Spelling suggestions: "subject:"burchase intention"" "subject:"pourchase intention""
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Understanding consumer behavior is one of the pivotal elements for success in any business. Among the various concepts in consumer behavior, the consumer decision-making process has gained much attention from both academics and practitioners. In Taiwan, scholars and practitioners have paid significant attention to external factors that influence consumer decision-making in various industries. However, few such studies have focused on external factors regarding purchases of products and services in the Taiwanese sport industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate the external factors that influence Taiwanese college students' shoe purchase intention. Data were collected to examine do external factors differed between genders and grade levels. Six external factors were identified from the literature review. The external factors were brand, price, style, durability, comfort, and athletic ndorsement/ promotion. This study utilized a 5-point Likert scale survey to examine the external factors influence Taiwanese college students' shoe purchase intention. A total of 416 Taiwanese college students from Southern Taiwan University were surveyed. Descriptive analysis, multiple regressions analysis, and one-way ANOVA were employed in this study. First of all, descriptive statistic analysis is used to categorize the participants based on their gender, age, grade, favorite athletic shoe brand, and how often did they purchase athletic shoes. Second, multiple regression analysis was used to predict which external factors had the most influence in Taiwanese college students' athletic shoe purchase intention. The results of multiple regression analysis demonstrated that comfort and style were the most influential factors in Taiwanese college students. Third, one-way ANOVA were used to measure the difference between gender and grade level for Taiwanese college students shoe purchase.
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Instagram as a mirror : A study on how identification based on homophily impacts followers’ purchase intention on InstagramGómez Macías, Maria, Rungsaridworakarn, Chonlatorn January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis aims to research how homophily affects followers/consumers’ attitudes towards Instagram fashion influencers. In particular, the purpose is to investigate if the perceived level of identification (evaluated according the homophily variables and types of identification) between followers/consumers and fashion influencers is one of the drivers behind followers/consumers’ engagement on Instagram. Additionally, consumption patterns on Instagram will be further investigated, paying special attention in determining if followers/consumers’ identification with fashion influencers have an impact on their purchase intention towards the fashion products the influencer endorses. Methodology: This thesis uses an abductive research approach, together with qualitative methods to fulfill its aim and answer the research questions. The empirical data were gathered through an in-depth interview which eight participants, sampled by purposive sampling ,answered. Subsequently, the interviews were transcribed, coded, and analysed using thematic analysis. The main limitations of the research are the facts that the participants live in the same area and are approximately the same age. Thusly, the transferability of the results mightbe complicated. Findings: The findings of the analysis point out that followers/consumers’ engage with fashion influencers at an interpersonal level, through realization of sharing similar interests and values. Participants have also shown a desire of becoming even more similar to their favourite influencers by altering the beliefs they have in common with them. From the perspective of the theory of Homophily-Heterophily, the engagement between followers and influencers is affected by both, value and status homophily. On the other hand, it has also been demonstrated that identification influences followers/consumers’ purchase intention towards the fashion products influencers endorse on Instagram. Contributions: This paper contributes to the academia by investigating followers/consumers’ purchase intention through the theories of Identification and Homophily-Heterophily. Additionally, the context of Instagram, as well as, the qualitative nature of this investigation are novelties on this field of study. Fashion companies and influencers can also benefit from the results of this research, since they would be able of creating better collaborations.
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How to Improve Customer Satisfaction Leading to Pay for Premium Service-ShanbayChen, Xianda, Chen, Xiaodi January 2018 (has links)
With the increasing number of people studying online, self-aid learning platforms which help customers(users)study by themselves are more and more prevalent in China. Self-aid online learning is a relatively innovative field which has not been widely and thoroughly researched. This paper used Shanbay which is one of the largest self-aid English learning platforms in China as an example to investigate what and how factors influence customer satisfaction leading to their (re)purchase intention. Based on the previous models and empirical studies of some related fields, this paper outlined a new framework and generated eight propositions to explore these two research questions. Both free users and premium users of Shanbay were interviewed to gather the research material, and the data got from the interview were analyzed to develop the propositions. This paper found that positive service experience can facilitate customer satisfaction from their perceived utilitarian value and hedonic value. Among the proposed five factors influencing the two values, perceived usefulness was considered as the most important factor while perceived playfulness was the least one. What’ more, the relationship between customer satisfaction and (re)purchase intention was suggested to be positive in this paper.
