Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fullskaletest"" "subject:"fullskalatest""
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Bond Performance between Corroded Steel and Recycled Aggregate Concrete Incorporating Nano SilicaAlhawat, Musab M. January 2020 (has links)
The current research project mainly aims to investigate the corrosion resistance and bond
performance of steel reinforced recycled aggregate concrete incorporating nano-silica under
both normal and corrosive environmental conditions. The experimental part includes testing
of 180 pull-out specimens prepared from 12 different mixtures. The main parameters studied
were the amount of recycled aggregate (RCA) (i.e. 0%, 25%, 50% and 100%), nano silica
(1.5% and 3%), steel embedment length as well as steel bar diameter (12 and 20mm).
Different levels of corrosion were electrochemically induced by applying impressed voltage
technique for 2, 5, 10 and 15 days. The experimental observations mainly focused on the
corrosion level in addition to the ultimate bond, failure modes and slips occurred.
Experimental results showed that the bond performance between un-corroded steel and
recycled aggregate concrete slightly reduced, while a significant degradation was observed
after being exposed to corrosive conditions, in comparison to normal concrete. On the other
hand, the use of nano silica (NS) showed a reasonable bond enhancement with both normal
and RCA concretes under normal conditions. However, much better influence in terms of bond
and corrosion resistance was observed under advancing levels of corrosion exposure,
reflecting the improvement in corrosion resistance. Therefore, NS was superbly effective in
recovering the poor performance in bond for RCA concretes. More efficiency was reported
with RCA concretes compared to the conventional concrete. The bond resistance slightly with
a small amount of corrosion (almost 2% weight loss), then a significant bond degradation
occurs with further corrosion.
The influence of specific surface area and amount of nano silica on the performance of concrete
with different water/binder (w/b) ratios has been also studied, using 63 different mixtures produced
with three different types of colloidal NS having various surface areas and particle sizes. The
results showed that the performance of concrete is heavily influenced by changing the surface area
of nano silica. Amongst the three used types of nano silica, NS with SSA of 250 m2
/g achieved the highest enhancement rate in terms of compressive strength, water absorption and
microstructure analysis, followed by NS with SSA of 500 m2/g, whilst NS with SSA of 51.4
/g was less advantageous for all mixtures. The optimum nano silica ratio in concrete is
affected by its particle size as well as water to binder ratio.
The feasibility of the impact-echo method for identifying the corrosion was evaluated and
compared to the corrosion obtained by mass loss method. The results showed that the impact-echo testing can be effectively used to qualitatively detect the damage caused by corrosion in
reinforced concrete structures. A significant difference in the dominant frequencies response
was observed after exposure to the high and moderate levels of corrosion, whilst no clear
trend was observed at the initial stage of corrosion.
Artificial neural network models were also developed to predict bond strength for corroded/uncorroded steel bars in concrete using the main influencing parameters (i.e., concrete strength, concrete cover, bar diameter, embedment length and corrosion rate). The developed models
were able to predict the bond strength with a high level of accuracy, which was confirmed by
conducting a parametric study. / Higher Education Institute in the Libyan Government
MONE BROS Company in Leeds (UK) for providing recycled aggregates
BASF and Akzonobel Companies for providing nano silica NS,
Hanson Ltd, UK, for suppling cement
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[pt] A técnica de reforço de solo por inclusão de materiais
geossintéticos vem se consolidando de forma acelerada em
todo o mundo, com aplicações diretas em estabilização de
encostas e de aterros sobre solos moles. A utilização de
geogrelhas como elemento de reforço apresenta-se como uma
alternativa promissora, embora ainda pouco difundida no
O presente trabalho tem por objetivos avaliar a
ao arrancamento de diferentes tipos de geogrelhas e
analisar os mecanismos de interação entre solo e
Para tal, foi realizado um extenso programa de ensaios de
arrancamento no laboratório e no campo. Os equipamentos
utilizados, a preparação das amostras e as metodologias
ensaios estão apresentados em detalhe.
