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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robertsons Charkuteri : Om konsumenters köpbeslut av charkuteriprodukter påverkas av tillskriven varumärkesimage

Sternö, Cecilia, Swanström Forsberg, Emilia, Magnusson, Ann-Sofi January 2012 (has links)
I dagens samhälle ökar varumärken i betydelse vilket innebär ett ökat behov för företag att ha kunskap om vilken image konsumenter tillskriver deras varumärke. Varumärkesmedvetenhet och köpbeslut är teoretiska områden inom konsumentbeteende som tidigare studerats utförligt. Dock har det saknats studier kring hur varumärkesimage påverkar konsumenters köpbeslut inom livsmedelsbranschen.Köttkonsumtionen i Sverige har ökat under senare år och charkuteriprodukter ses som väsentliga livsmedelsvaror att ha hemma. För att skapa konkurrenskraft på marknaden är det viktigt för företag inom charkuteribranschen att tillhandahålla vetskap om den image konsumenter tillskriver deras varumärke. Det lokala Örebroföretaget Robertsons Charkuteri AB har idag inte en klar bild över vilka som utgör deras kundgrupp och har under de senaste åren känt av en ökad konkurrens och efterfrågade därför en marknadsundersökning gällande hur varumärkesmedvetenheten ser ut bland invånarna i Örebro stad samt vilken image de tillskriver varumärket. Varumärkesmedvetenhet och image kom därför att studeras samt sannolikheten för att varumärkesimage påverkar köpbeslut. Detta genomfördes med hjälp av en enkätundersökning där 200 respondenter i Örebro stad deltog.Studien visar att Robertsons Charkuteri AB har en hög medvetenhet bland Örebro stads invånare och att de tillskrivs imagen kvalitet och svenskt kött. Dessa associationer visar sig vara av betydelse för konsumenter vid köpbeslutet av charkuteriprodukter. Det framkommer även att varumärkesimage påverkar konsumenters köpbeslut, vilket tillför vetskap inom ämnesområdet konsumentbeteende. / In the society today brands are being seen as more valuable which indicate an increased importance for companies to understand what kind of image consumers dedicate their brand. Brand awareness and consumer purchase decision are theoretical areas within consumer behavior, which both have been studied in detail. However, there is a lack of studies about how brand image influence consumer purchase decision in the food industry.The meat consumption in Sweden has increased in the later years and charcuterie products are seen as more essential to have at home. It is of importance for business to have knowledge of how the consumers perceive their image of the brand to be able to compete on the market. The local charcuterie business in Örebro, Robertsons Charkuteri AB, has requested a market survey on how extensive the brand awareness is among the citizens in Örebro and also what kind of image the consumers prescribe to the brand. Robertsons Charkuteri AB has requested a market survey due to the increased competition in the later years. Therefore, brand awareness and brand image is being studied as well as the probability of brand image influencing purchase decisions. The study was conducted through a survey consisting of 200 respondents in Örebro.The study shows that Robertsons Charkuteri AB has high brand awareness among the citizens of Örebro and the consumers associated the brand with high quality and Swedish meat. These were also the highest valued associations in the purchase decision. The result also shows that brand image influences consumers purchase decision. These results contribute an increased knowledge within the area of consumer behavior.

