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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interaccions moleculars: correcció de l'error de superposició de base i propietat de les funcions flotants

Simon i Rabasseda, Sílvia 24 July 1998 (has links)
A primary interest of this thesis is to obtain a powerful tool for determining structural properties, electrical and reactivity of molecules. A second interest is the study of fundamental error based on complex overlay of bridge hydrogen. One way to correct this error, using Counterpoise correction proposed by Boys and Bernardi. Usually the Counterpoise correction is applied promptly on the geometries previously optimized. Our goal was to find areas of potential which had all the points fixed with CP. These surfaces have a minimum corresponding to a surface other than corrected, ie, the geometric parameters will be different. The curvature of this minimum will also be different, therefore the vibrational frequency will also change when they are corrected with BSSE. Once constructed these surfaces have been studied various complex. It has also been investigated as the method for calculating the error influenced on the basis superposition. / Un primer interés de la tesi és poder obtenir una eina potent de determinació de propietats estrucutrals, elèctriques i de reactivitat de les molècules. Un segon interés fonamental és l’estudi de l’error de superposició de base en complexes de pont d’hidrogen. Una forma de corregir aquest error, és mitjançant la correcció de Counterpoise proposada per Boys i Bernardi. Normalment la correcció de Counterpoise s’aplica puntualment sobre les geometries prèviament optimitzades. El nostre objectiu era trobar superfícies de potencial les quals tinguessin tots els punts corregits amb CP. Aquestes superfícies tenen un mínim diferent del corresponent a una superfície corregida, és a dir, els paràmetres geomètric seran diferents. La curvatura d’aquest mínim també serà diferent, per tant les freqüencies de vibració també canviarà quan aquestes es corregeixen amb BSSE. Un cop construïdes aquestes superfícies, s’han estudiat diferents complexes. També s’ha investigat com el mètode de càlcul influïa sobre l’error de superposició de base.

Truth and tractability: compromising between accuracy and computational cost in quantum computational chemistry methods for noncovalent interactions and metal-salen catalysis

Takatani, Tait 01 July 2010 (has links)
Computational chemists are concerned about two aspects when choosing between the myriad of theoretical methodologies: the accuracy (the "truth") and the computational cost (the tractability). Among the least expensive methods are the Hartree-Fock (HF), density functional theory (DFT), and second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) methods. While each of these methods yield excellent results in many cases, the inadequate inclusion of certain types of electron correlation (either high-orders or nondynamical) can produce erroneous results. The compromise for the computation of noncovalent interactions often comes from empirically scaling DFT and/or MP2 methods to fit benchmark data sets. The DFT method with an empirically fit dispersion term (DFT-D) often yields semi-quantitative results. The spin-component scaled MP2 (SCS-MP2) method parameterizes the same- and opposite-spin correlation energies and often yields less than 20% error for prototype noncovalent systems compared to chemically accurate CCSD(T) results. There is no simple fix for cases with a large degree of nondynamical correlation (such as transition metal-salen complexes). While testing standard and new DFT functionals on the spin-state energy gaps of transition metal-salen complexes, no DFT method produced reliable results compared to very robust CASPT3 results. Therefore each metal-salen complex must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine which methods are the most reliable. Utilizing a combination of DFT-D and SCS-MP2 methods, the reaction mechanism for the addition of cyanide to unsaturated imides catalyzed by the Al(Cl)-salen complex was performed. Various experimental observations are rationalized through this mechanism.

Theoretical Actinide Chemistry – Methods and Models

Wåhlin, Pernilla January 2011 (has links)
The chemistry of actinides in aqueous solution is important, and it is essential to build adequate conceptual models and develop methods applicable for actinide systems. The complex electronic structure makes benchmarking necessary. In the thesis a prototype reaction of the water exchange reaction for uranyl(VI), for both ground and luminescent states, described with a six-water model, was used to study the applicability of density functional methods on actinides and different solvation models. An excellent agreement between the wave function methods CCSD(T) and MP2 was obtained in the ground state, implying that near-minimal CASPT2 can be used with confidence for the reaction in the luminescent state of uranyl(VI), while density functionals are not suited to describe energetics for this type of reaction. There was an ambiguity concerning the position of the waters in the second hydration sphere. This issue was resolved by investigating a larger model, and prop- erly used the six-water model was found to adequately describe the water exchange reaction. The effect of solvation was investigated by comparing the results from conductor-like polarizable continuum models using two cavity models. Scattered numbers made it difficult to determine which solvation model to use. The final conclusion was that the water exchange reaction in the luminescent state of uranyl(VI) should be addressed with near-minimal CASPT2 and a solvation model without explicit cavities for hydrogens. Finally it was shown that no new chemistry appears in the luminescent state for this reaction. The thesis includes a methodological investigation of a multi-reference density functional method based on a range separation of the two-electron interaction. The method depends on a universal parameter, which has been determined for lighter elements. It is shown here that the same parameter could be used for actinides, a prerequisite for further development of the method. The results are in that sense promising.