Os ensaios de arrancamento no campo utilizaram uma
estrutura de reação fixa, específica para ensaios de
arrancamento de grandes dimensões, e foram realizados no
campo experimental da PUC-Rio, em Jacarepaguá. Nestes
ensaios, três tipos de geogrelhas foram utilizadas para o
arrancamento em aterros de solo arenoso e solo residual.
Os ensaios de arrancamento no laboratório foram
em uma caixa de arrancamento cúbica de grandes dimensões
(1m de aresta), no Laboratório de Geotecnia do CEDEX, na
Espanha. No programa experimental no laboratório, foram
utilizados os mesmos tipos de geogrelhas e de solos, de
modo a facilitar as comparações e análises dos resultados.
As influências do tipo de geogrelha, do tipo de solo, da
tensão confinante e dos procedimentos de ensaioforam
analisadas em detalhe no que se refere à rigidez e à
resistência ao arrancamento das geogrelhas. / [en] The technique of soil reinforcement by inclusion of
geosynthetics has been
subject to significant development worldwide, with direct
applications in slope
stabilization and earthfills over soft deposits. The use of
geogrids as a soil
reinforcement element is an attractive alternative,
although still with very little
application in Brazil.
This work presents the results of an investigation into
soil- geogrid
interaction by means of pull-out tests. Both field and
laboratory pull-out tests were
carried out in order not only to make clear the pull-out
mechanism but also to
determine the parameters for design and analysis of
reinforced soil structures. The
testing equipments, specimen preparation and testing
procedures are described in
The field pull-out tests were performed with three
different types of
geogrids in a research area in Jacarepagua, Rio de Janeiro.
Sandy and residual soil
surcharge fills of 0,5 to 2m in height were used. Details
of the anchored reaction
structure are also presented.
The laboratory pull-out tests were performed in the
geotechnical laboratory
at CEDEX, in Spain, with the same types of geogrids and
soils. Details of the
cubical pull-out box (1m in dimensions) are presented.
The influence of the type of geogrid, type of soil,
confining pressure and
tests procedures on the pull-out stiffness and resistance
of the geogrids are
discussed by analysing the results of the experimental
program. / [es] La técnica de refuerzo del suelo por inclusión de materiales geosintéticos se ha consolidado de forma acelerada
en todo el mundo. La utilización de geochapas como elemento de refuerzo se presenta como una alternativa
promisora, aunque poco difundida en Brasil. Este trabajo tiene por objetivos evaluar la resistencia al arrancamento
de diferentes tipos de geogrelhas y analizar los mecanismos de interacción entre suelo y geochapa. Para tal, se
realizó un extenso programa de ensayos de arrancamento en el laboratorio y en el campo. Los equipos utilizados,
la preparación de las muestras y las metodologías de los ensayos están descritos detalladamente. Los ensayos
de arrancamento en el campo utilizaron una extructura de reacción fija, específica para ensayos de arrancamento
de grandes dimensiones, y fueron realizados en el campo experimental de la PUC-Rio, en Jacarepaguá. En estos
ensayos, se utilizaron tres tipos de geogrelhas para el arrancamento en aterros de suelo arenoso y suelo residual.
Los ensayos de arrancamento en el laboratorio fueron ejecutados en una caja de arrancamento cúbica de grandes
dimensiones (1m de arista), en el Laboratorio de Geotecnia del CEDEX, España. En el programa experimental en
laboratorio, se utilizaron los mismos tipos de geogrelhas y de suelos, de modo que facilitara las comparaciones y
análisis de los resultados. Las influencias del tipo de geochapa, del tipo de suelo, de la tensión confinante y de los
procedimentos de ensayo se analizaron detalladamente.
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Parametric study of tensile response of TRC specimens reinforced with epoxy-penetrated multi-filament yarnsChudoba, Rostislav, Konrad, Martin, Schleser, Markus, Meskouris, Konstantin, Reisgen, Uwe 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The paper presents a meso-scopic modeling framework for the simulation of three-phase composite consisting of a brittle cementitious matrix and reinforcing AR-glass yarns impregnated with epoxy resin. The construction of the model is closely related to the experimental program covering both the meso-scale test (yarn tensile test and double sided pull-out test) and the macro-scale test in the form of tensile test on the textile reinforced concrete specimen. The predictions obtained using the model are validated using a-posteriori performed experiments.
