Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kuantum 1heory"" "subject:"kuantum btheory""
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Perturbative and Nonperturbative Aspects of Jet Quenching in Near-Critical Quark-Gluon PlasmasXu, Jiechen January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, we construct two QCD based energy loss models to perform quantitative analysis of jet quenching observables in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and the LHC.
We first build up a perturbative QCD based CUJET2.0 jet flavor tomography model that couples the dynamical running coupling DGLV opacity series to bulk data constrained relativistic viscous hydrodynamic backgrounds. It solves the strong heavy quark energy loss puzzle at RHIC and explains the surprising transparency of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) at the LHC. The observed azimuthal anisotropy of hard leading hadrons requires a path dependent jet-medium coupling in CUJET2.0 that implies physics of nonperturbative origin.
To explore the nonperturbative chromo-electric and chromo-magnetic structure of the strongly-coupled QGP through jet probes, we build up a new CUJET3.0 framework that includes in CUJET2.0 both Polyakov loop suppressed semi-QGP chromo-electric charges and emergent chromo-magnetic monopoles in the critical transition regime. CUJET3.0 quantitatively describes the anisotropic hadron suppression at RHIC and the LHC. More significantly, it provides a robust connection between the long wavelength "perfect fluidity'' of the QGP and the short distance jet transport in the QGP. This framework paves the way for ``measuring'' both perturbative and nonperturbative properties of the QGP, and more importantly for probing color confinement through jet quenching.
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Quantização covariante de sistemas mecânicos / Covariant Quantization of Mechanical SystemsAssirati, João Luis Meloni 27 April 2010 (has links)
Estudamos as restrições impostas pelo princípio da covariância sobre o procedimento de quantização em espaços planos e curvos. Mostramos que o conjunto de todas as quantizações covariantes em espaços planos em coordenadas retangulares é composto de ordenamentos de operadores de posição e momento e exibimos uma parametrização funcional deste conjunto. Deduzimos regras para a quantização covariante em espaços planos em coordenadas gerais. Generalizamos estas quantizações para espaços curvos e mostramos que nestes espaços, além da ambiguidade de ordenamento, surge uma nova ambiguidade relacionada à curvatura. Este novo tipo de ambiguidade explica o surgimento de uma classe grande de potenciais quânticos no problema da quantização de uma partícula não relativística em um espaço curvo. / We study the restrictions imposed by the covariance principle on the quantization procedure in flat and curved spaces. We show that the set of all covariant quantizations in flat spaces in rectangular coordinates is composed of position and momentum operator orderings and exhibit a functional parametrization of this set. We deduce rules for the covariant quantization in flat spaces in general coordinates. We generalize these quantizations for curved spaces and show that in such spaces, besides the ordering ambiguity, it appears a new ambiguity related to the curvature. This new kind of ambiguity explains the appearence of a wide class of quantum potentials in the problem of quantization of a non-relativistic particle in curved space.
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Setor eletrofraco fortemente acoplado na escala TeV: teoria e fenomenologia no LHC. / TeV scale strongly coupled electro weak sector: theory and phenomenology at the LHC.Lascio, Eduardo Roberto De 23 September 2011 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta estudos sobre uma possível extensão do Modelo Padrão, suas características teóricas e fenomenológicas. São estudados aspectos do Modelo Padrão relevantes para a análise do setor eletrofraco. Motivado pela solução do problema da hierarquia, é introduzido um espaço de cinco dimensões, com a quinta dimensão curva e compactificada em orbifold. Neste espaço são analisados campos escalares, espinoriais e vetoriais, exibindo modos excitados, os chamados modos de Kaluza-Klein. É incluída uma quarta geração de férmions, sendo então possível obter um setor eletrofraco fortemente acoplado na escala TeV, com a condensação de quarks. Este mecanismo é consequência de acoplamentos não universais com o primeiro modo de Kaluza-Klein do