An ab initio molecular orbital study of some binary complexes of water.

Tshehla, Tankiso Michael. January 1996 (has links)
Ab initio molecular orbital theory has been successful in predicting the stabilities of many weak complexes; typical of these are the complexes formed between water and various small molecules. To account for the correlation effect, Moller-Plesset perturbation theory truncated at the second order level was employed. In order to account for the hydrogen bonding, the 6-3lG** basis set was used. The geometry optimisations of the complexes were carried out using the Gaussian-92 suite of programs installed on a Hewlett-Packard 720 computer operating under UNIX. The interaction energies of the complexes were subjected to further analysis by applying the Morokuma decomposition scheme. The electrostatic interaction component accounts for over 40% of the total stabilisation energy in all the typical hydrogen bonded complexes. Gas phase enthalpies were computed and compared with the experimental values of similar systems. For the systems studied here, the prediction is that all complexes are stable at 25° C. A second program, Vibra, was used for carrying out a normal coordinate analysis. A third computer program for the graphical representation of molecular and crystallographic models, Schakal-92, was employed to illustrate the predicted equilibrium geometries and the fundamental vibrational modes. The predicted geometries, interaction energies, charge redistributions, vibrational wave numbers, infrared intensities and force constants are listed and compared with those in the literature, where applicable. Correlations between the various predicted properties show some interesting chemistry. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1996.

Quantum Chemical Studies of Thermochemistry, Kinetics and Molecular Structure.

