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Modelo de Jaynes-Cummings completo de dois fótons: estudo e aplicações / Jaynes-Cummings model complete two photons: study and applicationsSOUZA, Alexandre Divino de 20 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-20 / In this work we have studied the two photon Jaynes-Cummings model to describe the interaction of a three-level atom in the configuration with a single-mode of a cativy-field. We have used the effetive and full microscopic Jamiltonian approach to compare the results obtained in these tow descriptions. We employed the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model int the full microscopic Hamiltonian context to implement schemes to quantuam entanglement swapping, for approximate and conditional quantuam teleportation for an unknown atomic state, for a superposition of zero- and two photon states. Both schemes were implemented using no measurement in the Bell base states. / Neste trabalho estudamos o modelo Jaynes-Cummings de dois fótons para descrever a interação de um átomo de Rydberg na configuração (ladeira) de três níveis com único modo do campo eletromagnético. A descrição deste sistema foi obtida usando o hamiltoniano efetivo e também o hamiltoniano microscópico completo, com o objetivo de compararmos resultados obtidos nas suas descrições. No modelo de Jaynes-Cummings de dois fótons descrito pleo hamiltoniano microscópico completo propusemos esquemas para realização de troca de emaranhamento quântico e teletransporte quântico aproximado e condicional de estados atômicos desconhecidos bem como estados de superposição de zeros e dois fótons do campo. Esses dois esquemas foram realizados sem uso de medida na base dos estados de Bell.
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Entanglement and the black hole information paradoxFlodgren, Nadia January 2017 (has links)
The black hole information paradox arises when quantum mechanical effects are considered in the vicinity of the event horizon of a black hole. In this report we describe the fundamental properties of quantum mechanical systems and black holes that lead to the information paradox, with focus on quantum entanglement. While first presented in 1976, the information paradox is as of yet an unsolved problem. Two of the proposed solutions, black hole complementarity and firewalls, are discussed. / Svarta hålets informationsparadox uppkommer när man tar hänsyn till kvantmekaniska effekter i närheten av händelsehorisonten av ett svart hål. I denna rapport beskrivs de grundläggande egenskaper hos kvantmekaniska system och svarta hål som leder till informationsparadoxen, med fokus på kvantintrassling. Paradoxen, som presenterades 1976 men än idag är ett olöst problem, förklaras sedan. Två av de förslagna lösningarna till paradoxen, svarta hål-komplementaritet och firewalls, diskuteras.
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Effets de cohérence en diffusion multiple de la lumière et intrication des états cohérents / Coherence effects in multiple scattering of light and entangled coherent statesRouabah, Mohamed Taha 09 April 2015 (has links)
L’interaction entre la lumière et un nuage atomique désordonné et dilué donne lieu à des effets de cohérence collectifs dus à l’interaction des dipôles induits par le biais du champ lumineux. L'influence de tels effets de cohérence en diffusion multiple suscite beaucoup d’intérêt. Nous présentons deux modèles théoriques qui décrivent ces effets de cohérence dans différents régimes de diffusion. Le traitement du processus à travers un développement en ordres successifs de diffusion nous permet de mettre en évidence la contribution du premier et second ordres ainsi que l'interférence entre les champs diffusés qui en résultent. Dans le régime de diffusion multiple, nous montrons que la force de pression de radiation n'est pas une bonne observable pour sonder les effets coopératifs. Par ailleurs, nous mettons en évidence une surprenante cohérence de phase qui suggère une persistance des effets coopératifs en diffusion multiple. Cela pourrait être le résultat d'une synchronisation entre les dipôles atomiques couplés. Dans une deuxième partie, nous étudions l'effet d'une déformation de l'algèbre de Weyl-Heisenberg sur l'intrication des états cohérents. Une telle approche permet de décrire la décohérence dans des systèmes quantiques intriqués soumis à une perturbation extérieure. Nous construisons des états cohérents déformés intriqués et nous calculons leur concurrence. Nous montrons que la déformation de l'algèbre pourrait avoir un impact non négligeable sur la qualité de l'intrication bipartie des états cohérents, si cette dernière n'est pas maximale. / This work is devoted on the one hand to the investigation of coherence effects in multiple scattering of light by an atomic cloud and on the other hand to the entanglement of a deformed coherent state. The interaction between light and a dilute disordered atomic cloud gives rise to collective coherent effects due to the interaction of the induced dipoles via the external field. The behavior of such coherent effects in multiple scattering regime is an important question for various physical systems. We present two theoretical models describing those coherence effects in different scattering regimes. The scattering order expansion treatment of light scattering allows us to highlight the role of the first and second scattering orders as well as the interference between the resulting scattered fields. In the multiple scattering regime we show that the radiation pressure force is not a good observable to probe cooperative effects. Furthermore, we discover a surprising phase coherence that hints that collective effects may survive in multiple scattering regime. That could be due to a synchronization between the induced atomic dipoles. In a second part, we study the effect of an algebra deformation on entangled coherent states. Such an approach allows to describe decoherence in perturbed entangled quantum systems. We construct a deformed coherent state and calculate their concurrence. We show that algebra deformation could have a non negligible impact on bipartite entangled coherent states if those later are not maximally entangled.