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Parametric study of tensile response of TRC specimens reinforced with epoxy-penetrated multi-filament yarnsChudoba, Rostislav, Konrad, Martin, Schleser, Markus, Meskouris, Konstantin, Reisgen, Uwe 03 June 2009 (has links)
The paper presents a meso-scopic modeling framework for the simulation of three-phase composite consisting of a brittle cementitious matrix and reinforcing AR-glass yarns impregnated with epoxy resin. The construction of the model is closely related to the experimental program covering both the meso-scale test (yarn tensile test and double sided pull-out test) and the macro-scale test in the form of tensile test on the textile reinforced concrete specimen. The predictions obtained using the model are validated using a-posteriori performed experiments.
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Mikromechanische Untersuchungen zur Faser-Matrix-Haftung in Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden:: Einfluss von Härtungsdauer, Feuchtigkeit und PrüfparameternSommer, Guido Sebastian 30 August 2018 (has links)
Zur Untersuchung der Faser-Matrix-Haftung in Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden werden neben makromechanischen Methoden wie dem Querzug und der Drei-Punkt-Biegung mikromechanische Methoden an Einzelfaser-Modellverbunden eingesetzt. Zu letzteren Methoden zählen bspw. der Tropfenabscherversuch, der Einzelfaserauszugversuch (engl. single-fibre pull-out test, SFPO) und der Einzelfaserfragmentierungsversuch (engl. single fibre fragmentation test, SFFT). Bei ihrem Einsatz ist zu beachten, dass sich unterschiedliche Einflussgrößen auf ihre Ergebnisse auswirken können.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine ausführliche Literaturübersicht mit einem detaillierten Überblick zu einer größeren Anzahl verschiedener Einflussgrößen durchgeführt. Daraus werden die Einflussgrößen Härtungsdauer, Feuchtigkeit, freie Faserlänge und Abzugsgeschwindigkeit als Untersuchungsgegenstände dieser Arbeit erarbeitet. Wesentliche aus dieser Arbeit resultierende Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen sind nachstehend zusammengefasst.
Härtungsdauer: Bei SFFT-Untersuchungen an Keramikfaser/Epoxidharz-Prüfkörpern wird ein degressiver Anstieg der Faser-Matrix-Haftung über der Härtungsdauer beobachtet. Die Ergebnisse geben Hinweise darauf, dass sich die Härtungsdauer beim SFFT und SFPO prinzipbedingt unterschiedlich auswirkt (aufgrund destruktiver bzw. konstruktiver Überlagerungen von Eigenspannungen und Prüfkraft-induzierten Spannungen).
Feuchtigkeit: SFPO-Untersuchungen an Kohlenstoffaser/Epoxidharz-Prüfkörpern nach einmonatiger Konditionierung in feuchtem (50 %rF, 23 °C) bzw. trockenem Klima (0 %rF, 23 °C) belegen eine feuchtebedingt verringerte Haftung. Daraus wird geschlussfolgert, dass eine schwankende Luftfeuchtigkeit auch in diesem eingegrenzten klimatischen Spektrum (bspw. in teilklimatisierten Laboren) als wichtiger potentieller Störfaktor zu beachten ist.
Prüfparameter: Auf Basis des Hooke’schen Gesetzes kann für den SFPO gezeigt werden, dass die freie Faserlänge die Maximalkraft beeinflusst und die Einflüsse der freien Faserlänge und der Abzugsgeschwindigkeit auf die Maximalkraft in Zusammenhang stehen. Beides wird anhand von SFPO-Untersuchungen an Glasfaser/Epoxidharz-Prüfkörpern bestätigt. Ferner wird aus den Untersuchungen geschlussfolgert, dass eine Geschwindigkeitserhöhung von 0,01 µm/s auf 0,1 µm/s zur Reduzierung der Versuchsdauer – im vorliegenden Fall von 30 45 min auf 6 8 min – vertretbar ist.