glúon, acoplamentos mais intensos com a quarta geração de quarks. É feita a determinação dos parâmetros dos quarks no espaço de cinco dimensões, resultando no setor de quarks do Modelo Padrão como limite da teoria a baixas energias. A análise teórica termina com a determinação dos acoplamentos dos quarks com o primeiro modo de Kaluza-Klein do glúon. Valendo-se da propriedade de o primeiro modo excitado do glúon trocar sabor, mesmo sendo uma partícula neutra, um estudo fenomenológico é realizado, mostrando que é possível observar eventos no LHC que indicam haver o setor fortemente acoplado, mediante a aplicação dos cortes descritos neste trabalho. / This thesis presents studies concerning a possible extension of the Standard Model, its theoretical and phenomenological characteristics. Aspects of the Standard Model that are relevant for the analysis of the electroweak sector are studied. In order to solve the hierarchy problem, a space with ve dimensions is introduced, with the fth dimension curved and compactied in orbifold. Within this space scalar, spinorial and vectorial elds are analysed, showing excited modes, the so-called Kaluza-Klein modes. A fourth generation of fermions is included, which makes it possible to obtain a strongly coupled electroweak sector at the TeV scale, with quarks condensation. This mechanism is possible due to non-universal couplings with the rst Kaluza-Klein mode of the gluon, couplings which are stronger with the fourth generation quarks. The quarks parameters in the ve-dimensional space are determined, leading to the quark sector of the Standard Model as a low energy limit of the theory. The theoretical analysis is nished by the determination of the quarks couplings with the rst Kaluza-Klein mode of the gluon. Using the property of avor exchange by the gluon, even this being a neutral particle, a phenomenological study is carried out, showing that is possible to observe events at the LHC that indicate the existence of the strongly coupled sector, by means of the use of the cuts described in this work.
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Mesoscopic quantum ratchets and the thermodynamics of energy selective electron heat enginesHumphrey, Tammy Ellen, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2003 (has links)
A ratchet is an asymmetric, non-equilibrated system that can produce a directed current of particles without the need for macroscopic potential gradients. In rocked quantum electron ratchets, tunnelling and wave-reflection can induce reversals in the direction of the net current as a function of system parameters. An asymmetric quantum point contact in a GaAs/GaAlAs heterostructure has been studied experimentally as a realisation of a quantum electron ratchet. A Landauer model predicts reversals in the direction of the net current as a function of temperature, amplitude of the rocking voltage, and Fermi energy. Artifacts such as circuit-induced asymmetry, also known as self-gating, were carefully removed from the experimental data, which showed net current and net differential conductance reversals, as predicted by the model. The model also predicts the existence of a heat current where the net electron current changes sign, as equal numbers of high and low energy electrons are pumped in opposite directions. An idealised quantum electron ratchet is studied analytically as an energy selective electron heat engine and refrigerator. The hypothetical device considered consists of two electron reservoirs with different temperatures and Fermi energies. The reservoirs are linked via a resonant state in a quantum dot, which functions as an idealised energy filter for electrons. The efficiency of the device approaches the Carnot value when the energy transmitted by the filter is tuned to that where the Fermi distributions in the reservoirs are equal. The maximum power regime, where the filter transmits all electrons that contribute positively to the power, is also examined. Analytic expressions are obtained for the power and efficiency of the idealised device as both a heat engine and as a refrigerator in this regime of operation. The expressions depend on the ratio of the voltage to the difference in temperature of the reservoirs, and on the ratio of the reservoir temperatures. The energy selective electron heat engine is shown to be non-endoreversible, and to operate in an analogous manner to the three-level amplifier, a laser based quantum heat engine. Implications for improving the efficiency of thermionic refrigerators and power generators are discussed.