Guerrilla marketing : and its effects on consumer behavior

Belić, Sandra, Jönsson, Emelie January 2012 (has links)
As consumers are getting better at avoiding the traditional marketing campaigns companies are using, it has become crucial for companies to differentiate their marketing. One way of doing this is to use guerrilla marketing, a marketing type more extreme, innovative and attention capturing than traditional marketing. The purpose of this thesis is to explore how the use of guerrilla marketing affects consumer behavior in terms of brand attitude, brand image and purchase intention. Moreover, the effect on Word-of-Mouth will be explored, as this is a crucial implication if the guerrilla campaign is to be perceived as successful. Based on marketing theories and consumer behavior theories, an experiment is conducted through a focus group seminar, to determine if guerrilla marketing campaigns are perceived as being more creative and credible than traditional marketing campaigns. Furthermore, these determinants are used as instruments to study the effect on brand attitude, brand image and purchase intention. The study is exploratory and the chosen method is a qualitative data collection. The findings indicate that guerrilla marketing campaigns affect all consumer behavior elements, studied in our thesis, more than their equivalent traditional marketing campaigns. Suggestions for further research include studying if there is a cultural difference in how guerrilla marketing is perceived.   This thesis may be useful in increasing companies’ understanding of the concept of guerrilla marketing and how this can be used in a successful way.

To what extent the brand equity of high-involvement products influence the consumers’ purchase decision: An empirical study in Umeå, Sweden

Rahman, Mahabubur, Rahaman, Mohammed Anisur January 2008 (has links)
In today’s world, consumerism is dominating all the aspects of our life. In society, life follows the pattern of the capitalist culture where the human values have a different measure. We do live in a branded world. There is no doubt about it. We all make product decisions every day. We probably all have certain types of products of which we like only one or two brands, while we buy other things based on what is on sale on a given day. This inclination to buy branded products is rooted in two basic things: recollection and satisfaction. We remember which one we like by brand name. A survey by the Henley Centre revealed that the public trust brand names such as Kellogg’s, Heinz and Marks & Spencer more than Parliament, the police and the legal system (Sunday Times, “A can of worms is a bad diet”, 5 April 1998). This research highlights the importance of the relationship between consumers and key brands; and shows that it has strengthened to such an extent that it is now healthier than the relationship with our social structures. This is evidence of the power of consumer culture and the liberal free market economics of the westernized world. The Brands not just represent the symbol of the company but also to a greater extant defines lives people in the society. What a person uses can reflect his taste, his or her status in the society, his / her economic background as well. This makes a deep connection between the company and its brand, with the consumer. In this two way relation both the company and consumers are dependent on each other. The salient of purpose of our study was to find out to what extent brand names influence the consumers’ purchase decisions with regard to high-involvement products. We conducted this study based on theories and survey. We reviewed a good number of relevant theories of brand and consumer decision making process. We also conducted a survey among the students. The respondents of our survey were those students who own a notebook PC, a high involvement product. We used convenience sampling for our survey. We analyzed the data of the survey in order to be able to draw conclusions and find answers to our questions. On analysis of the collected data, we came to a conclusion that brand names have an influence on the consumer decision not only in case of notebook PC, but also in other product categories. The overall means of brand equity for male and female student are 3.64 and 3.66 respectively. Both the means are considerably higher than the average of 2.5 on the Likert Scale. So, it is reasonable to say that both male and female students’ purchase decisions are influenced by the brand equity to an extent. The consumers are very conscious about branded products because they have the view that well-known brands are more reliable. This study also explains that customers trust the branded products. Before purchasing a notebook PC people do not consider the lesser known brands. Our survey results show that the respondents previously automatically knew which brand of Notebook PC to buy. The mean of the statement “I automatically knew which brands of this product to buy” was much higher than average indicating that respondents had only a few brands in their evoked set and they ended up buying their top-of-the-mind brand. Consumers opined that well-known brand companies maintain quality of their product. Which is why, brand name affects the customer choice while making a purchase decision. Moreover, consumers also tend to trust well-known branded products. The mean of the statement “When I see an advertisement of this brand I believe the information in it is accurate” was much higher than the average which testifies to the fact that consumers usually trust the brands.