Haworth, Naomi Louise January 2003 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a range of chemical problems which are amenable to theoretical investigation via the application of current methods of computational quantum chemistry. These problems include the calculation of accurate thermochemical data, the prediction of reaction kinetics, the study of molecular potential energy surfaces, and the investigation of molecular structures and binding. The heats of formation (from both atomisation energies and isodesmic schemes) of a set of approximately 120 C1 and C2 fluorocarbons and oxidised fluorocarbons (along with C3F6 and CF3CHFCF2) were calculated with the Gaussian-3 (G3) method (along with several approximations thereto). These molecules are of importance in the flame chemistry of 2-H-heptafluoropropane, which has been proposed as a potential fire retardant with which to replace chloro- and bromofluorocarbons (CFC�s and BFC�s). The calculation of the data reported here was carried out in parallel with the modelling studies of Hynes et al.1-3 of shock tube experiments on CF3CHFCF3 and on C3F6 with either hydrogen or oxygen atoms. G3 calculations were also employed in conjunction with the experimental work of Owens et al.4 to describe the pyrolysis of CFClBr2 (giving CFCl) at a radiation wavelength of 265 nm. The theoretical prediction of the dissociation energy of the two C-Br bonds was found to be consistent with the energy at which carbene production was first observed, thus supporting the hypothesis that the pyrolysis releases two bromine radicals (rather than a Br2 molecule). On the basis of this interpretation of the experiments, the heat of formation of CFClBr2 is predicted to be 184 � 5 kJ mol-1, in good agreement with the G3 value of 188 � 5 kJ mol-1. Accurate thermochemical data was computed for 18 small phosphorus containing molecules (P2, P4, PH, PH2, PH3, P2H2, P2H4, PO, PO2, PO3, P2O, P2O2, HPO, HPOH, H2POH, H3PO, HOPO and HOPO2), most of which are important in the reaction model introduced by Twarowski5 for the combustion of H2 and O2 in the presence of phosphine. Twarowski reported that the H + OH recombination reaction is catalysed by the combustion products of PH3 and proposed two catalytic cycles, involving PO2, HOPO and HOPO2, to explain this observation. Using our thermochemical data we computed the rate coefficients of the most important reactions in these cycles (using transition state and RRKM theories) and confirmed that at 2000K both cycles have comparable rates and are significantly faster than the uncatalysed H + OH recombination. The heats of formation used in this work on phosphorus compounds were calculated using the G2, G3, G3X and G3X2 methods along with the far more extensive CCSD(T)/CBS type scheme. The latter is based on the evaluation of coupled cluster energies using the correlation consistent triple-, quadruple- and pentuple-zeta basis sets and extrapolation to the complete basis set (CBS) limit along with core-valence correlation corrections (with counterpoise corrections for phosphorus atoms), scalar relativistic corrections and spin-orbit coupling effects. The CCSD(T)/CBS results are consistent with the available experimental data and therefore constitute a convenient set of benchmark values with which to compare the more approximate Gaussian-n results. The G2 and G3 methods were found to be of comparable accuracy, however both schemes consistently underestimated the benchmark atomisation energies. The performance of G3X is significantly better, having a mean absolute deviation (MAD) from the CBS results of 1.8 kcal mol-1, although the predicted atomisation energies are still consistently too low. G3X2 (including counterpoise corrections to the core-valence correlation energy for phosphorus) was found to give a slight improvement over G3X, resulting in a MAD of 1.5 kcal mol-1. Several molecules were also identified for which the approximations underlying the Gaussian-n methodologies appear to be unreliable; these include molecules with multiple or strained P-P bonds. The potential energy surface of the NNH + O system was investigated using density functional theory (B3LYP/6-31G(2df,p)) with the aim of determining the importance of this route in the production of NO in combustion reactions. In addition to the standard reaction channels, namely decomposition into NO + NH, N2 + OH and H + N2O via the ONNH intermediate, several new reaction pathways were also investigated. These include the direct abstraction of H by O and three product channels via the intermediate ONHN, giving N2 + OH, H + N2O and HNO + N. For each of the species corresponding to stationary points on the B3LYP surface, valence correlated CCSD(T) calculations were performed with the aug-cc-pVxZ (x = Q, 5) basis sets and the results extrapolated to the complete basis set limit. Core-valence correlation corrections, scalar relativistic corrections and spin orbit effects were also included in the resulting energetics and the subsequent calculation of thermochemical data. Heats of formation were also calculated using the G3X method. Variational transition state theory was used to determine the critical points for the barrierless reactions and the resulting B3LYP energetics were scaled to be compatible with the G3X and CCSD(T)/CBS values. As the results of modelling studies are critically dependent on the heat of formation of NNH, more extensive CCSD(T)/CBS calculations were performed for this molecule, predicting the heat of formation to be 60.6 � 0.5 kcal mol-1. Rate coefficients for the overall reaction processes were obtained by the application of multi-well RRKM theory. The thermochemical and kinetic results thus obtained were subsequently used in conjunction with the GRIMech 3.0 reaction data set in modelling studies of combustion systems, including methane / air and CO / H2 / air mixtures in completely stirred reactors. This study revealed that, contrary to common belief, the NNH + O channel is a relatively minor route for the production of NO. The structure of the inhibitor Nd-(N'-Sulfodiaminophosphinyl)-L-ornithine, PSOrn, and the nature of its binding to the OTCase enzyme was investigated using density functional (B3LYP) theory. The B3LYP/6-31G(d) calculations on the model compound, PSO, revealed that, while this molecule could be expected to exist in an amino form in the gas phase, on complexation in the active site of the enzyme it would be expected to lose two protons to form a dinegative imino tautomer. This species is shown to bind strongly to two H3CNHC(NH2)2+ moieties (model compounds for arginine residues), indicating that the strong binding observed between inhibitor and enzyme is partially due to electrostatic interactions as well as extensive hydrogen bonding (both model Arg+ residues form hydrogen bonds to two different sites on PSO). Population analysis and hydrogen bonding studies have revealed that the intramolecular bonding in this species consists of either single or semipolar bonds (that is, S and P are not hypervalent) and that terminal oxygens (which, being involved in semipolar bonds, carry negative charges) can be expected to form up to 4 hydrogen bonds with residues in the active site. In the course of this work several new G3 type methods were proposed, including G3MP4(SDQ) and G3[MP2(Full)], which are less expensive approximations to G3, and G3X2, which is an extension of G3X designed to incorporate additional electron correlation. As noted earlier, G3X2 shows a small improvement on G3X; G3MP4(SDQ) and G3[MP2(Full)], in turn, show good agreement with G3 results, with MAD�s of ~ 0.4 and ~ 0.5 kcal mol-1 respectively. 1. R. G. Hynes, J. C. Mackie and A. R. Masri, J. Phys. Chem. A, 1999, 103, 5967. 2. R. G. Hynes, J. C. Mackie and A. R. Masri, J. Phys. Chem. A, 1999, 103, 54. 3. R. G. Hynes, J. C. Mackie and A. R. Masri, Proc. Combust. Inst., 2000, 28, 1557. 4. N. L. Owens, Honours Thesis, School of Chemistry, University of Sydney, 2001. 5. A. Twarowski, Combustion and Flame, 1995, 102, 41.