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Optique quantique avec des nanotubes de carbone mono-paroisGalland, Christophe 27 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette dissertation nous présentons une étude expérimentale et théorique sur les propriétés optiques de nanotubes de carbone mono-parois (SWNTs) semi-conducteurs. Nous nous concentrons sur les aspects et phénomènes typiquement quantiques dont la description nécessite de sortir du cadre de la physique classique et des équations de Maxwell. Notre résultat experimental le plus important est l'observation du dégroupement des photons dans la photoluminescence (FL) émise par les SWNTs. Tenant compte des particularités de notre échantillon qui consiste de SWNTs enrobés dans un surfactant et déposés sur un substrat fonctionalisé, nous montrons que l'absence d'émission simultanée de plusieurs photons est dûe à la localisation des excitons dans des pièges de quelques nanomètres de long sur nanotube. L'annihilation exciton-¬exciton rapide et efficace résultant de la dimension réduite des nanotubes de carbone joue un role déterminant pour éviter l'émission de paires de photons. La fidèle reproduction des larges lignes asymétriques en FL par un model physique reposant sur le confinement des excitons supporte cette vision. Nous calculons le spectre d'une boîte quantique (QD) formée sur un SWNT et démontrons que le couplage de l'exciton avec les phonons acoustiques de faible énergie du nanotube cause un déphasage ultra-rapide et non-markovien de l'état optiquement excité. Dans le domaine spectral, la force d'oscillateur est transférée de la transition sans phonon (ZFL) vers des ailes associées aux phonons et présentant une forte asymétrie aux températures cryogéniques. Nous prouvons que nos données sont des preuves directes de la réalisation expérimentale du modèle spin-boson dans le régime (sous-)ohmique. Ceci est une conséquence de l'uni-dimensionnalité du bain de phonons se réfléchissant dans la densité spectrale gouvernant les dissipations. Nous soulignons les différences qua-litatives par rapport aux boîtes quantiques traditionnels dans une matrice à trois dimensions, et discutons brièvement les conséquences pour l'utilisation des SWNT¬QDs dans le traitement d'information quantique. Une possibilité passionnante ouverte par le fort couplage exciton-phonon dans les nanotubes de carbone est leur utilisation comme résonateurs mécaniques pour le refroidissement assisté par laser. Nous proposons un dispositif basé sur un SWNT suspendu où le confinement de l'exciton est contrôlé par de fines pointes servant de grilles. Le potentiel appliqué aux pointes peut en outre être utilisé pour induire le couplage de l'exciton au mode de flexion du SWNT et pour régler sa force. La diffusion inélastique d'un faible laser désaccordé vers le rouge permet alors de réduire le nombre d'occupation du mode fondamental de flexion jusqu'àl'état fondamental quantique. Dans une tentative de donner une image unifiée pour l'ensemble de nos obser-vations expérimentales, nous proposons aussi une origine physique à la formation de SWNT-QDs dans notre échantillon. Nous considérons la présence d'une impureté h chargée dans les environs du nanotube et démontrons que le champ électrique qui en résulte piège les excitons du SWNT. Les caractéristiques particulières de ce potentiel confinant pourraient expliquer la plupart des caractéristiques expérimentales. Enfin, nous montrons comment le couplage spin-orbite non-nul récemment me-surédans des expériences de transport permet la manipulation purement optique du spin dans des nanotubes de carbone. Nous effectuons des simulations numériques basées sur les équations de Bloch pour démontrer que la préparation du spin avec haute fidélitéest réalisable. La manipulation optique cohérente du spin et de pos¬sibles utilisations du spin des nanotubes de carbone dans le traitement quantique de l'information sont également discutées. Alliant de nouveaux résultats expérimentaux surprenants et de diverses études théoriques et numériques, ce travail met l'accent sur le potentiel fascinant des nano-tubes de carbone dans l'étude de la physique quantique des matériaux de dimension réduite.
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Generalizations Of The Quantum Search AlgorithmTulsi, Tathagat Avatar 27 April 2009 (has links)
Quantum computation has attracted a great deal of attention from the scientific community in recent years. By using the quantum mechanical phenomena of superposition and entanglement, a quantum computer can solve certain problems much faster than classical computers. Several quantum algorithms have been developed to demonstrate this quantum speedup. Two important examples are Shor’s algorithm for the factorization problem, and Grover’s algorithm for the search problem. Significant efforts are on to build a large scale quantum computer for implementing these quantum algorithms.
This thesis deals with Grover’s search algorithm, and presents its several generalizations that perform better in specific contexts. While writing the thesis, we have assumed the familiarity of readers with the basics of quantum mechanics and computer science. For a general introduction to the subject of quantum computation, see [1].
In Chapter 1, we formally define the search problem as well as present Grover’s search algorithm [2]. This algorithm, or more generally the quantum amplitude amplification algorithm [3, 4], drives a quantum system from a prepared initial state (s) to a desired target state (t). It uses O(α-1 = | (t−|s)| -1) iterations of the operator g = IsIt on |s), where { IsIt} are selective phase inversions selective phase inversions of the corresponding states. That is a quadratic speedup over the simple scheme of O(α−2) preparations of |s) and subsequent projective measurements. Several generalizations of Grover’s algorithm exist.
In Chapter 2, we study further generalizations of Grover’s algorithm. We analyse the iteration of the search operator S = DsI t on |s) where Ds is a more general transformation than Is, and I t is a selective phase rotation of |t) by angle . We find sufficient conditions for S to produce a successful quantum search algorithm.