Darüber hinaus werden anhand von Fehlerverstärkungsfaktoren differenzierte Aussagen zum Einfluss fehlerhaft bestimmter Eingangsdaten auf die Berechnung der lokalen Grenzflächenscherfestigkeit generiert. / For investigating fibre-matrix adhesion in fibre-polymer composites, macromechanical methods such as transverse tensile and three-point bending tests can be applied as well as micromechanical methods for which single-fibre model composites are used. The latter category of methods includes microbond, single-fibre pull-out (SFPO) and single-fibre fragmentation tests (SFFT). When applying these methods, it needs to be considered that their results can be affected by different influencing factors.
In the present thesis, an extensive literature survey with a detailed overview of a larger number of influencing factors is conducted. Based on this overview, the factors curing time, moisture, free fibre length and test speed are acquired as objects of investigation of this thesis. Main results and conclusions of this work are summarised below.
Curing time: Results from SFFT investigations on ceramic fibre/epoxy-specimens exhibit a degressive increase of fibre-matrix adhesion with curing time. This indicates that curing time affects SFFT and SFPO results differently due to different underlying principles (based on destructive and, respectively, constructive superposition of internal stresses and load-induced stresses).
Moisture: SFPO specimens (carbon fibre/epoxy) are conditioned in humid (50 %rH, 23 °C) and dry climate (0 %rH, 23 °C) for one month prior to testing. The results show lower adhesion due to moisture. It is concluded that uncontrolled humidity, even in this limited climatic spectrum, needs to be considered as an important potential factor of influence (e.g. in partially climatised laboratories).
Test parameters: Based on Hooke’s law, it is demonstrated for the SFPO that a) the free fibre length affects the maximum force and b) the effects of the free fibre length and the test speed on the maximum force are interrelated. Both is confirmed with results from SFPO investigations on glass fibre/epoxy-specimens. Furthermore, it is deduced from the above investigations that an increase in test speed from 0.01 µm/s to 0.1 µm/s is legitimate for reducing test duration – in the present case from 30 45 min to 6 8 min.
In addition, the effect of erroneously determined input data on the calculation of the local interfacial shear strength is studied using conditions numbers (a measure for the propagation of error). With this, differentiated statements are generated.
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Thermo-Mechanische Charakterisierung von Grenzflächen zwischen Einwandigen Kohlenstoffnanoröhren und Metallen mittels Auszugsversuchen / Thermo-Mechanical Characterization of Interfaces between Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Metals by Pull-Out TestingHartmann, Steffen 22 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Vor dem Hintergrund zukünftiger Sensoren, basierend auf dem piezoresistiven Effekt von einwandigen Kohlenstoffnanoröhren (SWCNT), werden in dieser Arbeit umfangreiche Ergebnisse zum mechanischen Verhalten von Grenzflächen zwischen SWCNTs und edlen Metallen am Beispiel von Pd und Au präsentiert. Im Fokus steht dabei die Synergie von rechnerischen und experimentellen Methoden Molekulardynamik (MD), nanoskalige Tests und Analytik , um (1) mit guter Genauigkeit maximale Kräfte von gezogenen SWCNTs, welche in Metall eingebettet sind, vorauszuberechnen und (2) einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Verständnis der zu Grunde liegenden Fehlermechanismen zu liefern.
Es wurde ein MDModell eines in eine einkristalline Matrix eingebetteten SWCNTs mit Randbedingen eines Auszugsversuchs entwickelt. Mit diesem Modell können Kraft-Weg-Beziehungen und Energieverläufe für einen quasistatischen verschiebungsgesteuerten Auszugsversuch errechnet werden. Das Modell liefert kritische Kräfte bei Versagen des Systems. Des Weiteren können mit diesem Modell der Einfluss des SWCNT-Typus, der Einbettungslänge, der Temperatur, von intrinsischen Defekten und Oberflächengruppen (SFGs) auf das Grenzflächenverhalten untersucht werden.