Makten på andra sidan datorskärmen : En studie om bloggens makt på unga kvinnors upplevda köpintentioner / The power on the other side of the computer screen : A studie of the blog's effect on young women's percieved purchase intentions

Steen, Nathalie, Kasto, Nanci, Frylén, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
Antalet bloggar växer och läsarantalet för bloggar likaså, framför allt har en ökning märkts hos unga kvinnor (Findahl, 2011). Att bloggläsandet har ökat medför att läsaren sätter sig själv i en situation där de kan utsättas för påverkan, både i form av bloggtext samt reklam i form av annonser. Frågan är om det nya bloggfenomenet nu kommer att ta över som en ny marknadsföringskanal gentemot de traditionella annonsreklamerna. Kommer de personliga blogginläggen att påverka mer än traditionell reklam? Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka om unga kvinnor upplever att deras köpintentioner påverkas av bloggar. Genom att undersöka om ett specifikt blogginlägg har en uppfattad påverkan på unga kvinnor och deras upplevda köpintentioner jämfört med en annons, ämnar vi att öka förståelsen för bloggar och makten bakom datorskärmen. För att uppfylla syftet behandlades följande två hypoteser; 1.    Unga kvinnors bloggvanor uppfattas ha en påverkan på dem och deras upplevda köpintentioner. 2.    Blogginlägget har en större uppfattad påverkan på unga kvinnors upplevda köpintentioner jämfört med annonsen För att undersöka detta tilldelades respondenterna slumpmässigt två olika enkäter vid undersökningstill-fällena. Den ena enkäten mätte den uppfattade påverkan av ett produktinriktat blogginlägg, den andra av en annons. Respondenterna är utvalda med hjälp av ett bekvämlighetsurval och består av 128 unga kvinnor som går sista året på gymnasiet. Undersökningen har bedrivits under skoltid på fyra av de största gymnasieskolorna i Jönköping. Datamaterialet som samlades in från enkätundersökningen matades sedan in i ett program för statistikbehandling, SPSS. Dessa grupper jämfördes sedan statistiskt för att kunna antingen förkasta eller acceptera hypoteserna. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att respondenterna upplever att deras köpintentioner blir påverkade av deras vanor av bloggar. Det visar även att sambandet mellan deras bloggvanor och upplevda köpintentioner är positivt. De vars bloggvanor är mer frekventa har också större intentioner att handla något som de har läst om i ett blogginlägg. De upplever också att deras köpintentioner påverkas mer av ett blogginlägg än av en annons. Skillnaden är dock liten. / Blogs are increasing in popularity, especially among young women, both when it comes to writing blogs and reading them (Findahl, 2011). As a consequence, readers are putting themselves in a situation where they are being exposed to influence. The question arisen from this is whether blogs should be given more attention and if companies should consider them part of their marketing strategies. Will the personal blog posts have a greater effect on consumers compared to traditional advertising? The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate if young women perceive that their purchase intentions are influenced by blogs. By investigating if a specific blog post has a perceived influence on young women and their purchase intentions compared to an advert, we aim to increase the understanding within the subject of blogs and to recognize the power on the other side of the computer screen. In order to fulfill the purpose, following hypothesis were addressed: 1.    Young women’s experiences of blogs are perceived to have an influence on them and their per-ceived purchase intentions. 2.    The blog post has a greater influence on young women and their perceived purchase intentions compared to the advert. The respondents were randomly allocated two different surveys where one measured the respondent’s perceived influence from blog posts and the other measured the respondent’s perceived influence from an advert. The sample was conducted by the use of convenience sampling and consisted of 128 young women who all are attending their last year in high school in the four largest schools in Jönköping. In order to receive statistical results, the collected data from the surveys were entered in a statistics program called SPSS. The groups were then compared in order to establish if the hypotheses would be rejected or accepted. The results from the study show that the respondents experience that their purchase intentions are influ-enced by blogs. Furthermore, there is a positive correlation between their blog experiences and their per-ceived purchase intentions; those who are more frequent in their use of blogs, have more intentions to buy something that they have read about on blogs. They also experienced that their purchase intentions are influenced more by the blog post than the advert. The difference is small though.