In Chapter 3, we demonstrate that our general framework encapsulates several previous generalizations of Grover’s algorithm. For example, the phase-matching condition for the search operator requires the angles and and to be almost equal for a successful quantum search. In Kato’s algorithm, the search operator is where Ks consists of only single-qubit gates, which are easier to implement physically than multi-qubit gates. The spatial search algorithms consider the search operator where is a spatially local operator and provides implementation advantages over Is. The analysis of Chapter 2 provides a simpler understanding of all these special cases.
In Chapter 4, we present schemes to improve our general quantum search algorithm, by controlling the operators through an ancilla qubit. For the case of two dimensional spatial search problem, these schemes yield an algorithm with time complexity . Earlier algorithms solved this problem in time steps, and it was an open question to design a faster algorithm. The schemes can also be used to find, for a given unitary operator, an eigenstate corresponding to a specified eigenvalue.
In Chapter 5, we extend the analysis of Chapter 2 to general adiabatic quantum search. It starts with the ground state |s) of an initial Hamiltonian Hs and evolves adiabatically to the target state |t) that is the ground state of the final Hamiltonian The evolution uses a time dependent Hamiltonian HT that varies linearly with time . We show that the minimum excitation gap of HT is proportional to α. Also, the ground state of HT changes significantly only within a very narrow interval of width around the transition point, where the excitation gap has its minimum. This feature can be used to reach the target state (t) using adiabatic evolution for time
In Chapter 6, we present a robust quantum search algorithm that iterates the operator on |s) to successfully reach |t), whereas Grover’s algorithm fails if as per the phase-matching condition. The robust algorithm also works when is generalized to multiple target states. Moreover, the algorithm provides a new search Hamiltonian that is robust against certain systematic perturbations.
In Chapter 7, we look beyond the widely studied scenario of iterative quantum search algorithms, and present a recursive quantum search algorithm that succeeds with transformations {Vs,Vt} sufficiently close to {Is,It.} Grover’s algorithm generally fails if while the recursive algorithm is nearly optimal as long as , improving the error tolerance of the transformations.
The algorithms of Chapters 6-7 have applications in quantum error-correction, when systematic errors affect the transformations The algorithms are robust as long as the errors are small, reproducible and reversible. This type of errors arise often from imperfections in apparatus setup, and so the algorithms increase the flexibility in physical implementation of quantum search.
In Chapter 8, we present a fixed-point quantum search algorithm. Its state evolution monotonically converges towards |t), unlike Grover’s algorithm where the evolution passes through |t) under iterations of the operator . In q steps, our algorithm monotonically reduces the failure probability, i.e. the probability of not getting |t), from . That is asymptotically optimal for monotonic convergence. Though the fixed-point algorithm is of not much use for , it is useful when and each oracle query is highly expensive.
In Chapter 9, we conclude the thesis and present an overall outlook.
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Spin-nematic squeezing in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensateHamley, Christopher David 17 January 2012 (has links)
The primary study of this thesis is spin-nematic squeezing in a spin-1 condensate.
The measurement of spin-nematic squeezing builds on the success of previous experiments of spin-mixing together with advances in low noise atom counting.
The major contributions of this thesis are linking theoretical models to experimental results and the development of the intuition and tools to address the squeezed subspaces.
Understanding how spin-nematic squeezing is generated and how to measure it has required a review of several theoretical models of spin-mixing as well as extending these existing models. This extension reveals that the squeezing is between quadratures of a spin moment and a nematic (quadrapole) moment in abstract subspaces of the SU(3) symmetry group of the spin-1 system.
The identification of the subspaces within the SU(3) symmetry allowed the development of techniques using RF and microwave oscillating magnetic fields to manipulate the phase space in order to measure the spin-nematic squeezing. Spin-mixing from a classically meta-stable state, the phase space manipulation, and low noise atom counting form the core of the experiment to measure spin-nematic squeezing. Spin-nematic squeezing is also compared to its quantum optics analogue, two-mode squeezing generated by four-wave mixing.