Zum Vergleich wurden kritische Kräfte experimentell durch in situ Auszugsversuche in einem Rasterelektronenmikroskop bestimmt. Es wurde eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung von rechnerischen und experimentellen Daten festgestellt. Der vorherrschende Fehler im Experiment ist der SWCNT-Bruch, jedoch wurden auch einige SWCNT-Auszüge beobachtet.
Mit Hilfe der MD-Simulationen wurde gefunden, dass die SFGs als kleine Anker in der umgebenden metallischen Matrix wirken und somit die maximalen Kräfte signifikant erhöhen. Diese Grenzflächenverstärkung kann Zugspannungen verursachen, die genügend hoch sind, so dass SWCNT-Bruch initiert wird. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten Simulationen von Auszugstests mit idealen SWCNTs nur kleine Auszugskräfte, welche meistens unabhängig von der Einbettungslänge des SWCNTs sind. Dieses Verhalten wird mit einer inkommensurablen Konfiguration der Kristallstrukturen an der Grenzfläche von SWCNTs und der einbettenden Edelmetalle interpretiert.
Zur Qualifizierung der Existenz von carboxylatischen Oberflächengruppen auf dem genutzten SWCNT-Material wurden analytische Untersuchungen mittels Fluoreszenzmarkierung von Oberflächengruppen durchgeführt. In Übereinstimmung mit Literaturstellen zum gesicherten Nachweis von SFGs, bedingt durch technologische Behandlungen, weisen diese Experimente stark auf das Vorhandensein von carboxylatischen Oberflächengruppen auf dem genutzten SWCNT-Material hin. Demnach kann der dominante SWCNT-Bruch Fehler durch die Grenzflächenverstärkung auf Grund von SFGs erklärt werden. / In the light of future sensors, that are based upon the piezoresistive effect of singlewalled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), this work presents comprehensive results of studies on the mechanical behavior of interfaces between SWCNTs and noble metals using the examples of Pd and Au. With this contribution, the focus is on a synergy between computational and experimental approaches involving molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, nanoscale testing, and analytics (1) to predict to a good degree of accuracy maximum forces of pulled SWCNTs embedded in a noble metal matrix and (2) to provide valuable input to understand the underlying mechanisms of failure.
A MD model of a SWCNT embedded in a single crystalline matrix with pull-out test boundary conditions was developed. With this model, force-displacement relations and energy evolutions for a quasi-static displacement controlled test can be computed. The model provides critical forces for failure of the system. Furthermore, the influence of SWCNT type, embedding length, temperature, intrinsic defects and surface functional groups (SFGs) on the interface behavior can be studied using this model.
For comparison, critical forces were experimentally determined by conducting pull-out tests in situ, inside a scanning electron microscope. A very good agreement of computational and experimental values was discovered. The dominant failure mode in the experiment was a SWCNT rupture, although several pull-out failures were also observed.
From MD simulations, it was found that SFGs act as small anchors in the metal matrix and significantly enhance the maximum forces. This interface reinforcement can lead to tensile stresses sufficiently high to initiate SWCNT rupture. In contrast, pull-out test simulations of ideal SWCNTs show only small pull-out forces, which are mostly independent on SWCNT embedding length. This behavior is interpreted with an incommensurate configuration of crystal structures at the interface between SWCNTs and embedding noble metals.
To qualify the existence of carboxylic SFGs on the used SWCNT material, an analytical investigation by means of fluorescence labeling of surface species was performed. In agreement with literature reports on the secured verification of SFGs due to necessary technological treatments, these experiments strongly indicate the presence of carboxylic SFGs on the used SWCNT material. Thus, the dominant SWCNT rupture failure is explained with an interface reinforcement by SFGs.