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Manipulação de estados quânticos da luz via espelhos semi-transparentesSoares, Antonio Augusto 12 January 2002 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Vidiella Barranco / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T01:43:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Soares_AntonioAugusto_M.pdf: 2924266 bytes, checksum: 4d4a9d494dd74748d57e8bd6dbe14108 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2002 / Resumo: Não informado / Abstract: Not informed / Mestrado / Física / Mestre em Física
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Matrices aléatoires et leurs applications à la physique statistique et quantique / Random matrices and applications to statistical physics and quantum physicsNadal, Céline 21 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude des matrices aléatoires et à quelques unes de leurs applications en physique, en particulier en physique statistique et en physique quantique.C'est un travail essentiellement analytique complété par quelques simulations numériques Monte Carlo. Dans un premier temps j'introduis la théorie des matrices aléatoires de façon assez générale : je définis les principaux ensembles de matrices aléatoires (en particulier gaussiens) et décris leurs propriétés fondamentales (distribution des valeurs propres, densité, etc). Dans un second temps je m'intéresse à des systèmes physiques d'interfaces à l'équilibre qui peuvent être modélisés par des marcheurs ``vicieux'', c'est-à-dire des marcheurs aléatoires conditionnés à ne pas se croiser. On peut montrer que la distribution des positions des marcheurs à un temps donné est exactement celle des valeurs propres d'une matrice aléatoire. J'étudie ensuite un problème physique qui relève d'un domaine très différent, celui de l'information quantique, mais qui est également étroitement relié aux matrices aléatoires: celui de l'intrication pour des états aléatoires dans un système quantique bipartite (fait de deux sous-parties) de grande taille. Enfin je m'intéresse à certaines propriétés des matrices aléatoires comme la distribution du nombre de valeurs propres positives ou encore la distribution de la valeur propre maximale (loi de Tracy-Widom près de la moyenne et grandes déviations loin de la moyenne). / This thesis presents a study of random matrices and some applications in physics, in particular in statistical physics and quantum physics. This work is mostly analytic, but I also performed some Monte Carlo numerical simulations. First I introduce random matrix theory: I define the main random matrix ensembles (in particular Gaussian ensembles) and describe their fundamental properties (distribution of the eigenvalues, density...). Then I study a physical system of interfaces at equilibrium that can be modeled by ``vicious walkers'', ie random walkers that can not meet each other.One can show that the distribution of the positions of the walkers at a given time is the same as the distribution of the eigenvalues of a random matrix. I also consider a problem coming from a very different field, the field of quantum information theory, but that is also closely related to random matrices: the distribution of entanglement for random states in a large bipartite quatum system (made of two parts). Finally I study some properties of random matrices such as the distribution of the number of positive eigenvalues or the one of the maximal eigenvalue (Tracy-Widom and large deviations).
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Optimalizované simulace kvantových systémů a metoda DMRG / Optimizing quantum simulations and the DMRG methodBrandejs, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Title: Optimizing quantum simulations and the DMRG method Author: Jan Brandejs Department: Department of Chemical Physics and Optics Supervisor: doc. Dr. rer. nat. Jiří Pittner, DSc., J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences Abstract: In this work, we explore the quantum information theoretical aspects of simulation of quantum systems on classical computers, in particular the many- electron strongly correlated wave functions. We describe a way how to reduce the amount of data required for storing the wavefunction by a lossy compression of quantum information. For this purpose, we describe the measures of quantum entanglement for the density matrix renormalization group method. We imple- ment the computation of multi-site generalization of mutual information within the DMRG method and investigate entanglement patterns of strongly correlated chemical systems. We present several ways how to optimize the ground state calculation in the DMRG method. The theoretical conclusions are supported by numerical simulations of the diborane molecule, exhibiting chemically interest- ing electronic structure, like the 3-centered 2-electron bonds. In the theoretical part, we give a brief introduction to the principles of the DMRG method. Then we explain the quantum informational...
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Anyon theory in gapped many-body systems from entanglementShi, Bowen 20 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Demonstrating quantum entanglement and Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, using type-II spontaneous parametric down conversion with C programming for data collectionSvanberg, Erik, Johannisson Lundquist, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) is used to generate quantum entangled photons through a non-linear crystal. The entanglement of photons is demonstrated by observing the effects of indistinguishability on photons, first through time and energy, then by polarization. The Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect was also demonstrated. A theoretical derivation of the effect of a non 50/50 beam splitter (BS) is also investigated. The energy of the photons was changed by varying the temperature of the crystal whilst the time difference was changed by varying the relative position of two mirrors. Results showed a clear effect from indistinguishability on both energy and time.