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Uso da internet pelo consumidor da terceira idade : influências do risco percebido e impacto na intenção de compra onlineEsteves, Priscila Silva January 2014 (has links)
Atualmente, observa-se que o ambiente virtual está cada vez mais povoado por pessoas com 60 anos ou mais e com os mais diversos interesses, todavia, verifica-se que há pouco conhecimento sobre como os consumidores idosos formam julgamentos e tomam decisões a respeito de produtos e serviços oferecidos na Internet, chegando a existir, inclusive, um pré-conceito de que estes indivíduos não são usuários da Internet e, portanto, não merecem que se façam investimentos para adequar produtos e serviços a eles. Sabe-se que diferentes fatores podem influenciar o comportamento do consumidor em sua tomada de decisão, principalmente quando se abordam produtos e serviços tecnológicos. Frente a esse contexto, é fundamental que se compreendam melhor os elementos que estão presentes nesse comportamento de consumo e as suas implicações futuras. Por essa razão, a presente pesquisa foi elaborada, pretendendo-se identificar os principais construtos que influenciam o comportamento do consumidor da terceira idade na Internet e analisar o seu impacto sobre a intenção de compra online. Objetivando responder a tal questionamento, projetou-se este estudo, para o qual foi elaborado um modelo teórico (testado empiricamente) contendo diversas variáveis e moderadores. Após 5 pré-testes e 8 entrevistas em profundidade, um questionário foi aplicado em 430 respondentes com 60 anos ou mais que tivessem utilizado a Internet pelo menos uma vez nos últimos 3 meses. O processamento de dados incluiu uma análise fatorial exploratória e uma confirmatória e a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Ao final deste estudo, obteve-se aceitação plena de cinco hipóteses, parcial de três e rejeição de duas, além de um bom ajuste do modelo proposto (a partir dos índices pré-definidos). Confirmou-se a hipótese de que o risco percebido pelos consumidores da terceira idade ao utilizar a Internet é um moderador no modelo estrutural proposto, uma vez que se comprovou diferença estatística significante entre as respostas dadas por um grupo mais avesso ao risco (Grupo 1) e outro menos avesso ao risco (Grupo 2) no que concerne às características demográficas e comportamentais (relacionadas ao uso da Internet). Já a escala de Tipo de Uso não se mostrou adequada para analisar a utilização da Internet pelo público da terceira idade. Constatou-se, da mesma forma, que a idade cognitiva influencia, de maneira inversa, no tempo de uso da Internet e que a satisfação com o uso da mesma tem impacto positivo no boca-a-boca positivo realizado, na intenção de (re)compra online e, também, no tempo de uso da rede. Acredita-se que os resultados obtidos a partir do teste do modelo apresentado possam fornecer importantes implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais, as quais possibilitarão uma maior compreensão sobre o uso da Internet por indivíduos da terceira idade, seus impactos futuros e a existência de moderadores importantes nesta relação. / Virtual environment has been increasingly used by people aged 60 and over who have a variety of interests. However, there is little knowledge concerning how elderly consumers form judgment and make decisions regarding products and services offered on the internet. Additionally, there is a preconception that these individuals do not use the internet; therefore, there would be no need for investment in redesigning products and services to suit them. It is known that there is a range of factors that may influence consumer behavior, especially in online environments involving technological products and services. In this context, understanding the elements involved in consumer behavior as well as its future implications is of paramount importance. Thus, this study reviewed the main constructs that influence the consumer behavior of the elderly on the internet and analyzed its impact on the online purchase intention. A theoretical model containing several variables and moderators was created and empirically tested. After 