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Étude théorique et expérimentale du boulonnage à ancrage réparti sous sollicitations axiales / Theoretical and experimental study of fully grouted rockbolts and cablebolts under axial loadsBlanco Martin, Laura 29 March 2012 (has links)
Le boulonnage et le câblage à ancrage réparti sont deux techniques de renforcement du terrain couramment utilisées dans l'industrie minière et dans le génie civil. Au fil de cette recherche, on s'intéresse à la réponse de ces éléments sous des sollicitations axiales de traction, en régime statique. Dans ces conditions, l'expérience montre que la rupture se produit le plus fréquemment à l'interface barre-scellement via un processus de décohésion qui commence dès que la force sur la barre atteint une valeur limite. L'objectif est de mieux comprendre le comportement de cette interface, avant et après rupture. Premièrement, on revoit l'état de l'art afin de comprendre le travail effectué et les aspects non maîtrisés à ce jour. Deuxièmement, on décrit des outils analytiques qui permettent de comprendre la réponse d'un boulon ou d'un câble à ancrage réparti soumis à une force de traction. Ensuite, on présente les études expérimentales menées en laboratoire et in situ. Des essais d'arrachement ont été effectués pour déterminer les principaux facteurs qui régissent la réponse de l'interface. Finalement, on analyse les résultats des essais effectués en laboratoire sur les boulons. Après l'obtention des variables nécessaires, on propose un modèle semi-empirique d'interface, qui devra être validé par des essais complémentaires. Cette perspective et d'autres améliorations sont également présentées. / Rockbolting and cablebolting are two ground reinforcement techniques broadly used in civil and mining engineering. This research focuses on the behaviour of fully grouted bolts subjected to tensile axial loads, in static conditions. Under these circumstances, experience throughout the world proves that failure usually takes place at the bolt-grout interface via a decoupling process that starts if the load on the bolt exceeds a critical value. The objective is to gain more insight into the behaviour of this interface, before and after failure. First, the state-of-the-art is presented to understand the existing advances and to identify the lacking aspects. Secondly, analytical tools that help understand the response of a fully grouted bolt subjected to a tensile load are described. Then, the field and laboratory experimental campaigns are exposed. Pull-out tests have been conducted to determine the most influencing parameters on the interface behaviour. Finally, the laboratory results on rockbolts are analyzed. Once the necessary variables are obtained, a semi-empirical interface behaviour model is proposed. The further evaluation of this model and other improvements are suggested as perspectives of evolution.
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Ensaios de arrancamento e cisalhamento em descontinuidades simuladas reforçadas com barras de aço / Pull-out and shear tests on discontinuities reinforced with steel barsPrieto Castillo, Mercedes Liliana 07 October 2011 (has links)
Ancoragens são muito utilizadas na estabilização do maciço rochoso pela rapidez e baixo custo, embora sua análise não seja completamente entendida devido à interação de diferentes materiais como rocha, graute e aço. Este documento apresenta os resultados de um estudo realizado em juntas lisas reforçadas com ancoragens. Foram ensaiadas ancoragens com barras de diferentes diâmetros e diferentes orientações em relação ao plano da descontinuidade. Os ensaios realizados para avaliar o comportamento deste tipo de reforço foram o ensaio de arrancamento em tubo duplo e o ensaio de cisalhamento em juntas lisas reforçadas. Os ensaios de arrancamento em tubo duplo demonstraram que a resistência ao arrancamento é dependente da resistência à tração da barra. As deformações internas no sistema foram idealizadas através da obtenção de um comprimento livre hipotético de uma barra livre submetida a tração. Nos ensaios de cisalhamento, avaliou-se a melhora da resistência ao cisalhamento de descontinuidades lisas reforçadas com barras ancoradas. Observaram-se dois picos de carga mobilizada antes da ruptura do sistema no caso de barras perpendiculares ao plano da descontinuidade. Este fato introduz significativa ductilidade ao sistema e é importante do ponto de vista de confiabilidade do sistema. A ruptura das ancoragens se produz devido a uma combinação de efeitos de tração, flexão, e cortantes. Os sistemas reforçados com áreas maiores de aço apresentaram maior ductilidade, e, portanto oferecem maior segurança. Os resultados sugerem que uma vez superado o comprimento mínimo ancorado a ruptura das ancoragens acontecerá por ruptura das barras de aço e não por aderência na interface barra-graute, concluindo-se que a resistência das ancoragens é dependente da resistência de ruptura e da área de aço utilizada. Finalmente, esta pesquisa contribui ao entendimento dos mecanismos de ruína que acontecem num maciço reforçado com ancoragens. / Rock anchors are widely used to stabilize rock masses due to their rapid installation and low cost. Their