Experimentos mentais no ensino de ciências: implementação de uma sequência didática

Kiouranis, Neide Maria Michellan [UNESP] 22 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-06-22Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:02:42Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 kiouranis_nmm_dr_bauru.pdf: 28976036 bytes, checksum: 3a8492dd7821465a9e1d894cc6bdd088 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa é fruto do desenvolvimento de uma sequência didática sobre o comportamento das entidades físicas: partícula, onde e partícula-onda no Experimento da Supla Fenda, numa versão adaptada de Feynman e colaboradores e foi desenvolvida com estudantes de terceira série do ensino superior do curso de Química, disciplina Química Quântica, de uma universidade pública estadual. O objetivo geral do estudo foi discutir os fundamentos e práticas de experimentos mentais, tendo como parâmetro a utilização de diversas alternativas didáticas e seus desdobramentos para o ensino nas disciplinas científicas. A pesquisa de cunho qualitativo ancora-se nos fundamentos dos experimentos mentais e tem por base as teorias que visam promover a comunicação verbal e escrita dos conhecimentos científicos. O problema de pesquisa originou-se das dificuldades que os estudantes demonstravam em sala de aula para explicar e debater suas idéias, de maneira significativa, inteligível e dinâmica, quando estas exigiam deles o domínio da verbalização de conhecimentos científicos sobre o experimento da dupla fenda. Para interpretação e análise dos dados, utilizou-se a vertente interpretativa por meio de instrumentos e técnicas que permitem, principalmente, a descrição e interpretação de fatos e fenômenos, a recuperação de sentidos, tendo como base a investigação interpretativa do conjunto de materiais empíricos que se transformaram em textos. Os resultados revelam que os procedimentos didáticos utilizados são relevantes por possibilitarem a problematização, a discussão, o uso da imaginação e da linguagem verbal e escrita, pouco usuais em contextos de aulas de Química Quântica. Com relação aos textos, tanto aqueles transcritos das discussões e das falas dos estudantes quanto os que foram produzidos durante o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, por solicitação do professor... / This research is the result of the development of a didactic sequence on the behavior of physical entities: particle, wave and wave-particle in the Double-Slit Experiment, in an adapted version from Feynman and assistants, which was developed with university students from the third grade of the Chemistry course, in the discipline of Quantum Chemistry, at a Brazilian public state university. The study aimed to discuss the fundaments and practices of thought experiments by using several didactic alternatives and its unfoldings to the teaching of scientific disciplines. The research, of qualitative basis, is anchored to the fundaments of thought experiments grounded on theories aiming to promote verbal and written communication of scientific knowledge. The research problem focuses on the difficulties that the students show in the classroom in order to explain and discuss their ideas when theses require that they master verbalization of scientific knowledge on the double-slit experiment in a meaningful, significant and dynamic manner. To the purpose of data interpretation and analysis, we used the interpretative perspective by means of the methodological and theoretical. Results revealed that the didactic procedures used are relevant since they allow problematization, discussion, the use of imagination and of verbal and written language, quite rare in classroom contexts of Quantum Chemistry. Regarding the texts, both the ones transcribed during the discussions and the students' speeches and those produced during the development of the research, required by the teacher, deserve attention. The text productions were found considerably reduced, fragmented, lacking progression and continuity of ideas, and also lacking the interconnected sequence of the parts that constitute an articulated whole. By means of discourse analysis, we detected loss of the line of unity that assures its interpretability... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Uso de métodos semiempíricos para o estudo da aplicação de redes híbridas de coordenação como carreadores de fármacos e dispositivos luminescentes