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Gossiping electrons : Strong decoherence from screeningLangueville, Felix January 2022 (has links)
In a strongly correlated material the localized electrons, typically the electrons in the 3d-orbitals, become entangled with each other through the Coulomb interaction. However, these electrons also interact with more mobile (itinerant) electrons in the s- and p-orbitals. The latter process called screening as it effectively reduces the strength of the interaction between the 3d-electrons. A less studied and often neglected effect of the screening is that it also entangles the 3d-electrons with the itinerant electrons, which is equivalent to a leakage of quantum information from the 3delectrons to the environment. This process leads to decoherence since it causes the 3d-electrons to effectively lose some of their quantum mechanical properties. But what does this mean for our understanding of strongly correlated materials and can this decoherence effect be of such magnitude that neglecting it may qualitatively affect the calculated material properties? This is the question this report tries to answer, but for a minimal impurity model consisting of an atom and a few surrounding bath orbitals. / I korrelerade atomer kan lokaliserade elektroner, som elektroner i 3d orbitaler, bli kvantmekaniskt sammanflätade med varandra genom coulomb-växelverkan. Dessa elektroner kan även växelverka med mer mobila elektroner, som elektroner i s- och p-orbitaler. Denna process kallas för skärmning eftersom den effektivt sätt reducerar styrkan på repulsionen mellan elektronerna i 3d-orbitalerna. En mindre känd och ofta ignorerad effekt från skärmningen är att elektronerna i 3d-orbitalerna blir kvantmekaniskt sammanflätade med de mobila elektronerna på ett irreversibelt sätt. Detta är ekvivalent med att information om d-elektronernas position läcker ut till omgivningen. Denna informationsläcka kallas för dekoherens eftersom den ledertill att d-elektronerna förlorar en del av sina kvantmekaniska egenskaper. Frågan blir således vad dekoherens kan ha för betydelse för starkt korrelerade materials egenskaper. Kan denna effekt vara av sådan magnitud att det ger oss en helt felaktig bild om den negligeras? Detta är vad denna rapport syftar till att svara på.
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Manipulation de champs quantiques mésoscopiques / Manipulation of mesoscopic quantum fieldsFerreyrol, Franck 22 March 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse concerne la manipulation à l'échelle quantique du champ électromagnétique dans le cadre de l'information quantique à variables continues. Pour ce faire nous mélangeons les outils de l'optique quantique à variables discrètes, où la lumière est décrite en termes de photons, avec l'approche continue, traitant des quadratures du champ. Cette technique permet de produire des états non-classiques décrits par des fonctions de Wigner prenant des valeurs négatives. Nous avons pu générer des états intriqués à partir d'impulsions lumineuses initialement indépendantes et pouvant être séparées par une longue distance, l'intrication s'effectuant au travers d'un canal acceptant de fortes pertes. Nous avons ensuite démontré et caractérisé expérimentalement un protocole non-déterministe permettant d'amplifier de faibles signaux sans en amplifier le bruit quantique, augmentant ainsi le rapport signal sur bruit. Puis nous avons mis en œuvre et comparé expérimentalement différentes mesures de non-gaussianité d'un état quantique : ce caractère propre à une description continue de la lumière est d'un intérêt capital pour l'information quantique. Enfin nous avons développé et testé deux améliorations pour notre dispositif. La première est un amplificateur femtoseconde pour notre laser impulsionnel, qui permettra d'obtenir de meilleurs états de départ pour nos expériences. La deuxième est un appareil capable de discriminer le nombre de photon, donnant ainsi des résultats plus précis que ceux des détecteurs dont nous disposons actuellement qui sont uniquement capable de détecter la présence de photons. / This thesis aims at handling the electromagnetic field at a quantum scale in the area of quantum information processing. For this purpose we mixed tools of discrete variable quantum optics, where light is described in terms of photons, with the continuous approach, which uses the quadratures of the field. This technique enables the production of non-classical states which should be described by Wigner functions that takes negative values. We have generated entangled states from ultra-short light pulses initially independent and which can be separated by a long distance: the entanglement is indeed performed through a low-transmission channel. Then we have experimentally demonstrated and characterized a protocol that non-deterministically amplifies low signals without amplifying the quantum noise, increasing the signal to noise ratio. Furthermore we experimentally implement and compared several measures of the non-gaussianity of a quantum state: this characteristic, which belongs to continuous description of light, is of essential interest for quantum information processing. Finally we develop and test two improvements for our setup. The first one is a femtosecond amplifier for our pulsed laser. It will enable us to obtain better primitive states for our experiments. The second one is an apparatus that can discriminate the number of photon in a pulse, giving more accurate results than the detectors we used up to now that are only able to detect the presence of photons.
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