The other experimental study in this thesis is performing spin-dependent photo-association spectroscopy. Spin-mixing is known to depend on the difference of the strengths of the scattering channels of the atoms. Optical Feshbach resonances have been shown to be able to alter these scattering lengths but with prohibitive losses of atoms near the resonance. The possibility of using multiple nearby resonances from different scattering channels has been proposed to overcome this limitation. However there was no spectroscopy in the literature which analyzes for the different scattering channels of atoms for the same initial states. Through analysis of the initial atomic states, this thesis studies how the spin state of the atoms affects what photo-association resonances are available to the colliding atoms based on their scattering channel and how this affects the optical Feshbach resonances. From this analysis a prediction is made for the extent of alteration of spin-mixing achievable as well as the impact on the atom loss rate.
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Stability of ion chains in a cryogenic surface-electrode ion trapVittorini, Grahame D. 13 January 2014 (has links)
Cold, trapped atomic ions have enabled the investigation of fundamental physics and generated a rich field of applications. Foremost among these is quantum computation which has recently driven the development of the sophisticated, scalable surface-electrode trap. Despite the many advantages of surface-electrode traps, the typically smaller ion-electrode distance, d, in these traps results in an increased ion heating rate that is proportional to d^(-4) and a decreased trap well-depth that is proportional to d^(-2). These shortcomings can be simultaneously addressed by installing the trap into a cryogenic environment. With this in mind, a closed-cycle, cryogenic ion trapping apparatus that maintains excellent vacuum, is highly modular, has increased optical access, and uses a simple vibration isolation system has been developed.
Single ions are trapped and used to characterize system properties such as the motion of the vibration isolation stage. In order to compare this system to a similar room temperature apparatus, the ion trapping lifetime and heating rate are determined. A single ion also serves as a sensitive electric field probe that is used to measure and compensate stray electric fields across the trap.
Due to the long dark ion lifetimes in this system, it is well-suited to probing the stability of small, linear ion crystals. Linear ion crystals of arbitrary length are built in an automated fashion using transport waveforms and the scaling of dark lifetime with ion number for N <= 6 is investigated. These data are then used to consider the relevance of various loss channels.
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Quantum control of a many-body system in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensateHoang, Thai Minh 13 January 2014 (has links)
Ultracold atoms provide a powerful tool for studying quantum control of interacting many-body systems with well-characterized and controllable Hamiltonians. In this thesis, we demonstrate quantum control of a many-body system consisting of a ferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). By tuning the Hamiltonian of the system, we can generate either a phase space with an unstable hyperbolic fixed point or a phase space with an elliptical fixed point. A classical pendulum with a stable oscillation about the "down" position and an inverted pendulum with unstable non-equilibrium dynamics about the "up" position are classical analogs of the quantum spin dynamics we investigate in this thesis. In one experiment, we dynamically stabilize the system about an unstable hyperbolic fixed point, which is similar to stabilizing an inverted pendulum. In a second experiment, we parametrically excite the system by modulating the quadratic Zeeman energy. In addition, we demonstrate rectifier phase control as a new method to manipulate the quantum states of the many-body system. This is similar to parametric excitation and manipulation of the oscillation angle of a classical pendulum. These experiments demonstrate the ability to control a quantum system realized in a spinor BEC, and they also can be applied to other quantum systems. In addition, we extend our studies to atoms above the Bose-Einstein transition temperature, and we present results on thermal spin relaxation processes and equilibrium spin populations.
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Estudi Teòric mitjançant Mètodes "Bottom-Up" de la Interacció Magnètica en Sòlids MolecularsJornet Somoza, Joaquim 15 November 2010 (has links)
Aquesta tesi doctoral s'emmarca dins de la Química Computacional. Usant el procediment de Primers Principis Bottom-Up, es pot relacionar les propietats magnètiques microscòpiques d'un cristall moleculars (interaccions magnètics, J) amb les macroscòpiques. Aquesta relació té lloc a partir de la definició de la topologia magnètica. Els projectes desenvolupats al llarg de la tesi han permès establir els mecanismes d'interacció magnètica de diversos cristalls moleculars, buscant així ampliar el coneixement sobre els factors que regulen el comportament magnètic, i continuar una base de dades per trobar una relació magnetoestructural que permeti el disseny racional de materials magnètics amb propietats tecnològiques desitjades.
Els tres primers capítols presenten una introducció i una descripció detallada del procediment de Primers Principis Bottom-Up aixi com els fonaments teòrics necessaris.