5 pretests and 8 in-depth interviews, a questionnaire was applied to 430 respondents aged 60 and over who had used the internet within the last 3 months. Data processing included an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis, as well as the Structural Equation Modeling. As a result, five hypotheses were fully supported, three were partially confirmed and two were rejected. Moreover, the proposed model proved to be well adjusted according to the pre-defined indexes. The hypothesis which states that the perceived risk by the elderly regarding the use of internet is a moderator on the proposed structural model was confirmed, since there was a statistically significant difference between the answers given by a more risk-averse group (Group 1) and the answers provided by a less risk-averse group (Group 2) concerning demographic and behavioral characteristics related to internet use. On the other hand, the Type of Internet Use scale was shown to be inadequate to analyze the internet usage by the aforementioned age group. Likewise, it was observed that cognitive age has an inversely proportional influence on time of Internet usage, and that satisfaction with its usage has a positive impact on positive word of mouth, online (re)purchase intention and time of web usage. It is believed that the results obtained from the testing of the presented model may provide important academic and managerial implications which will bring a greater understanding of internet usage by the elderly as well as its future impacts and the existence of important moderators within this relationship.
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The Impact of Augmented Reality on Product Purchase Intention in the Swedish Eyewear IndustryMiladinovic, Mira, Drak Alsebai, Lara, Wakim, Riad Samir January 2018 (has links)
Background: During the recent years, the applications of Augmented Reality (AR) have increased due to advances in technology and improved accessibility of smart devices. The novel technological use of Augmented Reality is being introduced in the retail sector to create value both for retailers and customers. Through Augmented Reality, potential customers can virtually try and interact with different products on online platforms, saving both time and efforts needed to make their purchase decisions. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of Augmented Reality on Product Purchase Intentions among millennials in the Swedish eyewear industry; and whether there was a relationship between the use of the technology and the purchasing decisions of customers. Due to the novelty of AR technology and its applications in the eyewear retail industry, there is a lack of theoretical development on the impacts of this technology on purchasing intention of eyewear products. Method: The study was based on the theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2). A quantitative research and an explanatory research approach were conducted and followed by surveying (103) participants belonging to Generation Y in Sweden. The AR mobile application of the largest Scandinavian eyewear retailer, ‘Synsam’ that sells various brands was utilised to carry out the research. Multiple Linear Regression was used to test for the relationship between use of AR technology determinants and the purchase intentions of eyewear products of customers. Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that AR technology had an impact on Product Purchase Intentions. The technology characteristics that were of high importance included information about products (Product Information), virtual interaction with the product (Telepresence) and the enjoyment of using this technology (Hedonic Motivation). Furthermore, Millennials in Sweden have found that using the AR technology to be a useful method for purchasing eyewear products, and that such a technology assisted them in making their purchasing decisions. These findings are useful for managers to satisfy their customers and provide them with unique experiences through AR technology embedded in marketing channels, which serves as a powerful tool for retaining customers and building a unique competitive advantage.
