milk in a particular area did not comply with statutory provisions during production. The policy issue is very complex due to the diversity of conditions that exist during the milking process, which may impact on the levels of bacteria in milk. Considering this diversity, various problematic conditions are likely to cause the bacteriological contamination of milk. Milk is regarded as safe for human consumption when laboratory quality tests indicate its bacteriological suitability. Intervention on the basis of milk control should assure that milk is produced and distributed within acceptable bacteriological levels.
The ad hoc milk safety strategy of the West Coast District Municipality (WCDM) was found to be inappropriate for the effective control of hygienic conditions during milk production. The existing strategy does not provide for suitable programmes to deal with this complex issue of policy and the suggestion is that it should be reviewed.
Judged on the basis of success factors, a decline in milk bacteriological quality for the WCDM area revealed factors that were not effectively controlled during milk production. During the research period the hygienic quality of milk from the WCDM area was regulated and judged primarily by means of laboratory quality tests. Food safety requires much more than merely relying on quality tests. It is imperative that milk laboratory analyses should in all instances be harmonised by means of an evaluation of hygiene and sanitary conditions during production.
How the problem situation with regard to milk quality is approached defines the implementation of strategy. The Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) of the WCDM have been implementing the requirements of applicable legislation, but each according to an individual approach. Such modi operandi provide for inconsistency in the execution of any policy. Implementing policy should be relevant, specific and adequate and should be target based. Consequently, the modification of policy is required to the extent of changing the approach when it does not comply with the afore-mentioned criteria, strategy or policy governing milk safety. More could be done by the WCDM to manage problems at milking sheds that is associated with the bacteriological quality of milk. Management control strategy is perceived to be inadequate and coupled with a lack of willingness to tackle the crux of the problem. Implementing legislative policy necessitate an objective approach coupled with an appropriate strategy. The findings of the empirical analysis together with a discussion of the implementation of the WCDM milk control strategy explains the shortcomings that was experienced in that regard. Therefore, an improved policy framework is proposed for controlling milk safety at milking sheds. In addition, a strategic framework is also proposed to administer the milk safety policy by way of programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Die doel van hierdie tesis was om, in terme van openbare beleidsanalise, te bepaal waarom die bakteriologiese kwaliteit van melk in ’n spesifieke gebied tydens die produksie daarvan nie aan die wetlike standaarde voldoen het nie. Hierdie beleidsvraagstuk word as kompleks beskou weens die uiteenlopende toestande wat tydens die melkproses ontstaan en wat ‘n impak op die bakterievlakke van melk kan hê. Inaggenome van hierdie diversiteit kan die besmetting van melk waarskynlik deur verskeie probleemtoestande veroorsaak word.
Melk word geag veilig te wees vir menslike gebruik wanneer laboratoriumkwaliteittoetse op die bakteriologiese geskiktheid daarvan aandui. Ingryping op grond van melkbeheer moet verseker dat melk binne die aanvaarde bakteriologiese vlakke geproduseer en verskaf word. Die ad hoc melkveiligheidstrategie van die Weskus Distrik se Munisipale (WDM) gebied is onvoldoende bevind vir die effektiewe beheer van higiëniese toestande tydens melkproduksie. Hierdie strategie maak nie voorsiening vir geskikte programme om hierdie komplekse beleidsvraagstuk te hanteer nie en die hersiening daarvan word voorgestel.
Geoordeel aan die hand van suksesfaktore, dui ‘n afname in die kwaliteit van melk vir die WDM gebied op faktore wat tydens melkproduksie nie effektief beheer was nie. Die higiëniese kwaliteit van melk binne die WDM gebied was tydens die navorsingstydperk primêr deur middel van laboratoriumkwaliteittoetse gereguleer en geoordeel. Voedselveiligheid vereis dat daar egter op meer as kwaliteittoetse gesteun word. Dit maak dit noodsaaklik dat die laboratoriumanalises van melk in alle gevalle aan die hand van evaluering van higiëniese en sanitêre toestande tydens melkproduksie geharmoniseer word.
Die manier waarmee die probleemsituasie met betrekking tot melkkwaliteit benader word, definieer die implementering van strategie. Die Omgewingsgesondheidspraktisyns (OGPs) van die WDM het die voorskrifte van die toepaslike wetgewing geïmplementeer, maar elkeen volgens ‘n eie benadering. ‘n Sodanige modus operandi maak voorsiening vir die inkonsekwente uitvoering van enige beleid. Die implementering van beleid moet relevant, spesifiek, geskik en moet doelgerig wees. Gevolglik waar voornoemde kriteria, strategie of beleid wat melkveiligheid aangaan nie nagekom word nie, noodsaak dit derhalwe ‘n aanpassing van beleid vir soverre die benadering tot strategie vir melkveiligheid geraak word. Die WDM kan meer doen om probleme wat verband hou met die bakteriologiese kwaliteit van melk by melkstalle te bestuur. Die beheerstrategie van die bestuur word as onvanpas beskou en dit gaan gepaard met ‘n gebrek aan ywer om die essensie van die probleem aan te spreek.
Die inwerkingstelling van wetgewing noodsaak ’n objektiewe benadering gepaardgaande met ’n geskikte strategie vir die uitvoering van beleid. Die bevindinge van die empiriese analise tesame met ’n bespreking aangaande die implementering van die WDM melkbeheerstrategie bied ’n verduideliking van die tekortkominge in daardie verband aan. Derhalwe word ’n verbeterde beleidsraamwerk voorgestel om die melkveiligheid by melkstalle te beheer. Daarbenewens word ’n strategiese raamwerk om die melkveiligheidbeleid deur middel van programme te uit te voer, ook voorgestel.
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