The Impact of Experiential Marketing and Consumer Ethnocentrism on Purchase Intension¡ÐA Case of SHING-LONG Towel Tourism Factory

Liu, Feng-Ting 30 July 2010 (has links)

The Influence of Electronic Word-of-Mouth and Cognitive Dissonance on Post-Purchase Cognitive Dissonance, Consumer Attitude and Negative Word-of-Mouth Intention

Hsiao, Yi-Tan 08 August 2010 (has links)
Since the limitations for the presentation of information on the internet, shopping online makes consumers feel cognitive dissonance more easily compared with traditional shopping. While experiencing cognitive dissonance after shopping, consumers would search and browse the internet for word-of mouth in order to rationalize their purchase behavior. However, there seems little research for the impact on consumers¡¦ feelings by online word-of-mouth during post-purchase. Therefore, this study is going to be focused on the influence of searching online word-of-mouth on consumer post-purchase cognitive dissonance level, consumer attitudes and intention s to spread negative word-of-mouth. This study is adopted an experiment to understand the effect of reading wording-of-mouth on consumers. The degree of consumer cognitive dissonance is measured by the comparison between the difference of consumer expectation and their feelings in actual products. The word-of-mouth design is applied to content analysis to understand the actual word-of-mouth and thus this is resulted in an online word-of-mouth contented ¡§more negative messages and less positive ones¡¨. According to this research, there is no significant difference between cognitive dissonance and consumer attitude after reading the word-of-mouth in the high degree of cognitive dissonance case; nevertheless, the intention to spread negative word-of-mouth would be significantly decreased. On the other hand, in the low degree of cognitive dissonance case, after reading word-of-mouth, cognitive dissonance would be significantly increased, and consumer attitude could be significantly decreased and negative word-of-mouth intention will significantly increase.

An exploratory Study of attitude towards furniture, purchase risks, purchase readiness: the effect of brand-category choices of demand situation, furniture categories, and furniture store

Liu, Huan-hua 09 September 2010 (has links)
During recent years (2010), magnitude and quality of household living space of Taiwanese families have both significantly increased. As living aesthetics is pursued as well, furniture and the furnishings have played important roles in their daily lives at the same time. In addition, international titanic chain stores of furniture entered into Taiwan market rapidly, advocating multi-faceted values of living and purveying fashions of furniture. Consequently, many new concepts about furniture and house furnishing have been conceived in the minds of consumers in the Formosa island. The current study has two empirical research: (1) for the market as a whole, observing the relationships among on stores evaluation, attitude towards furniture involvement, purchase risk, and readiness to buy; (2) regarding individual consumers, exploring the alteration of consideration and brand type choices in terms of different situations which are designed by store type, demand situation, and furniture categories, two alternatives for each dimension. In methodology, the first research was conducted by questionnaire survey, with 112 valid samples. For the second, a factorial design of experiment was undertaken with 224 participation, students and rank-and-file populace distributed evenly. The major findings include: (a) the effect of furniture involvement on local store evaluation is moderated by purchase risk; (b) purchase readiness influences the relationship between furniture involvement and store evaluation; (c) furniture stores affect consumers¡¦ brand-category choice; (d) for experienced populace, local traditional store is preferred in purchase for first time; (e) brand and fashion is emphasized more in living room furniture than bed room; (f) when in first purchase for bedroom furniture, the particpants preferred the designer brand, while in replacement purchase, the preference is rendered for living room furniture.