Rodrigues, Nailton Martins 01 March 2013 (has links)
Releases on literature involving MOFs (Metal Organic Framework), has undergone significant growth on last years, Although applications using theoretical methods with these structures are still scant. The present work initially evaluated the predictive ability of the MOFs structures in the solid phase through the semiempirical AM1, PM3 and PM6 methods. We considered 82 different coordination networks composed of 26 different metal centers, drawn from articles published in the last five years. With relation to MOFs formed by metals (Al, Zn, Hg, Pb, Ba, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Y, Ag, Cd, Sr, Ga, Mg) the results suggest that the PM6 method is the most accurate results in close agreement with the respective experimental structures. Regarding MOFs that consist of trivalent lanthanide ions, our results suggest that the use of Sparkle/PM3 model premises the solid phase calculation of MOFs of various types with high accuracy. The use of semiempirical method is justified by the fact that MOFs are structures whose unit cell usually has more than 100 atoms, which makes the method the most ideal for their application in this study. As is known the use of semiempirical methods shows good results and requires a littler computational cost when compared with DFT (Density Functional Theory) and HF (Hartree-Fock) methodologies. Based on these results, it was found that the Sparkle/PM6 semiempirical method is the most suitable for studying the chemical interactions between the drug Doxorubicin and ZIF-8 MOF, when this one is used as Doxorubicin carrier. The teoric results suggest that occurs adsorption of the drug with the surface of ZIF-8 and docking study provided five different interactions by adsorption. The studies comparing different Sparkle models considering calculations at solid phase and vacuum indicated the solid phase calculation as the most appropriate for this type of study, and the Sparkle/PM3 method stood out as the most efficient for this purpose. The simulation of the structure with variation in temperature resulted in convincing luminescence data with those obtained experimentally. The MOF named EuMell1, was the used in these studies / Relatos na literatura envolvendo asMOFs (Metal Orgânic Framework), têmaumentado consideravelmente nos últimos anos, no entanto, trabalhos envolvendo métodos teóricos computacionais com estas estruturas ainda são escassos. O presente trabalho inicialmente avalia a capacidade de predição das estruturas em fase sólida de MOFs através dos métodos semiempíricos AM1, PM3 e PM6. Foram consideradas 82 diferentes redes de coordenação compostas por 26 diferentes centros metálicos, retiradas de artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos. Com relação às MOFs formadas pelos metais (Al, Zn, Hg, Pb, Ba, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Y, Ag, Cd, Sr, Ga, Mg) os resultados obtidos sugerem que o método PM6 mostrou-se o mais exato apresentando resultados em grande concordância com as respectivas estruturas experimentais. Com relação às MOFs compostas por íons lantanídeos trivalentes os resultados obtidos sugerem que a utilização do modelo Sparkle/PM3 permite o cálculo em fase sólida de MOFs dos mais variados tipos com elevada exatidão. O uso do método semiempírico se justifica pelo fato das MOFs serem estruturas cuja célula unitária geralmente possui mais que 100 átomos, o que torna o método o mais ideal para sua aplicação neste estudo, pois o uso dos métodos semiempíricos apresentam bons resultados e requerem menores custo computacional quando comparado com as metodologias DFT (Teoria do Funcional da Densidade) e HF( Hartree-Fock)). Com base nos resultados obtidos com as otimizações, constatou-se que o método semiempírico Sparkle/PM6 é omais indicado para estudar as interações entre o fármaco Doxorrubicina e a MOF ZIF-8, quando esta é utilizada como veículo carreador da Doxorrubicina. Os resultados teóricos sugerem que ocorre a adsorção do fármaco com a superfície da ZIF-8 e o estudo de docking forneceu cinco possibilidades de interação via adsorção. Os estudos de comparação entre os diferentes modelos Sparkle considerando cálculos em fase sólida e no vácuo indicaram o cálculo em fase sólida como o mais indicado paraotimização estrutural desse tipo de sistema, e o método Sparkle/PM3 se sobressaiu como o mais eficiente para este fim. O cálculo da estrutura com simulação da variação de temperatura, resultou em dados luminescentes em grande acordo com os valores obtidas experimentalmente. A MOF denominada deEuMell 1, foi a utilizada nestes estudos.