El capítol 4 està dedicat a l'estudi dels mecanismes d'interacció magnètica a través de l'espai o aquella que és assistida. S'ha estudiat la influència en la transmissió de la interacció magnètica de l'anell de piridina entre dos radicals de verdazil en el cristall de verdazil-piridil:hidroquinona.
El capítol 5 es centra en l'estudi de l'efecte cooperatiu en la propagació de les interaccions magnètiques. Aquí, s'ha estudiat un gran ventall de cristalls moleculars que presenten diferents topologies magnètiques (d'1D a 3D), i s'ha investigat el canvi de la resposta magnètica. Cal remarcar que tots els resultats de l'estudi teòric del magnetisme d'aquests cristalls han estat contrastats amb dades experimentals. Així doncs, el primer compost estudiat és el cristall CUPZ(N03)2, el qual es considera un prototip de cadena antiferromagnètica, i s'intenta donar una explicació al canvi de dimensionalitat magnètica observat en experiments recents. En segon lloc, es disposa l'estudi del magnetisme del cristall [(dmpyH)2CuBr4] el qual presenta una comportament magnètic d'strong-rail spin-ladder. En aquest treball s'argumenta la necessitat d'incorporar els contraions en el càlcul de les l. Emmarcats en aquesta topologia, es mostren els resultats obtinguts en la comparació de dos cristalls anàlegs, Cu(2,3-dmpz)Ch y Cu(2,3-dmpz)Br2. Les diferències en el comportament magnètic es poden argumentar en base als resultats de l'estudi teòric. El següent apartat està dedicat a l'estudi del cristall [(5MAP)2CuBr4]. L'estudi teòric demostra un comportament com bulk antiferromagnet, corrobora la dificultat de discriminar entre topologies 2D i 3D a partir de mesures de la susceptibilitat magnètica. El quart projecte d'aquest capítol estudia compostos que presenten un comportament magnètic tridimensional. Es descriu el comportament del cristall [(5FAP) 2CuCI4], ja que experimentalment no es podia assignar correctament els valors de les interaccions magnètiques per falta de models analítics 3D. També es descriu el comportament de bulk ferromagnet del compost [p-02N-C6F6-CNSSN]. Comparant els valors de les temperatures de transició magnètica obtingudes per altres cristalls orgànics es conclou que la T(c) no només depèn de la magnitud de les J, sinó també de la topologia. Finalment, es va estudiar la importància de l'ús d'estructures cristal.lines determinades a una temperatura pròxima a la que té lloc el fenomen a estudiar. Es mostra el canvi de dimensionalitat magnètica que presenta el cristall [(dmpyH)2CuBr4] en anar dismimuïnt la temperatura.
L'últim capítol té un caràcter més fonamental on s'analitza les expressions i derivacions de les propietats magnètiques macroscòpiques i es donen els primers passos per interpretar la informació continguda en la funció d'ona magnètica. Es presenten els resultats inicials de l'estudi a nivell quàntic del magnetisme en cristalls moleculars, fent una nova interpretació de les expressions i dels fenòmens magnètics que comporten. Aquest anàlisi es fa a partir de Ies dades que s'obtenen en la diagonalització de l'Hamiltonià de Heisenberg com són les energies i multiplicitats d'spin dels nivells magnètics, així com per primera vegada dels valors de la matriu de densitat d'intercanvi d'spin [Pij]. / This PhD Thesis is embedded on the Computational Chemistry field. The First Principles Bottom-Up Procedure allows us to relate the microscopic magnetic properties of molecular crystals (i.e. the magnetic interaction values with the macroscopic magnetic properties (magnetic susceptibility magnetization M or heat capacity Cp). This relationship comes from the most important step in our work procedure: the description of the magnetic topology.. First, the study of the different magnetic interaction mechanisms and its competition are studied, i.e. the direct through space mechanism vs. the assisted through molecule magnetic interaction. Then, the study of the cooperative effects of the magnetic interaction propagation will be detailed. Keeping in mind this objective, the magnetism of a big variety of real molecular magnets which present different magnetic topology (from 1D to 3D) have been investigated. This study allows us to increase the knowledge about the factors that governs the macroscopic magnetic behaviour, and able us to construct a database to find a magneto-structural relationship to make a rational design of new magnetic materials with desired properties.
Finally, the derivations and expressions of the macroscopic magnetic properties have been reviewed in order to make the first step to get a physical interpretation of the information contained therein the magnetic wave function.
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