The Motivation and Behavior of Taiwanese Movie Vewers

Tsai, Min-chun 30 January 2011 (has links)
From Taiwanese movie viewers¡¦ perspectives and in the three periods, including before the movie, during the movie, and after the movie, this study aims to understand reasons why they watch movies, their habits of going to the cinema, and responses after the movie. By doing so, this study is in the hope of depicting current Taiwanese movie viewers¡¦ characteristics. This study chooses the survey method as methodology, and questionnaires are distributed to movie viewers in Taipei and Kaohsiung and to internet users on movie discussion forums. The research funding as follows: First of all, the research finds that it is important for the movie viewers to learn movie information via television and internet and that they do proactively search for movie information. Secondly, Taiwanese movie viewers¡¦ motivation for watching movies is to relax and to be entertained, and they go to the movie theater because they want to watch ¡§movies¡¨, not ¡§watch¡¨ movies. Thirdly, the most significant element of a movie for Taiwanese movie viewers is its story, and the trailer is the most important marketing. About spectators¡¦ behavior, Taiwanese movie viewers watch movies in the afternoon and at night during the weekend most. The frequency of going to the cinema does not show seasonal variations. On the average, each year they watch Taiwan movies 1.61 times and foreign movies 7.38 times. In addition, friends and classmates are their most important reference group. The quality of movie theater equipment will affect these viewers¡¦ desire for movies. They take public transportation or motorcycles to the movie theater most, and it usually takes 16-30 minutes. For Taiwan cinema, audiences in Taiwan have the highest satisfaction in entertainment and appreciation and creation. Audiences in Taiwan admit that tax deduction could be an incentive to watch Taiwan movies. Besides, moviegoers watch quite a few of Taiwan and non-Taiwan movies. Also, they have higher acceptance of various types of movies. It differs little in past and current researches. They will vent negative emotions through the internet and talk to friends and family. Due to the prosperity of internet nowadays, information about movies via portal sites is easily accessible to audiences. Movie viewers would have a better understanding of the movie and be more involved during the movie. The relaxation function of the movie is emphasized and moviegoers regard watching movies as one important leisure activity.

The Influence of Store Image on Purchase Intention of Private Label Brand Products ¡ÐA Case of 7-Eleven

Chen, Szu-Yun 19 June 2011 (has links)
This research is focus on how store image affects perceived risks and purchase intention in different private label brand (PLB) products. Because of 7-Eleven¡¦s positive store image and diverse product categories, this research takes 7-Eleven as the example to explore the difference among its PLB products. The conclusions as follow¡G 1. Positive store image is a necessary condition to develop PLBs. 2. Product category is a success factor to PLBs. 3. Consumers perceive different perceived risks when facing different products. According to the conclusion, suggestions are as bellow¡G 1. Keep maintaining and improving store image. 2. Focus on the products which are highly-related to the store image. 3. Managing perceived risk as a marketing strategy in diverse PLB product categories.

The Effects of Product Design on Brand Image,Perceived Value and Purchase Intention- An Empirical Study of Convenience Goods

Ma, Ching 19 June 2011 (has links)
¡@¡@In recent years, Taiwan's industries actively seeking industrial restructuring in the way of increasing added value to products. That makes many convenience goods brands appeared on the market, but consumer-related studies is scanty; and theoretical studies have indicated that a product¡¦s image will affect the brand image. However, in domestic empirical research, the studies are primarily focus on product image and brand image, and consistency between brand image and product form, and seldom discuss the topic of the product design can enhance brand image. According to the background and motivation, the proposition of this study are as follows¡G (1) Understand the association of product image and brand image. (2) Using demographic variables as moderators to explore how the brand image and product prices affect the perceived value. (3) Analyzing relationships between customers¡¦ perceived value and purchase intention. In this study, product design and product prices are independent variables. First, uses the 24 groups of opposing adjectives that Ming-Chuen Chuang and Ching-Hang Kao (1997) sorted out to do semantic differential analysis on four brands of products to measure the respondents¡¦ feeling toward product form, color, texture, feel, and function. And then, discussing the relationship among product image, brand image, perceived value and purchase intention. The conclusions are summarized as follows¡G (1) Different product design has different effects on brand image. (2) The brand image and product price has a significant impact on the perceived value. (3) Some demographic variables have a moderating effect on brand products. (4) Perceived value has a significant effect on purchase intention. Keywords¡Gconvenience goods, product design, product image, brand image, perceived value, purchase intention

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