Moléculas em aglomerados e em meio líquido / Molecules in clusters and in a liquid state

Eudes Eterno Fileti 15 December 2004 (has links)
As mudanças nas propriedades estruturais, eletrônicas, óticas e magnéticas de moléculas em aglomerados e em meio líquido são apresentadas. Para os aglomerados moleculares tais propriedades foram obtidas usando métodos ab initio tradicionais de mecânica quântica em configurações otimizadas de mínima energia. A fase líquida é mais complexa e ainda hoje se mostra como um desafio teórico. Modelos convencionais para a descrição teórica dos efeitos de solvente, como o campo de reação auto-consistente e a aproximação de aglomerado rígido, apesar de largamente aplicados não satisfazem importantes características da fase líquida como, por exemplo, a natureza estatística dos líquidos. Adicionalmente, interações específicas tais como, formação de ligações de hidrogênio e transferência de carga são mais difíceis de incluir. Modelos mais realísticos para tratar a estrutura eletrônica de sistemas líquidos envolvem algum tipo de simulação computacional. Entre estes, os métodos conhecidos como QM/MM são modelos híbridos aplicados com sucesso e que empregam tanto simulações clássicas como métodos de mecânica quântica. Existem hoje dois principais tipos de cálculos QM/MM. Nos cálculos convencionais, o sistema é particionado em duas regiões (clássica e quântica) e0 as interações são calculadas separada e simultaneamente. Nos cálculos seqüenciais QM/MM, as configurações do líquido são geradas via simulações clássicas e posteriormente submetidas a cálculos quânticos. Neste trabalho a metodologia seqüencial (Simulação/MQ) foi empregada no estudo de sistemas em fase líquida, como soluções aquosas de piridina e metanol e líquidos homogêneos como benzeno e água. Empregando simulações Monte Carlo ou Dinâmica Molecular as estruturas do líquido são geradas à temperatura ambiente para subsequentes cálculos quânticos. Os resultados para o líquido são comparados com aqueles obtidos para a molécula isolada e fornecem uma clara descrição dos efeitos de solvente. Entre as propriedades estudadas nesta tese estão energia de interação, momento de dipolo, freqüência vibracional, polarizabilidade, blindagem magnética e propriedades de espalhamento Raman e Rayleigh. / The changes of structural, electronic, optical and magnetic properties of molecules in clusters and in liquid phase are presented. For molecular clusters such properties were obtained using traditional and well defined quantum mechanics of initio methods in the minimum energy geometry - optimized configurations. The liquid phase is more complex and represents a current theoretical challenge. Conventional models for theoretical description of solvent effects, such as self-consistent reaction field and rigid cluster approximation, although widely applied do not satisfy important characteristics of the liquid phase such as the formation of hydrogen bonds and charge transfer are more difficult to include. More realistic models to treat the electronic structure of liquid systems include some sort of computer simulation. Among these the so-called QM/MM methods are successful hybrid models that uses both the classical simulation and quantum mechanics. There are now two main classes of QM/MM calculations. In the conventional QM/MM the system is partitioned into two regions (classical and quantum) and the interactions are calculated separated and simultaneously. In the sequential QM/MM, the configurations of the liquid are generated via classical simulations and subsequently the quantum calculations are performed. In this work the sequential methodology (Simulation/MQ) is used to study molecular systems in the liquid phase as aqueous solutions of pyridine and methanol and homogeneous liquid as water and benzene. Using Monte Carlo or Molecular Dynamics simulations liquid structures at room temperature are generated for subsequent quantum mechanics calculations. The results for the liquid are compared with those obtained for the isolated molecule and give a clear picture of the liquid effects. Among the properties studied in this thesis are interaction energies, dipole moments, vibrational frequencies, polarizabilities, magnetic shielding, chemical shift and optical properties of the Raman and Rayleigh scattering.

Uso de métodos semiempíricos para o estudo da aplicação de redes híbridas de coordenação como carreadores de fármacos e dispositivos luminescentes