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Customer engagement : A study of consumers interaction with fashion brands on social mediaBylund, Isabelle, Lindgren, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
Social media is widely expanded worldwide with increasing number of users in social networks. Social media allows the consumers to connect directly with companies, which has led to a shift from traditional one-way communication to a two-way communication between both consumer to company and consumer to consumer. A successful two-way communication on social media engages both the consumers and the company. The rise of social media has quickly changed the marketing approach, as it creates new opportunities for the consumer to connect and communicate in a greater rich. In a two-way communication, the communication needs to create engagement from the consumers even though the consumer may not want to engage, contributing to a challenge for companies to communicate to customers in order for them to engage. It could be argued that companies should in some way get their customers to be more engaged even though the engagement can generate several outcomes in this complex communication approach. Furthermore, customer engagement could have an impact on the purchase intention for the consumer. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to investigate motives that create customer engagement with fashion brands on social media and the relation between customer engagement motives and purchase intention with a fashion brand. According to previous research, personal interest, entertainment, rewards and information acquisition and sharing are the most encouraging motives for customer engagement. Due to that fact, these motives were in focus in the study and the motives were also put in relation to their effect on purchase intention. The research was conducted by a quantitative study through a survey, in order to gather an overviewing perspective in customer engagement on social media towards fashion brands. The sample size reached a valid number of 109 respondents. The findings of this thesis give the impression that overall customer engagement is still low even for the investigated motives. This indicates that the respondents do not usually take part of the two-way dialog. The reliability seems to lie with other consumers rather than fashion brands on social media when searching for information. In addition, information acquisition was ranked as the most encouraging motive while personal interest is the motive that most encourage to purchase intention.
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Purchasing behaviour on aesthetic items in online video games with real currency : The case of Counter Strike: Global OffensiveRodríguez, Bruno January 2017 (has links)
Over the last decade, buying in-game content with real money has become a more common practice among players in order to unlock exclusive content in video games. Prior research has mainly focused on those functional digital items that provide an advantage to the buyer. This thesis aims to determine the underlying factors that influence video game players to purchase purely aesthetic virtual items.Prior studies on the field of video games, gaming business models and purchasing behaviour were reviewed and a theoretical framework focused on behavioural sciences, psychology and customer culture related theories was designed to interpret the results of a quantitative study. The popular FPS (First Person Shooter), Counter Strike Global Offensive was the selected game to carry out the study. A web-based questionnaire was distributed in various specialized online forums, providing a total of 1006 respondents. A linear regression was the selected method to test the formulated model. Results showed a strong influence of emotional and symbolic perceived values in the purchase intention of aesthetic virtual items, while gaming experience and enjoyment had a minor impact.
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Gamification : The influence of gamification on the consumer purchase intentionMucollari, Lorela, Samokhin, Vasily January 2017 (has links)
Gamification is the new strategy that is applied in different areas from healthcare to the education, it is gaining a lot of popularity. Gamification is applied also in the online retailing, for trying to influence the consumer behavior. In this research paper Steam is going to be taken as a case study, since the platform is gamified. The aim of the study is to understand how gamification can influence the consumer behavior in the online retailing. As a main theoretical framework, the Fogg behavioral model. The main variables of the model are motivation, ability and trigger. In specific how the gamification can prompt the human motivation. In order to answer to the research question qualitative and quantitative research has been conducted. The qualitative research was conducted by interviewing users of the platform. While the quantitative research was conducted using a survey. The interviews and the regression model showed that extrinsic and intrinsic motivation play an important role in influencing the purchase intention of the users. According to our findings gamification influence the purchase intention by prompting the motivation of the users and at the same time also ability does influence positively the purchase intention.
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Do big laughs and positive attitudes sell? : An examination of sponsored content on Youtube, and how entertainment and attitude influence purchase intentions in millennial viewersHansson, Ludvig, Stanic, Natasa January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Perceived Value of Fast-food Restaurant Franchises in the USAJang, Yisak 26 March 2015 (has links)
The main research objective of this study was to find out whether perceived value significantly affects consumers’ purchase intention. Additionally, this study examined if there are any significant differences in perceived value for different fast-food restaurant brands and attempted to identify which fast-food restaurant is perceived to be the industry leader.
A total number of six fast-food restaurants (McDonalds, Subway, Starbucks, Wendy’s, Burger King, and Taco Bell) were selected. Findings showed that among the five perceived service value dimensions, Starbucks is the leader in terms of quality, emotional response, and reputation.
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and multiple regression analysis were performed to test the study hypotheses. Results indicated that there were significant differences in perceived value for different fast-food restaurant brands. Besides, monetary and behavioral price significantly affects consumers’ purchase intention. Findings are expected to help hospitality marketers to strategically manage their brands.
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