behavior is not fully understood because of the interaction of different elements such as rock, grout and steel. This document presents the results of both pull-out and shear tests on steel bar reinforced discontinuities. Tests were carried out with different diameters and orientations of bars with respect to the discontinuity plane. Double-pipe pullout tests and smooth-joint anchor-reinforced shear tests were performed. The results of double-pipe pull-out tests were analyzed in terms of both strength and deformations. Internal strains were idealized through a model based on hypothetical length of a free bar. In the smooth-joint anchor-reinforced shear tests, both increase in shear strength and ductility were evaluated. Two load peaks were observed in test with bars perpendicular to the joint plane. Ductility is significantly increased with respect to joints reinforced with inclined bars. This is important for reliability evaluation. The failure of anchors is produced by a combination of tensile, bending, and shear internal forces. The systems reinforced with a greater amount of steel presented more ductile behavior than those less reinforced. The results suggest that since the minimum anchor length is exceeded, the system failure is governed by the rebar failure and not by the adhesion in the rebar-grout interface. From this, it is concluded that the anchor strength is dependent on the strength and cross section area of the rebar. Finally, this research contributes to better understanding of the failure mechanisms of anchor-reinforced rock masses.
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Avaliação da resistência ao arrancamento e do torque de remoção de um novo modelo de implante de zircônia / Analysis of pullout strength and removal torque of a new zirconia dental implantsRenata Espindola Silveira 15 January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar comparativamente a estabilidade primária e a longevidade de implantes de zircônia (Y-TZP) e titânio (Grau IV) após ciclagem termomecânica (CTM). Foram obtidos 40 implantes de cada material que foram instalados em osso artificial e separados em grupos (n=10) segundo o material, a realização de ciclagem termomecânica e o ensaio realizado: Titânio - G1 (ensaio de torque de remoção); G2 (ensaio de arrancamento); G3 (CTM + ensaio de torque de remoção); G4 (CFTM + ensaio de arrancamento); e Zircônia - G5 (ensaio de torque de remoção); G6 (ensaio de arrancamento); G7 (CTM + ensaio de torque de remoção); G8 (CTM + ensaio de arrancamento). O equipamento de ciclagem mecânica foi configurado com carga de 133 N, frequência de 120 ciclos por minuto (2 Hz), totalizando 2.000.000 ciclos em cada espécime. A ciclagem térmica foi realizada com temperatura entre 5ºC, 37ºC e 55ºC. Após os ensaios mecânicos, os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística (2-way ANOVA, teste de Bonferroni, p<0,05) e verificou-se que houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) entre os implantes de titânio e zircônia, independente do tratamento utilizado, tanto para o torque de remoção quanto para a foça máxima de arrancamento. Os implantes de titânio mostraram maiores valores de torque de remoção e força de arrancamento comparado aos implantes de zircônia (p<0,05). Verificou-se também que a ciclagem termomecânica foi significante apenas para o ensaio de arrancamento quando utilizados implantes de titânio. Conclui-se que a estabilidade primária de implantes de titânio foi maior do que implantes de zircônia e que a ciclagem termomecânica foi um fator significativo apenas para a longevidade dos implantes de titânio. / The aim of this study was to assess comparatively the primary stability and longevity of zirconia (Y-TZP) and titanium (Grade IV) implants after thermomechanical cyclic (CTF). Forty implants to each material were obtained, installed in artificial bone and separated into groups (n=10) according to the material, the conducting of thermomechanical cyclic and the test submitted: Titanium - G1 (removal torque); G2 (pullout test); G3 (CTF + removal torque); G4 (TCF + pullout test); Zirconia - G5 (removal torque); G6 (pullout test); G7 (CTF + removal torque); G8 (CTF + pullout test). The mechanical cyclic testing machine was programmed to apply a load of 133 N, frequency of 120 cycles per minute (2 Hz) and a total of 2,000,000 cycles in each specimen. The thermocycling was set with a temperature between 5°C, 37ºC and 55ºC. After the mechanical tests, the data were subjected to statistical analysis (2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni test, p <0,05) and the results showed statistically significant difference (p <0.05) between zirconia and titanium implants, regardless of treatment used, for both removal torque and pullout tests. Titanium implants showed higher removal torque and pullout strength, which was statistically significant (p <0,05) compared with zirconia implants. It was also found that the thermomechanical cyclic was only significant for pullout test when used titanium implants. It was concluded that primary stability of titanium implants is higher than zirconia implants and the thermomechanical cyclic was a significant factor only for the longevity of titanium implants.