Rodrigues, Nailton Martins 01 March 2013 (has links)
Releases on literature involving MOFs (Metal Organic Framework), has undergone significant growth on last years, Although applications using theoretical methods with these structures are still scant. The present work initially evaluated the predictive ability of the MOFs structures in the solid phase through the semiempirical AM1, PM3 and PM6 methods. We considered 82 different coordination networks composed of 26 different metal centers, drawn from articles published in the last five years. With relation to MOFs formed by metals (Al, Zn, Hg, Pb, Ba, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Y, Ag, Cd, Sr, Ga, Mg) the results suggest that the PM6 method is the most accurate results in close agreement with the respective experimental structures. Regarding MOFs that consist of trivalent lanthanide ions, our results suggest that the use of Sparkle/PM3 model premises the solid phase calculation of MOFs of various types with high accuracy. The use of semiempirical method is justified by the fact that MOFs are structures whose unit cell usually has more than 100 atoms, which makes the method the most ideal for their application in this study. As is known the use of semiempirical methods shows good results and requires a littler computational cost when compared with DFT (Density Functional Theory) and HF (Hartree-Fock) methodologies. Based on these results, it was found that the Sparkle/PM6 semiempirical method is the most suitable for studying the chemical interactions between the drug Doxorubicin and ZIF-8 MOF, when this one is used as Doxorubicin carrier. The teoric results suggest that occurs adsorption of the drug with the surface of ZIF-8 and docking study provided five different interactions by adsorption. The studies comparing different Sparkle models considering calculations at solid phase and vacuum indicated the solid phase calculation as the most appropriate for this type of study, and the Sparkle/PM3 method stood out as the most efficient for this purpose. The simulation of the structure with variation in temperature resulted in convincing luminescence data with those obtained experimentally. The MOF named EuMell1, was the used in these studies / Relatos na literatura envolvendo asMOFs (Metal Orgânic Framework), têmaumentado consideravelmente nos últimos anos, no entanto, trabalhos envolvendo métodos teóricos computacionais com estas estruturas ainda são escassos. O presente trabalho inicialmente avalia a capacidade de predição das estruturas em fase sólida de MOFs através dos métodos semiempíricos AM1, PM3 e PM6. Foram consideradas 82 diferentes redes de coordenação compostas por 26 diferentes centros metálicos, retiradas de artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos. Com relação às MOFs formadas pelos metais (Al, Zn, Hg, Pb, Ba, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Y, Ag, Cd, Sr, Ga, Mg) os resultados obtidos sugerem que o método PM6 mostrou-se o mais exato apresentando resultados em grande concordância com as respectivas estruturas experimentais. Com relação às MOFs compostas por íons lantanídeos trivalentes os resultados obtidos sugerem que a utilização do modelo Sparkle/PM3 permite o cálculo em fase sólida de MOFs dos mais variados tipos com elevada exatidão. O uso do método semiempírico se justifica pelo fato das MOFs serem estruturas cuja célula unitária geralmente possui mais que 100 átomos, o que torna o método o mais ideal para sua aplicação neste estudo, pois o uso dos métodos semiempíricos apresentam bons resultados e requerem menores custo computacional quando comparado com as metodologias DFT (Teoria do Funcional da Densidade) e HF( Hartree-Fock)). Com base nos resultados obtidos com as otimizações, constatou-se que o método semiempírico Sparkle/PM6 é omais indicado para estudar as interações entre o fármaco Doxorrubicina e a MOF ZIF-8, quando esta é utilizada como veículo carreador da Doxorrubicina. Os resultados teóricos sugerem que ocorre a adsorção do fármaco com a superfície da ZIF-8 e o estudo de docking forneceu cinco possibilidades de interação via adsorção. Os estudos de comparação entre os diferentes modelos Sparkle considerando cálculos em fase sólida e no vácuo indicaram o cálculo em fase sólida como o mais indicado paraotimização estrutural desse tipo de sistema, e o método Sparkle/PM3 se sobressaiu como o mais eficiente para este fim. O cálculo da estrutura com simulação da variação de temperatura, resultou em dados luminescentes em grande acordo com os valores obtidas experimentalmente. A MOF denominada deEuMell 1, foi a utilizada nestes estudos.

Explorando aspectos energéticos, estruturais e cinéticos de espécies químicas utilizando abordagens altamente correlacionadas / Exploring energetic, structural and kinetic aspects of chemical species using highly correlated approaches

Tiago Vinicius Alves 19 April 2013 (has links)
Neste estudo, parâmetros estruturais, energéticos e da frequências vibracionais para os estados X 3Σ- e A 3II do radical CNN e X 2II das espécies iônicas CNN+ e CNN- foram obtidos no nível de teoria CCSD(T)/CBST-5. No estudo termoquímico, os valores para o calor de formação da espécie neutra foram, ΔHf (O K) = 138,89 kcal/mol e ΔHf (298,15 K) = 139,65 kcal/mol. Para o potencial de ionização e a afinidade eletrônica, os resultados deste trabalho são 10,969 e 1,743 eV, respectivamente. Otimizações de geometria para os estados eletrônicos X 3Σ-, A 3II, a 1Δ, b 1Σ+, c 1II, d X 1Σ- e B 3Σ- realizadas com a metodologia MRCI nos permitiram obter valores para Te. Além disso, as energias de transição vertical para 15 estados eletrônicos também foram determinadas. Utilizando o nível de teoria CCSD(T)-F12b/CBSD-Q, geometrias de equilíbrio e frequências vibracionais harmônicas e anarmônicas foram estimadas para a molécula C30 e seu ânion C30-. Uma avaliação dos efeitos que inclusão dos elétrons do caroço no cálculo de diferentes propriedades foi realizada. Descrevemos a primeira determinação do calor de formação para a molécula C3O, ΔHf (0 K) = 79,41 kcal/mol e ΔHf( (298,15 K) = 83,39 kcal/mol, além do cálculo da afinidade eletrônica (1,114 eV). No que se refere à cinética e à dinâmica química, a determinação das constantes de velocidade foi realizada para duas reações de abstração de hidrogênio. Na primeira, as constantes de velocidade para a reação S (3P) + CH4 → SH + CH3, numa ampla faixa de temperaturas (T = 200 - 3000 K), foram determinadas utilizando SS-VTST/MT combinada com cálculos DFT/M05-2X/MG3S. A 1200 K, a constante de velocidade CVT/SCT para este processo (2,85 x 10-14 cm3 molécula-1 s-1) está em excelente concordância com o resultado experimental (8,14 x 10-14 cm3 molécula-1 s-1). Na segunda, o estudo a reação de abstração de hidrogênio do butanoato de metila por hidrogênio atômico foi realizada utilizando a abordagem cinética MS-VTST/MT combidada com cálculos MPWB1K/G- 31+G(d,p). Nesta aproximação cinética, a anarmonicidade associada às torções angulares amortecidas, bem como o acoplamento entre elas foram consideradas no cálculo das constante de velocidade. Neste processo, verificamos que a inclusão da anarmonicidade torcional nas constantes de velocidade aumenta a constante de velocidade em aproximadamente 8-10% a altas temperaturas (T = 1000 -2000 K). A temperaturas mais baixas, os efeitos de tunelamento são predominantes e a constante de velocidade CVT/SCT para a reação CH3CH2CH2COOCH3 + H (2S) → CH2CH2CH2COOCH3 + H (2S) a 300 K (6,17 x 10-18 cm3 molécula-1 s-1) é 8,2 vezes maior que a obtida com CVT (5,07 x 10-17 cm3 molécula-1 s-1). / In this study, the structures, energies and vibrational frequencies for the X 3Σ- e A3II electronic states of CNN, and X 2II of the ions CNN+ and CNN- were obtained at the CCSD(T)/CBST-5 level of theory. Additionally, we also estimated the heats of formation for the neutral species ΔHf (0 K) = 138.89 kcal/mol and ΔHf(298.15 K) = 139.65 kcal/mol. For the ionization potential and electron affinities, this work predicted the values of 10.969 e 1.743 eV, respectively. Geometry optimizations for the electronic states 3Σ-, A 3II, a 1Δ, b 1Σ+, c 1II, d X 1Σ- e B 3Σ- performed with the MRCI approach allowed us to compute the excitation energies (Te). Furthermore, vertical transition energies were also calculated for 15 electronic states. Using the CCSD(T)-F12b/CBSD-Q level of theory, equilibrium geometries, and harmonic and anharmonic vibrational frequencies were estimated for the C3O molecule and the anion C3O-. An assessment of the effects of inclusion of core electrons in the calculation of some properties was also carried out. The determination of the heat of formation of the molecule C3O (ΔHf (0 K) = 79.41 kcal/mol and ΔHf (298.15 K) = 83.39 kcal/mol), and its electron affinity (1,114 eV) were the first ones reported in the literature. In the kinetics investigation, we estimated the rate constants for two hydrogen abstraction reactions. Rate constants for the reaction S(3P) + CH4 → SH + CH3 were predicted for a wide range of temperatures (T = 200 - 3000 K) using VTST/MT combined with DFT/M05-2X/MG3S calculations. At 1200 K, the calculated rate constant CVT/SCT for this process is 2.85 x 10-14 cm3 molecule-1 s-1. For the reaction of hydrogen abstraction from methyl butanoate by a hydrogen atom, the MS-VTST/MT method combined with the density functional MPWB1K/G-31+G(d,p) was employed. In this study, anharmonic torsional hindered rotations were considered in calculations of the rate constants. At high temperatures, the inclusion of torsional anharmonicity increases the rate constants by approximately 8-10%. At low temperatures, tunneling effects are predominant and the rate constant CVT/SCT (6.17 x 10-18 cm3 molécula-1 s-1) is 8.2 times higher than the CVT one (5.07 x 10-17 cm3 molécula-1 s-1 ).

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