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Avaliação da resistência ao arrancamento e do torque de remoção de um novo modelo de implante de zircônia / Analysis of pullout strength and removal torque of a new zirconia dental implantsSilveira, Renata Espindola 15 January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar comparativamente a estabilidade primária e a longevidade de implantes de zircônia (Y-TZP) e titânio (Grau IV) após ciclagem termomecânica (CTM). Foram obtidos 40 implantes de cada material que foram instalados em osso artificial e separados em grupos (n=10) segundo o material, a realização de ciclagem termomecânica e o ensaio realizado: Titânio - G1 (ensaio de torque de remoção); G2 (ensaio de arrancamento); G3 (CTM + ensaio de torque de remoção); G4 (CFTM + ensaio de arrancamento); e Zircônia - G5 (ensaio de torque de remoção); G6 (ensaio de arrancamento); G7 (CTM + ensaio de torque de remoção); G8 (CTM + ensaio de arrancamento). O equipamento de ciclagem mecânica foi configurado com carga de 133 N, frequência de 120 ciclos por minuto (2 Hz), totalizando 2.000.000 ciclos em cada espécime. A ciclagem térmica foi realizada com temperatura entre 5ºC, 37ºC e 55ºC. Após os ensaios mecânicos, os resultados foram submetidos à análise estatística (2-way ANOVA, teste de Bonferroni, p<0,05) e verificou-se que houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p<0,05) entre os implantes de titânio e zircônia, independente do tratamento utilizado, tanto para o torque de remoção quanto para a foça máxima de arrancamento. Os implantes de titânio mostraram maiores valores de torque de remoção e força de arrancamento comparado aos implantes de zircônia (p<0,05). Verificou-se também que a ciclagem termomecânica foi significante apenas para o ensaio de arrancamento quando utilizados implantes de titânio. Conclui-se que a estabilidade primária de implantes de titânio foi maior do que implantes de zircônia e que a ciclagem termomecânica foi um fator significativo apenas para a longevidade dos implantes de titânio. / The aim of this study was to assess comparatively the primary stability and longevity of zirconia (Y-TZP) and titanium (Grade IV) implants after thermomechanical cyclic (CTF). Forty implants to each material were obtained, installed in artificial bone and separated into groups (n=10) according to the material, the conducting of thermomechanical cyclic and the test submitted: Titanium - G1 (removal torque); G2 (pullout test); G3 (CTF + removal torque); G4 (TCF + pullout test); Zirconia - G5 (removal torque); G6 (pullout test); G7 (CTF + removal torque); G8 (CTF + pullout test). The mechanical cyclic testing machine was programmed to apply a load of 133 N, frequency of 120 cycles per minute (2 Hz) and a total of 2,000,000 cycles in each specimen. The thermocycling was set with a temperature between 5°C, 37ºC and 55ºC. After the mechanical tests, the data were subjected to statistical analysis (2-way ANOVA, Bonferroni test, p <0,05) and the results showed statistically significant difference (p <0.05) between zirconia and titanium implants, regardless of treatment used, for both removal torque and pullout tests. Titanium implants showed higher removal torque and pullout strength, which was statistically significant (p <0,05) compared with zirconia implants. It was also found that the thermomechanical cyclic was only significant for pullout test when used titanium implants. It was concluded that primary stability of titanium implants is higher than zirconia implants and the thermomechanical cyclic was a significant factor only for the longevity of titanium implants.
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